RCGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. FEBRUARY 9, 1906. A GOOD NIGHT'S REST "Spoilt for U 1 she cried to docile, For she knew in her little heart. That German Syrup, home's greet treasure, Could health and joy impart. JThe greatest tonic on earth is a good night's rest. Restless nights and the ter rible exhaustion of a hacking cough are dread dangers of the poor consumptive. JBut why this fenr of the night when a few doses of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free from cough or niuht sweat? Free ex pectoration in the morning is made cer tain Dy taking uerman syrup. OWe know bv the experience of over thirty-five years that one 75-cent bottle of German Svruo will speedily relieve oi cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or lung troubles and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle of German byrup will work wonders. is tJTwo sizes, 35c and 75c All druggists. For Bale by Dr. 3. O. Smith. (Too late for last edition. ) Henry Rehkopf is again able to walk without a crutch. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Lewman made Grants Pass a business trip the first of the week. Lome Loeeb. has begnn cleaning op his hop yard and is getting read for next year's crop. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hayes of Grants Pass have baen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Fields the past week. O. M. Knox has received the contract of building the Laurel Grove school boose and begnn work with a few hands the first of the week. Born To Mr. aud Mrs. George Jones January 24, 1906, a fine baby boy and Mr. Jones is one of the proudest men that has walked the etmets of Provolt for many dayi. Cap Kubli has been doing a big lot of work on his little place which he recently parohased from L. O. Easye. Mr. Kubli gets water through the Gook & Rexford ditch and will have a fine little place. Singing school opened np last Thursday evening at the chncrh house at this place with quite a .large at tendance and Mrs. R. F. Lewman as teacher. Everybody is Invietd to come who wishes to learn vocal music and spectators are not allowed. George Messinger and his two sis ters were held up last Saturday even ing just a short distance frotn the Pro volt postoff.oe but the party learning they were on their way to Mr. Jones1 to a party they were allowed to go on their journey. Just the exact intent of the bold up is yet to be learned. Herman Messinger and Giorge CltaDman left Tuesday for Alaska where they go in search of gold. Mr Messinger has spent two years there before and Mr. Chapman 10 years and bcth are pretty well acquainted with the country. Mrs. Messinger will remain here while Mr. Messinger is gone. Mrs. Chapmau will go to her husband in Jane and will have to travel over 850 miles of snow on her way. The Latyon Estate plaoei mine started up last Monday with a full ' force of men and Lester Layton foreman. The long pipe line will have to be moved some and the flame raised and the ditches oloaned oat be fore the moving of dirt will begin owing to the long and high ditches. Mr. Layton was hardly ever able to work his mine this early in the sea son, bat this being a yery open win ter the mine will start up soouer than usual. One of the best and most enjoyable pa 'ties of the season took place at the home of Mrs. Will Jones last Saturday evening. Fortune telling by a medium, vocal and instrumental mu aio and plays constituted the amuse ments before the taffy was served by Mrs. Jones. When the candy got cool enough to pull, each one had a large roll of it and all seemed to en joy themselves immensely. The party was given by Mrs. Jones. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Fields, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Edith and Ora Lewman, Sherman, George and Charley Fields, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Lewman, George, Nellie and Dora Messinger, Evere te and Alice Lawman, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hayes of Grants Pass, Ella Jones. George Beck all of whom remained till a late hoar in the evening and biding each other a pleasant good night, all retired to their homes. Beaver Tail Jim. Has Stood the Teat 25 Years. The old. original GROVES' Taste less Chill Tonic Yon know what you are taking. It ia iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No care, No pay. 60c. TO. L C. XX. Column All matter for ting column is supplied j by the Urant.i Pass Woman's I'hri.-tian Temperance Union. I Editor of Courier: The entire Ques I tion of the legalized liquor trnflio ia i up before tlie American people audi most be fettled and no questiou is ever settled till it is rettled richt. i What is right thtn is the main point at Issce. ! The question Ciuuot be laughed down, sneered down, jeered down, bat mutt be reasoned out intelligently. Intelligent discussion tilth is the need of the hour, the issue in the case must be investigated and the con science allowed to decide the right. Compromise npon any question of priuciple is always a victory for his j satanic majesty, the devil. History has proven this to be true, but argu ment that the advocates for high license mke is, "people always have drank aud always will, yon cannot prohibit the sale, so let us regulate it and get some money out of it to help run the government." By the same logio the church can not exterminate satan, it had better go into partnership with him and di vide up the souls of men. Lioense is wrong in principle; anything that is morslly wrong can never be politic- lly right. License law is moral choloform, benumbing the conscience. We do not want narcotics for the conscience but the burning iron of in telligent action, the knife of righteous law ti cut out the very root of the corroding cancer on our body politic The whole thing, so it seems to me. hiuges on the simple fact, whether or no the saloon is a good thing, or a bad thing lor the community. Does it lead to morality, higher manhood and womaphood, does it discourage vice par perisen, decrease temptation .' If the saloon is a blessing, by all means have them in abundance. If on the other hand it makes drunkards, cruel husbauds, degrades man, breaks up homes, increases temptation to siu, if, in other words it is an enemy to home, to government, to higher civi lization, then what right has any municipality to license or to go into j partnership with the business? Is it not unpatriotic, treasonable aud against good government? If the saloon is the unmitigated evil, facts, testimony and history proves, bow dare any honeBt man stand and defend it? No honest man doubts that the liquor traffic is the primary sonrce of crime. How then can we justify ourselves la uoensing it? On, but it is said "public senti ment is not educated up to the prohi-1 bition of the traffic." By this lan-j gauge then, it is admitted that pro-1 hihition is on a higher moral, social and political level than the license compromise with evil. Law is not the creature of publio sentiment but the creator. Law is an educator. The effect of high license is to 41 . 1 , fll fortify the immoral features of the , liquor uusiness, iocs, lucrease ui tax, decrease the harm of the drink. Can not a man get just as drunx, just as dangerous on high licensed liquor as low licenser And what matters it whether there are two rr 200 saloons can not everybody gut just as much booze if there are only two? Hon. H W. Hardy, the Mayor of Lincoln, Nebraska, the father of the Nebraska high license law, says: "high license utterly fails to abolish the evil effects of the liquor traffic, as a temperance measure it is an entire and complete failure." At a recent meeting to observe "Franklin Day," a prominent citizen of Portland speaks of the decadence of honesty, of patriotism, eta Would it not be well to look well into the mat ter? Why this decadence? We dare affirm because of our ctm ilicity in fostering an evil systen J sensing iniquity. Aye: law." 'Framing mischief by A PATRIOT. BUSINESS POINTERS. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist. M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist. A Gentleman'a smoke the Stage line. For a o'eau bed and a good meal try the Western Hotel. Second hand cook stoves and heaters cheap. Moore's second baud store. Get Grape roots of J. T. Tavlor at Model Drug Store, $30 per thousand. Placer and quarti location notices mine deeds, leases, etc., at the Courier office. Get some milk Chocolate Cro quettes at Smythe's Rogue River Coffee Market. Grants Pass Tailoring Company have bought goods at 60 cents on the dollar, and offer the same as low as $18, in a salt. Trousers $4.60. 13-15 tf Oo to Coron for Plumbing. Calling Cards Conner Building. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron '1 Real Estate and Timber W. B. Sherman, Rooms 9 and 10 Mason io Temple. Curtis & Co. for Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings and Jewelry, fine watch repairing, engraving. Goods sold at reasonable prices. Come and see us. I. O. a F. Building, Grant Pass, Oregon. No riangfurocs drugs or alcoholic, concoctions ure U.ked into the stGinach when Hyomei is used. Erathed through the ii haler.. the j balsamic healing of Hyomei peue-; trates to the. moot remote cells of the noo and throat, and thns kills the catarrahl germ, heals the irritated mucous membrane aud gives complete and permanent cure. Hyouiei is the simplest, most pleas ant and the only guaranteed care for catarrh that has been discovered. Complete outfit fl.CO: extra bottle 50 cents. For sale by Rotermuud. Tha Truth of the flatter. Of the 105 counties in Kansas, 85 are without a pauper, 25 have no poor- homes, and 87 have not a criminal case on the docket. In Kansas, women have had full municipal suff rage since 1887. If during these 18 years women bad neglected their homes for politios as the opponents of eqnal rights prophesy that tbey will, half the men in Kan sas would have been brought to the poorhouse by lack of thrift and do mestio industry on the part of their wives, and the ri-ing generation would have gone astray and filled the prs- oas to overflowing, for want of motherly care. Just the opposite has happened. This is another illustra tion of the fact, that "it is idle to argue from prophecy when we can argue from history. " when a bill was Introduced a year or two ago to take municipal so IT rage away from the women of Kansas, no wonder it was votid down almost unanimously, and "amid a ripple of amusement. " ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. A Menace to Health. Kidney trouble is an insidious danger, and many people are victims 0' a serious niahtdy before the symp toms are recognized. Foley's Kidney Cure corrects irregularities and strengthens and builds up the kid neys, aud it should be taken at the first indication of kidney trouble, as it is imposishle to have good health if the kidneys are deranged. For sale by H. A. Rotermnnd. Settle) Up. All persons owing the firm of Gar men Hemenway Company are hereby notified to call aud settle the account at once. GARMAN-IiEMENWAY CO. R. all roe d Landa for Lease Lands of the Oregon aud California Railroad Company, in Oregon, will he leased for the year 1906 subject to cancellation of lease in the event of the sale of the land daring the term of the lease. Owners of farms and ranches adjoin ing railroad lands shoud file their ap- plfCBtjo , not ,ater than February 1, 1906, after which date applications from others will also be consirlrri d. Address CHARLES W. EBERLEIN, Acting Land Agent, 1085 Merchants Exchange, San Frauoisoo, Jal. Frightfully Burntd. Chas W. Moore, a machinist, of Ford City, Pa., had his hand fright fully burned in an electrical furnace He applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve with the nsnal result: "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for burns, wounds, sores, eczema and piles. 25o at all drug gists. Tbe Model Drug Store Has Just What You Want H Our Celebrated Electric Helt, Nature's Vitalizer, to build up and strengthen the whole body and for the cure of Rheumatism, Par alysis, Liver, Kidney, Lame Back, Constipation and all Nervous Diseases. H The effect of Electricity on the nerves is that of a power ful nerve tonic. It generates new life and energy and tones up the relaxed, weak ened and shaky nerves and gives 4hem vigorous energy. . vnP trift npxt 30 dflvn nriffl ' 1! r or ine next, uays, price $10.00. Regular price $20.00. Write or call at once. MODEL DKUG STORE FARMERS FEEO STABLE J. E. KERLEY, Paora. Last stable south on Sixth street. Room under cover for 150 horses act! 40 wagons. Box stalls. Corral) I it loose stock. Only the best bay, clean grain ari! alfalfa fed. Rolled barley and otLor grain. No diseased horses allowed. Pi:. running water, and trough cleaned . every day. j Waiting room and toilet room whet t . ladles can leave wrap and arrange I their toilets. ! I TELLS IT ALL'l y iswicv raj e 2 IJJrfSffilS til rwwKi m III ill 1 v- . - a Our New Catalogue "R" DCSCRICES OUR HYDRAULIC RAMS -miS WHAT TMtV CAN DO Palace Barber Shop BATES & WILLIAMS, Propra. Shaving, Hair Cutting Baths, Etc. Everything neat and clean and a work First-Class. J. M. CHILES The Pioneer Grocer RELIABLE GOODS AT RELIABLE PRICES A Specialty FARM-CURED BACON THE FINEST EVER BROUGHT TO GRANTS PASS Dried Fruits of All Kinds N. E. McGUEW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving , GRANTS PASS, OREGON, The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath Room in connection Wholesale and Retail Feed ana Flour Store J. E. KERLEY, Proprietor. Kerley's Feed Stables, South Sixth Street, Best Brand of Flour. Hay of all kinds. Rolled Barley, W heat and Oats. Clean Gray Oats for Seed. Bedrock prices. F. G. ROPER FASHIONABLE TA I L O R Harmon Block, Upstairs South Sixth Street Suits made to Order PROMPTLY AND OFTIIE BEST MATERIAL AND IN THE LATEST STYLE Gleaning and Repairing IN FIKST-CLAS8 SHAPE AND SUITS MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW A Trial it Aiked and Prices Arc Rijht T,ADIBS CDid you know that Accordion Plait ing is mora popular than ever among genteel dressers? CHot irons injure delicate fabrics. We use the steam method exclusively. Wi can do your work Just as satisfactorily as if you lived in Portland. Write for fse circu lar and particulars. W do Accordion Sunburst and Knife Plaiting to order. MISS O. GOULD MARQUAM BLDO. PORTLAND, ORB. Are You Restless at Night And harraased by a bad cough? Use Ballard's Horehound tiyrnp, it will secure yoo sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. For sale by National Drug Co. and by Koler-muni SUMMONS. ' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou for the County of Josephine. The California & Oregon Coast Raiiroad Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Waldo Clark, LeaaClark, Angelina Shadinger and M. E. Moore, Defendants. . To Waldo Clark, Lena Clark aud Angelina Shadlngtr, defendants: Iu the name of the State of Oregon, I you are hereby required to appear aud answer the complaint hied againet you in the above entitled action within six weeks from the first publication of this suuiuious, to-wit, within six weeks from the twelfth day of Jauu ary, 11)08, as prescribed in the order of publication thereof aud if yon fail so to answer for want theroof the plain till will take judgment against you as prayed lor in Its complaint herein and filed iu said cause to-wit: That the lands herein mentioned and described in the complaint filed in this action and sought to be appropriated by the said plaintiff for the purposes in said complaint Bet forth and hereinafter described may be appropriated to its use aud benefit and that the same may be tried iu this oourt nuder and by virtue of the laws of this state before a jury to be empaneled to try the same, and that the defendant may have judgment against the plaintiff for the sum of One Hnudred aud Fifty (1160) Dollar, the value of said land to be appropriated which said sum is hereby tendered into court and that thereup on and upon the ascertainment of tbe damages to be paid by the plaintiff to the defendants and npon the payment 01 tne same tne plaintiff may have judgment against the defendants and each of theru appropriating to the use of the plaintiff herein tbe lands des cribed in said complaint aud every part and parcel thereof for the pur poses of constructing, operating and maintaining its line of railroad in, through, over and npon said lands and of plaoing thereon its approaches to the bridge hereinafter to be construct ed by the plaintiff across Rogue River in Josephine County, Oregon, for the purpose ot plaoing thereon turnouts, sidings, switches and other conven iences in furtherance of the object of its construction and of making such neoessary cuttings and embankments as are neoessary for the plaintiff, aud for the costs aud disbursements of the totiou. The particular description of the property herein sought to be ap propriated aud condemned is as fol lows to-wit: Commencing at a point 64i feet east of the southwest corner of the J. K. Jone's D. L. C. No. 118 in township 80 south, range S west, W. M. in the Oonnty of Josephine, State of Oregou aud running theuoe east 100 feet ; thence south 425 fuet to the center of Rogue River; thence west 200 feet ; henoe north 425 feet to the south line of D. L. O. No. 88 ; thence cast 100 feet to the place of beginning containing two acres more or less the same being a part of Lots 30 and 81 in Block V, Riverside Ad dition to the Town of Grants Pass now the City of Grants Pass, Jose phiue Comity, Oregon. Tiiis summons is published nnder and by virtue of an order of the Honorable II. K. Hanna made on the 12th day of January, I'JOft, aud the first publication thereof is 011 the 12th day of January, llHXt, and the last publica tion thereof will be on tbe Slid day of February, 1D06. A. C. HOUGH, Attorney for Plaintiff, SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Orogon for Josephine County, T. B. Cornell, Plaintiff. vs. J. F. Cochran. Defendant To J. V. Cochran, the above named defendant, Greeting; In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re quired to appear in the above entitled oourt and cause and answer the 00m plaint filed therein on or be'ore six weeks from the first date of publica tion of this summous, which first date of publication is Friday, January 12, A. U., 1 1101. and the IbhI date of said publication aud the time within which yoo are required to appear and answer is rrlday, February 1, !(). Aud yoo are hereby notified that in case yon fail to appear and answer the complaint in said action within the time aforesaid the plaintiff will take judgment against yon for the sum of 275. 15 with interest on said sum from the first day of Mroh, 1U05, at the rate of six per cent per annom and for his costs and disbursements to be taxed and he will at the same time procure an order for the sale of the real property belonging to the defend ant attached In said action, viz: the H.K. yi of Seo. 84 Twp. 88 S. R. 8 W of Willamette Meridian in Josephine uouncy, uregon ; aiso ail trie right, title aud interest of the deiendaut in and to Lot 6, Block 2, in the town of Napoleon, commonly called Kerby vllle, in said oonnty and state. This summons is publ shod by order of the Hon. H. K. Hanna, circuit judge ror tne f irst juaioiai district or Ure- ,1 .1 4.A inik J T- wu, uniu wiu tmw us; ui ustuunrj, A. D.,lU0fi, directing the publication thereof for a period of six successive weeks, in the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of seneral circulation nub, lished at Grants Pass in Josephine County, Oregon, aud farther directing that a copy of the complaint and summons be forwitu deposited in the pout omoe at Grants Fass, Oregon, ad dressed to yon at your place of rest dence and post office address, viz Grand Island, State of Nebraska. Dated this 12th day of January, A. L. iao. J. H AUSTIN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track Turning, Scroll Work. Stair Work, Band nawing.iauinei won, Wood f ullrys, Haw Filing and gumming, Repairing ail kinds. rnctt right. The Courier hat the largest corps of correipondentt of any paper in South T Oregon. SHERIFFS' SALE. In the Circuit Coutt of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. rranlc JJcssinger, James 1 Seyfurtb aud R. P. George, as trustees of Kerbyville Lodge No. 60, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Plaintiffs. vs J. F. Cochran, Defendant. By virtue of an execution, judg ment, order and decree duly issued out of aud nn dor the seal of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon tor Josephiuo County in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated on the 2titli day of January, lwoii, upon a judgment rendered, en rolled and docketed in said oourt on the 2Uth day of January, 1U0, in favor of Frank Dwsiuer, James Seyferth and R. P. Ueorsre, as trustees of Kerbyville Lodge No. 65, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, plaintiffs, against J, F. Cochran, defendant, for tbe sum of Two Hunrded aud Seventeen aud 75-100(1317.75) Dollars together with interest thereon from said gtitb day ot - Jauu.try, lUOti, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and Seventy-five (75) dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum ot Twenty one and 25-100 (f21.25) dollars costs : commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate, lying and being in the County of Josephiue, State of Oregon, and described as follows, to-wit : All of the southeast quarter of Sec tion T irty-four (84), in Township Tbirty-eight (88) South of Range Eight (8) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing oue hundred and sixty acres. Now therefore, by the virtue of said execution, judgmeut, order and decree and compliance with the com mands cf said writ, I will on Satur- . day, March 8, 1000, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of tbe County Court House in the city of Grants Pass, said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for United States Bold coin, cash in hand. all the right, title and interest which the above-named defendant had or now has in and to the above described real property or aoy part thereof to satisfy said execution, judgment, or der, deoree, interest, costs and all ac cruing costs. Dated Grants Pass. Orenon. Jann. ary 20, 1900. GEORGE W. LEWIS, Sheriff of Josephine County, Oregon, Firts Insertion, Feb. 2, Last insertion, March 2. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State nf Oregou for the County of Josephine. U. O. Rockatad, " Plaintiff, vs. Henry J. Olson, Defendant. To Honry J. OIboh, the alove named Deiendaut : Iu the name of the State of Oreaoo. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein on or before March IB. 1900. and if yon fall so to appear or answer, plain tiff will apply to the above entitled court for judgment as prated for in id oomplaint aaainst von. tn.vit: for the SUIU of (152.651 Fnnr hnnilnul and fifty two aud 55-100 Dollars with interest at 6 per cent per annum thereon from April 1. 1005. and hia oosts and disbursements and for an order of sale to sell noon exenntinn the real property attaohed herein, to- wlti Ilia ftast half of the Kat hnlf ot Seo. 84, Township 8ft, Sooth, Range six (fi) West of the Will Mer. contain ing inu acres or land. lhla summons is nnhlishnd tv ordor of Hon. J. O. Booth, Judge of tbe oonnty oourt of the state of Ore gon for Josephine County, made on the 80th day of January, 1906. vie nrai puDiicatlon, February 2, 190(1. Date last publication, March 10, 1U0U. Said publication is to ran for six oonsecutive weeks. HOUGH & BLANOHARD and W. D. FREEMAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. FORFEITURE NOTICE. Grants Pass. Ore.. Jan ft. lftofl Tn the heirs of Owen McCarthy: Yon are hereby notified that I have ex- pended 100 in labor and improve ments npon the Golden Pheasant lnrin claim situated in the Grants Pans Mining District, Josephine County, Oregou, as will appear by location certificate filed March 11. 1905. in the office of the County Clerk of said county on page 474, Vol. 18, Minlnir Records, in order to hold said premises under the provisions of section 2824 Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount reouired to hnlil tha same for the year euding December 81, 1905. And if within ninety day from the servloe of this notice (or within ninety days after this notioe by publication) yon fail or return tn contribute your proportion of such expenditure as a co-owner, your in terest in said claim will become the property of the subscriber under sec tion 2824. L J. HUNTER. 1-6 lOt NOTICE OF FINAL SETLTEMENT. In tbe County Oourt of the Statn of Oregon for the County of Josephiue. In the matter of the 1 Seifert, deceased. J Notice is hereby if I Ten that the nn. designed has this day filed his final acoouut In the matter of the estate of William Seifert, deceased, the same being tiled In the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for Josephine County. All persons having an interest in said estate as creditors or otherwiae. ob jecting to aaid acoouut, or any Item therein, will take notice that said ac count will be considered by said Oonrt on Marob 15, 190K, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day and any objections to said final account must be lied and presented to said court at the date aforesaid. Published by order of Hon. J. O. Booth, County Judge, Josephine County, Oregon. Dated this First day of February, 190H. JOSK X. NKLov, Vlmi i .mi. r. MAItOUf W.' Il.o.