ROGUB RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, FEBRUARY 16, 190t. .THIRTY PAY BARGAIN SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 10th to MARCH 10th 30 DAYS OF UNPARALLELED BARGAINS AT THE BI un- Our big Spring Stock is now complete in all departments, and to open the season with a boom we are coins to hold a 30-Davs Ran in Snl that paralleled in the history of this city. The Big Store, always in the lead, has its New Spring Stock open and ready for business. The earl hnvAra will nmfit. ;mmanaaUr T by buying at this BIG BARGAIN SALE Hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise placed on sale at Bargain Prices were bought early, before the big advance in -i i prices, and you will be WISER, HAPPIER, and RICHER if you buy your Spring Supplies NOW at the ': ' THE ZBIG- STORE QO X)A.3T BA.KC3-JLX3ST SAT.TH COUNTRY PEOPLE should arrange to attend this Sale, as later in the season it will be impossible to buy staple goods at sale prices. Bis; Bargains in All Departments of The Big Store' Bargains in Men's Clothing, Bargains in Cloak and Suit Department, Bargains in Laces, Embroideries, Collars, Bargains in Boys' Clothing, Bargains in Hosiery and Underwear, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Linens, Muslins, Bargains in Big Shoe Department. Bargain in Wall Paper Departments, , Lace Curtains, Sheetings, Calicoes, Lawns, Bargains in Dry Goods Department. Bargains in New Spring Dress Goo Is, . India Linens, Table Linens, Napkins. ' Unparalleled Cash Bargains that Will Save You in Cash from 25 to 50 per cent. Shoe Department Bargains At a low estimate there will be from 3000 to 5000 pairs of Shoes sold in Jose peine County in the next 30 days. The Big Store is going to get a share of that business if Bargains will bring it. Here are a few of the many Big Bargains in the Big Shoe Department of The Big Store. 250 pairs Ladies' Majestic $2.50 Shoes, all war ranted Rock Oak Soles, Patent, Vici, Glazed Kid, Gun Metal Calf, patent and stock tip Blucher and plain cut tan and black, oxford and high cut. All new Spring (&1 QQ goods. Bargain Sale Price.. . )X7c Men's Heavy Double Sole $2 50 Iron A.Q Age Shoe. Bargain Sale Price Children's and Misses' Red School Mouse Shoe, sizes 5 to 8, 84 to 12, 12 to 2 LTprice 89c 99c $1.19 Men's high top tan Shoes, good values at $V50 4 00 and 5.00. Bargain Sale Price lues ai jvou $2.98 u.uiu lurncu $3.00 25c 1 lot Ladies' fine Vici kid Shoes, regular values $2.00, 2.50 and 3.50. h-t AQ Bargain Sale Prices " pi.r Boys' full stock unlined calf $2 Shoe, solid as a rock. Bargain Sale Price pi.7 Infants' soft sole kid Shoes, 40 and 50c quality.1 Bargain Sale Trice 100 pairs W. L. Douglas genuine hand welt Shots, vici kid, box calf, black and tans, better than any $3 Shoe you dQ KC ever bought. Bargain Price. . 5wOW Hamilton-Brown 18 inch $8.50 tan hunting boot, elk sole, hand welt. AQ Bargain Sale Price Ofcty 5 doz. pairs Men's heavy brogan buckle Shoes all solid sole-leather soles and QQ, counters. Bargain Sale Price.... OC Ladies' felt, fur top Slippers, Bargain Sale Price 69c Ladies' "American Lady"- Hamilton-Brown Shoe, regular lace, Oxfords and button. 1 he only genuine hand welt and hand turned Shoe on the market at the price ; No man, woman or child in Josephine County can aft'ord to buy a single pair of Shoes until. they have visited our Big Shoe Department. Wo are ex clusive agents for three of the best lines of American made Shoes: W. L. Douglas Shoes. Hamilton-Brown Shoes. The Pingrce Shoes. The Big Store for Shoes at Bargain Prices. A Collection of Bargains 2500 yards good weight Unbleached Mug- K lin, 36 in wide; Bargain Sale Price 25 pieces Fine Silk Finished Suitings and Waist iugs: regular 35c and 40c values; OK Bargain Sale Price (CiUKj 60 dozen Misses' and Children's 25c Lisle Thread Hose, extra heavy elastic tops. IQln Bargain Sale Price 1(W2 60 dozen Ladies' Fine Black Hose, ! worth 15c; Bargain Sale Price lvV 2500 yards Fine Cambric Embroideries, 2 to 18 inches wide; Bargain Salt Prices 5c, 7c, 9c, 12e, 14c, 18c, 29c 15 dozen Ladies' Hindsome Embroidered Silk Laces and Linen Collars Bargaiu Sale Price OUL 10 dozen Ladies' 25c Black, White and Colored Collars, all new, just 4 price. "I 0 Bargain Sale Price ACO WALL PAPER 10,000 Rolls Good Heavy Wall Paper with Ceiling and Border to match, regular prices 15c to 50c. Bargain Sale Prices 9c, 15c, 19c, 29c 2000 yards extra good quality House Lining; see it. A Bargain Sale Price 2 5 dozen Bleached Muslin Sheets. Bargain Sale Prices . .. 39c 500 yards extra value 14 and 18 inch Corset Cover Embroidery. 1Q 0 OQ Bargaiu Sale Price J-O OO Ct7U LACE CURTAINS-10 pair 2 yard length Lace Curtains. AQn Bargain Sale Price , . .TClU 1 Case Extra Fine Toilet Soap in Tar, Honey. Oatmeal and Glycerine. A Bargain Sale Prices . . . w WALL PAPER Entire stock of 35c, 40c and 50c Fine. Embossed and Ingrain Wall Paper reduced. QQ Bargain Sale Prices 20 Pair 10x4 Cotton Blankets. Bargain Sale Price 49c WALL PAPER 1000 Rolls, extra heavy, new patterns, just received. Clf Bargain Sale Price V LADIES' SKIRTS 2 dozen Ladies' Black Al paca Skirts. 4i1 4.Q Bargain Sale Prices i..TTt Ladies' Black Sateen Skirts $1.25 and $1.50 quality, extra values. oQo Bargain Sale Price 1 LOT MILL END PERCALES, DUCKS, WAISTINGS and SUITINGS, regular prices, 12c to 25c, 'r Bargain Sale Prices 2 Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Men's Suits 20 Per Cent Off. Men's White Shirts, laundered and unlauudered, regular price 50c, 75c, Si, Bargain Sale Price 2zC Men's Golf Shirts, regular price 75c and 1.00. Bargain Sale Price 49c Men's White llemmed-stitched Handkerchiefs. Good 10c quality, Bargain Sale Price 4c Men's Ribbed Top Cotton Sox, Bargain Sale Trice Men's Heavy, 0-ounce Blue Denim Overalls. Bargain Sale Price 5c 50c Men's Heavy Cotton and Wool Pants, regular $1.50 quality. Bargain Sale Price 98c Boys' Suits 20 Per Cent Off. Boys' "Mother's Friend" Waists and Shirts with attached and detached Collar White and Colored, regular 75c and $1 quality. . Bargain Sale Price 4z)C Boys' "Mother's Friend" Waist, 40c and 50c values Bargain Salo Price 25c Boys' Blue Denim iiiu Overalls. Bargain Salo Price 25c Men's and Boys' Sweaters, wool, regular $1.50 and 2.00 values. Bargain Sale Price zOC Boys' Cotton Sweaters. Bargain Salo Price. 25c Wall Paper Big, New Spring Stock Bargain Sale Price, 9c, 15c, 19c, 29c Now is the time and the Big Store is the place for Big Bargain Sale Prices in all Decs. COE co. the BIG STORE