Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 30, 1906, Image 1

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    t X
No. 52.
All Josephine County Soon to
Residence of Hon A. H. Carson
of Rediands Vineyard A
Credit to the County.
Farmers R.aiae Big Horses nd
Tha.t Hustling Town Alter Trade
That Grants Pass Should
Redily Get..
White Rexccoon Killed. Also a.
A Flowing Well at Ashland and
More Wells to Be Bored With
Probable Success.
Have Complete System of
Also up Dairying Buy
Percheron Horse
Cross Between ev Quail and
Chicken- Spotted Blackbird.
Tlie Applegate Valley Telephone
Company is now one of the fixed in
stitutions of Josephine county, it hav
. log been incorporated last Saturday
4 and the necessary papers sent to the
i, V secretary of state at Salem'. Toesday
articles of incorporation'bearing
Tthe seal of Oregon were received from
Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar and
f now the permanent organization of
V the Company will be effected at Pro
yolt this Saturday afternoon. The ex
pense of incorporating was 110 for
organization fee and corporation
tax of $3.66 paid to the secretary of
T state. This amount pays the tax to
Jane 80 when $10 will have to be paid
for the state tax for the next 8 seal
year. The incorporation articles had
Also to be filed with the county clerk,
the fee for which was $1.25.
The incorporators were E. Badger
sod JS. N. Provolt and Charles Me
serve. C. O. Biglow of Williams had
been chosen to act as one of the Incor
porators, bnt ho was unable to come
to Grants Pass Satuiday to act and re
quested that Mr. Meserve take his
place. The permanent organization
of the company will take place at
Provolt this Saturday when officers
will be elected and the contract iigned
f np with the Pacific States Telephone
Company whereby free switching will
be had for all rural lines in Josephine
with the Grants Pass system and
through that free switching is to be
had for these rural lines one with the
other. The order for the telephones
will be placed and wire stringing
commenced next week and it is ex-
pected to have at least 50 phones in
7 stalled by April 15.
The residents of the western and
northern sections of the couuty are
taking an active interest in their pro-
4 posed telephone company and it is ex
pected that fully 100 members will be
had at its formation. A meeting for
the Rogue River farmers will be held
at the Lee school house ou Saturday,
4 April 7, at 7:30 p. m. to organize for
that section of the district. Then on
the following Saturday, April 14, at 2
p. m. a meeting will be held at Mer
lin for Lower Rogue River Grave,
Wolf, Jump-off-Joe and Loubs creek
section. Mr. Meserve of the Courier,
will be present at these meetings to
assist in getting the Lower Rogue
River Telephone Company properly
organized, so that it can arrauge
for service with the Pacific States
Telephone Company and with the
three other independent companies
that will cover the field embraced in
the trade zone of the city of Urants
-j The last of April a telephone com
pany will be organized for the Illinois
Valley and later on one will be formed
for that sectiou of Rogue River above
Grants Pass and embracing Evans and
Foots creek valleys. It is certain that
within a year 1000 rural telephones
y will be in connection with Grants
Pass and josephin county will have
the first and the largest system of
telephones having free switching over
' the e itire territory of any couuty in
Oregon. I
To each of the first 13 boys, ages from
seven to 15, who buy their Spring suit
from us, we will give without extra
cost a good Watch. It's guaranteed to
keep perfect time for one year. Geo.
8 Calhoun Co. 8-30 It
. ( Miss Estella Chaddock of Roseburg
arrived here rnda? lor a visit with i
w her uncle and sunt, Mr. and Mrs. !
Chas. J. G-Smythe.
ikCssssVsssWsaVsV'sVBV gVkk
I Sell
Call and see me about some good
investments I now have.
W. L. IRELAND, "The Real Estate Alan"
0 Ground Floor Courier Bldg. Grants Pass, Ork. 0
4 5V''VLVV Vsl
A. H. Carson, who with his son,
Louis Carson, owns Redlands vine
yard located on the Applegate and
which is the largest vineyard iu Ore
gon, was in Grants Pass -Saturday.
Mr. Carson stated that his grape vines
were in the best of condition and
that the unusually heavy storm and
cold snap the first of this month did
not injure the vines at all. As grapes
do not start their fruit buds for a
month yet the frost did not effect the
yield for this year.
Mr. Carson now. has 27,000 grape
vines in his vineyard and he will root
20,000 cuttings this spring. A part of
these cuttings will be for vines to sell
this Fa and Winter, but most of
them will be for planting in his vine
yard, it being the plan of Mr. Carson
to increase his vineyard until he has
100 acres to grapes. That he has
found grape growing profitable in
proven by the fact that Mr. Carson
has completed this Winer by far the
fiuest farm residence in Rogue River
Valley. It is a nine-room building
with every convenience of the best
oily home and the rooms are finished
in Southern Oregon woods in their
natural sttte. In the large sitting
room there is a generous sized fire
place that has a mantel and jams of
oas and tuaaroue finished in a manner
that would be an ornament to a $10,
000 city residence. This) fine home
has been fully paid for by the sa'e
of grapes, and he shipped grapes by
the ton last Fall. Mr. Carson had
more orders than be could fill. Rogne
River grapes are now getting a repu
tation in the markets of Portland fur
having a finer flavor and of being
more juicy and a better table fruit
than California grapes. The time is
near at hand when Rogue River will
be shipping hundreds of car loads of
grupes each season to the markets of
the north from Pottland through to
Nome In Northern Alaska.
W. R. C Meeting.
The regular meeting of Gen. Logan
W. R. O. No. 25 last Saturday had a
large attendance.
The work was taken up according
to the ritual and reports read by
the chairman of each committee. All
lines' showed that patient and con
sistent work had been done; six new
members were enrolled in March.
It was decided to meet every Satur
day untl accumulated business plans
for the G. A. R. encampment and
district reunion had been disposed of
General Orders No. 5 were read from
Mrs. Jennie B. Harding, depart
ment president, in which she uotes
with plensure the efficient work beinR
done. To officers and members, ever
remembering their pledges and motto
"Fratrni(y and Loyalty to one
anoher and to our comrades of tiie
Grand Army of the Rnpublic and
Charity to each other and to ail veter
ans many of whom need our sym
pathy and rare."
The Roseburg Cottage fond has I eeu
cancelled, an obligation the W. R. C.
of Oregon agreedjto donate sufficient
sum of money to furnish the coitagi s.
which are now ready for occupaucy.
sBusineBg over, a plessaot hour was
epent entertaining Mr. Morris. It had
been decided that he must be thanked
personally for his beautiful and timely
Biff, the lour silk flagp, which he
further improved by adding a white
ornamental pole to each flsg. After
the gentleman had been captured and
brought to the hall, he willingly
or unwillingly surrenderd to the in
evitable and accepted the greeting,
thanks and refreshment with a hearty
good will that gave pleasure to his en
tertainer. Mrts A.
Press oor.. W. It. C.
Real Estate
they are
Will A Leonard, a rancher of
Sucker Valley,, residing near Holland,
was in Grants Pass Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Mr. Leonard formerly made
bief cattle the chief product of his
farm, but like many other cattlemen
be became conviuoed that the contin
ued low price of beef cattle of the last
few years was due to the control of
the market by the beef trust that
now fully controls all the packing
bouses of the country, aud he has
turned bis attention to dairying and
to raising heavy draft horses. He is
to be one of the patrons of the new
creamery tbat is being erected in
Sucker Valley and whioh will be the
first in Josephine county. Tbis
creamery will be in operation by the
10th of April. Mr. Leonard is a
meniter of both the tier by Breeders As
sociation and of the Josephine County
Stockmeus Association and he . is
secretary of the latter organization.
The Korby Breeders Association, of
which H. P. George is president, and
T. G. Burroughs is secretary, was
organized last Fall by 19 of the pro
gressive farmers of Illinois Valley
for the purpose of purchasing a
thoroughbred Percheron horse. A
two year old horse was ought of Mc
Lunghlin Bros, of Columbus, Ohio,
they had Imported from trance last
Summer. The horse was on exhibi
tion at the Lewis aud Clark lair and
took a prize and he was one of the
most perfect horses ever brought to
Oregon. The Asooiatiou paid $3000
for him apd brought him to Kerby.
Soon after his arrival ho smashed a
partition to his stall and almost tore
one of his front legs loess from his
body. Thongh the bent surgical care
was given the horse, blcod poisoning
set in and lie died. An insurance of
$1000 had been placed on him in the
Pacific Live Stock Association of
Spokane. After repeated notifications
aud much correspondence the Com
pany has agreed to pay the insurance
on April 24. McLaughlin Bros , on
learning of the loss of the horse noti
fied the Association that thoy would
give them the pick of their stable of
horses at Kansas City, many of which
are valued as high as $5000, by the As
sociation paying them the $1000 in
surance. This generous offer has been
aooepted and their insurance money
being yet held back the members of
the Association raised among them
reives the $1000 to be paid McLaugh
lin Bros., and $250 for expenses in
getting the horse here and have seut
Secretary T. G. Burroughs and
Nicholas Sauer to Kansas to make the
selection. They are expected to ar
rive iu Grants Psas the lust of next
week with a Percheron that will be
quite the equal of their first purcliase.
The horse will be given a few days
rest here and then be taken to Kerby.
This purchase by the Kerby Breed
ers Association will give Josephine
couuty two thororgi.bred Percheron
ho'ses, the other one having been pur
chased lsat Fall from MuLanghlin
BroB. by the Grants Pass Breeders As
sociation. With soch flue horses as
these for the use of breeders the day
will be pawed for the horse that is
too small to haul eveu a fair sized
load, and too slow to win even a scrub
race and too generally useless to bring
over $75 in the market. With this
splendid beginaiog made the time is
not distant when $200 horses will be
as plentiful in Josephine county as
ire now the little $S0 aoimala
Butterworth Concert.
The Butterworth Concert, which
was the last of the series of the Con
cert course, was given at the opera
house last Saturday evening and was
thoroughly enjoyable. Harry T. Bnt
terworth, basso, was unable to sing,
owing to a hoarseness whioh attacked
him after reaching the hall. He,
however, unwilling to disappoint his
audience made an attempt, but It was
apparent to the audience that his
voice was in no condition. Hattie
Rood Grace, the soprano soloist and
whistler was very pleasing, while
Miss Wallace, reader, deli ah ted th
audience. The playing of Miss
Rosentower, violinist, was especially
pleasing and she was reDeatedlv en
cored. Mr. Butterworth's engage
meot with the Lyceum Bureau will
close tbis month and be will make a
return trip, stopping in Grants Pass
id bdoui two or inree weeks.
Mrs. C. F. Tilton. whom husband la
one of the leading dentists of Ashland.
arrived in Grants Pass Tuesday to re
main iur several oays WD lie being
treated by Dr. Findley for trouble
to one of her ears.
Grants Pass, once almost the exclu
sive tradiug point for all Josephine
county, is now faced with competi
tion from many places, and it is op
to the business men of this city to
bold their prestige and trade that they
may prosper aud their town continue
to make the fine growth it has in the
past. The new railroad to the Illinois
Valley and on to the coast will be a
big factor in making Grants Pass the
commercial metropolis of Southern
Oregon. The system of rural tele
phones, with free switching from all
parts of the county with Grants Pass,
which has been brought about through
the efforts of the Courier, will be
another faotor in bringing the out
lying districts into closer touoh with
this city. When the illegal clause in
the Grants Pass charter is abrogated
and the city is put back into Jose
phine and pave read tax, as tbe
farmers are now doing all alone, and
tbe business men join with the
farmers in making this city the center
for a system of modern roads that
shall be as passable te loaded teams in
January as in July then will tbe third
and greatest factor in the upbuilding
of this city and county be pnt into
The i'lisiuess men of Leland realize
full well the value- of good roads as
trade generators aud they are joining
with the businers men of lower Rogue
river and of Curry couuty iu opening
a road that will make a large and rich
section of country tributary to their
town. Their plan is to build a toll
wagon road from Port Orford in Cur
ry county to au intersection with the
Southern Pacific railroad at Lelaud.
The distance will be about 90 miles,
and there is now 60 miles of toe route
open to travel by wagon road and
trail. They will also put in a tele
phone line along of the road.
This new venture to give Curry a
direct outlet to the Southern Pacifio
railroad is headed by Capt. E. B.
Burns of Marial aud thoy have incor
porated under the names of the Le
laud, Illahe and Port Orford Wagon
& Toll Road aud Telepoue Co. As
sociated with Captain Burns in the
initiatory are two other Curry
county gentlemen, Jacob Frye, of
lllahe and J. D. Cooley, of Agness.
The capital stock is fixed at $100,000,
divided into as many shares For
the nreseut, Leland will be the head
quarters of the oompany. The con
struction of the proposed road would
tap oue of the richest mineral and
timber belts on the Pacifio coast,
hence the project is of. the greatest
importance to all of southwestern
Reduced Round Trip Rates East
ern Points Season 1906.
On July 2d and ad, August 7th, 8th
and 9th and September 8th and 10th,
lUOfl, Round Trip tickets will be ou
sale to points named under the fol
lowing conditions
Both ways through Portland, to
Chicago, $80.45; St. Louis, $76.45
Milwaukee, $78.65; Sr. Paul and
Minneapolis, $fi8.95; Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Sioox City, St. Joseph, Atch
inson, Leaveusworth and Kansas City,
One way through Portland, and
one way through California, to
Chicago, $85; St. Louis. $81; Mil
waukee, $83.20; St. Paul and Minne
apolis, $81.40; Omaha, Council Bluffs,
Sioux City, St. Joseph, Leaveusworth
and Kansas City, $73.60.
Tickets will be sold to Milwaukee,
only on August 7th, 8th and 9th.
Limits: Going, 10 days; tickets
must be. used going on date of sale;
final return limit 90 davs from date of
sale but not beyond October, 81, 1906.
Stopovers: Stopovers will be j rant
ed in either direction within the
transit limits, west of Missouri
River, St. Paul, and Minneapolis,
also New Orleans, when through that
point, except that no stopovers will be
permitted in California on going trip,
A. L. CRAIG, O. P. A.
Dedication Services.
The dedication of the Free Metho
dist church will take place this Sun
day at It a. m. The services will be
conducted by Bishop E. P. Hart of
Alameda, Cal. Bishop one of
the ablest pulpit orators on the Pacifio
Coast and his discourse will be cer
tain to be of high order. A cordial
invitation is extended to the pastors
and members of the other city
churj'ics to attend aud th? invitation
The Courier office has two additions
to its exhibit of Josephine couuty
products. One is an evergreen black
berry vine grown ou the farm of Jim-
mie MoCann in Slate Valley near
Wilderville, and the other is white
raccoon ikin. The blaokberry vine is
26 feet, four inches long and is all of
last year's growth and it is lengthy
proof of the fertility of Slate creek
soil. Mr, MoCann came from the
East two years ago aud last year drove
stage on the Grants Pass and Cres
oent City line. Last Fall he bought
a small farm adjoining that of County
Commissioner Lovelace and with bis
mother he has taken up the life of a
farmer. He Is making substantial
improvements and will keep cows and
grow fruit as bis principal vocation.
Tbe white ooon skin was sent to the
Courier by C. A. Conner, who re
sides near Wilderville and who in addi
tion to being farmer is deputy state
game warden for Josephine oounty.
It was on Brlggs creek that Mr. Cou
ner ran across this freak of tbe coon
tribe, for a regulation coon is grey
with dark bands. '
Mr. Conner shot the animal and
brought the skin home with him.
Mr Conner Is hunter of years' ex
perience and he states that this Is the
first white coon he ever saw. While
there are many coons iu Rogue River
Valley, but old hunters say they never
have seen one in all their trips
through the woods.
Iu the line of freaks of nature there
is on exhibition in Veatch's cigar
store in this city, a stuffed bird that
is undoubtedly a cross between a quail
and a bantam chicken. It is some
larger than a quail and his feathers
have markings of both quail aud the
It was shot on the bank of Rogue
river just east of this city this Winter.
A freak blackbird has been fre
quently seen of late with a flock of
blackbirds that were ranging iu the
north part of the city, this bird was
mottled with pure white spots all over
its body aod fully half of its tail and
wings feathers were as white as the
plumage of an arotio owl. It was the
same size of the other blackbirds aud
has all the characteristics of those
is also extended to the citizens in
general to be present.
Bishop Hart will arrive this Friday
evening aud will remain until Mon
day. He will preaoh this Friday
evening and Saturday and Sunday
evenings. Presiding Elder W. E.
Goode, of Medford, who has been in
the city for the past week assisting
tbe pastor, Rev. E. I. Harrington in
holding a series of revival meetings,
will be present for the dedination
aud assist in the exercises.
Miners' blinks at the Courier office.
New Goods Arriving Daily.
Not an old one in them.
That for quality aud price cannot be wrpsmd.
PASTE The kind you will be pleased with no fuss or dirt
House Linings Best qualities.
Tacks At bottom prices
LINOLEUMS Beautiful new patterns.
DRESSERS New styles at popular prices; 27 kinds.
COUCHES Of the very latest and best possible construction.
CARPETS Designs hard to equal; quality the best.
DISHES The regular hotel ware; another lot just in.
GRANITE WARE An immense variety.
TINWARE Wagon loads of it.
GO-CARTS The newest and latest improvements, better than
ever at lower prices.
Camp Cots, Stools and Chairs Extra stroug and dur
able, fold np in very small compass, can pack
TENTS AU sizes; 5x7 to 12x20; popular prices.
IRON BEDS A lot of new patterns just received.
The Spring Goods are coming in a rush.
Saw Mill Camps, Mining Camps, Prospectors We are
better prepared than ever to furnish out any kind of a camp
complete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Let us demonstrate
to you our ability to save you money.
Thomas & 0 Neill
Tht Larjut HouMfurnlthlaj Coacsrn In Ssuthtra Ortgon.
That artesian water can be had in
many places in Sonthern Oregon is
the opinion of many persous posted on
tbo geology of tbis section. An effort
to find artesian water is being under
taken in Jackson couuty iu Ashland
aud vicinity. The result of this effort
will be watched with much Interest
by residents of Josephiue county for
if artesian water can be had in Jack
son county it is quite likely that this
underground water supply oan be bad
in this county.
Of the progress in securing artesian
water at Ashland and vioinity the
Tidings of that city says tbe follow
ing: "Truiel's well boring outfit,
which has been operating in this
vioinity for several months past, will
begin boring this week for artesian
water on M. L. Pellett's orchard
farm near Talent. Mr. Pellet t has
contracted for 800 feet and the boring
will be oarrie 1 to that depth unless a
flowing well should be obtained at a
lesser depth, in which event the num
ber of wells will be increased. Much
interest is nianifes'ed in the boring
experiments to be oouducted in the
Talent vioinity as tbey are fraught
with the greatest importance to all
farmers and fruitgrowers.
"The artesian flow which was struck
at the round bouse in the railroad -
yards at Ashland some months ago,
whioh wub the first work done by
Truxel's outfit here, continues to at
tract considerable attention. . The
other day as an experiment a large
10-foot stand pipe was attached to the
well aud the water quickly raised and
flowed over the top of It though the
conuection at the ground level was
a erudo oue aud permitted of
leakage. "
Wilderville Wants Telephones.
J. C. K. MoCann, Vho conducts a
well stocked aod the only store at
Wilderville, was in Grants Pass Fri
day, ordering goods of drummers and
also to look after property interests
he has in this city.
Mr. McCann stated that all the
farmers of his vicinity were very
much interested in tbe formation of
the rural telephone company that la
to bring free switching on all lines
with the Grants Pass system. There
is quite a large settlement of which
Wilderville is the center and Mr. Mo
Cann thinks that sufficient patrons
can be bad to justify installing a cen
tral office at that place. Tbe new
railroad that is to be built tbis Sum
mer from Grants Pass t'o Takilms will
pasB through Wilderville and it is
expected to give quite a boom to the
village and the farming, mining and
timber interests of the adjoining sec
tions. 12 Boys, 19 Suits, 12 Watches See
our Front street window. Geo. S.Oal
houn Co. 8 80 It