ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS . OREGON. MARCH 23. lWb. - t RoGUErRIVEIR COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. " OOUMTYOFFICIAH PAPER, .f Published EveryFrldy. Subscription One Yer, in dTnce, Bix Month. -Three Montln, Single Copies, Rate i 11.50 .78 .40 .05 Advertising Races Furnished on application at the oftice. or oy mall. Obituaries and resolution of con dolence will be charged for at 5c per line; card ol tnanavauo. A. E. VOOBHIES, Pbopb. Kntered at the pout office at tiranU Psaa, Oregon. second-claat mail matter. FRfDAY, MARCH 23. 190fl. FRUIT PROSPECT GOOD SAYS BIG ORCHARDIST Henry Ruch States The Miller Orchard Haa Fine Prospects-' Favors Rure.1 Telephones. Mr. and Mm. Henry Ruch were in Grants Pais 8andy. Mr. Rnch has the orchard leased that belongs to Consul General H. B. Miller which Ih located on the wost bank of Rogue river, hIx miles west of thin city. This orchard is one of the Urgent in Josephine comity and largely planted to applet. Mr. Rach ttited that the recent cold ftnap had not injured the fruit bads at all hi his orchard and the present indication! are for a big yield of tpp'es. The trees had a ri'Ht last year, the first for several years, occasioned by an nnnsnally late freeze in Spring whioh killed the froit soon after it had formed, and them in every reason to expect a rucord breaking yield this year. Mr Kiinh Into a large gaso Tine engine power sprayer and he com menced Home time since the annual warfare against the pest that are the eroorge of the careless orcbardlst, He Is so successful In his fight against these pest that the frnit from the Miller rnnoh always goes on the nmr aet as find -class. Mr. Ruch is one of tho workers for the promised Lower Kogne River Tele phone Company, that is to embrace H the trritory from Grants Phi dowa to and including the Ualice district and also the Grave creek and Jninp-off-Joe districts. Mr. Ruch Is confident that a hnmlred or more members can be had for this company before the close of this year. I ki:uhy i A Mr. Ayers has left town for a few Hays. Our socialist has departed for higher planes. Miss Gertrude Ciinpbcll 1ms return ed home Miss Agnes (Jeorgo returned to Ash land "Tuesday. Miss Lotiegiiii nf Keliun is now head cook at '1 he Pioneer. A dunce was held at the Woodman Hull SI. Patrick' night. Miss Anna Foister is to teach the school in the Payne district. Several of onr leading merchants have invested in wirelcs telegraphy took. Tlie Uramiuir Department of our schools lias been taking their llmil examinations. Miss ('.race ("niter lias returned home from Ualiott when she has been teaching fur the lust four months Mrs Kliiyd entertained the children of the Grammar Department Friday evening. Game and refreshments were enjoyed by all. The Kerbv school closci tics Week Miss Guthrie expects tn teaeb ill the Jess district, near Wihlorvillc and Miss M.l'niluid at Diering Keen h:ld seven s limds offer 'd her but could on!? in 't hi... nfi'otHN', 1. though there are in r,' U' icbers than KchiinlH lii"t mm v Does your baking: powder contain alum ? Look upon the label. Use whose label shows it to be made with cream of tartar. NOTE Safety lies in buying only the Royal Baking Powder, which is the best cream of tartar baking powder that can be had. GRANTS PASS HOSPITAL DOING GOOD WORK Eight Patienta Now Being Treat ed More Equipment end Conveniences Added Albert Coe, of R. L. Coe & Co., was operated on last Sunday after noon at the Southern Oregon General Hospital for appendicitis, Dr. Loagh ridge performing the operation. Mr. Coe rallied from the operation in fine shape and be has steadily gained strength and will be able to be taken to bis home in another week , Miss Bingaman, who resides at Williams and who was operated on three weeks ago for appeodioitis by Dr. Looghridge is rallying and will soon be in ber former Rood health. This was a des perate case and Dr. looghridge had little hope of sa?ing the yodng lady's life as the disease bad become ' so far advanced before medical aid was sum moned. Tfae'patient was so weak that the operation had to be performed at ber borne. For several days ber life was in the balance, bat the perfect sanitary condition in which .'she was placed and the vigilant care given her by Miss Webb, bead nurse of the Hospital, and her strong vitality enabled her to make a recovery, which is seldom the case with, persons on which the disease lift" advanced almost to the stage for blixxl poisoning to set in. There are now eight patients in the the hospital and all doing finely. From one to three patients are admitted and discharged each week. Six additional beds have been provided and the force of nurses increased. The patients and thoir relatives are all well pleased witli the splendid service and the perfect conditions that aro maintained by Miss Webb and her assistants. Many of the patients are able to read to pass away the tim,t and the Hospital would be glad to receive magazines, papers and books for their benefit. Flowers would also be most acceptable gifts to give cheer and pleasure to the patients. Kates for Elite Convention. Annual Convention Grand Lodge Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Denver. Colorado, July 17 IS, lit, 11KX1. Round trip tickets will lie oil sale July 10, II, 12, III, 14, 15, 1INX5 at following rates: One way through Portland, and one way through Cali fornia, from Grmts Pass, Medford and Ashland, (l8.0. Both ways through Portland, from Grant Past, fii3.l)ft; from Medford, fUtXI; from Ashhtud, til5.H0. Going limit July Itlth; letarii limit, September MOtli, lOOfl. Stopovers will be grant". I in either direction within tho tr.tnsit limit, except that no stopovers will be allowed in California on going trip. A. L. CRAIG, O. P. A. Suffrage Meeting. There will he a mass meeting at the corrt house on Mouday evening, March Vfith, for the purpose of com pleting t'e organization of an Equal Nnffrngn j Association. Nominations of olllcers for this oigatczation have been made by the nominating commit tee appointed by State Organizer Miss Laura Clay oil February SJd and these nominations should he con tinued by all advocates of eUal suff rage and especially those who sinned the campaign list at that time. Amv other bnsiii'iss proper'y coming before tiis meeting ntay bo attended to at that time. All are cordially invited to be present. lly order of Committee. T. V- HKAKP of Grants Pass, RcjniMican Candidate for Nominee tor Coroner. W. II. IMA N NAG AN d (cants T.iss, IVtii.Hi atir ('.itii'.i'l.ite l'.r Xo.nini-e fur (m im r only a powder Candidates Announcements. JAMES WITHYCOMBE of Corvallis Candidate for Republican Nominee for Governor "An honest and fearless perform ance of publio duty a greater and anited Oregon." S. B. IIUSTONY Of Hillsboro, Ore. Candidate for Republican Nominee for Congress. Favors maqlmnm rate law, and pur chase by government of all unsorveyed lands in R R. grant and no more scrip ping of public lands. E. E. DUNBAR, Of Wolf Creek Candidate for Republican Nominee for Representative. Signs statement No. 1 of the Primary Election law, which pledges vote for the people's choice for Senator. L. L. JEWELL of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Representative. STEPHEN JEWELL of Grants Pass Candidate for Democratic Nominee County Judge. Favors Progressive Ideas in Road. School, Probate. Taxation, Sanitary and Liquor Laws. JOSEPH MOSS of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for County Judge. If J am nominated and elected, I will during my term of nfliee. conduct the business of this county with the same care and economy that I would my own. I stand for pood roads and economy. T. B. CORNELL Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee County Judge Business methods Appliod to County Government County to build Good Hoads. S. F. CHESHIRE of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee County Clerk. W. I. SWEET LAND of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Sheriff. ED LISTER of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Sheriff I have hud experience In the office of sheriff, and if elected 1 will administer the office with vigor and economy. CI I AS. CHOW of Merlin, Ore., Kepiiblicin Candidate for Motnitice for Sheriff. I'M PI I LETT of Grants Pass ol Giants l'.ivs 'uT'licuii ( '.milul.iU' lor Noinince t'ountv Siuvi-var .1. 1..WVTOX Ol" Giants Pass He niMk-an C'andidatc for Xoinitioc i i" , - . (.undulate for Li pti'tlican Notin:n c ; ! w-.ll 1. y u in in;,.- 1,, ... I'" f.,r i,...;tT : svV.VOCSVXNVNVv 1 arelnli hI , :. , , , ,,,, lies,, in .1. 1. I.UU . -rtS ,tlitlM." -!. !:,:. I 1 '.T'' 7W ' "'.""'" it t,.,. ,., ,.,.. , tif Oiatit l'.i-s, V' - iVVvV ! 11 ittthinson's nnts-rv mar Wi'd,.r r' V O5- v1; I f'l'e. t'r..:ii I ,l,!lv,,-,. .,.. ,,, ,. , , . . j '.- L ' . .' ' t'e and caretcl v 1)1-.- v ' , IVtifviatio c itult.lato lr Notmm-c i -'-'. 3''. -.t. ; un p,,, ' . '"' ,. . ... ... .-'.' r ' V r i - . ... '' 1 1 tot County In-aMirvr. ...'- ' ' V ; f.ik si v. - vu . . . - .) ' .-." R.L-ne llii,r ,, .r - . - '- C . . ' t . 11.. ' V K K,) !-'-: '.H ;--Ve. ''M WMt r. f ' UK. eirp t I k- t-T-M-' - .-C'tll i re-t. Pen A. !... P. w ! " "' ' I . . s-. j , t 're. .it.-.,. , , - ,, ... I )"' - " ' -.'.J ' .'-''' 1 ;'!.ken tor tine cookies and itit!i.!.i'o tft ; ii: .ic. 111 N Miuticr ' , ,.. t .. - . . l'oUSl.i: ; , 1 , v-r-. P. P. Prown 408 Sec- 1 " '-f;7 t ."".'-. of f-1 a -v.- r,. ... 1.' ' ''". 'I'. 1. for l..)mn!ssi.tH'r. . .v;"' ' " ' '.' J run, h. . r.. - r.i-- s .. .. . ' . . . ! willis s duniway o:..-. ear-v ,.:d j.t-h. ; , ;,: I'I't.'U t l.'Vw.MI , b.e.t 11.:. . . .' .irnili,.( t Shoes are becoming more popular we nave tneni tn all hi vi.hs. Any lady taking and FOR SALE BY . C. The Home Recommendation for Mr. Crow. Portia- d. Ort-gr n. Mureh 19, 11I0. Mr. I'harlet A. Crnw, Merlin, Oregon Mr dear Sir: I learn from a iuii'iihI friend that you are a randidate for the nomina tion for sheriff of Josephine county, at tbe rrimarv election to he held on April 'i'Hh My Intormanf did not state on what ticket yon aspir.) .to iin.r .ti.i. iiiiuit. ,,,, i UHoes-arr to warrant uiy sincere wislien for vour ouccesi; feeling cer tain that you are como.t 'iit for all work yon may be calhd on to do in any ordin-ry oftlial capacity. A great many olliical ponitions are held hr former students and undo- ates of the I'ortl tud BuBiuei.8 College. Mmiv of them ecctire iioiiiiiiations and electioiH on the'r iliorongh qualifica tion to discharge dnti-s t lint will be required of th'-in. wliich tact I con ided a publiu enrioiM tin nt of the value of a thorough ioniu m truning. Wiubii'g von mccHs in yonr nun paign, 1 remain,' Very trulv yonrs, A P. ARMSTRONG. For County Commissioner. I hereby Btii'oiiiiPe my intention of tilaeiut! my na'iie before t'ie voters of Joiehiiii county "t the prinmry election. April 30, I'.ioi as a cnuliil it iioiiiinntion to ili (tic t t'ou. t- t'omiui .si.ieer by the I'e'noci nt c ; party. In ca-e 1 em nominated and : eleeti d, 1 ill conduct th" bui'iesH j of the countr in the Mine confer 'a- live wav that I have always cou- ducted uiy owu business K. X. PROVOLT. i Murpl v. Ore S-H 4t ' ... I Cn. ndidatn for Sheriff I here! y aiinoiitiee toy inteiitinii of I resenting niv name lelre the republi- cii'i nn primaries Airil Sit fnr the. iinmtnnti. n of ulieriiT ,f .lesepbin cociitv. W. 1. SWEK'1'1, XD. CANDIDATE for STATE PRINTER At RvpuMi i'n Prhrnry, ftprtl 2 to-to Th, a:e Printer shuuM !i i';d i;n litvcs-niv i'XeniiitU!'s :t tit i;ie a nU;iv ilea! to taxpayer l'liUt'.-'iil ma nipul.ttii have no lupines to eujiiL't' in eX'loilnii; the otlhv ar.,1 no riht lo a ii'.viion of its emoiiiineiitr. I pi,,,!i.-e an ivonoiiiieal. loui.'s-hkoa.iuiinti-.i-tion." Willi S Puniway. "Mr. I'nniw iy i a brainy man. a broad man. an upright man. a cU-au ' 1 liii l :-:r. r: : 1 Vr -. .- - . ,1, , ... . . r.S Y T5he Famous Shoe for Women $3.00 . . each season, from the fact that their all iz.tia. in an iidu ui icam..., a pair of these Shoes will surely be will advise their friends to use them. $2.50, 3.00, 3.50 (rQ Shoe NAME AND PRICE. ON EVERY PAIR Jhe Cross ett Shoe oneof EXTREME STYLE AT POPULAR PRlCES.lN DRESSING THE FEET ONE SHOULD LOOK FOR FIT, DURABILITY, AND STYLE .YOU FIND ALL THESE IN THE CROSS of Good Shoes at Right Prices. CLASSIFIED ADSJ FOR SALE. GASOLINE MOTOR bicycle P. Sea Paddock. F, H. RKSTAURANT uess. Address Good lin.viiiK huni Care Courier. tf j vvnTaCKS repolur l..i0 seller. now I Bt:re. Ht Mooro's Second hand 3 !l 2t HAMILTON PIANO, almost" new. fnr gale cheap. Impure at Coorier otlice. - - - - - - - PKTALUMA Incubator (or Kale at less tliMil half cost. Jose X. Nelsm, Kast A street. I! 2 tt FOR SALE 4 fresh mil1 cows, grade: Jerseys, apply to G. H. pase. j Placer, Ore. .;:j 7t SPUING TONIC-Try SarapiiriPn for the Drug Store. Dr. Wilson's' bleed. Mo-lel 1 :i-p; ;ir j FOR SALE HurT leghorn for 72c. ,1. W. r.rmeli, lery Gr nits Fas, Ore. Fg;s. 15 Art Gil-2-2:i tf FOR SALE Thorong'ibred White Leghorns, tok and egt-s fersnle; ek'k's I.i lor fi. Il iyden ( iiiM', V , Ht ; I street. 2 Hi tf ! FOR S.T.E-To tie topjM red Po- i lund-Chint boar pig-, mniiths old. Will sell or trade d.lrc-s 1). I A. Root, Murphy, Ore. :i Ml St 1 FOR SALE Good penv fur ai pur-1 poses No. I pao'i or sa iill'; al-o 1 Hound pups, ni ne b tier. A Nnle. I North Nii.tli sir.-et.l'itv. :mi; -t i A ."xT rot'O t'limern and di-velnping outfit, new and li'tl- nsei) Ciniera cost .'C, will, tal.e -fJ'i f,r entire cntHr Ai!d:e,s, la-mn. ,.,r C'f-rier. .tf Mil..- ! Mil ; ' .. Kbo.!, Ii:, !' ; l in in inf..- w 1., ,, ,.,,. are hiii mill ,. , , , , I I. : . . , . . . - Ot'l OIllkT 111 .. I'.. , S, , Melf'Ttl. .Whl.,i;l Pi u A. Low, ;;. , :v;i: i'l'i! S I.E - s land. ' . in;!., from (irai't, J' lillOW'l a the bou-i s. one h t', bop I, mi ink- '.1 i. r, , I, Winter applts. A barpiin A. N. HolbtTt. a'T K v il. 'i i;, 1- nv ((- Turn, r ."i-rcein ' a'i 1 !, 1. - . ''or .i; i'o dav 1 mi Va it t-i i ir-- cf ( ire. vi :ir t in.e : ' ' , ........... f. 1 --- : null II 0iTTnrnT""'"'MMM'i- !...-...; nr rwttM- known. "f"c ' pfjTS ad OXFORDS. HIGH CUTS p.easeu m.u w . nml HOO GENTLEMEN AND VI 00 FOR SALE. riAsu-Ati r.merson sqaRre piano, I splendid condition goes for f "0 if : taken before April 1 Address box 1 -Hitl, Grants Pass. 2-28 at HEAVY teBin harness, 115; heavy' lumber wagon, fjo; extension top surr.v, 10: cinopy top surry, it0 ; single baggy, -!): gasoline engine (2-H P. i pnnip and pipe all com plete, :i50feet, 3 inch irrigating pipe for!?.1): 13 good vinegar barrels, lo; 4 swarms bees, ; Tliorson, I H. P., new, $25; cider mill (hand power I J25; good hicvle. f8. H. B. Alverson, Bridge street, west Grants Pass. 2 2t FOR RENT. FOR RENT-A snite of fine oftice rooms. Address the Courier. tf PASTl'R At IK jo bead of Stock can be aecomniPdited-P. H. Jewell, Flan- H'i place. R. F. D. No 1. 8-l tf LOST. A HAND GRIP. COTltRl'nino miru VT" aim rimiess glasses, lost edu.sday btwe"n head of Sixth street and Dnton's place. Hnd-r phase leave at Conrier office. JSLJoufs 3.23 It nl.1.1 . . . . " N Mnrr''s street PERSONAL. Second band furniture at S-cond band store, Front 8-9 tf WANTED. WANTED - Grain Sacks. Tools and other second-hand KOods. Harrison Rr. fond band-st ore. cornpr Sixth and J street 2- tf OREGON I.mber Mining & Invest ment ( o. re looking for a good farm, with plentv of water for Ir-I""'-'"n"- Price fiOiK) to f.1000. BUSINESS CHANCES. Yor w int n paving hnsi- Gf nfs Pnaa If an out " Timber. Mlnintr & Invest-' ibout fin snao thev hive. MISCELLANEOUS. H WKfoKr iii.:.,.r., rnchis for fnle "1 ".tv, west end-tlOOO tn?21im; 1 ii' r triet. three gfK)d bnild- . 11, W, if uol.-t hof.. Ail w 1 11 "iMivide. faU on or r " 'I. p,. Ahe'son, WestRridtre ' ' I',"" 3-2:1 t linoleouis. Second hand 3-1 tf Teacher of Violin ')' ) 12 Ii street. '' PI. one, 1141. Music r all occasion!). .;;( tf .I;I"I:NETT 1'iiholsterini:. " -niimrM made to order. 'or County 5urvsyor. "'f "'inontic- that my name I '.need before the vo'ters of i 1 :iif itll'Il. mimv !(f ,,rn.arv Aiinl io 1 no,; , . ' , as a 1 anvil- , ""'unia-ion for the office of ,, Vv M rv'.v'-r. en be republics!! EKED MEXfCH Tile 11, st 1-ebrnarf cor... nr.t,ll... t:o, Ki.l "Mionlder Straps. "Li'tl Ked ",K "I'O've it King." can