Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 18, 1906, Image 8

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$2 per ton
Remember, Phone 124
The Old Company
Will soon bo plentiful.
Fresh Vegetables
Every day.
Creamery Mutter 50 Cents
J. Pardee
Near Palace Hotel
Telephone 863
Mrs. Farmer spent last Sunday with
Mrs. A. Hugftey.
It look like we were going to have
rain around Pickett Creek very noon.
A baby girl arrived at the home of
Henry Booth last Saturday; all doing
Robert Crow bat started a goat
ranch. He recently purchased 27
There was quite a crowd left here
Friday, May 4th, to attend the circus
at Grants Pbhs. The party consisted
of Meiwrs. Van Dorn, Thorn and
Perfortain and Miss Cautroll.
Frank Hussey bad one of his eyes
taken out last week. He got h-irt
quite bad laxt Winter by dynamite and
this was the retialt. We svnathize
with liim very much and hope that he
win get along all right now.
Kodaks Courior Building.
A little Spring shower at present.
E. McNeil is still around Waldo.
F. H. Osgood intends to visit Waldo
before long.
Jessie Hooglan spent Sunday with
Frances Egger.
Robert Bagley spent Sunday visit
ing mines and friends.
Mrs. 8. MathewBon visietd re
latives near Waldo Sonday.
Miss MoFarlan, the Elk Valley
teacher, was in Waldo Tuesday.
F. M. Nickerson is papering and
painting tbe rooms of Mrs. Ida Deck
er's hotel.
George Matbewsoo is now running
a beef wagon, which comes to Waldo
once a week.
Mrs. Q. Woodcock and Miss Steven
son spent Saturday in Taklima and
Allen Oulcb.
Ida Hansen, Fred Hart, Elsie Hogue
and Fred Hansen all of Kerby, spent
Saturday night at a dance at Takilina.
Mr. Windel of Grants Pass was in
Waldo Saturdy looking up mining in
terests of this part of the county.
Mr. Croar is back at Takilma. Last
Summer Mr. Crear was tbe superin
tendent and assayer of tbe smelter.
ine smelter win start up as soon as
they can get tbeir teams back.
Totter Ann.
CK&una Stands or Morality !
Grants Pass, Ore., May 14. 1906.
Editor Courier : I wonld like to ask
a question in your columns of F. W,
Cliansse. If he is such a red-hot re
former and red-eyed enforcer of ths
law why does he not use big position
as a member of the common oouncil
to clone up the houses of ill-fame that
he sees every time he comes np
town. I have a family of four child
ren and am compelled to live in that
vicinity, and if F. W. Chaume wants
my continence in bis integrity let him
iiibkb a motion in tun council to re
move the marshal if he does not
close np the red-light distrait of this
city and bIho to chipe the xaloons on
Sandiy. Tills kind of reform wonld
beat lioense-raitting and knocking the
Honth family, all hollow. Let the
balanna of power league take notice of
Mr. ChaiiHse's efforts to enforce the
law. Very truly,
sons will begin
is attending
Every body busy now, almost too
busy f r itcn s.
H. S. Wynant and
outting hay soon.
Miss Tena English
school at the Pasg.
Verner Daniels is visiting with his
mother at our plare.
Fred McCallister is working at the
Mnrphy saw mill at prei-eut.
Mr. and Mrs. Wynant were at tbe
Pass on business last Tuesday.
Miss Florence. Wynant visited with
Miss Eva McCallidter last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rader of
Grants Pass were at New Hope last
Vern McCallister has bought a new
buggy and now he is all right with
the girls.
Dick Johnson and Len Jewell were
seen on our streets today. Some at
traction here for them, I guess.
Scot Stringer and brother, James,
have been employed at the Burrow
bop yard training hops tbe past week.
Clarence Wynant was home a couple
of days the past week, be being em
ployed at the Harmon & Hinkle mill
near Merlin.
What is the matter? Shorty saw
stakes set for a new house. He is
too busy to write items now, can al
most hear wedding bells.
Members of the Murphy Ditch Com
pany are all busy putting in flumes
and are cleaning out the ditch pre
paratory to getting ready for irrigation.
Rev. Starmer was in our midst last
week j came down to start protracted
meetings hut owing to busy times
with the farmers the meeting was
O. D. Walter and wife and H. S.
wynaut, wire and children went to
the Applegate dam last Sunday tak
ing their dinner aud enjoying them
selves fine with cold dinner.
Ihe Klamath Falls Chamlier of
Commerce has petitioned for the re
moval of PoHtmasKr Murcock, of that
place, alleging incompetence on ao
couut of defective hearing.
ome Baking
Bating Powder
The United States Agricultural Department
has issued (and circulates free) a valuable report
giving the results of elaborate experiments made
by and under the direction of the Department,
which show the great saving from baking at home,
as compared with cost of buying at the Bakers.
All bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc, are very much
fresher,cleaner,cheaper and more wholesome when
made at home with Royal Baking Powder.
f. " KxyjvMS. II I
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Co.
- i
Starts Another Stupendous Sale
Thursday. Morning, May 17
And Continuing to June 1st
the; best values for EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND:
1 A f ll ! M . a. . m
All the Power and Prestagc of this Store is directed to this one end-to place before you the Newest Styles and Most Dependable merehardfce
at the very Lowest Prices it is Possible to Name. uercnaraise-
A Sale of Muslin Underwear
If we could lay each separate garmeut before yon as you rea thed
the prices you would be he as it was passible to get here.
Women's Gowns 68c
A splendid assortment to choose from. There
are three pretty styles, some trimmed with
lace and some with embroidery, made of
good quality muslin aud long cloths,
every garment full cut.
Values up to $1, at one price (Sc
Other good values, $1.38 for l)8c
Gowns worth $2 for $1.44)
Handsome gowns for $3 1.1)8
Ladies' Muslin Drawers at less than
the material would cost you, and
each and every garment made in
the best manner at
23c, 25c, 33c, 38c
up to $1.25
Ladies' Union Suits
Extra fine grade Peeler Cotton Union Suits, nicely taped QKfl
. at neck and arms. Special as long as we have any. Ots
Embroidered Shirt Waist
Made of fine soft sheer material, beautiful patterns worthll OQ
up to $1.25. Take your choice as lonft as they last. OOP
Black Satteen
Two lots of these Petticoats
bought at about half price;
you would think them cheap
at $1.25, we put them in
a??.sale 83c
Petticoats 50c
--I ILMz.'m . . 7 r.3.
vw Kttcwj-- ginghams, hemstitched ruf
fle; if we gave you the cloth you would not make them for less
than we sell you the ready-made article for ; tan and fCg
blue stripe t)Jj
Ten piece long cloth, full yard wide, very soit finish, much
better for underwear than muslin, especially good f f
for infant's wear. Per bolt of 12 yards pl.Av
20 boz. ladies' fast black Lace Hose; these goods came to us as sec
onds, but who ever heard of buying a lace stocking for Qf
this price. Per pair
Ttei!'vfs we ever sold-mind you. we don't say they are the
best values you ever saw-we don't know what you've seen
ever soM. Embroidery values that we gl"
Corset Cover Embroideries, worth up to 68c
Special at , 38C
200 Ladies' Shirt Waists in this sale that will save you from 2Sc
to $i oo on each waist. r
fll Prices special from 50C UP
May Sale of Lace Curtains.
Our last Lace Curtain Sale was such a success tnat not even one
Curta.s remains in our store from the lot. Now we are offering
you same exceptionally good things from our regular stock
this will mean a saving of at least 25. Besides the low
prices on these Curtams we will give free with all curtains over
2 Extension Curtain Rodsold in most stores at 25c each
pS 45c, 68c, 75c, 98c, $1.18 and
Tf . 7 T,AU upwards.
If you need a pair of Curtains you should at least take a look
through our stock.
26 Men's Suits. three'Dattenm un.i. -j . " '""
auu uuuoie oreasted nifa
thatiyou would consider cheat, at !, h, w ' .. ..ltS
br much less than tdev are worr, rJT " "
WUU1U consider cneap at $10 but we be
of suits for much less than tdey are worrh re
price wiU be to sell them Iquick.!. . " The
24 Boys' Suits, ages 14 to 19. Why not
easy as not if you bny him one of these Snir. AfLJ T
mce , .-