Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 20, 1906, Image 1

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No. 3.
Hundreds of Building Fall and
Fire Adds to the Loss Thous
) " nds of People Killed.
Earthquaae and fire Wednesday all
bat annihilated San Francisco, and
brought a low of lives and property
" not equaled in modern times to any
'"- '-"city so afflioted. While the number of
"W persons killed is not known yet the
I estimate is placed at 2000 and it may
'Ji be far greater when the wreckage is
cleared away and the bouies are all
secured. The property damage is es
timated at close to $100,000,000 while
the loss of business to the city will be
as much more. And this frightful
earthquake will place a permanent
handclap npon the city's growth for
people will fear to live there and cap
italists will not put money into vast
business blocks and sky scrapers that
may be demolished in moment by
the f jroes of nature.
As summarized in the press dis
patches., of Wednesday and Thursday
accounts reads as follows :
The city is practically mined by the
earthquake and fire.
The Call building:, a skyscraper is
v,' burned out entirely.
The Examiner, another skyscraper
JuBt fell in a heap. Fire is all around
(n every direction, and away out in
the residence district.
The destruction by earthquake is
something frightful.
The City Hall dome is stripped, and
only .the framework is standing.
St. Ignatius Church and College are
lowered to the ground. '
The Emporium, on Market near
Sixth street, is gone, as are also the
' old Flood buildinR, on Market aud
4 f Front streets.
Mechanics' Pavilion is being used as
a morgue. Three hundred dead bodies
are reported already gathered at that
i place. The wind is blow ing a gaie,
f and the fl uns are said to be making
The shock of the earthquake was
felt as far south as Santa Barbara.
The fact that Uaklaud and San Jose
nd other bay cities have uot been
able to pommnnioate with Los Angeles
would indicate that they, too, have
suffered from the shock.
There is a jam of panic stricken peo
ple at the ferry in San Francisco seek
ing to cross the bay to Oakland.
Fires are raging everywhere, and the
firemen are using dynamite.
The Palace and Grand Hotels have
been destroyed.
Mayor Schuiiitz has sent to Oakland
for more dynamite.
Fires are reported at Oakland, Ala
meda aud Berkeley. The Call and
Ralto buiildings are ablaze. The lofty
Call building is swaying, 'and expect
ed to topple over. The Southern Pa
cific building, next door to the Postal
Telegraph Company, is afire. The
Postal building is almost an entire
wreck, bi t communication is main
tained with Los Angeles on a single
The Sunset Telephone building, on
Bush street, and the Western Uniou,
at Pine aud Montgomery streets, are
entirely wrecked.
Up to 11 o'clock, Wednesday about
400 dead had been brought to Median
iocs' Pavilion, and others were coming
In all the time.
The soldiers are maintaining ord r
as far as possible!, but the population
has no thought of anything but escape
f from the city. Shocks continue at in
" LerraU. At P:20 ana at 10 o'clock
Sphere were heavy shocks that did fur
ther datnape and brought increased
1 1
Sell Real Estate j
9 -'SN
Call and see me. about some good
investments I now have.
W. L. IRELAND. "The Real Estate Man"
0 . Ground Floor Courier Bldg. Grants Pass, Okk. 0
The NevadaBank block and Western
Union buildings at Pine and Mont
gomery streets are utterly demolished.
A lodging house at Second and Stev
enson streets buried mauy victims, six
having been taken out
It is said buildings were destroyed
at Salinas, about 100 miles south of
San Francisco.
It is reported that two ships at an
chor in the bay were sunk.
The first shock of the earthquake
was felt at 5 :15 a. m. on Wednesday
and lasted for a minute and a half.
It was so violent that it seot great
buildings to the streets a mass of ruius
and cracking the earth in many places
broke the water mains leaving the city
without water with which to fight the
hundreds of fires that started with
the smashing of the buildings. The
electrio light wires went down as did
the telegraph aud telephone wires.
No communication could be had with
the oity all day Wednesday bnt by
Thursday the wires were put In order.
The railroad tracks were damaged and
Southern Pacific trains have been de
layed. All the neighboring tewns were
damaged but only to a limited extent.
The earthquake shocks continued dur
ing the day doing additional damage
and still more terrorizing the people.
The shocks were felt as far south as
Los Angeles and all Southern Oregon
experienced the earthquake. The
shock ws felt here in Grants Pass at
6:15 a. ui., the time it shook San
FraocUoo. It shook houses and
caused open doors to swing. It was so
light though that it awakened but
few persons, it was the heaviest ever
experienced here since the settlement
of Rogue River Valley.
doraTennings "
second trial begun
Jury Secured and They Visit
Scene of Murder Court
Adjourns to Monday.
Circuit court was convmed Monday
by Judge Hanna aud the second trial
was begun of Dora Jennings, the 19-year-old
girl, for complicity with her
brother Jasper in the murder of their
father, N. M. Jeouiugs at Granite Hill
mine last September. Colvig & Dur
ham, who defended her in the first
trial in which the jury could not
agree, are her attorneys while the state
is represented by District Attorney
Reames. The entire day was pat in in
selecting jurymen and only five were
accepted. Judge Hanna then dis
charged all the regular panel and is
sued a veuire for SO men and Sheriff
Lewis and deputies put in Tuesday
summoning the required number of
persons. Wednesday all were in noort
aud out of the 50 the other soveu jury
men were selected, the full panel be
ing as follows: J. B. Baructt, Alex
George, C. L. Epperly, W. F. Grim
inett, Roy Crag, Samuel Alderson,
Joseph Connor, L. W. Carson, T. Mott,
J. F. Sparlin, J . R. White and M.
W. Gates.
Judge Hanna then adjourned oourt
until Monday as It would require all
day Thursday for -the jury and the at
tornev to visit the scene of the murder
and Friday, being election day is a
lugal holiday and court cannot be heM.
The attorneys wishing to begin the
trial on Saturday it was decided to
take up the case Motday morning.
Judge Hanna has two sons and a
daughter residing in San Frtocisoo in
the part of the city destroyed by the
earthquake and setting no word from
them he left Wednesday evening for
his home at Jacksonville ud may go
ou to San Francisco this Thursday.
Will you bs there? Big Wonder
Discount Sale, 9 o'clock, Saturday,
Silver Medal Contest under the in
structions of Mrs C H. Clements
will be given in the Woodman Hall
April 27, 1906
they are
Less Expenne to Operate Pumping
Plant Than to. Build and
Use Ditches.
Editor Courier;
Irrigation aud how to irrigate suc
cessfully at a minimum of cost is the
problem that is now engrossing the
time and attention of the farmers
and gardeuers of this beaotiufl Rogue
River Valley of ours. Irrigation no
longer Is a theory, bnt an established
fact and as such we must accept it,
if we. who look to agrionlture for a
basis of our standing as a community
and prosperity, are to remain in the
running. Therefore, it behooves us to
look into and carefully examine
minutely every irrigation project or
problem that might present itself in
order that we may take advantage of
the beat systems and apply 'them to
ourselves. Foi Irrigation, to us, is in
its infancy, we might say, new born,
and from personal knowledge acquired
by the writer in our immediate neigh
borhood there are almost as many
systems spoken of and adocated as
there are farmers and gardeners.
California today, of all the Btate",
stands pre-eminent in point of suo-
o ssful irrigation, and has set a pace
for production of agricultural pro
ducts that has put a hustle on the
ctber states, and noticeably our state
of Oregon, to keep in the markets in
very many lines. It has uot been
caused by the fact of having any bet
ter soil than we have, in faot far from
it. One acre of Southern Cregon aud
especially of Rogue River Valley soil
1, in thw writer's estitnttion, worth
for quality and productive quantity,
two and one-half acres in any part of
agricultural California. But the
chief reason of the recent agricultural
success is owing to irrigation by
scientific and economical methods.
In view of government experiments
of individuals irrigating by flooding
the land is worthless, in fact, injur
ious. The proper definition of irri
gation is to insure having moisture
or water when needed aud not to
water at any or all times because
one may have it at their command ;
therefore, users of water must be edu
cated either by esprienoe or instruc
Is there any excuse for the use of
nine feet of water in one locality and
only two in another where conditions
are similar, and where the man using
only two feet produces a larger and
better crop? The only excuse 1
negligence, lack of intelligence or
laziness, aud the man using nine feet
will find, when too late, that his laud
is ruined and his efforts tor naught,
and he must seek a new location aud
damn the country he is leaving, when
there is no one to blame but himself.
Irrigating by ditches while success
ful still has many drawbacks. It is
wasteful. It occupies or tak?s upland
that could be profitably worked. It
is always a snurca of cars and annoy
ance aud it is expensive in baildiug
ditches and maintaining them, for
they muBt be permanent aud expensive
in oot pet aunum for water. In ad
dition they are iwstileutial, becoming
breeding places fcr mosquitos and
malaria. Io localities where there is
no oi her method of procuring water,
however, ditches aud their attendant
evil must be endured. We in the
Regno River. Valley therefore are
blessed two-fold, first, in the fact
that we have no nuiversal system of
ditches aud that we have under our
feet an immense body of pure water,
the finest in the laud, and at almost
any place we wished to dig can strixe
water in auy part of the valley at
depths varying from 10 to 40 feet.
Iu addition to having more water
than we know what to do with,
we are uucommonly blessed in th
fact that it is soft; that it cooruins no
calcareous deposits or formations nor
alkali aud can be adapted to any use.
This property of softness for irriga
tion purposes li a valuable one, for
uo matter how cold it may come oot
of the well, even though it were
pumped right into the garden, it
would not injure the delicate teudrils
or roots of vegetables or grassvf.
Theie is not a man, woman orjehild,
hardly residing in this beautifol val
ley bnt what is aware of these facts
concerning oar wells and water, but
what troubles us the most, is the
method, or the means of distribu
tion. The irrigation of laud by means of
pumping is now receiving marked
attention and people are beginning to
realize that the vast areas, where
ditches do not exist or are not pos
From President E. L. Smith of
The State Board of
At the meeting of the State Horti
cultural Sooiety held in Portland last
week, President E. U Smith tendered
his resignation as presiding officer
and a . member of the board. On
severing his connection with the
board President Smith delivered a
short address outliniug the conditiion
of the fruit industry in Oregon, and
among bis statements he paid a high
compliment to the possibilities of
grape growing in Josephiue county,
aud of the splendid quality of grapes
grown by A. H. Carson of Redlauds
Vineyard, and who is a member of
the State Board of Hortionlture.
The following is President Smith's
address :
Commissioners, Oregon State Board
of Horticulture: The relation which
I have borne to the State Board of
Horticulture for the past six years,
that of commissioner at large and
chairman of the board, ceases today,
aud I am gratified to state that the
horticultural interests of Oregon were
never in more promising condition
than at . present ' It is indeed true
that the number of orchard diseases
and pouts have . not materially de
creased, but we have more well
known specific treatments that regu
late aud control them.
My recommendation to our Legisla
tive Assembly, embodied in the eighth
bieunial report of this board, that a
law be enacted providing for the ap
pointment of county fruit inspectors,
met with approval and sooh legisla
tion was enacted. The beneficial re
sults which hae followed the ap
pointment of the county fruit inspect
ors are too wll known to require fur
ther mention here.
Our State Horticultural Society
has blossomed into new life aud large
auxilliary societies havd been organ
ized in different portions of tt:e Btate.
In the Willamette Valley a cam
paign of reclamation of old orchards
is being vigorously waged and an in.
creased planting of young trees over
previous years is reported. In ail the
principal fruit growing sections of the
state a vast area of young orchards
will come into bearing v ithiu the
next three or four years. In - Hood
River aloue there are about 8000 acres
of inch orchard, all of which aro Yel
low Newtowns aud Spitzeubergs, esti
mated to produce three years later
400,000 boxes of fanoy fruit.
Jackson county, however, is now
aud likely to remain the leading fruit
county ot Oregon. Jt is first in ap
ples, first in peaches, first in pears
and I believe first in grapes. Its or
chards are large, well kept, and its
growers are up-to-date in all that re
lates to their industry. Immense
planting of young trees has been
going on for years past and in a few
years the output of apples aud pears
from Jackson county will exceed any
estimate we dtre miike.
Josephiue county in a less degree
produces most excellent fruit. The
grapes shipped to Portland last season
by Commissioner Carson, where not
to be excelled by same varieties Cali
fornia grown.
Douglas county has almost limit
lets possibilities for fruit growing and
her prune orchards are among the
best in the state.
East of the Cascades, Union, Uma
tilla aud Wasco counties must be
classed amoug the great fruit growing
counties of the state. Oregon has so
many counties admirably adapted to
fruit growing that it i unnessary to
specialize farther.
It is a matter of congratulation
that this Board after this date will be
o happily constituted for effective
work. Your chairman is a man of
ability, a practical horticulturist,
aud of many years service as a mem
ber of this board.
Our new Commissioner of the First
District, the most important of any
in the state, demonstrated, while
county inspector of Clackamas and
Multnomah counties, that be was
fully competent to enforce the statutes
made for the protection of our fruit
Gentlemen, 1 approach the conclus
ion of this brief report with no little
leluctance. For six years I have
shared the councils of three members
of the Board, Commissioners Carson,
Newell aud Geer, and for a briefer
period Commissioners Weber and
Park. Dnring all this time not the
least disseution has arisen, but all the
characterized by harmony and courtesy
to its ihairiuan, for which he tenders
his appreciation.
It is the earnest desire of your re
tiring president that your future
councils may be characterized by like
unauimity aud your labors of still
greater value to our fruit growers
and the state.
To the fruit grower of Oregon
whose servant I have been f'-r the
past six years, I desire to tender my
thanks for uniform courtesy and
many complimentary expressions of
the value of my work. My only re
gret is that these services were not .of
greater value.
A Company With Big Capital to
Operate The Fsxmoua Soldier
Creek Property.
There is every likelihood that Jose
phioe county will have another big
produolug gold mine for the Eureka
mine has been sold to John W. Bolleaa
and assooiates of Pittsburg, Penn.,
who will at once put the mino in op
eration. The sale was made by C. L.
Manguui, president of the Grants Pass
Miners' Association, and it is one of
the largest Jlie has made, among whioh
were the Granite Hill and the Old
Channel mines. The amount paid for
the mine is not given out but the first
cash payment of 130,000 was made
through the First National Bank of
this city on Tuesday and the other
payments are to be made in the near
future. The - purchasers are all
wealthy men, some of Mr. Boileau's
associates being among the big mill
ionaires of Pennsylvania, thus making
it certain that the company will have
ample capital to equip and operate the
mine on an extensive scale.
There are 18 claims in the Eureka
group and development work has
been carried for several years past on
them and a large amount of shaft and
tuuuel work has been done, one of the
shafts being to a depth of S50 feet.
Folly $250,000 worth of ore has been
blocked out and ready to be broken
down aud hoisted to the ore bins.
The mine is now equipped with a
10-atainp mill, two wilfley tables,
cyadine plant, two hoists, electrio
light plant, business and assay office
and mesdbouse and other build
jngs. Steam power is now used,
but electric power will be installod by
another year. Eleotrio power can be
readily had as the mine is sitoated on
Soldier creek, a tributary of Briggs
creek, and bnt one mile from where
the latter stream enters Illinois river.
Just below the mouth of Briggs creek
there is a natural site for a dam in
the Illinois river where fully 8000 H.
P. can readily be developed. As not
over 1000 H? P. will be required at
the mine the remainder will be trans
mitted toother parts of Illinois Val
ley for mine and other purnofes.
The Eureka mine is now reached
by a sled trail of 17 miles from He I ma,
but is only six miles op Briggs creek
and across the divide by a good route
Tents, Camp Furniture, Cots
Now's the time, let us quote you.
Couches More new ones.
Go-CartS Another lot new patterns and prices.
Carpets Closing out some remnants at great reduction.
Stoves and Ranges $9.20 to $50.00.
New Glassware More like Cut Glass than anything
you ever saw. Popular prices.
The 10c Cour ter Is still doing a big business, the va
riety is far too large to specify, we name a few to give
you an inkling of the many good things to be had.
More New Dressers All prices.
Quality first Lowest possible prices always and
money back if you are not satisfied, our maxmiutn, and
a house to tie to if you want satisfactory dealings.
Thomas & O'Neill
Th Largest tlouMfuniiihlnJ Concern In Southern Orrgin.
to the present terniiuus of the wagon
road from Loves Station to Swede
Basin. It is the plnn o build this
road this Summer, which will shorten
the distauce betweeu Grants Pass tnd
the mine from 87 miles to 91 miles.
As it is expected to get the railroad
from Grants Pass to Illinois is Valley
completed this Fall as far as Loves
Station the mice will the be with uew
road completed, in easy freighting
distauce from railroad transportation.
So soon as the machinery can be de
livered by freight teams the mill
bnilding will be enlarged and addi
tional batteries will be installed of
possibly 40 or 60 stamps. C. L. Ken
ney of Pittsburg, who exported the
property for the purchasers, is now
in charge of the mine and will at
once put on a force of men and begin
extensive development work. A. F.'
Nelson, who has been superintendent
of the mine, will go to California, '
where he has property interests that
require bis attention.
The mine now known as the Eureka
was discovered about 10 years ago by
William H. Miller, a veteran pros
pector. In the next two years Miller
took out a large quautlty of gold,
generally credited at from $10,000
to 15,0O0, wbioh he mortared oot, so
rich was the rook. Hs had several
offers to buy the mine, but would not
sell except for cash and eight yean
ago he sold the property to a company
of Eureka, Cal., men for ,128,000.
Miller was a queer old fellow and in
sisted on having the gold coin counted
out to him, but when he saw the bulk
and the great weight be relaotantly
consented to take a draft for the
greater part of his easily acquired
wealth. He soon after went to Alaska
and has not been heard of since by bis
friends in this seotion. The Eureka
company equipped the mine with a
fine 10-stamp mill and operated It
awhile, bat legal difficulties arising
the mine was shut down. The size
aud formation of the veins and the
known high values that are nn-
covered make it certain that the Eu
reka will become one of the great gold
producers of ths faoino Coast
Woodvllle to The Front.
J. H. Bagley, was iu Grants Pass .
Monday from Wood vi lie. Mr. Bagley
and his oousin, E. E. Bagley, a large
capitalist of Janesville, Wis., have
undertaken extousive land and town
development at Woodvlllo. .In addi
tion to buying the greater part of ths
townsite they have purchased about
2uxj0 acres of land adjoining Wood
ville. They plan to put this land
under irrigation and then sell or
lease It in small tracts. Woodvllle II
on Rogue river at the ooutluence of
hvaus creek aud the valleys of the
streams contain much rioh agricul
tural land and already a considerable
acreage is under onltivation. Hay '
lias been the cblei product, but fruit
raising is now reoeiving attention and
apples, poaches and grapes are being
grown in considerable quantities.
With irrigation made possible tbis
section will be one of thn best fruit
districts in Rogue River Valley.
With the development of the adja
cent country will come a rapid growth
to the town and. it is the plan of
Mesxrs. Bagleys to push Woodvllle
and to offer such Inducements as will
make it one of the most progressive,
prosperous towns in Southern Ore
Ron. More New Wall Papers
More New Lining Papers
heavy greens
and blues
5c to 75c Roll
House Linings
tCon:inu d oj Pago Two.)
ceixra'toji of ibi brarl wtrs