ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. KOGUS KiVKK COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. MARCH 2, ivOt,. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rati One Year, in advance, 11.6(1 8lx Monthn. 7 Three Month, ... ,40 blngle Copies, .05 Advertising Rate Furnished on application at the office, or by uiau. . Obituaries and resolutions of con dolence will be charged for at 6c per line; ara 01 luanaiouo. A. E. VO0RHJE3, Peopb. e d Oregon, a second-class mail matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 190fl. AS THE STRANGER SEES THE TOWN. As a city of home, and of progress Irenes Grant Pas make a deep Im pression upon all who riait the town. Every branch of social life, every line of Christian endeavor and every facility for thorough edncation ' la made easy for the inhabitant. A a community containing only satisfied people, there I none which equals Urant Push, and the resident as a rnle have per manently located themselves h!re. This Is, and always will he, the manufacturing center of rhis district, and there is easily obtained an abund ance of eloct'ieal power, which will make umtitifuct Jrlna lnternsU excep tionally easy of development. We have a box f ictory here as well as a hh!i and door fuctory, which are sec ond to none. They will be foaud mentioned In another part of this publication "whore their advancement is fully doner i bed. The financial in terests of the olty are iu good hands and managed In a progressive and Miergetio way. The moral atmosphere of the city is generally wholesome, it being in fact, a olty of churches, a dozen different denominations being here represented. It is owe of the most healthful cities in the United Btntes, and "hears the distinction of having the lowest death"rate of any olty in the Union. It is the residence of many professional men of ability and has always furnished its propor tion of prominent representatives iu all matters of 8tate. There are num berless o;iKrtouitles open for those looking for a buaiuesa location, there . being Just now, wing to the rapid strides made in the fruit ludustry, a particularly fine opening in the way of a first class cannery, and the grow ing dairy business paves the way for a creamery. Witli the coming of the new rallr ad, we will without quest Ion see the erect lou of a furniture factory, ami artur sncli starts as above, a paper mill, and shiulge mill will rapidly follow. There Is no question that all those who read this discourse on the comity of Josephine would do well to he influenced into Investigating the possibilities ofthls territory. It means health and wealth to you, as well as a future home in. one of the most ieautiful"'sHts iu the West. grandeur of her future attainments is almost inconceivable to the average mind, and the various avenues and lines of business yet unoccupied will beond a doubt prove a rich financial harvest to the pioneers who enter therein. A city is what the citizens make it. And a comprehensive, in dividual review, describing in full each retail interest and its accom plishment is ample proof, if proof is Deeded, of all the features to which we have drawn particular attention regarding Grants Pass and the sur rounding territory. The sketches herein contained have been prepared for" the purpoof"reviewin2 and'ex tending oar acquaintance with the men and the establishments that carry on thFafTttirTof this prosperous city. Then is no home to buy anything that you neeu in any line Home trading is the secret of success Id all communities. We have held forth upon the boundless resources and possibilities of oar county, and its ideal environments, but to make this territory and our city in particular and the busiest of its iize, it is neoes sary that ItheJ wealth;. of I the whole community be kept within circulation within its boundaries. Speod cot your money in far away markets,' it will'never come back. But instead purchase supplies of every description rrotn .our .hotne merchant, and we will assure you that yon will not only receive the fall value, but iu the regular line of business you will have an opportunity or handling over and over the"juoiiey" destined to circulate In Josephine county. Your neighbors prosperity is just so much added to the general welfare of this territory, and your own prosperity In a great measure depends upon the prosperous condition of every merchant doiug business In your nidst. Patronize home industry and thus advance the prosperity of the city. Think of home interests at all times, and deal with those merchants whose reputa tions are known to you. You can al ways be assured of receiving from them the highest value and the best quality besides you will be partoniz- ing neighbors and fellow citizens, whose chief interests are your own in terests. Candidate for Sheriff I tike this opportunity to announce to the voters of Josephine county my oauuinacy ior tne omce or sheriff, and my name will appear before the pninary convention April 20th on the republican ticket. A. UMPHLETT. Candidates Announcements. JAMES WITHYCOMBE of Corvallis Candidate for Republican Nominee for Governor "An honest and fearless perform ance of publio duty a greater and united Oregon." STEPHEN JEWELL of Grants Pass Candidate Democratic for Nominee County Judge. Favors Progressive Ideas in Road, School, Probate, Taxation, Sanitary and Liquor Laws. QUANTS PASS NOW OCCUPIES FRONT RANK To the caatial observer it would , doubthw appear at first glaiioe."and Without due inquiry and Investiga tlon, that every business avenue 7"f Grants Pass was fully occupied, bnt to those who are acquainted with this city and the vast opportunities offered within her borders, such by no means appears to lie. the case. It is true that some lines are already well tilled in proportion to the present population, but surrounded km we are by a terri tory its rich its this with the develop. Uieut of tl pofniliiliiies ami latest resources yet in their infancy, the WILLIS S. DUIMIWAY CANDIDATE foi STATE PRJNTER At Republican Primary, April 20, 1906 "I hereby pledge the inxiple of Oregon to a gif iit reduction of the enormous cost of the ofllce of Stale Printer, if elected, and I declare, upon my honor that 1 shall s"ek neither to lieriietuiito old abuses of the ol'tleo nor cngugo in new scbemes to loot the treasury." Willis S iHuiiway. "Willis s Dunlwiiy is a mini of ster ling Integrity and thorough knowledge oi i no printing tmsinoes."- roi'tlaud Labor Press. JOSEPH MOSS of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for County Judge. If I am nominated and elected, I will, during my term of office, conduct the business of this county with the same care and economy that I would my own. I stand for good roads and economy. T. B. CORNELL Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee County Judge Business methods Applied to County Government County to build Good Roads. S. F. CHESHIRE of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee County Clerk FRED MENSC1I of Grants Pass Republican Candidate for Nominee County Surveyor W. I. SWEETLAND of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Sheriff. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE. PET ALUM A Incubator for sale at less than half cost. Jose X. Nelson, East A street. 3.3 tl FOR SALE 4 fresh milk cows, grade Jerseys, apply 10 O. H. Pease, Placer. Ore. 2-23 7t FOR SALE 2-year old heifer, fresh in 8 months flS. E. B. Brown, 408, Second street. . 2-23 2t J? OK SALE Buff Leghorn Eggs. 15 for $1.25. J. W. Branch. Art Gal lery, Grants Faw, Ore. 2-23 2t HYDRAULIC RAM-No. 8 Hydraul ic Ram inquire at M. E. Moore's Second Hand Store, Front streer. 2 23 rf FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorns, stock and eggs for sale ; egus 15 for fl. Hayden Close, West D street. 2-1B tf BUGGY A good single bussr. liirht one-horse spring wagon and a heavy lumber wagon, for sale cheap M. E. Moore, Second Hand Store, (Front Street. 2-23 tf A 6x7 POCO Camera and developing outfit, new and little used. Camera cost :J5, will take 2o for entire outfit Address, Camera, care Courier. 29. tf EGGS I EGGS ! !-Rhode Island Reds will lay them in Winter when they are high and scarce Get eggs for hatching at M. ft. Moore's Second Hand Store. 2-23 tf A GOOD HX)-acre ranch o.i Applega'e river, 90 acres nnder ditch foi irri gation, good buildings, 40 acres in cultivation. Sold at a bargain. Addrfss, . Farm Bargain, care Courier. 2-9 4t FARM FOR SALE KiO aces fiO in cultivation, good bnidings. family orchard, near town. Daily mail, nice coontrv home. Address H. B., Box 17, Wood vi lie, Ore. 8 2 2t FOR SALE Fifteen acres of choice Rogue River pear land cheap; one fourth mile from depnr, irrigat:ng water, good farm buildings; one fifth down, balance 10 years at 7 per cent. Ben A. Lowell, Woodville, Ore. 2-23 (it FOR SALE 6 to 40 acre sob-divis ions of a 1900-acre Rogue River ranch, 80 rods from Southern Pa ciho depot; small payment, S years time end 6 per cent interest t'ome early nod get the choicest of luua. Also 20 seres best apple laud to exchange for house and lot in Medford, ABhlund 01 Grants Pass. Ben A. Lowell, Wood vill,t Oregon. 2-2 lt ED LISTER of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Slier iff. T hflci hurl Avn..-i.n.,.. n I,a .Ml.w. sheriff, and if elected I will administer the office with vigor and economy. L. L. JEWELL of Grants Pass Candidate for Republican Nominee for Representative. E. DUN HA R, Of Woll Creek Candidate for Republican Nominee foi Representative. Signs statement No. 1 of the Primary Election law, which pledges vote for the people's choice for Senator. FOR SALE 88 acres River Bottom land, i miles down Rogue river from Grants Pass on county road, known as the Turner ranch. Two houses, one a u-rooni frame, large barns, hop house and all out-buildings. 9 acres lion, 10 acres orchard ; Winter apples. For sale at f.'loOO. A bargain for (10 days. Inquire of A. N. Hulbert, Sams Valley, Ore gon. 2-9 If PERSONAL. DO YOU wttut a home on easy pay ments? If so call on or address Ore gon Timber, Miuing & Investment Co., Grant Pa5, Ore. WANTED. WANTED Grain Sacks, Tools and other second-hand goods. Harrison Bros., Second hand-store, corner Sixth and J stretts. 8-si tf OREGON Timber Mining & Invest ment Co. are looking for a good Farm, with pleiitv of water for Ir rigation. Price i.KMK) to $11000. BUSINESS CHANCES. DO YOU want a good paving busi ness in Gr mts Pass? If so usk Oregon Timlier, Mining & Invest ment Co. about the snap thev have. A.U.Bannard's Furniture Store on North Side Big After invoicing we find a lot of goods broken in assortment we will dispose of at Special Prices. Also Remnants of CARPETS, MATTINGS, and LINOLEUMS must be sold regardless of cost. Cut in price of WALL PAPER for January and February to make room for new stock. A full as sortment of everything in our line. f Goods sold on the installment plan. A. U. Bannard North Sixth Street One block North of Josephine Hotel. NE10P 99 Comic Operetta in one Act Opera House, Wed., March 7 Also Varied Program of Orchestra Music, Recitation and Song For the Benefit of The Southern Oregon Hospital AN EVENING OF FUN AND MUSIC Cast of Characters PENELOPE, The Kitchen Maid MRS. W. W. WALKER MRS. CROAKER. The Mistress MRS. W. L. IRELAND PITCHER, Policeman GEO. P. CRAMER TOSSER, Soldier THEO. P CRAMER CHALKS, Milkman A. E. VOORHIES Admission 35c, Reserved Seats 50c. FOR RENT. FOR KENT A suite of flue office rooms. Address the Courier. tf Home Baking with ROYAL Baking Powder The United States Agricultural Department has Issued (and circulates free) a valuable report giving the results of elaborate experiments made by and under the direction of the Department, which show the great saving from baking at home, as compared with cost of buying at the bakers. AH bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc., are very much frcsher,c!eaner,cheaper and more wholesome when made at home with Royal Baking Powder. ovi KiNa sovycr co, sew cn For County Surveyor. I hereby HiinnancH flint my Dame will bo. placed before t'-e voters of .Tosephiue county Hi I lie prin ry election, April 20. 11H;, n n candi date for noiniiiHtion for the ultice of coriity surveyor, on the republican ticket. FRED MENCM. For County Surveyor. I hereby announce to the vnteia of Josephine county that my ns me will be before the priiusries n it candidate for the nouiiiiHtiou of Comity Survey or on the republican ticket. 3-lrt lot D. J. LAWTON. Candidate for Sheriff. I hereby announce iny intention of resenting mv name before the republi can an l riniarioa Airil '.'( for the iioniiiititicn of sheriff of Josephine county. W. I. SWEETLAND. Mow'i This ? We offer One Hundred Dollsr R -ward for auy case of Catirrh that run- not be eared bv Mall's (.'atrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 13 year, and believe I i i t ii rirtectlr honorable iu all tuiHine-s transactions, and Auaurially able to carry oat any obliagtioua made by his firm. W.iUiinn, Kiniisn K Marviu, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. ' Hall Catarrh Cure is taken iu j terualty, acting directly npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Testimonials ut free. Prioe, per bottle. Sold by all Drug- gist. Take Hall's Family Pills for cousti ation. Ha Rtood the Test Year. The old. original GROVES' Taste lea Chill Tonlo. You know what yon ar taking. It ia iron and quinine In a tastelets form. No core, No pay. MISCELLANEOUS. ORDERS tithe ii lor tine cookies and bread. Mrs. E. B. Brown. 408 Sec ond street. Tel. 685. OREIJON Timber. Mining & Invest ment Co. can handle doinible tim ber in hirge or sma l tr.tcts. W. A. HENRY. Teacher of Violin and piano. Residtnce, 409 B street, corner Fourth. Phone, (UI. Music furnished for all ocoss'ong. 9-2a tf FRANK BVRNKTT-Upholstering. mission furniture made to order. Urania Pats Post Cuids at the Cour ier t.ttiee. 500 AGENTS ARE BETTER THAN ONE You know that. We are one, but there are 500 asso ciated with us in the East and of course we can sell your property; 500 agents of the Interstate Investors Association co operating with us. We are in it. We can also place your money for investment in Timber, Mines and Real Estate where you can make a good profit. Renumber, 500 are Better than One. Oregon Timber, Mining & Investment Co ed: Oregon (Incorporated) Grants Pass, i Typewriter supplies, rihhons, paper, etc., at the Courier office. TWENTY CENT meals. ell cooked and iu pleuty at Mrs. C. Brandt's restaursut on West F street, oppo ite the Depot. Hood board by the week at reasonable rates. 1 -2 tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE T 1. , r -v - acres; ,0 ,cres hops, 10 acres alfalfa, fine r o never .aumg sPg : buildings and fence. rINh dressmaking, shirtwaist suits' aud ether sewing done iu first clips style. Childn-u ' suits a specialty. Prices reaniuable. Mos' Addition, Josephine street, between Eghth and Niuth. Mrs. W. E. Will iams. !i-Utf DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heietofore existing be- tweeu the undersigued aa Livery men. under the tlrm name of Haves & Heck, has been dissolved by mutual eouseut. All accounts due the late tirm are payable to F. Heck, by whom the business will be con tinued and bv whom all debts of the Brut will be paid. E. H AYES, F. HECK. Oraot Pass. Jan. 23, 11S. County Treasurer' Notice. There are funds in the treasury to pity all warrant protested to June 1st, lSKia. Interest will cease from this date. February 1. 1906. J. T. TAYLOR. Treasurer of of Josephine county. Ore. repair, price $4,000. Tour 10 Acre Handles. 10 acres, no buildings, price $l,ooo. 10 acres, fair building,, frujt am, uunuings all new. Z u-,.i in Rogue River Valley; an ideal home No. 4. Good buildings highly ranch of 20 acres, good buildings and ;, r-:- k..:u: .,,v an uuiiuings, j,.vn.r; 0r IS acres hoi $1500. in good No. 1. No. No. 3. f 1,500. : ' u"t variety of fruit r ;o it it i. ..j'.uteu ior 52100; also oitru.t. faiOO. 25 acre. P hnd and and All of the atwve situated c V iu-good roads aud good soil. 'crsonal Pronortt r " J . f .... J.-. on t II.. 4 horse - ,.rv., f m -,, (M, , 3 horse power gsso line engine. 1 v. . - W.'"n riintn ntui tuna .,..., r. ,. ...... t.lll on Thorson. I horsepower.. , Cider mill power or hsiul . '. h hi . . ' " oo I 1 sub i.! . . iu swanus or net s j.-, s. " 'r long nsii.n t ... '.' ' ' I i: t oiirry. 1 lop 1' Kvv J tlsrn ;"d cultivator"! ovel on H,. Ilouschoki (rurri fiusti touch KnisselaCarpet Dearly new .cii. ..ri'tfi, neariv new i-. o., icTA ; 8 ik. OakTxtT '"'"tress Spring Cot 2 no it ,h;:tt"1!ii":i Table Student . l". Tablm an,' , i. ." rents to t-'.jfaoh. Call on or address, '1 I- wide. 5 00 40 00 80 00 20 00 .1 00 s on 20 00 10 00 10 00 H. B. ALVERSON M ranch Wt;BtU;Park,ke , Box 122. - i ass, uh-.;gojt