Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 30, 1906, Image 3

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The Strength of a
Bank is shown,
1st, By its working capital
2nd, By its stockholders.
3rd, By its management.
First Rational Bank
Grants Past, Oregon
HaB a Capital, Surplus
& Undivided Profits $77,500.00
And an additional Stock
holders Liability (un- -der
the National Bank
ing Law). .... 50,000 00
Total Responsibility $127,500.00
John D. Fry,
P. H. Harth,
J. T. Terrs.
H. C. Kinney.
R A. Booth. Pres.
J. C. Campbell, V, Pres. ,
H L Gilkey, Cashier.
Our New Catabgue "R'
mis what thly can do
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Turning, Scroll Work. Stair Work, Band
trawins.t'abitiet Work, Wood Pullevs, Saw
Filmland gumming, Repairing all kinds.
Trices rinlit
Harmon Block, Upstairs
South Sixth Street
Suits made to Order
Gleaning aid Repairing.
The Pioneer Grocer
A Specialty
Dried Fruits of All Kinds
House Moving
If you have a building
that you want moved,
raised or leveled up,
call on or address
A. E. Holloway.
Residence 2 miles west of
city, north side of river.
Foster.', placards, dodgers, all siies
anu kind, printed at the Cornier off-ee.
4&M. :
3. R. Whitney. Present Incumbent.
Gives Reasons Why He Should
, Win at the Primaries.
A mistaken idea prevails to some
ext nt as to the emoluments of the
state printer and the practical word
ings of the office. It is not the big
"fat" office it is accused of being.
In the first place tbe appropriation
for "printing" conveys wrong im
pression. The biennial appropriation
is cot for printing alone, bat includes
also ths cost of paper, ruling election
supplies and many smaller items,
amounting for the biennial period to
about t'23,Ouu. The last report of the
secretary of state to tbe legislature
will show these flgares to be correct
Then the state printer must provide
his own printing plant and pay all
running expenses of the office. The
pay rolls alone for the two years ex
c ed $35,000. The Salem Typographi
cal Union can bear ont the accuracy
of this statement. The cost of ma-
terial, a limited amount of work done
in outside union offices during a rosli
: .. .1. . ...... . - .11 .
inks, and a hundred other expenses,
adds fully $10,000 more. This makes
158,000 f expenses which the state
printer does not get.
Thus it will ba readily seen that
when the cost of production of tbe
priuting is taken iuto con'ideration,
the state printing office is not all pro
fit. It is just like any other priuting
business. It costs something to run it.
Criticism has been for vents directed
at the state printiug office and it seems
that it still coutinues. The present
state printer has beu accused of graft,
of dividing the profits of the office
with political bosses, and of a further
division for the use of th state print
ing pliut. There is absolutely no truth
in tin se statement. I pay f 100 per
month rental for the plant and no
more, which is considered a reasonable
rental. I bate a lea si do'y signed to
this effect, aud there has been no di
vision of the office with any person.
The fees paid the state printer are
fixed by law, and every item printed
is measured by an expert printer, ap
pointed by the governor, whose dnty
it is to measure the priuting and affix
the amount dne a provided by law.
Governor Chamberlain appointed to
this position Mr. Albert To.ier, a dem
ocrat, a practical printer, and secre
tary of the Oregon Press Association,
whose integrity is nnqnestioned and
who has measured all printing done
ami approved all bills therefor in strict
accordance with law. Every bill for
printing is ul-o carefully audited by
the secretary of state. Mr. Dunbar is
acknowledged to be one of ths best offi
cers the state has ever had, and his
auditing stump of approval is Bnffi icut
guarantee of honest accounting.
The state priuting office is a tirget
of attack without just reason. The
heavy cost of printing in past years
has been chiefly due to the large num
ber of copies printed. This has been
reduced by law, and the price now
paid by the state for most of the pub
lic printing is not above that charged
by tne printing firms of Portlaud, aud
some of it is considerably les.. For
some classes of work, especially where
a large number of copies ar' required
to be printed, the price snould be re
duced soD.ewhat.
I have giveu this. subject careful
study, aud believe there are two meth
ods by which the cost of printing
could be kept down to a minimum.
One is to limit the volume of priuting
and revise the schedule of prices npon
an up-to-date basis, the same as that
of commercial priuting generally. The
other is for the state to own and oper
ate its own printing plant, and to pav
the state printer a reasonable flat, fixed
salary. Either of thee plans, or sim
ilar plans along these lines, which the
legislature might adopt for the better
rueut of the sevrice, would meet my
hearty support.
My republictnism will be attested by
the people of Linn connty, where
I formerly edited the Daily and Week
ly Henl.t or twenty years.
As a native Oregouiao aud a printer
of twenty-five years' exwri''uce, I have
eudoavored to conduct the state print
ing office iu a clean, business-like man
lier, aud as a candidate for a second
term, am willing to stand upon u7
rceord. The books of tbe office are
open for Inspection.
The Grip
j "Before we can sympathize with
' others, we must have suffered our
selves." No one can realize the
I suffering attendant npon an attack of
i the grip, unless he haa had the ac
i tual experience. There is proably no
i disease that causes so much physical
and mental agony, or which so success
l folly Jefles medical aid. All danger
I from tbe grip, however, mav be
. avoided by the prompt use of Cham
1 berlain's Cough Rmdy. Among the
tens of thousands who have used this
j remedy, not one case has ever been
reporte I that has resulted in pneu
monia or that has not recovered. For
sale by M. Clemens.
The Courier, one year 1150; six
months, 75 cents.
The regular weekly address to the
pnpHs of the High School by Qrants
Pass business men was given on Wed
nesday, the 21st, by L. B. Hall. Mr.
Hall'., speech was one of infinite
value to young men and women just
beignning to consider their life work,
for it contained he tried wisdom of
a practical man. Among other things
he sonnded a note of warning to the
boys when he remarked that the girls
are becoming very dangerous com
petitors for all the professions as well
as the clerical positious. What most
pleased boys and girls alike, how
ever, was the deep interest Mr, Hall
expressed in the welfare of the High
School. Sncb interest is serv help,
ful to our progress.
The students of the first rhetorical
division according to the new arrange
ment, rendered their first program in
the High School assembly room ou
Friday afternoon, March 23, at whioh
a number of visitors were present.
Because of the variety in the numbers
and the new interest shown by most
of the participants in their work.
this program was the most enjoyable
of the year. A few nonjhers that
showed especially good prpearatiou
were the recitations "The Tribula
tions of Biddy Malone," by Aunabelle
Lelth; "Microbes," by Anna May
Thomas; "Little Sammie Green,' by
Ernest Umphlette ; "Character
Sketch," by Harold O'Neill and
"Prophecy." by Edward O'Neill.
which certainly pictured a brillia'it
future for this city. But the last and
star number was the debate on the
question "Resolved, That Hamilton
was" a greater statesman thnn Jeffer-1
son. lhose who gave strong argu-
ment on the affirmative side were
Randle Hood, Wilna Gilkey and
Louise Birdsall and those who spoke !
convincingly on the negative were i
Hellen Clark, Fritz Dean and Niua
Paddock. E'ich sneaker spoke so
nninfnrilv a n f n re. f n 11 . tl.nt.. i .1 I
" J . " ... V, 111,111 diud
that it wa only after much delibera
tion that the decision was made in
favor of tbe affirmative. It had
previously been under stood that the
three best debaters of this division
would be chosen to represent it in a
debats with the three best of the
second divisnn. Those who had the
good fortune to be thus selected were
Randle Hood, Nina Paddock and
Fritz Dean.
Invaluable for Rheumatism
I have been suffering for the past
few years with a severe attack of
rheumatism and found that Ballard's
Snow Liniment was the only thing
that Rave me satisfaction and tended
to alleviate my pnius. March 24, '113
John C. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills. 33c.
50c and fl 00 at National Drug Co.
and at Rotermund's.
Low Passenger Rates. !
Commencing February loth and
continuing dailv to and' including
April 7th. 190'". and from Sept' mher
15th unt'l -:tobor 31st, l'.iOil, Colonist ,
tickets will be sold from the East to The average treatment of stomach
points on Oregon Lines via Portland, 'troubles consists of a rigid diet list,
at the following low rates: From : which often half starves the patient.
Chicago, III., $:t;j; St. Lenin, f:tn ; Of course It would bo foolish for any
Oinaha, and' Kansas City, iih ; .D.-n- , one who knows that some foods are
ver, 135. ! positively harmful and poisonous to
Corresponding rates will be made : continue eating them, even while
from other points, and will apply to ! following the Mi-o oa treatment, but
ell points on Oregon Lilies.
2-10 tf A. L. CRAIG, G.
P. A.
The California & Oregon Coast
Railroad Company desires to give
notice to those parties from whom it
has purchased rights-of-way for its
railroad and such others as are in
terested, tlia' actual construction of
the road will begin at a very early
data. If any of these parties have
auvthinn noon the rinht-o'-wAv
whether buildings, trees, vines, fences weight, you can he assured ttiat these
or any other obstruction, they must ', tr00t' rB n dne to imperfect di
remove the same within the next 30 strengthen the stomach by taking a
days as the company will not be re- Mi-o-na tablet before each meal, and
sponsible for any diimngn thereto soon you will gaiu iu weigh', strength
after that time. Former owners or ! ,U return and youi focal will give
.. ., . . . . i nourishment so that the lion red blood
cuner panics imeresien are aiso warn-:
ed not to nudertake any cultivation of
the soil ou the company's iig!it-of-
Office of The California & Orgou
Cmst Railroad Company, 'Jrants Pass,
Oregon, March I!). I'.iofl.
3 23 2t General Manager.
Kates for Elks Convention.
Annual Convention Grand Lodge
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, Denver, Colorado, July 17 18,
19, 190fi. Round trip tickets will be
on sale July 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, lttOfi
at following- rates: One way through
Portland, and one way through Cali
fornia, from Grants Pass, Medford
and Ashland, r8.50. Both ways
through Portland, from Grants Pass,
K3.05; from Medford, ff!4 90; from
Ashland, $tI5.30. Going limit July
lth; return limit. September 30th,
ion Rt. ;,, J. . , -
1906. Stopovers will be granted in
either direction within the trausit
limit, except that no stopovers will be '
allowed in California on going'trin.
:-. ATM,. r.HAKi, q p;a
Has Stood the Teat 25 Years.
The old, original GROVES' Taste
less Chill Tonic You know what you
are taking. It is iron and quinine lo J
a tastelew form. No cure, No pav.
Twenty Years Service to the Re
public n Party Counts
for Something.
I Walter L. Tooze is a man who has
j been fighting the battles of republic
iauism when other alleged leaders have
jbeen asleep or aulklug in tlmir tents.
Tooze never sleeps or". when
there is work 1 1 be done fcr his party.
He is the same in business. He is
tireless ud irrepressible in keeping
j Woodbnrn, Marion county and Oregon
! to the front.
j 8 No man iu Oregon could be sent to
Congress who would work as hard,
j stay with it day aud night, rustle
more for Oreeou. than Walter L.
Tooze. Ha is a niau who is en ten ris-
iug, r mplors labor, erects buildings.
pays taxes, supports churches and
schools, and is never a deadhead iu
any enterprise. He is a man who
nover fails to head a subscription list
with souiethiug substantial in his
own town.
Mr. Tooze is a hop grower aud a
produce dealer and a large shipper.
When the primaries are held on
April 20th Mr. Tooze will be found to
have friends all over the district
Marion county factions are not all
united on Mr. Hawley. The Oregon
ian correspondent at Salsm will find
that many parts of the conuty are sol
idly for Walt, r Tooz, the Woodburn
man, and he will have strong support
iu Salem. It will be found that Port
land and Salem cannot dictate the
whole congressional delegation. The
rest of Oregcu has some rights to a
congressman. Salem Daily Capital
Eat What
You Like
Don't Starve or Diet, but Use Mi-o-na,
and Cure Your Stomach Troubles
in ordinary 'roubles it is not necessary
'tn stave or diet if Mio-na is faith
( fully used, a tablet before each meal,
j This scientific remedy, for the cure
.of stomach troubles, acts upon the
win iln digestive system, and strength
I ens the organs so that they are able
to digest any food that is eaten with
out fear of distress. It yon suffer
from loss of appetite, belching of
j gases, snnr taste in the month, furred
tongue, severe pains in the region of
i the stomach, depression of spirits, bad
I dreams, lack of energv, a stomach
cough, offensive bre:ith, headaches,
backaches, loss of strength and
win carry good health
of the system.
'o eveiy part
Rotermnnl has so much confidence
, iu cue power oi nii-o-ns to cure
stomach troubles and resnlting ills,
that he gives a guaratit' e with every
50 cent box to ret mid th money un
less it cures.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey aud Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, aud on account of the great
merit aud popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offer d
for the genuiue. Ask for Foley's
Honey and Tar aud refuse any substi
tute offered as no other preparation
will give the same satisfaction. It is
mildly laxative. It contains no
opiates aud is safest for children and
delicate persona. For sale by H. A.
c , Z : " , . .
Send the Courier to your friend, so
he can ,. the factJ in reKard to the
famous Rogue River Vallev.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
Dottles. Does this record or ment appeal to you ?
EndoeJ who every bottle is Ten Cent package of Grove's
You know that. We are one, but there are 500 asso
ciated with us in the East and of course we can sell
your property; 500 agents of the Interstate Investors
.Association co operating with us. We are in it.
We can also place your money for investment in
Timber, Mines and Real Estate where you can make
a good profit.
Rmemttr, 500 are Better than One.
Oregon Timber, Mining & Investment Go.
Grants Fast, Oregon
We Still Have
But nre too busy to tell you about them this week.
Phone Main 431
S MYTH 23 'S
Rogue River Coffee Market
Palace Hotel Block, 420 Front Street,
Grants Pass, - - Oregon
Heal Estate and Timber
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
for Vou
Miss China Lee
You soon will see
Is just as neat as she
can be.
The reason why
You soon will spy:.
CHI-NAMEL is her
old sta.iuby.
CHI-NAMEL is a liquid finish for
floors, interior woodwork and furniture
that is far superior Ut any other made.
It is used by the Chinese to give that
fine brilliant finish to their bamboo and
other wares, which withstand bending
and hanging, without cracking or mar
ring the brilliant and glossy finish.
It comes in all the hardwood
finishes, such as Oak, Walnut,
v Cherry, Mahogany, Rosewood.
Satinwood, etc., and will withstand
hot and cold water and soap.
We will boil it in wster for you
or pound it with a hammer, and
will guarantee that what we sell
you will stand the same test.
Hardware Co.
over One and a Half MHHon
No Cure, No Pay. :
Black Koct Uvst PflU.