Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 23, 1906, Image 6

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Not very many years ago alcohol waa
lor iiguvliig in coiiidiiiiuioii wmi
other fluids under
the iianie of "Cam
nhone," hut It suf
fered banish mi tit
berauu it was too
Aienhnl la gener
ally hiirmful when
taken In the form
of medicine, wp-
dally to a delicate.
1r. Vlrrrc'l tin-
' tuf-rebuildlng and
funrtlim-ttrenijthrntng pltm of tmdinerd
b following after Sature'i pUin.
lie usi natural remedial, that la native
medicinal rK)U, prepared by processes
wrought out by the expenditure of much
time and money, without the uae of alco
hol, and by skillful combination tn the
moat oiact proportions.
Uaed an one of the active Inerndlenta
of lr. I'lerce'a Golden Medical Discovery,
Bi.aok chkkkybahk aieclally exerts lis
Inttuence In raw of lung and bronchial
trouble, and thla "wikhivkry " la, there
fore, a sovereign remedy fur bronchitis,
laryngitis, chronic coughs, catarrh and
kindred ailment.
The niinuM of thtmedMiml inyrullmtt
of this world fii mom renvdy are: Golden
Seal root, Oueen'a root. Stone root,
Black Cherry Lark, Woodroot and Man
drake root.
"I bare had turn a wonderful experience
With lit. Pierce' a Golden Medical DlwoTer
Uiat I do not henltaUi Ui rocommeud It, be
tttnlnc It U be a wonderful medicine to build
up the ttnauea of the ayateni." write MlM
BmI Brown, Hecretary Kmeraon Literary
AiMM'latUju, 4tM Herman Avenue, Auplelon,
Wis. " Worry and nervoua trouble" had com
pletely run-down my health and treiiirth:
lad no aiiiietlte, slept badly, and wan In a
ttste of nervoua collacme. 1 look twelve
buttle, in all. and, ea-li week, knew that I
faaaettlnv liftier and utronifer, until Anally
waa aa well and atrong aa I had ever lieen.
have the utmmt faith and ronddence hi
your medicine, and with to thank you for n,y
food health, which la a bleanlug to anyone."
For 21 one-cent stamp to cover cost of
mailing, you can get a free copy of the
Common Sense Medical Adviser," pnper
covera; or cloth-bound for 31 alumna.
Addreaa Ir. It. V. Pierce, lluifulo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet should bo
awi with "Colden Medical DisaoTerj
whenever a laxative la required.
Tbe Model Drug Store
Ha Jutt What You Want
H Our Cclobrated Electric
licit. Nature's Vitalizcr, to
build up and strengthen
the whole body and for
tho euro of Rheumatism, Par
alysis, Liver, Kidney, Lame
Back, Constipation and all
.Nervous Diseases.
H Tho effect of Electricity on
tho nerves is that 01 a powor
ful nervo tonic. It generates
now lifo and onercy arid
tones up tho relaxed, weak
enod and shaky nerves and
gives them vigorous energy
11 For tho noxt 30 days, price
$10.00. Regular price $20.00.
Write or call at once.
Former Grant P&at Boy Tell
of the Decorations and
the Feetlvttiee.
J. E. KKKI.KY, Pboib.
Last atnhlo south on Sixth street.
Hoom uudor cover for 150 horaeH art!
40 Wilsons, llox stalls. Corral) I n
Iimwo stock.
Only tho bst hay, clean grain a-0
alfalfa tod. Kollod hurley and utLor
g rain.
Mo diseased horses allowed, Pu.f
running water, and trough oloanod
exy nay.
Wailing room and tollot room when
htd lee enn leave wrapa and
I heir toilet".
Dry (Joods, ITndorwrar,
Notions, i:tc.
Front Street
west Fuluce hotel
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Daths, lite.
Every thlntr neat and Wean and a
work Klrst-l'las.
ri. ... - Jnr cv
Ely's Cream Balm
Thla Remedy la Specific,
Sure to Clve Satisfaction.
It Wean-ais, soothes, benls, and protoeta th
tiiseaatl luetiihrntie. It cures Cutarrh ami
ilrtves ny a Cold in tho Head quickly.
Restores tho Sense of Tto and Stiu lL
Py to nw. t'iMit.iiiw no injnrl.Hia drutr.
apidittd into tha noatrila and ahuortwd.
Imtaa Kite, ai) iita at Druiatj or ly
Kail: Trml Hire, lt co-iti t v mail.
civ r?:r:..-...3. ti v...... ..... ..
Tbe following letter deacribiog tbe
celebration of the birthday of tbe
King of Slam, and character of the
monarch of tbe kingdom, waa written
by Charlton Perkioa, ion of Mr. and
Mrg. H. 0. Perkins of thii placet
Bangkok, Siam, Nov. lotb, 1905.
Ilia Majeity, Ohnlaloogkorn, King
of Siam, celebrated his 62d birthday,
and 37 years of reign over the King
dom of Siam, tbe country of tbe
aaared white elephant
Each year on this ocean on tbe city
ia limply to rued into a fairy land,
everyone dona their beat clothing and
each tries to outdo the other In dec
orating their homei and placet of
liuslnea. Every conceivable object
was decorated, while at nigbt the
city wai aglow with millions upon
millions of tiny cocoanat oil lamps,
making a moat weird scene as they
twinlked in the breeze. Tbe decora
tions this year far exceeded those of
any previous year. Several of tbe
large Wats (Pagodas) were covered
with thoonands of , these tiny lamps,
and as these structures towered above
the surrounding buildings they appear
ed as tremendous pillars of fire.
The Siamese flag, red field and
white elephaut, decorated every
couceivable object, and everywhere
were to be wen tbe words "Long live
the king!'' The many street cars
were so decorated that they seemed
hut a garland of flowers and shining
beads speeding through the 'streets.
On the front of one was a working
model of a rice mill, with engine aud
boiler under fnll steam, on others
were to be seen the image of Confu
cius and the carp, lions, tigers,
leopards and elephants.
At 10 a. m. the king passed down
the river in his royal barge to view
the decorations, and at 4 p. m. be
pasted through the priuoipal streets
dirving his own monster electric car
to view the land decorations. The
king has several very fine electric cars
and may be seen out auy eveoiug with
his children and the queen,
During the evening the annual
coronation ball was held inside the
foreign ofllce building in the king's
palace grounds. The buildings were
handsomely decorated, while inside
they were furnished in true Oriental
magnificence and splendor, the carpets
and hangings were of the finest tur
klsh make aud represented fabulous
wealth. The king's younger brother,
beir apparent t o tho throne, assisted
by tho crown prince, received the
foreigu guests and diplomatic, corps.
The muHto was most charming. At
one end of the hall were 2ft stringed
iiiHtruuients played by Egyptian and
Italian women whuo iu the court of
the building below was stationed the
kiug's loyal band which played to the
delight of everyoue, more especially
to Americans, 'or in all their music
was noticeable, familiar bars of
American air-, such as "Marching
Through Georgia," Old Folks at
Home," ''Washington Post" and
many others. This Is ci plained by
the fact that the le.tder of the king's
band for ninny years was a Oerman
Ainerican and he had oouipomci prac
tically all the uiUHio.
At 11 :4't the king, accompanied by
his brother aud crown prince, entered
the hall speaking to thoNe.he w lulled
and holding a few moments conversa
tion with the different diplomatic
corps. Th kiug leading the guests
all following paused into the foreign
court room, where a moat sumptuous
supper was served in up to dale
Kuropenu nmuner. The king occupied
the head of the table, while ou his
right wan the American Minister,
Hamilton King, ou th left, Mr.
Si robe 1 hia legal advisor, so ou were
the different government representa
tive seated.
Afer the Mippe- was over Mr. StroM
bad the dimingniahed honor of his
majesty the king, bestowing npou him
the highest order "The graud cross
of the White Elephant." which is
memorable as a mark of royal appre
ciation of services rendered by
him as general advisor to the throne.
The principal of these services was
that of bringing about the tiual ad
Jui.t:::et and conclusion of the
Kraiico - Siamese convention, which
has secured to JJiam a welcome period
of freedom from international worrits.
Mr.'Stroliel" has" rendered to the
Siamese government indispeusable
services for which the kiug has given
the highest ssible token of apprecia
tion. It is a fact of some pride to
know that our country has furnished
such diplomats as lUmiltou Kiug
and Mr. StroM, to atreugtheu the
friendly relations between our repnb
lie and the kingdom of Siam.
Siam is making rapid strides of pro
gress and bearing us share iu the
"awakening of the East," which
mark the proseut age. Freed from
Ereuch aggression by tbe reoeut
treaty, it is devoting its whole oneigy
... :e."oiiu.
Eastern Capitalist Marvel That
They Have Not Discovered
Ita Possibilities Before.
O .-B-bi w UDTvIv)! tIJO VBAl I
resources of the country, while every
effort is being made to promote the
social and moral betterment of the
people by gradually eliminating those
feature in the national life which
retard its advancement. Railways
and canal . are being constructed
bringing the distant parts of tbe
country into connection with tbe
capital; the administration of the
province ha been reformed, law
are being codified, recent legislation
baa abolished inch cils a gambling,
and court for settling land title
baa been established, while edncation
i carefully fostered. At the bead of
every movement calculated to pro
mote the welfare of the country stand
the king, Inspiring and encouraging
all with hia patrlotio spirit and un
tiring devotion to duty. This noble
example let by bi majesty is In all
best service for tbe betterment of tbe
country. In truth, iu Siam royalty
play no unworthy or Insiggniflcaot
part in the great drama of national
awakening, and the fact is duly recog
nized by tbe people who adore their
overign to a degree unknown to other
absolute despotism.
"Five hundred million dollar will
be brought to the Pacific Northwest
within tbe next five years for invest
ment and speculative purposes," is
the statement of a Los Angeles
capitalist one of those who recently
have been baying Portland realty,
ay the Telegram.
Tbe statement was made deliber
ately, and further assertion that "Los
Angeles, bas reached a stage iu b r
development whire large additional
sums will not be immediately invested
there," was uttered without prejudice
to Los Angeles, by one who bad had
extensive financial interest in that
city. "In fact, such investment are
held to be good in every way, but
capital is turning more to the North
west." The man referred to made
the statement to Portland bank
official calmly and positively.
He contended that the East as a
section ha never evinced so great in
terest in affair of the Pacifio Coast as
now. Comparison of resources has
shown a vastness and diversity of
products and lateut possibilitiei before
which financiers of the East stand
and strangely marvel that tbey bave
not discovered their exist nee earlier.
Among those who have visited and
i inspected in Oresoo as a field for in-
The following letter, written by a I vestment and more especially among
Southern Oregon Will Be Called
on to Supply Silicioua Ore
for Fluxing.
well known mining, man to the
Courier, describes mining conditions
iu Shasta county, California, and
tells of the need of silicioua ores at
the smelters. Southern Oregon has
plenty of this kind of ore and may
soon be drawn npou to supply the
smelters there with ore of this char
acter for fluxing purposes. Following
is the letter:
Editor Courier With the develop
ment of the Mammoth Copper Mining
Company's properties at Kennet, a
new era of prosperity has been ushered
in, in Northern California. Ham
pered by the outrageous freight
charges of the Southern Pacifio it re
quired considerable capital and much
nerve for a mining company to un
dertake to open np the immense
bodies of low grade ore that occor in
Shasta county
The company' mine Is very eco
nomically worked, tunnelling and
stoping being the gole method. Their
three-furnace smelter is located ou
tbe main line of the Southern Pacific
and being 2.j(K) feet less elevation than
the mine a cable tramway, three miles
long carries the ore from the tunnel
month to the smelter bins. The three
furnaces are each -I'.'xlSO inches at the
tuyeres, have a 14 foot shaft aud since
blowing in have averaged 325 tons
every 21 hours, giving the plant a
daily capacity of nearly 1000 tous.
Tho air is furnished by three Con
uersville blowers, electricity being
the motive power.
Hie ore from the Mammoth mine is
a heavy sulphide, analyzing approxi
mately, silica, 10 per cent; iron, 35
per cent and sulphur -15 per cent and
carrying values' of copper S per cent;
gold aud silver f 1. The lime rock
used for flux is supplied from a quarry
alsive the smelter br a gravity tram
to the storage bins. The meat ditlicult
feature in the treatment of the ores I
the lack of silica. This is overcome
those who have actually bought real
estate in Portland, there is not alone
conviction but expression that the
people of this state, and notably of
the City of 1 Portland, are not
soRlolently awake to the remarkable
opportunities about them. In speak
ing of the subject, one man said:
"You people do not seem to have
oivio pride to the degree that would
impel direct presentation of your ad
vantage. In fact, they seem indiff
erent to those who come here to assist
in developing the state by investing
money in various industrial or other
"There arn no means of measuring
the extent of Oregon' possibilities in
tbe way of sound investment. Tbe
future of the stale Is beyond question
a great one. Other sections, with far
less natural wealth nnd productive
ness, have by encouraging investment,
welcoming and aiding establishment
of new industries and by sensible and
well-directed effort to gain new popu
lation, far exceeded Oregtn iu pro
gressive growth and development."
Begins with the symptoms of a cotu
moucold; there is chilliness, sneez
ing, sore throat, hot skin, quick
pulse, hoarseness aud impelled respira
tion, (iive frequent small doses of
Bullard's Horehonnd Syrup, the child
will cry for it, and nt the first in of
la croupv cough apply frequently Bal
lard a hnow Liniment to the throat.
Mrs. A! Vliet, New Castle, Colo.,
writes, March IS, 1902: "I think
Ballard's Horehouud Syrup a wonder
ful remedy, and so pleasant to take."
For sale by Natienal Drug Cc. md
v 1. i
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
M. i'l. iiipik f'enenntion Orutftfiet.
A Ueutleman's smoke the Stage
I r .o nn I T ...... D. .........
by shippiug in the silicions ores of : (.... i,1M
Utah aud Nevada. Iu the uear future v,- . ',,. . ,..i
Southern Oregou may be a source cf
The onke used at the plant ia Bel
glum coke shipK?d round the Horn to
San Francisco, the rehaudliug of
which added to the water anil land
freightage noticeably increases the
smelting coat. Tests of Washington
ccke are now being made, and If
successful that state will be ouie the
chief source of supply. '
Before another year has passed au-1
other smelting plaut will be erected iu j
Shusta county. The owners of tbe '
Hulaklnl mine are oerin ground
for their reduction works. It is
rnmored that they will consist of re
verberatory furiiac.s with oil for fuel, '
mechanical roa ters and cenvertors, '
though do otllcial information has
been published. The Trinity Copper
Company of which Thomas Law son of
"frentled finance" fan e is president,
has a large foice of men at work on
the Shawta King mine aud will also
install smelting words iu the not far
d stunt future.
The mining future of Shasta
county is very bright and splendid op
portuultiea for miuiug investments
still exist, copper mining being a
comparatively new veuture iu North
era California.
A Mcnac to Halth.
Kidney trouble ia an inaidioos
danger, and many people are victims
of a aeriona malady before the symp
toms are rvoognii.xl. Foley's Kidney
Cure corrects irregularities and
strengthens ami build up tbe kid
ney, aud it should l taken at the
first indication of kidney tronble, as
it ia Impossible to bave good health
if the kidney are denmged. For
by ii. A. lloU'i'iuQU j.
try the Western Hotel
Second baud cook stoves and heaters
cheap. Moore's second hand atcre.
Placer and quartz location notices
mine floods, leases, etc., at the
Courier office.
Hiilcto out early- cnicnns with a
Petaluma Incubator. We have Brood
ers also. Cramer Bros.
Grunts Pass Tailoring Company
nave tioniriit goons at no cents en tbe
dollar, ami oiler I lie Kim as low as
$18, in a suit. Trousers fl oU 12-15 tf
i io to CVium tor PI unit. inn .
Calliug Cards Conner Bnilding.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ratik'es at Cornn't
Cnrtis & Co. foi Watches, Clocks,
Gold Hiuga aud Jewelry, tine watch
repairing, engraving. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come and ee ns.
I. O. ). F. Building, Grants Pass,
All efforts hsve' failed to flud a bet
ter remedy for roughs, colds aud long
troubles lhn Foley' honey and
Tar. It stops the cough, heals the
luuss and prevents serious results
from a cold. J N. Patterson,
Nanhua, Ia. writes: "LastWiu
tcr I had a bad cold on my luuss and
tried at least halt a dozen advertised
cough medicine and bad treatment
from two physicians without getting
any benefit. " A friend recouimerde.1
Foley's Houey and Tar aud two-thirds
of a "bottle cored me. I consider it
the greatest cough aud luug mediciue
in the wor.d." tui salo ly 11. A
GRANTS PAbiD, ukl.
Real Estate and Timber
itfitf4r0t&i rffH.sfe5!W HWpfttA atffe'M&A afeffljMAA A
f-&x'xy-.!-n-? y i'i
C. A. DICKIS0N, Proprietor.
M street between Fifth and Sixth Piiunk 881 Grants Pass, Oregon
The Club Stables
FRANK HECK, Proprietor
Successor to Hayes & Heck
Special attention given to mining men and commercial
Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon
.1. . IMPimcK, Proprietor.
v..n.l.. .
' loiriy yearn oi exp-rieiiee .n th Marhlr h
'ht f cun till ....Mr ....1 .1 .
v "" "i 'lie verv ii k! manner,
dirnii!i work in Seo'ch, S.-d
iHineas warrants my saying
- inenean Granite or any kind ol
1 u
A Farm Library
of unequalled value.
Practical, Upto
date, Cooclse sod
HaiJuaclr PriiW a,
Bm.iii.ii, uititrattt
All nK.,,,. U
,n :i .1 .-: f ""'"""l-WtlM TCMt
than ',
Ith Mini
Price. 60 Cent.
Hit Pain
""iumwioiis: a siail.,.i u
no. -uiuULE COW
All about Cows ,1
toloifd nlatrv q...,
A houbold
loitrs the h..le lmnj c,
vn. Shnp f,-ffgmA.
Farm Journal
ilrv D..-I ...
Sound r,.;,; ' nraaL !w edition.
'UK !.1!W mil- m
Ar.'-, k'"""1 tl-' ""urH,"M PKrin Ihe
Anv VB'"!.'" " ,h,, Thr M ii '' tnat
rut hv n,.. . '""Il'vl.-r ,,i Law. , .. ""T ""nar.T,
Smpl,0( FARM Jill dv.V " ' r A 1101 I , . ?' ''AW-
- rtnti t
l and 19101.
, ' "Oi l ... ,
To Cure a 0 :n Ont
Take Laxative Bromo QuinL. j i
Sewn MuBoe soies sola a
M.inret LA.av.-. ""r'u - .... J
l? months. This filature
Two Days.
box. 25c.