, Woman's Trials. The bitter trail In a woman's life I to be childless. Who can tell Imw hurci the ItniKKl' niav have been ere she lciirnt, to realign herself to hr lom'ljr lot? The ab sence of this link to bind marital life together, the aineiice of this one pledge to mutual affection is a common disap pointment. Many unfortunate couples Worn estranged thereby. Kven If they do not drift apart, one may read the whole extent of their disappointment In the eyes of such a childless couple when they rest on the children of others. To them the largest family does not seem too numerous. In many caei of barrenness or child lessness the obstacle to child-bearing Is easily removed by the cure of weakness on the part of the woman. Dr. Plerce'i Fa vorite Prescription has been the means of restoring health and fruitf ulness to many barren woman, to the great joy of the household. In other, but rare cases, the obstruction to the bearing of children has been found to be of a surgical character, but easily removable by painless operative treatment at the Invalids' Motel and -Sur- flea! Institute. Buffalo, N. Y., over which r. Pierce of the "Favorite Prescription" fame presides. In all case where chil dren are desired and are absent, an effort bould be made to find out the real cause, since It Is generally so easily removed by proper treatment. Id all the various weakness, displace snents, prolapsus. Inflammation and de bilitating, catarrhal drains and in all eases of nervousness and debility, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the most efficient remedy that can possibly be used. It has to Its credit hundreds of thousands of cures more In fact than any other remedy put up forsalo through druggists, specially for woman's use. The Ingredi ents of which the "Favorite Prescription" Is composed have received the most positive endorsement from the lending medical writers on MnterOi MmlUn of nil the several schools of practice. All the Ingredients are printed in pUtln Knijllnh on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so that any woman making use of this famous medicine may know exactly what she is taking. I)r Pierce takes his pa tients Into his full confidence, which he can afTord to do as the formula after which the "Favorite Prescription" is made will bear tho most careful exam ination. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tho best and sufunt laxalivb fur women. Health in Grants Pass Rotermund Says Care of Digestion Solves Problem of Long Life. No one In Grants Pbhh has a bettor chance than the druggist to know the condition of tho city's health, and what di Menses are most common. ltutenuuml believes that the prob lem of long life is solved; by proper rare of the digestive orgiina. Let the stomach get out of condition and anon thore will he nervousness, irritation, j furred tongue, speck B before the eyes, Indigestion, LAUItEL GKOVE No one lick at this writing. George Vining went to Grants Pass on business last Saturday, also Jeff Lindsay. Wilbur Williams of Grants Pass was visiting bis mother of Laurel Grove last week. I will ask the Provolt correspondent who told him that he knwe anything about politics. Oh, what a glorious rain! Crops are growing fine at present and pros pects never were better. Charles Swindeo and Arch Bunob are cleaning out their ditch and get ting ready to irrigate. A grand republican rally was held at Murphy on the 18th and some good, honest speaking was heard by those present. A crowd of onr young folks took in the speaking and dance at Williams hall last Saturday night and report a jolly good time. Williams Bros, are installing an other boiler at their mill. Tbey hare bad considerable trouble about keep ing steam so far. Dick Johnson and Clarence Wynant were seen on our streets one day of last week looking for a job. Plenty of work for all. A BIG GOLD MINE CHANGES HANDS Pennsylvania. Capitalists Buy the Famous Ideal Property on Grave Creek. Who Will Be Sheriff? few words to my democratic The famous Ideal gold mine of Josephine county, for many years the property of Colonel S. W. Blasdel of this city, has been sold to the Mioes Development company, a large cor poration of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The deal was quietly made several months ago when a party of eastern engineers came out to inspect the property, bat the sale was kept secret nntil this morning, when it became known at tbe Portland hotel, says the Journal. The Ideal gold mine is one of tbe reheat mining properties In the world and is well known locally. It has never been worked because of the tremendous expense necessary to equip it for hydraulic mining. The Mines Development Company learned of the existence of the property, investigated it, and then made an offer which Colonel Blasdel could not refuse. The exact amount of the purchase money has not been made publio, but it is a considerable sum. The Mines Development Company has been quietly installing machin ery, buidling ditches and piping water during the past few months and active hydraulic niiuing will be begun in a very few weeks. The cost of the equipment will be in the neighbor- The water bag been A friends. As there seems to be a misnnder standing as to my candidacy for the 1 i100(j 0f ."j0 000, nflice of sheriff. I offer the following ; pipe(i fr0IU Reuben and Gray Creeks, to make clear my position in tnis , TnB pi,.g were nn for great diHtaCP8 campaign. np g(rc!,in g0 aB t0 g(,t the necessary Now a fow of my democratic frieuds pressure of water. Colonel S. B. seem to be of the opinion, Blasdel is to be superintendent of the 1st. That I have come into the cam- 1 mine paign to divide the democratic or j The representatives of the Mines anti-Lister vote. ; Development Company, who are at the 2d. That I have no show of election 1 Portland to make a final inspection of and consequently slionld. stay out of the new eqnipnieut, are John F. the race. Bormmer, M. B. Rohrer, A. M. Gray Now, let as see how such objections ' and W. L. Russell, will stand the test of reason ; as to the 1 The wealth of the gravels in Jack first objection I was regularly nomi- son, JoBephine and Douglas counties nated to the ofllce of sheriff by the j is well known. While they have been BooiatiHt party on the third day of worked for many years, yet because of March before Mr. Russell's name had ! lack of capital thev have not been weakness, debility, and , even been mentioned in connection fully developed. The Mines De- other physical and mental troubles with tho sheriff's olllce, Now if Mr. I velonment Company lias installed a H!oinacbH tly r,",altfr0'U wk"'l ( Russell and his supporters were so complete equipment, the most perfect Of all'the vital organs, the stomach """'n'" mt to divide the vote why ! in the United States. -Portland Jonrn is the nioHt frequently ahiiH-d, mid did Mr. Russell go ont for the nomi-: al. hence, the one which most frequently nation knowing I was aleady in tbe 1 fails, and ho with the discovery of a j ,,, ,,,,, hn WHH wniD(? to RCCt.lt Grants Passltes Have a Rich Mine remedy like Mi-o-im stomach tablets, 1 .... . , t , which is sold on an absolute guarantee conditions as ho founti them, .because , CorlisH & Co.. the Grants Pass com to strengthen the digestive system, aid whatever may be my shortcomings I pany working the old Greenhorn Blue iu assimilation in iooci, aim cure an nave never liueu called a nu tter. rirn.1 .;.... .,i,t ,;i a..i, r troubles caused by indigestion, an im per taut step has been taken towards solving the question of good health and long life. Take one of the little Mi-o-tia tub lets before each meal, with the fixed determination that you are going to get well, and it will not be many days before ynn can eat' anything without year of indigestion. . Rotermund sells Mi-o-na on an ab solute guarantee to refund the money if it does not enrv A large box of As to the second objection that I Yreka. have sunk a shaft to bed havo no show to win with three in 1 r0ck, near the Scott Valley stage the field Suppose we admit for the road. which is now down over 76 feet, sake of argument that such is tho case They are troubled about a heavy lx)dy and that it is a good reason, will it 0f water coming in at present, bat ex not hare just as much or more force in ,mt to get down to bed rock soon iu his case as mine, he being the last in the field. However let us not cloud the issue this is a business question and not a the tablets costs but Ml cents, if it question of who was in the field first, helps you ; nothing if it fails. J M. CHILES The Pioneer Grocer RKLIABLK goods at rkuahlk pricks A Specialty FAR M-C U R E D BACON TIIH l'lNIiST liVKR ltROUOUT TO GRANTS V A S S Dried Fruits of All Kinds Wholesale ami Retail Feed and Flour Store .1. K. KKKI.KY, Propriclor. Kerley's Feed Stables, South Sixth Street. Most Htaiul of I'loiif. Ilav of all kinds. Rolled tiarlcv. Wheal and Oats. Clean Gray Oats for Seed, fay IWiock priii. The Popular Burber Shop Got VOtll tlHIMM i.ll WOlk llotlo il IK A TOMPKINS' On Sixth Sttcct Tliu-c chairs l'attt KoOUl 111 I'l HUHVl ion Mop Crumbling if you suffer from Rheumatism or psias, for liallard's Snow Liniment will bung quick relief. It is cure for Sprains, KlieiiiiiaMin. traded Mum'Iis and all in; within the reach of all l'i o ,W a . i h . l li Sun:!', I 1 have u- .1 i in piv t ' mi lv I ,! i il a t'nc r 1 r , but a question of who is the most fit for the position. If Mr. Russell is ! the best qualified for the position, then and ouly then, slionld he have your support. This is not so much a politics! as a business matter aud should bo treated as such. Mine or Mr. Russell's hopes or aspirations are washing as uothing compared to the business side of it. I am respectfully yonrs, NINE REYNOLDS. using pumps for drainage. The depth to bed rock is probably UK) feet, aud having three pumps, may be able to keep the water clear, or may add an other for tho purpose. This claim has always paid very rich on bed rock where a strata of bluish gravel and cement Is found, for five or six feet above the lie Irock, carrying roarrse gold aud nuggets. Mont of the gravel wailies easily, but some of it is expo sed to the air for slacking before Yreka Journal. Miss Nellie Mulkey and her brother, John, returned home from Southern California last Tuesday. John's health is not improved to any great extent. Last Saturday Prof. Mulkey started for a trip through some of the count ies of Western Oregon. He is booked to speak at several commencement exercises and other meetings. He intends to be gone for a week or more. Summer school will open here tbe 37th of Jane. This will be an excellent opportunity for teachers to take review work so as to prepare for state or county papers. Rev. Van Dyke, who has jnst re turned from bis missionary labors in Asia, visited the school on Wednesday morning. He gave an interesting account of the work done, by the mis sionaries and schools on the Malay Peninsula where he was stationed. In one of the schools for boys at Singapor, where Rev. Van Dyke worked for some time, there were 1000 students and among tbem were represented 89 different languages While the students, one and all, have been busy preparing themsolves for life's duties, the little intruder, cupid has also been busy applyiug his trade. It teems impossible to ex clude him and he will wreck havoc in spite of all precaations. His victims at this time were Mr. Anderson and Mies Minear, two of our most popular students. They were married on Monday at Medford. It was indeed a surprise to the family and students. Tuesday evening a few of thU friends gathered at the teiupoiary home of the happy, newly weds, on Alida street and spent a pleasant even ing with them. It is evident that others have been mortally wounded by cupid's arrows, but the effects are not expected to show in such a virulent form, at least it is thought that they will not Buccumb until the end of the school year. At the Woodman Band concert in Ganiard's opera house last Friday evening, the normal singers took a prominent part. The following num bers were rendered by them : Chorus "Nightingale and Rose," Misses Weber, Anderson, Nickerson, Cambell, Silsby, Bryant, Corbin, Beehe; Messrs. Herndon, Martin, Hartley, Burke, Smith, Newton, Edg ington. Vocal Duet "The Swallows" .. Misses Anderson and Beebe Ladies Chorus "Carmiua," Misses Weber, Nickerson, Anderson, Silsby, Bryant, Beebe. Remember that we carry the Re nowned Steinway and Kmiha Pianos, write for catalogues. Hale's Piano House, Medford, Oregon Branch at Grants Pass, Ore., Miss Minnie Ire laud, local representative. Warning You cannot have good health nnless your kidneys are sound, for the kid- nevs filter ,hc blood of impurities $()U1 UTll OlTliOll ('(Mil Hid nuMM iiiuriniiw net us irritating ixiisons and break down the delicate organs of the body and cause serious trouble. If yon have kidney or blad der troublo and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure, you will havo ouly yourself to blame for results, as it positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder diseases For sale by It. A. Rotermund. in:; A; Construction Co. Estimates and Im Ditches, Dams, Bridges etc. Office, Room 3 Masonic Temple. Money Made in Dairy Business. Dairying will d more for this country iu the long run thau any other branch of agriculture. The check for the cream comes once every month, aud there's no such thing as crop failure. A dairy community is independent of hard lima. People must and will have butter, and they will pay more for fresh, pure butter thau they will 'pay for ordinary but ter. The diaryuiau gets tho benefit of this, as he can sell his cream to the creamery that gets the higest price for butter, finler the new way of pny iug for cream, the dairyman is paid on the basis of the 'selling price of the bntter into which his cream is made. This method has proven a Rreat suc cess for the dairyman. Get two or threi good rows and a hand cream separator and start 'in. Separata the cream right after milk lug and cool it quickly. It will keep in fine shape if quickly and pr.iperly cooled. Feed the tkim milk while warm and fresh to the pigs, or feed it sour to the chirleeiis. Keep the I promising heifer calves aand build up j your herd. Send the steers and the I unprofitable cows to tno butcher. j Raise your own forage crops, and feed t'nstiislicil on I everything you raise. Your farm Tunnels 1 wi'l increase in fertility aud value. Iuvest every dollar you make in more good cream making cows, and you will Ik growiug rich and independent it. leu. w r Snow I . : m ii, MP. 1 n all ..l .: for .tin Malloi.al 1 a hit re Con alia nr.f Fish for Squaw Lake. Squaw lake and the other smaller lakes at the head of Applegate river are to li rostockrd with trout fry to Im supplied by the government bureau of fisheries. The young fish were se curisl through the efforts of Senator Gesrin and they will be placed in the bikes by Jacksonville parties who will rec 'ive them from the government tish car when it makes the tour of the Pacific Coast this Summer. Do Nut Rc Imposed I'pon. Foley l.. , Chicago, originated Hen, y iiml Tar a a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar ninny imitations are oll'ered for the genuine. Ask for GRANTS PASS. OREGON I Buvjndi HOW IS THIS? a7 80 acres Between 8 and 10 acres meadow with good 47: . 80 f It . acres ot bench land seeded to grain: W irngating ditca anu -u-." neCessary outbuildings; two ! h0U,se',ba. lSnfotwo set ot harness; 21 head of stock; 1 C ooultrv all farming implements, consisting ot mower, harrow and various other small tools; mower and rake al- "d,1U . r 1 tArrarriar With Vt fM1 CttVl rtl A i horses. nacK an. :miements. ronsistinir nf m sow and pigs; poultry; n mower and rake :, plow, harrow d umber, together with household golS most new; about V.uuu ieci ui o $2500.00 takes the entire outfit. Good for 30 days only. . No 494 240 acres. Good three room house small barn . m0ke house and all other out buildings. 30 acres fenced. 20 acres m culti S Small orchard. - Plenty of good timber. L.vtng water. $5.00 per acre. Yours for bargains, JOSEPH MOSS, The Real Estate Man Hello 393 Office. 611 Residence. 516 E Street Grants Pass. Ore. Grants Pass Breeders Association FERCHER0N STALLION Get PADDOCK'S Prices on PLUMBING Office at the BICYCLE DEN, East of Depot. GRANTS PASS WALL PAPER and PAINT SHOP W.P.Sharman and E.F.LeMieux Mini iMint4l . , :-v ' Yi V It.: V .... : I I SOUTH SIXTH STREET, NEAR J Full stock of Wall Paper all designs quality and prices, "uints, Varnishes, Oils, Brushes Mail orders promptly filled. Justice blanks at the Courier office. AVATA Will stand at the following places one day in each week: Williams C O. Biftelow's. Appletfate Near Rose Hall. Koeh- Marpliy H. L. Reed's. Grants Pass Service: Insurance, $20.00. For further information address, C. E. HARMON. Grants Pass, Ore. M-Kt s II.. : nil' i will ml Tar iiml refuse any 1 a im other pr 'pir I lie same sat isf ietion. It i'ni!tniiii 110 f r ohiHivn aii.l sale by 11. A. 'Sl'eli 1 ial ive -.ii. -.i r CORSET COVER 39c DO tOU EXBBOIDtl? To tut rrt lite our KianipMl i'orM Cin rs wi1 wttl si'tiil to :nv -drc s thin hniu'K'Wu t' 'Us 1 ;T Itv Trfnch ouulrW with J ( cotton t" emL'toMor. nil The Neei'iccraft Shop Ufia Waahlncton St.. rcrtland. Or. Rates for Elks Convention. uuusl tlouvention Urand Lodjie ! Henevolent Bin! Pr'teetive Order of j Klkn, Denver. Colorado, July IT is, , 111, I'.KKi. Ronnd trip tickets will tie on sale July H, It, V!, V, 14, to, l'.lii at followinjr rates: One way tlirojh Portland, and one way through Cali fornia, from (irnts Pass. Medford and Ashland, JtiS.,MV Hetli ways tliroutjli Portland, from ('rant'i Pass, j ii;l.'.i.; from MmUord, f.4.1Hij from Ashland, H."i.HO. (ioinn limit July ! Il'th: leturn limit, September Hi'tli, ! ISHVi, Stojiovers will he crnnte.1 in ' i ither direelii'ii within ti e triliMt Innit. evert that no stopovi rs will lie. on toina trip. W. B. SHERMAN Ileal Estate and Timber ROOMS 10 A. 12, MASONIC TEMPLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 731 s Club Stables FRANK HECK, Proprietor Snceesmir to Hayes & Heck Special attention given to mining men and commercial travelers. Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon THE LIYEKY FASHION if.;". . -v-v-; FEED AND allowed in t antenna A. L. CUAlti G. P. A. II Street Mween Fifth and SALE STABLES v- UM50N, Proprietor. I'hone SSI Grants Pass. Oreeon l o i,ure a r Swvn MltUon ho $ se-- r i. I ? months. , ..; , ... -.1. VA . M 1 Ono Day Cures Crip in Two Days. onavery '.IV I'll. ! L Hlld Ivi I I mum! Kot.Tii.un.l. bcx.25C. niii"v ni-