Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 06, 1906, Image 3

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Anniversary Sale
am doz. Men's and Boys' Ties
U All now patterns, come in
fo-r - in hand, string and
tpcks, the gme tie that, voa
always pay 25o and 85o in
this anniversary sale we will
Kire yon two fir the 0
price of one. Each . ItfC
I caw Men's Simple Hats. 6 doz.
Colors black, gray and
brown, worth up o 300.
siias fia to Yon can
boy them as long At
at this case lasts at vliCv
I Cane Men's Derb Ribbed Un
derwear 36 doz. Colors bine
and .brown, drawers made
with double seat. Oar- rA
ment s3C
Pairs Men's and Boys'
Sample Gloves Bought
at one-half regular price, in
this lot of gloves yon can find
anything that fa to be had in
wurk gloves, and at a saving
besides. In sample gloves
yon get the very best stock
to 'be had, not a glove in the
lot worth less than 60o and
tip to $2.25 and yon cau bay
them in this anniversary
sale, from 20C to Sf.25
First -Anniversary
Clothing! Clothing!
. Are you going to buy a new Suit this Spring ?
Is the boy going to have a new Suit ? If so we
want to have the pleasure of showing you through '
our stock, it is the money you save which helps
you to enlarge your bank account, and we are
sure that- we can save you big money on your
Black Satteen Shirts
15 doz. Men's and Boys' Black Satteen Shirts,
highly mercerized, cut extra full, all seams
double stitched. You have often paid a dollar
for'no better Shirt. As long as this PCn
15 doz. lasts' you can buy them for..''-'
TWO WEEKS. April 7th to April 21st
The month of April marks the first birthday of this store under its present or
ganization. It first saw the light of day first opened for bpsiness in Grants Pass,
Oregon, April 8, 1905. Like men this store has had, and has now, certain aspirations;
it is bristling with enthusiasm, therefore it is just as proud of it's birthday 1st anni
versaryas a young American may bo of his first birthday anniversary.
There will be, many sorts of unique and fascinatingly interesting featuros carried
to successful issue in this anniversary month. We shall not anticipate, however,
we'll leave you to come upon the surprises from time to time in our advertising col
umns and join with us in partaking of the good natured gratitude that we feel is in
the hearts of all our friend- for the splendid achievement this store has gained with
in the first year of its life, and now, beginning SATURDAY MOKNING, April 7th,
at 8 o'clock we shall launch formally and splendidly our Groat 'Anniversary Sale
First Birthday Celebration of this store.
Anniversary Sale
Yards Standard Calicoes
Light and dark odors.
to 10 yard lengths worth
5o per yd. Anniver- O 1
sary sale price OjC
Yards Mercer' zed Madras
Soltinsrs Full vd width.
3 to 10 yard lengths, in
stripes and fig 0 run, a cloth
If bought from bolt wonld
ooat yoo 25o per yard, while
ion lot iata boy then)
ftt yard
I Case India Linens 60 foil
pieees eappcialy priced for
this anniversary sale at a tar-
Ids of at leasts r. Q 11 -this
sale oulf. OC 9C IIC
Full Cases Best Calicoes
, The? are the Tery best prints
that money will boy. Amer
ican China Blues, Indigo
Blues, Grays, Black and
white. Worth 70 per yard.
in this aunirersary r
Not over two patterns to thB
Ribbons! Ribbons!!
Ask your neighbor about the Kibbons
The Golden Rule Store.
Ladies' Silk Gloves.
100 pairs in this lot, colors white, black, gray and
tan, made with double tip fingers, sold every
where at 50c a pair. In this An- QQ
niversary Sale the price is to be yi less.50U
Oue big lot Sample Hosiery to be sold during
Anniversary Sale at Half Price.
1 Bale House Lining, 1200 yards 3c
1 Bale Good Quality IX Sheeting, 1500 yds.... 5c
Anniversary Sale
Fancy Mohairs 39c
You've seen this same Mohair selling regularly at Ooc
a yard. The dark grounds are relieved with little
suiting effects, 38 inches wide. Fancy Mohairs
in six different patterns, splendid for separate
skirts or full suits. .
Anniversary Salo Price 39C
Anniversary Sale
Fashionable Millinery
Fancy Wool Suitings 48c
8 pieces of these suitings in plain gray, fancy plaids
and checks; handsome range of colors, sold in
many stores at 75c per yard.
Anniversary Sale Price. 48C
Anniversary Sale
Dependable Footwear
Our shoe business in
creased so rapidly the first
ten months of our existence
in Grants Tassthatit became
necessary to increase our
6tock more than double. 'We
are carrying almost Exclu
sively Peters' Diamond Brand
line of Shoes. We especially call your attention to
our Shoe Department. Here you will find the best
shoe co.
values ever shown in me
dium priced shoes. Pet
ers Shoe Co. U one of the
largest users of Hck Oak
pole leather in the world.
The sole is the thing that
makes a good wearing
Shoe, so in Peters Dia
mond lirand Shoes you
will find the very best
that money will buy.
This is one of the leading
departments of the store.
You nro invited to inspect
this beautiful and artistic line
of heAd gear, comprising all
advance styles and ideas from
the world's greatest millinery
designers. Jaunty Outing
Hats, superb Dress lints, chic
and charming Street Hats.
Every new and correct idea
js here, and the low prices we
ask for theso magnificent
Hats further emphasize tho
supremacy of our millinery
Trimmed Hats
we show from
"we sell Gold dal Hats 8trcet IIat8 from 50c up
" .
Remarkable Suit Offerings $12.00
This is the best ladies'
Suit we ever saw for
this price. Made in
two styles, the smart
pony coat suit and the
ever popular Eaton.
These smart styles
made with full ircu
lar skirts of the hand
some gray materials
lined and finished in
the lest possible man
ner at the low price
Book Fold Zephyr
Ginghams '
Checks and Thuds, all new Spring patterns
worth 12Jc. Anniversary Salo prico 9C
Spring Skirts
Spring Skirts at a third under real value.of fine Mohair.
Chiffon, Panama, Striped Suitings, well made. It's a
lucky girl who gets ono at this prico. They wero
used as samples and wo bought them so choap wb
can sell these $5.00 and $0.00 Skirts at
this Anniversary Salo at.. $398
98c for Waist Worth $1.50
This illustration fhows
you tho way in which this
Waist is made five rows
of insertion down the
front, cluster of tucksdown
the front and back, made
from very sheer India lin
ens. This is ono of the
greatest waist values you
ever saw at this price
98c . MM
Other Lawn Waists from 50c up.
China Silk Wash Waists
During this Anniversary Salo wo will show the most
complete line of China Silk Wash Waists ever,
bhown in Grants Pish. 'r' .'' .'"
Prices from
$1.98 up