Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 30, 1906, Image 6

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Treating Wrong Disease.
Many times women call on their family
physicians, suffering, an they Imagine,
one from dyKis-psis. another from hear:
disease., another from liver or kidney
disease, another from nervous eliiui!-l'oi
or prostration, another witli pain here urn
there, and In this way they all prescir
like to themselves and their easy-grln;i
and Indifferent, or over-busy doctor, w p
arate and distinct diseases, for which he.
assuming them to be mu ll, prescribe his
pills and potions. In reality, they are all
enly lymnttimt caused by some uterlno
disease. The physician, ignorunt of tho
cause of suffering, encourages this prac
tice until large bills are made. The Buf
fering patient gets no better, hut probably
worse, by reanou of the delay, wrong
treatment and consequent complication.
A proper medicine like Dr. I'lerro's Fa
vorite Prescription, directed V the cnuse
would have entirely removed the disease,
thereby dispelling all those distressing
Symptoms, and instituting comfort in
stead of prolonged misery. It has been
well said, that "a disease known Is half
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a
Sclent! lie medicine, carefully devised by
an eioerleneed and skillful physician.
and adapted to woman's delicate system
It U made of native medicinal roots and
Is perfectly harmless In Its effects in any
condition of Uir, lyntem.
As a powerful Invigorating tonic "Fa
vorite Prescription Imparts strength to
the whole system and to the organs dls-.
tlnctly feminine In particular. For over
worked, "worn-out." "run-down," debili
tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers,
seamstresses, "shop girls," house-keepers,
nursing mothers, and feeble women gen
erally, Jr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is the greatest eurthly boon, being un
qnaled as un appctUiug cordial and re
storative tonic.
Asa soothing and strengthening nerv
ine "Favorite Prescription " is uneuualed
and Is Invaluable In allaying and sub
duing nervous excitability. Irritability,
nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration,
neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, St.
Vltus's dance, and other distressing, nerv
ous symptoms commonly attendant 11 J m ri
functluuul anil organic disease of the
uterus. It Induces refreshing sleep and
relieves mental anxiety uuil de.siHindency.
Ilr. I'lerce's Pleasant Pi'llets Invigorate,
the stoinuch, liver and towels. One to
throe a dosu. Eay to tuku us candy.
West 0 Street
Second Block Irom Sixth Street
At prices that
make bargains.
J. K. KF.KI.F.Y, Pmoir.
Last stuhlo south on Sixth street.
Koom under cover for 150 horses art'
40 wagons, Itox stalls. Corrall I i
loose, stock.
Only tho host hay, clean grain a-'ti
alfalfa fed. Kollod barley aud oil ,r
g ruin.
No dlscawd horses allowed. Pi n
running Mlcr, and- trough clean. i
every day.
Waiting room and toilet room win it
ladles can leave wraps and amir.yc
thlr toilet".
Dry (ioods, UinU'rwoar,
Notions, lite.
Front Street
west Palace hotel
Ely's Cream Balm
Thl Remedy la a Specific,
Sure to Clvo Satisfaction.
It I'lciltWH, soothe, hei.l-, mi. I pint,.. !.. t'.i
iIikkhm iI liii'lnl'nuix. It cun s I'jitjo rli
drives a a v a fold In tli" Head .j urklv.
Itostorcs tho KeiiMs of T.i!o aid S-.i, 'I.
l'y t'i ue. Contain no iniuri, ni ,h m:
Applied into the U"tu'.s nut ai.'tl,..l.
Lurg Sim, fit) cents nt l'tu :vi-ts or I v
mailt Trial Si.-e, 1' - i ' v i .. '
Th But Couth Syrup.
FS L. Apple, ex probate judge.
Ottawa, Kanaas. writes: "This Is to
say t" at nave a osei "
... . .1 u..naIii -a bi..k.i
tiouna fvrup ror yer. u.. .
.t agU svrop 1 have ever used. ' '
3c, Mr and 11.00. at Rotermoud's
ud tu :a.;.-'. V "j;
Mmm lamiia V
ii ii r. t
mm. -.m vr w
R. M. Culp of Iceland visited bis
brotherg at Hugo, Monday.
Lorn Hammond and eon were Grants
Pass visitor Wednesday.
R. Stobbs made a flying business
trip to Grants Pass Weduesbfoy.
Mr. Ethel Goff visited friends in
Leland Tuesday and Wednosday.
Harry Triplett is making prepara
tions for his Summer gardening.
Byron Les made a holiness trip to
Medford and Grants Pass Toesday.
Mr. Gay i again in our midst. He
came oat Monday from Grants Pass.
Geo. Pordy is rallying from the
grippe and will soon be able to work
M. II. Goff and family intend to
move northward and will probably
locate near Portland.
Henry Phillips and a speeder had a
close call with a locomotive not long
since. Henry name oat O. E. with
the exception of being slightly fright
ened, bat the speeder is ready for re
pairs. R. 8. Crockett, ex-foreman of 8eo
tion 4(!, baa been reappointed and will
be in charge of the section after
April 1st. Mr. Crockett Is an ex
perienced railroad man and will soon
pot his section in first-class condi
tion. Hugo needs a telephone system
along with the rest; everybody wake
up aud attend the meeting at Merlin
on Saturday, April 14, and later get a
nice little piece of furnitore in the
house one yon can talk to and yon
will never be lonesome.
Jos. R. Davis left Tuesday for
Seattle, Wash., Mr. Davis has been
here since October, coming ap from
Sun KranoiH-o en route to his eastern
home, which is in Philadelphia He
is working daring stopovers in order
to get acquainted with the different
parts of the country.
The steam shovel on Tannel 9 creek
will be in operation again in the near
future, as soon as the work here is
completed they ( the Pacific Coast Con
struction Co. ) will move the ma
chinery, shovel, can and engines to
Orovillo, Cl , where there will be
work for the Summer.
The boys who work oat are begin
ning to emigrate north. They go and
comn as the birds, in the Fall they all
come to Southern Oregon to a warm
climate and as soon as it begins to
"warm np" in the north they go
agaiu. We think they are safe for
Alaska now and hope they return
with plenty of coin.
8. C. RibMer.
V, A L I V K :
Hill Kusted raptured two cub bears
a few days ago and is trying to raise
them on a bottle.
T. K. Anderson is bark from Grants
Pass where ho was awarded f.'HOO in
his suit against tint Galice Consolidat
ed mines.
Kd Cai lay Htid Mike Hetiey. who
have been rocking oil the Witch ii"iir
the Argo mine, left Monday for the
Illinois river.
Kd Savage, who has been workiug
at the Calumet and Orcgnu mines on
Illinois river, is visiting his family
here for a few days.
Active work is going on at thefiold- '
en Wedge minx under the iiitiiagenieut j
of Ho, W. Kirk ley. Drifting both:
ways on the ore shoot at the main
level is progressing at good speed I
Dudley Latimer Smith, the cclehrat- j
ed horse breaker, received a painful
injury last evening While attempt- j
ing to ride a very refractory gray)
broncho he whs bucked off and fell,
spraining the little linger of his left i
The black wind plant at the Old 1
Channel mines is being ett'nrged, j
Manager Sat.di rs contemplates btii'd- ;
lug another plant at a farther j
down the gulch in the near future, i
The work so far has shown hand-mine '
returns. j
Glen lmrlow, of the tlnu of Harlow 1
liros. , experts to leave for Helling-.
ham, Wiih.. sbortlv. It is rammed'
that be will not return alone. Thry '
will be at home to tie ir friends in'
the new house Mr. Harlow has erected'
at Gttlice, after the 1st of April.
Miss ti nice Carter gave a farewell
party t i her primer class the uiglit
In-fmv leaving for her home in Kerby.
lliv'se present were Hcl F.usted,
Httgic Chandler, Vilinot Savage,
Willie Sterrtg, Willie Kusted and
Glciiiile Harlow Refreshment were
served. H and C.
Desth Rite In Chicago and New York.
I During November and IVceuilvr,
l'.'iW, one-fifth of the deaths iu New
York and Chi. ago were from pneu
; '"" Foley's
only stops the
Honey aud Tar not
cough but heals and
. t .i
i siroogtnens roe lungs and prereuts
pneuuiouia. so do not take chances ou
j bearing away he Foley's
Hon, t and Tar will euro you q iicklv
i"1''' r'pv"nt serious results.
Ashland Normal School Notea.
Robert Jonas of Asbland bas entered
for the rest of the year.
Mrs. Dix and Mrs Diitrich, from
Grants Pass, are new students here.
The news from Mr. Mulkey'a son
is not very encouraging. His condi
tion has not Improved.
Doc" II. De Armond paid the boys
a visit last Sunday and according to
his nature be didn't forget the girls.
H. C. Jennings, candidate for sta'e !
before th-) republican
made as a call last Wedaes-
Because of the fact that a suitable
hall could not be procured on March
30th, the debate with the High School
was postponed until April 6th,
when it will be held in Memorial
Saturday evening the Uterpian Soci
ety gave their weekly musical program.
It was success in every particular.
The excellent showing of those who
too part in the program is an index 0
show the work in the musical depart
ment. After tbe program refresh
ments were served, games played and
a general good time enjoyed.
The regular meeting of the Con
gressional Literary Society was held
last Friday evening. An excellent pro
gram, consisting of an oration by
B. Staneliff; solo, C. Hartley; recita
tion, C. Piebler; song by a quartet
and a recitation by Fred Peterson.
The question, "Rsovled, That the
law establishing a whipping post for
wifebeaters is wrong and should be re
pealed". Affirmative, Robert Jonas,
L. Smith and W. ' Herndon ; negative,
H. Inlow, G. Anderson and John
Herndon. The negative won.
On Monday niorui-g, Mrs. Doaghty
read a paper on the subject "Our
National Poems and their Influence."
Tuesday morning Prof. Mulkey in
his inimitable way, entertained as
with "The Jloosier Srhool master"
and on Wednesday he descr'bed the
ostrich farm in Southern California.
We venture the information that the
ostrich is a queer bird. Some of the
birds are eight feet high, and very
dangerous, unless one is oh a horse
or bas a dog along.
Thursday Miss Kaiser read a paper
on the "Qualifications of a Teacher."
Friday Prof. Mellinger talked on
the subject "Conscience."
Thursday morning, March, 1912,
Prof. Mellinger gave an interesting
aud instructive talk on "The correct
way of rearing children." The Pro-
fusHor is well grounded in the subject
.... i, i.,.a i.u ann. j ..., ...i I
experience, rirst lesson, aiarcn li, '
1SHM1 boy. :
: waldo :
Mrs. Brown is visiting Mrs CIiohs
uihii. Charlie Horte has beeu quite ill
Fine weather and suow mostly off
the hi IK
Frances Eggar is now the Waldo
hotel waiter.
W. J. Winter r turned from Craut
Pass Sundav.
M. Marks is getting ready to pot np
a hhIchui ut Takiliua.
Mrs. A. J. Adams c.iine home from
(runts Pass Monday.
Dennis MrClay has jut recovered
from a pell of sickuess.
Mr. and Mrs ( S. MatheWMn
visited Allen (.itilch Sunday.
Mrs. M. Mct'lay spent Sriturdy
afternoon with Mrs. Adaius.
Mr. Fraiuiy is mining iu Fy
Jtilrh. Fled Single and Will Moore
are workiug for Into,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Egiters returned to
Takiliua from Crescent City where
i. ey have petlt the Wintt r.
Mrs. Knsie Courier is staying with
her iu ither, Mrs. D. Slsgle ; her bos
bund, Li on 11. Courier, is working at
Lei .ud.
Miss Ma Admin has b.-eu absent
from school for the past two weeks.
School is progressing uudrr the
care of Chas. F. Chessmau.
J. P. McCmuiell, of Merlin, c.ndi
ilate for nouiiiiHtiou for sheriff on liu
repot'licni tick, t, aud Liui-olu Saai!e,
ouiit.v school siiperiut.ndeul, were iu
Waldo a wtk ago Fridav. They
both spoke well of our school.
Totter Anu.
The Courier has the laregst circula
tion of any paper in Southern Oregon.
A Jsmsicaa Udy Spesks Highly ol Cham,
berlain'i Cuh Remedy.
Mr. Michael Har', wite of the
superintendent of Cart service at
Kingston, Jamaica, West India Is
latid, says that she bas for some years
used Chauiberlaiu's Cough Remedy
for coughs, croup and whooping cough
I and baa found it very beneficial. She
ha implicit coufidence iu it and
would not be without a bottle of it in
, her home. Sold by M. Clemens.
No sensational or questionable mat
in the Courier.
Mr. Dunham's thorough bred hog is
doing well, the change to this clima e
quite agreeing with him.
The water has began to fail and
tbe placer miners on the small streams
re hTtog to oease work for the sea-
Tb" wmill on Brimstone creek has
n!.n n,. tu.nAM 4 t I a. Mi nM a H that
it is to be put in operation in a short
It is reported that Newell Ionian
will erect a five stamp mill at bis
mine on Tom East gulch, near the
Greenback mine.
A night operator has been added to
the depot force, the increased business
of the railroad 'making it necessary to
keep the Leland office open nights.
Warm showers, crop and fruit pros
pects good and farmers busy plowing
and sowing. Grass growing so fast
that some fields of alfalfa will do to
out by tbe last of April
Many strangers are coming here to
locate. We have many fine ope logs
here for investors. Wide Awake.
Cured Hemorrhages ol the Lungs
"Several years since my lungs were
so badly affected 'bat I had many
'hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake,
I of W ood, Ind. "I took treatment
' with several physicians without any
benefit. I then started to take Foley's
! Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now
; as sound as a ballet. I recommend it
in advanced stages cf lung trouble.
j For sale by H. A. Rotermnd. Foley's
j Honey an1 Tar s'op. the coogh and
heals the lungs, aud prevents serious
i results from a cold. Refuse ubstitat"8.
: i a y 1 1) s o x :
j Crips are looking
j miners are still bony.
well and our
J. H. Tompkins is almost laid ap
with a broken rib, the result of a
hard fall a few days ago.
R. Dunlap has Teturned from Grants
Pass and rsntiiel work- with his
partner at the Woodpecker mine.
School convened in this district on
the 2th iust., with Mr. Dickie,
lately from Clackamas couuty, as
H. B. Luce, who has been pros
pecting in tliis vicinity has moved to
: Applegate and will trv bis fortune iu
that locality.
E. N.
Provolt, candidate for the
of comity onmuiiscioner,
was in our burg Friday, attending to
some busiuess mutters.
Chsmbcrlain'i Cough Remedy Absolutely
Every mother should kuow that
Chamberlain's Cough R-niedy is
perfectly safe for children to take, as
it contains nothing harmful. F'or sale
by M. Clemens.
Expert prescription druggist at the
I Model Drug Stcr.-. -l at
Letcher is the only licensed optician
' iu Josephine ofiuiiu.
' Maps of Oregon Washinton and
California at tho Music Store.
Send vonr family washing to the
Steam Laundry. A"ll rough dry work
2H cent per dozen. Phone 873.
Your clothes called for and delivered
and all flatwors that gi es through
the mangle washer, irotied at 2.K! p-r
dozen. Grants Pass Steam Laundry.
Piiune 3TII.
There's money in the chicken aud
gg business 'f rrorerly managed. A
i'etaloma Incubator will make a good
start on th" road. Yoa can find tlieui
at Cramer Eros.
Letch, r has just received another
, stock of lenses and cau fit all kinds of
eyes. His apparatus for the testing
of vision is all ap-to-date and the
: mont leliahle kind.
Cnrtis & Co. for Watches, Clocks,
Gold Kings and Jewelry, flue watch
repairing, engraving. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come and see as.
I. O. (. F. . Building, Grants Pass,
Ore eon.
Hirinc bought a new lot of cloth at
a bugaiu. the Giants Pass Tailoring
company is now abl- to m ike a first
chissm't at almost half the former
pric Call and examine our goods
a'ld get pries Number 513, West G
street, opposite Depot. 12-15 tf
Plauet Jr. Garden 'cols at Cramr
Women's Kidneys
Women are more often atnicted
with kidnov disorders than njen, but
attribute the symptoms to disease pe
culiar to their sex, while in reality
the kinueys are deraugel. Nervous
ness, headache, puffy or dark circles
under tbe eves, pain in the back, are
signs of kiduey trouble that tun not
be iguoret, or a serious malady will
result. Fuley'sKidiif yCore has restored
the health of thousands ot weak, ner
vous, broken down women. It stors
irregularities and strengthens the
urinary organs. 1: porih.s the blood
and benents the whole system, rori
sale by II. A. Rotermoud. '
Take Laxative Bromo QuiiiL; i ;!ct5.
Sevn MDIioo voxel toll" n pc' 13
iV w Ptet r;
Seven-room sfc.ry
Phono 484
I Buy and Sell
No. V)0 320 acres on the AppltRate. 100
land Good irriiratimr ditch with
alfalfa and 2 acres in orchard. Pi ice,
No. 4'4. 240 acres. Good three room house, small barn, smoke
house and all other out buildings.
vation. Small orchard. Plenty of gt.od timber. Living water.
$5.00 per acre.
No. 47. 217 acres 100 acres in cultivation. Fine natural
meadow. Good clover and alfalfa land with good water right. Plenty
ot good timber. Fair house, good bam, grainery and all other out
buildings. $30.00 per acre for the next sixty days only.
Youry for bargains
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
Hei.L" 3')3 Office, 611 Residence.
516 E Street Grants Pass, Ore.
The Club Stables ,
FRANK HECK, Proprietor
.SneCoSlipr , Hayes & Heck
Special attention j:iveii
Sixth street, (.rants Pass, Ore
A Lively Timle.
with that ol I enemy of the ra
s'ipatiou. f en viu'n in ;'; i.lh iiis
To avoid all serious tioulile with
touiaeh, liter an bow 1-, take Dr
King's New Lif" Fills. The.v per
f.'C'lv regulate thnse orsaus. without
pain or rtiscemfort. .,. ut all drn.--glsts.
The 1'opular Bsrber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done
On Sixth Street Three eh'
Bath Room iu connection
H. McGttEW,
Furniture and llano
To Cure a r ? 3 :n One bay
. AS
1 . !. I
and a half house
Real Estate
acres good bottom
100 inches of
water. 26 acres in
30 acres lenced. 20 acres in culti
to mining men and commercial
Wholesale and Retail
Feed ana Flour Store
J- i:. KF.ULEY, Proprietor.
Kedev'sFeed Stables, South Sixth Street.
JW lii iuid of Flour.
JJitv of all kinds. .
Ko.led Harl. v, Wheat and Oats.
le.ui t.raj- onu for Seed,
lasirm-k jirits.
printing at the
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
'rytbing ceat and clean and
work First-Claas.
Cja-es Crip
fat Two Days.
or. avcry
V 1