Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 23, 1906, Image 5

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    Count, wigh and mmture mrylhing you
Auy." .4m-im Urocer.
The wreath of QUALITY to
those things that have real
The White House Grocery
endeavors to handle only
those things that are pure,
good and wholesome.
Today we are selling the
largest package of Mush
(rolled wheat) in the city for
10c per package while they
HotCake Flour, large 6ks, 45f
Pure white strained Honey
in bulk.
Heinz Apple Butter, in bulk,
15! per pound.
Garden Seed! of all kinds.
Onion sets, White and Yel
low Danvers.
For that tired feeling take
Heinz or Blue Label Catsup.
White House
The C. & S. Coffee House.
CA R. Encampment.
The local organization of the G. A.
R. is makiiiR timely and energetic
preparations toward the utatn encamp
nient which will be held in Grants
Pass in June. The Rronnds will be
selected this week. The committees
are at work on the program and en
tertiinmenr feitnres aud it is certain
that the time of the encampinpnt will
be brim fall of life. The business
unn are sulMc-ribiug liberally toward
the fiannces, as tho encampment, being
a state affair, will attract a very grtat
nnmber of people not only from Ore
gon, bat from other stat'8 and will
give a widesperad fame
to our city,
An exenrsiou rate of one fare will be
given by the railroads and it is likely
that we shall entertain from 1500 to
2000 people during that time. The
soliciting committee has not yet com
pleted its work but will do so within
the next few davs.
A special Communication of Grauts
Pass Lodge No. 84, A. F. and A. M.,
has been called for Tuesday evening,
March 27, lilOfi, for work in E. A.
Degree. Geo. R. Riddle, W. M.
"Tick of the Clock
Discount Sale'
Saturday, Mar. 24
25 off
Next Saturday Mornin" 10 to 11
o:n"e hour ointly
We shall plate on Spvcial Sale our en
tire stock of Ladies', Men's and Cliilds'
Shoes at a Cash Discount of
14 259; off kegular l'n'ces. I4
and Spring Wraps
25 off, One Hour Only
Xcxt Saturday Afternoon, 3 to 4 only
We shall place on sale our entire line of
Ladies' and Misses Skirts, Cloaks and
Suits at
14 25 Discount 14
V, Items of Personal j:
jij Interest. i
L. J. Crow risked Eugene last
Mist. Myrtle Ireland went to Port
land Wednesday evening to remain
for some time.
Mrs. Georgia Firebaagh is borne for
a monthVvisit with her p arents, Mr.
aud Mrs. G. D. Williams.
Mrs. H. C. Perkins left Friday
morning for a short visit with her
brother's family at Eugene.
Mrs. Geo. E. Good returned Satur
day from Portland where she has been
visiting relatives for a few weeks.
Mrs. A. C. Hongh and little daugh
ter started Wednesday evening for De
troit, Mich., where they will spend
the Summer.
Miss Annie Toung returned Tuesday
from Newberg, where she has been
for some time, and will remain In
Grants Pass for awhile.
Mrs. Julia Kilcoyne left Monday to
return to her home in Tulsa, I. T.,
after spending three weeks in Grants
Pass on a visit to her Daren ts, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L Swaiu.
Miss Agnes George has returned to
Ashland to take up her duties as
clerk, after having spent her vacation
with her parents at Kerby and with
friends in Grants Pass.
rrea uook left lhnrsoay evening
for Linnton, Orpgon, wliern he will
ake a position in the Willamette
Vallry Box factory of which R. R.
Cook, formerly of this place, is fore
man. '
As many of the Scovill family as
ar now in Oregon had a reunion at
tde home place at the hoad of Sixth
street Saturday. Miss . Harriet
Senvill, proprietnr of the Cxnvonville
Echo caiin t" snend Sunday while
Ray Scovill, Missos Jessie arid Mar
jorip, teaching' at Selina, Leland and
Winn, respectively, also spent Sun
da'' t home and each returning to
their duties Monday.
Newman N E. Church
Tho tastor will sneak both morn in if
and evning. The subject of tho
morning sermon, at 11, will be "The
Unity and Sacrenness -of Life's Cll;
ingfl, " the second in the serieR on
"The Brotherhood of Man." In the
evening on "What should Grants
Pass do with her Saloons?" Sunday
school meets a 10 a. ni. CIhfb meet
ing at 13 m. Junior League at 3 p.
n'. and the Epworth League at 8 :80.
All strangers and friends are invited
to those service".
Music iv t Bethany Church
The mnsio at Bethany
iirmjHjiinu i
nttnrch lat Sabbath is reported to
have been or an nnusollv hieh order
tor exce:ince, even for tins church.
which has been noted for its anod
music in the riat. At th morn i nil
service the anthem was "The Lord is
My Shepherd" by James Flint and it
easily held the nnJividod attention of
the andience. The rendering of "The
Holy City" at night by Miss Gassie
Parker is said by one who has heard
it In uiany places to be the best he ever
listened to Very still and nmrkd
was the attitude of the congregation
as they heard with deen pleasure the
anthem "Tarry With Me," by P. A.
Sehnecker. Tlioso who worship at
this church are certainly fortunate in
the flue music provided.
iUf .
To Help Boys &nd Girl
W. T. Gardner, superintendent and
John Tanscher trawling ag.-nt of the
Boys and Girls Aid Society arrived
hers Thursday evening and Fr day or-
(I a 11 i T till n nrl 1. J T
r j, UUVJ WI1I UD iu
pass ou an applications lor children
in this uounty, when presented
either by the applicants or referred
by the general office; to keep in touch
with 'wards of the Society placed out
in family homes within the county,
and to see that they are accorded
proper treatment by their custodians
salaid down by the rales of the so
ciety ; to report to the general office
11 oases of abase or neglect which
might come under their notice, to re
port all oases where parents or guard
ians subscribe to the delinquency of
their children and to give such in
formation to the officers of the society
as will make it possible for them to
prosecute snob 'parents, under the
provision of an aot of the legislative
assembly approved Ferbuary 21, 1905,
eutit!ed"An aot to provide for the
punishment of persons' responsible for
or contributing to the delinquency of
children." This is a most important
law and if enforced there will be a
great decrease in truancy, aud delin
quency iu children, as the officers of
the Boys and Girls Aid Society do
clare that 80 per cent of the delin
quency in children can be traced to
the fault of the parents.
The new board'for Josephine county
was organized Thursrlay afternoon at
the residence of Mrs. F. W. Van
Dyke aud consists of Theodore
Cramer, president; Mrs. T. E. Beard,
vice-president; II L. Gilkey, secre
tary and treasurer; W. M. Hair and
Mrs. K. W. Van Dyke. The board
will hold monthly meetings.
March 84 At 8 p. ui., op-ra honse,
ButterwcrMi Concert company, last
nnmbt'r of Lyceum" entertainment
March 27, Taedav Chicken Pie Sup
per by the Baptisr Ladies at Hall
building corner C and Sixth struts,
opposite court houso.
March 28th. Ajiril 2 Wednesday aud
Monday evenings, Declamatory con
test at High School Assembly room
for benefit of library fund.
April ?. Saturday Meeting at Lee
school house at 7 :H0 p. in. to co
operat) iu organizing a rural tele
phone compauy for lower liogue
river section.
April 14. Satnr.lay Meeting at Merlin
at 2 :!!0 p. in. to organize a rural
telephone rompm v for lower Rug :o
river and Jump-off Jje sections
! April 20. 1 riil.iv (1
linns xor an parties.
June 4. Monday Oregon state and
county elections
M. E. parsonage, Weln' sdiV tven
ing, March 21. ImiO Warren G.
Hurt and Misij Ethel W illiams, Kev
C. O. Keokiiinn nttici it'im.
Both the young 1 tuple nro we' I
known i i G'h'iir Pa-s nnd hav iuin
friends. Mr. Bur' is i . , 4 Is employ
of the Sooth, rn f'n. ifi ' while the
bride for some time pest has he"n o i
of' he operators in the local telephone
ollie .
- r -i wx
Special for
A11 Il,rC SiM -,nhri-'ll:)'
runners, All '.';isc. colors,
$4.00 and $.Of vb.i-s.
Siiturdav .--alt' at
L L. Coe
"fc i . ..... i .
Special for
Hoys' Fine Percale Shirts and
For Saturday Sal-
II A Brief Record of
ud page 7 a
notice will be found
cauinK for tie
ing for tie contracts for the new
Mrs. E. Rehkopf & Co., give notice
of a millinery offering in this issue
that you will be interested io. uass nas been chosen as the
site of Portland's Industrial Fair,
wiiich will be beld this Fall along
with a stock show.
The Donglus county authorities
have fallen into line for the anna
roads movement and last week author
ized the purchase of a rock crasher.
Mrs. M. P. Anderson has moved her
atork of millinery goods to the Curtis
Odd Fellows' building in the Curtis
jewelry store and can hereafter be
found at that place with a most up-to-date
and complete , stock of milli
nery goods.
Don't forget to be present at the de
clamatory contests Wednesday, Marob
28th and Monday, April 2d. These
contests will be held in the High
School Assembly Room and beginning
at 7:4S p. m. Very handsome gold
medals will ba given the four socess
ful competitors.
The cold storage plant, which has
been in the hands of a trustee for
several mouths past was sold this
week to James Tuffs of Wolf Creek,
he being the highest bidder. The
Cass residence property aud bIbo
several lots on east Front street were
sold, the former to W. M. Hair and
the latter to John Schallhorn. . !
Expert prescription
Model Druit Stora.
druggist at the
8-l :t
1 White Automobile. A
1 Motor Cycle, at r price.
Good Second-Hand Bicy
cles. 9"? Mow Tinvolnj ct(iT,In,l
2 Complete Outfits of Bicy
cle Tools. '
10 Talking Machides, 500
$500 Worth of Pocket Knives j
and Razors. J
$200 Worth of Watches, bar-1
.gains for cash.
W. A. PaddocK'
li.Tit of Depot. i
U i'.: " -'...'.'. ."T
: -rr- .-. ' -
i'i'rapnn Frame, bulb
(ircon, liluc and 15rovn, rep.
Waists, regular ."O and oC
News Notes From the Business
Men to R.e.dera.
Poultry Netting at Cramer Bros.
Vote for C. H. Clements for Justice
or me reace. 8-9 6t
For the Blood Dr. Wilson's Sara
parilla at the Model Drag Stor.!M'? ii
Cunt vnnr ntj t,r C Vt rM..,,
for Jnstioe of the Peace, Grant Pass
district. 8.9 6t
"Silver Heels" at the Muslo Store.
W. B. Sherman Real Estate. Tele
phone 731.
Get prices on Sewer Pipe and
Plumbing from Cramer Brcs.
The latest bit "Silver Heels" at the
Musio Store.
The present Justice of the Peace, C.
H. Clements, wants republican votes
at the primaries. 8-9 6t
It's easy with a Petaluma Incuba
tor and your ohioka are bright and
healthy. Cramer Bros have both in
cubators and brooders.
from 25 up at Cramer
Letcher is the only licensed optician
in Josephine uounty.
Mans of Ornonn W,hlnlnn
California at the Musio Store.
And still I am insuring and selling
real estate at the old stand. J. E.
Chick Feed
for small chicks, aud
shell for old hens at
broken oyster
Cramer Bros.
"Silver Renin " 9rn. mnn ( of
Musio Store and hear it. The preseut
surpiy is nmuea.
Dr. W. F. Kremer will hereafter be
in his cfline in the Courier building
from 7 to 8 o'clock each evening. 2-Utf
The self regulating thermostat ou
the Petaluma Innubator is the secret
of its popularity. Have it illustrated
to you at Cramer Bros.
Mrs. C. L. Mangum and Mrs. T. B.
CornelWare arranging a splendid pro
gram for a concert to bo given April
fith for the benefit of the Woman's
Home Missionary Society of the
Methodist Episcopal chnrcih. 8 9 tf
Vote for Wm. J. Clarke for State
Printer on primary day, April 80th.
Mr. Clark is one of the oldest printers
in the Slate and one of the bust known
country editors in Oregon. His
nomination will be a tnbut to the
country press and they are backing
him heavily for the place. Remem
ber, the name of Wm. J. Clarke is the
6rst Otie tinrinr tllA hand r.t Ut.,tA
Printer. I
Saturday, March 31st
We will have all the latest styles that caii be had in the
market at this display. You are cordially invited to
attend this sale. It means at least 25 per cent saving
to you, our prices cannot be beat.
Remember the date,
Mrs. E. Rehkopf & Co.
Bi Discount Sale
Hen's and Boys' Clothing
Next Saturday, March 24th
We shall place on salo our entire stock of
Men's and Boys
Suits and Pants.
Men's r, 00 Suits, now $ 3 1"
Men's 8 .00 Suits, now (j ,37
Men's 10 00 Suits, now 7 50
Men's 12 r,0 Suits, now 9 38
Men's V) 00 Suits, now 11 2o
Everything in our Big Stock of
with the results obtained '
with a
If you raiso chickens you
can have all the pleasure and
satisfaction there is in the
chicken business. It is per
fectly simple and any ne cau
run an incubator inthe houso.
without danger 'to honse or
chicks. .
Wo got 3.5 chicks out of 40
eggs on our first trial in our
store. Tako a look at our
comer window.
Cramer Bros.
OUl 1'V11VM llloclc
Dr. Henry Klopper has acoepted the
kiud invitation to return to Kerby.
He will be in Kerby ou or about the
last day of March. The Doctor de
sires to express bis thanks to all who
have so kindly nrged his return.
()F -