Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 02, 1906, Image 3

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It has been laid, and not without
good reason, that the general prospe' ity
of a city depend to a great extent op
on the character aud gene al excel
lence of iti hotels One of the most
complete, well arranged and convenient
If located hotels in this section, is the
Josephine, o ndooted nnder the able
managemet of Geo. E. G. od It is a
large and substantial ihree-siory bnild--ing,
coutaiuing 4d rooms, all of which
are nicely furnished, well ventilated,
thoroughly modern and up-to-date.
Efery attention is given to the con
venience and comfort of the guests
The diniJg room is on the same level
with the other high class actnnimoda
tions and is operated under tue per
sonal sopervision of Mr. Good. The
patronage of the commercial tiade
necessitated an addition in orler to
supply sample rooms aud tliisjia now
been computed. Mr. Good is au en
terprising business man held in high
esteem, filing the honorable office of
mayor' of oor cL-
P. H. KARTH & SON. Inc.
In all cities of any importance titers
exist stores wl.icb are accorded by the
way lor carrying ou a business of this
nature. Tue enterprising proprietor,
A. Gigler, is a baker of experience
coming to Grants Pass from Minneso,
tii He does most of bis own baking,
Ums being able to assure his patrous
of the be.-t at all times. His display
room is always stocked witb fresh,
wuolesonie. products. a"d au assistant
is employed to look after this branch.
The above concern who are searchers
of records in this city nave been a
moat valuable agency to thosemaking
investments in all manner of property
in Josephine county. There are a
number of prope'ty holders whose
titles are loose and now is the time
when they ehonld attend to the set
tlmg of all doubts regarding their
holdings This can be doue much
bHtter at preseut than at a later date,
and such work will be promptly
handled and satisfactorily attended to
by the above concern. They possets
a complete abstract of the records of
this county, in fact, theirs is the
ouly set of abstract books held by any
ienced bakers. Their salesroom is'
stocked each day with fresh, pore
products, aud their delivery service
despatches to their customers all
over the city desirable food stuffs.
Thee gentlemeu are formsrly from
Portland, aud since coining to Grants
Pats have made uiauy friends, as well
as secured a flourishing list of pat
rous. !
Oue of the best patronized and high-1
ly spoken of photograh galleries in the
city is that operated by fa. S Sherman 1
ou Frout ttreet, where he has been j
eugagea for the psyt two years in :
transferring the smiling countenances
of Grants Pais citiaus upon card;
b ard. He does work of every sort and '
if called npon to make a view of your
residence or of your business house he
will furnish you with a photograph
which will be in every way acceptable, j
He makes a specialty ot group work ,
and his experience enables him to han
dle witb ease subjects who as a rule
have trouble in securing good photo
graphs, and he can at all times be de
pended upon to interest himself per
sonally in your work.
'.V -;i .
,-V .-
discriminating publio a large portion
of the tiade of the couitnuuity This
is partly owing to the superior goods
that are carried, to the large assortment
that i shown, and to the straightfor
ward and honorable business methods
that are employed. In Grants Pasi an
establishment of this kind of which e
will make particular mention is that
of P. H. Hartli & Son, Inc , located on
Sixth street, who have been carrying
on an extensive wholesale and retail
clothing an t furnishing goods business
for the past 16 years, dealing in cloth
ing of every Bort, hats, boots, shoes,
and miners' goods. A lnrye warehouse
i located in the rear of their estab
lishment by the use of which they are
enabled to boy in large quantities and
oastomers are ac all times assured of
receiving the very best, of attention.
R. S. Wilson, the rranager and treas
urer, gives the business the beuefit of
bis personal attention.
Few cities of the size of ours can
show the retail accommodations which
our stores offer to this community,
and oue worthy of mention is the
watchmaking aud jewelry establish
ment operated in the I. O.O. F. huild
iog by J. G. Curtis. He has followed
the jewelry line for 42 years, and he
carries a well selected and complete
stock of watches, blocks, etc., besides
?lving much attention to the repair
ng aud rebuilding of articles in the
jewelry line. Personally he hai au
interesting history, having first
crossed the 'plains in 1S59. He served
in the Civil War for five year, par
ticipating in some notable engage
ments, among them beiug the f imoos
battle of Gettysburg.
Many of our retail Hues are gaining
prominence throrjRli the enterprise and
progressiveness of our merchants, and
nowhere in Southern Oiegon cau bet
ter goodi be had for less money than
at oor own stores. Especially is this
true in the line of dry goods and a
firm which is just now making rapid
strides to the front in this particular
branch is that mentioned at the head
of this artiole. Their stock embraces
everything in the dry goods line, in
cluding ladies' furnishings, shies,
etc., besides a selection of gents' fur
nishing goods, youth and childreus
suits, novelties and notions. They
have been established along other lines
for somethiug over two years and are
rapidly centering npon themselves an
enviable trade.
One of the chief accessories to a good
meal is the bread, and for its finish a
pastry or some fine confection. The
above is a well known aud popular es
tablishment located on Front street
and is fitted op in the most modern
firm hern .T. E Hair, tha nrPHidmit. I
gives hig personal attention to the
bnsin' bs, and one can ever rely upon
the information furnished through the
institution. ,
In the retail business of the city we
have establishment - catering to the de
maud of the local public in every line,
aud well selected stocks of dry goods,
notions, aud ladies fornishiugs are to
be found. Oue of these is that con
duced by E. A. Wade, on Front street,
who makes a specialty of Richardson's
silks, embroideries, etc. He has
been a resident of Grauts Pass for a
number of years, aud was formerly
engaged in the grocery line. Two
years ago, however, he de ided to
conriue himselt strictly to dry goods,
aud now intends devo'ing his eiit're
time to ladies furnishings, novelties
aud in fact, everything for the women
. The profession for relieving the
suffering of humanity in any phase
is one ot the most noble of the maoy
callings which men follow, aud of
all those to whom we are grateful, we
panicohrly feel indebted to the man
who helps our eyesight. Mr. Letcher
is. au optician of experieuce.
He carries quit" a complete stook of
everything in the optical line, as well
as a full stock of high grade jewelry,
clocks, etc. He is also a watchmaker,
and a liighchiFs repair man, aud all
delicate articles may be entrusted to
him with a sure feeling that they will
receive the best of attention aud
The well and tastefully dressed man
always commands respect, aud many
a man of mediocre ability has carved
his way to success by neat appear
ance. J. A. Larson is a geutleman
who has followed the business for
the past 20 yeurs, having been estab
lished at this point for something over
eight years, and that be is a first
diss tailor is testified to by the
steadily growing patronage which he
commands. His place of business is
well arranged and complete, aud one
is enabled to select from a complete
stock of woolens, worsteds, tweeds,
etc. Four to six assistants are em
ployed in sea nu and all orders are
executed with neatness and dispatch.
The bakeries of this city are estab
lishments worthy of particular atten
tion in this review, and for this rea
son we are glad to be able to direct
our readers to a model institution as
well as The Model in name. This
establishment will be found on the
corner of Sixth and E street", and is
operated Bud maTiag0d by E. L. Bark
ley and J. B. Edington, two exper-
In considering the various lines of
business that are rerres'tited 'n Grants
Pass, oue sees that the Hue most vital
ly concerned and active in the devel
opment of this territory is the real es
tate and investment agents. One of
those active in all branches from the
collecting of rent to the sale of valu
able properties, is Joei h Moss. He
is a reliable collection agent and aUo
a worthy man to handle property for
non-residents, and in addition does a
large insuranoe business through Borne j f-,
very strong companies, Me is a can
didate for the nomination ot Couuty
Judge, and hi prospects are very
Real Estate and Timber
Pre-eminently this is a day of spec
ialities, not alone in the professions
but i nthe trades, aud from the spe
cialist we get the best results. Stores
dealing exclusively in tea aud coffee
are very rapidly gaining favor, and an
establishment in our midst which ca
ters exclusively 10 mis line or euaeavor i j-i
la tlmt Irnnwn ah the Rnirae River i I
Coffee Market, situated ou trout St.,
and operated and managed by Charles
J. G-Smythe, with the assistance of
Mrs. C. J GambR They have a Btnre
room nicely furnished aud arranged
in a most modern style, the shelving,
chests, etc., being designed by "Mr.
Sinythe in order to have the most con
venient for handling their products.
They carry a full aud complete stock
of Btrictly high grade teas, coffees,
spices and extracts, as well as a fine
selection of Japanrae goods, Chiua
ware.eto. A specialty is made of fresh
roasted coffee and blended teas, in
fact, Mr. Smythe has mude a specialty
of tea bleudiug, and from this line he
lias 8cured except ionally fine results.
Theirs i" a popular pluoe.and although
having only liein opened to the public
Bince Novembir tliiy are fast gaining
a thriving trade.
The attention that has been devoted
to the prodnction of furuiture in this
country reveal the fact that American
inventive genius and mechanical skill
are qnite as successful in this line as
they have been in so many others. Une
engaged in this Hue to which we would
refer yon is M. E. Moore, who carries
every style of household furniture, and
gives his patrons the benefit of select
ing from either a unw or second hand
stock. He has been established here I 3
something over two years, coming to
Grants Pass i'rom the stats of Teaxs.
A popular restaurant whose patron
age increases as the days go by ts the
one owned and operated hy Henry
Walter at number TOO Sixth street.
'Shis resort was opeued to the public
several years ago, and has been a pop-1
nlar pines with all who chance to par-1
take of the wholesome food which is :
served to their patrons. Mr. Walt'Tj
is an experienced restaurant man, well ,
vt-sed in the art of catering, aud by i
according his patrons personal service
has built np a trade of
Unless you want to be convinced
Smythe s Hogue River Coffee Market
is the best place to buy
Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate, Spices, Extracts, Sugar, Soda, Starch,
Baking Powder, Chinawarc, Japanese Goods, Etc
Our stock of TEA comprises 20 of the best kinds aud qualities at prices that will sur
prise you. Green Teas from 40c to 75c per pound. Black Teas from 40c to 80c per
"pound. Our teas are the special pick and purchase of experts. We are making a
close study of blending for cup quality and would be pleased to fix up any special
blend you may prefer.
Out COFFEES are all selected for the CUP QUALITY rather than . style,
and our blends are always uniform. Like our teas our Coffees are expert select
ions and no better grades can be had at our prices. Our highest grade, vacuni packed,
steel cut Java and Mocha Coffee is all the name implies, packed in oue and two
pound cans at 50c and 90c per can. Our 40c Java and Mocha either in bulk or vacum
package is a full flavored coffee. Then we have other blends at 35c, 30c, 25c and 20c.
Our Miner's Choice at 25c is a good value. Santos Rio and Caracol, either straight
or for blends. 1
and that merit is an rfgrw
element in the sue- j
in preparing appetizing and cess of the house- ttjtr t"tt
y wholesome food is made lighter keepers who use V'
by using Old Dutch ' '"""-iCi
, Cleanser V Jj) I
for their r I
Baking Powders a Large Cau Av I
and Sodas. AUC
Our Cocoas and Chocolates are manufactured on the Pacific Coast and are pure and whole
some in every respect. Try them and be convinced.
Then we have Sugar for every use, such as Crystal Domiuoe for the tea and Coffee, granu
lated sugar for general use, powdered sugar for icing and candy, bar sugar for use with berries and
in the sugar sifter.
What Adds More to an Article of Diet
Than tlie Seasoning
Our Spices are all pure ground goods, packed
in full weight cans We have in stock
Black. White and Cayenne Pepper
Mustard, Sage, Savory, Thyme,
Majoram, Allspice, Cloves, ,
Cinnamon, Mace, Ginger, Nutmegs.
Our Extracts are pure natural oil flavors with
just enough spirits to preserve them. One
and two ounce bottles, full measure.
Vanilla. Lemon, Rose, Orange,
Cinnamon, Almond,
Wintergreen, Pepermint.
Some Other Good Things to Eat
Currants Rasins, Pearl Barley, Nuts, Sago, Macaroni, Tapioca,
Cocoanut, Corn Starch, Force, Quaker Oats, Rico Flakes, Itico.
Crackers, Horseradish, Mustard (prepared), Catsup, Salt, Celery Salt,
. Preserves, Jams and Jellion, Jersey Evaporated Cream, Olivo Oil.
Come in and see the values. Everything fresh and up to now. A souvenir free with
each pound of coffee or half pound ot tea We are going to give a ten-piece toilet set
away- ' Ask about it.
Smythe's Rogue River Coffee Market
420 Front Stre, i. Palace Hotel Block, GRANTS PASS, ORE.
Startling But True.
Pjopla the world over were horri
fied on learning of the burning of
considerable i Chicago tlifster in which nearly 600
It is his object to supply i people lost their lives, yet mors than
l with pure foods, and na ;,. thin nnnitor or over 3000
auythinjr found on his table is sure to i people died from pneumonia In
Chicaao during the same year, with
his customers with pure foods, and
be wholesome and healthy.
The employment aireot, insurance
agent and real estate manipulator Is a
man with whom we all in the course
of years' time do some business, and
at the time of our dealings with him
we wiili to be assured of his reliabili
ty, integrity and soundness of judg
ment. A man who possesses these re
quirements generally conducts a suo
oessfnl business, and to these more
than anything else do we attribute the
success of the above named genlteman,
who has been located in this county
for 80 years. Id tact, he cut and
threshed grain on the (iraiita Pass
townglte. His office is located on
Front street. He handles much desir
able property, writes Insurance in re
liable companies, besides ooniooting
an employemni agency,.
Fruitgrowers of Rogue River Wiley
find ths Courier of special interett
' scarcely a passing notice. Everyone
of these cases of pneumonia resulted
j from a cold and could have been pre
vented by the timely use of Chamber
I lian's Cough Remedy. A great many
who had every reason to fear pneu-
tuouia have warded it off by the
I prompt use of this remedy. The fol
llolwing is an instance of this sort:
'"Too much cannot be said In favor of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and
especially for colds and influenza. I
know that it cured my daughter,
Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe
saved her life when she was threat
ened with pneumonia." W. D. Wil
cox, Logan, New York. Bold by all
To Car a Cold la One Day
Ine Tablets. Druggists refund money
if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature is on'each box. 25o.
0. A. DICKIS0N, Proprietor.
H Street between Fifth and Sixth I'uonx 881 Grants Pass, Oregon
J. B. PADDOCK, Proprietor.
I am prepared to famish anything In the line ol Cemetery work in any kind
of Marble or Granite.
Nearly thirty years of experience In the Marble business warrant my say log
that I can fill your orders in the very best manner.
Caa furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Qranlt or any kind of
Marble. ,
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