it A .FAMOUS REMEDY 7 cured MY cough with German Syrupl" He wrote to Dr. G (1. Green; "An' as true as 1 telt you, doctor dear, I'm feelio' finer thau ever I've been I" HThe Por consumptive should not be the victim of experiment, as he often is, but the moment the dread disease mani fests its presence he should be given Bo schee's German Syrup a pure, uon-alco-holic medicine that is made specially for the cure of consumption, and has a world wide tame as a certain remedy for catarrh, colds, coughs, croup, sore throat and ill bronchial affections in old and voting i (Jit is sold in all civilized countries, aud bas Deen famous as a consumption cure for almost half a century. tJTrial bottle, 25c. Big bottle, 75c. At all druggists throughout the world. For Sale by Ir. J. O. Smith If You Enjoy Grand You will be more than pleased with what you see from the windows of the Burlinpton's thro Tourist and Standard sleeping cars leaving Salt Lake City every day for eastern c'v'v s. These cars run thro the heart of the Rockies and you havo choice tf routes. Scenery is not the only attraction, for the cars are modern and comfortable Ploasop to give you further information THE FASHION LI V E R Y and SALE C. A DI KlSON, Proprietor H Stwl be'ween Fifth And Su'li I'i.hns l BlGGLE HasssssHlr Prists aa Beaetlfallr lllsstrstss. BY JACOB B1QQLE No. 1-BIQQLE All shout Horm than 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 60 Cent. No. 2-BIOOLE BERRY BOOK All .bout trowing Small Fruits read and kare bow. Beautiful colored plates. Price. 80 Cents. No. 3-BIOOLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry; the best Poultry Book hi existences tells everything;. Profusely illustrated. Price, 60 Cent. No. 4 BIQGLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business: new edition. Colored plates. Sound Common -sense. Price, 60 Genu. No. 3-BIOQLE SWINE BOOK All about Hon etc. Cover the No. 6 BIOOLE HEALTH BOOK Glvea remedies and up-to-date Information. A household necessity. Extremely practical. Price, 60 Cents. No. 7-BIOO.LE PET BOOK For the boys and girls particularly. Pets of all kinds and how to care for tbem. Price, 60 Cents. No. 8-B1GOLE SHEEP BOOK Covers the whole ground. Every page full of good ad vice. Sheep men praise it. Price, 60 Cents. Farm Journal Is your paper, made for yon and not a misfit. It la W years old; It Is the great hoiled-down. hitthe-nail-on-thehead, quit-after-you-have-sald-it Farm and Household paper in the world the bifrrrst paper of its sire in the t'nited States of America having mere than Three Million retrtiar traders. A ay ONE of the BIOOLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL I YEARS (remainder ol 1M ...l all of 1907, IdUS. ltOi and 1910). sent bv mail to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLE BOOKS, free. WILMS ATKINSON CO., PrsLisiaae or Fans JotrwaL. PatLADELraia. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. II. HADDOCK, Proprietor. I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind atble or tiranite. Nearlv thirty years of experience in the Marble buiineM my laying j that I can 611 yonr or Jen in the very beat manner. V Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Qrani 9 or any kind of In. To Sivve Big Trees of Calavara. An estimate of the timber growing on what is known as the "north g-ove"' of the Cahveras Big Tree Grote in California, lias just beeu completed by the forest service of the Department of Agriculture. The area covered by the big trees is about 100 acrts. The entire north grove com prises 640, acres. This work forms pirc of the co-operative forest studies which the "ervice h:ig nudertakeu at tlie request of the State of California. There is an earnest aud widespread desire to save the Cslaveras grove rrom such a sale as would result in its destruction. The owuer is willing to disposn of it, and an aconra'e and atisractory appraital of the valne of he timber should help to make an agreement on h fair price if Congress sees fit to purchase it. Oregon Tim bermaa. A Scientific Wonder. Inn cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien titlo wonner. It cored E. R. Mslford. 1-ctnrer for the Patrong of Husbandry. Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case u rues, ii neats the worst boms. sores, boils, ulcers, cuts, wound, chil blains and sale rheum. Only 25o at su amg mores. Fine wedding Courier office. stationery at the Scenery I!. W. FOSTER, I'assmger and T oker Agent, Hti 1 lrti-t n Rome, Cr. 8d & Stark Stc. Port and. Ore. FEED STABLES (irnH l a"., Oregon A Farm Library of aocqnallcd value. Practical, Up t date, Concise ui Comprehensive. BOOKS HORSE BOOK - t Common sue Treatise, with 1 Breed inr. Feeding whole ground. Pric Butchery. Diseases. ice, 40 Ccata. ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. MARCH 23. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. All matter for this column Is Mipplied by the Grant Pa Woman's (.'tin-lian Temperance Union. Not all of Oregon's prohibition towns beiug rneutioned in last week's paper, I wisu to call attention to a tew more. St Jolius is still dry de spite the efforts of the liquor men to have it otherwise. The Pacific Search light says, "Prohibition prohibits in some instances. The members of the Corvallis club think so. Hood River 'blind piggers' are thinkiug serious ly about the prospect of the law mean ing something aud a persisteut viola tor at Amity saw his Popes go glim mering in the face of the Prohibition law. Twenty-five saloon keepers in Coog wondered what would oome uext when they "were closed op." Mr. El more of- Brownsville, a staunch prohibitionist, la quoted as saying, 'Eight years ago Brownsville banished the saloon. The city was in debt and ill improved. Today ,with a five mill tax the oity has its own lighting and water facilities, is oat of debt and has 500 In the treasury." The mayor of Newburg iu an artiole iu the Pacific Advocate makes some fine points for prohibition. He Baya"We are proud of onr city and I do think we have a right to be. I was asked to tell how we planned our campaign to get rid of the saloons and bow we carried the election. In the first place we neveV had any saloons to get rid of so have been saved that trouble. Today we would invite yoo to come to as clean a town as the suu chines on, aud sae for yourself what a tou without revenue from saloons is like. I challenge 00111 arisou with any saloon town iu any stato in the Uniou. We have no druukard's families to support with city funds. Our mer chants are happy aud prosperous. Our homes are happy, too. We are told that our street improvements for the last year are ahead of any other town of our size in the state, Oar people an not asleep on the tem perance question,. We vote uot otily to keep the curse out of our own fair city, but to drive it from the state and uaiiou as well." Is it any wou ner that Newborn is called the " white city?" We. hope that in no far distant future oar own fair city may throw off the curse of the licensed saloon. that it limy be made a safer, cleaner placo, th it thn motley now spent for that which degrades and destroys body and soul may hi turned into 1 gitiuiate channels. A good location fine climate aud beautitul scenery is ours aud may Grants Pass be known far and near for its energy and its hint) moral aud intellectual standards. It ii not a question as to whether prohibition will prohibit. but whether there is anyone buck of the law to see that it is enforced. " And now au eiectiou wil1 soon be on hand iu this county and slate, may the voters see to it that men are elected to office who will enforce the laws, and may they have reason to feel that behind them is h public ceutiment backing them od In the performance of every duty. And may those elected be men conscientious iu taking their oath of office and may those oaths be ke t iurlola e. I leave to society a rained character aud a wrecked example. I leave to par. lit sun mach sorrow us I hey can bear. I have to my brothers and sis ters as much shame and uiorlilicatiou as I could bring to them. I leave to my wife a broken heart a life of shame. I leave to each of mv child ren poverty, igncrace, a low chitra.'ter and a remembrance that their father tilled a drunktrd's grave. Ex. Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans. Clearwater. Kan., writes, My husband lay sick for three month. The doctors said he had quick consumption. We prooorel a bottle of Ballard's Ilnrehouud Sjrnp. aud it cared him. That was six years aiio and since then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We cannot do without it. For coughs and colds it ha uo equal. National Drag Co. and at Roterinund'i. TIE CONTRACTS. Bids for furnishing 43.0 0 fir ties hewed on two sides and hark stri p.-d or square si wed, not ler than live inches of heart, to lie delivered at poiute to be. designated alt ng the right-of-way of The California & Ortgon Coast railroad betw en Grants Pam aud Love's 8 atiou; a id ties to be of the following dimensions: Hx7 in by 8 ft. No bid will be con idertd for less than 1000 ties and the loinranv reserves the right to reject any ana an Dim. ror further infor mation aiuly to the company's assist ant engineer, Johu F. Richard-on, U ants Pass, Oregon. T. WALNMORGAN DRAPE. S 33-2t General Manager. LAMES 17 Did Toil know that AccnrMnn tsi.l. ing is more popular than ever among genteel dieaatra? sftHot irons injure delicate fabric. We us th steam method exclusively. We can do your work just a satisfactorily a if you lived in Portland. Writ far free circu lar and particular. We do Accordion Sunburst and Kntf Plaiting to order. MISS O. GOULD MARQUAM BLDQ. PORTLAND, ORB. : 3i UK rii y T e Equinoctial storms, whist parties, bad colds aud candidates Murphy has 'eai. Mrs. H. L. Red and Grandma ou the sick list this Cockerliue art) week. Mrs. Bedding of Grants Pass com menced a three-months term of schtol here Monday morning, with about 20 pupils. Jeff Lliul.-ay is completiug his9-room residence, which is quite au addition to his already valuable farm in the Applegate bottom. Had you noticed that s uile oa Ed Herriott's face? It's a boy, he tells as, and we hope he'll make as genial a stage and mail driver as his father. We nuderstaud the Williams Bros, will run the Kendall sawmill the comiug season. , They are well known and well Used here aud we wish tbem a profitable season. Oscar aud Grace Bunch are driving a .beautiful black filly they lately bought of Ira Tompkins. There are several good horans on the river, but hi is one of the ueatest roadsters we've seen. Cbas. Rich ton is up from Portland this week making practical teste with his qaartx mill for the benefit of pur chasere iroiu a distance. Mr. Richton ha iu the Pratt mill a pieoe of ma chinery second to none for tbe re duoiog of quartz. J. D. Hays.who has been for a num ber of year a PollmaTn conductor out of Portland, is now visiting with bis mother. Mr. Hays has a positiou with the contractors of the Klamath Irrigation project aud will go to Klamath county as soon as work is oommenced this Spring. He leaves the Pullman company of his own a oord aud we nuderstaud is promised a place at any time he wishes to re turn. Edior Mesreve cf the Courier pissed through our vicinity Monday evening en route to Prov It to attend tha telephone meeting at that place Tuesday evening. If some of oar prosperous Murphy farmers would take as much interest iu telephones as they do in other luxuries of no more importance, we would soon nave a system installed that would be a profit aud a pl-'asnre to the whole community. Ju this, age every pro gressive neighborhood needs a tele phone aud the more they progress the more they need it. Mnrphy is pro-grest-ive, Murphy also needs a roral telephone and Murphy gets what she needs. J. W. Gilmore and hia "horseless" grubber have cleared quite a patch of ground this Wiuter and he is now plowing preparatory to planting corn. Since Mr. Gilmore located here he has cleaned np a nice little ranch with a felf devised grabber obstruct d of a 6-incn drum set in a 4-Dost frame with a 14-foot sweep mortised ou the upper end of drum. The machine is anchored to a tree or stump by a cbain from the top and bottom of frame and long enough to allow a man on either ud of the sweep to pass between the tree and tje machine. This rigged with a steel oable.a ball bearing blook, two men at the lever and one man to fling chain, will clear laud surpris ingly fast. This land is the finest or deep, red soil, Ideal for grapes and It the plan of Mr.. Gilmore to put it all to vineyard so soou as the roots and trash left from clearing are rotted so the grape vines can be readily culti vated. X. Y. 1. The Strenu- ous Life Results In Stomach Troubles and Phys ical Breakdown Roiermund Of fers Simple Remedy. The strenuous life of modern times forces people to rush though their meals hastily, hurrying from the table in the mad rash aftter the al mighty dollar. The result Is incomplete digestion, inflammation of the walls of the Uimach, aud lack of seorition of the gastric juices, ending in chronic stomach trouble aud nervous break down. How much betur it would tie to eat more slowly, cure the stomach trouble with Ml-o-na, aud soon regain perfect health. The headaches, sleeplessness, netvoos troubles, pain after sating, spools before . the eyes, backaches, uelaocholy aud gloomy foreboding would be soon overcome aud perfect health and strength would be restored. Proper treatment of the weakened digestive system with Mi o-na will are every case of stomach trouble. The results of this treatment ar to astonishing and so pronounced, that thorn who have tried it never fail to appreciate its value as a healing agent. So reliable Is Mi-o-na in curing all forms of stomach weakuesa and trouble that Rotermund give a signed guarantee that the remedy will cost nothing onlen it ourea. Each box of Mi-o-na tells for 60 centt, and is Invaluable to anyone who suffer with indigestion, nervousness r weak stomach. 1906. a K E 11 It Y More raiu aud suow at preseut writ ing. Bright, warm days aud very cool night". Mrs. O. A. McCalliste. has moved to Grants Ptss. Hurry np ! you Grants Pass people and get that ralroad built. W. H. Carter has returned from tha Pass where he was ou busiuess. S. L. Benson, who has a farm ou Rogue river, was iu Kerby Thursday. W.' F. Hogue with a load of passen gers started for the Pass Sunday morn ing. The heaviest snow storm of the sea son visited these parts the night of the 12th. The miners all seem happy with the prospect of a late run and a profitable clean-up , Miss Mary Stone of Loves Station, is visiting her mother a few days this week. After an absence of Beveral mouths Dr. Klopper has again taken np his residence in Kerby. F. G. Burrows, road supervisor of district 13, is busy these days collect ing road and poll tax. The social danoe given in the W. O. W. hall was well attended, every one reported having had a good time. X A IT LEGATE And it 1 11 it rains. The hop last Saturday near Provolt was eo joyed "considering." Mrs. Geo. Hoffman left Sunday for Sacramento where she will visit her daughter, Emma. Fred Wright, who has been attend ing the business college at Ashland, returned home Saturday. Clarence Wiuetrout and Henry Per nol., who have been attending sohool at the Ashland Normal, returned home last Thursday. Mr. Potteuger of Metlford was over Sunday aud drove away a fine bunoh of beef cattle which were feed by O. W. Wiutetiout duing the Winter. Mr. Harriutgon made a flying trip to Medford Sunday. Harley Mansfield and Annie Bene diet visited Grants Pass last week. Mr. aud Mrs. G. W. Winetrout made a bnsineBS trip to Medford Tuesday. V. I. Sweetland was out from Grant Pass Sunday. Frotn'thit place he drove a bunch of stock cattle-. Claud Hawkins, superintendent of the Madroue Mining Co., situated four miles north of Applegato, was among 0 Sunday. Last Saturday morning Ed Gate met with a most painful accident. While cutting kindlings lie almost re moved bis fore fiuger. H. Mansfield took Mr. Gatet to Jacksonville to the dootor, shortly after the accident oc curred. Since then he hat gone to Grants Pass, and from there be will probably go to his home iu Eastern Oregon. The Applegate citizens will toon erect a new danoe hall It is to be AOxlOO feet aud will have all conven ience. Si. LA U It EL GItOVE I . Oscar Bunoh say he will team this Summer. Daniel Lindsay is thinking of going to Canada this Spring. We are to have a mill In our valley this Spring. Good luck to all. H. E. Gething passed through our burg one day last week eu route to his mine. The horse buyer took a number of big horses from this part of the country this Spring. Miss Est e Ha Williams went to Grant Pass on Monday to work at the home of our genial stage driver, Ed Harriet . Well, we are wondering who will be our next county jadge, There seems to be some difference among onr voter a to that. Walter Hair I improving hit ranch that he bought of E. N. Provolt. He is a first class stock man and bas some good horse and cattle. Tbe now is gone iu the valley and almost gone on lower bills aud rain is falling. The more rain the more rest, but the Nigger says mora grass. We are informed that E. N. Provolt it out for commissioner. We hope he will be elected for we need the com missioner on this end of tbe road awhile. The qoart mill owned by Chas. Richton and Jim Bumgardner is run ning full blast. We wish them much success with their new venture for they are bustling fellows. Harne Alger it very busy improving bis farm. He is an up-to-date farmer io every respect aud make a good income from his!' ranch. Ha says where most farmers miss it is in not ralsiug plenty of good blcoded hogs, and plenty of berrie and garden stuff of all kinds. Our rustling road supervisor, C. F. Gintnor, is out collecting road taxes auais this Spring. If we had more uiou like him in our district we would have better roads. H believes lu fix tog the road right and good as far at he goes, then it will not need repair- ing every year. Our roads show np better this year nnder his care than they have for a good many voars be. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the County Court for JrtRnulilnA County, Oregon. P. H. Harth, Plaiutitn vs. y J. F. Cochran, Defendant J nonce is nereby given that by vir tue of au execution issued out of the County Court of the State of Oreoon for Josephiue County, iu an action wherein P. H. Harth i nlu;iv ....1 J. F. Cochran is del mauding me to sell Lot 8 in Blook 8 in the town of Narnlxmi. called Kerbwille. in .T.i,.i.i. Conuty. Oregon, to ar.inf'v fh 1184.85 United State Gold Coin, with interest iti like gold coin at the rate of ten per cent Der immm rnm T-.. uar, it), mod, and the further mm of 9 4 cost and disbursements and ac cruing costs. No therefore, in the name of the bttte of Oregon and in compliance with said writ, I will offer for sale at pnblio auction, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the court house in Grants Pass, Josephine County, Or i gon, on Monday, April 9, 1W06, be tween the hocrs of nine o'clock a m od o'clock p. m., to-wlt: at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, for term cash in hand, all the right, title aud interest of the above named J. F. Cochran in aud to the aforesaid real property. (P5'ed'.t110ra,ti Ptt""' Oregon, thiv Oth day of Maroh, A. D., 100(1 . 1. ' . , RQE W. LEWIS, Sheriff of Josephine County, Oregon. CITATION. in tbe County Conrt for Josephine county, Oregon. In the matter of the ) Estate of James Lyttle, v Deceased. J Toi LA? 1tftt,e' Jaue Ly"le. Hannah Lyttle, Peggy Lyttle, Robert Lyttle, Johu Lyttle and all other heirs and next of kin and other persous inter ested in the estate of James Lyttle. Greeting: ' In the name of the state fit Orftirnt-s you aud eaoh of you an hereby cited to appear in the above All M I lsJil nnnvtV and cause on Monday, April 3, ltKXl at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the ?rt N00"8 t Grant Pass in Jose- inline i,ouuiy, uregon, at the regular April term of said rinnrt ...j there to bIiow cause, if any. why an order should not ba made f.r nZ of all the right, title and mterest of .no uuve entities estate in and to tbe Of the N. E V.. thn N 1 nf si.. and a. 7i, bliu S3, ft. M A, tin Lots . i it of the N. W. a mm uuii o ana 4. Ken. til. nir,..l,in 41 8 . H 0 W. of Willamette Meridian in Josephine County, Oregon. This citation is rinl.liul,H k order of the Hon J. O. Booth. Judge of said Court, dated Maroh 2, 10. requiring publication thereof in the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper published at Grant Pass nrnom, V... a period of four (ncoessive weeks prior """' u biiuu uearing. iuie me non. j.u.Hooth, Judge said Court. and the al nf.uM rv.,. affixed hereto this 2d day of March. A. L., 1000. S. V nmrsrjTon' County Clerk for Josephine Con'ntv. Oregon. NOTICE. Notice it hereby Divan that i,u ni. trict Boundary Hoard .f .n.u,i.i County, will meet in the court home iu OrauU Pass, at 1 :!10 o'clock, p. m. on Thursday, April S, 100(1. to act on a petition to ohauge the boundary line between school districts No. 6 and 4J to read an follow: Beginning at the pi.;t where the west boundary line of district No. 8 cut the north Vf'X1 U- ,a ToliD' P' Section 17. Township US South of Range 7 West. Thence runuiug east to the west Hue of Section 10 ; thence south to the southwest corner of sal it Sec tion 10; themie east two mile; thence ooth three miles to the southeast corner of Section 84, Township 88 South of Range 7 Went, which will f?.,V o4,'lrlct No' 48 " ' Scotlons 81, 4, 27, H, UU and 84, the east half of Sections 20, 2U and 83 and all that part of the east hair of Section 17 south of the north line of R L. Tollu' place. All in Township 88, South of Range 7 West. LINCOLN SAVAGE, rw.,1 1 r. 8e0'y of Boerd. Dated in Grants Pass, Ore., this 14th day of March, 1000. FORFEITURE NOTICE. Grants Pass Ore., Jan 8. 1008-To the heirs of Owen McCarthy: Yoo are hereby notified that I have ex pended I00 In labor aud Improve merits upon the Golden Pheasant lode claim situated in the Orants Pas Mining District, Josephine County" certificate filed March 11, lOOfl, in the office of the County Clerk of said oounty on page 474. Vol. in. Mining Records, iu order to hold said preml .e under the provisions of section 2824 Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the ?.'U?JS t!",J"" eudiu December 81,1005. Aud if within uluety day from the servioe 0f this notice (or within ninety day after this not ioe by publication) yon fall or refuse to contribute, your proportion of tuoh expenditure as a co-owner, your in terest iu said claim will become the property of the eubscrlber under seo Uou 234. t j. HUNTER. I I lOt A Guaranteed Cure for Pile. Itching, Blind, Bleeding. Protrud ing Piles. Druggist are tatli-M to refund money tf p' niv iisiis so cure li. fj '. '4 60 cent. days.