Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 02, 1906, Image 11

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Ti t Joy to eat T welcome my dinner hour
Because I rout indigestion with August Flower
4 Constipation is the result of indigestion.
B biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite
elf-poisoning, anemia, emaciation, urir
cid, neuralgia in various parts of tht
system, catarrhal inflammation of the in
testinal canal and numerous other ail
j ments that rob life of its pleasures if they
' do not finally rob you of life itself
J H'Tm bound in the bowels," is a com-
4 uiuu MpoMun oi peopie wuo look mis
XHfrable and are miserable yet who persist
ln " letting nature take its course.''
I tfWhat a foolish plan, when nature could
V be aided by the use of Green's August
i Flower, which is nature's own remertv fm
f constipation and all stomach ills.
IAugust Flower gives new life to the
liver and insures healthy stools
flTwo sizes, 35c and 75c. All druggist.
For Bale by Dr. J. O. Smith.
HRAVTC non 1-. r, ,
uuniiio TAOO rlnlVlb-Cont fj ha8 lar"'y U10v,,d iu'onowaud modern
j quart ra, and is displaying a well te.
! lected stock rf wheels, iu addition lo
THOMAS & 0"NEILL wnic" 8 ul1 l'ne of rubber goods are
The lmm,n ... , . . "1lvU: "oroogti
auriug n wau, naving icuowea miuina
immense develnn..,i.
ieui years lu the business of hnnu ' iu different localitie ihmnirli (Alitor.
urum iinga na, 0?en ,. , Kpa hpniilfa rininir nniru t.
busintss as contractor and buildtr
siuc comiug to Grauts Past
remarkable. Tl.i. h.i". BSS
reached the tUn where it il -a !
ered one of the'monrmportantTetali
-maW1'? mder" Sy i
er s T h cow l Ornish-!
ers, .rhomas& O'Neill, are '
the representative i, ,.,.. ' 1' . , ,
Una ... 1-- r ""riu in mis
line ,u Grants Pa8j. They carry a full
l,lfi'liM everything need
ed iu farms hiniT 1. j ? L
.,.1 . . o " uu a oittfr
-ciruuou cannot bs had in this terrirnv I ".,""v'u """. "u nu me
than that offend you t tl eir com mo-: 8,8tance f competent employes she
strnof 1 WPli8"a"ed store on Front
street, where for the past seven years
j . . .. , u ucoU ITHTerirtB RninQ.'ol II a
The ladies of Grauts Pass who de
sire tlM'ir gowns to be of the latest
styles aud fashions are well provided
for by having in their inidat such an
institution as the dressmaking parlors
operated by Mrs. H W.Uooley, who i
a lauy 01 experience in ibis iartcula
branch or eudtavor, and with the
The Pioneer Grocer
A Specialty
L Dried Fruits of All Kinds
Our New Catalogue "R"
fft. E. McGREW,
Furniture and Piano
The Popular Barber Shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
ira Tniwpiriw
-3n Sixth Street Three chairs
Bath Room In connection
Wholesale and Retail
Feed ana Flour Store
J. E. KERLEV, Proprietor.
Kerlej'i feed Sublet, South Sixth Street.
Het Brand of Flour.
Hay of all kinds.
Rolled Barley, Wheat and Oatu.
Clean Gray Dats for Seed.
Bedrock prices.
CDtd YOU fcnow ia Afsmrf
hig is more popular than ever among
5 urewwrsr tl not tront injure
Mhcate fabrics. We use the steam
method exclusively. W .n An vniir
Jork Just as satisfactorily u if you
'u ruiuuw, wme tor tree Circu
lar and nrtiriiUr X7-.l A
8 unburn and Knife Plaiting to order.
miss o. nniiT.Tv -
l -1. . 010 MocKea to reple
tion with evervlhinu in fi,iu n., -..
castotners lective the cersonal tn.
tion nf the- nrnnriprnrp c .
ran bps. fnrTiitnr,. .1. i . !
on the ground floor, while the second
floor ii devoted to carpets, tapestries,
etc. The store is flttnH nr. .u.
lstest anuhftnrfiH n,nn ht..i.
be mentioned their large elevator used
in conveying coods hetwBn
storiet. Both Messru.
O'Neill are exrwrinnrnrt it. n,ia i.
bosiness, having, previous to comma
to Urants Pass, been connected with
some very large institutions in New
XOrk CltV. TheV Am htiainuD mn rt
..... - J Uiuu Vi
auinty, euterprisiua and Droaressive.
T. E. BEARD, M. D.
Few neonle of a
until individual mention is afforded
the number of educated and talented
men engaged in the professional line.
Grants fans is fortunate in possessing
doutors of ability, and, prominent
among the genth men engaged in this
hue iu our city we would call atten
tion to the geDtleman mentioned at
the head of this article Dr. T. E.
Beard Rradua'ed in 1888 from the
Rush Medical College in Ct.icago.
"in uiuue is located on sixtb street,
where he succeeded to the practice ot
Dr. J. 8. Moore, to which he has
materially added by his painstaking
attention which the patieuts at all
times receive.
Isolhiug Is more interesting to the
commnnity at large than a comprehen
sive review of the jrofessional and in
dustrial men who go to make op the
bosiuefs fabric of our city aud county.
n geuueuian prominent in professional
circles is DryW. H. Flauagau, whose
offices are located in the Williams
block. He is the proprietor of the
Model Drug Co., as wt4l as a practic
ing physician and is the Dinner nnv-
siciau 01 Grant Pats, as well us one
of tne pioneer citizens, havios first
come to Southern Oregon iu 188a. ' He
is a graduate of the Willamette Uni
versity of Portland in the class i.f
that year.
D. P. LOVE, M. D.
There is no Drofessiou which re
quires a higher degree of natural abil
ity, eminent culture and that retiue-
ment of nature necessary to successful
practice than that of the man who fol
lows the medical profession. The man
who holds the rat.k of a successful
practitioneer must necessarily be a gen
tleman or p rsonul worth. It is such
meu as these whom we are mentioning
iu this review of the professional in
terest", aud promiuent among them
will b. tound the gentleman who heads
this article. He is a graduate of the
TeoneHsee Medical College in the clase
of 1H'.K), aud his experience has been
thorough, while his ability is ac
knowledged. He holds the position
of county health officer the duties of
which he discharges with much
From its earliest rtrfys Grauts Pass
has enjoyed a high reputation for the
skill exhibited by its profeveiouHl
met), especially -n the medical Hue
We have a number of gentlemi u prac
ticing In onr midst who possess ex
ceptionally high repntatioos. Promi
nent among thes we would meu tion
Dr. K. C. Kelsey, formerly of Indian
apolis, Ind., later of South Dakota.
He is a graduate of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons. Chicairo. in
the class of 'U, and since comiug to
Grants Pass he has been instrumental
in organizing the Southern Orogou
General Hospital, au institution
whioh is receiving the hearty sunpoit
of our citizens.
A. P. HARTH, D. D. S.
To the student of hamnu nature
uothing is more mtereitiue lhau to
examine into the records and histories
of the mau who by force of character,
principles and ability forges pai-t a
great mauy in tne nignways or lifi
Buccefgfnlly catering to a vtrv higl
ciass or p irons ner tquipment 1
complete aud her parlrra are very con
veuieutly arranged. Modern idea are
followed, aud iu order to produce bet
ter results as to fittings, etc . she has
supplied lierfelf with an imported
skirt model or the latest design, which
is cui originally irom roreign gowns.
A practical boot and shoe maker, do
spite the great ad ranees that have been
mane in this age of machinery,
still a necessity. One of the excellent
repairing establishments iu this city
is tnni conauotea oy Henry ririere, lo
cated on Sixth street at the corner of
I, where he has been established for
the past t ree years, iu which time bv
strictly upright dealings, and courteous
ireaiiueut 01 nis patrons ne nas estaD
lifhed a trade of considerable propor
tions. He is a worker of abilitv. liav
ing had mu:h experience at his trade,
oeing rormeriy engaged in the tame
business in Nebraska before comiug
The houses of onr city are Indeed In
a fine condition which are produced by
toe excellent worn done bv onr finish
ers and deoorators. Messrs. Sharman
& LeMieox, are gentlemen who are
satisfied only wheu they have produced
superior result", and this has made
their Him popnlar with all people who
have dalt with them. They carry a
iuii hiiu complete line 01 men grade
wall paper and pa nts, and are 1 he
only exclusive store of this sort iu
Oran's fas. W. P. Sharman J a been
a resident of this oity for a number of
years, is well known as a workman
and honorably known us u bnt-iiu-ss
man, while ftlr. LeMieux is a former
resident of Michigan.
. - w I A.
- I - -' v ' " I
The above host'lry has. throogh
metitorioos service to the puWio gain
ed the repntatioii if lining one of the
most pleasant lesmts ff r th" sojooiner
in this section It i arranged in such
a way as to afford ideal xccoinmoda
tions for eitlnr the transient guest or
for families. Tonricts, roin r, and
temporary visitors are here afforded
accommodations hi' h lival their
horn'. Mr. C M. Holmes gives the
ir aaagement of the iustitntiou her en
tire tin e and attention, and iiipranHu
wuo siarcea oui oetore mm. oucn a i rjeyona qnesiton in satlgtyltig everr
man is Dr. A. P. Harth, who iu the i guest. The honse is large and well
deutal profession is rtoogurzed as a fitted, each room being bright and
man of ability. He is a gradoat of the fairy, and cired for 1n a most approved
Uuiversity of California, clahS of 'Dfi, manner, while the meals snrved iu the
and since that time has been establish- well a 1 rinsed dinias irmhi am nnanr.
ea in our iuiqjv. 111s omcen, wnicn D88o. it Deloa the obiert to at
Owing to the mineralized territory
situated in Josephine Cooutr, Grants
Pass has furnished an opuiug for the
professional chemist aud as-ayer, and
among those interested iu this line
we feel ra led upon to snuply promi
nent space lo the eeotlemau who
heads this article. His quarters lo
cate I on Sixth street are admirably
fitted for carrying on a business of this
uatore, where his father, W.P.Wright,
carries ou a oosiuess in civil and 11110
ing engineering. He has been located
in our midst tor the pat eight years,
in which time he has come to b much
depended opon by all parties inteiest'
ed in mining, he was during 18il5-6 ?
connected with the McAnhur-Forrest
cyauide process iu Denver
attention. In our oity we have a gen
tleman thoroughly proficient in every
branch of the profession, in the person
of W. W. Walker, who has been es
tablished here for some five yeHro. He
is a gradnate of the Chicago College of
Dental Surgery, where he received' a
training that has amply fitted him for
successfully carrying on this import
ant branch of endeavor. '
The growth which is atteuding ou
city in all lines of trade shows most
prumiueutly in the retail iudustrv.
This is particularly true in the grocery
line, ana we would call attention
that branch to the grocery establish
ment operated by O Schmidt. He is
especially worthy of mention and is
eheerlolly accorded a prominent place
10 our review. - He carries a full aud
complete line of groceries both ttanl
asd fancy, table delicacies, teas, coffees
spices, hotter, eggs, fruits and vegeta
bles iu their proper season ; all of the
very best qnalily and at the most reas
onable prices, aud makes a specialty
01 ieea proa nets.
It is only natural that large corpi
ations id loosiug lor suitable coon
sellors should turn to members of the
legal profession and select those of ac
kuowledited talent. A professional
gentlemaan in this city who has ever
been active in all matters of note Is he
who heads this article. Mr. Smith i
an attorney of long experience.! a ua
tive of Oregon, and has been located at
this point for the past 30 year. His
office is located In the First National
Bank building, Where he occupies
suite of rooms attractively famished.
The office contains one of the finest
libraries in the city. Mr. Smith de
vote) his time to all lines ot the pro
lession. ne is at present tne repre
sentative from this district in the
State legislature, which office Is being
filled by him most acceptably. He is
a gentleman of sound legal judgment,
wen ana ravoraDiy known.
One of the most Donolar and well
eqwppea millinery stores 111 our city
is unit .operated by the above men
tioued Jady who carries a full and
complete and well selected stock of
everything 111 the way of high grade
millinery. Her new stock of Snrina
styles has just been received aud are
now being displayed in the most at
tractive manner, and wh ventme that
the ladies of our city have at no
time before been accorded the privi
lege of relecting frim a fiiier lipe.
Alts. Wauitlral. besides attending In
all details of the work has the benefit
or tne assistance of three efficient
lp-rs, and any alterations are
promptly and artistically made.
This is an energetic enternrisinc
and respectable business man, and
his store is a credit to. the city. He
is also a skilled artisan of taste anrl
judgment, and especial equipment is
a iso maoe to order. All kinds of har
ness in various weights, saddles, horse
onots, wtups, etc., 1 re made and re
paired aud carritd for sale at this
popular establishment. Iu faot.
specialty is made of hand made har
ness and other horse Bonds. Mr
Trunnell established th s basiuesi
abou' One year ago. having fcrmerlv
worked hete for Mr. Lucus. He h
had 31 years experience iu the har
ness making business and is an ex
pert workman.
times supply a wholesome, sob tmtial
nui or rare. x lie proprietor, J. O
Booth, is a gentleman who has Inns
are located in the First National Bank
buildiug, are arranged aud conducted
in a worthy mauuer, aud he has cen
tered upou himself a practice ot con-; resided in thi territory, dnrimr t,i,-i.
siderable propor ion. 1 tima he has been active in ev. r.vthing
periainiug to tub development of the
county. He has many interests in
properties of various natnre, in addi
tion to holding the office f County
Judge, which position he has success
fully filled for several yeais. He is
an authority opon all Josephine
County interests, and Ins advice is
much sought after, and laretullv ad
hered to by a large nomber of our
In this review of onr jrogreas we
dtire to hold up to the publio . view '
tne representative business concerns
engaged in the different departments
of mercantile ende-vor, punning this
policy it is but logical to refer to the
National Drug Store, located at 711
Sixth ttrett, owned and managed by ,
D r. J. C. Smith. This business has
been established for a number of years,
Mr. Smith succeeding to the business '
two years ago, which was formerly!
operated by Mr. Kremer. A full stock
of everything in the drng line is car
ried, as well as a large assortment of
accessories. - '
W. J. McDOW.
The place of business optrated as a
restaurant and lodging house by the
above mentioned gentleman is conven
iently arranged for the successful car
rying ou of a buinesa of this nature.
A place where One can Secure a hearty
meal, or a comfortable bed for a
reasonable amnnnt nf mnnaw ; . n .v.
Among the t stablishments that are solute necessity in every town, and
located in Grants Pass those devoted all wan's of this nature are most sac
to the handliug of bioycles take front cessfully filled by Mr. McDow. He
rank as enterprising and progressive . established himself in bosiness in
institutions whioh have a good trade , Grants Pass ' in October 'of last year
at all time. A gentleman who caters having at that time come West from
to the poblio in a vry able and ano- Kansas where he had been engaged in
O'asfol manner is O.U.Daniels. He ; the stoct Industry.
The steady increase in property
falues is the beat guide of a city's
prosperity, and according to this
stitemeut Grants .Pass takes afore-
most place. Considerable credit for
this ouudition is doe to the real estate
operators and their persistent work.
ri. H.Heudricks.for the past five vear.
has been engaged in this line of en
deavor with much snooess, handling a
geniral real esiate bosiuesa besides
writinsFire, Rife and Accident losur-
nce. Air. Hendricks is the resident
gent for the Oregon F'lre Relief As-
nidation of MoMinnville, Ore., a cor
poration organized in 1894, which Is
now operating with considerable sue
ciss. W. R. REED.
Among the reliable builders of vehi
cles in this part of the state is the es
tablishment operated by W. R. Reed,
a wagon and carriage builder of ex-Pirien'-e.
His place is equipped in a
modern nianner.and everyting receives
his personal atten ion. Aspeoialty is
made of carriage repairiog and satis
faction i guaranteed iu every ca-e.
Wagoni for all purposes are built to
special ordpr, aud carriages, wagons
and Hue vehicles are also made. The
very best of materials are tisod, aud
the finished product is durable, hand
some aud up-to-date in every respect.
Mr. Reed haa been a resident of Ore
gon for some yeats,and of Grauta Pass
since October, ll)3
W. W. WALKER, D. D. 8.
The Vocation of the dentist is at
once a peculiar and delicate one. and
to sottvssfully handle this profession
it requires a faculty of sympathetic
' 111 in -a.1'
House Moving
If you have a building ,
that you want moved,
raised or leveled ! up,
call on or andress j
A. E. Holloway.
'Residence 2 miles west of
city, north side of river.
For the first time in the history
Grants Pa6s conservative mention will
De given to the professional, social.ed
ncational and industrial interests, and
the meu who are making this territory
the scene of extensive development
will be commeuted upou at length.
Among such we know of none more
vigorous, honorable aud enterprising
than the pw firm of Colvig & Dur
ham. These gentlemen are both well
known in legal circles throughout the
state, Mr. Durham having for 33 years
devoted himself to the practice of law
in Portland, aud for the past three
vears hns been active In legal oiroles
in Grants Pass. While in Portland he
discharged with ability the orUue of
District Attorney, as well as serving
some time ou the School Board, and
aoiing as Fire CommisUoner. He has
lately at the solicitation of his many
friends iu both parties consented to
become a candidate for Attorney Gen
eral, being recoguized from every
point of view as the logical successor
to the inoombent, and at present his
prospects are most flattering. The
other member of the flrn Mr. Colvig,
spends considerable of his time in Jack
sonville, where the firm operates a
branch law office. Mr. Colvig .is an
old and prominent resident of the
state, having served as District Attor
ney in the First Judicial District for
several terms.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josenhine Oitinrv
"m uessinger. James 1
seyrerth aud R. P.
George, as trustees of
Kerbyville Lodge No.
6"), Independent Order
of Odd Fellows,
Plaiu tiffs.
J. F. Cochran,
Defendant. .
Bv Virtue Of an expcntlnn 1n,1
ment, order and decree dnlv lsmiil
out of and under the seal nf Hi- rim.
cuit Court of the Stn
Josephine County in the above
Sold Hvomai or Year and Know
It Will Cure Catarrh.
Rctermund has given Hyomei a
most thorough and remarkable test.
For a long time he has offered to re
fuud the money to any purohaser of
Hyomei, if it failed to benefit.
The remedy has made so many cures
among his customers that he has urged
its use iu the most chronic cas-s of
Breathed for a few minutes four
times a day, through the inhaler that
ooines with every outfit, it soothes
the irritated mucous membrane of the
nose, throat, and luugs, kills the
catarrhal germs, and restores complete
health, Its healing, antiseptic
tragrauce penetrates to the most re
mote air passages, as no medicine
taken into the stomach can possibly
do. Immediate relief almost always
follows the nse of Hyomei, and great
benefit is seen after a few days' treat
ine complete Hyoinoi outfit costs
only 1. and consists of an inhaler
that can be carried in the pocket or
purse, and will last a lifetime, a
medicine dropper, and a bottle of
Hyomei. If this is not sufficient for
a complete cure, additional bottles of
Hyomei can be obtained for 00 ceuts...
Compare this small expense with the
fees charged by specialists, and re-
membt r, too, if Hyomei does uotcure,
Kotermuud will return your money.
Frightfully Burned.
Chas. W. Moore, a mac hi 11 1st nf
Ford City. Pa., had his hand frluht.
folly burned in an electrical furnace.
He applied Buckleu's Arnica Salve
with the nstial result: "a ' auich
aud perfeot core." Greatest healer
on earth for burns, wonuds. sores.
eczema and piles. 25o at all druggists.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Josephine County.
T. B. Cornell.
J. F. Cochrau.
To J. F. Cochran, the above named
defendant, Greeting:
in tne uauie or the State of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear in the above eutitled
court and cause and answer the oom-
plaint filed therein 00 or be ore six
weeks from the first date of publica
tion of this summons, whioh first date
of publication is Friday, January 13,
D.. 1U00. and the last date of said
publicatiou aud the time within which
you are required to appear and answer
is Friday, February In, 190A.
And you are hereby notified that in
case you fail to appear aud answer
the complaint in said action within
the time aforesaid the plaintiff will
take lodgment against you for the
sum of $376. lft with interest on said
sum from the first day ot Mrch, 1906,
at the rate of six per cent per annoui
and for his costs and disbursements to
be taxed and he wilt at the same time
procure ah order for the sale of the
real property belonging to tlio defend
ant attached In said action, viz: the
.K. Ya or Heo. 84 'Iwo. 88 B. It. 8 W.
of Willamette Meridian in Josephine
Connty, Oregon ; also all the right.
title and interest of the defendant In
and to Lot S, Block 3, in the town of
Napoleon, commonly called Kerby-
ills, in said county and state.
Tins summons Is publ shed bv order
of the Hon. U.K. Haunu, circuit judge
ior tne rirsc jumoiai district or (Jro
gon, dated the 12th day of January,
D..1U06, directing the publication
thereof for a period of six successive
weeks, in the Kogoa River Courier, a
newspaper of general circulation pub
lished at Grants Pass in Josephine
County; Oregon, aud further directing
tbat a copy of the complaint and
sommons be fcrwitb deposited In the
post offloe at Urants Pass, Oregon, ad
dressed to yon at your place of resi
dence and post office address, viz:
Grand Island, State of Nebraska.
Dated this 13tb day of January, A.
D. 1906 J . II. AU8TIN,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
emu en catiBH, to ma duly directed
uu 1 oateu on the 2tith day of January,
mm, upon a judgment rendered, en
rolled and docketed i
M'ej piHh day of January, l'JOfi, in favor
of Frank Defsiuier, jaines Seyferth
and K. P. Georce. ua imsiu. f
Kerbyville Lodire Nn. t&. TnH
Order of Odd Fellows, plaintiffs,
against J. F. Cochran, defendant,
for the sum of Two Hunrded and
Seventeen and 75-100(1317.76) Dollars
"f"1"'" wan inrerest thereon from
said 2t!th day of January. 1U0C, at tlie
rate of 10 per cent per annum and
Seveuty-flve (75) dollars attorney's
fees, and the further sum of Twenty
one and 25-100 ($21.35) dollars oosta:
commanding ma to make sale of the
following described real property
situate, lying and being in the
County of Josephine, State of Oregon.
nd described as follows, to-wit:
All of the southeast quarter of Seo
tion T. lrty.four (34), In Township
Thirty-eight (88) South of Range
Eight (S, West of the Willamette
Meridian, containing one hundred and
sixty acres.
Now therefore, by the virtue ot
said execution, judgment, order and
decree and compliance with the 00m
m"ud8of wr,t- 1 wH Salur
?7'. MToh 8 ' 1U06. ' hour of
10 o clock a. m.. at the front door of
the County Court House In the city
of Grants Pass, ea id Connty and State,
sell at publio auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for
United States gold coin, cash in hand,
all the right, title and interest which
the above-named defendant had or
now has in. and to th above described
real property or any part thereof to
satisfy said exeouticn, judgment, or
der, decree, interest, costs and all ac
cruing costs.
ary "o!dloorDtS Paa"' JnB
01 . ' OE9ROK W. LEWIS.
Sheriff of Josephine County, Oregon,
Flrts Insortion, Feb. 3,
Last insertion, March 3.
In the . Circuit Court ' of the State of
Oregon for the County of Josephine.
yj. u. KnckHtad,
Henry J. Olson,
Defendant, i
To Henry J. Olson, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon.
you are hereby reanlred tn
and answer the complaint filed herein
on or before March 1(1, 19o6, and if
you fail so to appear or answer, plain
tiff will apply to the above entitltd
court for judgmont as prated for in
said complaint against yon, to-wit:
for the sum of ($162,561 Fnnr hnnHroJ
and fifty two aud 65-100 Dollars with
interest at 6 per oent per annum
th&reon from April 1, 1906. and his
costs and disbursements anil fnr .
order of sale to sell noon exnnntlnn
the real property attuohed herein, to
wit : The Kant half nf the Kt h.if
of .800. 84, Township 80, Sooth, Rang
six ) West of the Will Mer. contain
ing itio acres of land.
This ' summons 1b nnhliuhi
ordor of Hon. J. O. Booth, Judge of
the county court of the state of Ora
gon for Josephine County, made on
the 80th day of January, 11)06.
j-bib nrsi puDiicatlon, February S,
ItiOK. Date last publication.
1(1. 1006. Said nublicntinn fn rnn
for six consecutive weeks.
and W. D. FREEMAN,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Grants Pass. Ore.. Jan n. luofl Ta
the heirs of Owen McCarthy: Ton
are hereby notified that I have ex.
pended $100 in labor and improve
ments noon the Golden ln.1
claim sitnated in the Grants Paaa
Mining District. Josephine Cauntv.
Oregou, as will appear by location
certificate filed March 11. 1105. la
the oflloe of the County Clerk of said
connty on page 474, Vol. lfl, Minlna?
Records, in order to bold said oremijea
under the provisions of section 3834
Revised Statutes of the United States,
being the amount reanlred to hold th
same for the year ending Docetnba
81, 1905. And if within nlnetv dav
from the service of this notice (or
within ninety days after this notioa
by publication) you fail or refuse to
oou tribute your proportion of such
expenditure as a co-owner, your In
terest in said claim will become the
property of the subscriber under seo
Uon 3324. I J. HUNTER.
1-5 10$
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Josephine."
In the matter of the 1 -
Estate of William
Boifert, deceased. J
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has this day filed his final
account In the matter of the estate
of William Selfert, deceased, the same
being filed In the County Court ot the
State ot Oregou, for Josephine County.
All persona having an interest in said
estate as creditors or otherwise, ob
jecting to said account, or any Item
therein, will take notice that said ac
count will be considered by said Court
on Maroti 15, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. in.
of said day aud any objections to said
final account must be filed and
presented to said court at the data
Published by order of non. J. O.
Booth, County Judge, Josephine
Couuty, Oregon. - Dated this First
day of February, 1900.
MAROUS W. rori j,
..1..110 .