Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 25, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL. XXII.
No. 8.
. That ia the Obfect ol the Amend
ment to Be Voted On
in June.
To the Voters in Oregon
Upon the fourth day
acred right of franchise,
of J one, the
that of cast-
ng your ballots will be yonrs. Tbis
right is not something that is optional
bat the American citizens bonnden
duty. This right of franchise crowns
the American citizen with soverelgn
i y. The ballot should be used in the
f interests of the people.
' Among the many things which yon
will be called to vote upon Is the
amendment to the local option liquor
law. It should appear on the official
ballot "A Liquor Law" instead of an
' " Amendment to the Local Option Law
giving Anti-Prohibitionist and Pro
hibitionists equal privileges" as it
' will appear.
In tne first place oor present
Local Option Liqoor Law is a tem
perance bill prepared and passed by
temperance people, and voted into
effect by initiative referendum in the
year 1904 by a majority of 43,316.
In the next session of the legislature
the liquor men of our state attempted
to amend this present bill by proposing
' H the J a y n e Amendment. They
failed in this undertaking and now
, appear with a most deceptive bill to
change the present law by a vote of
the people. This so-called "Amend
ment" but an actual repeal of the
present law and all liquor laws in the
state, was prepared by the Royal
Aruh, composed of who'esale and re
T tail liquor dealers end brewers.
Before voting on this so-called
amendment, ask yourself this ques
tion: "Why was the 'present local
. k option liquor law ever enacted?" Was
it not that we might curtail the power
and liberty of the liquor traffic? Our
t present law is by far the best local
option law in the United States at the
. present time. Local option, at pres
ent, is the only way to handle the pro
blem, as the majority think today.
Another question. "Why should it
l be amended?" Is Oregon to be
- under whiskey rule? What right has
the saloon to appeal to votes any
more than any other business. Is it
a wise thing for a good man to caat
bis vote so that a good moral law
should be amended so as to put the
liquor men in control of the state?
Another question. "Who amends
this law?" The Wholesale Liquor
Dealers Aassooiation. If there are
any hardships and unfair sections in
the present law would it not be better
for its friends to amend it instead of
its enemies?
But where it it oppressive? Where
in nnfair? Is there anything unfair
in our present law forbidding saloons
to be in a precinot, a township or a
county when the majority say they
desire to keep them out? Why should
the liquor men be allowed to put sa
loons In precincts, townships or count
ies when the majority say they do not
v want them? This will be the case
should you vote for this so-called
In tbe new law there Is every pro
jj vision for illegal voting. They call it
' "qualified electors." What does this
mean? Simply tbis: that any fellow
who droDR into a lionor precinot for a
few days can vote upon this question.
If tbis law is voted in as amended
m m. mm 'fA
t I Sell Ileal tstate
3.1 do not ask for a Contract or the Exolusive sale all I want is
vv T.. IRELAND. "The Real Estate Man"
Q Ground Floor Courier
they can pack their voter into any
one precinct and thus keep saloons in
a community perpetually. These
liquor men propose to protect liquor
men, not the boy, the home, society
or the state. If there were no other
amendment in the present law than
that of Section 11, that when an elec
tion is held and a preoinct goes dry,
hitviug a "majority vote" as tbe
amended law reads, Riving us that
square deal, anti-prohibitionist and
prohibitionists equal privileges, for
should a precinct have 50 voters and
25 vote agaiiiBt a saloon and five for
the precinct wonld go "wet" since
there was 'not a majority of all the
votes cast, at that election, though it
was a majority of the votes cast upon
that particular question, this, is
"equal privilege," a square deal"
with a vengeance. But should an ac
tual majority vote against saloons in
that precinct, tbe saloons could still
ran on as before, for "ono qualified
elector" could file a petition in the
county court as to the validity of the
election, and all procedure against
them is held op so long as action is
pending. The county judge having
all jurisdiction . over the matter frotu
whom there is to be no appeal. And
at present tbe liquor men are being
very cautious and active as to who
shall be oonnty judge. Have a care.
Ask yourself this final question be
fore you vote. Is it not desirable that
i the influenoe of decent people should
be exerted for fairness, righteoimnoFS
and the home, rather than in favor
with the saloon and its iniquities? If
yon were at all familiar with the
amendment you will vote 805 X No.
If you. are a patriotio citizen and
know anything of our present local
option law, yon will say why should
it be amended, and thus vote 305 X
No. B. O. C.
Moat Market Enlarged. '
Gas Earner, owner of the West
Sixth street meat market, is having
hia place of business made over and
enlarged, thereby improving its ap
pearance and making it more conven
ient. He has had the front of the
building painted so as to give a good
imitation of a pressed brick front.
He has enlarged the sales room and
put in an extra large cold storage
compartment in which to keep meats
during the Summer. To the rear of
the building he is having a brick ad
dition of 18x35 erected. It will have
a basement for storage purposes and
the first floor will be nsed for a pork
packing and sansage room. Tbe ma
chinery now in the frame building to
t"he rear will be moved into this new
addition and electrio power will be
nsed Instead of steam. Mr. Earner
will be able with his enlarged
quarters to engage mere extensively
hereafter in pork packing and the
handling of all kinds of meats.
Grants Pass has tbe standing as the
largest and best market for live stock
in Southern Oregon and the increas-
! ing of the capacity of his paoking
house by Mr. Earner will do that
much more to help the local stock
market. 'rZ
Miss Grace Good, who has been the
capable stenographer in Joseph Moss'
real estate'office, .left Tuesday for La
Grande where she will take charge of
the books for her father, George
Good, of the Hotel Foley of which he
has taken tbe management Miss
Good has a very large oircle of friend
in Grants Pass who regret her leav
ing the oity and who give her their
best wishes in her new home. Miss
Lneile McCroskey has assumed the
Sosition vacated by Miss Good in Mr.
loss' office.
they are
Bldg. Grants Pass, Ore. 9
First Program of High School
Commencement Held Fri
day Evening.
On Friday evening, May 19, the
class day program of tbe High School
students was given in the Opera House
to quite a large audience. Tbis was
tbe first program of the commence
ment season tbis rear and a prelimi
nary to the final graduating exercises
to be held Friday evening, May 25.
Tbe first number was a musical se
lection by the High School Girls'
Cborns led by Principal A. E. Harri
son, after which Anna May Thomas
of the Freshmen class gave an address
of welcome to tbe members of tbe
Eighth grade who are 'about to enter
the High Sohool. This was ably re
sponded to by Errol Gilkey. The
members of the graduating class,
Daisy Cole, Blanch Ferdine, Addie
Robinson and Dale Williams, each de
livered an oration and it is useless to
say that this part of the program was
well carried ont. The orations showed
a great deal of work and originality
and tbe members of the class are to
be congratulated upon their produc
tions and the pleasing style of their
Following these was a vocal duet by
Nina Paddock and Helen Clark which
was highly enjoyed by the audience.
The class poem was delivered by
Dale Williams in which Bhe expressed
the sentiments of her class and of the
whole High School. The valedictory
and address to the Junior clans was
given bys Addie Robinson to which
response was made by wilna till-
key, wishing tbe members of the
class of 1900 a long and prosperous
life and bidding them an affectionate
After this Olwen Hughes of the
Sophomore class related the history of
the Senior class and Helen Clarke of
the Junior class continued the inter
esting romance by telling of their
happiness and good fortune in the
The final number on the program
was a selection by the High School
Girls Chorus. Several farewell songs
were then sung in honor of the senior
class and the audience went home
feeling that they were well paid for
tbe time spent in listening to such an
interesting program.
The class day program is a new
feature of commencement time and
it is to be hoped that such will be
continued in the future years.
Another School House.
All who are working for the best
interests of Grants Pass should not
forget the special eleation Monday
afternoon to vote bonds for tbe erec
tion of an night room school build
ing in the Third ' ward. The voting
place will be in the Moss building on
E street near Sixth street and the polls
will be open from 1 to 6 p. m. Only
property holders can vote at this elec
With two rented rooms and all tbe
rooms crowded to their full capacity
and some containing 65 to AO scholars
and tbe oity steadily increasing in
population it has beecome necessary
to provide additional sohool facilities.
The third fine brick sohool house will
be a convincing proof of the substan
tial prosperity and progressiveness of
Grants Pass and these three buildings
will be a large factor in attracting to
tbis city the better class of horns -seekers
and investors and thereby aid
in the g3neral prosperity of all.
First Flour Shipped From Here.
Grants Pars has been importing
almost everything required in the food
linn for man and horse from points
outside of Jospehine county but this
financial drain is being gradually
checked and tbe balance Of trade in
many lines is now in favor of this
city. Thousands of dollars have been
sent away for flour but now this food
product is being manufactured here
in such quantities that it will here
after be exported. Wednesday the
Grants Pass Milling Company shipped
tbe first oar load of floor ever seut out
of tbis oty. It was billed for Oakland
and is to be the beginning of large
shipments to the California market.
Men Wanted.
Saw mill and lumber yard laborers.
12.35 per day. Woodsmen $2.25 to $3.
Steady work. Apply to Bootb-Eelly
Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore.
Smythe'a Coffee
Goods. Phone 431.
market for Good
420 Front St
Opp Nine Huls Big Pay Roll
Blue Ledge Has Force
of 150 Men.
O. P. Briggs, a druggist and well
known business man of Jacksonville,
was in Grants Pass over last Friday
night. Mr. Briggs was on his way to
Portland as a delegate from Jackson
ville Odd Fellows lodge to tbe grand
encampment of Oregon. Mr. Briggs
had passed through Grants Pass many
times but bad never been in the oity
before and he spent the evening view
ing the business and residence sections
in company with friends and he was
especially complimentary in his opin
ion of the business houses and the
large and fine stocks of goods oarried
and of the many advantages that the
place had for becoming a prosperous
commercial center.
Of Jacksonville he stated that the
old town was taking new life and new
buildings being erected and the mer
chants were enlarging their stocks of
goods. At the Opp the new 20-stamp
mill was in continuous operation and
in addition to getting out ore for
the mill extensive development work
was being earrled on. Nearly a hun
dred men are employed at this mine.
Adjoiniug the Opp mine the Casey-Mo-
Williams mine is being developed
by Seattle parties and it is showing
np quite as promising as did the now
famous Opp in its development period.
At the great Blue Ledge copper
mine tbe JNaw York ana Mexican
Company who have bought it are car
rying on the most extensive develop
ment work ever done in Southern
Oreaon. They have a force of . 150
men and with power drills are
thoroughly opening up the 21 claims
controlled in the Blue Ledge group.
So satisfactory is the showing as to
the extent and richness of the copper
deposits that it is practically certain
that before the close of the year work
will be begun on the erection of a
smelter. As this company ia now
operating large smelters in other sec
tions of the United States and iu
Mexico it is quite probable that they
will put in a smelter of large size at
Blue Idge As Jacksonville is the
outfitting poiut and has daily stage
and freight teams to Blue Ledge the
opening of this great mine is giving a
big impetus to business of all kinds
in that miaing town. With the In
stalling of a smelter at the Blue Iedge
and its successful operation will come
a big impetus to the development of
the vast copper deposits of Southern
Oregon, which are known to be in ex
tent equal to the great copper dis
tricts of Montana, which will bring
to this section a payroll greater than
all tbe otber mines combined.
Rev. Goulder Goes Ont on Trip
for His Health an Cannot
Be Heard From.
Rev. T. W. Goulder pastor of the
M. E. Church South, of Grants Pass
been missing sinoe May A, and
no trace whatever can be learned of
him. He was excessively addicted to
smoking cheroot cigars and it is
feared that his mind has beoome de
ranged. He was a close student and
a hardworking minsiter and devoted
to his family, which consists of his
wife and a little boy and girl and his
disappearance is a crushing blow on
Mrs. Gouldsr and of deep regret on
the part of tbe members of blscburoh,
with whom he wss very popular.
Rev. Goulder had been in poor
health for some time and tronbled
with insomnia and he decided to take
a trip to California to visit friends
and to take a fishing and hunting
ooting. He bought a ticket for Oak
land and got on the morning train of
Sunday, May, fl, and that is tbe last
seen or heard of him. Letters and
telegrams have been seut by his wife
and friends here to frisads and to
police officers in California, but noth
ing can be learned as to his where
abouts. Tbe Modern Woodmen of
America, the local camp of which
Rev. Goulder was olerk, have Institut
ed a thorough search for him. Rev,
Gouldsr was about 45 years old, five
feet eight lnohes high, mediant stout
build, dark eyes, heavy black mas
tache, black hair tinged with grey.
Takes the Flock to Hills Each
Day and Guards Them
From Coyotes.
F. A. Pierce, who resides a mile
west of Merlin was in Grants Pass
Wednesday. Mr. Pierce has taken
up goat raising and now has 108 head,
35 of which are registered animals.
Mr. Pierce formerly resided in Cali
fornia where for 10 years he was en
gaged iu goat raising, but the hot
oliniatft of that state precluded the
raising of long standard mohair, a
goat seldom ever producing it that
was; over 12 inches long. As extra
long mohair sells from $1 to 5 per
pound Mr. Pierce decided to seek a
location better adapted to goats than
is California. After careful investi
gation he decided that Rogue River
Valley bad all tbe conditions ;for the
raising of the hlgbetst standard of
goats and selling out In California he
moved his family to this Valley and
bought 600 acres of land near Merlin.
With tbe thousands of acres of crop
range, tbe mild climate free from
long, exoessive beat that is the handi
cap to California and from tbe con
tinued heavy rains of Northwestern
Oregon and freedom from disease
oauses Mr. Pieoe to think that Rogue
Kiver Valley should beoonie one of
the celebrated goat districts of the
world. The few goat raisers now in
this Valley are having good success
and are making money iu the busi
ness, though having two disadvan
tages to contend with. One is tbe
Belling aud shipping of the mohair in
small quantities thus oausing a loss
of fully five cents a pound. . The other
the depredations by coyotes aud
dogs on the goats. Mr. Pierce has
bred up a strain of dogs that have
proven efficient guards for his goats.
HIb dogs are a cross of shepherd, bull
and bound and ne has one that guards
his band of goats when rangiug on the
hills more efficiently than could a
man. This dog was taken when very
young and kept with goat kids, and
fed on goats' milk, nursing a goat
just as the kids did. Tbe pup was
taught to stay with the goats all day
and now the dog drives the band to
the hills in the morning and brings
them back at night. The goats follow
him as they would a shepherd and
they have learned his bark and when
he gives warning they flee from the
danger. A coyote or a strange dog is
scented at onoe and driven off and
not even a cow, horse or hog is al
lowed to range with his goats. And
be would attack a strange man should
he attempt to go too near tbe goats.
Mr. Pierce said he bad had a cash
offer of $100 for his dog from VCalT-
fornla goat raiser but that he would
not take less than a $1000 for him if
he could not replace the dog.
Tbe popular confectionery and Ice
cream parlors of Herman Horning are
being thoroughly renovated. Paper
hangers and painters are busily en
gaged there this weec, snd when tbe
work is completed, it will present a
most attractive appearanoe.
More New Goods
Comforts, Cots, Tents, Hammocks
Weathered Oak Dining Chairs
New shapes in Dluing Chairs Golden Oak
New shapes in Small Rockers
Porch Shades to roll np
New ('ouch Covers, Portieres, eta
Lace Curtains
60 inch Large Curtain, usually sold for $1, our prloe 85o
108" a beauty " ' 8, " "$-3.10
84 " Irish Point " 4.60" " 2.95
Lamberquin, " " " 1.75" " 1.20
10,000 Rolls New Wall Papers
The best we have ever shown for the money from'the
Zcheapest up to $1.60 mlL rr" ' -
Vtw Tornpte We are still ronning the Special Sale 48o
new MlipciS goodg for gao-oo, nne is oompiate.SJZ-
,W'e are headquarters for things for the house make it oar busi
ness to show good goods, snappy
prices than lota of mill and jobbing house old tail ends are worked
off at onr motto' 'Money back
The Larjut tlmiMhiniUhlRj
Everybody Expected to Search
for Old Boxes. Bottles, and
Other Rubbish.
Clean-up-Day is a utility holiday
that is rapidly coming into vogue in
towns and cities all over the country.
This Spring it is being more generally
oVserved than ever before and hun
dreds of cities and towns.have taken a
half-holiday and business men, school
children, the women and the general
publio have turned out and cleaned
tbe yards, streets, alleys, vacant lots
and publio grounds of every bit of
rubbis'i and unsightl things.
Grants Pass has fallen into line and
Wednesday afternoon, June 6, has been
fixed by tbe Commeroial Club as Clan-op-Day
for this oity. It Is expected
that business will be suspended for
that afternoon aud every man, woman
aud child in Grants Pass will lend a
willing hand to thoroughly clean tbe
city of everything that tends to make
the yards, streets, alleys, vacant lot
anl publio grounds look unsightly.
All rubbish should be put in con
venient piles or reoeptioles for the
oity team to haul to the new dumping
Grants Pass has one of the hand
somest natural looations for a town In
Oregon and with but very little effort
on the part of its citizens it could
be one of the cleanest and most at
tractive olties in the state.
To Observe Decoration Day.
Memorial Sunday and Decoration
Day will be observed in Grants Pass
in a manner befitting these days saored
to the honor of the Nation's dead
Sunday at 11 a. m. union services will
be hold in Newman M. E. Church to
which the general publio is invited.
Tbe sermon will be by Rev. C. O.
Beokmau aud the other ministers of
the city will take part in the services.
The exerolses for Decoration Day
will be held in the opera house at S
p.m., Wednesday. The address will
be by Rev. Clark Bower. There will
b9 musio appropriatJ to the occasion
aud the members of the G. A. R. Post
and uf the Relief Corps will attend in
a body, as they a!oo will the Memorial
service Sunday. A committee of the
Post will decorate with flags and
flowers the graves of the soldier dead
In the cemeteries.
Republicans Hold Ralliee.
The republicans held a rally this
Thursday night in the opera house
that was well attended. Judge
George H. Durham presided and in
troduced the speaker of the evening,
Hon. W. O. Hawley, candidate for
congress. Mr. Hawley made a clear
presentation of his stand on the ques
tions now before the Amerioan peo
ple and he showed that be was an
able and forceful speaker.
This Saturday evening another rally
will be held by the republicans that
will be addressed by Dr. Withyoombe,
candidate for governor and by Willis
S. Duniway, candidate for state
up-to-date stuff at really batter
if yon want It. "
& 0 Neill
Ceatera ia SsuUwra Ortfse.