ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, MARCH 23, 1906. I'KOFESSIONAL CARDS. , t C. FINDLEY, M. D. I'nictico limited to KVK, KAR, NOSE and THROAT. Glasses fitted anil furnished. Oilico hours U to 12; 2 to 5; and on ap point incut. Telephones litil and 77. CilMNTH I'AhK, - OkKOOH )RS. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS, O. II. MH'UI.AI ANNA B. DOt.'ULAS, I l'livrician and I)i.-eajs of Women fcrneoii. unci Children. Phone 031. He. 10rl. Cor. Sixth and K HtreutB. Gkawh I'ahh, - - Ohkoon FREE TELEPHONING IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY (Continued from page One. ) Preamble We, the undersigned, atnckholders of the Telephone Com pany to be hereafter designated, in order to form a more perfect organi zation for the transaction of the busi ness of the company and for the en forcement of such rules and regula tions as the company shall deem noc essry to protect the individual in terests of each member, as well as the until th"ir Rticen'ors are elected. The ballot shall be separate for each otTlce except for directors who shall be voted for according to the leng'h of term, those for the longest term to be ballot ted on first. Any officer who re move! both his place of resiience and of bnfcini:sg from the territory covered by the telephone system of this Com pany shall forfeit his office. Sec. 9. The President shall preside t all meetings of the Compiny and of the Board of Directors aud he shall decide all questions that may arise on points of order, subject always to an appeal to the bouse, and preserve order and decorum in the meetings and see )R. J. C. SMITH PHYSICIAN AND BURG HON Office at National Drugstore. Phonos, Office :66; Kuh 1045 Ilosidenee cor. 7th and D streets. Grants Pass, - - Oh Kaon JR. W. F. KREMER PHYSICIAN AND KURGEON Ofllce In Courier Building. Office phono 911, residence 413. Eye tested and glasses fitted. CuAnts Pass, - - Obkoon. CofnriMnv at 1iriA. have adonted thn following Constitution, By-laws and that tl,a 5ih of, " t,,e tamheT ar Rules of Order: 1)R. T. E. BEARD. PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON Office over Hair-Riddle Hardware. Res. cor. 4th and B Streets. Phones, Office 354; Res. 321. Gbantb Pass, - Obiuon. g LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8UHUEON Res Phone 714 City or country calls attended night or day. Sixth and H, Tuff's building. Office Phono 251. Grants Pass . Okeoon. EARL V. INGELS ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. AM work guaranteed accurate and ro liablo. Office opp. P. O. Phono 1003 Grants Pass, Orboon. D. NORTON, ATTOKNliY-AT-LAW, Practice In all Statu and Federal Courts. Ofllce In Opera House Building. (rants Pars, Ohkoon r. C. HALE, ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW Office over First National Bank, Grants Pahs, .... Ohkuon. J II. CLEMENTS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW I'ructloo In State and Federal Courts. Ofllou on 0th and C streets opposite Court House. Phone lOtll. Gbants Pass, - - Ohemon Socton 1. This Company shall be known as the Applegate Valley Tele- j phone Company. Its principal place of business shall be at Provolt, Ore- j gon. This Company shall hare power j to do a general telephone business, and j to build, own, or lease lines and to in- stall central offices at Provolt, Will-1 iams, Applegate, Murphy, South Grants Pass, and at such other places as its business may warrant. Sec. 2. The capital stock of the Applegate Valley Telephone Company shall consist of flQOO in shares of $5. Op each, and the amount of this stock, nor the value of the shares shall neither be increased nor decreased, nor an assessment levied on the stock ex cept on a two-thirdt affirmative bal lot of all the stockholders: This bal lot to be taken only at a regular meet ing of the stockholders, and of which 80 days notice has been given by notices posted at the central stations of this Company. Sec. t). Only subscribers to the Com pany's telephones or subscribers to telephones having free switching over this Company's Hues, can become stockholders and only one share and one vote goes with a telephone. No stockholder will be allowed to transfer hiB share of stock to another person except on a permit granted by a vote of the stockholders. A stockholder desiring to surrender his share of stock to the Company shall receive for it such an amount as he has paid on it, but not more than par value. Any respected. He shall enforce the pro visions of this Conttitntion and By Laws aud act io conjunction with the directors in securing the best possible efficiency in the service reudered by this Compa iy to its members. Sec 10. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall have all the power aud prerogatives of that officer while in the performance of his duty. Sec. 11. Ttie Secretary shall keep, lu a book provided for that purpose, correct record of the proceedings of each meetiDg, which shall be pre sented at the next meeting of the Company for its' approval. He shnll keep a jut and true accouut of all money th it shall 'come iuto his hands and pay the same to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. He shall have charge of all book's aud pa pers belonging to the Company and de liver the same to his successor at the ex piration of his term of office. He shall do all the corresponding for th Com pany and attend to any other business that pertains to his office. He shall make a report in writing to be sub mitted at the annual meeting of this Company. Seo. 13. The Treasurer shall keep, iu a book provided for that purpose, a correct account of all the mouey that comes iuto his bauds from all sources, keep a just and true account between the Company and its members. He shall keep his books io such maimer that he can at any time report the fin ancial condition of the couipaBy when called upon, aud shall submit a full share of stock so purchased by the j report in writiDg to the con)pai)y at Company shall be held as common t,la ud 0. tHrm . Ue than Vy all ordi r- oo the treasury, signed stock until such time as it can be sold to a new member. Seo. 4. The Applegate Valley Tele phone Company shall equip aud main tain all central offices required in the Company's business aud shall erect and maintain all wire lines connect ing these offloi s and also all connect- by the President and Secretary, out of any funds not otherwise appropriated. He shall give a boud in Mich amount aud with such security as the board of directors shall fix and approve. Sec. 13. The Board of Directors shall have charge of all buxiuess per- i..Kwirr. win. me systems or omer uiniu(f t0 -his company, the approval telephone companies with which of rhe H,wk,loWl)ri, Mog require(i ou traffic arrangements may be made. u mlltten i0 .j-iBed in this Cousti All branch lines connecting telephones ,utioll alld rult,g Bl)d regntttiori8. witt. the centrals shall be ereted at .r ibU hire au(l Cx the pay for aU the expense of the stockholders using Hln.)U)Tfll of th,H comt,BIlv. auditallao- such lines, such construction work aud A. C. HOUGH, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, Practices In all State aud Federal Courts Office over Hair Riddlo HardwaroCo. conuts against the company aud shall installing telephones to be done under I h.a .,u, hmMino- and the rules and regulator of this Com-1 iuKiinei, installing central stations aud pany. The proportionate cost Of such . miltter. irtinintf to the in. branch lines to be adjusted between the builders on a basis to be establish ed by this Company. 0'i the coinple Grants Pass, Ohkoon J. II. AUSTIN, ATTORNKY-AT LAW Union Building Kbkiiy Or Flu ;N "WILLIAM V WRIGHT, V. H DEPUTY Hl'RVKYOR MINIMI ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN 0th St., north ol Josephine Hotel. Grants Pass, Ohkoon. JRKl) MENSCH terests of the company. They shall divide the territory covered by this nnntniinr'i fnlnnhnnn srstnm intn niliA ; l i u ii. ii i 1 1 J -... wirn u,.t,u nues vy sniuiai4rlc(gi au(j wach direl.tor glall lav become the property of this Company j a, lllpervi8,on of tlie lines aud and be taxes on, maintained and otjUtral gUtionl iu ig digU.iot. Tne under the general regulations govern- Board of jjjrectors shall lie custodians ingiae.uues or this Uompany. Ho of Iirom,,.v beWiu to the com- - - -r. a pany, and they shall make a report in writing to be submitted at the anuual telephone cau be connected direct with the maiu lines extending be tween reutral offices. Seo. S. All traffic arrangements with other companies shall not be iu effect uutil approved by a majority vote of the stockholders of this Com puny. Th flxlug of monthly tele phone clues aud of salaries to officers meeting of this company, showing an invoice of the Company's property and also that acquired during the year. The Board of Directors shall meet at Provolt on the flrt Saturday iu Janu ary, April, July aud Octolier of earn year. The board to fix the hour of shal l b made on a two-thirds ballot id uogt, ad also the date and of all the stockholders. New mem- nour for auy M wevtiDgt th(.y I hers may be admitted to this Com-' )old Five members shall consti- u, -umjun.y to, oune mem- tu,e . ... for - miwtina the , bers presDut. Seo. 6. Whether the telephones Board of Directors. In the absence of hot i the Presldeut and Vice-President use,l on this Company's lines shall be rw. nll. ,lar, n, n i n,m owned ur kwiw.1 by eaxh stockholder : tari t0 ,,rf gi(le aud umv alo choose a or vwoed or leased by this Company , Seoretarv pr0 President cau shall be for the t-ompauy to say, a ca , n,, pf ,he Board of two-thirds affirmative ballot of all'ri....; I r- nrTroCAM "w be, r"iuird ''J8 ! the call on a written application J. E. PETERSON l"r"18- Company shall have d b at ,paft thwe directort. .nejKjwer 11 mane such rule and Tna BrJ of DlrectoM shall. have regulations governing the installing r to fln br a,,lKl;Btaleut an, VB. and usiug of telephones as the .., ,w ,.; 1., ... niH..u nf U. 8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR Surveys promptly aad aocuratoly uiudo. Ive orders at Courier office. (I'lONKKIt) 1 flRL, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE tint Dig Horn Basin Laud Co., V ,imilng. Anchor Wire Force. efficiency aud ecnniomy of the service I this Company, the appointee to serve until the next regular flection. a. 1. kjo.i II. J. Law ton Kijnolds & LiwtOD C.v.. and Mining Engineers. MKCHANiCAL DRAI'GIITS MEN AND SURVEYORS. niy rtximre. - v.. ... . . . ..... . u -01 misuoiu- The aauual election of this Pnv shU b sold, transferred or oon),)Buy gt,ll be held at Provolt. Ore- ' -.vrjpi, it in niu iicrixeu ov a1 three-fourths vote by ballot of all stockholders and such vote can only lie had at a meeting of which 80 days has beeu giveu by posting notices at all the Company's ceutral offlcs, said uotices to stale the propo sition to be voted on. gon, at 2 :30 P. M. ou the second Mon day lu Jauuiry of each year, aud each succeeding year ou the same day aud dste for the purpose of eiectiug a Presi dent, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and three directors as pro vided for in Seo. 8 of this Constitution. All outgoing officers of this company Grants Pass Oregon GRANTS PASS WALL PAPER and PAINT SHOP W.P Sharman and E.F.LMiu SOUTH SIXTH STREET, NEAR J Full stock of Wall Paper U designs ( quality and pilooe. Mrainta, Varnishes. Oils, Brushes--I'a'i ten a'd Ar'.ii-U imi'.. j Mall orders'promplly filled. j Se.v 8 The orth-ei, of this com-, ,, ,w wd .th tfUKUon to gul). pany aha 1 cons,-t of a President. Vice- j mit B rt pf the)r offloia, actll for the lresuleut. Secretary aud Treasurer. ( ,uforaiBtion of mQmhett, whicb . and niue directors who shall con- . thM ad M jeoted b who hall b. electe.1 by a major-; oth bflglll ning to th. co L n, r. , "UvkholjM , may U transacted at this meet- dhTT f, I"" tia lmm- tnthewmeasat anv other meeting diately after the adoption of this Oon-1 of th. company. ' stitutiou. OlHoer. elected at such' Sea 15. Tbe President shall have meeting to serve until the next an-1 power to call special meetings wheo- mial eUK-tioa. Thereafter the Presi- .ver It is deemed oeeeasaxy. and iZ dent. Vioe-President, Secretary and ' case of his neglect or refasal to do so, Treasurer shall hold their office, for heu the Secretary shall make snch one year and the Directors, three for 1 call 00 a written application signed three years, three for two years, and ; by not leas than 15 members. The date three for one year, to hold their offices 1 and the hour for holding all regular or special meetings shsll be stated in the notices, which the Secretary shall hare posted at each of the company's cential stations, seven days notice be ing sufficient for all meeting" of stock holders except for such as may trans act businea of which 30 days notice is required by tli i- Constitution. At a'l meetings of the company lo mem bers shall constitute a quorum and each member shall be allowed one vote and no proxies shall be allowed. Sec. 16. This Com-tituton may be changed or amended by a two-thirds vote by ballot of all the stockholders at any regular meeting. At least 30 days notice in writing thall be given by the. Secretary, said notices to be posted at the Company's central sta tions, giving the text of such amend ments and the data of the meeting at which they will be proposed. Hale and Hearty &t 99. James Perren, who has' a placer mine and ranch on BriggB crees, is the oldest man iu Josephine couoty to be actively engaged in mining and he is probaly the oldest person in the county for he claims that be will be 99 years old this Spring. Notwith standing t' is burden of almost a ceu torf of years be is as heart and strong as thn average man of 60. Mr. Ferren lives all alone on Briggs oreek, his wife haviug died some years ago, and he works away quietly and happy, taking life easy with no physical or financial troubles to bother him. His placer mine is so rich that be is able to ground sluice gold for all his needs and for investments. He owns considerable property in Grants Pass and last week, wnen he was in town, he bought two more lots. At bis place on Briggs creek he has a fine tract of bottom land in fruit and gar den and he raises most of his supplies. There is not a road to Briggs creek, and it is only reached at prevent by a trail from the Rogne river road at Limp; creek. It is nine miles across the divide by thi trail from his place to the couoty road, yet Mr. Ferreu walks the distance with perfect ease. Last week though it was storming and a heavy snow was on the divide, Mr. Ferreu walked out to lower Ap plegate to visit his daughter, Mrs. Nick Thoss. He then came on to Grants Pass to visit another daughter Mrs. Mary MoClung, remaining here uutil Sunday when he returned to Mr. Thoss' home where he will stay until the snow get packed on the hills aud then he will start for his home among the tree-clad hills of Briggs Valley. Mr. Ferren has neighbors liviug near so he. would have help ia caie of slcxness. Here tofore he has opposed the idea of leav ing his Briggs creek home and the easy, care free life he eujoys there, but his daughers have persuaded him to sell his mine aud come and live with one of them lest he should get hurt or sick and be where they could not care for him. Danger, of Cold snd How to Avoid Them More fatalities have their origin iu or result from a cold thin Iron, any other canse. This fact alone hmW make people more careful as there no dang -r whatever from a c W when it is proper treated in the be! 1 li ning. For uiaui- years Chaiub-rlam 1 Couiih Remedv has be-11 recognized a' theuiont prompt and em-ctnai uie cine iu u.-e for this diseise. I' ou nature's plan, lros. u the couch, relieves the lilies opens the ge. -retmus and aids nature in restoring the fys tem to a healthy condition. Sold by M. Clemens. Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclvr, of Vanreboro, Me., is the subject of much interest to the luedi ral fraternity od a wide ciro'e of friends. He siys of his case : "Owing tn severe inflammation of the throat and conation of tl lungs, three doc tors gave me up to die, whi n, ng a list retort, I tfas induced to try Dr. Kiutrs New Discovery and I am happy to s y, it avert my life." Cures the worst couch and colds, brouchitia,' toiifiili'is, weak lungs, hoarseness aud h grippe Goeranteed at all drug stores. TjOc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co Paid Vp Capital Stock $25,000 00 Transacts a general Banking business. Receives depor-its subject to check or on demand certificates. n,.r customers are assured of courteous treatment aud every consideration 1 consistent with sound banking principles. . T I'll I VL' W A TCnVT UtmniJ 1 Safety deposit boxes for reni """" idoiuuiu. K. A. Booth, Vice-President. L. L. Jewell, Cashier. HYOMEI CURES CATARRH Its Healing Balsam. Kill All Ca tarrhal Germ. Sold Vuder Guarantee bv Rotermund. There is no more common disease thau catarrh, and none that is more dangerous. It weakens and debilitates the whole system, if it is allowed to run, letds to serious, aud sometimes fatal complications. It is a noteworthy fact that among the many medicines and treatments for ca'arrh, there is ouly one which Kotermund Bella nnder his positive guarantee to refund the mouey if it does not cure Hyouiei, Nature's remedy for the cure of catarrh. No dangerous drugs are takeu into the stomach when Hoymei is ased Breathed through the small pocket inhaler that oomea with every Hyomel outfit, Its healing balsams penetrate to the most remote cells of the throat, uose aud lungs, killing the germs of catarrh, healing the irritated mucous membrane, aud making complete aud lasting cuies. The com piste Hyomei outfit, con sisting of au inhaler that cau be car ried iu the purse or vest pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei, coeta ouly $1. The inhaler will last a lifetime, while extra bot tles of Hy nici can be procured, wheuever needed, ' for only 60 cents. Kotermund is seliog a good many Hyomei outfits at this season, and lie has so much couBdeuce in the reuie iy that he guarantees to refund the mouey in oase it does not cure. Deafness Cannot Be Cored by local applications, as tbey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is ouly one way to cure deaf ness, aud that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an iutlamed condition of the mucous liuiug of the Eustachian Tube. When the tube is iutlamed you have a rumbliu sound or imperfect hearing, aud when it is entirely closed, deaf uese is the result, and unless the in flammation can be Uken out aud this tube restored to tts normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of 10 are caused by Catarrh, which 1b no thug but au in-1 flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (canned by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send tor ciru-lars. F-J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7.V, Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. To Car a Colli la One Day Take LAXATIVE fiROMO (Join ine 'labl;s. Druggists refund money if il fails to our. K. W. GKOVK'a signature is 00 each box. 85o. USE OUR ELECTRIC IRON And Do Your Ironing in Half the Time. One of our customers said recently "I never realized how much time I lost changing itons and going back and forth between the stove and the ironing board until I tried the Electric Iron " : : : : .''""TV" v"a: ;v. J&l '.:'' 'iX'-v A- i .JJT ' rl.: . V n:'- .-H K'.- An Electric Iron is always hot and can be regulated to just the rijjht heat. With current at 10c a kilo watt the monthly expense is very small. Call on or telephone the office and our representative will call on you. ::::::: : : Condor Water L Power Co. 1 Only One Tubular Separator , The Sharpies Tubular Separator is THE ONLY iiuk cream separator maue. TUBULAR SEPARATORS Have supply cans hardly waist high a simple bowl wholly enclosed, self oiling gears a single ball hearing and the world's record for clean skimming and easy turning. Let me explain it and give you a catalog -0. Rogue River Creamery, viedford, Ore. Principle - " - W Latest lit: '-'SV 1 "Twentieth Century" Orapbo)hone 16 TIMES LOUDER THAU ALL OTHER TALKING MAOHIMEM lttt Most Marvelous Talking Machine Cver Constructed Wonderful &en&atiooal Epoch Making TTtr retfttB l0- WWJOlcrs COLUMBIA AND AU. OTHTR rVI IkiAsM u NBT Tirwnmi CtMv CVLISBK RECORDS rvttf Long A Srft Suk,tta,, or fhf o.h., Hul' h-"o be .pprocUtod ColumWa Phonograph Company, ! rowlomenUI tt, , . ,"OTn "ilry 371 Vts;i..; 1-., IWi 0lB0tAS4HTtt i tenoM for Dancinq P.rllej rooljnlno Bcult, P0RTUD, ORE. 1 he" r,;V aad l.,nh'-1 J "'"'om. lZZFlZ u sfr?L,,;??-"A. A tt , J ;5ir srr- ?. b..h MOTTS PBNNYRO V AL PILLS 'Sold bT Dnisj it ud Dr. lion