Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 12, 1906, Image 2

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rataai
On Year, in advance, - 11.60
Biz Months, . . . .76
Three Months, ... ,40
Single Copies, .04
Advertising Racaa
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
card of thanks 60c .
A. E. VOOBHIES, Propr.
Entered at the pout office at Grant Pans,
Oregon, a seoond-class mail matter.
The Coarler'i lutxcrlption books and null
aij Hit arc open at all timet to tdvertlun,
wha may duln verification that thb piper hat
a larjtr circulation, both in Crania Pail and In
Josephine County than any other newspaper
published In this clfy.
The publisher of tne Observer io a
lengthy article )o the last issue has
endeavored to demonstrate, and evl-
dently does to liis own satisfaction,
that the Courier proprietor la I
sneak, and Implies that lie is a per
jurer in the spirit, and other naughty
things, the matter arising from
circulation controversy before the
Comity Court, and the appointing of
the Courier as the official connty
paper. The Observer man doobta the
sinoerity of the affidavits submitted
by the Courier, which is not to be
wondered at since Mr. Chaaese would
swear to something of which he had
no positive knowledge, as waa the
ease when he submitted an affidavit
to the County Court stating that the
Observer has larger number of bona
fide sobsciibara on its list residing in
Josephine county than any other
newspaper published In the county,
Later on Hr. Chausso made affidavit
that the Observer bad a "bona fide
yearly ciicnlation of 103 subscribers
In Josephine county" and the pub
litlier of the Conrier submitted an
affidavit that "the number of papers
distributed weekly to tubsciibera
Within the boundaries of Josephine
oounty la 102(1." Owing to the fact
that a portion of the names were se
cured by a paid solicitor who was
working by the day and had no Inceu
tlve to bring extra names, the Courier
proprietor could not swear that they
Were bona fide yearly subscribers, al
though they were to the best of his
knowledge and belief. Accordingly
an amended affidavit waa submitted
showing 873 bona fide yearly aub
epriberi residing within Josephine
soonty. These 873 names being per
soul who have been subscribers of
lobg standing to the Courier while the
remainder of thoso on tho Josephine
county list were the new names se
corrd by the solicitor, acme of whciu
bad not paid In advance, but all sub
acribera to the best knowledge of the
publisher of the Courier. The County
Conrt also had other means of asoer
talulug the oiroolation of the pamrs
of the town and decided that the
Courier reached a greater number of
readers than any other paper published
In the oounty.
In reference to an article published
In the Deoember 33 issue of the
Courier the Obaerver infers that be
cause we did not get the figures from
the Obaetver management we had to
resort to underhand methods. We
will state that we did not seek thia
Information from the Observer force
as might be implied, uelther did we
endeavor to create a "leak" in the
local oat office, but it waa secured in
a perfectly legitimate way, a way
nonirunn to all progressive news
papers, that of a house to house cau
vas by a solicitor, In which aiming
other queatloua cheerfully answered
by the occupants ot the various houses
was the number and uaiues of the
newspapers taken lu the family.
A perusal of the article ill question
will reveal tho fact that what it bhvs
ami what the Oliaerver tries to make
It apK'ar are at variance In at lewd
one Importnnt point, via: uo reference
is made to tho numlier of copies of the
OS rver distributed iu the (.Irants
Pars poat office, niauy of which go to
farmers aud thoiu residing outside of
town yet who get their mail through
the Orntits Past cilice, but simply to
the subscribers living within the eit.v
Mr. Chauaiw, iu his article, men
tious that a copy of the Courier list is
held by the Obaerver. This list will
no doubt, bo of value to tlieiu and we
note that it bus already come into
requisition as an aid iu the ai oiling
out of aample copies of the l b erver.
The Olwerver also utiles that the
oouuty printing amount to hut hImiuI
J5 a year. Ihia of courae muat be
aa error of the types, for judging
from the Instance of the arlicle the
Observer never would attempt to con
vey a wrong impreasioii. However,
the Observer's bill at the last term of
oounty court fer the county's aliaro of
printing the tai roll waa f I Ml Turn
amount the court cut to J..H. The
Observer is now sucing tbe count v for
the UK).
"new hope.
II. 8. Wyuaiit was at the Paxs Tues
day. Miss Hcssia MoCollimi of the Pats
Is visiting with fi Hilda at this place.
C. O. Kngltah and daughter made a
business trip to Orauts l'as Saturday.
Pert Vork of Kubll la working for
his brother in-law, Wro. Mesmuger, at
thia New Hope.
Mr. aud Mrs Win. Meaaiuger viaited
Sunday with the hitter's parents, Mr
aud Mrs. Willi York of Kubli
Several of the farmers have begun
oleauing out the lrrigtatlou ditch so
that it will be ready when the season
Mr. aud Mra Frank Chaplin and
daughter nf Ursula Paas have bought
the Win. Stacy farm at this place and
have moved here.
New Hope la a thriving little place
with a population of S3, otie church,
eohool house aud has one larg irriga
tion ditch Bearing completion aud
forthermora is a real home seekers
paradise, being in a healthful aud
well reuowned Oregon climate.
U. D. Walter la making pickets,
he requirng about 16,000 or SO.issj for
fsnolug. Bhorty.
A Series of Eight to be Held by
Dr. Wlthycomb and Sle.ff of
Sle.te Agricultural College.
The aeries of eight farmers insti
tutes that has been arranged for by
the Courier to be held lo Rogue River
Valley In February by Dr. Jas.
Withyoombe and the institute staff of
the State Agricultural College have
bad the dates fixed by Dr.Withycowbe.
The first Institute will be held at
Central Point, where afternoon and
evening sessions will be held on Moo
day, February 13. Early the follow
ing morning the party will drive to
Eagle Point, where forenoon, after
noon and evening seasioni will be
held, with a basket dinner a leading
feature to enable the farmers from a
distance to atteod without being
obliged to go home fcr their dinners.
Tbe third Inatitute will be at
Talent on Thursday, February 15.
Owing to the durance between Eagle
Point and Talent it will take the
greater part of Wednesday to make
the trip. All the spare time of the
day will be utilized by the professors
In making examinations of toils, con
ditions of orchards, and of stock and
other features pertaining to farming
in Jackson county. At Talent lore
noon, afternoon aud evening sessions
will be held, with a basket dinner
and social noon honr to stimulate
goodwill and a stronger fellowship
between the farmers. This iusritote
w ill be under the auspices of the
Talent Farmers Club, which is sn as
surance that it will have a large at
tendance and be a success. The Club
has appointed committees to arrange for
the reception of the speakers, to sup
ply added features, by the aid of local
talent, the program for the three ses
sion, and to have charge of the bas
ket dinner.
Friday, February IB, Dr. Wlthv
combe aud party will take the early
train for Grants Pass, where the fore
noon will lie spent. In the afternoon
the party will drive to Provolt, where
on Saturday forenoon, afternoon ana
evening sessions will be held. The
people of Applegate Valley are taking
a diet) interest iu this inatitute and
tliey are planning that it shall be one
of the moat succeaalul lu point or at
tendance, especial program features
and big dinner of any that will be
held in Josephine county. A meet
ing was riceutly held at the church at
Provolt, at which commit ties were
appointed and full arrangements
made for their institute. The party will
drive to Kerhy Sunday and Moudny,
Feb. lt, forenoon, afternoon and even
ing aeasions will bo held. This in
stitute will be under the autplces of
the Josephine County Slockmens Ai
social ion, whose headquarters are at
Kerhy. The Association is actively
working for the success of their in
stitute and among the leading fi Blares
will provide a flue banket dinner and
make the event a big gathering of
the farmers and their families iu all
the Illinois valley.
Tuesday forenoon Dr. Wllliycoinbe
and party will drive to Wilderville
where in the afternoon an institute
will be held In the church building
at that place. At the close of this
annul on the party will drive to (Irants
I'aaa aud the unit day, February 21,
fornniiou and afternoon sessions will
be held at the l.eo school house four
miles down Uogue River from (Irants
Paaa. The farmers of this secttou are
making all preparations for their in
stitute, with a baaket dinner as cue
of the drawing features to gi t fanners
and their wives to come from a dis
tance. Thursday, the 2'i, an Inatitute
will be he'd at Merlin, which closes
the series. Only foienoou and after-
nnou sessions will be lieiu. Jtie
bulaueaa men of Merlin and the far
mers of that locality are co-operating
to secure a good attendance for their
Institute and make it the equal iu
Interest of the other Inatitutes that
will be held in the county.
While nailing shakes on his houae,
David Viuvard slipped and fell to the
ground, aud while uo houea were
broken he received a severe Blinking
up nod is laid up,
T. J. Hull has had a had sick him- 1 1 .
I It) has hecu sick all winter. 1 1 has
been in bed mom of the time and was
Improving nicely until Friday uiglit
when he was tiikeu wi ro mid ia very
low nt thia writing. Hr. Kremer is
tho attending phyalclau. Wchfoot.
A large vase ia to ho given to the
person holding the lucky number, a
iinmher free with each pound of coffee
or half pound of tea purchased at
winytlin s.
ine Tablets. Druggists refund luoiiev
if it fails to cure. K. W. UKOVK'S
signature ia on eiich box. S.'io.
Taken Off
Ami h lir part too,
us tne follow iii; will
Garland Heaters !()"
Cheerful Heaters 15 :,
VII Others - - '25"0
These discounts will
lioKl until Jan. .'list,
It moans much if you need
or will niH'il n II outer,
You wont o.ot this chance
njrain soon.
Cramer Bros.
0tl 1'Vllow.a' lllu.u I
Election exnd Installation Held
All of the Orders in a
Prosperous Condition.
The A. F. & A. M. and R. A. H.
held Joint installation in the Masonic
temple December 27 which waa at
tended by Maaons and their wives to
tbe number of 100 or more. After the
Impressive ceremonies of the orders
the oompany sat down to a sumptuous
repast In the banquet room. The fol
lowing officers were installed:
A. F. & A. M.
Worshipful Master Ceo. Riddle.
Senior Warden R. W. Ciark.
Junior Warden J. H. Hathaway.
Senior Deacon Jas. Trimble.
Junior Deacon T. W. Williams.
Heuior Steward E. A. Wade,
Junior Steward Roy Wilson.
Tyler Jose X. Nelson.
Secretary Jas. liolman.
Treasurer B. W. Riggs. .
R. A. M.
High Priest Herbert Smith.
King Geo. R. Riddle.
Scribe R. L. Coe.
(J. H. E. O. May bee.
Secretary J. E. Peterson.
Treasurer L. L. Jewell.
J. S Jas. Trimble.
R. A. C A. E. Voorhies.
M. 8d V-J. P. Toffs.
M. 2d V. B. W. Riggs.
M. 1st V. A. Letcher.
Sentinel Jose X. Nelson.
The tegular annual electhn of
officers of Jotehplne Chapter No. 3A,
Order of the Eastern Star, was held in
Musculo hall December 20 and the
installation occurred December 20,
followed by a splendid lunch in the
banquet room. The officers Installed
were :
Worthy Matron-Mrs B. W. Riggs.
Worthy Patron Dr. T. E. Beard.
Asst. Matron Mrs. H. C. Bohzien.
Secretary Mrs. Henrietta Zoller.
TresHurer Mrs. T. B. Cornell.
Conductress Mrs. C. H. Kampeon.
Asst. Conductress Mrs. T. E. Beard
Chaplain Mra. N. DcLamatter.
A ah Mrs. O. W. Dounell.
Hulb Mrs. J. H. Hathaway.
Father Mrs. Geo. Riddle.
Martha Miss Alice Smith,
Electa Mrs. T. P. Jurison.
Warder Mrs. Planets Martin.
Sentinel Jose X. Nelson.
Organist Mrs. Hoy Wilson.
A. O. U. W.
Tnun.,1, I T XT ltd A "V TT
uufiT-jiiiiiJO Lsimgtj iiu. iia, si . Wa J.
W., elective and appointive officers
ft... tin at ...
w ino jt at nf am an luuuni .
P. M. W. Alfred Letcher.
M. W. M. T. Utley.
F. Henry Schmidt.
O. O O. Oium.
Recorder C. L. Mcpherson.
Financier Herliert Smith.
Receiver Jas. liolman.
(J. John Hacbett.
J. W. J. A. Larson.
O. W.-B. A. Williams.
D. of H.
At tegular electiou held December
S, llXio, the following named persons
were elected as otllcers of Hawthorne
Lodge, No. 21, Degree of Honor, for
the ensuing year aud will be duly in
stalled January 1H, HKsH, all Degree ot
Honor members reineited to lie present :
P O of H Hilda Huggerth.
C of II Mury A. DeLamater.
Lady of Houor Lilllau Perkins.
Chief of Cer. Theresa Schmidt.
Recorder Lydia Dean.
Financier Mary Cohuru.
Reccivnr Mary Deau.
Caller Kmma Alfred.
liiaidi Watch Emilie Schmidt
Outaidu Watch Mrs. Lougwell.
I. O. R. M.
TakllinaTrilw No. 211, I O H M, held
their electiou at their wigwam on the
eighth ruu and elected the following
chiefs for the ensuing term:
par hem J, V. Schmidt.
Senior Kagamort W. R. Rotd.
Junior Sagamore Jay A. Booth.
Prophet U. 1). Williams.
Chief of Records M. W. Hohhius.
Keeper of Wampum Jos. Wolke.
Installation was held on January
Hlli. A siicfinl diapeuaatiou has been
granted iakilma Tribe by Deputy
Urcat Sachem W. 11. Thrasher to
receive palolaims into the tribe the
next tiO days commencing January 8,
at the regular charter fee of ').
LOT M, Hive No.lH.
PitHt Commaiider Celia Corliss.
Commander Katelle Berry.
Reoordei Keeper (lassie Follett.
Finance Keeper Mamie Everton.
Sargent Km ma Alford.
Maatcr-at-Arms Mrs. Fetsch.
Chaplain Mra. Caryglill.
Sentinel Mrs. Bryau.
Picket Mra Stearns,
W O W.
At the electiou of olllcera for the
ensuing term held by the Woodmen
of tlie World, the following were
elected and will he installed Jan. 11:
I'aat Coliatil Coin J A Gihtou.
Consul Com It Thomas.
Adviser Lieutenant II V Meade.
Clerk M W Kol.hiiis.
Banker tleorge W KcariiB.
Kscort Charli a Morrison.
athcumii - George II Stover.
Sentry L Traak.
Managers 11 Hitler ami L Savage.
A alia Circle, Women of Woodcraft,
held their electiou December 4th,
I'.Ki;,, slid ilicled the following
otllcers, who will ho installed Mou
dav, Jmiuary l.'itli, IlKil, to serve
sin liinutha, with tlie eicentloii of
clerk and hanker, who ach ai rve 13
luontha :
tiiniid. Neighbor Jennie Cheshire.
Adviser Kmma lit ynolda.
Clerk M J Davia.
Hunker A M Wolke.
Magician S D Newell.
Cart of Guards II 1 Calvert.
Attendant Florence ljiwtou.
Manager M A Dean.
Inner Sentinel K HaiuiuiII.
Outer Sentinel Ahlf.
The circle ia lu a prosperous con
The 1 luted Artisans held a
meeting December 13 and elected
the following otlUi ra who were iu
alalhd Jan. '.. to serve six mouths:
Past Master Ar. A K Voorhies.
Master Ar. C K. Root.
Supt W. L. Ireland.
Inspector- Jennie Cheshire.
Secretary John 11. Paddock.
Treaa. L. L. Perkins.
Sr. Coo. Bell Mitchell.
Master of Cer F.lua Ireland
Jr. Con. J. It. Flierle.
Instructor Fred Moiiach.
Warder C. L. Kdgerton
Med. Kx. - W. II. Flanagan.
Fin. Com W. L. Irelaud, A. E.
Yoorhica, Fred Meuach.
K of P
C C II A Hotermund.
VC Herman Horning.
P-J M Booth.
K of H & S-T W Williams.
M of F Otto Dunlap.
M of K-Jos Moaa.
M of A J T Chauase.
1 G-Fre. Corou.
O G-M T Vtley.
The Rathhooe S.-ters will hold
their insiallatiiiu Tuesdav evening.
January HI. Haaonnda,viiitig Knight
aud members of the K. of P. with theit
wives are invited. The followlug ol.
cers will be installed, after which
refreshmoots will be served :
P C Effle Harmon.
M K C Louisa Williams.
E 8 Sarah Newell.
E J Mary Clemo.
M of d Mable DePuy.
M of R & 0 Nellie Utley.
M of (i-E W Kendall.
P of G Owinnie Flamm.
G of O T Mary Coburn.
U R K of P.
Capt. T W Williams.
1st L A E Voorhies.
2d L D M DePuy.
Sec Auguat Fetach.
Treaa J R McKniglit.
Chap L B HalL
R O-W B Sherman.
L O Howard Mitchell.
This only stands until February
19th. The U R are reiiueated to he
present at K i f P installation in full
Etna Rebebah Lodge No. 411 elected
the following officers who will be in
stalled January 23, 1V0K:
N G Mrs Florence Cornell.
V G Miss Myrtle Ireland.
Reo Sec Miss Curtis.
Fin Seo Mrs Mary Smith.
Treat Mra Marion Scavy.
G. A. R.
Commander H B Alverson.
8 V Commander W F Byrne.
J V Commander James Holmau.
Burgeon D S Holton.
Chaplin Noah Day.
Officer of the Day Theo Mott
Quartermaster E A Wade,
jftlcer of the Guard John Patrick.
Adjutant J. E. Peterson.
Sargent Major Capt. Gen L Evans.
uuartermaster Sarvent H .oiler.
Installing officers Sr. P. P. C, J.
b. retersoo.
Officer of the Day Capt. Geo. L,
W. R. C.
At has been the custom in the riant.
the joint installation of Gen. Logan
Post, 0; A. R. and Woman's Relief
Corps took place Wednesday night at
worsman nan. As each corps mem
ber had invited a friend or relative.
the hall was well filled Willi a large
and appreciative audience to witness
tlie beautiful and impressive cere
monies. The newly elected officers of
tbe Post were installed fiist. The
readiness and alacrity with which
each responded to "roll call" aud
"gavil" showed that Falhir Time
had dialt gently with the old comrucle
Mrs Florence Cornell waa then pre
sented as installing officer for the W
R C with Mrs Rose Gravlin as as
sistant conductor. Tlie cleverness
and order witli which these ladies
dispos d of their duties was proof
they bnd been winely chosen. .
The W R C officers for the new year
are aa follows :
President Mrs Harriet Patrick.
Sen vice Mrs Rose Weidniau.
Jun view Mrs Ruth Harvey.
Sec Mrs Mary Hilderth.
Treaa Mrs Henrietta ZqlWr.
Chaplain Mrs Minnie Curtis.
Conductor Mrs Wiuiugham.
Guard-Mrs Ahlf.
Assistant Conductor Mrs Morris.
lat Color-btarer Mrs Lena Hil
dreth. 2d Color-bearer Mrs Rose Gravliu.
8d Color-bearer Mrs Sadie Ander
son. 4th Color-bearer Mrs Mowers.
Musician Mrs Hattie Calvert.
Press correspondent Mrs Alice Mal
lory. At the close of the installation a
gold piu, euihlem nf the order, was
preaeuted to Mra. Spencer, tbe retir
ing president, by the ladiea of the
corps. Till incident waa botli a sur
prise and pleasure. Refre hnients
were then served. The bright faces,
cheery voices aud lively repartee were
prool that all thought it good and
the sapper to be there. The piano
waa then placid in the center of the
room and Mrs. Calvert asked to re
Bide. Soon a melody of patriotic
music filled the room and aa the Id
comrades sang the words of the music
by whi' h they had 40 years ago, so
cheerfully and bravely marched to
victory or death, the years seemed to
fall away and ynolh, hope and lila rty
were beckoning them on.
It was a pleasant evening, lnnu to
be remembered hv comrades corns
aud friends. Mra. Alice Mallorv.
PresB cor W.R C.
News Notes From the Business
Men to Headers.
For milk and cream call up Phone
lint 13-2SI 4t
A new lot of Japanese pickle jura at
Suiy tho's.
W. B. Shermau Real Estate. Tele
phone Tit I.
Give your friends a Stage line the
good smoke.
Pencils and Tablets at the Model
Drug Store.
Dr. M. C Find ley teats eyes and
furnishes glasses.
Bicycle Bells and Lamps nt a dis
count at Paddock's.
Letcher ia the only licensed optician
iu Josephine count .
A pri.n given with each half Pound
of tea purchased at Smythe'a.
And still I mil insuring and selling
real estate at the old stand. J. E.
Placer and quartz location notices
mine deeds, leases, etc., at the
Courier ollice.
Timber claims. Homesteads W.
R. Sherman, Rooms 10 aud 13 Masonic
Temple, Ci runts Pass tire.
Having bought a new lot of d th at
a bnigiiin, the Giants Pass Tailoring
couipmy is now able to m ike a nrst-
clusa suit at almost half thefoiim r
pritv. Call and examine cur miieN
ami get prices Numlier nl3, West G
street, opposite Depot. 131 ."i tf
made with Royal
Baking Powder
Are delicious and wholesome a perfect
cold weather breakfast food.
Made in the morning; no "set
ting" over night; never sour, never cause in
digestion. To make a perfect buckwheat cake, and
a thousand other dainty dishes, see the
"Royal Baker and Pastry Cook." Mailed
free to uny address.
novAi, SAKiaa sow Ota co mw voak.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Josephine.
The California & Oregon
Coast Railroad Com
pany, a corporatioD,
Walilo Clark, LenaClark,
Angelina Shadinger
and M. E. Moore,
To Waldo Clark, Lena Clark and
Angelina Shadinger, defendants:
Iu tlie name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed againtt you
in the above entitled action within six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, to-wit. within six
weeks from tlie twelfth day of Janu
ary, I'JOli, as prescribed in the code oi
publication thereof aod if you fail so
to answer lor want thereof the piain
titf will take judgment against you as
prayed for io its complaint herein and
filed iu said cause to-wit: That the
lauds herein mentioned and described
in the complaint filed in this action
and sought to be appropriated by the
said plaintiff for the purposes in said
complaint set forth and hereinafter
described may be appropriated to its
use and benefit and that the same may
be tried in this court under and by
virtue of the laws of this state before
a jury to be empaneltd to try the
same, and that the defendant may have
judgment againtt the plaintiff for the
sum of One Hundred and Fifty (150)
Dollar", the value of said land to be
appropriated w hich seid sum is hereby
tendered into court and that thereup
on and upon the ascertainment of the
damages to be paid by the plaintiff to
the defendants and upon the payment
of the same tne plaintiff may have
judgment against the defendants and
each of them appropriating to the use
of the plaintiff herein the lands des
cribed in said complaint and every
part and tarcel thereof for the pur
prsea if constructing, operating and
maintaining its line of railroad in
through, over and upon said lands and
of placing thereon its approaches to
the bridge lif reinafter to he construct
ed by the plaintiff across Rogue River
in Josephine County, Oregon, for the
purpose ot placing thereon turnouts,
sidings, switches aud other conven
iences in furtherance of the object of
its coi strnctirn and of making such
necessary cuttings and embankments
aa are necrKsarr for the plaintiff, and
fi r the cficts and disburse incuts of the
iction. The particular description of
the property herein sought to be an-
I roi rutted aud coudemued is as fol
lows to-wit: Commencing at a point
Mil feet east of the sontliwest ccrner
of Die J. K. .Tone's D. L. C. No. 38
in township ii south, range 5 weBt,
V Jl. in tbe County of Josephine,
State of Oregon aud running theuce
iat-t KKI feet; thence sooth 423 fiet to
Ihe center of Rngue River; thence
west 2( 0 feet ; hence north 435 feet
to the south line of D. L. C. No. 88
thence east 100 feet to the place of
beginning containing two acres more
or lias the same being a part of Lots
20 and 21 in Hlock V, Riverside Ad
d it inn to the Town ol Grants Pass
now tho City of Grants Pass, Jose
phine Connty, Oregon.
Thia sDiiiuicua ia published tinder
and by v'-tuo of an order of the
I'onoiable J. O. Booth made on the
12th day of January, 1W, aud the first
publication thireof is on the 13th day
ot January, j'.nai, and tlie last publica
Hon thereof will be on the 2.'ld day of
rctruary, jsmti. A. (J. HOUGH,
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fcr Josephine County.
T. B. Cornell. 1
J. F. Cochran.
Defendant. J
lo J. e. Cochran, the above named
defendant, Greeting:
hi the name of tho State of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned aud re
quired to appear in tlie above entitled
coort and cause aud answer the com
plaint filed therein on or be ore six
weeks from the first date of publica
tion of this summons, which first date
of publication ix Friday, January 12,
A. D., l'.ioii, and the last date of said
publication and the time within which
you ere required to appear and answer
is Friday, Fel rnarv 1(1, liMMi.
And you are hereby notified that in
case you fail to appear and answer
the complaint iu said action within
the time aforesaid the plaintiff will
take judgment agaiust you for the
sum of 1375. 15 with interest on said
sum from the first day of M rch, 1U05,
at the rate of six per cent p r annum
and for his costs and disbursements to
be taxed aud he will at tlie same time
procure an order for the sale of the
real property belonging to tho defend
ant attached iu said nctiou, viz: the
S. K. 4- of Sec. 34 Twp. .18 S. R. 8 W.
of Willamette Meridian in Josephine
County, Oregon; also all the right,
ti le and interest of tlie defendaut in
and to Lot 5, Block 2, iu tlie town of
Napoleon, eoniuiouly called Kerby
vi lb', in said conuty and state.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. II K. 1 lamia, circuit judge
for the First judicial district of Ore
gon, datt d the 13th day of January,
A. D.,I!Hk;, directing tiie publication
tlicr 'cf for a 1 1 nod of six successive
weeks, in the Rogue River Courier, a
newspaptr of general circulation pub
1 1 shed at Grants Pass iu Josephine
County, Oregon, and further directiug
that a copy of the complaint and
summons he fi rwith deposited iu the
pot ollhc at Grants Pass, Oregon, ad
dri sst'd to you at your place of resi
dence and post office address, viz:
Grand Island, State of Nebraska.
Dated ll,ls 13th day of Jannarv, A.
I'.'"'. J. H. AUSTIN,
Attorney fcr Plaintiff.
I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
CwcsCoUU. Croup and Whooping Cough.
Contrtcttd Chronic D's-rhots While In the
"While with the U. 8. Army In the
Philippines, I contrae'ed chronio
diarrhoea. I suffered severely from
this terrible disease for over three
years and tried the prescriptions of
Dumeroui physicians, bat found noth
ing that did me any gcod until I tried
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, two small bottles
of which entirely cured me and I have
since had no return of the disease."
Herman Steio. 212 N. Union Ave.
Pueblo, Colorado. For sale by
FOR SALE-BRICK-60,000 bricg
for sale if sold at once. Inquire of
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
MARE FOR SALE, weighs 1100
rounds, gentle and readily driven
bv a woman or a child. Also for
sale two fine Jersey cows, both
giving milk, aud one cow to calve
in six weeks. Address T. L. Sims,
P. O. box 285. Grants Pass, or at
farm four miles below city. 12-29 4t.
PA KM FOR SALE two miles from Mer-
lin. 100 acres aliout 60 acres ot good
bottom land. 25 acres in cultivation, small
bouse and barn and aliout 60 acres under
fence, balance of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. Kor further particulars ad
dress W. M. (.row, Merlin, iiregon.
ACRE ranch, good prune and
apple orchard, small fruits in
abundance; water fur ini.'ation, besides
springs on every 40 acres; center of a good
range country ; iwo uwsiung nousen,
barn, every tiling complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good mining markets, one-
half mile north of Tunnel 9, price 12,600.
Inquire at this olhce.
FOR RENT A suite of fine
rooms. Address the Courier.
FIFTY ACRE farm for rent by
Thomas L Sims, three miles west
Grants Pass. 1-12 tf
FOR SALE CHEAP One thoroogh
bred Jack colt, 16 months old, one
burro, one fine open buggy, one fine
single harness, one hack, one double
set of burro harness. Harrison
Bros., cor Sixth and J its. 1-12 tf
and wife who are new
comers, want work at a mine. He
sober, industrious, experienced in
all quartz or placer work and good
tool sharpener, hhe a first-class cook
and capable to take charge of a
boarding house. Address is. t..
rare Courier office. 1-12 2t
POSITION wanted on a farm by a
young mairied man who would
have his wife with him and board
themselves if deBired. Good refer
ences given. Address, Farmer,
caie Courier. 12-2'J 8t
Madame Wolfe is here with her
bydrovacu, the great wrinkle destroy
er and face bt ant i tier. Ladies and
gents call and see this lady and have
your lace made txautilui. hoom so,
Hotel Latyon, City. 1-12 It
PARTIES wishing to boy or sell
mining property will do well to cor
respond with 8. Meyer, Merlin, Ore.
tu nurses and one mau as
orderly for the Grants Pass Hospi
tal. Apply to Mrs. W. M. Hair,
Mrs. Geo. E. Good or Mrs. N. P.
Lodge. 1-12 tf
DRY PlisE chunks at 11.25 per tier
while they last, cash with order.
O. O. Lund. 1-6 2t
WILL EXCHANGE Portland subur
ban residence property for Grants
Pass resideuce property A. E.
A FARMER who wants to put in a
little mill for cutting wood, picketB
or fruit boxes cau get a new outtlt,
never used, consisting of 24 inch
circular saw with a 1 1-2 inch,
four-foot arbor, pulleys, babbitted
boxeB aud 20 feet of five inch belt
ing at a bargaiu, by addressing
Geo. W. Herriott, Applegate. 12-3li:it
ORDERS taken for fino cookies aud
bread. Mrs. E. B. Brown, 408 Sec
ond street. Tel. 6H5.
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
Grants Pass Post Cards at the Cour
ier office.
Typewriter supplies, ribbons, paper,
etc., at the Courier office.
MNE dressmaking, shirtwaist suits
and other sewing done iu tirstcluss
style. Children's snits a socially.
Prices reasouable. Moss' Addition,
Josephine street, between Eghth
aud Ninth. Mrs. V. E. Will
iams. ia-ay tf
SHOE re airing doue by John Hacket
at llanh & Sou'b, Inc. store.
CAME to my place last summer, red
muly cow, small white spots on
hips and flanks, crop off of left ea-,
nnderbit. upper slope aud split iu
right ear; branded cross on right
hip. Owner cau get cow by pay
ing for advert isiug and for tier feed
atler this dats. January 10, IUikI
W. W. Wilsou, Hugo, Ore.
WE this day have disolved partner
ship. All book accounts are to be
raid to J. E. Kerlev.
(. rants Pass. Dec. 20, 1.HV.
tf lMva maft, tun. Jlm plat
St. Luke'a Church.
The service Sundav mnrnlno tiu k.
n . uj
especially for the children, although
iv on, u oi interest to all. It will
lie niissionnrr in r,l, ,
n 7 ,i """"'.irr, aiiu loll
all are cordially invited.
Iu the evening, the monthly niuii.
cal service will be held, for which
several instrumental aud vocal solos
hay been promised in aod it ion to the
regular music Dy tne vested choir.
Wednesdav nvwnlna ... u. 'i.
the Philharmonic Club meets in the
" ireaay inn club is be-
wiuiug very popular, and a number of
new members are admitted each meet
ing. The number of members has
almost reached 50, and when that
number ia r. ached, all candidates will
bj required to pay au iuitiatioo fee
of fl.
Thursday eveuing the Bovs' Brigade
will meet in the Guild Hall at J :45
Baptist Church.
The II a. m. sermon for Lord's dav
January 14, wi :l be on "The Glorious
Possessions of the Christian " I0
the evening the theme will be "Wis.
is packed full of new goods. A large car just un
loaded full of Christmas things for the people; come
and make your selections while stock is complete
and have your presents laid aside for Christmas.
All useful, handsome articles.
Particulars later.
A. U. Bannard
North Sixth Street
1 Buv and Sell Real Estate
$650.00 Takes good 5-rccm house with barn and one acre of ground.
$600.00 Takes new S-room bonse with lot, SO ly 100 feet.
Plenty of other good snaps.
Youry for bargains,
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
Hello 393 Office, 611 lie.sidence.
516 Street
First National Bask
It. A. IIOOTU, President J. C CAMPHELL, Vice-Presidw. 1
II. L. G1LKKY, Cashier. I
caimtaij stock .
Surplus and l Hdlvlili it
Receive deposits subject to check or on ccrtillcutc payable on demand, f
Mis drafts on New York, (.'hirngo. Sun Francisco, Portland umi t-i-attle. F
Special Facilities for making collections thi ouyb numerous correi-pundrafc
R. A. Booth, II. C. Kinney, p. H. Haiith, John D. Fbt I
J. T. Tuffs, J. C. Camphell, II. L Gii.kf.v. I
We are prepared to do all kinds
of Plumbing, Wo use first
cfass material and employ ex
perienced workmen. Come to
us for estimates on Sewer Con
nections. : : : :
Minings and Irrigating Pipe,
Tin and Galvanized Iron work.
Furnace Heating a specialty.
Ileal Est ale and Timber
dom i i Temple with Seen Pillar.
1 ll. Tlikl.. 1 .......
..... u.un. uwu meets at ma. ni
Willi the study of fie Wise Men Kind
iti(r Jesos. in Matt. 2. The Jnuior
l.-K. Rt S -OO r n. ... .1... ..
L. L. at 6:80 p. m. will hnrli l,.v
IntereetiuK sessions to which too are
. This chnrcli will begin special meet
mg on Sunday, Jauuarr 21st. The
niillir,r Will Hn .
first few days after winch he will be
agisted by State Evangelist K. E
Biltingtoo. Proniiuence will be
BITen to tha tll , I . .. L n L. t
- - - - . - - miviiiuivu mri
Simula RiKlil nv, ,-;.,. .
' - - vui.ohmuhj wiinoni
human creed or names are reaeouahle
basis for that "Christian Unitr"
which U coming. The faith empha
sized will bo such a faith in Jesos si
will let him lead the life. Jesus is
worthy to be trusted that far It
means eternal life, "He that obejeth
not tlie Son, shall not see life."
All are eordally invited to atteod
the regular and special services.
Grants Pass, Ore,
cf JSoDltein
. . tmo.ono.oo
I'lollts . SBU.OOO on
Hardware Co.
Leslie's Sterilized-
For Sale at ;
i).. n rur,, U.ifik'
wm iiiuiiuiii't; ji;
420 Front Street
Palace Hotel Block-
N. B. Souvenir with each 1