... ont-mcii rn ivTs PASS. OREGON. JANUARY 5, 1906. ROGUE RIVER COURIER GBANT3 PA88, OBEUON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Evsry Friday. Subscription Ratasi One Year, in advance, - - $1.60 Six Month, 76 Three Mentha, ... .40 Single Oopiea, .06 Advertising Racaa Furnished on application at the office, or by mall. Obituaries and resolution of con dolence will he charged (or st 6c per line ; card of thsulti 500 . A. E. VOOKHIE8, PROPR. Entered st the pout office at Grant I'sah, Oregon, aa second-class uiaii mailer. FRIDAY. JANUARY 6, ltXW. The Courier'! tubtcriptlon books and mall bij lilt art open at til Until to advertisers, whs may dtilrc verification that thli piper hai s larger circulation, both in Grand Pau and in JoMphinc County than any other ncwipaper publithed in this city. The county court at ltg sosaion thin week made the Rogue River Courier the official paper for Joacpliiue comity for the year MOfl. CITY COUNCIL HAS LIVELY MEETING Cut Engineer's and Attorney's Salary Down Fffort to Raise Saloon License lo $1000 Council met Thursday evening with all present. Peter Gravelin, elector! councilman from the Third ward, to succeed Will Smith, who declined re-election, wai worn In and took li is scat. The matter of support to indigent persons was brought up and It was do decided, that as the charter prohib ited the city from appropriating money for auob par pone, no more such 1)111 would be paid aud that hereafter the city poor be turned over to Josephine county to care lor. It was ordered that hereafter all bills against the city be tiled with the re corder not later than the Tumidity preoediug the Thuisday of the meet ing of the council. The new Are limit ordinance wai paaaed, which permits only tirick ot stone buildings and cement or granite sidewalks ill that ntrt of the city em braced between U and J gtreoti and Fifth and Seventh streets, tlio two half blocks on Sixth street between J unci K streets, aud the north half of the blocks ou O street from Fifth to Third streets, and all the depot grounds be tween Third and Seventh streets. iioud of Col. W. Johuaoa, city treas urer approved. Councilman Cliauaae Introduced two ordinances that stirred up n lively commotion and which set the wine ones to sKcnlatiug whither the pub lisher of the Ohrurver had launched a n form or a political boom. Ills flr( ordluance, which lie got insst-d by a baie majority under a bunk union of rules, reduced the aalury now paid to City Attoiney A. C. Hough from fid to (10 per moutli, aud the salary ol City Euigneer If. 1. Reynolds from 110 per aoulh to $1 per year. Hit second ordiuuuee provided that biIooii shall pay a yearly licence (if IliKK) foi elling ipiritoos liquors and -'i()0 for malt liquors, and that all licenses, ol 100 per year, lie cancelled Feliruury I, IWKt, ami the untamed (onion be re turned to the saloon keeper. Coun cilman Chausao gut this or.iiimnce panned to second reading, hut bin mo tion to put It on lis final pnm-ngn in voice! down, his being thu uly vote in support of it ('ciiuioi Ilium Kvtacli'a motion to talilo the ordinance met the nine fate. Mayor Good and Council men Hair aud Hall and the other tma tueiis meu oil the council oppoeed audi radicul action and thought It IickI to defer the mailer until the acntt ment of I lie oily could lie aNcertnined. Tim ordinance him Mir rid up live ly dlacuaainu aliout town the nullum men taking it ai a prohibition menu ore, or that it is ill the inteient of a few million men aide to pay (1000, anil O f levHcuiug the iiiiiiiIit of aitlniiiis lo the advantage of Hie drug etore " blind pigs." Many of the conm rvitt Ivn lint iotas men of the city hold that the Hit limna might htiind a hiiiiiII min to their IIcciik.'H, provld 'd tlial the ilrou stores selling liquor he inaile to nho pay a licenne '1 he piclnliitiniiiMif look UHin the new license 1 riltniinci aa a long nlep toward eliding out the saloons in (irsuls r'naa. 'I he orilmitiicc will le up for further coimlileratloi. at the next council meeting on Jan. is. COMING r.VI.NIS Jan. H, Monday "Jerry from Kerry" at the 0ti limine. Jan. 8, Monday Circuit court for Josephine comity convenor. Jan. lit- Saturday, "A Jolly Anuri can Tramp" at the Opcia liouac Jan. 17- WciIih moIv.I'Iiu'U n pie nip per at the V. It. V. I ill' by (lie la dlea of the I'lirihl inn cliurch. February 1-1, Wnlni mlity Tuii-herf examiualiou for .liHephine county begins Ht tirantn 1'sm April DO, 1 rlduy I Iregon primary eliv tioua for all rne. June 4, Monday tlregou nlute and county elections. BUSINESS I'OINIrHS. Ink-at Model Drug Store Heveral lines of Iliatiug Stoves at So per cent diH-ount at Ciniuer liron. Send tour family warhiug to the Hiesju I sin ml r y . All rough dry work IS ceut per doseu. l'lioue 11711. Eyes carefully listed aud gimme Sited to correct any defect of vtmon by Dr. W. V. Kremer, Courier build tug. Prices reawiiialile. Your clothes called for and delivered and all tiatwork that goon through the mangle waahcr. Ironed at 2.'kj per dosen. ti rants Pan Steaut Laundry. Pbone 7. A souvenir with eiery 10 eeut sack carton ot Leslie eteiliaed satt. Corporation books, itixk (.orttflcales and seals ai the Courier otllce. Bay Leslie Sterlised salt, it is puts, no ooutauiiuation or typhoid. Germs. CONDOR COMPANY BUYS LOCAL ELECTRIC PLANT G. P. N. W. L. & P. Co. Sell Shell Electric Business Bui Retain Their Water Ple.ni. The contest, which began a year ago for the control of the electrio light and power anpply for Grants Pass, terminated lata Saturday when Dr. O. R. Ray, manager of the Condor Water Power Company, bongbt for his com pany the electrio plant and street lighting franchise belonging to the Grants Pars New Water, Light & Power Company. The price paid was not made public but was probably about 10,000. The Grants Pans company retain their pumping and ice plants and their fran chise for supplying the city with water. R. W. Clarke will continue to act as maiingcr for the company with his office, as heretofore, on Went E street. Carl Gentner, who has hereto fore been city electrician and super Intendnut of the light, pump and ice pluuts, will continue in the employ of the company and will have charge of the two latter plants. The company is now installing a new pump that will have a capacity of 1.500,000 gal lons of water each 21 hours. With the old pump now in, the company will lie able to pump to the reservoir over 3,o00,000 gallons of water each hours. Extensive betterments to the distributing aystom is planned for this year, it being the purpose of the com pany to give Grants Pans a water aer vico equal to the best had by any city in the Northwest. Buuday the electrician! of both com pan!es were employed in changing the ennn. ctlfina from the old to the new system and that night Grants Pass, which had heretofore been getting electrio current from both stations, was entirely lighted from the Condor million at Gold Ray. Mr. Clarke will be the Grunts Pans manager for the Condor company and all business for this city pertaining to electrio light and power will bo attended to at hia ofllen on E street. C. L. Clevenger who has been city electrician for the Condor company, will continue to hold that pOMtion. Jay Hooth, who has been a lineman with the old com pany, will now be with the Condor Company as one of their crew of line- tu n. The Condor company will retain the electrio generators as they are al the Water company 'a plant, mid by nu arrangement with the latter have them in riadluena to put in ocrntiou on hurt notice nhould the long diatHiirt service be inteirupled, ao aa to not leave the city in darkness by teaaou of an accident. Dr. Ray stated that it would be the iiid. evnr of the Cei dor Coui any to give Grants Pans a first class electric light and power service. Patrons could havetheir choice of taking light by eitlu r flic flat or the meter rate, and thero would bo mcliaiigo ill rates Willi a rate cf lOceuts per kilowatt ti privnto users and 1.40 per month for 112 C. P. InclinileK i lit street lights and 111. SO per mi nth for 2WX) C. P. arc nlreet lights Dr. Hay claims that 11c town In Oregon Is getting a cheapci light service tliau is Grunts Pans. The contract for street lighting is m-mim ri by the Condor company. Grunts Vwit now has eighty-three ill C. 1', Incan descent atriet lights and ten Si 410 C V. Hie street lights, and the Southern Piiciflo has sn arc light on the depot grounds. Geo. S. Calhiun and several other buslncfs men have arc or incan descent lights !' front of their places of liusiniss, and the Condor company has a big electric sign In front of tlicii I ruin-foi met station. With all these city and private 1 ghts Grama Pans is utile lo make the claim good of having Ihe la nt lightid streets of any town ol -I 111 1 1)1 r i.e lii Oregon. wiisirtrjd Taken Off Ami n liirr I'liil lno, 11s tin following will show (larlaiui Heaters 1()" Cheerful Heaters IS0,, Ml Others - - 'JS0 l'lit'so iliscuunts will I10M until .Ian. :iut, l'.KH". It iiii'iins liiui'h if you not'il llmitiT, tliis cluiIH'O or will nooil a You 01.t iiiinin soon. Cramer Bros. ll 1-Vlluwsa' lllot-K To Our Friends & Customers The ending of the year reminds us of the many courtesies you have extended us, and the assistance given by you which enable us to call the Golden Rule one of the fore most stores in Southern Oregon. In extending thanks and the compliments of tho season, we are not unmindful of our obli gations to you and assure you that wo will show our appreciation in the same manner as has been our habit in tho past, by giving you tho very best values to be had. Wo wish you u . Bright and Prosperoi New Year. RECEPTION GIVEN TO BRIDE AND GROOM Residents of Murphy Tender their Congratulations to Mr. and Mr H. L. Reld. Murphy people always enjoy them selves. Even tradition points with pride to the social gatherings of the Applegate as far back aa the days of the Crescent City freight teams, aud liy shouldn't Ihey be happy? They have every surrounding to make them so. If the ceaseless song of flowing waters, the odor of an eudleas forest, the sunlight reflected from the snow capped hilln, together with a moral nature aud aaatisiied conscience would not produce happiness, then this earth hnan't the conditions necessary to its development. That tho joople of onr neighborhood understand the fact that to he happy one's self is to make others glad, was fully shown las'. Monday night when more than fifty of their friends gath ered at the home ot the nowly woddod Mr. aud Mrs. II. I.. K.-id. No, it couldn't have been a chari vari, for that awfully spelled word to us menus all tho horrible, unearthly and supernal tiral sounds the human ear la ca able of recording, aud like football aud pugilism, stands for the hick of civili.ati n yet tn overcome barbarism in the human make-up. liiHtoail of tearing the siding off the house, breaking the windows, or blast ing up the doorstep, the prtsrrjce of the visitors was announced by singing. They were met at lliedoor and invited in by the jovial Mr. Held who, with his new wife, received the well wishes of Ihe crowd, some of the older ouen speaking from the kuowlidge of what fuch congratulations mean; the younger ones knowing not and worry ing not ever the m lining of such wishes, ninl others of us caring to learn Unit uivstio meaning but having as yet fouud no tcHchcr. After the congratulations a carefully piepuied program of recitations, vocal and iuntiuuit nlal music was rendered ; tlieu came thu timo honored "treat" of the brde 1 i(l groom which consi'led of a bountiful supper of ojhtcm, snod vi lilies, picklo, )ies, cakes nud cnlTee. At a late hour the compiiny wended their way lioniewaid.eaeh with tl e in ward desire that every person of every clime might feel a contented, have a many fi jcudn, and live in aa favored a community as w iih the good fortune of the residents of Murphy. May time never dun the memory'of this new year to Mr. and Mrs. Keid. May each succeeding year with its trials and its joys, Its hopes and its fear he as happily commenced as 11KK1, mid although the rapid recurrence of new year's day brings the inevitable truth that the sp 11 of life in shorten ing, may it also impress us with the fact that to live Is more fearful than to die and Unit man's goodly influence .-tops not at tlio tomb. COMMIT! KK. New Years e.t New Hope. The (cople of the New Hope coin- iiiuii'ty asneiuhli d hiat Similar night to watch the old je.tr out and the uew year in The occasion will long be'rt lie inh. red an one of profit aud pli as ure. 'ilu finttiiesit the meet ing wi re vocal ami instrumental music, rccitn nous, sc'ccl readings and npcechca. C. N. lliiilwiway had charge of the liter ary put of the entertainment, and the Stringer brothers the Instrumental utilise, bile Clarence Wjnant enliv ened the occasiou with the gra hi pbone. A t uiperu ce lecture by Hteplieu Jewe l was delivered and re ceived bv the audi' lice w ith marked a; proval. Mr. Jewell Oim ussed thin 'luintiou from the pcr.-onnl liberty siitudpoinl, shoving that 110 lersoti ha I a ri;ht to do w rong. C. S. Until- away then gave an explanation of true religion, which lie uettued to be uui v. ril broth) rhood. At tlie 1 1 - -11 r of midnight a parting song was Ming and all went to their homes feeling that it was good to have 1. 011 theie. TKACHKlt. Attention, School 1'e.trons I'lipilawill be allowed to cuter the Is I'riinatT grule duriug the mouth of January. After February 1st uo pupils will be received in the M i'rj maty grade who are not prepared t' enter the chinsea already formed. J AS. A. Sl.OYKK. CI nil until I'oard of P rectors. H. K. TVKNKll. Snpt. 1 Me ins lcs uutrmou and ill colise Hiiencc 'e vitality. Wlieu Ihe liver fails to secrete bile, ihe blood be etiines loaded with bilious properties, the digestion Ihimiiich impaired aud Ihe bowels courtlpnt d Herbiue will rectify this; it gives toue to Ihe siomiich, liver and kidneya, treugth ens the sp-tite, cl..r ami improves the complexion. Infums new It. 'e and vigor to the liole avi-teiu Ml ceu is .alHUtle at Naiioual Ding Siore and I at Kotermuuda. & of den dfoA GRANTS PASS.Or;, APPLEGATE VALLEY IS PROGRESSIVE Building Good Ro&ds R.ure.1 Telephones Next Im provement. Provolt is now in telephonic com munication with Grants Pans aud other places la Josephine county by long dis tance telephone. A telephone has been lustal'ed at the residence of Rev. E. Badgeron the long distance line from Grants Pass to Williams, As there is no telephone at Murphy, Kubli, David son or Applegate and tlione places an- each within a radius of five miles of Provolt a telephone at the latter place will accommodate Ja largo settlement. This section is one of the largest farming districts in Rogue River Val ley as wells one of the most 1 rogres sive aud the farmers are alert in tak ing up modern ideas and methods, They are planning tc make their farm ers it'fititutes which will be held 011 Saturday, February 17, 0110 of the most successful of Ihe series of eight insti- tutea, that Dr. Withycombe aud tin Agricultural College staff will hold in Southern Oregon. They are taking nn active Interest in good roada aud some of the best roads iu Josephine county are to bo set u iu that part of A t plogate Valley. Now they are considering the mtsalling of a rural telephone sya terns uud it is quitu probable that be fore the close of this year that e'erj farm house ir that nection will be sup plied with a telephone. KERBY The New Year's dance given as a farewell jsrty to Mr. Ayers. The Christmita tall given by the Circle was a great succens Nearlj everyoue In the valley was present. The Christmas tree held by the Sun day School ttaa enjoyed by nil. An excelh ut program waa given. Each person present received a relty sou veuir box of candy mid mils. Gust Hart has bought out Ihu bus! ness owned by Pave Ayers. He took possession New Year's day. The folllowiiig is ihe report of tin Kerby echpo' fo Hie month of Decem ber: ROLL OF HONOR. Ma Hanson George Meissner Kva Me issuer Wenlev Wwdcock Frank Meissner lleitha McCallister t'arvy r toyd Ralph Feheley Kls in Stilh Oiiincv Stith Alice Hanson Fred llaiisou Ethel McCallister Ethel Woodcock Fred Meissner Ada Morrison Addie Hurt, Total number enrolled, 8D. LOl'SK F. lilTIIHIE, Grammar Department, Dama Duucan Charles Hansen Elsie Turner k'.mif.ili Kt.,v,i Martin Maurer Marihla Stith Mamie Turner MimiH ftiwrnu Katharina Maurer Agues Hogue Ellie Hrown l,uinov Woodcock Erma McCallister Alice T veer (ieorge Tycer Hay Turner. 'I0I11I number enrolled, ill LKKONA McKARLANl), Primary Depattun tit I.tslie rterlied salt is made from a pure nrti sinii water. Once tried always use I. )li:n,v liiiisi: Saturdayjan.13 A JOLLY AMERICAN TRAMP Ry tho Author. "A Poor Relatiou" and "Peaceful Valley," etc (IroaUst CtuiK'ilv Mclo- Drana of thc Ago Nothing like wht has come before. Novel. Redolent of Life, Cinque, Powerful Fascinating and A REAL CHALLENGE PRO DUCTION Novel Yes Bright Yes Yee Sparklin .Ye Costly.... Yee Vniqvie . ... Yee ( real Com pan v aud Ao Incomparable Prrformtuce aud the Acme of Cotuple.eueas. PRICES t 25c. 50c 75c. n it v n v. x 1 .r M. - ' i Mra. E. A. Humptaiu entertained a Ne"vT Year's'dinuer party. s r. iMiss Etta and Damas Crooks came home to Bpend the holidays with their parents. Misa Zella Harmon came home from the Pass to remain the rest of the Wiutet Robert Tolen and family spent Chriatmas'at Orants Pass with Mr. Tolen'a mother. There have a good many parties and socials in Deer Creek Valley in the last ten days, bo methinks everybody is enjoying life in the far Weat, Mrs. Wm. Turner attended the Ker by Christmas tree in company with her son and family, J. O, Turner of I hat place and was a guest at Christ mas dinner of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Carter. Mr. aud Mrs. W. G. Zimmerman entertained quite a party at dinner Christmas day. Mrs. Zimmerman quite outdid her-elf in the culinary art and the well loaded Christmas tree was an object of delight to the children. Several cattlemen are in this part of the couutiy hunting their cattle. Floyd Wynant and Miss Tena Eug lish attended tho watch meeting Sun day evening. Messrs. Will McCallister and Victor Daniels were hauling hops the first of the this week for Henry Rehkopf, The watch meeting held at fiis place was a grnud success, A very delight fal prngnui was had lasting till mid night. Mr. uud Mra, V i Ilia York and fain ily were the guests of their daughter aud lon-in-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meistenger, of this place, Sunday. Supervisors collect money in one place and use it on some other road. The rends are in some places almost impassable. The ditches washed out on both aidea right np to the very wagou tracks endangering both map and beast, especially at night. There lias been little or no work done on this rond since lust Spring a year ago, but still every voter had his f3 to pay as road tax. And furthermore the fa niers say that work has got to be done ou this toad before they will pay any more road tax. SHORTY. MERLIN Mr. Weidcniutller, of California, ia visiting his family in Merlin. H. L. Keyte left reef utly for a min ing claim ho and some others have lo cuted up Gulice crook, Mr. aud Mrs. Jim Overton, of Glen- dale, are visiting Mr. Overtou's sis ter, Mrs. Delhi Robertson, pear Mer tin. Ed Anderson, who has been at Gran 1 to Hill ail Winter, baa returned to the Strattou creek mine wh-re he will begin work soon as there is sufficient ruin to afford a water supply. The watch night party given at the Pleasant Valley school house New Year's eve was a success. A nice pro gram couissting of songs and recita tions was rendered, aud aa the old year waa about to expire a dainty lunch of cake aud ccffea was served The nllair was p aimed aud arranged by Miss Millie Frier, who is teaching in that district. Miss Frier deserves credit for her tali nt iu conducting ao successful an affair. Tlie'skalers of Merlin gave a masked skate New Year's night. The cos tunics were tasty acd the churac era well carreid out. A negro lady iu Howriug gown of large figured calioo wits tine. One represented a Spanish dancing girl, another Red Riding noon, another a Sister of Charity, one a Japanese lady, one a clown in flow ered pants and dunce cap, another au old maid, which waa very natural one a queen w ith her crown and rega' robes, and olhera equally well gotten up and enacted. Everyone young and old, hail a good time. TRIX. VArVWrWWVN ; It V I L L K Y 1 L I) I Health is good as a general thing. except a few vhsir of Canada fever; nothing serious. Mr aud Mrs. Miittindale, of Grunts Pass, havo returned home after visit- i' g at W. Y. McCollum's the past week. Mr RonMiian made a business trio lo Grants Pass the first of the new year ami made himself a present of a new wagon. The new year is hero with fine pros- I ei ts of a year of pi uty, if we all do out part, work and smile aud uot mtiruirror complain aud fret about our lot iu this life, for we all have much to le thankful for. Rev. George Claik was called no Slate creik on New Year's dav to marry a young couple, Thomns Pol lard and Miss Mamie DeVore. The young couple took the atteruoon stage to Grants l a-s to take the train for rortiami 10 spent! tn Ir honeymoon. Harriet Howard, of 'Jihl V SJtl, s New York, at nun littiu ha.l !,-... Iieantv spoiled with a skin trouble. She writes: "I bad Salt Rheum cr Ecieitm lor years, hut nothing would cure it, until I used Ruck leu's Arnica salve." A quick and sure lit alt r for cuts, bums aud sores 36c at all diug stores. Wood-$l.2Sr Cook stove aud heater wood for sale at I.8.'i a tier delivered. Harry Smith's sawmill. Leave orders at Sugar Pine Store. I St. ViuceuVs lufant Asylum, Chica 'go. shelters homeless waifs awaiting ' adopt iou. aui there are nesrly 400' llne there Sl.ter Julia writes: "I ' ranuot shv too much in praise cf Foley 's Houev aud Tar for coughs, i coble, croun and wlmtninA toutaina no opiates aud is safe and sure. Ask for Foley's Honev and Tar and insist upou haviug it, "a it is a safe remedy and certain in teenlta Refuse substitutes. For sale by H A. Rotermund. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR. SALE. FOR SALE-Three houses. RIGHT PRICES and terms. J. D. Drake. 12-29 It. FOR SALE BRICK 60,000 bricg for sale 11 sold at once. Inquire of Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. MARE FOR SALE, weighs' 1100 pounds, gentle and readily driven by a woman or a child. Also for sale two Sue Jersey cows, both giving milk, aud one cow to calve in six weeks. Address T. L, Sims, P. O. box 235. Grants Pass, or at farm four miles below city. 12-211 4t. L'ARM FOR SALE two miles from Mer 1 iin. UK) acres aliout 50 acres of Kood liottom land, 25 acres in cultivation, small bouse and barn and aliout 50 acras under fence, balance of land suitable for orchard or pasture. For further particulars ad dress W. M- Crow, Merlin, Oregon. 2((() ACKK ranch, good prune and apple orchard, small fruits in abundance; water for irrigation, besides springs on every 40 acres; center of good range country ; two dwelling houses, big barn, every thing complete; well sheltered from frosts, good milling markets, one halt mile nortli of Tunnel 9, price (2,501). inquire at tins omce. rOR RENT. FOR RENT A suite of fine oftloe rooms. Address the Courier, tf SITVATION WANTED. WORK WANTED 14-year-old.boy with dependent parents, father crip ple and unable to work, must have work Immediately in order to pro vide food, Addess, BOY, care Con lier. 1-6 It POSITION wanted on a farm by a young mairied man who would have his wife with him and board themselves if desired. Good refer ences given. AddreBB, Farmer, care Courier, 18-21) tf MINING PROPERTY PARTIES wishing to buy or sell minirg property will do well to cor respond with B. Meyer, Merlin, Ore. WANTED WANTED To buy team. Iiarnesa and wagon and to rent a farm. Address A- Addmgton, or M, A. Tompkins, Grants Fas. 12-29 2t DRY WOOD DRY PlJNE chucks at $1.25 per tier wnne they :Jast, cash with order, O. O. Lund. 1-6 2t TO EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE Portland suhur. ban reaidence property for Grants ross residence property A. B. voorliles. BUSINESS CHANCE A FARMER who wauts to put iu a little mill for cutting wood, pickets or fruit boxes can get a new outfit, never nsed, consisting of 24 inch " circular saw with a 1 1-2 inch, ,'fonr-fnot Arhnr. nnllpTu liltltt...t boxes aud 20 feet' of five inch belt- ing at a bargain, by addressing ui'u.n. nerrioit, Applegate. J2-Si)8t WANTED Man to put in t.100 in cash laying business. Address Box "i. City, 12-20 at MISCELLANEOUS ORDERS taken for fine cookies a-id Mead. Mrs. K, B, Brown, 408 See ded strset. Tel, 585. FRANK BURNETT-Upbolstering, mission furniture made to order. COI.ESTIN Mineral Water is best for inuie use. ijer-uy sells it. Grants Pasa Post Curds at the Cour ier Ulice. Typewriter supplies, ribbons, par, eic, hi 1 ne courier omce. FINE dressmaking, shirtwaist suits ana otner sewing done Iu firstcliss sryte. unudreu's suits a specialty. ' Prices reasonable. Mots' Addition. Josephine alreet, between Fghth nuu itiiiin. airs. w. k, will lams. jjj.fcu tf SHOE REPAIRING. SI1CE retailing done by JohnHackit at mbpii & Sou s, Inc. slori1 DISSOLUTION NOTICE WE tills riuv have riK.,W,t . ship. All book accouuts are tu be j ai'i 10 j, a. tveriev, J. E. KERLEY CHAS Mct'AUI.EY Grauts Pass. Die. 2(1, I'.Hti. City Treasurer's Notice There are fniulu in Hm -ii- ..,. to redeem all outstanding warrants i""""'"1 " ny 1st, mns. interest roiiio 0111 vK-Hsa aiier tins date COL. W. JOHNSON, Citv Treasurer Dated at Granta Pass, Oregon, De cember loth, 11IC5. PICTUREvS Me. he a'Most Acceptable Gift & & & I have placed on display a choice lot of pictures, some are high-da. and works of ai t not usually found on sate outside of largo olUoa, In artistic frames of latest design. Selection is large and complete. Picture Frames Large assortment of Picture Mould inga of latest effects In Gilt Enamel and Antique Ouk and other material. Frames made to order and promptly See the fine display of pictures and frames in my show wirdows. L. B. HALL North Sixth Street FARMERS FEED STABLE J E. KEKLEY, Psuts. l ast stable south on Sixth street. Room under rnrr f,, 1 jl l. 40 wagons. Ilox stalls. Corrall I Only the beet hay, clean grain a'c' alfalfa fed. RoUeJ barley and otl r grain. No diseased horses allowed. Pi running water, and trough dean- every day. W ailing room and toilet room whti 1 ladies can leave wraps and arrac(.t their Unlets. Se have never heard of a singTfT? ataui of a cold resulting in Pneomtt. uia or other lung trouble when toley. Honey and Tar .has been taker,. It not only stops the cough, hot heals and atiengthei.s the lungs Ask for rclev'a vi..,.. .j t r ; r-fuse any substitute ofTered Dr C, J- Bishop of Aguew, Mich., writes: I have used roley's Honey and Tr Id three wry severe cases of linen . mouia with good rv.ulu iu everv A.U.Bannard's BIO- STORE is packed full of new goods. A large car just un loaded full of Christmas things for the people; come and make your selections while stock is complete and have your presents laid aside for Christmas All useful, handsome articles. Particulars later. A. U. Bannard North Sixth Street I Buv and Sell Real Estate HOW IS THIS? $650.00 Takts good 5-iotm house wiih barn and one acre of ground $600.00 Takes uew 5-iconi house wiih lot, 50 l.y 100 feet. Plenty of other good snaps. Voury for bargains, Joseph Moss, The Real Estate Man HEi.1.0 393 Office, 611 Residence. 516 E Street Grants Pass, Ore. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co, Paid Up Capital Stock Tntnsaets a general Banking business Receives deposits subject to check or on demand ccriiflcuteg. Our customers ro assured of courteous trcuinicnt uud every considcralir consistent with sound banking- principles. Sufety deposit boxes for lent J. Frank Watson, President R. A. H00T11, Vice-President. L. L. Jewell, Cushier. First National Eank cf Soulfcern Cmion R. A. BOOTH, President J. C CAMPKKI.L, Vice 1're.ide.t IT. L. C1ILKKY, Cushlcr. CAPITAIj STOCK Surplus and I nli Idi d Receive deposits sulijecf to check or on certificate pnvulile on demand. Sells drafts or, .New lock, Chicago, Sun Francisco, l'01'tlitnd uiiti Cattle. Kpetlal facilities for miikinjr collections thruujjli nuuiciotis correspomlenU. I'irectorH: R. A Booth, H.C.Kinney, P. H. Hahth, Jons I). Fry, J. T Tuffs, j c. cami-hell, II.LGilkey. 6Q1 Six Hundred and One is tlio Tannery number of tlio l0Ht OAK SOLE LEATHER MONEY CAN BUY Confirmed by FIVE Worlds' Fair Awards: S Louis, grand prir.e, l'H)4; Palis, grand prize. l'JOO; Chicngo, grand prize, 1S'3; Paiis gnrid prize, 1878; I'hila delphia, grand prize, 1876. A trial will convince you of its excellence. From now on this is the grade that will be used in my shop on all repair work, and in spite of the advance in price of leather, uiy prices will remain as at present. Half Soloing Ladies' shoes, 40c Half Soloing Men's shoes, 75c W. KEENE, At K. L. Hart left's shoe store. W. B. SHERMAN Koal Estate and Timber ROOMS 10112, MASONIC TEMPLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 731 v $25,000.00 l-n.flu, SUIS.OOO.OO 1 ; ftBsM sM