Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 20, 1906, Image 5

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Omni, weigh and mmnirc err ry I King you
hay." American Oncer.
The wreath of QUALITY to
those things that have real
The White House Grocery
endeavors to handle only
those things that are pure,
good and wholesome.
Today we are selling the
largest package of Mush
(rolled wheat) in the city for
l()c ner nncknpe whita thev
. I CT J
HotCake Flour, large sks, 45$
. Pure white strained Honey
in bulk.
Heinz Apple Hutter, in bulk,
15jj per pound.
Garden Seeds of all kinds.
Onion sets, White and Yel
low Danvers.
For that tired feeling take
Heinz or Blue Label Catsup.
White House
The C. & 8. Coffee House.
Newman M. E. Church
Tbe pastor 'will speak both morning
and evening. The morning subject at
11 will he "Some Tlioughts About
Death." The evening "Is Life
Worth the Living or The Plea for
Suicide." Suuday school meets at 10
a. m. Clang meeting at 12 m. Junior
League 3 p. m. Ep worth League
6:30. Strangers aud friends are in
vited to all these servicei.
Will yon be there? Big Wonder
Discount Sale 9 o'clock, Saturday
New Home Sewing machine agency
at the Musio Store.
Are you troubled with Bed
Bugs, Ants or flees, it so
get a bottle of our
It will destroy all of these
Ever notice one on the wall?
They're plainer than the
handwriting on some.
One Larue Bottle 25c
Model Drug Store
Perscription Pharmacy
Home Baking
Bating Powder
The United States Agricultural Department
has issued (and circulates free) a valuable report
giving the results of elaborate experiments made
by and under the direction of the Department,
which show the great saving from baking at home,
as compared with cost of buying at the bakers.
All bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc., are very much
fresher,cleaner,cheaper and more wholesome when
made at home with Royal Baking Powder.
jj Items of Personal jjj
6 interest. H
Miss Marjorie Kinney arrived last
Saturday from Portland to spend two
weeks with her parents.
Chas. F. Ames of Park Bow, N. D.,
spent the past week here visiting his
daughter, Miss Nellie Ames.
Mrs. A. U. Bannard left Wednesda
for Portland to attend a meeting of
the North Pacific Board of Missions
aud to visit friends.
Mrs. E. Mai lory left Saturday with
her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs
W. E. Mallory, for Portland where
he will make her future home with
- Mrs. H. H. Brown left north Tats
day evening and will join Mr. Brown
at Marsh field, their future home.
Their household goods are now being
packed for shipment to that place.
Miss Jesse Hale arrived home Tues
day from Portland, where she is a
student in St Helens Hall, to spend
the Easter vacation of two weeks with
ber parents, Judge and Mrs. W. 0.
Mrs. W. H. Anderson of Omaha has
been spending the past two weeks
visiting the family of T. P. Cramer.
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Cramer were
cbunis and close friends before their
Rev. V. J. Fen ton, formerly of the
M. E. church South at this place, but
now located at Modesto, Cal. , spent
Tuesday in the city calling on friend?.
He left in the evening for a short
stay at Albany. j
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Howard, whose'
home is in Pippin, Wis., but who
have been spending the Winter in i
Or.'gon, arrived in Grants Pace Mon-i
day morning to spend the Summer i
there. Mr. aud Mrs. Howard are i
both interested in timber lands in 1
Jackson county. Their son-in-law, i
J. P. Span!ding, is interested with .
A. W. Sislby in the Swede Basin I
mill, and they will spend a portion of (
their time at Swede Basin. j
James Gault, formerly bookkeeper i
at the First National Bank and at -the
S. P. D. & L. Co. here, later !
raoviug to Glendivi. Mont., as cashier
of the First National Bank, has re-,
cently removed to Burns, Ore , where
be is cashier of the First National ,
Bank of Bnrns as well as a stockholder
aud a director of the institution. Mr. 1
Gault, in a private letterj states that ;
they have been in the best of health, j
except the baby, who has not been
very well since reaching Oregon.
For Justice of the Peace
Vote for
Because he is a man of mature years
and o' sound judgment, and has also
had six years experience in the office.
If nominated and elected he pleiges
himself to deal justly witli all men.
A Thouiand Dollar's Worth of Good.
"I have been afflicted with kidney
and bladder trouble for years, passing
gravel or stones with excruciating
pain," says A. H. Thurnes, a well
known coal operator of Buffalo, O.
"I got no relief from mediciue until I
began taking Foley's Kidnev .Cure,
then the result was surprising. A
few doses started the brick-dust-like '
substance and now I have no pains
across my kidneys and I feel like a
new man. It has done me $1000
worth of good." Foley's Kidney;
Core will cure every form of kidney
or bladder disease. For sale by H. A.
BARGAIN Almost new 4 -room and
pantry house in good condition, lot
60x100, close in, is rented to steady
renter at 18 per month. Can be had
for only WO if taken soon. W. L.
Ireland, The Real Estate Man. 4-13tf
There were quite a number of
students absent from school the first of
the week.
We are sorry to see that our Super- Some 40 people were present and'en
intendeut is affected with the Pink joyed a delightful evening. Mr. Nel
Eye. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Tbe members of the graduating
class are very busy preparing for the
Class Day program to be given May
Snpr. Turner and Principal Harri
son were in tbe Grants Pass Booster
crowd that went to Medford last
Friday eeuing.
High School students are begin
ning to realize that the end- of the
year is close at hand. There are
only four more weeks before the ex
aminations begin.
On account of an unavoidable con
dition. Miss Edith Holland has with
drawn from school for the remainder
of the year. However, we hope to
see her with as again next year.
The first, second and third year
classes have each effected an organiza
tion by the eleoting of- officers and
the choosing of class colors. In addi
tion, a member of each class has
been selected to represent his class at
Miss Addie Robinson, a member of
the graduating class, expects to con
tinue her education by taking a regu
lar college course in the University
of Oregon. We hope that other mem
bers of the class will decide to do the
The High School expects to enter
into a debating league with the High
Schools of Salem, Albany and Rose
burg and this debate is to b given
for the purpose of coverinu exren'es
incurred by sending a delegate to a
meeting to be held at Snlem this
Spring for the pnrpofe of making
final arrangements for the
After the expenses of the delegates
are paid the balance will be placed in
the library fund.
The debating contest to be held on
Wednesday evening. May 9th, in the
High School building is one worthy of
every citizen's patronage. The two
divisions of rhetorioals have chosen
from their respective societies, repre
sentatives that, will be the contestants
in the coming debate. The subjoct
under discussion is one that has
aroused great deal of attention anions'
the people of this country and is
stated as follows: "Resolved, That
the government should own and
operate all the railroads and telegraph
systems of the United States. " The
irjii' p iiini i.t-r ti, ti'3 limb II J V 1BJOII VI
rhetorics. Randall Hood, Fritz Dean
and ina I'adrtork will support the
affirmative side of the qnestion while
tbe representatives of the second di
vision, Henry Norton, Amy Isaacs and
Herbert Gilkey will uphold the nega
tive side.
I wo oi) villi: I
C. S. Hatch, oor enterprising black
smith, has added an improvement to 1
his place in the shape of a fine wind-1
Born In Woodvllle. April 14, 1906
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morse, a dan eh- j
ter. Mrs. Morse was formerly Miss :
Linnie Stevens. !
Dave Gilmore was here last Satnr-!
day with old time friends. He will j
start for Klondike soon, accompanied i
by several other young men. j
Our Bchnol observed Arbor Day by i
planting some nice trees and giving ,
the house and grounds a general
cleaning up. The result is a great
improvement In appearance.
A. D. Helms, who recently pur
chased Mrs. Seaman's farm across the
river, has put out 1000 apple trees of
i the Yellow Newtown varietv. aud
100 trees of riifff rent varieties.
Mr. J. D. Cochran arrived from
! Roseburg Friday evening to Join her
husband, who is principal of our
school. They have secured board at
the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs '
Alex Schindler.
Clifford 'Schindler was 'so unfortu
nate last week as to shoot himself
. through tbe hand, inflicting a painful
but not serious wound. Dr. Lodgh
ridge dressed the wonnd and no bad
results are anticipated,
i Messrs. Sherman and Ferguson, for-
merly of Ashland, have become resl
: dents of our city, and have come
; prepared to do all kinds of blacksmith
I work. Mr. Sherman has purchased
i what Is known as the Harper house
I with 15 acres of land of J. H. Bagley,
, and Mr. Ferguson, also, contemplates
( buying property here.
Bev. John Day, of Cloverdale, has
: assumed charge of the church work in
I this field for the ensuing year. Ser
, vices are announced for every Sab
bath at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. a., with
j prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ings. He also holds a service at
, Wimer every Sabbath afternoon, and
I givw f'ee lesson In music on'FrT
, day evenings frere. We are pleawedlto
meet Mr. Day and hope that his stuv
, here will be hothpleasant andjrofit
I able to'all. concerned. . Mrs. Day' has
tnnt arrived "yet, having stopped In
Portland for a visit with'her o other.
Jose X. Nelson gave a "housewarm
ing" party to bis neighbors and
friends last Friday evening on tbe
completion of the neat addition to his
bachelor Quarters on East A street.
son was assisted in entertaining his
guests by his fellow bachelor, Msrous
W. Bobbins. Bsfreshments were ser
ved and tbe evening was' spent In
games and other social amusements.
Presbyterian Church.
Full services will be held In this
chnrch next Sunday. At 11 p. m.
Mr. Eao P. Hughes, the acting
pastor, will speak on the theme "The
Nobility of Service Indicated by the
Character of its Inspirer." At 7:30
p. m. thi same speaker will address
the audience on "An Anoient Incident
and its Modern Meaning. " Tbe
musical portion of the servioe will bet
as usual, of a high order of excellence.
To all a oerdial invitation is extended
to attend any or all of these services.
SWEGLE Near Grants Pass, Sunday,
April 15. lOOfl, to Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Swegle, a son.
Saturday April 7. 190, Thomas
Owens and Mrs. Minnie Trefren,
both of Grants Pass, Justice F. M.
Set wart officiating.
of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. S.
Jennings, at Murphv, Saturday,
April 14, 1006, R. B. Lawton of
San Bernardino, Cal., and Miss
Grace Jeunings of Josephine county.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev C. O. Beckuian in the presence
of immediate relatives and the con
tracting parties left on the evening
train for San Francisco, their future
home. The bride has been a resideut
of this bounty about two years but in
. time she has made many friends.
The i room is an electrician and in
charge of the San Bernardino electric
power house.
KNUDSON-BARRIE-At Portland,, April 15. 1U00, Geo. B.
jmudson and Miss Gertrude Barrie.
Mr. Kuudxon had been a resident of
Grants Pass for several months, later
removing to Portland. The bride has
lived here since childhood and has
many friends whose best wishes go
with the young jouple.
HART At thetMarine'hospital in San
Francisco, Monday. Apiil IK, 190H,
Geo. B. Hart, aged 84 years.
Mr. Hart was formerly one of the
j well known young men of this city,
n i udiq tut ovmu cigu v j uui o
, during which time he
was admitted
, to the br as an attorney, wew York
wai his native state. In 1808 he en- appreciation whloh is always ac
listed in Company I of the Second corded these popular vocalists. Es
Oregon volunteers, from Albany, and 1 peoially enjoyable Instrumental mim
served t-o years with this company ' beri wera the tw0 gologi violin and
in the Philippines, returning to Ore- cen0i by Prof. Henry and the trio,
gon at the close ol his term or enllst-
munt. After a brief stay he returned
to the Philippines and assumed the
official position of collector of customs
at Ilo Ho. He was married four
years ago to Miss Lida Galbraith of
Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Hart arrived
at San Francisco two weeks ago, ex
pecting to make a visit of some
months lu Oregon but were uuable to
proceed further on account of his
illness. His death was caused by
enaema, a tropical disease which pro
duces an impoverishment of the blood.
His body was taken to Albany for
burial, passing through here Tuesday.
He Is survived by his father and
mother, three brothers aud three sic-
among whom are Mrs. J. Pardee
of this city and Asa Hart of Albany.
Mrs. Pardee went to Albany to be
present at the funural.
30 davs special cash
Home Sewing machiurs
price on New
Musio Store.
Some meu prefer the double breasted
sack suit; the illustration here shows why
so many of them prefer the Hart Schaffner
& Marx make. If one wants honest value
for an honest price. Or if one feels "that
the be3t is none too good for me," or, if
ones spirit of independence is backed with
that of knowledge. Or, if you are satis
fied with nothing but the best. Then you
want to see the "Hart Schaffner & Marx
Add to the good looke the good quali
ty, the style, the tailoring that's why we
sell them.
We ask the privilege of proving to you
that the Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
are a little bit better than the best of any
other line of clothing. We want you to
know what we mean by extreme honest
valueB. Want you to find it out at our
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
Outfitters to Boy and Man.
News Notes From the Business
Men to R.e.ders.
Lawn Mowers, new stock on hand at
Cramer Bros.
New Shirt Waists. Prices cannot
be met at Mrs. E. Rehkopf & Co.
Yon can get 24 stamp pictures for
25c, at Miller's studio, Courier block.
Hoe Bakes, Spades and other gar
den tool at Cramer Bros.
And still I am. insuring and selling
real estate at tbe old stand. J. E.
Have you bought your Planet Jr.
garden tools r If not get them at
Cramer Bros.
Nellie O. Miller, publio stenog
rapher Courier building, corner Sixth
and Front streets.
20 per cent discount on violins,
guitars, banjos and mandolins during
March Musio Store.
Dr. W. F. Kremer will hereafter be
in his office in the Courier bnilding
from 7 to 8 o'clock each evening. 9-Dtt
24 stamp pictures, 25 cents at Mil
ler's Studio, corner Sixth aud Fourth
streets, until May 1st.
New Spring goods arriving every
day. All the latest novelitiea at Mrs.
E. Rehkopf & Co. 4-Ctf
The ladiefc of the Newman Metho
dist Episcopal cliorch will serve a
chicken pie dinner on election day,
June. 4th.
Saw mill aud lumber yard laborers,
f '3 per day; woodmen, $3.25 to 3;
steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly
Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon. 4-20 tf
See H. B. Hendricks for good in
vestments in town or country property
(or paying gold mines) five years in
the real estate business. He routs
houses, negotiates loans on good in
vestments aud writes insurance in the
Oregon Mutual at "living" rates.
I Office on ground floor opposite post-
offlcei Qtta p, Gre,
Home Talent Entertain.
The orchestral concert giveu at the
opera house Monday evening by the
GrantB Pass orchestra under the di
rection of Prof. W. A. Henry was ac
corded a good attendance and the
audience was enthuslatsio and fully
appreciative of the very enjoyable
quality of musio which was rendered.
The orchestra comprises some 16
pieces and under the direction of
Prof. Henry has attaiued a degree of
! proficiency which makes their select
tjnn nin.t AiAlirlttn Tka vrtnol nn.ii.
fcers by Mrs. W. L. Ireland and Mrs.
. w w Walker were raced vd with the
piano, clarionette and 'cello by Miss
Willis and Messrs. Wharton and
Henry. The pupils string club of
six pieces ulso gave a specially enjoy
able number.
April 20,1 riday Oregon primary eleo
- Hons for democrats ana republicans.
' Polls opem 12 m. to 7 p. m.
May 8-4, Thursday aud Friday Sea
sion of Engoue District Ministerial
Association in Newman M. E.
May 15, Sunday The Hindoo widow,
Baneyee, will tell of the life of
women in India, at the Free Metho
dist curch.
June 4. Monday Oregon state and
county elections.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Ine Tablets. Druggists refund money
if it fails to cure. K. W. GROVE'S
signature is on each box. 26c.
The building season has
begun, and we would
call the attention of home
builders to the fact that
we can furnish all the
hardware for the home
in a variety of , styles
and designs. We have
a well selected stock of
patterns, and are always
glad to Bubmit an gesti
mate. We can also give you
figures on Plumbing and
Sewer Pipe.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows' llloclc
Pattons Sun Proof Paints.
Garland Stoves.
on He-nd to Pay War
rants Protested to Je.nue.ry
lat. 1903.
There are fnuds in the treasury to
pay all warrants protested to January
1, 1903. Interest will cease from this
date. J. T. TAYLOR,
Treasurer ot Josehpine County, Ore.
April fi, 100(1.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County '
Fank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the Arm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL.
LARS for eaoh and every case of
Catarrh that oaunot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subesribed
in my presence, this fith day of De
cember, A. D., 188(1.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken inter
nally aud acts directly on the blood
and mucuous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all DrugKixt, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. FANCY
We have just received a 12 doz
en Plate assortment which we will
place oti immediate sale at bargain
prices. Don' t fail to see them.
Rogue River Coffee Market
Copyright 1906 by
Hart Schaffber (J Marl