Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 23, 1906, Image 8

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Musical Features Well Given and
Actor Make Pleasin Hits
La.rle Audience Attends
If time or money is any
consideration in buying that
Spring suit, hat or shirt we
Reserve consideration. The
full stock which our exten
sive business permits means
quick and accurato fitting.
Its hard to convince the long
range doubter, but if you'll
take a little time to drop in
we will show you values in
all the suit ideas that you
positively cannot touch else
where. Suits for men $97.00
down to $5.75. As a special
we offer for Saturday and all
next week, regular 25 and
35 cent Sox fivo pair for
(jeo.S. Calhoun Co.
Outfitters to Boy and Man.
The Field Brother Kill a L&rge
Cougar audi Capture Two
Kittens on Powell Creek.
Kelly FiaUh, a well known Will
iauis Valley rancher, and hit ion
Mhoruiau Fluids were in (ir.intu Pus
Thursday and brought with them tliu
caroaaa of a fall grjwu female
cougar and her two kittens, which
they mild to a local store. The
cougar wan 7 feet 8 inches Irom tip
to tip aud the kitten are the size of
a mull eat.
Cougars hare boeu quite numerous
lu Williams Valley tttia mat Winter
mid they Iibto uiadu havoo with the
tleur, the unusually deep huow in the
ti ill enabling the oougara to readily
ruu down the (lour. These sly
Marauder ha? e also killud uiuny
liogs, sheep aud goats in the county
wiuoe the deep snows forced tlieiu
down to the valluyi from the hills and
uiouutsius. It wan known that a pair
of cougars were ranging on the head
waterH of Powell oreek.a tributary of
Wllliauiscrcek, aud early Wednesday
morning Hhermau Field ami hi
brothers Urlle aud Will with their
rltleiand their hunting doga set out
for the high hilla at the head of the
creek. Arriving at Honeysuckle
Kiiloh the dogs bay. d a cougar lu a
oave. In a unu.ite the animal dashed
out, the nearest dog tack ting it hut
only for au imtlaiit for the dog was
MMUt rolling and nadir toru by a blow
from the coujnr. the young meu
"hot at it but owing to the thick
lirosh aud rough grouud were only
able to slightly wound It The
iogar Itomiiled dowu the numntaiii
mi hi lu iiiut ichp, goimr over
ledge of rock an though but stair
MteiM. The hunter judgtug by the
action of the dnga concluded that
mother counar wan iu the cave ho
they weut iu and fouud the two kit
leuii bucked up iu a corner snarling at
the dog. Thty were secured alive
aud uuhurt, though it waa no Hiuall
tank as they fought with vengeuce.
during the kitteun the young men
put the doga no the trail of the cougar
and after a clmae of a mile aud a lutlf
the dog overhauled it wheu it climb
h! a tall plue. A ahot brought it
tonibliug to the ground, but the beaHt
waa ou ita feet liiafautlr aud knocking
the doga away rau 300 yard and then
took op another tree. It hardly
reached the top wheu ita atreugth
failed from loan of blood and it fell to
the grouud. Tha doga closed on it
aud held it while a well directed ahot
ended the brute' oarwer.
The Flelda brothera carried the ci
caaa, which weighed over 100 pouuda
aud the two ouba to their hom. a dia
tanoe of aix milea, arriving thereat
dark They are oertaiu that the male
ooinpauiou f the cougar they killed ia
in that locality aud they will go back
to hunt for hiiu the laxt of tlila week
No mora pfoasing and thoroughly
enjoyable entertainment has ever been
given in Grants Pass than wan the
one presented at the opera hotine Wed
nesday evening. The musical pro
gram which occupied the fore part of
the evening waa of a high order, the
orchestra uuler the direction of Prof.
Henry rendering several selection!
which were enthusiastically received.
The V4x;al numbers were given by H.
L. Andrew! and a male quartet cou
poned of Messrs. Van Dyke, Veatch,
Andrews and Lucas and ' were very
enjoyable. Mitts Ada Walker ii al
ways enthusiastically received and her
rendition of an impossible story as
told by a young hopeful held the au
dience In expectant anticipation aa to
what calamity might befall the youth.
Losers of string music were given a
treat by Prof. Henry and hi 'cello.
Mr. Henry ii an artist oo the 'cello
ax well as the violin and his le tion
brought forth rounds of applause to
which he responded with another solo
The feature of the evening waa the
rendering of the comic operetta "Pe
nelope" which in itself is a gem fall
of action throughout and containing
pleasing bit of long for solos, duets
and quarteta, with the following cast:
Penelope, the kitchen maid
Mrs. W. W. Walker
Mrs. Croker, the "Missua"
Mrs. W. L. Ireland
Pitcher, policeman . . Geo. P. Cramer
Tosser, grenadier T. P. Cramer
Chalks, milkman. .... A. E. Voorhies
The itar of the evening was, without
a doubt, Penelope, the kitchen maid,
who counts her lover! by the icore and
on thii occasion through an erroriu her
"dairy" allowed two of her lover to
call on the tame evening. In the
midst of the feast which had been pre
pared the " Missus" appeared and re
fiiHod to allow Penelope to remain
longer in her (ervice; the actions of
Pitcher and Toner at this time reveal
the fact that their love wa more for
the flue suppers than for the girl, and
Chalk who had previously been treat
ed with scorn, is now the accepted
suitor. Mrs. Walker wai perfectly at
houie in all her trying Hituations, her
acting was perfection and her voice in
the solo aud chorus parts showed a full
rich quality always iu perfect control
aud was of especial delight to the au
dience. The part of Mrs. Ireland, al
though being a very difticult one aud
did not admit of much latitude in ac
tion or song, xhe having to personify a
disappointed aud narrated mistress
who was continually finding fault and
scolding, and not entirely without
reaion. Mrs. Ireland, however, entered
io thoroughly into her part that the
sympathy of the audience was ever
with the maid.
The dash'ug grenadier in resplend
aut nniform and the gallant policeman
with club and helmit were personified
by T. P. and Ueo. P. Cramer and
their acting was so perfectly natural
aud realistic ai to cause many to ex-
presa the opinion that they, iu chosing
a buNinea life hart mised their call
ing. The meeting of Pitcher and
lossir was amusing in the extreme
aud the variety of emotion called forth
by the rapid change of events gave the
gentlemen an opportunity to display
their ability iu that line. Their duet
was especially pleating while the
laughing trio by Pitcher, Towner aud
Penelope convulsed the entire audieue.
Chalks, the milkman, as the bashful
suitor of Penelope was the right man
iu the right place.
There has been nothing but praise
expressed regarding the oeittta aud
each one of the participants has re
ceived abundant congratulations. The
success, of the performance beloug in a
large maimer to H. C. Kinney under
wlioea drilling and direction the play
was giveu and to Mnj. Kinney who has
spent many evenings at the piano dur
ing the rehearsals and played the ao
coiiipauimeutH during the performance.
St Luke's Church.
Suuilav moruiug the Salvation Army
will attend the aervice aud addreaae
will bo md. by the otllcer.
The Suuday N.ihool aud St. rbillips
Bible Clisa wiH mtvfx Hj yj
The evening service will be held
at 7 :30. the subject of the address be
ing "Tne Suffering Saviour."
Wednesday eveuing the midweek
service will he held at 8 o'clock in the
Guild Hall.
Thursday evening, theUoya' Brigade
W II meet at 7 :30.
Captured From an Importing Agent
Extra quality heavy Ribbons, m;ide in the famous Cheney Bros, factory. There were a million and
a quarter yards closed out from the factory's American representative by a great concern which
looks to the Golden Rule Stores as one of their l.irge outlets. When we saw the Ribbons we recog
nized that they were better values for the money than we ever owned. Tomorrow (Saturday) you
can buy it and as long as this 1000 Pieces last at less than half what you would have to pay in a regu
lar. There are 35 colors you may choose from. You may match any tint. You can use these Rib
bons in a hundred different ways. You can afford to buy for next year yes, for the next 10 years.
Remember that this Ribbon has the quality. It is Silk, all silk; it is the plain, pure silk without
the usual stiffening, and is the only Ribbon that looks respectable after repeated tying and crushing.
All No. 2 Ribbon
worth 4c per yard
Actual width No. 2
Per 10 yard bolt, 18c
All No. 5 RibboD
worth 7c per yard
Actual width No. 5
Per 10 yard bolt, 25c
All No. 7 Ribbon
worth 8c per yard
All No. 9 Ribbon
worth 10c per yard
( worth 15o per yard
( All No. 12 Ribbon
Actual width No. 7
Per 10 yard bolt 35c
Actual width No. 9
Per 10 yard bolt, 45c
All No. 16 Ribbon
worth 20c per yard
- 10c !
All Nos. 22 and 40 Ribbon
worth 25e per yard
All No. CO Ribbon
worto 28c per yard
Actual width No. 12
Per 10 yard bolt, 65c
Actual width No. 16
Per 10. yard bolt, 85c
Actual width Nos. 22 and 40
Per 10 yard bolt, JJOc
Actual width No. 60
f All No. 80 Ribbon
worth 35c per yard
Per 10 yard bolt, $1.00
Actual width No. 80
Per 10 yard bolt, $1.25
If you can't attend this Ribbon Sale send us a Mail Order. We will
guarantee to please you or same can be returned and money refunded
O. F. Lovelace ia on the lick list.
Mrs. Lewis waa very lick but she
ia much b.tter at this writing.
Kainl r.iin! raiul What bouuli
fjl crop wa may look (or this year.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hays of Portland are
visiting Mra. Hays' pareut of
Wildervillo, Mr. aud Mra. Lewis.
Yaucy McCoIliim is among ns again
aler apeuding a couple of mouths at
Newburg, O-tgon. Hit health ia
much improved.
Mra. Shcchaii was buried Tuesday
of thia week after one week ot ilck
uis. Her three children ware with
her and did all they could for her
comfort, but the Lord, who doeth all
things well, saw fit to tke her. The
bereaved ouea have our sympathy.
K. D. Lindiay and wife and little
oue made a trip to Urauta Vena Tues
day of this wjek. Uncle Fuller.
Thr Courier ia the leading- paper of
J-itephine County.
Presbyterian Church.
The Wreck of the Ship Valencia
Huuiau Life aa a Voyage'' will be the
theme of the acting pastor, Evan P.
Hughea, at thia church, 11 a. m.
next Sunday. The anthem by the
choir will be "Out of t'ie Dp" by
Dudley Buck. 'At 7:80 p. m. Mr.
Hughes wiU deliver au address on
"An Kvening with the Singer of Ep
wortb," with the aouga or the famoua
singer aa llloatratioua The special
muiical features of this meeting will
be the followiug: Solo "Inspirer
and Hearer of Prayer" by Mr. Voor
hies; anthem Crossing the Bar"
P. A. Schuooker, violin obligato, by
See H. B. Hendricks for good in
vestments in town or country property
(or paying gom mines) ore years id
the real estate busiueaa. He rents
houses, negotiate loans on good in-
veatmeut aud writes insurance in the
Oregon Mutual at "living" rate.
Office on ground floor opposite poet-
otllce, Urauts Pass, Ore
At the Rosebarg land office during
Fabraarv. there were it homestead
entriea and S timber applications filed.
Spring Tonic
which is good for that
tirod feeling you have
complained of is now
in order.
Dr. Wilson's
will fill the bill and
make you feel like a
new person. $l pt.r
bottle; six bottlrs, $3.
Ciet it at
The Model Drag store
Dr. FlnilOoon
Physician and' Dentist.
D'. M. C Findley,
Oculist, Anrist, licensed optician.
Uoto Coron lor Plumbing.
M. Clemen. Prescription Druggist,
liu Ueu,1,,,U8n' snioke-the Stage
The hest ..I. ..... . .
Courier 'rs patronize the
B-tWffiiV1 "ter Oak
A. E. Voorhies t 'tmp' 01
For a p'mi. . .
trv t. iv . . u "na Rood meal
try the W estern Hotel.
Placer and nn.rf, i .i ...
mine deed. Y.L " ."uu 00"?.B
Courier office. 1 ",0" " ,ne
Do rnn knm u.a .
AlJ? Company
10 Trousers H5a 13-15 tf
-March 3.5,
Orants Pu FriH.
Harrv P 1 ,w MT- nu Mrs.
a aaughter.
Churchill's Shoe Store Saturday
To Help Sell Shoes.