VOL. XXI GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22. l')05. No. 38. I Sell Real Estate W. L. IK ELAND, "The Real Estate Man." W Ground Floor Courier Bldg. 4 r -v--v--w--v--v--u-FVVVWWW witch rrr The kind you don't lose because every one remembers a QOOD Umbrella. Bert Barnes, the.. jeweler j If you want a good, pure, wholesome SALT that will not pack or clog in the salt etakers, buy Leslie's Sterilized lt; ALT!: Use the Velvet Grain for general kitchen use. Both kinds on sale at THE ROGUE RIVER COFFEE MARKET, 420 Front street. W. B. SHERMAN Ileal Estate and Timber ROOMS! 10 &. 12, MASONIC TEMPLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 731 POWER and Electric Light Wo are now ready for business. Do not make any contract until you have seen our solicitors. Pat ronize end encourage the com pany which has already forced LOW PRICKS, ASD WHICH WILL AID AND IIKI.I' MILD TP YOUR TOWN' AND (oi NTKY. Judge us by what we have done and are doing. Condor Water MAK11LK AND GRANITE WORKS J. II. PADPOCK, Proprietor. I am prepared to tarnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind 1 j.hl r.r lratllle. Nearly thirty lesr of experience io the Marble business warrant my laying ..... i fin mir or, lets in the Terr beet manner. ( n Inrnisn work in Scotch, Swede Marble. , . Front street, ne It to Greene's (junsnop. E. A. WADE Dry Goods, Underwear. Notions, Etc. Front Street west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS. OREGON t t t fen Houses Negotiate Loans Make Collections and Write Fire Insurance. Call upon or write t t Grants Pass, Ore. "3 window tor ?ti is is TJINIVIIVO & Power Co, or American Hranit or any kind of Fithuag 'For seven year," writei Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle, with chronic stomach aud liver troubles, bat at last I woo, and cored my diseases, by the one of Electric Bitters 1 unhesitatingly recommend them to all, aud don't intend in the future to be without them in tbo bones. They are cer taioly a wooderfol medicine, to hare cored aocb a bad case ss mine." Isold, onder guarantee to do lbs name for yon, by all droggists, at ouc a Dot I lie. Try them today. GRANTS PASS LEADS IN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Will Have Nearly Four Mllea Main Sewers Business Streets to Be Paved Soon. Having completed the exaniinatioii of the truuarript of all tho proceed ings relative to the issuance of the $1S,000 of bonds for the construction oi tne becoud and Seventh streets sewers, and fooud every detail strictly legal, N. W. Harris & Com pany, of Chicago, who were the suc cessful bidden, have notifitd the city that they have accepted the bouds and that they will remit the money on their receipt. The boudg were printed this week at the Courier office on the regulation lithograph forms and have been sent by express to Chicago. In their letter of acceptnuce N. W. Harris & Co. paid a tine com pliment to the freedom from techni calities and legal flaws in which they found the proceedings of the council and other details connected with the bond issue. They alfoccuinieuded Ilie financial standing of Grants Pass and stated that they rated those bonds as gilt edged securities. The transaction has been qnite profitable to the city of Grunts Pass for the bonds will yield about 0,000, this arising frcm the face value of the bonds, $1(1,000, and the premium ol $770 and the accrued intere-d of alont 250. which will be paid by N. W. Harris & Co. As the sewer contract was taken by S. Klovednlil at 15,513 there will be a surplus to the city of about t4,500. As the paving of Sixth street and that part of G street iu the business district is the next improve ment to he undertake n by the city it is proposed io apply this money to that puipose. And the disposition of this surplus money brings up the qnesiiou as to whether the street improvement shall bs paid by the city or by the abutting property holders. The Courier has interviewed a number of the leading tax payers and business men of the oily and tho very large majority are found to be iu favor of the city asiuui iug the cost of the work, a is being dune on the 2'4' miles of main Hewers that are now being laid. (irauts Fuss and Ashland are good examples of the workings of the two systems of paying for fewer and street work. Ashland meets all such ex pense by assessments on abuttwig property, with the result that the city is in one coutinued tnriuoil and liti gation. Injunction suits to restrain the city, aud actions for the collection of assessments are of common occur rence aud entail a big expeuse ou the taxpayers aud ou the individuals. Bills for attorney's fei s, in addi tiuu to the regular salary of the city attorney, are a regular feature iu the expense account against the citv and Ashland in the last 18 months has pUd cnt enough in lawyers lees to build a good leugth of sewer or pave a large section of street. Grants 1'hh has paid for all street and suwer work out of the city general fund and has not had an injunction suit or other legal action to make added expense to the taxpayers. It is a fact that cannot bo contro verted that sewer aud street work always cost more when paid by as sessments on individual pioporty holders than if by the city. This is occasioned by the contractors taking into consideration the fact that they are liable to be delayed in their work by injunction suits, or hindered iu getting their pay by reason of delay in the asseSMix UN being paid, so 1 1 it y make their bids higher than they otherwise wonld.' Aud the litigation is no small expeust) on the taxpayers, even if the city w ins, and tin u if the city loses, as did Ashland both last year and this year, they are in still t heavier. : The modern spirit of co-operation j and the helping of the weak hy the strong is a factor to be considered iu meeting the expense for pulilic im provements. There are many small properly ow-uers along the business and the resilience streets to wh( m an extensive street improvement would mean the crippling of their buniuess or the confiiicatiou of their property if they were fo ced to pay by the assess- '. ment plan. While on the other hand they could pay, with no financial embarrassment, the lesser amounts iu the form of taxes, that would in the ! eud amount to quite as uio h as the OU6 big assessment, wliii h would he ' levied for the paving of thovaiioos streets of the city. There is another factor io this street paving quistinu that has a large bearing ou the n rity of the eutire city, aud that is the improving the streets that connect with the coonty roads leading into Grants' Pass. Now that the couuty court has decided to adopt, with this Spring, a modem system of road work aud to begin the permanent improvement, of the main highways it will become an Imperative matter to improve the connectlug streets. To have the coonty roads end iu a mud hole at the city booodary would be very much against the best interests of Grauta Pass. To macadamize those cr nnect iug streets and meet the eieuse by assessment on the shutting property woold be confiscation to most of the owuers. Under the role for making street improvements by the assess ment system no street can be paved antes a majority of the adjoining property holders sign the petition that Is reqoired as preliminary to the city ordering the work done. This would certainly result in the streets in the out-lying residence districts remaiu iug unimproved and there wonld be section of mud-covered streets to con nect the macadamized coonty roads with the paved bosiness streets. And there would be no way of raising this mod blockade ou the country traflio reaching the city. To depend on the assessment svstem for improving the streets of Grants Pass wonld be certain to resolt iu diferingfor an indefinite period the betterment of the streets of this city. A very large part of the property of Grants Pass is owned by the occu nauts and tho larger majority of these persons are in moderate circumstances, for they are new people who have come here to get a financial start aud while haviug success iu their efforts, they are not able to meet a big street assessment all in one payment. It is more than probable tin t the improve ment of Sixth street would not be undertaken for several years yet if the matter was decided on the peti tion of the abutting property owners. Aud it is equally certaiu that the residence streets woold not be macada mized for years to come if the expense is to be borue by the adjoining prop erty holders, for thev would not sigu au improvement petition that would almost be sure to lead to the selling of their lots to ray the street assess ments. With the whole city sharing iu the expense thereby rendering the burden light on the individual prop erty holders, the betterment of the streets can be undertaken and from now on one or more streets can be paved each year, and soon Grants Pass would have a system of splendid streets that wuld do more then any other undertaking to attract the at tention of investors and the bettor class of homeseekers to this oity, and to put it at the front of the progres sive cities of Oregon and to make it the largest city aud the metropolis of Southern Oregon. MAGNESITE LEDGES WILL BE OF VALUE Big Deposits in Josephine County Awaiting Development Be a Great Industry. Califoruia is tho only slate, accord ing to a report issued hy the Geologi cal Survey, that produces maguesito, which is a native magnesium carbon ate, composed of 47.11 per cent mag nesia and 63.4 ) r cent carbon dioxide During 11)04 the quantity of crude magnesite produced was 28,'iO tons. There are vast deposits of niHguesite in Josephine citinty, it being especi ally plentiful on Limpy creek, 14 miles west of Grants Pass, and ou Tuylor creek in the Galice district. This magnesite is of very pure quality aud will hi come of great value when railroad transportation is hail. When the Grants Pass and Crescent City ruilroud is built and a branch line run down Hogue river to the Galice district the pri duel ion of magnesite will Income one of the big industries of Josephine county. Magnesite is valuable for a variety of purposes, chief of which is iu paper manufacture, for soda and other miner al waters and lire brick for furnaces. Tim rock, w hich is pure w liite and looks so ue like quart., in the preparation for its various us g is first burned in an air tight oven. A ton of mugnesite will give off about fioo pounds of carbonic acid gas, w hich is condens d into a liquid form and shipped in heavy st el tanks to the soda Witter fuctoriei. The r Hinder of the rock, which is uiaguesia, Incomes a soft while pow der. This powder is usrd as a Mi'.iiig in the manufacture of paper to give the pulp a close body that enables a smooth finish to be given to the paimr. This powder is also used to manu facture lire brick and tha lining of furnaces where intense heat is re quired. The demand for magnetite iu the ('lilted States Is large and rapidly inen using. All Hint Is now Usui in the Knstern Stales is import' d fiom Europe. The California manufact urers are able to supply the demand on the Pacific ('cast The freight rates are so much less from Kun po to the L'nit-d .States, than are the rates from the Pacific Coast to the Kant, that it is not prohtahle to ship magni site to the Kastern pap'T mills, soda works and brick manufacturers. Whenever the railroads cut dowu their exhorhi t.jnt freight rates, both to the Port land and the Kastern markets the vast deposit of magnesite ahont Grants Pass will b'cou.e valuable and a great in dustry will lie built up that will bring a big payroll and a large freight truffle to add to the factors that art to make Southern Oregou one of the most pro-perous sections of the Pacific Oiast REDUCED RAILWAY RAILS The S. P. Co. deduces Rates for the Holidays. On December A 24, 25, SO. 81, liKl'j and January 1st, IDW1 tickets will be on sale to all points on Oregon Lilies at on i aud one-third fare w ith a mini mum rate of fifty i.'Oi cents. Children of half fare age, half rate with mini mum of U'i cents. Return limit January 2ud. Stop, overs will not be permitted. A. L. CK Alii, O. P. A. Repairing Chairs and Rockers Have yoo a chair or rocket that the rounds and legs persist in coming loose? Call in and let us thow yoo how it can be filed for keep. We have opened a reir shop. Phone ; W Thomas A O'Neill AN ELECTION GUIDE FOR OREGON VOTERS Full Instructions That Voters Must Heed In the Forthcom ing Election. The following from the Oregonian is a complete synopsis of the direct primary aud geueral election laws of Oregou, and it shoo hi be preserved fur reference by voters . "The adoption of the direct-primary law has given Oregou such a compli cated system of elections that not even the accomplished politician can carry in his miud all the details of the proceedings leading op to the general election of state, district aud county officers. Ono of the most difficult things to ascertain aud rem ember ii the dates upon which the various steps in the nomination and election of officers must be taken. Ju fact, the ordinary citizeu caunot figure oot the dates if he has the statute before hint, for the language varies aud dillereut methods (if com puting time must be adopted. At the request of The Oregouiau, Secretary of State Dunbar aud Attor ney -General Crawford have examined the election laws aud computed the time w ithin which is'titious must be filed, notices given and other business conducted iu preparation for tho elec tion. It will be seen that the eampaigu of ItHXI really begins during tho last week in Decern! er of this year, when Initiative petitions must be filed if the promoters desire to file pamphlets iu mpport of the pnqoscd measures. The pamphlets must be brought to the office of Secretary of State Dunbar by December liO. If the promoters of measures do not desire to file pam phlets, they will have uutil February 8 to file letitions. It should also lie explained that po- titious for nominations for district officers, such as circuit judge, district attorney, joint senator and joint rep resentative, must be filed in the oflioe of the siHiretary of state, and not In the offices of county olerks, and the dates governing nominations for state o 111 res are applicable. The following list contains all the dales of Interest to the voters and the candidate for otlice : Hegistratiou Registration books opened hy county clerks, Tuesday, January 3. Hi gistiatioii books closed for pri mary election, April 10, 5 p. in. Registration books opened alter primary election, April 2u. Hegistratiou books closed for gener al election, May 15, 5 p. in. Initiative petitions Number of signers required to initiate laws or amendments, 7 ISO. Last day for filing Initiative peti tions, February 3. Last day for filing pamphlets advo cating mtasures Dei emlier 110, 1 '.).". Last day for filing pamphlets oppos ing measures, Fehruay ii. Direct primary election County clerks give notice of pri mary election nut later than March 21. Last day for liling petitions of plac ing names ou ballot of state, con gressional aud district o Ulcus, March i)U. Last day for filing petitions of county ofllues, April 4. Date of primary election, April 20. Canvassing uf primary election for statu otlices, May b. General election Last day for filing certificates of nomination for state olllces hy assem bly of electors, April ID. Last day for a filing nominating petitions for state olllci s, May 4. Last day for tiling certificates of nomination for county olllces hy as sembly of electors. May 4. I.H-U day for filing nominating peti tions for county olIlces, May ID. General election, June 4. THE OBSERVER FAVORS JAPANESE IMMIGRATION The.1 l'eper Taken to Tn.sk for Advocating Such Un American Ideas. Kditor Courier: As an American aud a working man, I cannot refrain Ironi answering iu your aper, an ar ticle published ill ll.'i Observer of December lMth, relative to the indlg nation of President Roosevelt uvi r the exclusion of the Jupu-- from the i'sciHa Coast. J The Observer says that the Califor iilam evidently have a sior c ncep tiou ol the fitness of things when they desire the restriction of Japanese Im migration. l-et us see wliut thn Observer evidently considers the fit order of things. Aocordlug to grod authority uearly all white foreigners, and Americans also, are forced hv Jajauese cnuiiM'titinii to leave the Hawaiian Islands, where these Asiatics fill every position from a common laborer up. The little Brown man works for the sum of (14 a mouth and boards him- If aud proportionally cheap at different kinds of skilled labor. The Jap is clever iu all kinds of busiuess from a shoe shop to a general merchandise store. And It is pretty near safe to say can live two thirds cheaper than a white man, who has to support his family in a decent manner according to the requirement of civilization. How can the white bosiness man compete with the cheap rioe eating Jap that lives in a board shantyf Are thousands of young white men of Christian parents to be obliged to work for starvation wages, or be driven from the walks of bosi ness lire by the men from the Mikado's dominion? Are our white brothers to be poverty stricken aud their prospects roined, iu order to insure the pros perity of the Pagan JapT And when the Observer refers to the English and Irish iu his com rarison, it is to be deplored that be seems to be incapable of tuakiug at lean a slight distiuctiou between his fellow white men and a Browu Asi .tic. There are at preceut (50,000 Japanese in Califoruia, aud because the intelligent people of that state reniemoustrate against the influx of this class, that threatens ruiu to themselves aud their families, the Observer Hunks the Califoiuiaui have a poor oorcention of the fitness of things. When the Observer says it is such an ootrage to exolude the Jnpauese because they possess so much valor and learning, let him remember that many of the nark colored descendants of Mohame t and bis followeis, were great warriors aud learned .men, aud yet who is it today that wishes they had ooiiqoeruil aud dominated Europe? ours truly, WILLIAM MACK AY. Grants Puss, December 18, W05. PROFITABLE OPENING FOR A FLOUR MILL Not a Flo ur Mill Operated In Jose phine County-Fine Mill In Grants Pass Stands Idle. While Grants Pass has a new flour mill of 00 barrels capacity, with siiace and power for enlarging to 120 barrels ier day, vet Uot a pound of flour Is maiiufticturid in this city, nil being iinortid, the bulk coming from Med io nl, where an Hi barrel mill is' operated to its full capacity, day and night. Jackson county also has flour mills at Ashland, Eagle Point and Gold Hill and the most of the wheat for these mills, as well as for the Medford mill, is Imported from Knstren Oregou and Washintgou as but little wheat is raised iu that county silica such vast areas have been put Io fruit and alfalfa. Josephine county has two grist mills, one at Grants Pass and one at Kerby. yet neither ever turns a wheel. This inactivity is not caused by the lack of a market, for the sales this net yi ar in Grants Pass alone amounte d, as reported to the Courier hy the lix-al dealers, to over 1(1,000,000 pounds of flour and HO car loads of feed. While Grants Pass is thn chief distributing point of Josephine county and a putt of Jackson county, the imports of flour and fin d at this place is fully equalled by that at the other railniid points from Vtoodville to Wolf Creek. It is a low estimate to place the increase in flour and feed consumption for Josephine county at 10 per cent per year. This industry has three elements of succcts to it, it is steadily increasing, is safe and is certain for it bus no tluolual ions in b iiiiiiiel for people rat us much one year as another and being a necessity it is nut handicapped hy credit. While Josephine county grows even lens wheat than Jackson county yet that is no hindrance to the profitable operation of flour mills iu this county. Owing to the railroad giving a lower rate on whi at than on flour and feed wheat can be importid and ground here and successfully compete with flour shipped in from other mills. Iu flirt the ill llon-nre iu freight of It self will innki a fair profit to the hx-al gristmill. 'I he operating expenses of a gristmill would be not greater ill (iriiuts Pass than Iu Medford, I'emlle Ion or Portland, for pnwi r and luhi r are in higher here thun in other ails of the slate. It would be nil' of the best investments that the business men and property owners rf (irauts l'ii"S could make to organize a com pany mid purebu-e the flour mill and ope.a e t. The operation of this mill would add ut leas Ihree men to III' pa) mil of the city and would keep at home a large I or lent of the money that is now suit away fur flour, and thereby stop one mere of the drains on the prosperity of this city ami county. The Grants Pass flour mill is new, both building and equipment, and is up to dale Iu every rcn eel. It bus a choii e hsatioii ou one of the most no- ro-aihle places ill the city mid lni-i a sinh to bring ears alongside the warehouse 1 he mill is now titled with a -Ml II. P. toiler and a l"i II. P. engine, and fuel is no hi, her heic ihau in oilier Oregon towns Kin trie pow- r ( an now be hud and rot ably ataru'el'Hri than steam would cost. 'Die (l ain building of the mill is Willi fit, of four klories, with a ware house adjoining :ilix70 fi t, and t large boiler and engine house that is separate from the in (in building. The parties building the Grants Pass mill were thorough millwrights and did a firsO las job from the founnaioii t installing the machinery and got it so nearly completed before their mono) gave out that It would require not over t'lM and 10 da)s time to have all iu readiness for grinding win-it The present owner is not a mil man and is desiroasof selling it and wl:l give a bargain to the purchsser. Curtis & Co. fm Watches, Clocks, Gold Kings and Jewelry, flue watch repairing, engraving. Goods sold at reasonable prices. Come aud see os. I. O. O. F. Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. I QQin M ftA I AWAnTiFn UULU ""CUftL rAVVArtULU rUR NUGGET DISPLAY Grants Pass Banking and Trust Company Given Honor by Lewis and Clai k Fair. Manager L. L. Jewell, of the Grants Pass Banking & Trost Company, re ceived Saturday the gold medal and the accompanying diploma that was awarded his bank for lis display of gold in nuggets aud quarts form, at the Lewis and Clark lair. This wag the only gold medal that was awarded to a Joeephine coonty exhibit, and being given in a contest with gold ex hibits from all sections of the Pacific Coast and Alaska is a fine ccmplimeiit to the Grants Pass Banking & Trust Company, as well as high honor to Ganta Pass and to this miniug district. The Grants Pass Banking & Trust Company bnys more gold from miners than any other bank iu Southern Ore gon, with the possible exception of the First National Bank of this city, and it is quite certain bundles more g Id than any bank in the other luiuiug districts of Oregon. This exhibit was made np from the stock ol gold that had come to the bank in the or dinary dealings with the miners and no nuggets were l urchased or bor rowed from other banks Io complete the display. A display almost as large and fine can be aeeu at any time at this bank, for new purchases are regularly made and a considerable quantity Is carried as a part of the cash n serve fuud. A special burglar root safe carries this treasure aud It is one of the lute resting sights to visitors to Grants Pass, and Manager Jewell always extends the courtisy of showing the exhibit to persons who visit bis bank, aud desire to see one of the products for which .Soot hern Oregon Is noted and which does so much toward giving this section the substantial prosperity that It eujoya. Cured Hit Mother of Rheumatism "My mother has 1 n a sufferer for many years from rheumatism," says W, II. Howard of Husbaud, Pennsyl vania. "At times she wa. unable to move at all, while at all times walking was jaiiifnl. I preseuted her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Palm and after a few applications she decided lt was the most wonderful pain reliever si e had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and Is at nil times able to walk. Au oc casional application of Pain Halm keeps away the pain that she was for merly troubled with. " For salo by all druggists. HUSBAND MUST SUPPORT WIFE AND CHILDREN This N the Kullnu of Judu Frailer, of Portland, and la Sound Law. Circuit Judge Kra.er of Portland has rendered a decision iu his court that a husband can bu made to sun port his wife and children, whom lie has deserted even thouuh lie has puhllihed notice that he will not pay their hills, tho filing of a divorce suit by the husbaml or Wife being all that will terminate tho husband's liability to the support of his family. Mils ruling of Judge Frazor is of sH.cial interest iu Grants Pass lVr there are a half dozen or morn, do - serteii wives Hi una city who uie struggling to support themselves and their children, whllu their failhhos husbands are able to shirk their pai t id the bunions that bear so heavily on the helph ss women ami children. Ijouialaiui hss a law that makes it a rime for a husband to desert his faiullv and not provide for their sup port, and he is liable to a term In prison and to have his property up- plied Io maintain In wife ami child ren. Wife ilis'tllen Is hemming such a frequent crime in Oregon that more lrastio laws si (ml I be enacted to punish sue h Iniahauds. Hm-h a law would do iikm In pri vent the mar ring.) of irrespi nsihl-i men ami thoughtlesi women than all the re- z $ W. A. t fe Itf'jsic hath i THABI MARK '"' strictions on divorce that could be brought abont by church e dots and moral reformers. As the law now is a husband bas bat to cooly walk away, leaving big wife and helpless children to struggle as beet they may with want, while be goes to another dis taat locality and eecures a divorce, publishing notice to tho defendant wlfd in some obscure paper, where she will never see it. Did term in the penitentiary and property loss Btara a man in the lace when he stocd before the marriage altar, he would be more likely to make good his promise to protect and snppcrt the woman be was about to marry than he now is when a marriage compact is more easily broken than a business partnership. DANCING HARMFUL ONLY WHEN MADE SO Correspondent Submits Ideas on This Vexed Q u est Ion. Hie Editor Courier As gome of your readers are hunting a solid founda tion for their views on the dancing question, permit me to give them a little assistance. The quest lou of dunoiug, like many other questions, must be settled at tho bar of common tense. There la no divine law ou the subject, aud very little iu auy of our civil codes. Ab stractly, it is neither siufol nor dis graceful. A man may eugnge in dancing and still be a Christiau, geuileumn, and a democrat. There are, however, many evils as souiated with some of our modern daucing parlies, but. these same evils are fooud at other kinds of parties. The ball games, the Christmas trie lartyaudthe church festival aru not always free from disorderly; oonduct. Those who can see so much harm iu dancing, and so little harm iu some uf the things that are being done every day aie certainly very unsafe ad visers. A wellhrod gentleman will behave at I lie dance or anywlieiu else, aud when our young people leurn to disn imiiiite between tho true gentlo mii3 and tho hoodlum, there will then be little room for complaint. What wi need is a thorough reformation of the present social life. Begin at the dance if necessary, but dou't stop there. If custom admitH the un worthy to the dance, then let os change tho cost If (lancing is healthful and refining, as some claim it to be, we should see that its btmuly and pleasure ate not marred by any thing degiadiug. Neither dancil g nor any other kind of auiueemen. should be carried Io excess. The young ladies of our country should enter Into- au agreement lo not associate with any yourg man who visits the suloon and the guinb liug den. This might bo a little bard on tho politicians, but it wonld bo a most powerful reform remedy. Wheu we eliminate the drunkard, the gam bler and tho grafter, wo may then get teady for the uillleunium. STEPHEN Jh'WKLL. Omuls Pass, December 18. Announcement for Sheriff. I take this opportunity to announce through the press to mt friends of JiMehpiuu county and the republican party of said county that I am a cau- li liitii for the oflioe of sheriff of said luuty. My iiiituo will bo In-fore the 1 t'rimary nominating election April JO, I'.nsl, as a (iiudidutu for nomina tion to the office of sheriff by said re publican pariy. J. P. McCONNKLL, Merlin, Ore. No Csic of Pneumonia on Record. We do not know of a single Instance where a ciugh or cold resulted in pneumonia or (onsuuipticn when Foley's Homy mid Tar had beeu takeu. It cures coughs and colds per fectly, so do not take chances with some unknown preparation which may contain cphilis, which cause co stiputimi, a condition that tetania re covery from a cold, Ask loi Foley's lloni-5 and Tar and refuse any sob stllutn offered. For sale by H. A. lloti rinuiid. for Paddock, Jflt EAST OF DKPOT.