JkOuUfi Kiv'nk CUUKIEK. GRANTS PASS. OREGON, MAkCH 23, lOo. Eminent Doctors Praise Its Ingredients. We refer to that boon to weals, nervous, tuflering women known as Dr. Plerce' Favorite Prescription. I)r. John Kyfnone of the Editorial Staff of The Eclectic Mkdk al Kbvikw nys of Unicorn root (llelnniim ItMnt) which U one of the chief Ingredient of the"ra Yorlt Prescription" : A remedy which Invariably art a a ntcr ln Invliroraujr makes for nurnial ac tivity of th entire reproductive rim." Hcontlnai"Ui llelonlaowe have a uii-illia-merit which mora fully anawera t he ahove nurpowtt Uuxn my oUur drug vith urn Ira I am armtainUA. In the treatment of dlwanea pe culiar to womeo It la aulilum that i ciu ! seen which not present Home Indication for thla remedial scant." lr. yfe further r: "The following are among Hie leading Indication for llelonlan (Unicorn root), rain 1 or aching In the back, with leucorrhtra; stonlc tweak) conditions of the reproductive oriana of woiuun. merit si depression snd Ir ritability. ao-lated with chronic diseases of th reproductive organ of women, constant sensation of heat In the region of the kid ney: menorrhagla (flooding!, due to a weak ened condition of the reproductive ayntero: amenorrhu-e (suppresked or alment monthly Mrloda I, arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive organs snd antemlc (thin blood) halilt; dragging sensations In the extreme lower part of the abdomen." .... If mora or leas of the above symptom are present, no Invalid woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite prescription, one of the leading Ingredi ents of which la Unicorn root,or Ilelonlas. snd the medical properties of which It most faithfully represents. Of Oolden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Flnley Elllngwood, M. L., of Ben oett Medical College, Chicago, says: It Is an Important remedy In disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions snd general enfttebiement. It Is useful." Prof. John M. Bcnildcr, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Henl root : In relation to Its general effects on the Kitem, then is no mrltc(r in tut ahmU which ire it uci general unanimity of wiuiitn. It Is unleerMJIi regarded as Uit tunic useful In all dehllliauid states." Prof. Kartholow, M. P., of Jefferson Medical College, gays of (inlilcn Seal : Valuable In nlerlne hemorrhage. Menor rhagia (flooding) anil congestive dysuienor rbira (painful menstruation)." I)r Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represent all the above named In gredlenU and cures tho dlscunos for which they are recommended. NEW STOCK' OF DRY 600DS AT McLANE'S STORE West G Street Second Block from Sixth Street At prices that make bargains. FARMERS FEED STABLE J. K. KK1U.KY, 1'BoiK. Last stable, south on Sixth ritroot. Htmin under cover for lfiO horses bpi' 40 wagons, llox stalls. I'orral) In loom) ntoek. Only tho beet hay, cleiiii grain a-ii alfalfa fod. Rolled hurley ami other grain. No dieasod horses, allowed. Pucr running water, and trough cloaDud every day. Waiting room anil toilet room when luil lee can loavo wraps anil urranyv their toilet". E. A. WADE Dry (JoimK Uiirtmvoar, Notions, Etc. Flout Street west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, OKKGON ,ri atwe. 1 .... .-... ij,'.;.:. r-Wio 4 v ELY'S CFIEAH R.-stM Thin Romody Is n "icl'f, Suro to Civo Satn.'A . i . t . CIV.IS RIM 'IF AT i'... ... It ile.r -I- : ill.". ! no n.l l I' ill-L . ' w . . e i '. i i . r 1 Ite-t. i... Ke - . I I.IM' .. 11 V. 11. ' Ai:' ' K.r ;r S'. " I ttti.il . Tr. .1 Si nv v -:-t : The Btt Couh Frup. S. 1.. Xl'l'lo. i'i pi.'lMti' .''I- . Ot, Ksiimis writes: " Tin- i any fat li.iv,. I Um'I I'ul! ir.l s '.! : lu"atiil Syrup f T vear.i, ami that I .1.. not hcsit.ito to r. ...tinii.'ii'l il tie ' bent ivit,.li evrup I Lave ever lists I. J.,1', iin.t l -l KiUi'riuuu.l i ntnl at N'mU..iih1 Drim t'o. J HUGO ..t Sam Aldrraon was a Grants Pass visitor Saturday. Harry (Men, who has been qnite aica. for the pant month, if able to be oat agaiD. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Erlckson were Grants Pant visitors the eaily part of last week. A. R. Cleveland ia on the sink list also this week ; be is wrestling the grippe around. By the way ! its getting about lime to be smoking "candidate cigars again, Inn t ltr Mrs. John Sanders of Merlin aud Mrs. Finber of Greenback were Hugo visitors Sunday. Several of the Hugo people attended the dance at Merlin Saturday night; all report a fine time. John Sanders went to Greenback on Monday of this week, he taking a load of household goods for Mr. Fisher. Andy Steele left Monday for Port laud and will later go on to Seattle, Wash., where he makes bis Summer headquarters. There is some talk of the saw mill in Brimstone oanyon starting again in the near future. A good thing if it is run on a "pay op" pioposition. An extra gang of Japs are working in Hugo, moving the panning track and spur, nearer the main line, on ac count of the spur beiug off the right-of-way na ! Ha ! I ye old-time prophets and yellow jackets, just wait another month and toll os about good weather. You have talked about snow loog enough. Several gents of Hugo were courting in Grants Pais lant week ; they were C. Triplett, W. Purdy, II. Triplet, FoHter Bros. , Peto Perzier, W. L. Chapin, Wm. Brown aud W. E. Sun dors. There is qnite a large crew of men working on Section 40, since the March storms commenced. Mr. GotT intends hailug this section of the road again in good condition, if the bad weather ceaHeH, in tho near fa ture. The Brtlcle in last week's irHue on the "Hobo" question is O. K. and there is no ronui for complaint aniens it is on the time a hobo should work on the street. I think it would be nearer right to ray Ave hoar instead of 2''. That would give Mr. Hobo two "pquareti" a day anil of conrtie the liiarnlial would Hud a place for him to sleep. If the peoi lt would not be so htmpitalile to that clam they would be compelled to go to work and in this way our country would be free from worthlcHi bum". Feed them gratis and they are not looking for anything better. S. C. Kibbler. w i y i: u i (Too ltte for lant edition. ) We have been having a nice little snow storm. The minor! are mulling at the pros pect of another good run. Mins I. In Carter apont Satnrduy night ami Sunday with the home folks. Will 1 1 il I in and Emm Nwtithunier mailt' a Hying trip to Jacknouville lant j Week. j Weddings seem to bo in order an) several are atinonnced fur tho near I future. j Mis Kiiinia Neatliamer is. home, again after spending sovi r.tl lnout'is j in WiHKlville. Mix Huth Swinuey ban been em- -ployed to teach the Spring term of i aclnM.1 in the Winter dit.trict. K. IV Thompson in in our mlilsi j Haiti aft. r spending several months i with relatives and friends in the east . Si h.x.l opened in the Mnyse frees 1 district Men. lay, Mirch 13, with Miss Millie l-'rier of ,lcsr.liMie county In, chirgii. The f.iriners have been hnsv sowing j Spring fir.ijin. innM of them h'tvitm ' tiui.-heil l.'f.iii. ihey wer.i fcrc-il to' lay ulT 1 v tin. recent eturin. Mr. and Mrs. Will WHlmns were i leu ivai n il at their home lni-t Sun ilav ninlii. There were about !l'i per m.iis ptci.-ut ;.'.! the Imvs were invited in hi .1 in aii .1 t,. rai'ilv an. I c!.;ar .m.l . a',... and Mitt .hints . re mtvi'iI. .In'.'' I'.; pir'v was nii"i by .1 if. .athau.er Satur-lay inght. A :" .1 ' i n. v i r. ;...rt. ,1 ' 1 v all w In w l. ; r.- 1 .'. N'til I'll r. A Jjm.,,i Ij.Iv Spf.k M.iihly ol 1 him !v r!.n I ouh Kmi'.lv. Mr- Mul.i l 11 ir'. wile if :!;; ".; i-rit.N ii. Ii M i f I 'art si rvi at K ii- I' I' .'.iiiKiH-M, West III lia Is. ' ''! " - .-' .' l .ii f, r sunn' v. ir I ' 'Il H i' . 1 1 '111. 'S I ' Mi,- 1 K,Mlil' 1 (.''i'1'li- . . an I '.o,. in. i'im.,:Ii ii '. i i- : i i i . . i v I-, :;, ;,, mi, i . . n :i,li nrr in k ittl, .'i.l i i !v w it hen t a hot 'In of it ill 1 r I ..(, S ',! !.v M I ',.;.., ns ' ' t ': r !.. i!:c '. .: . .;M circu'u '' ' ' ' ' !' ;",r 'ii S..'.h!mm ! On-- Mi Ashland Normal School Notes. Miss Ne'lie Molkey left for South ern California latt Saturday, going down there to stay with hi r sick brother. The Seniors are now butcy preparing for the preservation of Shakeepeare'f "Hamlet." It will be given some time in May. "Professor is back.'- This was the welcome nsws that greeted the stu dents as tbey congregated last Friday morning. Prof. Mulkev did spring a surprise upon the whole school, as no one was expecting him so soon. His son was doing as nicely as coo Id be exiected, thongh not perhaps as well as might be wished. During Chapel exercises Professor gave an interesting account of his experience in the wealth-surfeited land of Southern California, where millionaires are as thick as "hoppickers" in Oregon, the little town of Redlands having 42 and Pasadena more than 100 millionaire. He pictured the oonntry as a veritable paradise, and yet, he says that, "There is no place like borne." The Ladles Literary Society met Friday afternoon, and after the in stallation of the new officers an ex cellent program wag rendered. Whfn the singing and speeebmaking was over the question "Resolved, That labor anions are a greater menace to the industrial world than oombina tions of capital" wag debated. The affirmative was upheld by Viola Phiester aud Jessie Wilson. The negative by Ida Robinson aud Cora Carter. The negative side won. Mim Broad is the new president of the society, and tho girls are to be con gratulated opon the selection of such an able parliamentarian to wield the gavel. Friday evening the dormitory people gave a short receptiou in honor of Professor Mulkey. They then ad journed to the chapel where the Con gressional Literary Society gave their weekly program. After a recitation by Walter Herndou, a solo by O. B. Newton aud an oration by Fred Peter son, the debate was taken np. The qoestion was "Resolved, That Han nibal was a greater military com mander than Nanoleon.'' The affir mative was supported by Smith aud Martia; the neuative by E. Pollard and O. B. Newton. The great gen erals were alternatly placed on hiyh pedestals of fame and glory and then ruthlessly torn down. Some of the debaters even went go far as to quote history in support of their arguments. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative. The society now ad journed and went in a body to the "ladies' dorm" where an old-fashioned taffy pull was enjoyed. The taffy was fine! : k ii it L i : Jaa. CiHik and son were Medfurd visiturs last Saturday. Luke Lilly of Sterling vinited with his Bister, Mrs.. Harrow, Thursday. Freil Miller made a flying trip nut here Saturday looking after hia min ing intcrt'HtH. Mias I'earl Davidson visited the past week with friends in the Will iams vicinity. Mr. M tiaky haa been trying the grippe. He is hetter now and says he doesn't care to grippe again. Clinton Kohcrta in tends hauling several tons of alfalfa hay to liranta 1'a.ss as soon as the roads are in shape for heavy traflic. Richard I ewuuiu has purchased the Karris property and is now making preparation for a large grape vineyard. We see where you are right, Dick. After a week of "Slimmer time" we were surprised Sunday lncrning to siii the nearby hills wearing a new overcoat of snow, reminding us that "its" Man h. K. J. Kiibll and W. W. WroMri.'g i are making it interesting fir the covotes of this section i f the cnuutrv. killing two the ast week. A few more and the sheep can range in the miiiitiiins with Nifetv. Lttsch l'ayse and wife cf the lioldeu Drift mine are lure this week visiting Mrs. Haise's inrents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent ntnl Mr. I'inse's sister, Vrs. Jas. t'liol-. 'Ihev will a si visit l lias. I'a.se h .lad s nvillc In f. re thev return to the inine. ("lias Hui kha'ter was he me Saturday and Sundav fr .in the ("scar ( reel, mine of which lie is foreman. ti ac count of water ei ttiiu; I. -w thev are only running .lie giant now. The mine is a .'"" I paying otic ntnl pro duces a tine nalitv ol the Vei.ow tiiita1. Card lartios are in fast ioii here now, we have several good p'av.-rs at I e.lro. whit and crih ami 'along to ward the hour of tuiduilit thev most generally In Id a g -a ! liau.l, io( tie and cal.ei and then its a'l o:f until tl'i re is a show for mote i f ihi tine lefresluueiits. Say ! why d n t yi u sul'-i rihe f T the Coiiri. r ami read .losephine civ.mty's lct paper. ? H. I . W inc. . ieiis.ii on.i! or ;i'es'i.u.,h!e tr. it t. r o'o ,v v.! ill the Coin ier v I L ELAND I j We bave no sickness to report. The steam shovel will soon com mence work. The grain came through the Winter in good chape. We hear of one man that wants to run for justice of the peace. Some of cur people were in Grants j Pass laat week paying taxes, i Kelly Duncan hag a start in a line j bog. He believes in raising good I stock. I We read of blizzards in other parts of the s'ate, bot here it is calm and serene. Some of onr middle-aged men, from 68 to 81, are able to cut their fire wood also do other work. People are plowing for gardens and dome new latd is being brought nnder cultivation on Tunnel 9 Creek. We don't know what the out look will be regarding fruit; go far but little damBge hag been done. 1 We have had little change in tbe weather, as March is a treacherous month. We had two inches of snow. j It melted soon ; now we are having I frosty nights. We hear of ' grippe, but oar 1 With our pure people having the people are clear of it. water and clear cot - science we ere a happy people, hardly any law-suits. j Mrs. Anderson bus sold her ranch ' below Leland to Geo. Strong, a stock ' man. He will go into the stock busi ' nes-as he has bad a good deal of ex ' perience in that line. A report is. enrrent that the Grave ; Creek wagon road is to be extended (to the Copper Stain on Mt. Reuben in the near future. That will benefit j many a uiimr. Wide Awake. i Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. i "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected hat I had many hemorrhages,'- writes A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians withnot any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I reccimmeud it ' in advanced stages cf lung trouble. " I For sale by H. A. Rotermnd. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, aud prevents scriocs .results from a cold. Refuse tutstitutes. i Givei Health, Vigor and Tone. I lierbine ia a boon for tnfforers from aneamia. Bv its ore the hlood is quickly renem-r ited and the color lw oomeg normal. The drooping strength i is revived. Tho languor is diminish ed. Health, vigor aud tone predomi nate. New life and happy activity ; remits. Mr. Pelle H. Shriel, Mid dlesborou(ih, HI., writes, 1 have been troubled with liver couiplaiut aud poor blood, aud have fonnd nothing to benefit me like Herbine I hope never to be withont it. I have wished ' that I had known of it in my hus band's life time" fitto at National : Drug Co. and at Hoteimond's. BUSINESS POINTERS. Petaluma Incubator at Cran er Bros. Send vour family washing to the Steam Laondry. All rouuh dry work 2.'i cent per iloz.'u. Phone 3T3. Your ilothes called for and delivered end all rlatworli that goes through the tnnngle washer, ironed at 2."c pi r dozen. Urauts Pass Steam Laundry. Phono S?,l There's money iu the chicken and egg husini ss 'f ' 1 roperly managed. A Pi tain ma Incalmtnr will make a wood start on the toad. Yoo can lind them at Cramer Fros. l.etchir has jost rceivid another stoi'k of lente and ran fit all kiwi of eyes His R.aratus for the tenting of visi n ia all np-to-ilato and the i most leliahle kind Curtis & Co. fot Watches, Clocks. Uohl Kings and Jewelrr, line watch reiairing, engraviug. Coods sold at reasonable prices. Conie and see os. I. t). t). V. l'uildiiig. tirants Puss, Ore iron. II nine bought a new lot of cloth at a bitgmn. the ItianU Phi's Tailoring companv in now abl'i to miUi1 a tir-t diss mii t at n'lnost half tlefvunr pric. Cull ami examlni our goods and (Jet pi ics Number M3, West C stmt, oppocite Di pr.t. 13-1.) tf. P'nnef Jr. Ciardi n ruls at Ctiinn r Hriin. Vomn' Kidnes Won en nr nnue often attlicted w ith fciilner dis. Titers than n en, hut a'tr.hute the t-ynipt ti i in cis'-a-e pe ot liar to the'r while in nail y t''.' 1. i 'iiev s are it. run-v I. Nervous ni ss, head id e, pulTv or dark circles ttii'ti r t1 e Ves. pun in ilu'lmel., ale -.gi.s of I i.h ev 'l-oi hle that inns lici le ignoiel. or a mmhi's icilolv 11 r. full. I'' Ii" ' K iln. yC'ire I a it s'ore.l tin' health of Ihon-aink o! well-, ier i. s. tMi.io'i' now ti v oiin n. Il stoi, irve. n! u Hi s and r-tn-i'Stlien the urinary organs. 1. pur ti s thelhs.ii ai d Nnefils t! who'e y-t un. l-'ur sale 1 v 11. A. Ki ti no n ti I. To Ci: Toko Laxative Brc:no C,: Se-n Million ben sc. 1J : a i ii ma.nf.vuB f -. CLEMENS SELLS BOOKS and DRUGS, ?gAoNNG? GRANTS PASS, ORE. L, ..Ji Seven-room st ry I 3r I y!',!Jsrrr-PL':r:- A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. Phone 484 I Buv and Sell Real Estate HOW IS THIS? No. 4)0. 320 acres on the Applegate. 100 acres good bottom land Good irrigating ditch with 100 inches of water. 26 acres in alfalfa and 2 acres in orchard. Pi ice, $5,000.00. No. 494. 240 acres. Good three room house, small barn, smoke house and all other out buildings. 30 acres fenced. 20 acres in culti vation. Small orchard. Plenty of gtod timber. Living water. $5.00 per acre. No. 4v7. 217 acres. 100 acres in cultivation. Fine natural meadow. Good clover and altalfa land, with good water right. Plenty ot good timber. Fair house, good barn, grainery and all other out buildings. $30.00 per acre for the next sixty days only. Youry for bargains, Joseph Moss, The Real Estate Man Hf.U.0 393 Office. 611 Residence. 516 E Street I PLUMBING HEATING We are prepared to do all kinds of Flumbinp;, We use first efass material and employ ex perienced workmen. Come to us for estimates on Sewer Con nections. : : : : Mining and Irrigating Tipe, Tin and Galvanized Iron work. Furnace Heating a specialty. Hair-illle Hanhvaro Co. The Club Stables FRANK HECK, Proprietor .Successor to Hayes & Heck Special attention given to mining men and commercial travelois. Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon A Lively Tujile. with ihit cl I ciemy of the r i i ,n 8iutioii, i f ri'ii ends in app.-iulieitis To avoid i II serious ttonble with stotiinch. liver nut hew. U, takePr Kiiik's New I. if., pin.. i'.T p(,r'. f ctlv ri'iitilute these organs, without piiu or iii.ci infort. -JV at all dnii;. (tints. The I'opular Bjrber Shop Get viuir tonsorial wotk il.mc ,t IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Sunt Three eh . i , l'al'.i lo.oin ,n , ,.i ,,,, N. P.. MeCiUHW. i'loXl-1'K TKl'CK ami DI".I.I":K V Km t'.'tuif ami I'iiu'o Movitif.' GRANTS PASS. 0REC.C. My ... ;;s4 months. 1 I le '?jiTMl and a half house J. D. DRAKE. Grants Pass. Ore. Wholesale anil Retail Feed ana Floor Store I K. KI'.IU.KY, Proprietor. Kerles Feed Stables, South Sixth Street. Het Ilratnl of riour. "JV of ail kinds. Kolied Iinrlev, Wheat and Data. I nun (,iay iiats fr Sivd. fty I '.i ' r.. k piiees. ' ; r.', .1 printing at the Palace Barber Shop l'ATKs a, VII.I.IAM., Proprs. Miaving, Hair Cutting lJaths,- Etc. ' ti:;t.ir r.'t ami dean and a 'rk I irs..( 'lass. One Day Two Days. or. ivcry box. 23c.