Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 20, 1906, Image 4

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates I
On Yesr, m advance, $1.6
Six Months.
Three Months, ... .40
Single Copies. 0o
Advertising Rate
Furnished on application at th office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
sard of thanks 50c.
Entered at the post oflice at Grants Pass.
uregon. as seoona-ciasi man mavier.
FRIDAY. APRIL 20, 1806.
Development Booster Hold Big
Rally at Medford and Arouse
Last Friady the second of the aeries
of gatherings was held at Medford that
are, to be held this year In Rogne River
Valley for the puroee of securing a
strong co-operation in the work of pro
moting the material prosperity of the
Valley and of unking closer the bonds
of friendship between the various
towns of this part of Oregon. Though
' nt a short notice was had which al
lowed bat a limited time in which to
work op a crowd for the excursion yet
thrnngh the efforts of (loo 8. Calhoun,
O P. Jester, O. H. Blnnchard and Roy
Wilscn a special tmin was secured and
on it 108 Grants Pass boosters and 64
Oold Hill hnstlers were taken to Med
ford. The train was in charge of Con
ductor H. E. Oilviu wl h Engineer O.
O.Jnnnings at the throttle. A large
banner hung to the tide of one of the
coaches lot it he known that Grants
Pass was on deck. The train pulled
out promptly at 4 :R0 p. m. and at Gold
Hill stop was made to take on a big
delegation from that hnstllng little
town.. The Gold Hill Girls' Band,
made up of 14 bright iuinso from 12
to 1H years of aire accompanied the rx-
cnrsfnntsts mid with their sprightly
music added much to the pleasure of
the trip. The evening was delightful
and Kogne River Valley was at Its
best and the exonrsionlsts had a most
delightful ride.
. On the arrival of the train at Med
ford the partv was welcomed to that
lively little city hv President J. A.
Pcrrv of the Medford Commericnl
Club, Dr. K. C. Har, chief of the
Rogue Kiver Valley hostlers snd by
1000 representatives from Medford,
Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point
and Cher places in the Vallev, and
two brass bands added to the exhi'ira
ting fen Hires of the evening. Med
ford wss keeping open house and the
delegations from the ether towns had
been given a fine snpier a the lintel
Nash, and the Grunts Pass and Gold
Hill excursionists were at once escort
ed to that popular hotel and given a
solwtantiHl inea'. Greetings and s'ght
seeing orenpied the time until 8
o'clock when the bands called the
crowd to the large opera homo which
was quickly filled to overflowing and
yet not half of the people could gain
entrance. W. M. Colvlg of Jackson
ville presided and the addresses of wel-
come were 'made by Hon. W. I. Yaw- ,
ter and r. Ossenbrugge. Speakers
representing the various towns or the
vallev then made addresses, the topic
of each being a onitod Hogue Kiver
Valley and the development of its re
sources. Those speaking were It. (1.
Hmith and A. Hough of (Iran's
Pars, J. L. Haniniersley of Gold Hill,
C. L. Heatnes of Jacksonville, Presi
dent M. F. Mulkey. C. H. Watson and
M. rYEitg'oston of Ashland, G. W.
Kiddle of Douglas comttv, and Judge
H. M. Cake of Portland" and others.
Follwing the addresses the mutter of
forming a Kogne River Valley Devel
npment League was taken up and a
temporary organization was effected
with Dr. Ray as chuirmau and M. F.
Eggleston secretary. A call was is
sued for a meeting at Ashluhd on
April 27 of delegates from all sections
of the Valley and it is expected that
very town and poHtolllce community
will be represented.
Reply to F. W Ctie.uee.
Grants Pa"H, Oregon, April 17 lllitl
To the voters of Josephine County:
Several circulars have been dis
tributed thrcnghout the county bv one
F. W. Chaosse containing an attack
Uon me, my record as county judge
and memliers of uiv fainllv. Know
ing the opinion most of the people of
Josephine conutv have of this indivi
dual, 1 have hesitated to reply to the
same and now only answer his ma
licious Insinuations for the reason that
there are many new vo'ers iu this
county and I do not desire to see them
misled by such a erson s he.
There is tin reason why I should lw
made the object f these attacks, a I
am not a candidate for nomination and
will not be such for election, hut as
each of his circulars apculs for the
tupiort of F. W. Chausse for nomina
tion of comity judge against Joseph
Moss and T. H. Cornell, both candi
dates for the republican nomination
for ooonty Jodge, it is essy to sscer
tain that the object is to si cure the
nomination for the office of oonntv
Judge for F. W. ChaiiMae as a rvfrinicr, I
snd an exceptionally honest man. I
He attempts to ioae before the people
aa the only one Iu the republican
party or In the oountv who is capable I
of oaearthlng the rotttmaesa in the i
affairs of this coouty. For the sake
of the republican party every one
must ho) that thit is oot trne.
For many yeart thit "only henest
man" hat been publishing a news
paper Id Josephine county, and dur
ing three and one half yeart of mv
term at county Judge he never saw fit
in the columns of the Oregon'Ohaerver
to criticise the conduct of the basi
neas of thit county. It did not occur
to him that there was anything wrong
with the management of the county net'! 'h" cim,y court failed to
make his palter the official paper an''
reduced one of his bill' for printing a
tax sale from $156 to $56.
During the past two years of my
term as coouty judge, J. T. lxgan
a republican, lias been one of ti e
comm'Bsionera. Practically all th
acta of the county court and the ex
penditure of money daring my term
have been concurred in by all the
members of the county court. Everv
thing we have done has been a mat
ter of pnblio record, and these record'
have all been kept by a republican
county clerk. ' If this would-be re
former, who, noiwitht'andlng assist
ance by bis friends, political and
otherwise, far beyond bit deserts, has
failed in evory business he has under
taken, knows of any traosactien in
the ooonty business of the county
oourfc that was dishonest or extrava
gant, and is the honest roan he would
nave the public reblieve, be would go
to the records and point out what is
It bat been now two months since
he conceived the idea that his election
to ooonty Judge was probably his oDly
means of escaping hooeat labor,, and
yet he has failed to point oot any ex
penditure made by the county court
that it improper or unwarranted. I
will not undertake to answer or keep
pace wl'.b hit misrepresentations, at
I prefer to leave such creatures to be
come asphyxiated by the foul odor of
their fetid exhalations, bat to the
voters of the county, I will say in be
half of myself and the two obter mem
bers of the county court, O. F. Love
lace, a democrat, and J. T. Logan, a
republican, both honorable men, that
neither this aspiring politician or any
other person can point out in the rec
ords of Josephine coouty, which are
open to the inspection of all, Bny act
savoring of inefficiency or dishonesty.
No man who has in his breast spark
of honor or truth, or a feeling of de
cency, which should prompt any man
in matters of this kind, would make
general insinuations, when the rec
ords are open to him to point oat par
ticular instances ot dishonesty or in
competency. The county clerks of
Josephine count for 12 years past have
been republican; all the warrauta are
drawn by them, and the accoont-i are
kept, by thetn, and the attack of this
gentleman upon inn is nn attack upon
all the other members of the court and
the clerk during my incumbency.
Theie has been no dishonesty ; there
has been no mismanagement If
there had been it would have been
pointed oat and the pnblio would not
be lelt to conjecture from vile insioo
ations of cheap patriots whose only
object is to turn from working for a
living to that of pnhllo otnee.
I will not undertake to specify the
reason of increasing the county debt
for the reason that any person inter
ested can go to the court house and
have exhibited to them all of the ex
nenditures during my term of office.
If anyone has doubt let him go there
and see and not take the word of one
who with a newspaper onder his con
trol kept disgracefully silent accord
ing to his own itory while all this
dishonesty was being perpettated. I
will call attention to the fctot that we
had to pay, on account of the Leu is
and Clarke Fair 111,000 under an act
of the legislature over which the
county court had no control. The
salaries of the county officers have all
been increased and are fixed by the
li'glHlHture. Over these the county
court ha no control.
In 11X11, a bill of the legislature
which became a law provided for four
terms of circuit court iu one year.
This too has increased the expenses of
the county and the great part or Jose
phine county's expenses sre for wit
ness fees and jntors fees, nil of which
are fixed by law aud over which Ibe
county court has no control. We have
built a jail at expense of
nm all(1 IBV0 Hn,,llt lrge sums ou
roads aud bridges, and have done as
well, and have been as economical,
probably, as any other county court
could have been under the circum
stances. The county hat had coi
siderable criminal business, iu fact
mure than any other county of its size
iu the state of Oregt u during the psst
four yea's. Over these matters the
couMty court has no control, aud no at
tack would have been made upon os,
except that this aspirant for the office
of county Judge, in rnh r that he may
be idncat'-d ss a lawyer at the
county's i xpense, touceived the idea
that he us following the role of
great reformers and that he could by
malicious insinuations delude enough
of the voters of the comity of Jose
phine to nominate him. For that pur
os he Is endeavoring to make him
self out to be the ouly honest person
iu the city council of Grants Pass,
and the only capable man iu the re
publican party for the office of coouty
This matter is not personal to me
beyond the misrepresentations made of
me and my family. I charge that his
accusal one of dishonesty on the part
of the county court as well as all his
other chargos against me are base
slid untrue. I simply ask the public
to investigate as they have the time
to do so, and if they tind tlx se in
sinuations and charges to lie untrue,
not to reward such misconduct with
their conllileiice, as I think it would
be a poor precedent to estab ish foi
any partv to nominate any u,u b
cause- he has maligned or accused some
member of an opposite partv, and
especially when this is his only
chance for public favor.
The desperaticu of this a-p rant for
office Is shown in his refereuce to my
son. This, he says, is the cause of
my antipathy. When have I showu
any antipathy? He has scattered his
circulars attacking me broadcast and
because there was published a refuta
tion of his attack, he makes this ex
cuse to abuse a member of my fa mi I v
for the purpose of showing his ability
ss a member of the common cottucif
This is hypocrisy that rould ouiv
come from a depravity that hutigeis
for the spoils of office that have been
denied bis uewspaper business. A
sufficient refutation lint iu the tact
that my son is still police jodge of
the city of Grauts !!.
Waldo, Ore., April 17, 1IX.
To the republican voters of Jot
phiue county:
I was elected coonty commissioner on
the republican ticket in 1WH, aud have
served Josephine county in that c.
pacity ever tine. There hat beep
no dishonesty in the management of
coenty affairs during t' at time ht I
kown of. The records are open and I !
defy F. W. Chaosse, or auyone. to
point to anything - savoring of dis
honesty, jobbery or extravagance. I
hope the republicans of this coonty
will not be mislead by the false accu
utions of F. W. Chausse and I will
farther say tb t I do not believe a
man who will falsely accose ' pablic
officers to get a nomination it fit to be
trusted in any office in the gift of the
people. Slander should not be the
pathway to party con 8 dene. JL
Candidates Announcements.
of Corvallis
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for Governor
"An honest and fearless perform
ance of public doty a greater and
onited Oregon."
Of Hillsboro, Ore.
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for Congress.
Favort msqlmnm rate law, and par
chase by government of all unsurveyed
laodt in K. R. grant and no more strip
ping of pablic lauds.
OfWolt Creek
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for Representative.
Signs statement No. 1 of the Primary
Election law, which pledges vote for
the people s choice for senator.
of Grants Pass
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for Representative.
of Grants Pass
Candidate for Democratic Nominee
County Judge.
Favors Progressive Ideas In Road
School, Probute, Taxation, Sanitary and
Llquor Laws.
of Grants Pass
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for County Judge.
If I am nominated and elected. I will
during my term of oflice. conduct the
business of this county with the same
care and economy that I would my own.
I stand fur good roads and economy.
Grants Pass
Republican Candidate for Nominee
County Judge
Business methods Applied to County
Government County to build Good
of f! rants Pass
Republican Candidate for Nominee
County Clerk.
of Grants Pass
Democratic Candidate for Nominee
for Sheriff.
of Grants Pass
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for Sheriff.
of Grants Pass
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for Sheriff.
I have had exoorioncp In the nffiiw of
sheriff, and if elected I will administer
the office with vigor aud economy.
of Merlin, Ore.,
Republican Candidate for Mominee
for Sheriff.
of Grants Pass,
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for Sheriff.
of Grants Pass,
Democratic Candidate for Nominee
for Countv Treasurer.
of Murphy, Ore.
Candidate for Republican Nominee
for County Commissioner.
of Grants Pass
RepublicanfCanilidate for Nominee
I ounty Surveyor
Of Grants Pass
Republican Candidate for Nominee
for County Surveyor.
of Grants Pass,
Republican Candidate for Nominee
tor Coroner.
of Grants Pass,
Democratic Candidate for Nominee
for Croner
FOR SALE 8000 feet irrigation
pipe, six and eight inch. Address
P. O. Box 631, Grauts Past. 4-6 tf
HOUSE and lot close in, good renter.
rnce fisu. uregon limber Mining
& Investment Co.
FOR SALE A first-class band power i
coffee mill, suitable for mining or !
other large camp, small store or j
hotel, address Smthye's Rogue
River Coffee Market, Grants ;
Pas. 8-80 tf ;
tuno run dala is neau ui uuuiue
milk cowt from Smith river
dairies, and are in Grantt Pass.
Call on or address Joseph Rus
sell. 8-80 tf
FOR SALE S-room honse and lot,
50x100: good well, good thade.
Price, t350. Oregon Timber, Min
ing & Invettmeot Co.
SPAN HOSKES, harness and wagon;
- hortet weigh 1300, gentle, work
tingle. Cheap for cash. Address
C. E. Pettibone, Kubll. Ore. 4-20 4t
EOOS I EOG8 1 1 Rhode Island Reds
will lay them in Winter when they
are high and scarce. Oet eggs for
hatching at M. E. Moore 't Second
Hand Store. 2-23 tf
FOR SALE 88 acrea of river bottom
land 4 miles west of Grants Pass,
good boilding, 10 acret orchard, 9
acret hops ; price $4000. Inquire of
A . N. Hulbert, Samt Valley, Ore
gon 4-20 tf
HEA.VY team harness, $15; heavy J
lomber wagon, ,$25; extension top
surry, $40: canopy top turry, $:)0 ;
single buggy, $20: gasolii e engine!
(2-H P. l pump and pipe all com-
plete, 850 feet, 8 Inch irrifotlng Pine
for $175: 12 good vinegar barrels,
$10; 4 swarnit bers, $!: Thorsnn, '
1-H.P., new, $25; cider mill (hand or.
power) $25; good bicyole, $8. H. B. I
Alverson, Bridge street,' west
(irants Pass. 4-ff tf
FOR RENT or sslo two good houses
.In choice locations. Address J. D.
Drake, Seventh and A el reels. 3-U0tf
TWO choice rooms in good brick
boilding furnished in the best man
ner for rent reasonable. Enqmre at
Moore's second hand store. 8-80 tf
FOR RENT A snite of fine
rooms. Address the Courier.
PASTURAGE-40 head of Stock can be
accommodated P. H. Jewell, Flan-a.-an
place, R. F. D. No 1. 8-In tf
NEW and Second hand furnitnre at
Moore's Secoud hand store, Front
street. 8-9 tf
OLD SOLDIERS pensions acknowl
edged free of cost at Oregon Timber
Mining Investment Co , office.
W R. Nipper, Notary Public.
IF YOU want to hoy a few lots as an
inevestment or to build on, don't
pay any fancy price for same, but
address R. B. C, care Courier.
4-13 tf
LOST L. E. Waterman Fonntain Pen
near Central School buildine. Fri
day. Finder rlease return to W. L.
HYDRAULIC pipe wanted, II tn 24
inohes. Address J. H. Banlev.
Woodvillo. Ore. 4-20 It.
WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and
other second-baud gocds. Harrison
Hros., Second band-store, corner
Sixth and J streets. 8- tf
FURNITURE, drp-ts. linolenms.
mattiingt at Moore's
Second hand
3 9 tf
IF YOU would like to purchase some
nice residence lot, on the North
side, of the fuck nar the East
school, at a biirgaln, address box 4HS.
Grants Pass. 4-13 tf
FRANK BURNETT Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
All lustier for this column Is Mipplied
bv the Ursula Pass Woman's Chrii-tian
Temperance I'nien.
That most seductive of all gambling
devices the nick le-in-the -slot machine
it to be suppressed in Eog ne, the
council of that citv having imposed
heavy penalty ou persons who may
operate soch machines. While gam
bl ng by crds is faitly well sup
pressed iu vran'a Pas yet the fully
as dangerous slot machine is allowed
to be operated in npeu violation of
the state law against gambling. But
G'ants Psss, it now moving to the
front and the time is near when these
gambling device will be suppressed
aa a danger to the public welfare.
The Medal Superintendent. Mrs.
John Summers, assisted by Mrs.
Clements and Mrs Grout, will give a
Medal Contest Iu the Woodman hall
Arrll 27, 1 90. A good lrograni it
being prepared.
The Parliamentarian, Mrt. Hildretli
it not going away at tated, but will
attitt in the Parliamentary work as
noted fir farly In the year.
The disbursement report last week
wat joat a little exaggerated. It
wat 78.92. In time we hope it may
reach the fig ores.
Regular basinets and parliamentary
meeting wat held in A. O. U. W.
bull, attended by 25 members and
friends. A few rams too late to be
counted. Please come earlier April
t7tb. State paper wat discussed at
le-g'h and left till farther commcni-!
j w. i v. ( j MyTj
Arc Your Children s Feet
Hard to Fit?
Bring'em tight here. We make a specialty of
fitting Children's feet. Ask
for the famous "Moloney"
Rochester Children's Shoes
Every good leather pat
ent or colored -- and a fit
everv time. We are show-
ing the new 3-Button
R. L.
Howard Building
' cation was had with state president.
, Flower mission superintendent gave a
good report. Mrs. Hattie I. C. Cal
i vert was voied a life member of the
Oregon State Womans Christian Tetn
perauce Union and an order approved
for payment of $10 to .the state
treasurer. This is a local onion
transaction and has nothing to do with
the blank foond iu the Year book of
the state.
Parliamentary work consisted of a
review of leseon March 30 aud election
'of officers as follows: Press, Mrs.
; Jennie Che-hire; vice-president, Mrs.
Berry; corresponding secretary, Mrs
. Gilkey; recording secretary, Mrs.
Hildretli ; treasurer, Mrs. Savage.
; These officers form an executive com-
mittce aud with plans formed oy them
an instructive lesson will be given
April 27. The meetiugs are planned
only till June 8. No charge will be
t made but free-will offering accepted.
' Parliamentary work from 3 p. in.
till 4 :15.
If yon come the review will do yon
good. Just try it and see if this is
not troe.
Keduced Round Trip Rates East
ern Pointa Season 1906.
On July 2d and 3d, August 7th, 8th
and 9th and September 8th and 10th,
)UOR, Round Trip tickets will be ou
sale to points named nnder the fol
lowing conditions.
Both wavs through Portland, to
Chicago, $30 45; St. Louis, $71145
Milwaukee, $78.65; Sr. Paol and
Minneapolis, $'8.95; Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joseph, Atch
inson, Leavenswortli and Kansas Citv,
$(-8. 93.
Oue way through Portland, and
one way through California, to
Chicago, $85; St. Loois, $H1 ; Mil
waukee, $83 20; St. Panl and Minne
apolis, $81.40; Omaha, Council Bluffs,
Sioux City, St. Joseph. LtaveuKworth
and Kansas City $73.50.
Tickets will be sold to Milwaukee,
ouly ou August 7ih, 8th and nth.
Limits: Going, 10 days; tickets
must be osed going on dnte of cale;
final return limit 90 davs from date of
sale but not bevond October, 81, l'JOfi.
Stopovers; Stopovers will be rant
ed, in either direction within the
transit limits, west cf Missouri
River, St. Paol, snd Minneapolis,
also New Orleans, when through that
point, except thit no stopovers will be
p-roiitted in California on going trip.
A. L. CRAIG O. P. A.
For Countv Surveyor.
I hereby anuoonce that my UHiue
will be placed before t'e voters of
Josephine cooutv at the prinary
election, April 20, 1906, as a candi
date for nomination for the office of
cornty torveyor, on the republican
ticket. FRED MENSCH.
"A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned."
This is true where every article is a specialty. Here
are a few of them:
Special Groceries
Special CofiLes
Spec-al Teas
Special Salt
Special Baking Powder
Special Spices
Special Condiments
Special Soaps
Special China Plates
Special Water Sets
Special Cups and Saucers
Special Lemonade Pitchers
Special Childs Mugs
Special Eggs Cups
Special Prices
Special Quality
w! Zm fr Le"He T P Ul S p m- April 25
e will deliver any purchase yon mav rnnbj - , 1 J'
now have the city general delivery ' fr of chM "
We are sole agent for Gulttard't pure Baking Pr,i
Cocoa. Spice and Ext racta. "umg Powder, Chocolate,
Rogue River Coffee Market
Palace Ilotel Block, 420 Front Street
Grants Pass, Oregon
Oxfords all the rage this
Sixth Street
Our New Catalogue "R"
Will you be there? Big Wonder
Discount Sale 9 o'clock, Saturday
At Republican Primary, April 20, Q06
"Tho State Printer should avoid un
necessary expenditures and give a
square deal to taxpayers. Political ma
nipulators have no business to engage
in exploiting the office and no right to.
a division of its emoluments. I pledge
un economical, business-like administra
tion "-Willis S Ihiniwav.
"Mr. Imniwny is a brainy man, a
broad man, un upright man, a clean
man." Salem Statesman
Main 431
' ' rati