t ROGUB RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. APRIL 20. 1906. V A SHALL RAILROAD LANDS BE SOLD? Voters of .Southern Oregon, attention ! Es pecially thoe of you who are miners, farmers or business men and who are interested in the re moval of the handicap that the vast railroad hold ings place upon the mining and farming industries of this section and which is a block on the prosper ity of every interest in Southern Oregon, are asked to note the position of Judge E. B. Watson, of Portland, candidate for United States Senator. Judge Watson was the first to advocate forcing the railroad to put their Southern Oregon lands on the market and at the price that was stipulated jn the grant, which was not to exceed $2.50 per acre. The following extract from Mr. Watson's platform dearly states his position on this subject that is of such vital importance to the development and the pros perity of this section of Oregon: "I will exert myself to the utmost to secure such action by Congress as will enable the people to realize the bene fits of the provisions in the several acts of Congress grant ing lands to aid in the construction of railroads, and the y Coos military road, in the State of Oregon, requiring the several corporations receiving the said grants to sell the lands w granted in quantities not to exceed 160 acres to any one person and at a price not to exceed $2 SO per acre, in accordance with the long-established policy of the Gov ernment, to promote the settlement and development of the country by furnishing the widest opportunities to ac quire homes upon the public domain." j; DEE RING I ; Mrs. 0. T.Webb visited ichool Mon day. Mrs. Angers visited in Deeriog last week. Frank Barrett wti In Deering Sat urday. Herbert Webb returned last week from Wisconsin. Several of our people took a trip in to California last week. Lonls Webb wan at Waldo Sunday ami Monday on business. Ira Webb ii now "ohief cook and bottle washer" at the Webb mines. E. M. Albright returned from the Pans last wei-k where be porohased a home and lot. Qua Lavlue returned from Orescent City Sunday. He will spend the Sum mer on bis much. Lee Pigott came from Monumental Hunilaj to stay with his sister, Mrs. Shelley. He baa hurt bis foot. An agent representing a large tim ber corporation was iu the valley last week trying to persuade timber owners to still their timber. He was not sucoeaNftil. however. Will you be there? Big Wondur Discount Sale, 0 o'clock, Saturday wording. BUSINESS POINTER. S. t W I L I) E U TILL E J A few peopl" are complaining of ore throats. E. Erictson is rppairing Scott Rob-' inson's fire place. Hanna Lovelace, who has been sick , the past three or four weeks, is much better. I wonder what Charles McCann did with all those eggs -be cardial Charley. ' Robert Stevenson started for Cres cent City Monday of this week, going on nis wneoi. Why don't some one get op a rural lonte mail service' I fear we are not up witb oar eastern slates. Charles MoCann went to Grants Pass Tuesday of this week to get four horse load of feed and provisions. Dr. Loughridpe was called out Fri day evening of last week to the ho ne of Leo Sams whose wife was very sick bat is much bettor at this wriiing. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson entertained at 18 o'clock dinner, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles MoCann and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown. Tbe working bee met at Alba Woodard's Thursday, of last week, then at Frank Slevensons Thursday of this week. Suppose that is to be the last until next Fall. Born On the morning of tbe 16th to Mr. and Mrs. Webster Roberto, a fine daughter. As their first three ohildren were boys they are very proud of tbe new daughter. Uncle Fuller. ROGUE RINER VALLEY DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE' i To Bo Org&nlzed At Ashland Next Friday to Do Pro motion Work. ' The movement was inaugurated at the Medford rally last Friday to or ganize a Rogue River Valley Develop ment Ltagae, at wlii-b time Dr. C. R. Ray, of Medford, was made tem porary president and M. F. Eggleston, of Ashland, temporary stcretary. It was decided to hold a meeting iu Ash land on Friday, April 27, to perfect a permanent organization of the League. To give all sections of RoguitTRiver Dr. Flanagan. Physician and Dentist Dr. M. C Findley, Oculist, Aurist, licensed optician. Qo to Coron (or Plumbing. M. Clemens. Vrescnption Druggist. A Gentleman's smoke the Stage line. A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron ' Order seals and robber stamps of A. E. Voorhies. For a o'eau bed and a good meal try the Western Hotel. Plaoer and quartz looation notices mine deeds, leases, etc., at tbe Courier office. Miss N. O. Miller, studio Courier block, gives 24 stamp pictures for 25c. Poultry Netting will keep tbe chb kus and small chicks out of tiie gardeu. You oau get all widths at Cramer Bros. Settle Up. The Oarmen-Hemeuway accounts have been plaoed in ui hands for collection. All persona knowing themselves to be indebted to tiie above firm are notified to call at the Grants Pass Bunking and Trust Co., and make immediate settlement. 3-30 4t E. S. VEATCH. Will yon be thrrs? Big Wonder Discount Sa'e, 9 o'clock, Saturday morning. )VaAi S. C. Rlbbler Extends Invitation to Wide-awaks. Leland correspondent wants to know why we don't give them some solid news. Its just this way, Wide-awake we have a fine little section of country surrounding Hugo, one we know Is of good, rich soil, in our lit tle valley; of coarse the upland is more or lens of granite formation. We do not want to sell out, therefore we don't need to blow about our sec tion, if people do not believe we are from Missouri they will be oonvinced that we can "show" them by payiug us a visit. Oor little valley is in one of tbe best locations in Southern Oregon for a good town and just aboot the right distance from Grants Pass for another good sized city. Now, Mr. Wide-awake, yon neel not look for any of us over viewing yonr country with any intention of buying. We are not coming. If you are in need of any farming informa tion, just ask some of our old time farmers, they have been here long enough to thoroughly understand the ways of farming Oregon's most fer tile soil. Well, as the old proverb is "make hay while the snu shines" I will not take np any more time for writing. Yours tor success, 8. C. RIBBLER, Ex. lingo correspondent. V alley a representation each town and poBtomce locality will be allowed three delegates and it is expected a fall representation will be had. Below is given in full a communica tion from Dr. Ray, which fully ex plains tbe call for tbe meeting and the object of tbe League : Tolo, Ore., April 14, 1906. Capt. M. F. Eggleston, Sea Rogae River Valley Develop ment League, Ashland, Oregon. Dear Sir and ' 'Broth-r Booster" : At I understand, committee of three are to meet at Ashland on April 27th at 1 P. M. Ibeae committees, chosen by the local Boards of Trade or Commercial Bodies wberever there are such bodies already organized, and In tbose places where there is no snob organization, same to be apointed by tbe president or secretary, I don't know which. Please let me know where we meet at Ashland. If yon have the time I wish you would notify all tbose towns that have Commercial Bodies to this effect, provided that I have a correct understanding of it ; and I would also notify every village in both couuties, or in other words, every poet office. I think this latter suggestion that every postoffioe be notified, or rather post master, or some prominent per son livins near said postoftice. is of the STANLEY'S Sixth St. Grants Pass, Or. NEXT DOOR. TO HOTEL LAYTON $7,000. oo DIXON'S - fie GREATEST WtCffl S'ATE OF THE SEASON APRIL 11th -APRIL 30th 20 Days Only In All Lines Nothing' Reserved Our inmionso stock of stymie (iood, Consisting of till Dry Goods; Dress Goods, Ladies' Dress Skirts, Waists, Silk and Salteen Under skirts, Parasols, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boys' and Youths' Clothing, Men's Hats, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc., will bo on sale for tho 20 Days Only at GENUINE MONEY SAVING PRICES a SL-Vjsit our store and we will not disappoint you, as . our prices wHI make it an object for you to do your spring shopping at utmost importance for the good i of the cause. Heretofore, these com 1 mercial organizations, as I under : stund, have only existed iu Ashland, j Medord, Jacksonville, Gold Hill and Qrauts Pass. That is, I mean in a defluite organized form. Now, we all know that it take quite a good deal of money to carry , on this work in the way it should be j curried oo, and that is in a first-class way. We all know that, consequently, i these towns, principally the merchants, are called on to contribute quite an amount of money for the bentfit of every citizen. Now, this is unjust, andt should be remedied. For this reason, I make a suggestion that every postoflice in both couuties be notified and the matter be presented in the strongest light aud that they be urged to send at least three delegates to Ashland upon April 27th; that tbe railroad be asked to give special low rates. I do not know how many post oftices in both counties but I think there is sufficient that this would fur nish 100 delegates or more. When we once get at every nook and corner, every post-office and people re siding there and put heart and soul in this movement, the results are going to be tremendous for the best interests of both oonnties and the people resid ing there, and all citizens. In this way, the money will be subscribed by j eltizeos fiom all ovr both counties and not fall on the merchants, princi- pally, as heretofore. This movement j is of the utmost importance to every ! town, village aud precinct and citizen j of both ooonties. It will mean not i only extensive advertising of all sec-j tions of both ooauties but also the . best methods of advertising, aod the bringing in of houieseekers and capit al, but it also means a powerful move ment pulling for ererv section of both couuties, in the way of improve ments of all kiuds good roads, rail roads, electric trollery lines, school houses, churches, telephones lines and evertbylng for the benefit for the public at large, cud iu addition, the correction of any einting evils de trimental to the publio at large. Now, these are my sentiments, and I wish to do everything possible along these liues, and will also do my beat j to promote and take up any good sag- j geetions, which, of course, is the ob ject of this organization. l viu irj io im it Asniaua neuoes 'lay. Kindly let me know if you will be there at that time. Yoors very truly, ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DE VELOPMENT LEAGUE, By C. R. RAY, Preaidfnt. Advertised Letters. Following ii the list of letters re- In Staple High-Grade Merchandise The best of the Hub Clothing Stock now to be sold At About Half Price The Sale has commenced and will continue until the Merchandise is all gone ; but come ad soon as you can to get your pick of the BARGAINS. Shoes for Men, Boys, Women and Children. Clothing for Men and Boys. Shirts, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Hose, Hats, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear, all at prices which we guarantee to be one third to one-half less than you pay elsewhere. Rubber Boots and all Rubber Goods at EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNTS. Shoes Special 325 pairs of odds and ends, all kinds, now 75c a pair. They sold regular at $1.25. $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 a pair. This entire Stock must go, and prices have been put on everything to move it quickly. If you don't investigate you are missing the opportunity of a lifetime. STANLEY'S NEXT DOOR TO HOTEL LAYTON Formerly the Welch and Garfinkle Stand. The TJ. S. Civil Service Commis sion will bold an examination for the position of Forest Ranger, May 14, 1906, at Portland, Roseburg. La Grande and Prineville. Examination for Forest Supervisor will be held same day at all large cities in tbe state. Will yon be there? Big Wonder Discount Sale, 9 o'clock, Saturday morning. CIRCUS DAY AT GRANTS PASS F R I DAY MAY 4th ft 100 Circus Champions and Celebrities -100 uiainiog uncalled for in tbe poatofhoe at Grants Pass for tbe week ending April 16th, 1906. Parties calling for j them please give date advertised : RordUh. Alice, Don is, Jas, High, Herbert, Harrison, Mr J F, Harris, J M. Johns, Joe, Mockers, Mrs Elsie, Miller, Miss Reta, Miller, Mrs Laura, Perkins. O W. Peireel, 1 F, McCord. Mrs S A, Sirass, Jacob, Savage, Donald (3) Vioie, Andi Wtllard L, W, Young, W L, Young, Elsie. - C. E. HARMON, I M. 23 Famous Equestrian im uarini Aarlallsta tO Rooklomm Rough Rlderw 7 Russian Cossacks 11 Arabian Tumblers 23 Merry Mirthful' Clown 9 Sensational Equilibrist 20 Astonishing Acrobats A Complmto Japanooo Clrouo Superb Carland Entrss Scores of Trained Wild Beasts of Performing Clmahmnlm Camels, Llamas and Bos Indicus Educated Seals and Sea Lions Hlehest Jumping Horses Thundering Roman Chariot Races .Triini Import!!1 Irabias SLUi-. Only Lady Japanese Artisii in America 'OO Shetland Pony Ballot Cake Walking Horses jVlarvelous Picards ZZ Stirk(10)Family " Fieur Troupe Pretty Edna Maretta Grand'SlreetParad3r 1 "f i 1 v r. ax: