ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. APRIL 13, 190b. ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OBEUON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rata i One Year, iu advance, Six Month", Thru Mon tin, tingle Copies, 11.50 .76 .40 .05 Advertising Rates Furnished on application at the office, or by mail. Obituaries and resolutions of con dolrnre will be charged (or at 6c per line; sard of thank 80c. A. E. VOOEHIES, Propb. Entered at the post office at Grant Pasa, Oregon. aa second-class mail matter. FRIDAY. APRIL 13, 19W The report of the department of griolatare show that last year was a rery prosperous !one for Oregon, the value of the fralt crop being estimated at 13, 000,000; the batter and cheese ptput 12,400,000, and li restock brought in 110,000,000. The valua of the wool eold during the year exceed ed 12,000,000. The anthracite coal situition is no changed the conference beween the operator and the mine workera com mittee on Tuesday was vert brief and without result. Another men tin ft was announced for Thursday the 12th. The counter proposition of the operators ia to request the Anthracite Coal Com mission to rooimvone and consider whether any circumstance have risen since its award April 1st, li02, tliat would justify a modification of its award then either as to wupa ou the adjustment of complaints through the board of conciliation or otherwise. Also that any now award shall he bind ing for a period of three years. Har mony Is restored in the Pittsburg bl- ' tonilnous district the last of the oper ators there have signed the l!Hi3 arale which gives tho 40,000 men in that territory an Increase in wagesof 6. (55 per cent and restores the annual out- ' pot of 8i,000,000 to 40,000,000. Bishop Morris Dead. Rt. Rev. B. Wistar Morris, bishop f Oregon, one of the best known members of the Episcopal clergy in the United States died at the family borne in Portlaud laat Saturday night, aged 87 years. Death was the result of continued weakness doe to extreme age, and was not entirely unexpected although he had not been suffering from any disease. Bishop Morris was the oldest bishop of the Epicsopal faith iu America. At the time of his death his wife and the members of his family who are in Portlaud were beside him. They are Miss Louisa Morris of that city; Mrs. Hamuel Adair of Astoria, and William R. Monis of Portland. Ilia Louisa Morris, a sister wiih also present. The only other liviug child is Benjamin Wistar Morris Jr., of Now York City. When he first rame to Oregon iu lHfltt it was as bishop of both Oregon and Washington. The diocese was afterwards divided. Benjamin Wistar Morris was born iu Wllkborniigh, IV, May SO, IHItt, the son of Samuel W. Morris, and the great grandson of Samuel Morris, captain of the First City Troop at Philadelphia in the Revolutionary War. Ho graduated from the General Theological Seminary iu 18 HI. Hn was married iu 1NM to Hannah Rod ney, of Lewes, Del. He was ordained aa priest in 1S47, and whs pastor of ft. Matthew's Church Sunhiiry, Pa., motor of St. David's Manaytink ; rec tor cf St. Luke's Oermantown, and was consecrated December It, lMliS, missionary bishop to Oregon and Wah iugton. Remember to buy tickets on Tuesday, April ITth for the Dixie Jubilee t "on -vett, Thursday April Hub. Home Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and mufHns, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. COUNTY TREASURER CALLS FOR WARRANTS Funds on Hand to Pay War rants Protested to January 1st. 1903. There are funds in the treasury to pay all warrants protested to January 1, 1903. Interest will cease from this Hate . J. T. TAYLOR. Treasurer of Joaehpine Connty, Ore April 6, 1908. Steel for Treasurer. Republican voters of Oregon are re apectfolly requested to consider the fol lowing: The State Treaaurerthip contest has practically resolved . itself into straggle for the control of state money by the banking interests, as against the best int 'rests of the people. Geo. A. Steel is not a banker, nor is be allied with any banking institution. He is not, however, antagonistic to banks, for he recognizes their import ance and necessity as depostrles for aoy surplus of state funds that might accrue. When financially sound, he would favor their use for such pur poses. As state treasurer be will favor no special Interest or section, but treat all snotinng and all interests equitably and fairly. Mr. Steel has conducted a clean cam paign, devoid of trickery, "lundsling iug" and personalities. He haa con fidence in the republicans of Oregon, and does not beheve that they will be deceived by any false rumors or re jxirts that may be promulgated to cause his defeat at the primaries on Aprif20. Forty years residence in Oregon and prominent identity with its leading interests during that time justifies Mr. Steel in seeking the support of the peo ple. His record is clean ; his life an open book, easily road by all. If you favor Geo. A. Steel's candi dacy, speak to your friends iu his be half, and accept, in advance, his thanks for your efforts, and rest as-' aured if elected, he will safeguard the state's iuterests with absolute fidelity. Let voters note the following for it is important : Mr. Steel was formerly a leading business man and a capitalist of Port land and he wai at the heai of the company that built the first long dis tance electric railroad in Oregon, the line between Portland and Oregon City. Before'the road oould be pot cn a paying basis the hard times of 1004 came aud Mr. Steel's property was swept away, he not being up in the dark ways of modern corporation finan ciering. Out of the wreck Mr. Steel saved enough to buy a small fruit farm in Clackamas county, on which he has since resided. How to vote for tat treasurer; don't forget tho name See the X below, J. H. Aitkin, of Huntington ..Banker K. V. C arter, of Ashland. .. .Danker R. W. Hojt, of Portland Hanker A. C. JcnuingH.of Eugene. . Accountant J. F. Ryan, of Oregon City. .. .Lawyer X Geo. A. Steel, of Clackamas county Farmer V. JOSKril KUSSKLL of Grants Pass pL'tiiocratic Candidate for Nominee for Sheriff. T. K. BIOAKI) of Grants Pass, Repnlilican Candidate for Nominee tor Coroner. W. II. FLANAGAN of Grants Pass, Democratic Candidate for Nominee for Coroner Candidates Announcements. JAMES WITHYCOMBE of Cbrvallis Candidate for Republican Nominee for Governor "An honest and fearless perform ance of public duty a greater and united Uregoo. S. B. HUSTON, Of Hillsboro, Ore. Candidate for Republican Nominee for Congress. " Favors manlmum rate law. and rur ohase by government of all nnsarveyed lands in n. H. grant and no more scrip ping of publio lands. E. E. DUNBAR, OfWolt Creek Candidate for Republican Nominee for Representative. Sitrns statement No. 1 of the Primary Election law, which pledges vote for tne people s choice for Senator. L. L. JEWELL of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Representative. STEPHEN JEWELL of Grants Pass Candidate for Democratic Nominee County Judge. Favors Progressive Ideas in Road, School, Probate, Taxation, Sanitary and Liquor Laws. JOSEPH MOSS- of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for County Judge. If I am nominated and elected. I will during my term of oflioe; conduct the business of this countv with the same care and economy that I would my own I stand for (rood roads and economy. T. B. CORNELL Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee County Judge Business methods Applied to County Government. County to build Good Roads. S. V. CHESHIRE of G rants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee County Clerk. W. I. SWEETLAND of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee fot Sheriff. ED LIST HIl of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Sheriff. I have had experience in the offii-e of sheriff, and if elected I will administer the office with vigor and economy. CHAS. CROW of Merlin, Ore., Republican Candidate for Motnince for Sheriff. A I'M PI I LETT of Grants Pass, Candidate for Republican Nominee for Sheriff. J. T. TAYl.OU of Giants Tass, Democratic Candidate for Nominee for Couuty Treasurer. A. Y. KNOX. of Murphy. Ore. Candidate for Republican Nominee for County Commissioner. FRKD MEN SCH of Grants Pass RepublicanCandidate for Nominee County Surveyor D. J. LAWTON Of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee for County Surveyor. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 3000 feet irrigation pipe, six and eiaht inch. Address P. O. Box 631, Grants Pass. 4-6 tf HOUSE and lot close in, good renter. Price 250. Oregon Timber Mining & Investment Co. FOR 8ALB A first-clasi band power coffee mill, suitable for mining or other large camp, small store or hotel, address Smthye's Rogoe River Coffee Market, Grants Pass. 8-80 tf RESTAURANT Good paring busi ness. Address " n ", Care Courier. 8-16 tf HAMILTON PIANO, almost new. for sale cheap. Inquire at Courier office. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn Eggs, 15 for 72o. J. W. Branch, Art Gal lery, Grants Fans, Ore.' 2-23 tf HORSE and Robber tired buggy, new earnest for sale or trade for city property. Address P. O. box 869, Grants Pass. 4-6 It ! COWS FOR SALE 14 head of choice milk cows from Smith river dairies, aud are in Graots Pass. Call oo or address Joseph Rus sell. 8-80 tf FOR SALE S-room house and lot, 60x100; good well, good shade. Price, 350. Oregon Timber, Min ing & Investment Co. EGGS I EGGS ! I Rhode Island Reds will lay them in Winter when they ; are high and scarce Get eggs for I hatching at M. E. Moore's Second j Hand Store. 2-23 tf FOR SALE Fifteen acres cf choice Rogue River pear land cheap; one-: fourth mile from depot, irrigating water, good farm, building; one fifth down, balance 10 years at 7 per cent. Ben A. Lowell, Woodville, ' Ore. 2-23 tit I FOR SALE 8 to 40 acre sub-divisions of a 1900-aore Rogue River ranch, 80 rods Irom Southern Pa cific depot ; small payment, 5 years time 'and tl per cent interest erne early and get the choicest of land. Also 20 acres best apple land to exchange for house and lot in Medford, Ashland or Grants Pass. Ben A. Lowell, Woodville, Oregon. 2-2 Ut FOR SALE 88 acres River Bottom ! land, 4tf miles down Rogoe river i from Grants Pass on couuty road, known as the Turner ranch. Two houses, one a o-room frame, large barns, hop house and all out-buildings. 9 acres hop, 10 acres orchard ; j Winter apples. For sale at t.'ISOi). ; A bargain for (10 days. Inquire of! A. N. Hulbert, Sams Valley, Ore- i gon. 2-tt tf HEAVY t"tui .harness, IIS; heavy lumber wagon, $25; extension top surry, $40: c.uopy top surry , f 10 ; single buggy, 20: gasoliie engine (2-11 P. ) pump and pipe all com plete, WiO feet, 8 inch irrigating pipe for 1175: 12 good vinegar barrels, $10; 4 swarms bees, it; Thorson, 1-H.P., new, $25; cider mill (liBiirlor power) $25; good bicvele, $S. H. B. Alversou, Bridge street, west Grants Pass. 4-R tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT or Bale two good houses in choice locations. Address J. D. Drake, Seventh aud A streets. 8-H0if TWO choice rooms in nood brick bnildiug furnished in the best man ner for rent reasonable Enquire at Moore's second hand store. 8-30 tf FOR RENT A snite of fine office rooms. Address the Courier. tf PASTURAGE 40 head of Stock can be accouimod'ited P. H. Jewell, Flsn-a-an place. R. F. D. No 1. 8-1 tf PERSONAL. NEW and Second hand furniture at Monro's Second baud store, Front st rear 8 II tf OLD SOLDIERS I eiiions acknowl edged Ire of cost at Oregon Timber it Miuing Investment Co, otne. W R. Nipper, Notary Public. IF YOUwaut to buy a few lots as an inevestment or to build on, don't pay any fancy pric.i for same, but address U. H. C , care Courier. 4-13 tf LOST. WOODMAN watch clisnu while eniinii 1 d one side, reverse side gold with monogram PLentiravd Re ward if left at Bert Barnes, jewel- r. 4 It 2t WANTED. WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and other sei on I hand poods tltirrlsou Bros., Second Imnd-store, corner Sixth and J streits. 2-!l tf MISCELLANEOUS. Fl'KMl'l'UK, csrpets, linoleums. maitiings store. at Mikto s Second hand 3 11 tf ORDERS t iken tor fine cookie a-nl bread. Mrs. E. B. Brown, 4W Sec ond street. Tel. 5S5. W. A. llrN !Y, Teacher cf Violin and piano, Kesidenc ', 4 3 B st-eet, comer ' on rt'. Phone, r-ll. Music furnished for all occasions. '!-23 tf IF Yul' would like to purchase some nice re-ideuce let-, cu theNorih side of the truck lirar the East school, at a bargain, address r -ins. Grants Puss. 4-1H tf FRANK RCRNKTT-Vpbolsteritigi mission furniture made to order. STRAYED. THERE came to my place one hal' mile south of Rogue River Bridge a brown mare, two bind feet white, white strip in forehead, about or 10 years old, weigha about iH pounds, old brand on right shoulder. Owner prove property aud pav chargea. I. W. Holme. 4-U 4t You'll be sorry if you do. not hear the Dixie Jubilees cn Thursday, April 19. Haw It IsTime to Choose Children's SHOES We've the latest and best big and Boy in this city will want a pair for Easter, R. L. Brtlett Girl Howard Building J I WALDO J A little rain and sunshine the last day or two. Fuller Benuett of Kerby visited Waldo and Allen Gulch Saturday. The woods are foil of wod con tractors getting out wool for the smelter. To Mr. and Mrs. Evett cf Waldo a son. The mother and child are get ting along nicely. Mr. aud Mrs. G. S. Mathewson spent Saturday in Allen Gulch with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Adams. Very little sickness has been re ported lately, although Mrs. J. H. Eggerg hag been quite ill. She called Dr. Brown Sunday. Mrs. Valen aud family moved back to Takilma. They have been living on their homestead on Elder creek, dutiog the past Winter. Crook Epperly who has had charge of the Ssmelter compaany's taw mill will begiu work at the mill as soos as he haa his new dwelling ufli-hed Work is progressing nicely around most of the mines, especially the Queen of BroDze; about 1000 feet of tunnel his been opened up this Winter, opening up four large bodies ! of high grade ore. Ferman Borgman is at Roseburg where he went to get Mrs. D. Yar brough's children. Friday night Mrs. Epperley received the sad news of the death of hfr sister-in-law, Mrs. Yarbrough. Waldo and Takilma are agaiu on the move; work will soon bigin here. Mr. Walters, the general manager of the Takilma smelter is here, aud as soou as the weather permits, he ic-t-Miris t starting various improve iu"uts about the mine and suielter, such as building roads, ditches, a tramway ore bins, etc. Mis Adams, Mr. Egger, Mr. White, Miss Kgger, Charlie Johnson and Mrs. Johoson of Waldo spuit Satorday night at the Tntiltii dance; they reported a good time and supper and also good music which was furnished by Mr. aud Mrs. Overxtreet, Claude Bayse and part of it, an hour or so by John Banghman. Mr. Root enter-j taiued the old ladies by a hearty! laugh. The Opera House will b crowded: ouThursiay April l'.lth, to hear the j Dixie Jubilee Concert. Secure your' tickets early if you wish to get good' ones. Special Safe OF GLASSWARE Monday, April 16, 1906 For this clay and date we shall p'. ice on sale arereilarvliMivalu.sfnr t ,. ' ' , 1 hese cnI a"d saucers yo or, M., APrir;f,,:,t sfc!1 tbe,n to at pne;' t ;i:r Chiiu - - Our CniTecs t, , ,r,, ,1, . . ... , , wav," TlllC HKST. ' ",,e 0,1 stor-v the same old SMTTHE'S Rogue River Coffee Market Phone Right from the Rochester fac- "Moloney styles. tory. court ties 01 sou, vel vety patent leather, tan kid and Russia calf. Shoes with Soles that keep on wearing while others wear out. Posi tively the best Children's Shoes we ever sold. Every Sixth Street Homesteaders Return. Miss Carrie Borgen returned Wednei day from her homestead,' which is located 16 miles beyond Trail on Up per Rogue river, where she had been for the previous week, having im provements made ou her claim. Misg Borgtn has held her place for the past three years and has a good house on it, aud seven acrs under fence and in orchard. She planted potatoes and a garden patch so as to have vegetables when she goex to her homestead this Summer. John Swanson Chris Johoson and Johu Larson, of this city also have homesteads in the game Bection iu which is the claim of Miss Bergen. They went to their claims two months ago and Mr. Jolmsou and Mr. Larson' will stay there for some time. Mr. Swaueon returned Wedensday, to re main for a couple of months when he will apain go to his homestead. - If I am nominted as republican can didate for State Printer, April 20th it will be by a direct voice of the pleope and no politiacl boss will have any strings on me. I know how to print and everyone konws . it. I will manage the offict as economically as I do my own printing business and give it my personal supervision and attention. WM J. CLARKE, Candidate from Marion ccunty. DUNIWAY CANDIDATE for STATE PRINTER At Rtpublican Primiry, April 20, 1906 "The Stuto Pi-inter should avoid un necessary expenditures and pive a square deal to taxpayers. Political ma nipulators nave no business) to engage in exploiting the office and no right to a division of its emoluments. I pledge an economical, husincss-like administra tion "-Willis S Imniwav. "Mr. 1 Mini way i a brainy man, a broad man, an upright man, u clean man. Salem Statesman Main 431 -"'is i un un . if '11 ! WILLIS S