Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 13, 1906, Image 6

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That the rxiU of many native nlant.
rowing wild in our American fur-;ts,
nosm-ns remarkable nmiirrtics fur tlicnire
of huiiiarl tii!il;ufii in ivrll rc;. Evi n
tlio niittitori'd Jnilian hud li;ir:icd t!:r
curative value of wmio of tlxso at:;!
tanulit tlm early settle rs their u es. '1 ho
Indian never likwl work so ho wanU-d his
Squaw to (ret well ai noon an ixiskIWc th.-.t
h might do th work and. let him hunt.
Therefore, ho dug "pap'Kiae riKit " for her,
for that was their great remedy for fi
nale weaknesses. Dr. I'lerre uses the
same root called Itlue (,'ohwh In his
Favorite rreTiptlon." skillfully com
bined with oilier uneiits that make It
more effective thun any other midii-iiie In
curing all the various weaknesses and
painful derangement peculiar to women.
Many alllu-ud women have been saved
from the operation tahle and the sur-
foon'a knife by tlie timely use of Doctor
'lerce'a Favorite I'reaiTiptlon. Tender
ness over th lower pelvic region, with
backache, spells of dizziness, falntness,
bearing down pains or distress should not
go niiheeded. A course of "Favorite Pre
scription" will work marvelous lienelit
In ail such cases, and generally effect a
permanent cure If persisted In for a rea
sonable length of time. The 'Favorite
1'rescrlption" Is a harmless agent, being
wholly prepared from native medicinal
roots, without a drop of alcohol Id Its
male op, whereaa all other medicines,
put up for halo through druggists for
woman's peculiar alluieuu. contain largo
quantities of spirituous liquors, which
are very harmful, especially to delicate
women. "Favorite I'rescrlption" con
tains neither alcohol nor harmful hablt
formlng drugs. All Its Ingredients are
printed on each bottle wrapper. It Is a
powerful Invigorating tonic, Imparting
stealth and strength in particular to the
organs distinctly feminine. For weak
and sickly women, who are "worn-out,"
or debilitated, eHiieclttlly for women who
work In store, nllice, or school-room, who
fit at the typewriter or sewing muchlne,
or bear heavy household burdens, and for
nursing mother!. Dr. 1'lercc's Fuvorlte
rescrlption will prove a priceless bvnelit
because of its health restoring and
Strength-giving power.
For constipation, the true, solentlfle
cure Is Dr. 1'lcrcii's Pleasant lvlluia
lllld, harmless. yt sura.
Wut C Street
Second Block from Sixth Street
At prices that
make bargains.
J. K. KKHI.KY, 1'koib.
Last stublo south on Sixth struct.
Hoom inulnr vovor for IftO hornos Orel
40 wagons, liox stalls. Corral I it
HHO BtOck.
Only thn best hay, clean grain ail
alfalfa foil., liollcil barley and otlor
No dlsoawxl horses allowed. 1'ivr
running wator, and trough cleaned
every day.
Waiting room and toilet room when
ladles can leave wrap and arracyi.'
their toilet.
Dry (Hoods, Under wear,
Notions, lite.
Front Street
west Talaoe hotel
: uavids un :
The prospect for a Urge f rait crop
1m very favorable ai none of the bads
appear to be iujored by the cold snap
In this locality.
Joe York and Holla Carrls have
finished ditch, work for Ed Layton
and have returned home. They are
talking of going to Alaska tbli Sam
oa er. .
Sunday School every Hunday morn
ing at 10 a. m. at the Missouri Flat
school boose. Everybody cordially
invited to attend, especially the young
W. 8. Bailey, who ha been laid up
daring the .last month with a lever
attack of the grip, is still indisposed
and not able to be out about bis
Frank Sooth and Surveyor Wright,
mining engineers of Orant Pass, were
out to the Mt. . Lion mine a few days
last week doing, some surrey lug for
the mine oomapny.
Storcb Bros., of Williams, are de
livering several loads of lumber at the
Monntain Lion mine. They saw ont
a good quality of : fir lumber which is
being used in timbering tnnnels.
The dance at Knbli last Saturday
night was pronounced by some as a
"grand success," bat we ate a little
doabtfal abont it. With w hi-key
galore and a few drnnki, was it?
We can hear the new stamp mill
running which was recently installed
on JLlie old Sharp Bros. ' ledge by Geo.
Hull. Mr. Hall is one among many
others who believe the quartz ledges
in Southern Oregon continue with
depth and is deserving of much suc
cess. Hello Central 1 give ns No. 160
please; Hello! say, how about that
creamery at Provolt? Yes? welt how
many sows does he require to start
with? Well, that looks easy euongh
and it will enconrage others to go into
the dairy buHlne.Hn, joet like it is in
the Sucker creek and Illinois valleys.
Yes, well, yes I think so. Alright,
Don't Put Olf
for tomorrow what yoo can do today.
If yon put off buying a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment, when that
pain comes you won't have any, bay a
bottle today. A positive enre for
Rheumatism, Burns, Cots, Sprains,
Contracted Muscles, etc., T. 8. Gra
ham, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes:
"I wiwli to thank you for the gxd re
sults I have received from Snow Lini
ment. It positively on red me of
KheuumtlHin after others had failed.
For sale by National Irui Co., and
by Hotermand.
Kates for Elks Convention.
Animal Convention Grand Lodge
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, Denver, Colorado, July 17, 18,
19, l'.NXt. Round trip tickets will be
u sale July 10, 11. 12, 18, 14, 15, 1906
at following rates: One way through
Portland, and one way through Call
fornia, from Grants Past, Medford
and Ashland, fos.m). Both ways
through Portland, from Grants Pass,
!;(.; from Medford, fiUIH); from
Ashland, filS.SO. Going limit July
tilth ; return limit, September ilOth,
lUOfl. Stopovers will be grauto.l in
either direction wlthlu the transit
limit, except that no stopovers will be
allowed in California on goiug trip.
A. L. CKAM, O. P. A.
We have a gasoline engine with
power to run a 4-inch centrifugal
pump, or a 5-atamp mill. Yon tan
see it run; right pi ice. Oregon Tim
ber, Milling cv Investment Co.
: p no volt. :
Ashland Normal School Note.
Miss Phiester has left, to take
charge of a school.
President Mnlkey went to ' Linn
county Thursday to do institute work j Please remember the first of May
Tuesday Prof. Van Scoy read a I dance'at Rose's ball at Applegate.
paper on "The Work of the Teacher. ' j The crops ara much ahead of last
Some of our girls are showing pro- j e0" in Krowth and large yields are
fesaional form In the use of the rao- jnttclpated.
quet. Elmer Throcktnartin of Applegate
I V i ,
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Clvo Satisfaction.
It clcnn-1, nooiIh'h. heuN. mi.l prot vU tho
duCiiM-d lueiiilnnim. U ,Min I'.ii.n i li iiu.l
drive wiv fold iu the Ueu.l ipin-klv.
Itiwtores the Seine of Tti-.Ni tm.l Nmeit.
KjiV lo use. I'.ittlaiu n.t i:tj-ii;.u,U u.
Applinl into tiio in-t ril vn I uK. . rl.-.l.
Ltire Hise, fil vnU lit l'r'iici-n ,r hy
niail: Trial Sue, 111 icou I v r..,i!.
ELY BROTHERS. B6 vnfi.. N.w York.
Miners' bhnks at the Courier office.
IIr. Wtlllsini'IndlmnlVl
(inUantwUl cure Uliui,
'ukwtlliif and luhiif
HUt. HslMorlMibttuur.
allays U Itoblni al oooe. s. u
lu riuUU-. Initwl t-
livf. lr. lllimi'lDilin I'll Oim
mant Ik mnrtj for llie and iKn-
Inr t tb prftau rt. rvrrf bo I it
' wsrraatwi. Br drulieT '
eiPt of price. M Mau d3 l. , MTILLhtHS
TJie Strength of a
Bank is shown,
1st, By its working capital
2ml, By its stock holilcrs.
.Mil, Hy its management.
First Rational Bank
Grants Paw, Orctfon
Mas a Cupital, Surplus
I'lidivliled 1'rollts J77.500.00
Ami au additional Stock
holders I.ialiility fin
der the National Hank
ing Law . : - 50,000 00
Total l.-onsilitity $127,500.00
John P. Fry,
1'. II. IIarth.
J. T. Tt rra,
11. C. Kin net.
R A. Booth. Pro.
J. C. Campbell, V. Tree.
II. L Gilkit, CashW.
Prof. H. Anderson of Scio visited
the Normal Sunday and Monday.
Prof, looked and acted naturally, and
that is saylnj a good deal.
Athletics, which owing to the bad
weather for some time have been al
most at a standstill, aie looking up a
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
morning the chapel time was taken op
by debate.' The boys who partici
pated all covered themselves with
The v Uterpiao society held their
meeting at the. chapel Saturday
evening. ' An excellent program was
rendered and then a social time was
Last Thursday morning a notioe
from the Freshmen and Pneolals was
read challenging the remainder of the
students and faculty to a "tng-of-war. "
It ' wai readily, accepted and terms
agreed to. The terms specify that
there shall be nine men on each side,
and that there shall be Ave polls; the
winners of three to be declared victor-J
ions. The first pull was held Friday
noon, and after two and a half min- j
uet! of herculean efforts the Frehmen !
and Specials won. The other side :
hopes to tarn the tables on them the
next time. I
was at Provolt the last of the week
hauling bay,
James Flowers and Clinton Cook
were at Williams Sonday looking after
property at that place.
J. A. Lewman lias been quite busy
this week iprarlng his fruit trees and
cleaning 'ditch In which be now has
The school house at Provolt is
to have a new belL It is on the
road from Chicago and will weigh
160 pounds.
M. Rexford, of Applegate, was
at Provolt Saturday visiting rela
tives and friends. He also made a
basinets trip to Williams.
W. H. Soosoo was at Grants Pass
Friday. He says the town is ia.-y
quiet as the Spring work has sent all
the idle men to the counrty. Work is
plentiful at present ia the Applegate
Valley and laborers can not be found
for all the Jobs. It appears that tbis
season will be a prosperous one for the
laborers for their scarcity will cause
wages to be good.
Stock cattle have all been driven to
the ranges in the low hills, where
feed is much better this season than
for some years past We are glad to
learn that Alex Watts, Jr., is improv
liis nicely from the operation, in the
Grants Pass Hospital for the remov
al of a rib that was broken some
years ago, while atteuding school.
The rib knitted together and gave no
. e in acres meadow wih ovvv
No.487. SO acre. ut f o. b.och land seeded to grain;
irrigating ditch and about o d u necessary outbuildings; two
box house barn. J"0 harness; 21 head o stock; 1 brood
norse. u. .( mins: implements, coiimuuK oi mower,
sow and pigs; poultry, all a mmb ool mower .
rake. plow, harrow -""f iltmber, together with household goods.
most new; auoui , f 3Q days onlyi
$2500.00 take, the outfit. Good tor . ,
No- JM 0 a.-uiOood three room
;Sandslu orS i'.enty of good timber.. Living water.
$3.00 per acre.
Yours for bargains,
The Koal Estate Man
Heu.o 393 Office. 611 Residence.
516 E Street Urania rass. ure.
bother until two weeks ago when it
i was Dulld apart bv the horn or a
j saddle.
: We are glad to learn that G. N. Pro.
volt, one of onr hustling farmers, is
' out as a candidate for commissioner.
We hoDe he will set the nomination
Ilurtah for Leland pugilist! ! for aod be elected. Mr. Provolt is an
they are very plentiful. i opright man and he can see the right
Little Beryl Light has the mnnms ' side and pnsh any undertaking that
is for the publio good He is a demo
crat, but that should nut be con
sidered. Vote for the man, no for the
Clarence Farley of Grave is on the '
sick list.
We're all listening for the wedding
bells to ring.
We are all glad to see Davie Peter
sou back in Leland.
and is absent from school.
Mrs. Duncan of Grave has been
qnlt) sick for the last week.
The sun is nice and warm ; go to the
store and get a Summer hat.
Sunday school was organized lat
Sc nday. Everybody invited.
Mr. Little is now riding his wheel
to aod from work. Wonder why? !
Miss Lela Phillips of Leland, has
been absent from school this week.
Mrs. Geo. Farleigh has returned j
from Eugene after a visit of two i
Miia Ruth Scovlll made her sister
Miss Jessie, a visit last Saturday and '
Sunday. 1
J. W. Light of Leland mado a busi
ness trip to Grauts Pass Sonday, .
April 8th.
Spring weather brings back the '
emigrants. We have a fine climate
and plenty of vacant land.
Miss Ada Light is now attending
school at -Grave, as school started
April 2d. Mihs Pearl Lewis is'
teacher. '
Henry Phillips, the Leland ma
chinist, i now osing "Peters Me
ihauio Soap." That's all right,
Henry, keep on.
Mrs. Maude Rail and
Wilson have organized
school at Leland, to be held in Mac.
kin's hall every Friday evening.
A. I Penwell and daughters,
Misses Ruby and Valentine, are golug Phone 878.
to move to Grauts Pats in the neur . Letcher has
future. We are all sorry to have
them leave us ;
We think if "Widc-a-wake could
stay awake more he might be hM to
keep op with the time. He fbould
know the way to rinse chickens is
not to burn the ecg np.
Dai tost master. Mr. Bill. goes.
home for his dinner saving " Cneda
Biscuit, I'nedit Biscuit', ' but some
the young Udie of Lelmid thin
needs his dinner, as he conies kick
smiling. Krixv and Koxr.
I BuvandiM-Estate
Mrs. H. L.
a singing
party. It is the duty of all progress
ive citizens of the county at this
election to lay asids parties and vote
for Hon. E. N. Proyolt for com mis.
The Bridge Point Ditch Company is
having their ditch o'eaned and en
larged. General Mauager Clysis
Provolt is making the ditch one of the
best In the county. When finished it
will easily carry 1000 inches of water
and to its fullest capacity would carry
1500 inches. This ditch covers the
Provolt district aud the heart of the
Applegate Valley, which in a few
y.ars will be one of the greatest
dairying districts in Josephine county.
Hav is now extensively raised.
Some haul to Grants Pass but mauy
farmers feed cattle. We have only
one horse farm in the dixtrict which
is couducted by E. N. Provolt. We
also have eight hop yards and one
sawmill owued by Knox & Hackett.
Letcher is the only licensed optician
iu Jnsephiue uonutc.
Maps of Oregou Washlutou and
California at the Musio Store.
Send your family nufhing to the
Steam Laundry. All rough dry work
25 cent per dozen. Phoue 3T8.
Your clothes called for and delivered
and all rlatwors that goes thrqogh
the mangle washer, iroued at 2oc ptr
dozen. Grauts Pass Steam Laundry.
fast received another
stock of lenses and can fit all kinds of
eyes. His apparatus for the testing
of vision is all np-to-date aud the
mont I e 1 i at) le kind
Curtis & Co. for Watches. Clocks,
Gold Rings and Jewelry, line watch
retiring, engraviug. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come and see us.
IO. O F. Building, Grunts Pass,
The Pioneer Grocer
Notice is In reby given that partner
ship heretofore existing between the
undersigned in the saloon basiiis is
this day dissolved by mutual cous- ut. ,
The liusiufaii will b continued by C
Kerausou, who will as-nnie all ohli- '
gai ions C. FERGUSON,
A. IliWIS.
Planrr, Oregon. April 7. MM. 4-13 5t
House Moving
If you have a building
that you waut moved,
raised or leveled up,
call ou or address
A. E. Holloway.
Residence 2 miles west of
city, north side of river."
A Specialty
A New
In charge of M. Slioults,
who is an expert plumber.
He has a license from the
' city of Sacramento, Cal.,
which is evidence that he
understands his trade.
I have bought a com
plete stock of Plumber's
Goods and am now con
tracting. !et my esti
mates on your Plumbing.
I furnish everything con
nected with the plumbing,
W. APaddocK
At the Bicycle Den
East of Depot.
Spring Tonic
which is good for that
tired feeling you hav&
complained of is now
in order.
Dr. Wilson's
will fill the bill and
make you feel like a
new person. $1 .per
bottle; six bottles, $5..
(Jet it at
The Model Drug Store
Fine wedding stationery at the
Courier office.
Send the Courier to your friend, so
he can learn the facts in regard to the
famous Rogue River Vallev.
Ileal Estate and Timber
Club Stables
FRANK HECK, Proprietor
Successor to Haycf & Heck
Special attention -riven to mining men and commercial
sixlh rect, Grants Pass, Oregon
Sa.fe .nd rlmbl. they
overcome wee.kress, in.
rrewo vigor,, pains.
No remedy eauhli nu
it2',ld l: u,u'" ai Dr. M..$
Low Passenger Rentes.
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorial work none -,t
On Sixth Street Three dni-
Bath Room In conntvtion
Dried lYuits of AU Kinds'
Furniture and t'Uno
Legal blanks at the Courier olrte
v Kii.iii.-iiciue Febrnarv lfitli and
n.ntiiiuinir daily to and including
April T:li, 19(1,1 un(1 fronl September
Wh unt'l - .:tr.ber 81st, 190(5, Colonist
tK W:li l, gold fronl t,e Kagt t0
r-'inta on Oregon Line via Portland.
t t'i; fclluwinjr low rates: From
I'l'icago, IU., St. Loois,
i-'r" A 8nd KaU8as City, 35; Den-
rorrehpD(lii)R tatei will bo made
w ot,u'r liuts, and will apply to
"I I'ointioD Oregon Lines. .
l"' tf A. L. CRAIG, O. P. A.
Palace Barber Shop
, bates & Williams, Propra.
haviiiR, Hair Cutting
Raths, Etc.
er-ihlD? and clean and a
worlt First-Class.
To Cure a sn OnTrr
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. c?
SrvMlDllNHMioMaUaMMii. nus signature vl. yV-
en. every