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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1906)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, APRIL 20, 1906. .-.v.,;.-. ';.-,;'. .v.v,.).i- , ; "if. "T ,...-,.,.v , v rsj, ... - f ' ;v. ; ' ; , I , "VOTE FOR JONATHAN BOURNE, JR. , Republican Candidate for United States Senator Champion of Statement No. I. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., candidate before the Ropublican primaries for the nomination of United Status Sonalor in Congress, for the long term commencing March 4, 1907, was horn in New Bedford, Miihs., February 23, 1H55; was a membor of the claa of 1877 at Harvard University j came to Portland May Id, 1878; was a Republican member of the Oregon legislature in the tension of 1885 and the extra session of 1K80; was one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention of 1888, and Oregon's member of the Republican National Committee from 1888 to 1802, and a delegate to the Republican Nation8 Convention of 1892; and was elected as a Mitchell Republican to the Oregon Legislature In 18!. Mr. Bourne has been more prominently identified with the development of tbe mineral resources of Oregon than any other man in the State, having expanded la the last 20 years over f 1,000,000 of his own money In tbe acquisition and de velopmont of Oregon mines. While-Mr. Bourne has had bis residence and main office at Portland since 1878, be has had another office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried on the business of bis father's estate since 1880, which makes him familiar, with many of the large Interests and leading men in tbe East. These qualifications, in conjunr tlon with bit tremendous energy, originality, executive ability and experience In business and political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for making an able and Influential Senator for the State of Oregon. Mr. Bourne hat always favored extending the direct power of tbe people over their government as far at possible. He was one of tbe leading spirits In tbe Initiative and Referendum movement from 181KI until It was approved by the voters at the June election In 11)02. In 1004 be was a member of the execu tlve committee of tbe Direct Primary Nominations League, and holds the same position with the People's Power league at this time. In all of these move ments he has boen one of th few to guarantee the necessary expenses of pre narlug and proposing their measures to the people. lie says that the choice of United Slates Honator should lo by direct vote of thn duodIb. and that the Legislature should be compelled to elect the man the people select To accomplish this result, ho is championing Statement No. 1 of the primary election law as the only method by which public opinion may be crvstalltod and mado effective upon the Leginlature. In his petition for nomination be says; "If I am nominated ami elected I will, during my term of oflico, favor: Republican Politics. Amending National Constitution for People's Elec tion of United States Senators. Publicity Political Campaign Expenses. National Control of Corporations in Interstate Com merce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolio Labor; Good Wages Make Good Citizens. Legal Limitation Labor Hours for Safety on Railroads. Parcels Tost. Including Rural Delivery. Pure Food Laws. Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast De fenses, Rtvor and II arbor Improvements, Including Colum bia and Willamette River?, Coos, Yaquina and other Ore gon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Government Canal at Oregon City. Fair Share of Irrigation Fund for Oregon. , Loyal Support of Successful Candidates. Rigid Enforcement Statement One. Roosevelt for Second Elective Term. I desire that the following statement be printed after my. name on the nominating ballot: I will support President Roosevelt's determina tion that "Justice lie Done All Men." LAUItEL G110YE !f ""'I! E !LA X D ' "I i4 aV Still a few banging clonds adorn the horizon. Everybody well at this writing and no one got cold feet. Lik Sharp was teen on oar streets this week, also Jake Pollock. Candidates, sqnlrrelti, flowers and grippe Laarel Orove has 'em. Bert York's smiling face was teen on onr streets one day of last week. H. T. Day and Walt Fair were in Grants Pass doing business last Satur day. C. O. Bigelow passed through with a nioe band of cattle one day of thit week. Chickens, cbictens. Everybody going Into the poultry bos'neta and eggs only 15 cents dozen. Some people are suffering from a severe attack: of Spring fever, but little muscle and energy will core that. And still we tee candidates; they alt look anxious at much at to say, "Won't yon Tote for me" J Well I go ess yes. We are working onr roads at present so when gentlemen take spin out through onr street they will see we are up-to-date every in respect. Married on Monday, April 2d, 1006, Dell Root and Miss Lnna Lor Ik. We wish them much happinos9 through life. Mr. Root will work in the Murphy mill this Summer. II. L. Reed pawed throrjgh our burg one day of this week en route to Williams Creek with a fine big horre that belongs to the Grants Pass Breed ers Association. I would like to get acquainted with Wide-awake through onr writing. He aneuis like a man of the first water. I would like to have Wide-awake up at Laurel Grove and have him see our Valley and the pretty girls it bat. Everything is moving along flue at present. Mill men are among at bay ing timber, hiring lcggert and doing basinets in general. Laarel Grove is coming to the front rapidly and toon her lister burgt will have to hustle or they will get left. We see Wide-awake wants more rolid newt from Hnso or send emi grants over the mountain ; we do n it blame him; when he gets through showiug his land, he iuay just send them np to the famous Applegate bot toms, where land is fertile aud loamy and ralsea anything that yon want to plant. Here it the plaoe to get yonr money back. Foxy. Smelter at Kennett to Be Enlarf .d Editor Courier : Mr. Holden, man aging director of the Mammoth Cop per Mining Co. of Kenuett has just completed a visit of iuHjiectioa of the company's properties here and ex pressed himself at being much plead ed with t'-e work done. To increase the effeciency of the smelter two more blast furnaces will be inutalled while mechanical roasters and a reverbera tory furnace will be put in to treat the Hues and flue duct. To insure in ttlclent ore for the increased capac ity of the plant a large development ! force will be pnt on at tho mine. It will take about one year to make 1 1 the alteuttions and improvements contemplated aud Shasta county will i then have in operation the largext auielter in California. W. S. K. Kennett. Cal. The merchants report traie likely in Leland. Mrs. Bodgert made trip to GranU Pass this week. We have fine prospects for a big fruit crop this year. The steam shovel crew will not be hare nntil the first of May. Mr. Phillips, tbe mail carrier and stage man, is doing a good business. Tbe miners are busy cleaning np. Tbey have bad a fair ran this season. Tbe wither it balmy and invigorat ing. We bad a little wind last San day followed by rain. We are receiving tome emigration from Michigan, bat of the laboring olasa as far as we know. Another saw mill is being erected on Tom East creek, two mlies below Leland, making two mills iu the vi cinity of our town. A good many prospectors "are start ing for the bills as grass Is good and the weather is fine for camping oat and Wide awake has the gold fever a long with tbe rest and thinks he can find a rich ledge. Wide-awake. BUSINESS POINTERS. Letcher is the only licensed optician in Josephine uonnty. Maps of Oregon Washiutou and California at the MobIo Store. Send your family wanning to the Steam Lanudry. All rough dry work 25 cent per dozen. Piioue 373. Your clothes called for and delivered and all ftatwork that goes through the mangle washer, lroued at 25c per dozen. Grants Pass Steam Laundry. Piioue 373. Letcher has jaKt received another stock of lenses and can fit all kinds of eyes. His apparatus for the testing of vision is all up-to-date and (lie most reliable kind. Curtis & Co. for Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings and Jewelry, fine watch repairing, engraving. Goods sold at reasonable prices. Come and see as. I. O. O. F. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that partner ship heretofore existing- between the nndersigued in the saloon business is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The buuiness will be continued by 0. Ferguson, who will as-nme all obli gations. C. FERGUSON, A. IRWIN. Placer, Oregon, April 7, 1&0U. 4-13 fit The C3r IP Flour & Feed Store Cor. 6th and I streets Formerly Wickman's 'Bine Stem, ' "Olympic" "Hara to-Beat" Flour. and Hay, Grain, Mill Feed, Poultry Foods. For Cash Only. J. J. MORTON, Proprietor. J. M. CHILES The Pioneer Grocer RELIABLE GOODS AT RELIABLE PRICES Candidate for Sheriff I hereby announce my intention of . presenting niv name before the repnbli- j cau an primaries April SO for the) nomination of sheritT of Josephine ' county. W. I. SWEETLAND. A Specialty FAR M-C U R E D BACON F. G. ROPER FASHIONABLE TAILOR Harmon Block, Upstairs South Sixth Street Suits made to Order I'UOMPTl.Y ASOOl TI1K BKST MAII'.Kl.M. ANI IN TUB ITlT STYl.K Cleaning and Repairing. GRANTS PASS WALL PAPER and PAINT SHOP W.P Sharman and E.F.teMieun SOUTH SIXTH STREET, NEAR J Full stock of Wall Paper sill deiiipis q.iallty and pi 'c PuinU, Vi-n'.sluvi, Oils, Finishes p,,", ,- 'd r'U iin!'l'iw. I y i . . i ! '!!.- Rates for Elks Convention. Ailunnl Convention Urand IahIkc Henovolent anil 1'rotective Order of Klks, O liver, Colorado, July 17 I'.), r.HMS. Konml trip tukts will W ou hmIo July 10, 11, Vi, lit. 14, I V lam! nt following rates : Om way throaith Portland, and one v.hv throuuli fun fornia, from limits Puss, Medford and A-tiUnd, ftiS. .Ml, Both ways tlivoimn Port land, from (irauts Pass '':l. i'.'i ; from Medford. filtHl; from .Vlilund, fil.ViO.. (loins limit July H'tli; n tuni limit, Si (ember notli, IthVi. SMpowrs will tic cr.Mite.i in either direiti 'ii within the tr.uiMt limit, except that no Mopnvrr will he allowed in t'litevni. on KoiliK trip. A. 1.. I'li.MU, U. i A. We have n i;iiMili;ie engine with power to run l-ineli centrifugal pump, or a .VMtmp mill. You can sen it run ; riKht pi ire. Oregon Tim ber. Mining . ItiYeMiucnt t'o. 3HN H ! l"CIr wmiiinw'InittunMle i Id K I 1. O' ' --i mill -mv lliiinl. 'I t D I rwlli.-.-.lltik- ami lu-Mli rj B I ti HU-nni Itliilalnor-i. I 1u h tin- IwimiK at eiii'p. u, is J ' B "-is lv;i,(i.-r. mki Instant ra tal 1 In t. Dr. il:i,iRM' lti.linn 1'ilr Omt- ' 1. nrti.r'xl for Pi m-.ti li. h. Ire of i ht privnic jMrT Kry U irrinM. 1H itn,v-s?i.t. jviitl on r- The Strength of a Bank is shown, 1st, Bv its working capital 2nd. By its stockholders. 3rd, By its tiiaiuieint-'iit. First THE Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON GranU Pis, Onrfon lias a Capital, Surplus t'u.livided Profits J77.S00.00 And an additional Stock holders Liability twn der the National 15m lik ing- I,u w). 50,000 00 Total Kesponsihility $127,500.00 PIKECTOKS: Jou D. Fky. 1 H. Harth, J. T. Ti ffs, li. C. KlXEY. R A. PooTn. Pres. J. l CAMl'UELL, V. Pre II L Gll-KKY, Ciihior THE FINEST BROUGHT GRANTS EVER TO PASS HOW IS THIS? irrigftinsdfh";X88tSr.:d all necessary outbuildings; two box house barn sheds for j a n head f tock. j fe horses, hack an wagon woj lementS( C0Ils-lsting 0f mower, sow and; poultry all P mower and rake, plow, harrow and ; lher with household goodi. most new; about 9,000 leet 01 lum"' ,Q d s onlyi $2500.00 takes the entire outfit. .Good tor 30 days oniy v 4Q4 240 acres Good three room house, small barn, :ioke houi anali other out buildings. 30 acres fenced. 20 acres in culti vation Small orchard. Plenty of good timber. water. $5.00 per acre. Yours for bargains, ' JOSEPH MOSS, The Real Estate Man HELL" "Ai a n a Ktf V. Street vrrai ure, A New Plunibin Shop In charge of M. Shoults, who is an expert plumber. He has a license from the city of Sacramento, Cd., which is evidence that he understands his trade. I have bought a com plete stock of Plumber's Goods and am now con tracting. l!et my esti mates on your Plumbing. I furnish everything con ceded with the plumbing, business; W. A. FaddocK At the Bicycle Den East of Depot. Grants Pass Breeders Associat'n PERCH ER0N STALLION 1: AVADA Will stand at the following places one day in each week: WilliamB C. O. Bigelow'i. Applegate Near Roue Hsll. Koch Marphy H. L. Reed's. Urauts Pasi Service: Insurance, $20.00. For further information address, C. E. HARMON. Grants Pass, Ore. Dried Fruits ot All Kinds Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track Ttirninir. Scroll Work. Stair Work, Band Snwiim.l'aliinet Work, Wood Pullevn. Saw K:!:i:;ami KUniininu, Kepairinx ali kind. I'riit-s riirlit i W. B. SHERMAN Keal Estate and Timber ROOMS 10 4. 12, MASONIC TEMPLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 731 Club Stables FRANK HECK, Proprietor Successor to Hayet & Heck Special attention given to minintr men nnd nnmm.rl traveleis. Sixth street, Grants Pass, Orejon 3r)TT'S If you have a building that you want moved, raised or leveled up. call on or add ess A. E. Holloway. Residence 2 miles west of city, north side of river. dm PENNYROYAL PILL fvrvd rctlivble, they overcame we&krvess, in. crease vigor, banish pains. no remedy equ&ls Dk. S- MOTTS PRNNYROV AL PILLS jf- Si'id br Dniiits and Dr. Mott$ House Movingl I Get your tonsorial work done On Sixth Stieet -Bath Koom In - Three chai-connection N. i:. McCkHW, PIONKKR TRUCK and DIXIVKRV Furnituiv ami llano Moving GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Low P&ssenger Rtes. Comnifinciiig Febraary lath anil" eontitininir daily to aud inclnding April 7th. Itw, ail(1 fr0m September loth nnt'l ..-nober 31st. 190l!, Colonist tirti will he mm from the East to Point on Oregon Line via Portland, io louowing low ''iicago,- 111., ;!,-). gt mana, and Kautas vt r. 2,. frnmotlu-r point, aud will apply to "11 points oa Orpn i i., .. 1 y TO v aa VJ iT, rt. rates: From Loni. H0: c'rv. f.' i; Deu- Palac I.csal blanks nt- t!ie C oiirirr oiiice. e barber S inn KATES & WILLIAMS, Proprs. ; ShavinR, Hair Cuttins ! Itaths, Etc. Kvorythnur neat and clean and a wori Kirst-Class. Tcke Laxative Bromo Qmn:-; vc-., Sven MBlion bote soH .r. f.-c 12 months. Cures Oio n Two Days. cr. sverv . c. w tin j i..Nt. WILLIAMS frwm box. 25c.