1HD jtA-l. VOL. XXI. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1906. No. 45. TAX COLLECTING TO BEGIN NEXT MONDAY Big Rebate on 1 ax-aPaid b March 15 Assessor Ffvllin Preparing for the Next Assessment. Tax paying tima for Josephine county will begin Monday, February 12, and all who pay their taxes before March 15, will get a rebate of 3 per j cent. If half is paid by April 2, the S. other half can stand until the first Monday in October, but no rebate is fSJ given on the half that is paid before , the first Monday in April, nor is there I. interest charged on tbe deferred pay i Bient. If no payment is made by the " first Monday in April then a penalty of 10 per cent is added to the amount of the taxes and a further penalty of 1 per cent a month is charged np to the delinquent until the taxes are paid. The delinquent tax roll will be made np after tbe first Monday in October, and after having been advertised the property will be sold, the owner being permitted to redeem it by paying the taxes, interest and costs. County Clerk S. F. Cheshire will have tbe duplicata roll completed this we?b, with the amonnt of every man's taxes given on it, and it will also show the several funds that are lo be credited from tbe collections, these embracing state, couu'y, school, road, city and school district levies. This roll will be turned over to Sheriff ... Lewis Saturday and Monday the rush of taxpayers will begin as all that aru able will waut to pay so as to gut the 8 per cent discount, which is quite an item to the large taxpayers. . The tax roll for 11)05, on which taxes are now to be collected, amounts to $1,209,380. The various tax levies to be collected on this roll are state 4 tax 1.4 mills, county tax 6.7 mills, county school and library 4 mills, road 2 3 mills, Grants Pass city 3 mills, school district No. 1, Selina, 2 mills; No. S, Kerby, 2 mills; No. 7, Grants Pass, 7 mills; No. 10, Laurel Grove, 4 milis; No. 11, Le laud, 4 mills; No. 17, Robertson, 2 mills; No. 19, Lee, 1 mill; No. 22, Lucky Queen, 1 1-2 mills; No. 34, 4 Lower Grave Creek, 2 mills. The Btate tax for this year will amount to 15,225. For last year it amounted to nearly $10,00u and for 19U4 nearly $11,000. Jackson oounty on a valuation of (12,712,024 has t levy of 4.5 millB county, .08 mill for road, 2,6 mills for school, 1.6 mills for state, making a total of 16.7 mills. This will raise about $117,000. Ashland has a city tax of 8 1-2 mills and a school tax of 6 mills, making a total including the i oounty, on oity property of 23.5 mills. Medford bag a city levy of 7 mills and a school levy of 4.5 mills making . total of oity and oounty of 21 mills. Grants Pass has a toUt of 23 mills, of this 8 millB is city, 7 mills school and 13 county and state. Portland's total tax levy it 14.8 mills on a valuation of $181,197,561. County Assessor W. H. Fallin is now preparing bis blanks for the 1906 assessment and will have all in .-! s readiness to begin the work on March ''u--. .... . ist as provided ny law. ne has fin gaged G. A. Savage to assist him for this year. As there is no census or other extra work to be done Mr. . Savage will be the only deputy, he aud Assessor Fallin being able to do both the field and office work in time for tbe meeting of the board of equalization which will be about -J the first of Oo'.ober. Mr. Savage has been a successful school teacher and rbeen resident of the county for . several years and is both well ac quainted with property values and has the ability to be a competeut deputy. Assessor Fallin has adopted a new method of securing the lift of uew buildings and other improvements that have been made in Grants Pass linen the last assessment was made that is proving successful and which . prevents the liability of property es caping assessment, as was frequently the case under the old syBtetn. In making the assessment of lots in Grants Pass the numbers and owners names are taken frcm the oounty records, and judging by the location the assessor fixes tbe valuation. The improvements can only be judged br personal examination of tbe property. Assessor Fallin prepared a map of the oity showing all the lots and the location of buildings. Each February before beginning his assessment he ' takes bis map and goes over the city ut street by street and marks down IJ all new buildings, and makes a note of their size and value. This is of special value in assessing lots be longing to non-residents, for build ings are frequently erected on these lots and the assessor may not learn of it for a year or two. Iu fixing valuations on tbe roll of 1905 Assessor Fallin alruont doubled the total of the roll over that of 1904, raising property to more nearly repre senting its cash value. As now on the roll valuations are yet far below actual cash worth. The Southern Pacific roadbed was assessed at f 10, -000 a mile, when it is fully worth $50,000 a mile, for that was the valua tion placed on the Astoria & Colum bia River Railroad, a local road be tween Astoria and Portland, when it was recently sold. The rail road lands were assessed at $3.50 and $5.00 an acre, though there are thousands of acres of the company's timber, mineral and farm laud in Josephine county that are worth from $10 to $100 an acre. As an instance there is a traot of rich river bottom land, adjoining Grants Pass townsite on the east, belonging to th railroad company that would readily sell for $150 on acre, though assessed at but $5 an acre. Farm lands and other olasses of property are yet rated mnoh below cash value on the assessment roll, and it will be tbe policy of As sessor Fallin, if permitted by the other members of the board of equali zation, who are the county judge and clerk, to still further advanoe valua tions until all property Bhall be assess ed at its real worth. For the first time in the history of Josphine county land will be assess ed at a fixed percentage of its value. The county court employed early last Fall J. M. Stites of Williams, one of tbe most expert timber cruisers in Southern Oregon, to cruise all timber land in the county, both railroad aud private owned. He will also value all other railroad and speculator land. The farm laud will be valued by Assessor Fallin. When this new schedule is made up all land in Josephine county will be assessed at approximately its cash value. This cruising may give a surprise to many persons who have taken up timber olaims, for if they find their land as sessed at about $1.50 an acre it will be proof that they are the luckless owner of a tr'Ot of brush or barren rocks, while if their land is valued on the tax roll at about $20 an acre they can rest assured that they have a fine piece of timber that will bring them a fortune when mucadaniizd roads aud electrio railroads give cheap transportation to market for the thousands of acres of tine timber, in Josephine county. EASTERNERS WANT TO LEARN OF GRANTS PASS Can get Pamphlets About Jack son County, but not of Josrphlne. That Grants Pass is woefully lack ing in suitable advertising matter with which to supply the hundreds of bomeseekers in the Eastern States who are continually writing for informa tion in regard to this vicinity is forceably brought out in tne follow ing. letter which was received by Jos. Moss a few days ago from Pennsyl vania. This oounty should have a comprehensive pamphlet of small size suitable for mailing in an ordinary envelope aud containing such infor mation as is constantly asked for by intending settlers: Dear Sir: I reoeived yours of the 24th and will say that 3 intend to locate in the Rogue River Vallev, my self and several friends hae been trying to get some information about your section but have not received any et except what yon have sent. We have Rot a bushel of illustrated matter from Medford, Ashland and Jacksonville, but have received none from Grants Pass and that is where we intend to locate if we cau get any information. Please let us know what the lay of the country is around Grants Pas'; we want a place for a nioe home nnd mixed farming. Some of os want 100 acres and some want 60 and 75 acres, partly improved and im proved places, aud close to oity and on the river if possible. What kind of soil have you there and can orops be grown without irrigation? Explain the water rights in your circular. Have you any snakes and what kind and are they troublesome? Give us nil the information yon can. I Intend to come out as soon as the weather breaks up if I can. Bert Barnes, the jeweler, whom) shop is in the Clemens block on North Sixth street, is doing his full part to keep pace with the growth of Grants Pass. He has enlarged bis space and put in a second work bench and employed M. Mansfield to assist him with his work. Mr. Mans- lie Id is an industrious, capable young man, aud in well known to the resi dents of this oity as a first class jeweler. TO HAUL SAW LOGS - TO GRANTS PASS Railioads to Illinois, ApplegMe, Jump-off-Joe Valley Make Good Market for Timber. If we had a sawmill in Grants Pass that would cut 500,000 feet of lumber daily, it would take over 15 years to harvest our present crop of timber. What would be the results, and how can we make it possible to have 200, 000 feet of logs out into lumber daily within the city of Grants Pass? These are momentous questions, but they can be answered. It is the history of all lumbering districts that sawlogs can be procured cheaper delivered by railroad aud water, where conditions are favorable, irom the ranchers and property holders along such railroads or rivers than by other methods of lumbering. Why? Because the ranchers, while clearing have a few or several hundred thous and feet of timber that must be re moved. They can fall a tree and cut it into log lengths haul it a mile to a railroad aud load on the cars nearly as cheap as to pile and burn them. There would not be a dollar per thousand difference to the rancher; therefore anything he got in excess of one dollar a thousand would be profit to him. Moreover, he would feel better in knowing that his timber had gone into the com mercial world and into the channels of trade instead of up in smoke. Thote are a great many rauchers who have a bunch of timber here aud there not large enough for a milling proposition. Under existing condi tions such tracls of timber stand in definitely awaiting a market. At the same time the rancher has idle horses which could as well be employed hauling logs to the railroad. He has son 8 also who have plenty of leisure time during the year to out aud put from 100,000 to 1,000,000 feet of logs ou the cars annually ; and their ex pense would not oe much. In all timbered localities where people are struggling to build homeB it is very helpful aud convenient to have a market for their timber through the agency of a railroad near at hand. The time consumed in handling these logs does not mean so mach to them as it means immediat returns for labor done on the farm and in the process of bnilding a home. It is far better for them to be following j rnfit able employment at home, especially when it is in the direct line of im provement, than to be obliged to go away aid earn day's wages; while away, tho improvements on the ranch will run down instead of building up. In this way, through the agency of a railroad into the timbered districts, the rancher is given em ployment at home both for hlinsolf, his boys and his hired men the whole year through. Thus the rancher be comes more prosperous, and his pros perity means the prosperity of the merchant. Another benefit, and a direct one to the sawmill man, by purchasing the timber of the rauchmnn, is that he can secure any kind of tim ber desired to fill immediate order. When he wants sugar pine, he can contract for sugr pine, thus enabling him to run his mill every mouth in the year and cutting only suoh lumber as the market demands. This puts the mill man in close, touch with all available timber the whole length of the logging railway; while by exist ing methods he is compelled to em' ploy crews aud teams at enormous ex penses to out and haul the logs for miles, and also being obliged to pur chase a tract of timber at from 75 cents to $2 per thousand s ompagn. Mill men will agree with me that the average lumber men and loggers work more for the salary than to get logs to the mill. When the sawmill man goes into big blocks of timber he has confronting him the problem of hauling his lum ber to market. And this problem is an entirely separata one from that of logging and sawing. He is also ob liged to burn bis slabs, which, if out in town, oonld be converted into stove wood to good profit. Tbe cost of hauling lumber to market here ranges from $2 to $3 per thousand feet, price being governed by distance aud road conditions. The sale of the third grade lomber, tbe slabwood and 'the sawdust, all burned in tbe refuse heap at the country mills, would amount to fully half of the freight charges on the logs, thus delivering lumber in Grants Pass for half what it wonld cost were the mills located in tbe country. So we now find tbe same problems confronting us here in Josephine 'couutyas has confronted every tim bered locality in the United States. IKUVUIII U..O WHO lfUU V....V ' f must make some disposition of he must remove it in order to clear his ranch. The rancher has his teams with which to haul, which from his standpoint costs him practically noth ing, while the mill man is obliged to hire and pay big wages for his work. The rancher and his sons can do their work without an overseer whil? the mill man must have bis work well managed by superintendents. The rancher already has roads, while the mill man must build all his own roads, and for the special purpose of reaching the timber. The rancher and his help while getting out timber are at home and on very little ex pense, while the mill man must go to the expense of building a camp and properly equipping it. When the rancher has put his million feet of timber on tha oars, the logs are rolled to mariet without further delay while the mill man, with his mill in the country, still has the most serious end of the problem to solve that of hauling the lumber to market, em ploying four and six teams, or road engines; such work bringing no end of trouble in the breaking d)wn of wagons, sick horses, wet weather and bad roads, breaking down of bridges, and many other familiar' things to the lumber hauler. We all know how lumbering has been carried on since the beginning of the industry iu Josephine County. It has always been the same expen sive proposition. " Why not now make a change? Why not encourage onr mill men to move their mills to Grants Pass? A gnnerouB laud holder is now offering very desirable mill sites in Grants Pass free. There is no doubt but that satisfact ory arrangements oonld be made with the company which proposes to build a railway from Grants Pas9 to Cres cent City to use the same bridge and a portion of the track bb a logging railroad. That portion of it could be used for such use and fiom that point run a logging road up Applegate river. And in the building of such a log ging railroad no great expense need be gone to, if the same methods are fol lowed here by the Grants Pass & Western Railway as are followed in other sections where railroads are built for immediate use and for simi lar purposes. Blast out the stumps, put down the ties and lay the steel; then put on the logging train and set the business going. Use the profits to build the road. Logging cars are built gillguys to allow them to run over irregular track. Locomotives are constructed for operation on the same kind of road. But few boxoars would be needed the first year. Special ore- 1 cars can be procured for the hauling ' of ore over rough traok. The passen 'ger, express and mail traffic of each train would more than pay running expenses of such trains. At the same time each train could bring in 100,000 feet of logs, and by making two trips a day wouM land 200,000 feet of logs to onr mills in Gants Pass daily. At $3 a thousand freight it would make a net profit for the road of $400 a day (besides the transportation of ores) and $12,000 a month, or $144,000 an nually. This profit alone would build and equip two miles of road eaoh month, or 24 miles a year, aud by so managing, in two years the citizens oi Grants Pass can own a fully equipped road through the ApplegAte Valley, to the Blue Ledge mine and have it free from all debt, and no danger of any company transferring the stock in any way that would re tard the development of Grants Pass. What would such a proposition mean for Grants Pass? Can we afford to sleep on our oars at this time? If we had eight small mills operat ing in Grants Pass, cutting 25,000 feet of lumber each, daily, instead of the 1? or 13 that are now scattered through the woods, time mills, through the agency of such a railroad as is proposed, would soon enlarge their capacity to 100,000 feet each dally. They could do this because they would be able to procure their logs at much lest cost than they most pay now by present msthods. And what would that mean for Grants Pass? Logs can be bought of rauchers, de livered on board logging trains, for at least $3 per thousand feet. While the Applegate Boom & Lumber Co. were operating they bought a large per cent of their logs at $3.50 per thousand dumped in the river. Freight to Grants Pass would be about $2 per thousand, making the total cost of logs, delivered on mill man's dock in town, only $5 per thousand feet. Then, since it would be so much better for tb" c'ty and county to have such a logging road into the timber and to have our sawmills in town iusread of scattering through the woods, why not bring such a condi tion abDut? This being the first step toward making Grants Pass a manu facturing center. Besides the timber there are many other things to consider and industries to foster by the building of such a road. What would it mean to Grants Pass? Making a prophecy on the basis of what other towns have be come by similar development, it can be conservatively stated that with Buch a road Grants Pass would soon be a oity of 15,000 or 20,000 inhabi tants instead of 4000. Above the fact that onr surrounding country would be developed, industries fos tered and other enterprises encouraged, would be the pay roll aud its distribu tion by the , 1000 or more men em ployed here in town, and an even greater number employed lucratively. This is no idle dream. It is only a little sketch of our wonderful possi bilities. It remains for us to put our shoulders to the wheel and push the Grants Pass & Western railroad move ment that is now on. Now is tbe time for action. NOW I W. B. SHERMAN. Pioneer Merchant Visits Grivnts P ex ss. D. H. Miller of Medford was . in Grants Pass Monday and Tuesday on a business trip. Mr. Miller opened the first hardware store in Medford and was continuously iu that business nntil last year when he sold out, hav ing made a competency and he is now giving his time to his investments. Mr. Miller is now sorting bis second term as treasurer of Jackson county, being eleoted on the democrat ticket in a strong republican oounty. Mr. Miller stated that County Clerk John S. Orth would have the dupli cate tax roll for Jackson bounty com pleted next week aud that Sheriff Joseph M. Rader would begin to col lect taxes on February 20. THESE PRICES ARE SPECIAL AND FOR THE TIME SPECIFIED. THE GOODS CAN NOT LAST LONG. A LOOK WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT our VALUES ARE UNEQUALLED. 30 DAY "SALE ' From January 15tH to February 15th ....SPECIALS All Ingrain Wall Papers 25$ per Bolt of 3 Rolls All Pillows 20 Discount that moans Pillows formerly $1.00 now .80c 1.50 " $1.20 2.00 " 1.60 ' " 4.00 " 3.20 I Sofa Pillows included. ' All Air-Tight Heaters 33J Discount Heaters formerly $7 50 now $5.00 " 5.50 " 3.67 Cook StOYes Regular $15.00, Special $12.90 Dinner ware, Blue and White, 20 per cont off. 1 lot 30x60 Rugs, regular $1.50 and $2.00 &i Some shopworn, to close at AyU I lot Cotton Carpet, regular staple goods. We QKn have too much; regular 48c, now OOC Cut Glass 33 J por cont Discount, that means goods that sold for $5.00 are now $3.54. Range Cook Stoves, with rosorvoir, regular $30.00. now $23.50. Trunks $9.00 Trunki for $0.50. Oak Upright Folding Bods regular $22.03, no $ 17.60 Mahogany Finish Suits 3 pieces Bed, Dresser and Commode, large French bevel plate mirrors, regular $35.00 $27.50 Solid Quartered Oak Buffettr Polished French bevel plate mitror, regu lar $37.50 7.... $27.85 Solid Quarterod Oak Chiffoniers Polished large French bevel plate mirror, reg ular $26.00, for ;...$21.G5 Lace Curtains 25 per cent discount Portieres, 20 per cent discount Table Covers, 25 per cent discount Picture Frames, 20 per cont discount Picture Mouldinzs A choice sclection. riag in your pic fa tures. ,;iX ; flji Thomas & O'Neill HOUSEFURNISHERS TEACHERS EXAMINATION BEGINS WEDNESDAY Liow Wages and Short Terms Make Scarcity of Tea. chars Teachers Wanted. The semi-anuual examination for teachers for Josephine county will begin at the court house in Grants Pass next Wednesday at 9 a. m. .The examination will be for both county and state papers aud will continue until Saturday. Supt. Savage expects that there will be a large attendance of applicants as there is a scarcity of t aohers in the oounty. The cause for this scarcity of teachers is that wages have not been raised while for the past five yearn the cost of living has steadily, gone up. Wages in other vocations being good teachers leave the school I'if m -at the first opportunity. The short terms of the schools is another big factor in depleting the ranks of teach ers for most of the districts of the county have bnt four to five months of sohool, few have seven aud eight months and only Grants Pass and one or two other districts have nine mouths. Of present vacancies Wilderville wants a man teacher, Woodville wants two teachers and Winter wants a teaohet. A teacher has been se cured for the Jewell district, Stephen Jewell having been hired and a four months term will begin on February 19 In the Hugo district MIbs Ethel Newell closed four months term with January and so well pleased were the patrons of the school with her work that they hired her for an additional three months, levying a speoial tax on the district to raise ' the required funds to pay the salary. Placer blanks at the Courier office. i 1