VOL. XXI GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1906. No. 51. 1 FREE TELEPHONING TO. ALL PARTS OF JOSEPHINE COUNTY SECURED The First County in Oregon Progressive Community All Sections to Be Con nected by Telephones Within Six Months. Pacific States Telephone SL Tele graph Co. to Co-opereLte With Local Co. in this Service. The movement undertaken some time ago by the Rogue River Courier to secure s complete system of tele phone! for Joseph iDe county has met with auch hearty support from the farmers, miners and the stockmen of the rural districts and of the business men of Grants Pais aud the other towns that it is now certain that be fore the close of this year that every eectiou of the county will be in tele phonic connection with the county eat And ' what is wore Josephine county will enjoy the highly credit ble distinction of being the first onnty in Oregon to have a complete system of telephone lines reaching very part of the oonnty over which "there will be free switching for every subscriber. This is the terms of the contract made by the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company with the Applegate Valley Telephone Company, that all rural liuea shall have free switching on the Grants Pass system and also these rural lines "Will be connected through the central office in Grants Pass so that they will have free switching one with another. This fine system will enable a Grants Pass business man to talk with his customers in any part of the county and a Williams Valley stockman to talk with an Illinois Valley etock tnin, and a Galice miner to call np a miner at lireenback. Granite Hill or Takilma. The Grants Pass High School, which is free to every boy and girl in the county has many students from other districts. These boys and girls will be more contented aud more able to do good work ifi school if after studies hours they can call up the home folks and have a little visit. But the farmers will be the ones to secure the greatest benefit from incite rural tines for it will save them many tiips to town and to their neighbors nd it will enable them to know what the state of the market is and to make sale before he is at the expensa of taking ft load of I rJduce to town. While the installation of a complete 1 Sp. lifial tstate $ Mm SOME GOOD BUYS A Tine o-Room Dwelling and two choice residence lots well located with commanding view, housa plastered and hard oil finish, i well painted outside. Has been boilt only four years Could not be rebuilt for less than $-'000 If taken by April first, can be had at a saorfice. Only $1500. b-Room House and two choice lots ou 8th street near Iowa. House new and well painted. Price $1375. j.Room Cottage and four choice lots in nice locaton. Prce only $850 on a qock sale. Good Urnis if wanted. . 57 Acres flue Applegate bottom land 10 mles from Grants Pass, 8 acres in hops, balance sutable for alfslfa or xegetables. A snap at $1100, one-half cash. A 28 acre Kiver Bottom Hop Farm in fine state of cultivation close to town, for only $2000. 9 Acre of good bottom land, good 6 room house, good barn and chicken house, IJ miles from Grants Pass, for only $1600. 80 Acres in the famous Applegate vally,9 miles from Grants Pass. 60 acres io grain, afalfa and clover. All under irrigation. Water right of 150 miners' inches with place. Good orchsrd 7 yearn old good barn and other outbuildgs, fair house, one-eighth mile to first-class school; one half mile to country store and postofflce. New Rail Boad will go near place. A BARGAIN, if taken soon. I HAVE STOCK AND POULTRY FARMS Of all sixes and description at prices ranging from $500 to $15,000. WRITE ME For illustrated descriptive pamphlet and list. ' W. L. IRELAND, "The Real Estate Man" Q Ground Floor Courier Bldg. to Secure This Evidence of a system of telephones for the entire oeunty will be of great advantage to every farm community, miuiog dis trict and town in the county it will be of very great value to the citizens oi Grants Pass, for it will make this city the cento of one of the largest telephone systems in Oregon and aid a most important factor in building it up to be the commercial metropolis of Southern Oregon. There is every reason to expect that within the near fnture that with the free ,switohlng and other favorable terms given by the Pacific States Telephone Company that there will be 1000 telephones on these rural lines centering in Grants Pass. The Pacific States Company will profit quite as much by this co operation scheme as will the independ ent companies, for it will add folly $500 a month to its te'ephone rental, and its loug distance business, now very small from the outlying dis tricts of tite county, will be developed so that it will yield a very large reve nue. Ic will also make certain that no rival company will enter this field to compete for Grants Pass cr Jose phine connty busiiiees and this Com pany will not have the hard fight to hold its territory as it is haviug in Salem, Portland and dozens of other towns on the Pacific Coast, where the Automatio Telephone Company has entered the field. With the reason able rental for telephones aud free switching for ail rural liues t'lat enter Grants Pass, the farmers will not be disposed to take up a strictly independent service, nor will the busi ness men of Grants Pass encourage a new company to enter this field to necessitate them each to hive two telephones. In order to lessen the expense and to insure a better service only four in dependent companies will be organized to cover the territory tributary to Grants Pass. The Applegate Valley and all territory south of Rogue river from Grants Pass will be handled by the Applegate Valley Telephone Com pany, now organized. ' A'l the terri tory west aud north of Grants Pass embracing Lee district, Galice and down Rogue river to Mule Creek dis trict, and Grave, Wolf, Jomp-off-Joe, and Louse creek valleys will be U. S. Fidelity & Guarantee Co. Equitable Savings and Loan Assn. A . Fire Insurance. Lloyds Plate Glass Co. Phillfps Hydraulic Rams. Grants Pass, Ore. $7 covered by a company to be rrgan ized. A meeting will be held at Lee school house ou Saturday evening, Apirl 7, and a second meeting will be held st Merlin on Satordsy, April 14, at 3 p. m. at which Charles Meserre of the Courier, will be present to or panlze a company . similar to one formed at Provolt for the Applegate district. It is expected that all who ire interested in the establishment of a rural telephone system for that part ot the county will be attend. G, O. Oium, manager for Josephine county for the Paoifio States Tele phone Company will be present at these meetings to give all information desired as to the cost of installing the telephone system and the details of the terms that his company has to make to these independent companies. The Uinois Valley will embrace the third district and during thek latter part of April, Mr. Meserve will take op with the settlers of that valley the organizing of a company to in stall a telephone system to connect with the Grants Pass and the other county systems. After these three companies are in good working order a company will be organized for the territory along Rogue river above Grants Pars and including the Evans, Foots aud Birdseye oreek valleys. The second meeting for perfecting the organization of the Applegate Valley Telephone Company was held last Tuesday afternoon at Pi o volt. There was a large number of farmers present, representing the various sections of the valley. Owing to the chairman, C. O. Biglow, being de layed in reaching the meeting E. Badger was made temporary chaii- man. Charles Meserve presented a copy of a constitution aud regulations, which he had prepared, and they were read by the secretary R. F. Lewinan. A short discussion was had en the terms outlined when a motiou being mad'i they were adopted. G. O. Oinm, manager for Pacifio States Telephone Compaey's business in Josephine county, . then pres- nted the proposition that Geueral Manager J. H Thatcher had to make for his Com pany. Tli is agreement embraced the following conditions: Tho Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company to lease rent free for a period of five years to the Ap plegate Valley Telephone Company its telephone liue from the central station in Grants Pass to its termiuus of Williams, having a length of 30 miles. The Pacific States Company to keep in repair that section of the line irom its central station to the bridge where it crosses Rogoe river and to pay the taxes on the entire line. The Applegate Company to keep the line in repair from Rogne river bridge to its end at Williams and turn it over to the Pacific States Company at the end of the five year in as good condition as when they re ceived it, the Pacific States Conijmny to put the line in good repair before the lease Roes Into effect The Apple gate Compauy to have the right to string additional wires along this line. Tli is lease to be conditioned on the Applegate Company renting not less than 50 telephones of the Pacific States Company. Tho Pacific States Company to rent telephones to the Applegate Company for 60' cents per month payable semi yearly in advance, keep them in re pair while, in use and 'pay the taxes on them. The subscribers will pay for the batteries, when they have to be renewed. These batteries will cost about 20 cents each and will last from six to eight months. The sub scribes will install .their telephones, the connection with the wires being so sinible that any person can do the job These telephones are to be- the latest improved, high power instru ments and are to be delivered in Grants Pass freight paid and the rental will begin with thir removal from the depot These telephones will be . sub-leased by the Applegate Company to its members. Tim Pacifio States Company to sell switch boards and other telephone central office snpplifs at cost to the Applegate Companv. The members of the Applegate Com pany to have free switching with the Grants Pass system and with all other rural lines that ma be boilt into that city. The Applegate Company to have all the revenue derived from non members using iu lines and the Pa cific States Company to have the revenue from the long distance Cosi ness. This proposition from the Pacific States Company was compared with the advantage that might be had from strictly independent system and after the merits of the two systems had been folly considered the Pacific States proposition was accepted on motion made by Charles Meserve and second ed by E. N. Provolt. The question was then considered of incorporating the Applevatfl Va'ley Telephone Com pany. A vote being taken it was de cided to incorporate and E. Budger, E. N. Provolt and C. O. Biglow were chosen as incorporators and Charles Meserve was authorized to arrange with an attorney to prepare the papers aid to forward them to the sicretary of state at Salem. To show the interest that the citizens of Grants Pa's have in these rural telephone companies four of the prominent bust ness mon of that city accompanied Mr. Mese've and Mauager Oium to Provolt These gentlemen were Geo. R. Riddle, of Hair-Riddle Hardware Company, Lee Calvert of the Grants Pass Hardware Company, Roy Wil son of P. H. Harth & Company, and T. B. Cornell, lately in the grocery business. On being called on by Chairman Badge, each of them gave short addresses in which they com. mended the movement for rnral tele phones and the especially advantageous featoies ot free switching for these country lines with Grants Pass. On a motion to that effect Chairman Badger appointed the following per sons a committee to secure members, Henry Kubli, Upper Applegate ; John Per noil, Applegate; R. F. Lewman, E. N. Provolt, Provolt; O. O. Biglow and Morford John, Williams; Bert Sargeut and Louis Sturgeon, Upper Williams; W. S. Bailey and William York, Missouri Flat; Fred Knox, Laurel Grove; J. W. Gilmore and H. L. Reed, Murphy; C. C. English, New Hope; Mr. Clements, Ceutenial district aud Sooth Grants Pass; W. I. Sweetlnnd and Chas. Mesarve, Grants Phhh. The next meating of the Applegate Valley Telephone Company will be held at Provolc ou Saturday, March 31 at 2:Ii0 p. m sharp. It will be necefsiiry for all who wish to join the company to be there to sign the HtocK book and place their order for a tele phone aud for wire and insalatora The wire and insulators will cost about $8 por mile. Porcelain insula tors will be used and the wire can be strung to trees aud give as good ser vice as to poles. No telephones will be allowed to he connected with the main line between Grants Pass and the various central stations, all tele phones being connected to the latter by branch liues. The object of this is to keep the main line clear, other wise it would be loaded up with 40 to 50 telephones aud then uo one oonld talk over it. A oenlral Will be established at riovclt and branch lines will be run op Williams Valley, op Applegate and Thompson Valleys and across to Missouri Flat and down to Laurel Grove district. A central will be pot in .at Murphy to accom modate the four or five branch liues that will cover the adjoining territcry and a central will be put in at South Grants Pass for the residents of that section and of the Ceutenial district The shares of stock will be $5 each, bot if 100 members are secured, as is expected, it will not require ao assess ment of more than f J a share to pay for instilling the centrals and to meet the other expenses of puttiug the tele phone system in working order. The persons keeping the cntral stations will be giieu free telpehoues and those handling a large nuaiber ot lines will be paid a salary. Mr. Bidger has offered to keep the Pro volt office for $15 per month for this year while the compauy is getting a start. No arrangements have yet been made at Murphy aud Sooth Grants Pass for operators. The cost of maintaining the central o dices and such other expenses as will be le ctured will be met by a telephone rental charge of probibly 25 cents per mouth, which with the rent of 50 cents paid the Pacifio States Company will make the telephones cost 75 cents per month. The rent In Grants Pais is $1.25 per month for residence telephones and $1.50 for office tele phones. Hie articles of incorporation are being prepared by Hon. Geo. H. Durham aud expects to have them signed op this Saturday when be will fije them with the secretary of state. The filing fee and the corporation tax will be $10 each that being the charges against incorporations having a capital of less than $10,000. Mi. Durham makes no charges for his legal services, he contributing his fee, which would have beeo not less than $J5, to axaisst by that much the farmer in financing their telephone undertaking. He will also accompany Mr. Meserve to Provolt to attend the meeting next Satsrday and see that the legal details of completing the or ganization of the Applegate Valley Telephone Company are fully complied with. While makiag it pos'ible for the people of the county to have a first class telephone service at a reasonable oost the Pacifio States Telephone ci Telegrap'i Company are arranging to greatly improve the servioe in Grants Pa-is. It is expeoted to spend fully $5000 in installing what is known as the central energy system. With this system there is but two telephones on a line and there is no bell to be rung to call central. The Company will in crease their central station so that it can handle a thousand or more tele phones and thus readily handle the large bosiness that will come with the growth of Grants Pass and the in stallation of rural lines throughout the oonntry. Their present quarters in the First National Bank building will be too small for the Company's use and the Bank Company will probably erect this Summer brick building immediately back of the Bank block on groond now occupied by their wood house. This building will be 26x70 feet and will be entirely osed by the Pacific States Company, the front part for central station and offioea aud the rear for a storage room. With these intended Improvements that are to be made by the Pacifio States Telephone Company and with the completion of the four big rural telephone systems that will cover all the territory tributary to Grauts Pass this city will have by far the best telephone system of any city in Ore gon, Portland not excepted. Subjoined is given in full the con stitutlon and by laws of the Apple gte Valley Telephone Company. ibis constitution-has been carefully prepared and embodies the best features of the constitutions of a number of independent telephone oompnnies and strictly oouforms to the laws of Ore gon. It folly safeguards every in terest of the members and fully proti ots tho company from being Monopolized by a faotion of its mem bers or being absorbed by a rival oompany. At the meeting next Satur day at Provolt, roles and regulations will be adoptel governing the use of the Company's telephones and of the maiutalnenoe of the central stations and the lines. The following is the constitution and by-laws: (Cun;inued ou Page Two.) A Fi no Percheron Horse. Fred Knox, who his had charire siuce last Fall of ihe fine Percheron horse, A vata, owned by the Grants Pass Breeders Assoc ation was in Grauts Pass Wednesday from his Ap- plugate ranch. Mr. Kuox brought Avata in to have him shod aud to let horsemen of this vicinity see the splendid condition this 3000-pound 8-year old is in. Beginning with April 1st H. L. Reed of Morphy will take charge of Avata, Mr. Knox not having time by reison of his farm work to care for the horse. Mr. Reed is one of the most experienced horsemeu in Jose phine county and this fine hotse will be given the best of care and made a proUtable investment to his owners and to the farmers of this ootiuty. Legal blanks at the Courier office. Saving Prices-High Quality Are firmly linked together at this store. This is con firmed by the many compliments we receive on the largest and best selected stock of Furniture and Housefurnishings in Southern Oregon Your trade with us is all based on the principle of Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back There's something doing here all the time. Watch our "ads." RUGS Genuine Moquette Rugs, Brussels, Axminster and Velvet at less than factory prices; they were sam ple rugs and we are through with them, so close them out. RUGS Regular Jute, noc so-called wool, 95c, large size. NEW CARPETS Some handsome new patterns just in see the new samples Velvets and Axminsters. ACME WASHING MACHINE We're the agenU (or the best machine made; 30 days to try it. FURNITURE New Couches, big variety; New Dressers, a regular $16 Solid Oak Dresser, French bevel glass for $12.50 ' BABY Go-Carts The new patterns, splendid values $3 00 to $13.50. ' LACE CURTAINS Only a few pair left; you can't afford to miss this sale in Lace Curtains. Thomas & O'Neill . H0U8EFURNISHERS JUDGE HANNA ADJOURNS' CIRCUIT COURT County Sustained in Making Courier Official per Jen nings Ca.se Appealed. Judge H. K. llatiua will close this Friday evening an adjonrned session of the January term of circuit court, which he has held for the last two weeks. He will return to his home in Jacksonville, where on next Mon day he will convene the Spring term of circuit oourt for Jackson county. On Monday, April lfi, be will re turn lo Grants Pass and convene the Spring term of circuit oourt for Jose phine. So large is the business io this judicial distriot that Judge Han na seldom has an intermission in his terms of court and even then his time is folly occupied in reviewing testimony and making up his decis ions. In fact none of the 18 oircult judges in Oregon have more work to do than has Jodgs Hanna. Last Saturday evening the jury la the case of August Fetsch vs. the Niagara Insurance Company brought in verdiot in favor of Mr. Fetsch for $0800 Insurance and credit of $283.40. The Insurance oompany had refued to pay the insurance on the brewery aud Ice plant owned by Mr. Fetsch on the ground that he did not own the land on which the buildings were located. R. G. Smith repre sented Mr. Fetsoh and Oolvig & Dor ham the inuranoce company. T. K. Anderson was given a ver diet for $2000 against the Galloe Con solidated Mines Company for damages caused by the breaking of the Com pany's ditch. Oustav Poyer was given a Judg ment for $229.25 against the Pacifio Pine Needle Company, the property was ordered sold to pay the judgment and costs. The case of Dorotha and John P. Ranzao against W. B. Sherman and L. M. Williamson was settled aud dis missed. Rolla S. Kuapp was given a verdict for $2ilH2 Tand posts and attorneys fees of$400 agaiust E. T. Wallace and the Althouso Miuiug Company. In condemnation salts of the Cali iirnia it Or.'umi Coast Kailroad for right-of-way John II. Robinson was awarded $100 for the laud taken and $35 for damages, and Stephen Jewell wus awarded $105 for land taken. The supreme court having granted stay of proceedings in tho caso of Jos p ir Jennings, sentenced to be hung for the murder of his father, his attorney, H. D. Norton, was given to March 25 to file his transcript of appeal to the supreme court, whsra he will ask for a new trial. The suit brought Vy F. W. Chaosss aud J. F. Oalbralth, publishers of the Observer to restrain the oonnty court from appointing the Rogue River Courier as the official paper was de cided in favor ot the Courier, on the ground that the proceedings of the county court had boen regular and that the Courier was shown to have the largest circulation ot ny paper pub lished in Josephine oonnty.