ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON". MAY 25, 190b. i i ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PA88, OBEXS. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rate i One Year, in adrance, - $1.90 Bix Months. .78 Three Moulin, ... .40 Single Copien, - .05 A. E. VOORHIES, PBOPR. pot Oregon, at econd-clasa mail matter. FRIDAY. MAY 25, 1906. c WALDO Mill Anna Valen ipeot Sunday Viiitiog friend". Mri J. H. Eggen went to Grant Pasi Saturday. Mrs. Mark Bonch spent Saturday night at Takllma. Misi Ida Adami ipeot Monday with her lister, Mri. Mathewson. Miia Orpha Stevenson ipent Satar day with friendi near Waldo. Mini Eva Wimer of Oranti Pagi ii visiting relative! near Waldo. Mr. and Mri. W. J. Wimer made a trip to Uranta Pans last week. The latent reports were that the Takllma smflltur will soon start. Ed Bayse ii now at home, he has been working at the Caluunt mine. Oho. MuthftWHon has been through Waldo the last few days hunting cat tle. Fred Bitgley, the Tukiliua Jiost master, sjieut Saturday evening at the social. Col. T. Wain-Morgan Draper is now at his homo in the Iiuckhorn lodge at Takilina. Miss I Iiit tie Wimer got thrown from her riding horse Friday in the main street of Waldo, but was not hnrt. John Valen returned from Grants Pass Friday where he went to take Johnionb, the cooks at the Greenback mine. George Thrasher, who has a promis ing copper claim up the left fork of the Illinois river, has been in Waldo the last few days. Mo sickness has been reported this week. Totter-Ann. 1 WILDE It V I L L E J Scli.xil closed Friday of lint wenk. Alex Jess is buliug hay for C. F. Loveluco the past two days. J. C. K. McOiinn made a lmiuvM trip to town Monday of thia week. Rev. and Mrs. Clark are in the Alt house country helping in a mentiug. Charles McCniiu Hindu a business trip to Grants 1'itss Tuesday of this week. " Ren Smith at the saw mill got his finger pretty badly mushed Tuseduy of this week. Dick Hill, of the Williams mill, got his thniuli mushed and was layed olT from work a few days. The neighbors go to Grants I'iiss ho often it isn't worth while to miike mention of their trips. Mr. and .Mrs. lirown took the train Tuesday of this week for California to visit Mr. lirowu's parents. We can almost see vegetation grow ing since the recent rams Many peo ple are complaining of colds. This valley was visited by a soak ing 'rain the pant few days. Willi snow in sight no wonder the weather seems ho cool. EriicNt l.ewW got quite a knock on the fori head while logging Tuesday of this week. Not supposed to be seiious, although a close cull. Since the lute mint- vegetal inn is growing tliiely ami the cattle on the rang" are doing well. A few cattle lu the timber might not be so had to chew the logger's cents or jumper if they were tailed oftener. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. ("reed under took to go to the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Akers recently and in that new tangled road in that part of the country they got lost. They ran cross some men legging and Were piloted buck to the main road and went on their way rejoicing. Cap Simmons sa.vs they must of thought that wiih the road to lltelcs. Vncle Fuller. FINE tiiinre piano for sale for f M. by iwrtv going away. Worth t,b of nnvlwdy's money. Call si Courier olticp. Do You Love your baby? Yon wonder why he cries. Huy a bottle of White's I'reaiu Vermifuge aud he will never cry Most latic have worms, and the mother don't know it. W lute's j Crenm Vermifuge rids the child ol worm and clean out it svsteiu in n , idea tut ay. Kvery icctber !). M j keel' a 1" M of tin im-dicnie in th:' hou-e. With it. feir need net cr eut cr j hi r mtn.l I'rice S.r. Sold by N' Dri ('.'. .ii. i liot, i iMiii.l. . t GOLDEN t D. Lewman and family visited Glendale on Saturday. Chlckenpox is the order of the school at Golden. Several of the pupils are suffering from it The latest report from Mrs. F. O. Root at the North Pacific Sanitarium, Portland, is that she is rapidly im proving Wild itrawberries are plentiful on the sunny banks of old Coyote creek this Spring and crowds of children have been enjoying the treat. A. O. Lindborg and C. Wash Miller of the Lindborg Photo Company of Kewarree, 111., passed to rough Golden en route for Grants Pass. They ex hibited some very fine pictures taken at the famooi Greenback mine. They are artist of nnosual talent and we hope they will locate in this com munity. M. H. Thompson and daughter have retained from a recent visit to their mine near Mt Baldy. This mine as says some of the finest ore to be found in the district. Mr'. Thorn pson is a square man to deal with. He is at present sounding the mortar bnt being an elderly gentleman and of limited means he is nnable to develop his mine. We believe if the mine were properly opened and equipped it would prove another Greenback. The moneyed men of the county ihonld investigate it. Dolly Gray. I S E L 31 A Morv rain and crops are growing. Miss Oina Chastain is ill at thii writing. Bert Hogue and wife spent Sunday at Selina. Mrs. D. H. Wimer is well off, she has three cooks. A. V. Schmitt, the Selma merchant went to Kerby Monday. The Selma school will close Friday with an entertainment in the even ing. Mrs.. J. G. JHatt id just recover ing from a bad sick rpttll that last two weeks. Mrs. Noah went to Grants Pass Pan this morning to visit her Bister. Mrs. Wilson. Joe Schmitt was seen on the Kerby streets early Sunday morning headed toward Selma. Mrs. Etta Stevenson has moved to Rerny where shs has bought a fine little liouie and lot. It seems like, the wedding bells have died down here in Selma lor a short time. When they start iu look out. Miss Maudie Schmitt has charge of me more wneu ner lather, A. V. Schmitt goes to the city on business. Miss Fronft Saur and Miss Lizzie Sargent spent .Sunday at Selma aud attended Sunday School in the after noon. The dunce given iu the Seluia hall wa very much enjoved by all. Ktta Stevenson, Elsio logne. Millie Thrasher, Minnie Tiser, Edd Burke and Kveret Hogue of Kerby attended the dunce. Arthur Adams and Mis Christie were out taking in the Selma sights Sunday. Gee! Wl.e. A H'.W pair of guaruut 1 mated Jtotuer icr pigeons for sale at tl a pair, i a few sqnahs at 70 cent a pair. Also Rev. F. C. WilliauiH 5--'5 i!t CLOSING-OUT SALE Wo oflbr our entire line of Dry Goods, con sistiugof Muslins, Prints, Clmllies, Lawns, Dimities, Tul.le Linen, Whito Gocnls, Ladies' Waists, Skirts, Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goods. Millinery, Notions, Etc., At Cost. Trices in some lines below cost to dose them out. No article is reserved this is a genuine sale to dose out business. Your jmivh:isinr at our store means a jrreat saving to you. We invite you to visit us and be convinced our prices were never made in Grants Tass before. i Mrs. E. REHKOPF & CO. Grants Pass Feed Store C. L. lilLI.ETT, PnorR. All Kinds of Flour, Iced, Mill Feed, Hay, Grain, l'oultry SACKS AND Cor. Uh and J. Sts. Commends R G. Smith The following letter written by W. M. Killingswortb, one of the leading repnblicani of Multnomah county, and a member of the legislature of 1905 speaks for itself. Mr. Killingswortb wa the author of the Killingswortb bill which was the first successful at tempt in republican legislature to secure any legislation againit the railroad! daring the past 30 years: Portland, Or., Feb. 27. 1906. (Hon. Robert G. Suiith, Grants Pass, Jose phine County, Ore., My Dear Sir and Friend) Please do not think me un grateful lor not acknowledging 'by let ter sooner your great assistance in the recent railroad fight in securing for the people of the State of Oregon their liberation from "strangulation," for i no greatly appreciate your assist ance. I little dreamed that mv Bill 136 ! wonld have caused so tnncb contention and opposition, for it sorely is a jost measure and in the interest of the entire State of Oregon. Believe rre that I am more than thankful for the considerate manner in which I was personally treated by the members of the minority in the Honse, yourself the leader, who proved loyal to a man, showing conclusively to my mind that each individual member was faithfully working for the better ment and best interests of the entire state and oould. would and did stand all the railroad pressure, hence each member is justly entitled to treat credit for without your assistance Oregon would today be still under the blanket of monopolistic control. This Bill gives fait and timely no tice that Oregon will wait no longer on the management of the present railroadk to build needed develop ment lines, that the people do intend to have proper rail accommodations all over neitlected Oregon and that the bottled up conditions, existing for the past HO years in Oregon is at last ended. A most beneficial and merit orious law, and I am thankful that my name is connected witn its pass age. Mr. Smith, I feel under lasting obli-. gat ions for favors shown me. I felt indeed very lonely when my entire Multnomah delegation, 12 in number, stood up and were counted to place my bill in cold storage. This act brought to the surface all my fighting energies and with your timely and able assistance, we won out. Please do accept from me my best wishes for your happiness and lasting prosperity. Yours most ttulv, W. M. K1UJNOSWORTU. WILLIAMS : Robert Stites made a business trip to Selma last Sunday. Childrens' day is to be observed by the churches of this vicinity June 10th. Robert G. Smith aud Stephen Jewell spoke to the good people of this place last Thursday evening. The term of school in District Jto. 1 taught by Miss Stella Paddock of Grants Pass, closed Friday the 25th. Fitz Roch of Thompson creek was in our valley last Tuesday gathering up scrap iron to take to the foundry at Medford. James Smith's father move down here from Jacksonville this week, they have rented the farm formerly occupi d by John Bailey and family. Luke's Church. Memorial service will he held Son day morning, with serinou appropriate to the da v. . Sunday School and Bible class will meet at 12:1ft. Eveuing service and sermon at ti p. m. Foods, Ftc. UU11..S PuCGIIT Grants Pass, Ore. Statement From Ex-Judfe Chiles Editor Courier: As politics are now the order of the day I, lise others men, would like to have a little ay. In the first place, will Bay that I regard county politics as strictly a business matter and the duty of tho citizen is to vote for the man bast fitted for the position sought. As I understand, one of the most important planks in Mr. Chaosse's platform is a reduction of taxes and at the same time to give ui improved roads. Let oi pat this in the scales and see how much it will weigh. In the first place, - anybody knowi that in financial matter the county court has a very limited jorisdiction, being confined to building roads, bridges, court houses, jails and the keeping of the poor. The larger expenses being the holding of elections, payment of officers salaries, court expenses both oircuit and magisterial, coroners in qoeit and state taxes. Over these latter items it has no control what ever, only to see that there is no superfluity connected thereto which has no warrant of law. When I was in office I did find oat that the custom of the prosecuting at. torney to charge np mileage fees to the county had no warrant of law and , refuged to pay his bills for same and made the challenge to John Jeffrey to 1 produce the law and then we would 1 pay the bills for the lame. That j challenge held good during my term of office as he nor any other ever produced it, although there has been many hundreds of dollars paid by Josephine county for this very item of mileage by prosecuting attorneys in their attendance upon justice courts. The building of roads costs money. The engineering skill of America comhined cannot build one mile with-: out it. I think in the year 18U6 the ' county coo't at the request of the grand jury entered into contract with experts to have the books of the county gone over to see if everything 1 was right. F. W. Chauss aud J. A. ; Jennings were the two tax payers that 1 put an injunction upon the contract as unnecessary expense. "I would esti mate that the whole expense in pro portion to the magnitude of a tax payer of his caliber at that time would not exceed two bits. Mr. Chausse as editor of the Obser- ' ver when the bill passed the legisla ture about three years ago to increase county officers' salaries in the aggre gate of 1000 per annum, laid that the raise was justifiable as the salaries were fixed back in the sixties. Being fixed iu the sixties is not correct. The judge 's salary was changed twice duriug his uncle Volney Col vig'i two terms from fi00 to $700 aud back again to $'100. V. Colvig ac cepted the raise but would not accept the reduction from ?(K) to JHiK), hut ontiuued to draw the 1700 salary from the time tho law making the reduc tion went into effect uutil he went out of office. Mr. Chausse is alleged to have sold his interest iu the Observer office. Well, people have their own way of thinking and there is no way to de prive them of it. Printers bills Hgaiiut the county is au item of ex pense ttiat is to be feaied as I knw from personal experience. The Aus tralian system provides that the county clerk shall have the ballots pepareil. Mr. Chausse and Clerk Goodell belonged to same political family aud he was nutting iu his hills at 2. ,10 per thousand for the old style election ballots. I insisted with Clerk (ioodell to submit it to bidders aud toward tho end of my term he consented to do so aud Jerry Nuuan bid 4'J cuts per thousand and got the job for one thus aud printed the bal lots. Putting Mr. Chausse's extreme closeness of expense of exi;erting books iu conjunction with his ex treme liberality of sentiment as editor in conutctiou with the laise iu salar ies must conclude that he is liable tn vibrate to aud fro just according to the fact of whose bull is being gored. Iu conclusion I will say to the voters of Josephiiue county, U honest with God, your neighbor aud yourself and vote for the man, in your opin ion, all qualifications considered, who will make the best public servant. Respectfully, J. M. CHILES. Grunts Pass, May 23, Hkx!. Notice. 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted or liable to be con tracted by my wife, Marv Ethel I toff, a she lett my bed aud board without just cause or prov.x'a'ion. JOHN A. GOFF. April 21. I!t Lelaud. Oie. Justing Mith Dyrumitc Is no more dangerous than to neg lect kidney disorders. Foley's Kid ney Cure corrects irregularities aud lias cured many severe caces after other treatment has failed. It builds up the wornout tissues and restore health and vigor. "I was troubled with kidney ccuij l.iiut I r nIk ui two years," writes 11. Davis cf Mr. Stir ling, Iowa, "but two botths of Foley's Kidney Cere eiTe, rlvl , j-,r-mam nt cere" lor mtV iy ii. A. lu'terinuiiii. i jjrc n, aaM $3.50 and $4.00 R. L. Bartlett Howard Building Sixth Street Candidates Announcements. CHARLES V. GALLOWAY Yamhill County DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS STEPHEN JEWELL of Grants Pass Regular Democratic Candidate for County Judge. Favors Progressive Liens in Road, School, Hrobiite, Taxation, Sanitary and Liquor Laws. J. T. TAYI.Oli of Grants Pass Regular Democratic Candidate for County Treasurer. KCLUS rOLLOCK of Grants Pass Regular Republican Candidate for County Treasurer. FREE TRIAL OS XOUB I A KM Of g cnnnTnn Uk: ii r Hnrt lift v, W know from our fir H li Ilfcl r with ot.-r titir.- nu'it in d.p I ';rl IV Villiwtt hlJ f ..ui ur own l-rmll.-ul ci ii. rini.-f In tl'iirjtim tiiut . K.' 'ii rrt tor Ii J3 Sj(J trnT l.-nl i.nrtiti.r f.v -.lay fnrn. u. It in u'h a wi-ii ii. ,v ( in:i iitn- iy Hint It will In ft a III-Hi, , K'vlntf ,-Vfr tlv lli.- iint.-ltfft. fitl-t vrtli-f. It . tti- hrMt value fT Ttif nieiii v mid Mc wn ir.tntt't' tt nr-tW-. In tdllttoii to tlu- cnMnnUv .f th fiu-t'TV. To !.ow our conn mv In tlilt Ki'imrttTnr e will ht'i vim "in- oti t-n tiny frt trial. Thu If tt ilon't pro- im n-prt-nvui J the Ut utid ri- -t prt ill-i' f .r tir uu ,, j.-ii may rrl.iru It hi our i'fi. lliovlw.kHi toil.ty trinil with ltM tftinrnntf hi'hltul thUlMtlilld Of I . S. Si-i:ir:lt.TS. Ultll t kUTH ln iwtit t' f h ilay w !, n wo hev reretti'd having purtr.-nriM"! t!il tlm- H:i.irH tr. t rv tlu-roiiM mi. I r: i .-t II y f., u. iH..- with Hit v1ti1 nit- Kiul ilS.uiv mt.iKt-M t,f . imr.-ttor u tho uctrli- t nml r. harxUlns tii I'. S S-!'riit1 r bt' .tiM' know it to SKIMS H.KAMST I-i ;i.l.1tl..n. V. p. rViHt r kliM tti.. t.illk lhn uy ottirr iim hhic ) t A,nn,r, trat.-i ov, r hihI .t.t r.iin. 'Mi.- wrM' r.- or. I for Wfitn "klniir.ttii; b-n hold t.y tin- I . R. Iltiud S-pnrnt'T for nihti Ni. otluT hixl i-rHtor has U-on nhio to tti rvtsr.l in.tilo ttvf .-nr )ik'' Mt lh.- l'u-Ain.rt-mu Kii-wltlwi. and yot tM r(r-l w;i I- ond h) It. I . S Sfimriitor tn thf ofn.-lal t't at th l.wt mtd ri rk fnir l;tt y-r. It III o-it any nth.-r parator. It (a BH-ff oiit ami Unflo to on-ratr. h I fnl-r to k.p rlt'Nii IIT..1 it will ko.p rlcht on tar aftor yir d.-ln lt dally Work, giving pvrfoct at Mf.'ttoti l'AS Kil' ITSKI.K Th V. S S-psrator will pay for lt-lf In vr.o y.-ar In extra ora"t Mv.-d ov.-r what culd hkimmod in the o, fnhl.'no n iv. If toii dn t U M tt t:ko adTaut.iif.. of our fro trial offor at .1 iii:kf th tal risk? un u fnnn klni In Ntl; mi nd flfcnr rtit ido ri-ult In v.nir own whV Yuu will find tio aoparaU-T will pay f. it.'lf tn yr. WV all it un y triw and wV tak orar Id pavuiriit, a., ton nt-d n-t pnr IM I'M crit fop tV wprator. ad at th ot th yar th tBaohla will all paid for. Writ today fi caiakn- and f ill parts-'ila-t V-Mton 'ht raii HAZILWOOD C&EJlM COMPAXT, fOETLASD, OUaON. VJi-C a. CLEMENS SELLS ?.?! S. and DRUGS. OPSNr-E SNAPPY SPUING STYLES IN ALL AMERICA SHOES FOR MEN We have received a large shipment of ALL AMERICA Shoes and Ox fords for Spring and Summer wear. They can be had in all the latest toesi and in vici, patent colt and tan. They await your inspection at CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Heavy pair of work horses and heavy harness and a 8) Stude baker wagon, nearly new. A idreis P. O. box 195, Grauts Pass. 5-25 tf. ONE three-minute driving horse also racing cart. H. N. Mitchell, North 8th street, Box 4,14. 4 27 tf FUR SALE One good mare, cheap, 28; one good milk cow, t'W ; a set of double driving harness in good order, fit. Apply box 128, Grants Pas.. 5-11 tf COWS FOR SALE 14 head of choice milk cows from Smith river i dairies aud are in Grants Pass. Call on or address Joseph Rus sell. 3-80 tf FOR SALE ItiO acres of land, two miles from Merlin, Josephine county, at f2.60 per acre, or will trade for citv property. Address P. O. Box 3(59, Grants Pass, Ore.5-25 4t FOR SALE 88 acres of river bottom land 4'j miles west of Grants Pass, good building, 10 acres orchard, 0 acres hops ; price $4000. Inquire of A . N. Hulbert, Sams Valley, Ore gon 4-20 tf FOR RENT. PLEASURE boats to rent at the bridge, both Sail and Row boBts ChaB. Costain. 5-11 4t FOR RENT or sale two good houses in choice locations. Address J. D. Drake, Seventh aud A streets. 3-30tf FOR RENT 5 room honse, Cor. Fourth and I streets. Pantry aud Path, good well of water. M. E. Moore, Second hand store. 5-18 tf HOUSE FOR RENT 7 rooms, com fortable dwelling, good well aud city water, fine shado trees and in central location. Rent 12 per month to right parties. Address Lock Rox .181, Grants Pass. 5-11 tf PERSONAL. WANTED Laundry, ineu's and family and house work by the dy. Mrs. Ella Hall 424 West E street, laBt house. i 5. 4 4t. WANTED. WANTED-ISarred Rocks or Black .Minorca chickens. Cheap foi cash. P. O. Box auo. 6-11 tf WANTED Grain Suoks, Tools and other st'cond-lmud goods. Harrison Hr. h. , Second hand-store, corner Sixth and J streets. 2-V tf WANTED Pohitinu as hoisting eugi liter on mine: vwoCL tool sharptuer and electrical engineer; 10 years experience. Address Chas. McG. , S03 14th st.t Portland. 5-25 2t. .... MISCELLANEOUS, FRANK BU UN ETT Upholstering, unhfiiou fnrnitnre made to order. LOST. LOST Vent, ctmtaming watch and chaiu. Ueturn to E. B. Eetts, Cirants Ps- 6 4 4-t NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coouty of Josephine. In the matter of the i Estate of J. A. Hub- V kopt, deceased. N ot ice i m lidr.i... : v i. . i. nn.lersiKUHi has filed her final ao-1 VniVr U1 Lie mattwr of estate o; t V .klIlf dewad, the same be H) ir tiled in tha n4-n ttte of Oregon for Josephiue couutv. All arsons havii.x au interest in said 4r . """" tors or otherwise object- 1 Vm?' aw;ol"it or any item there- , ,ake "oti,J "'at "id account will be considered hv Baia C0Hrt on ' Rt o'clock a. m. of wrt day and any ol)jertions to said nun "''count n.nst be filed and pre- "aid W'Urt Bt the dttte Bfore' Published by the or.ler of Hon. J. O. (J0niy JudKe, Josephine EDITH REHKOPF, n..t,.i.i- . . Administratrix. ' Diitedth.sS4th.Wof Slay. 1906. r .1 u M I uka.mts PASS, ORE.