Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 13, 1906, Image 1

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A Sprightly Parody on Hiawatha
Written By a. High School
Student. '
The commencement exercises thii
year will follow a somewhat different
arrangement than formerly, tlie regu
lar eveDing commencement program
will be given over entirely to an ad
dress by President Campbell of U. of
O. with appropriate music. But a
new feature is tbe' class day exercises
to be held in the Opera Hon Be one
week before. Beside tbe four ora
tions, the program will consist of uni
que and interesting numbers by repre
sentatives from each slass in the High
Scliool and from tbe Eighth grade.
Last Friday afternoon the Second
Division Rhetorical Sooiety of tbe G.
P. H. S. held a very interesting pro
gram at tbe H. S. ' Assembly Room.
The program included, among other
pleasing numbers, an original poem
b.r Dessie Cole and a parody upon
Hiawatha, byOliven Hughes, showing
much talent along that line in the
yonng ladies. An extemporaneous
speech, a current event paper, and a
letter predicting great futures for
some of the attendants of the High
Scliool furnished much amusement.
The remainder of the program was
composed of recitations, character
rketches, etc., interspersed by a
couple of piano solos by the Misses
Anna Schmidt, and Ethel Riggs, the
last number and the crowning event of
the day, was the debate upon the sub
ject "Resolved, That Robert E. Lee
was a greater general than Ulysses S.
Grant." This debate was the second
in a series given at the High School,
lhe purpose was to select the three
best debaters from each of the two
Rhetorical societies of the High
. School. A few weeks ago the First
Division held a debate and selected
their three and those of the Second
division were selected Friday. The
affirmative speakers were George Har
per, Alfred Letcher and Amy Isaacs,
while the uegative were Theo. Sny
der, Henry Norton aud Herbert Gil
key. Each speaker acquitted himself
with dignity and offered strong argu
ments to defend his side. Those se
lected by the judges were Amy Isaacs,
Henry Norton and Herbert Gilkey,
while the affirmative side was the ac
knowledged victor.
The regular weekly talk to the High
School students was given last Thurs
day morning by Mr. J. E. Hair. Mr.
Hair urged on the pupils of the High
School the importance of a university
education after the High School
course. He said snch was possible for
everyone, with the exceptiou of those
who may have some oue dependent on
them for support. He also spoke of
Its value in whatever line of work
one entered afterwards, and showed
very clearly the difference in tiie life
of the person who has bad snch an
education compared with those who
have not. Mr. Hair is the first to
bring this matter before the students,
and be made them realize the import
ance of it.
The following parody on Hiawatha
was written by Oliven Hughes of the
High School, second year class, and
read at the regular rhetorical exercises
last Friday afternoon. It is of such
merit as to deserve publication :
Near the shores of the Rogue River,
Near the muddy river water,
Stood the wondrous Grants Pass city,
Small, but lovely Grants Pass city.
All around it rose the mountains,
Rose tbe green and wooded mountains
I af II
i sen
Call and see me about some good
investments I now have.
w i IRELAND. "The Real Estate Alan"
A Ground Floor Courier Bldg. Grants Pass, Ore. O
While right through it flowed the
Dirty, muddy, small Rogue River.
In this lovely Grants Pass city,
Was a High School grfat aud growing,
Bright the pnpils iu this High School,
Six there were who studied Botany,
Very helpful, useful botany,
Interesting, pleasing Botany;
And their wise and learned teacher,
Took them out to study Hat ore,
Out into the fields and meadows.
Out along the roads and highways;
Bonn these pupils say a posy,
Just a common, roadside posy,
'Twas a weed, no 'nount they thought
I it.
But they wanted to be learning,
, Finding out and studying nature.
I So they asked their learned teacher,
Saying, "What is thii, Oh Teacher?"
And the teacher took the rosy,
Gazed long and intently at it
Then he said, "My pupils,"
Take your books and trace it down
wards .
For yourselves the name discover. "
So the pupils did as bidden
Took their books aod searched and
Carefully from top to bottom
Of each pagn, they searohed and
Soon thteir patience was rewarded,
Soon they found tbe name aud species
'Twas the Taraxacum Weber,
In the class Oficinal ; '
And the family composita.
Thus these pupils worked and
Studied books and studied Nature;
Studied all times, ever, always.
Till in all the Grants Pass country,
All along the great Rogue River,
Over all the encircling mountains,
There was not a flower or posy,
Not a weed or grass or tall tree,
That these pupils couldn't give
At least half a dozen names for,
Couldn't tell you all about them.
How they grow and where to find
them ;
Of their roots and stems aud brauches,
Of their colors, forms aud texture.
Thus it is that great endeavor,
Earnest, hard work, never shrinking,
Will bring knowledge soou or later.
So if you would kuow the flowers,
Know their names and where they'rr
I will say, as did that teacher,
"Take your books and trace them
For yourselves the names discover."
LARSON At Grants Pass, Oregon,
Thursday, April 6th, 1906, to Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Larson a son.
ORME STANARD At Jacksonville,
on Sunday. April 8, 1006, Grant
Orme aud Miss Millie Stanuard, both
of Grants Pass.
Saturday April 7, 1906, Thomas
Owens and Miss Minnie Trefreo,
both of Grants Pass, Justice F. M.
Setwart officiating.
Christian Church parsonage, Monday,
April 9, 1906, Henry O. Ackerman
and Mrs. Maud Popkin, Rev. Clark
Bower officiating.
SMITH LA RAUT At the residence
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Narcisse LaKaut, at Garden Valley,
Ore., on Wednesday, April 4, 1906,
Robert Glenn Smith and Miss Ida
Viola La Rant.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrived in
Grants Pass Wednesday and are now
at home to their friends. Both are
well known in his city, Mr. Smith
being the well known attorney aod
his bride was for several years prior
to this Wiuter the efficient manager
for the Grants Pass station of the
Pacific States Telephone Company and
she is a bright, handsome young lady
who will be a most capable helpmate
to her husband.
Real Estate
they are
Pacific States Telephone Co.
Opposed to Farmers Organiz
ing Telephone Company.
Owing to the determined opposition
of tie Pacific States Telephone Com
pany the effort to secure a rural tele
phone service for all sections of Jose
phine county with tree switching
with Grants Pass and between the
various independent lines is likely to
be killed off for the present. This
movement though will be but post
poned for complete telephone system
for Josephine county with no switch
ing charges is sura to come aud in the
near future too. Tbe Pacifio States
Telephone Company, which is. a
branch of tbe great Bell Telephone
Company, has at present a complete
monopoly of Josephine county and a
perpetual franchise' in Grants Pass,
for which they have not paid a dollar
nor do they pay to the city a per cent
of their gross inoome for the right to
use the streets as do most of the inde
pendent companies now getting fran
chises. This monopoly enables them
to charge Grants Pass subscribers
11.25, 1.60 and 3 per month for tele
phones, whereas iu towns and cities
where they come in competition with
independent companies the Bell com
panies make the rate as low as $1 a
There are two reasons for the Pacifio
States Telephoue Compauy opposing
the formation of 'indopendeut tele
phone companies in Josephine county.
One is that they want to retain all
fieir pay stations that are profitable
and these embrace the Merlin and all
the north and west sections of the
county and those in the Illinois Val
ley and at Wilderville. The line up
Applegate has not been profitable as
Mr. Oium, their local manager has
stated, and as the poles are about de
cayed they are anxious to lease it to
settlers of that Valley. They are
anxiouH to get in rural lines in the
viciuity of Grants Pass that cau be
built by the farmers as a neighbor
hod undertaking and not by an or
ganized company. When Grauts Pass
gots a strong commercial club and the
farmers are well organized through
the grange then will it be possible
to secure a complete telephone system
for Josephine couuty and this neces
sity of modern business aud home life
can be had at a reasonable price aud
free from switching charges.
The meetiug at the Lqp school house
last Saturday evening to consider the
matter of organizing a telephone com
pany for the west and north part of
the county was well attended but no
definite actiou was taken. Another
meeting though will be held this
Saturday evening to further consider
the proposition. At the meeting Sat
urday evening, Mr. Meserve, of the
Courier, presented the proposition of
organizing a company aud of securing
through these companies a complete
telephone system for the entire county
and free switching for all lines. Mr.
Oium, county manager for the Pacific
States Company.opposed the formation
of a company alleging that it was an
unnecessary trouble to the farmers and
that it was only a scheme of Mr. Me
serve's to enable him to make a few
hundred dollars. He said he would
help the farmers to put up their lines
and wonld sign op individual con
tracts with them for telephones. G.
H. Durham, who bad betn the attor
ney for the farmers in the oraniza
tiou of tbe Applegate Valley Tele
phone Company, was present, but a
the attorney for the Pacific States
Company and advised the farmers not
to organize a company, but just to club
together and string a wire to town
aud that Mr. Oium would install their
telephones for them. Fred Eismau,
Hugh DeArmond aod J. W. McConnell
each niaae short talks, but no decision
was arrived at and the meeting ad
journed to meet again this Saturday.
A meeting will be h. Id this Saturday
afternoon at Merlin to consider the
organization of a telephone company
for that secion of ttbe county.
For County Surveyor.
I hereby announce that my name
Will VtA nljLPMi ttafnrM t ha writ- r
Josephine county at the primary
election, April 30, 1906, as a candi
date for nmntn&ttnn fnr thm nfHn. f
county surveyor, on tbe republican
Rheumatic Pains Relieved.
The qoick relief from rheumatio
painj afforded by Chamberlain's Pain
Balm has surprised and delighted
thousands of sufferers. It makes
rest and sleep possible. A great many
have been permanently cored of rheu
matism by the use of this liniment.
For sile by M Clemens.
County Commissioners Transact
County Business end
Pay Bill.
County court met Wednesday, April
4th, 1906, there being present J. O.
Booth, judge, presiding; J. T. Logan,
commissioner; S. F. Cheshire, clerk;
Geo. W. Lewis, sheriff.
In the mattetr of the payment of the
salary of the deputy lessor, it is
ordered by tbe oonrt thr upon tbe ap
proval of the bill for ' id services by
the assessor and tajie being
audited by tbe cour judge, the clerk
is hereby author .d and directed to
issue couuty w rrant in payment of
the same on t-ie first of eaoh month
In the matter of tbe application of
A.. M. Irwiu for liquor lioense in
Placer, tbe court Suds that .the said
applicant has in all things complied
with the requirements of the law
and liceuse is hereby granted for a
period of six months from this date.
' Comes now M. Marks aud presents
application for liquor license at Takil
ma, in Waldo precinct, and tbe court
being unable to consider said peti
tion at this time the said matter is
oontinued nntil Friday, April 6th, 1906.
In the matter of the judgment
against Volney Colvig in favor "of
Josephine county Inretofore rendered
in the circuit court for the sum of
93 and costs, it is ordered that the
county clerk satisfy said judgment.
It is ordered that the county treas
urer divide equally between the super
visors of road districts Nos. 1 and 17
all taxes collected from road district
No. 1 for the year 1905.
In the mtter of the petition of O.
aud C. R. R. Co. for a refuud of taxes
on account of doubie assessments, the
said matter is referred to W. H. Fal
lin and W. C. Hale to investigate said
matter and report to the county oonrt
on .or before June 6th, 1906.
In the matter of the resignation
of J. E. Holland as supervisor of
road district No. 15, it is ordered by
the court that the resignation of J. E.
Holland as such tuiwrvisor be and it
hereby is accepted and that H. H.
Gibbs be and he heroby is appoicetd
in his stead to serve as such sujwrvisor
for the year 1906.
Ia the matter 'of the application of
M. Marks for liquor license at Takil
ma. It appearing to the oonrt that
the applicaut has in all things com
plied with requirements of the law,
with the exceptiou of the bond, which
is not on file at this time, it is there
fore ordered by the court that the
clerk issue to tbe said M. Marks a 11-ceui-e
to sell spirituous, malt aud
vinous liquors in less quantities than
one gallou in the town of Takilma,
Josephine coony, Oregon, for a period
of six months, upon the said M. Marks
filing with the said clerk his bond
in the sum required by law with
some reliable surety conitmoy, quali
fied to do buisness In this state, as
sureties thereon.
Petition of Applegate Valley Tele
phone Co. to sat joles aud string
wire npou the county highways,
In the matter of the peiltion of
Maurrr and Wade fur lioeose to sell
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors
in less quantities than one gallon in
Takilma, Josephine county, Oregon.
Upon examination of the records and
files in said case the oourt finds that
from the proof of publication filed
herein that notice was not published
tbe length of time required by law.
Therefore it is ordered that said peti
tion he and it is hereby denied.
Iu the matter of the payment of the
salary of D. P. Love a secretary of
tbe County Board of Health, warrant
in the sum of f 15 for such salary for
January, February and Marob and
thatulerk issue warrant for first of
each mouth la the sum of t'6 here
after as such salary.
Petition of J. C. K. McCann, et al
for county road, oontinued for fur
ther information.
Report of road viewers on the pro
posed change in county road from
Grants Pass to Williams, oontinued
for farther information.
Plat of Ellis addition to Grants
Pass, submitted by G. A. Savage,
Plat of Nelsons' addition to Grants
Paw. submitted by Jose X. Nelson,
api roved.
Tbe count clerk is herebv directed to
issue county warrants io payment for
wood received upon the contract
warded to E. J. Copper, from time
to time as tbe said wood shall be de
(Con;inurd ou Pago Two.)
Supt. Savage Makes the Semi-An
nua.! Division of Money to
the School Districts.
Below is gives the annortioument of
couuty school funds to the various dis
tricts of Josephine county as made by
County School Superintendent Linoolu
Savage. This money was derived from
the retains on the delinquent tax that
nas Deeu. collected since last October.
No other apportionment will be made
until this Fall when the school tax
for this year is all oolleoted i
Dist. Amt Clerk. . Postofflce
63 70.. J G Hiatt. Sela
81 00.. M W Gates..... Holland
8.. 43 90. .J O Turner Kerby
4 . 41 60. . W J WimAf. W.l.ii
5.. 86 80. .JCKMoCann,Wlldervile
.. 23 45.. M F Crooks Dryden
7. . 754 40. .0 E Maybee,Grants Pass
8.. 37 OA. Alex Watt.
. . 27 05 .Ike Vinoent. . . '. Knhli
i oo.. M js Topping... Murphy
84 80..Miltou Goff Lelaud
17 15. .0 N HuthtVET Vnrnh.
8875.. M H Miller... Williams
ft I k T 111 ni
'i is.. Ac oimon Murphy
29 06 . Lizzie Williams, Placer
80 85. Wm Htili Willi.
17.. 88 80. .A O Ford. Grants Pass
b u. .u a Hervey Waldo
26 75..TFCaldwell.OrantsPaas
43 65. .Sherman Jess Wilder vile
25 10.. George Welle. .. .Kerby
29 05.. Sarah Hammond. .Hugo
60 80. . W J Savage Grants Pass
64 65. .Mrs W A Massie, Merlin
2 70. . V Colvig. Grants Pas)
12 65.. S Jewell... Grants Pass
28 75. .E E Dunbar Wolf Creek
25 75 J W Hamlinnirmita Put.
21. .
29.. 2U 05 W O Lraiir. nnmli P..
SO . 29 70. .J Christie. .Grants Pass
81.. 81 00. .J H Hall Williams
82-. 80 85. .A M Jess. . .Wilderville
38-. 33 45. . William D Huut Kerby
84.. 17 80..W A Kluni LeUud
85.. 17 80. E C Neelv Grauts Push
87 . . 6 60.. Q Woodcock Kerb v
88.. 21 80.. M C Davis Golden
89.. 87 05..AFCart Wonder
40.. 11 IK).. Geneva Hour . . Selina
41 . . 9 25 . Mrs G W Baldwin. Hoi
43.. 10 65..F U Stiwalt Waldo
4H.. 21 10. .Jacob Hanseth...Selma
44.. 42 90.. A SutherlandUreeuback
45. , 18 60. .Geortre Porter. . . Grave
46.. 8 60. Gertrude Webb.Deerlng
47.. 18 80 . Mrs JC Cochrane Murliu
$1,988 68
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, .
J-iUcas Uounty (
Fank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in tbe
City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot lie oured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subesrtbed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember, A. D., 1886.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Car ia talrun Inter
nally aud acts nn tha V.ln.,,1
and mucuous surfaces of the system.
Dunn ior testimonials Tree.
F. J. CHENEY A fWY InloHr. n
Sold by all Druggist, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Immense Variety and Reasonable Prices
Dray Load Now GLASSWARE just recoived. The
Beautiful Patterns and Pleasing prices will Hur
you. The Home of the World Famous ACME WASH
ER. 30 days trial free.
TENTS All Sizes A full lino of Camp Furniture.
HAMMOCKS Call io and sco the handsomest
line we hare ever Bhown.
Thomas & O'Neill
Th Larjut tlosMfumlihlnj Concern In Southern Crtgoa.
Fntertaln a Big Delegation of Med
ford Hustlers and Then are
the Guests of Medford.
Tuesday evening the Medford Com
mercial Club, 65 strong .were guests
ot the busiuess men of Grants Pass at
a meeting held to promote more lar
monions aud a united effort by the
two towns in working for the develop
ment of the resources of Rogue River
Valley. The Medford delegation was
headed by Dr. Ray, the chief hustler
of Rogue River Valley, and by J. A.
Perry, president of the. Medford Com
mercial Club. The crowd arrived on
the 6:30 p. m. passenger aud they
were met by large delegation of
Grans Pass busiuess men. The Med
ford band of 16 pieces was along to
eullven the occasion. The guests
with tbe band in the lead and es
corted by the reception committee
were. taken to tbe Hotel Josephine
and where supper was had.
At 8 o'clock the band gave a num
ber of selections on the street that
were well rendered, after which the
exercises for the evening opened in
the opera house. The citizens of
Grants Pass wore out in force so that
with the visitors the opera house wag
well filled. O. S. Blaohard presided
and H. L. Gilkey acted as seoretary.
The first speaker called was Dr. Ray,
but as general., manager of the Condor
Eleotrlo Power Company is long on
hustling and short on oratory he made
no speech, but got a hearty applause
as an appreciation for what he had
done tq develop Rogue River Valley.
The other speakers were Johu D. 01
well. H. Withington. D. H. Miller,' J.
E. Euyart of Medford, Hou. C. V.
Galloway ot MoMiunville, and H. L.
Gilkey, L. L. Jewell aud O.S. Blanch
ard of Grants Pass. The addresses
were all eologistio of the advantages
of Rogue River Valley and commend
ed the movement now on to stimulate
the development of the great resourc
es of this section.
An invitation was extended by the
Medford delegation to the business
men of Grauts Pass to meet with
their Commercial Club this Friday
evening. The invitation was accept
ed and a special train of two coaches
has been chartered which will leave
at 4 .80 p. m. for Medford. Such is the
iutercst being taken in advertising
Grants Pass that fully 150 of the pro
gressive citizens of this city will go
on the exoursion. A large delegation
are to also go from Gold Hill.
Caught Cold While Hunting s Burglar.
Wm T1ij.m T a nrtn.a n nrnvlnnlo.1
constable at Chapleau, Ontario,
says: "I caught a severe cold while
Hunting a nurgiar in me ioreat
swamps last Fall. Hearing of Cham
berlain's Remedy, I tried "t. and
alter using two buibu Domes, 1 was
completely cured." This remedy is
intended especially for oooifhe and
colds. It will loosen aud relieve a
severe oold In less time than by any
other treatment and la a favorite
wherever its superior exoelleuoe has
become known. For sale by M.
Clemens. '.
5c to 75c the assort
inenc ia simply unsur
padsoed. Tacks, Pasto
and House Linings all
Closing out bo mo re
mnants at cost.