ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 15, 1905. FltOFESSIONAL CiBDS. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practloe limited to KYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, and fitting of g luxe. Uffioe hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and on ap pointment. Telephone 261 and 77. UiAin Pm, - - Oekuoh 1)RS. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS, a. n. doculas axa a. douolai, m.d. Physician and Diseases of Women Burgeon. and Children. Phone 631. Kei. 1061. Oor. Sixth and E streets. GHAUT, Pass, - - Obioom J)R. R. C. KELSEY PHY6ICIAN AND SURGEON Couklin building, North Sixth Street, oppoeite poiloRloe. Office phone 1003; ret. phone 697. Ghanth Pakh, - OaxaoN. I)R. J. C. SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at National Drug Store. Phonos, (Jlicw SMi; Kes. 1046 Rwldence cor. 7th and D street. Ghajiti Pass, - Ohiooh J)R. W. F. KREMER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Courier Building. Office phone 911, residence 413. Eyes tested and (lassos fitted. Ga ants Pahs, ... Oheook. j;arl v. ingels assayer and chemist. All work guaranteed accurate and re name. Office opp. P. O. Phone 1003. Grants Pahs, - Ohkuon. J J, D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practloe in all State and Federal Courts. Office In Opera House Building. GHANTH PARH, - Ok BOON . C. HALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over First National Pank, Grants Pahs, ... Okkmon. (J H. CLEMENTS ATTORN K Y-AT- LAW Practice In State and Federal Courts. Office on 0th and C streets opposite Court House. Phone 1011. Grants Pass, Ohkoon A. C. HOUGH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, rraotinea In all State and Federal Courts Office over Hair Riddle I lard ware Co. Grant Pass, Ohkoon J. II. AUSTIN, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Union Building Krhbv OhB : WILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. H. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MINING ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN lltli Ht , norlh uf Josephine Hotel. Gsanth Tans, Ohhiion. IfcOGUE RIVER ENGINEER ING COMPANY CIVIL, MINING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS an o CONDUCTORS. 4111 F street. Phone 91. Grants Pahs, OkkuoN Palace Barber Shop HATES & WILLIAMS, Proprs. Shaving, Hair Cutting Haths, Etc. Everything nest and clean and a work r Irst-ClaH. J. E. PETERSON (I'lONKSH) FlRL, LITE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Agent Ilig Horn Basin La ml Co., A' joining. Anchor Wire Fcin-u. ,1. I. IC) nultls l. J. l.swlitu Reynolds & Lawton Civil and Mining Engineers. M EC 1 1 A N ICA I. DR A UGHTS MEN AND SURVEYORS. (rants Pass Oregon A Great 1 Separator There Is a nr.sT in everything. It imial'lH' licsr MA UK, KAMIKST I'SRH, MOST KK KKCTIVK. MOST SUI'LI'- lly actual cmnpari son In actual use Tubular Separator Has proved it hits them points in Its lavor. That's wlml put it away Skhecid of nil other separators That's way I sell it. del hold of facta. V, rile to Rogue River dreamery, Mkhfokp wm;nN. BUSINESS POINTERS. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist M. Clement, Prescription Druggist. A Gentleman' smoke the Stage line. For a o'eau bed and a good meal try the Western Hotel. President Roosevelt in colors with large mat, 10c at tht Masio Store. Second hand cook stoves and heaters cheap. Moore's second band store. And still I am insuring and selling real estate at the old stand. J. E. Peterson. Go to Corun for Plumbing. Calling Cards Conner Building. Underwood Typewriter agent. A. E. Voorbies. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron't Maps of Oregon Wash Id ton and California at the Musio.Store. Don't forget Calendar Day on Saturday, December Kith, at Cramer Bros. Real Estate and Timber W. B. Sherman, Rooms 9 and 10 Masonio Temple. When You Have a Bid Cold. Yoo want a rtmedy that will' no only give qnick relief hot effect a permanent cure. Yoo waut a remedy", that will re lieve the lung and keep expectoration easy. Yon waut a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward pneu monia. Yoo want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy and permanent enre of bad oold, and is without a peer. For sale by all druggists. A Dliutroui Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when yon lose your health, because indiges tion aud oonstipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief nan be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and enre headache, dizziness, colic, con stipation, eta. Guaranteed at all drug stores ; H5o. M. L. Baldwin was here liwt Sun day. J. T. Payne is plowing for Frauk Topping. Rally Fields and his sen George spent Sunday at Provolt. O. M. Knox, the Powells creek lumberman, wits at Proved t lust week. Ed Lnyton of the Mountain Linn nine, was at Provolt Sunday on bnsi- neHs. The party at Mrs. Sharp's was at tended by L. W. Smith and daughters and the Fields Bros Miss May Smith, the waitress at the City hotel, is very ill with brain fever. There are two chances to oue against her. Hay is selling very low hero this season, Jfl to H per tou. Hops are from H to 10 cents per pound. Most of oor hops men are holding for 20 cents. Jim Spencer, one of our young men, was out hunting one day hint week and shot at some ducks at long rauge, aud had the misfortune to bend his gnu barrel. We stippi He he strain ed the gun shooting so far. U. W. Fields, who has becu staving at L. VY. Smith's for the last three mouths, was taken Very ill oue day Inst week hut we think he will re cover soon as be will have the best of uire taken of liiiu. Hie Brainless Wonder, N. I). Miss J Caroline Smith was at Will iams Crock, Sunday on business. Kelly Fields was at Grants Pass a couple of days this week ou business. Miss Ethel Euihler of Williams is the guet of Miss A lieu Lewmaii this week. Willie Earris, of Applegate was at Provolt Tuesday visiting relatievs and bis many friends. Fred iicuedit't of Applegato who left to attend the Ashland high school returned the first of the week. Look for the Provolt news next week as I will give a dencriptiou of Provolt ami its surroundings. Everitt Lewinan of Laurel Grove, was at Proiolt Tuesday to get sup piles, returning the same day. A. Itclisnpf, one of our hop growers. who had been at Grants Pass for some time, returned home Monday. Ullie Hall, of Little Shasta, Cal returned to Provolt after Severn' months wiih his larents at that plae. Zeb Hyde of Laurel Grove, passed through Provolt 'Ihursday en route to Williams, jwhere he remained till Saturday. W. M. Sousou and Luis I.oesi h, the Provoit hop growers, lelt for Grants Pass Saturday to attend the hop growers union and cc aWmt selling their hops. John Sirlin. a young rattle raiser of Williams was at Provolt the tirst of the week. While here he sold to L. W, Smith a line cow and calf. Mr. $iarlin has diainsed of a number of line leof cattle this season. II McsMiutcr has sold his bay in the tmm aud Mack to W. 1. Sweet laud, of Grants IVs, r,seiing f per ton. This hav will le led to beef cattle during the Winter that will be kcit at Mr. Mi sMiigt r's tsriu. The Fall teun of the Provolt school closed Fiiday. The afternoon was sih ill with singing, recitations and dialogues. There were J:l visitors present and all enjoyable time was V 110 VOLT bad. School will begin Monday for the Wititer teini. The teacher will be Jessie Fnlntin cf Disin, Orrton. Hay in the Applegate Valley is getting very scarce. Many farmers haultd their hay to Grants Pa?s early last Fall. Baled bay is selling at (10 per ton in the barn, while loose hay is amost impossible to buy at all until the Winter mouths are over and cattle can be turned on the ranges, which probably will be very early this year. There are many reasons for an early Spring, for there are many wild flowers in bloom, the willow buds are blooming .and .the deer are moving back into the high mountains. In fact all wild animals are scarcer this Fall than for many years past. But what about the placer miners of the Applegate valley, who have to de pend upon the snow and rain of Win ter? I would think they would go into come other busintss as Ore"n's Winters are getting dryer year by year and wanner, which makes the farmers and hop grower smile. Will Bowler, a Williams creek hop raiser, has purchaatd the Ptrnoll half interest in the Flowers & Ptrnoll Hop yard on Applegate and will go into the hop business on a larger scale. Mr. Bowler has seven acres on Williams creek which is not large enough to work when hops are at such low figures as at prestnt. Mr. Per noil quits the hop business and will devote his time to his other faiin interests. COMPLETELY DISCOURAGED " Is the feeling and plaint of women who are "run-down "so low that work drugs, head aches, back ackes, hand tremble, volreijulvers, little things annoy and "everything noes wrong." Look the other wno Juttt a minute ami me vhnt lr. I'trrre'it Fitvori'e I'reM-rtiitlttti h n s done for more than a h a I f-m i 1 1 ion women In to lust 1 thirty years. W lull It hwttume for other It ci;i do for you. Relieving that alcoholic, stimu lating niiilirini'S were doing mni-ti barm, Doctor It. V. 1'lcrin turniil his Investigating mind uuon the nrolilcin of producing a remedy for the use of weak and sintering women that should lie free from alcohol and at the same time KFFKCTIVB AND SAKK. Hature luu jmivUUd uliuiuhintlti tor such nods and Dr. Pierce found in native medicinal pluuts such as the roots Ol OOI.IIKN SKAI., LADY'S BI.IIM'Kll, III.AI'K cohosh. irNii.-tutN and iii.i k cohosh, the needed medicinal prns'rtles which by peculiar processes strictly his own, without the use of alcohol, ne lias cx tractcd, preserved and combined In oxaet proportions to secure from each its best effect. Tims coiiiioiinded Ids "kavohitk Imikhi'Iiii'Tion " is u remedy for till) llllll.H and drains, weaknesses and inflammation ol the uterine system that has won world wide fame by curing more than ninely niiie out of every hundred who have used It properly. In taking this you will know v luit ynu Uike and Uike whut ou know to tic good. If In any doubt as ti w hat Is oot for roil, write and ask ail vice of llr. K. V. 'lerco, HIV) Main Street, HulTalo, N. Y., and reliable medical advice w ill be sent you by return mall in securely sealed envelope. All cnrroHjioiideneo free mid strictly conlldeiitlal. Iks-tor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the favorite family laxative. One " Pellet " a laxative, two "Pellets" cathartic dose. rpHE MEW HOME Or THE HOLMES BUSI- lirw l i.llt'g.. Tenth mill nwtitliKtuii St.. 1-erllnnil. or it.iw iin.l.-r c.nmrHcM.'ii. will rw lUlibil Hli.l Mill linv rery p.iiiti'11. Itiii. fr llu- H . Mil in. ..In 1 0 ,i, ef ftini liiil.'nll. I here will I..- 'i efrlr.-i f.,r himlii.-t. rie-llr. uli'i'il Willi il purl in en I ti'l'ihiti-, hiMIiic iiihi'Ii llm. liHia IrMt li'li'r. -nl files 11111I ftie illiiiii'i-n n .ri In tin- iiioilcrii tniNliifu ,iffli't. V iiIhti-iI b!4 urnilllii Ira III Ixmltlon liiwl v,Hr. mis BUSINESS COLLEGE Kor cataios wrlto to temiiorary atltlresa: 2i 37 Y. M. C. A. Uldg., Portland, Ore. IK YOU WANT GOOD DRY WOOD CAM. I'P Brcwn's Wood Yard 40S 2nd st., or Tclcphotio 5S5 Owe Your Own Home I have a tnodcru rixitn liotiM- iiicliuling patitiv anil bath, on sewer line, close in, poub Sx2S; small paynictit in cash or proixrty. Also 4 rootn 1hx house, same terms, Sixth ami L, stteets. Team anil wagon for sale. J. D. DRAKE. Phone 4S4. Grants Pass, Ote. aw x-ii yo B B Garman-flemenwayCo Closing Out our Big Stock at Cost. CLOTHING. $19 00 Suits $13 75 14 00 " 10 00 12 50 " 9 25 1U 00 " 7 75 8 50 " 6 50 7c Prints at 8c Muslin at 12jc Daisy Cloth 10c Outing Flannel 8c " " COLD, WET WEATHER Heminhs All Tiut- Dry Wood is wanted ! Tlio tn'st of M-aHoiiud Ouk, Laurel, Kir, l'inu and Mun.iuiilu wood de livered iiroiiiptly to nil pai'ts of the city at I't'iimiimlile priivi. Five IoiiiIh uf kindling for (1.00; lens quantity lit 2fc it-r load. Mill lilorla, 1 1 75 r load. I'lai-o your ordors now and m-Urt from 2,f00 coriU of krod wood. O. O. LUND Phono 454 Bet Mill and Moss sis, west of Gilbert creek The Popular Barber Shop Get your totisorial work done st IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Sttcct Three chai-s Hath Room In connoution Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track Turning. Si-roll Work. Stair Work, Hand Shhiiik.I 'aliiiit-i Work, Wooil I'ullevn. Saw Kilin-Hiiil iiiiniiiiiK, hrairuiK all kinds PruTs riKlit. J. M. CHILES The Pioneer (iroeer RELIABLE GOODS AT RELIABLE PRICES A S(iilty FAR M-C U R E D BACON THE FINEST EVER BROUGHT TO GRANTS PASS Fresh Fruits of All Kinds Ladies' Misses and Children's Jackets One-Half Price. 5Jc 6jc 10 c 8 c 5Jc A Genuine Closing Out Sale. He Sure and See Us Hefore Huying. We will Garman Ff uit Trees Native to the soil and climate make the healthiest and best bearing orchards. EUREKA NURSERY Eight miles from Grants Eass, in Applegate Valley, All home grown trees, true to name, free from dis ease, strong and vigorous growth. 5.000 Spitzenburgs, all whole root, ct own grafts, trees J,)t to 4'2 feet high. li5 per 1,000; 4S to 6 feet, $70 per 1.000. Twenty-five other varieties to select ftom at reasonable prices. Trees carefully dug and packed and shipments made to any point address: J. H. ROBINSON, Wilderville, - Oregon. N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERV Furulturo and I'iano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Fish, Oysters. Crabs r Phone 931 for Halibut, Smelt, Salmon, Catfish, Crabs, Shrimps, and Fresh Toke Point and Eastern Oysters. These goods are kept in Cold Storage and are fresh at all times. Free delivery. Howard M. Mitchell Cold Storage, SUMMONS. In The Circuit Court for The State of Oregon, for Josephine County. Koetta M. Stevenson, PlaiutifT, c .. , vs. I Snlt 'or J. D. F. Stevenson, divorce. Defendant. J To J. D. F. Steveoiou, the above named defendant : In the name of the State of Oiegon you are hereby required to appear and aimwer tht complaint filed against yoo iu the name of the above entitled suit on or before the SHth day of Dec-ember, I'JOo, aud If you fail to appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the oi art for the relief nrateri for In the complaint, namely : For a decree disMilvuiK the bonds of matrimony now niMitiK between the plaintiff and defendaut and lor the custody of the minor children i f plaintiff aud the de fendant, to-wit: Leua, Lloyd, aud William Stevenson. This suminnfiR is nnhlUlmd ht nrrla. rf Hon. J. O. Booth, County Judge ui jonei nine i.ountv, uregon, made aud entered November IS, 106- The first publication is Nnveuibe r 17, litOo, and the la-t publication is De cember 2V. lyos. KOBEKT GLENN SMITH aud OLIVtK S. BRUVYX, Attcimji (ci riaictiff, FURNISHING Men's $1 25 Shirts f 00 " 50c Woolen Socks 35c " " 25c " " Good Underwear, per suit Overalls, per pair 7 bars Soap, C, Silk or Star 25c 25c Coffee 20c All 50o Teas 40c Corn, Beans and Tomatoes, p r can K'c Heinze's Mustard, pint cans. 25c Save YouMoney. - Hemenway SUMMONS. Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Josephine County. D. P. Johnson and Au gust Fstsch, Plaintiffs, vs. R. YY. Nugent, Defeudant. To R. W. No Kent, Defendaut above named. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to aptenr aud answer the complaint lilul ngaint you in the above entitled artii n on or before the (1th day of January, ISM0, and if you fhil to appear aud autwer, the r la in t i H h will take judgment against Jon for the relief ill liiiimli d in their crmplaint, to-wit: The eom of I(H) witli interest at the ligal rate from May 22, 11H)5, aud for the sum of 23 Rttornejs fees, and for the costs and itiidjunenients of this action; lor an order ef tale of the real property attached herein. This Summons is published by order of Hou. J. O. Booth, Couuty "Judge, made and entered ou the ?yht dBy of November, 1IKI5. The first publica tion of summons is December 1, JliOo, aud the last publication of sumnious is January 12, I'.ioii. KOIiKHT GLENN SMITH, OLIVER S. BROWN, Attorneys for Flaintifls. SUMMONS. In The Circuit Court of The Slate of Oregon, for Jonpliine Cuouty. Elizabeth Swinden and JefferBon Wiuier, FlaiutlfTs, vs. Matison Fredenburg and First National Bauk of Southern Oregon, a oorpoa tion, Defendants. To Matison Fredeuburg, the above named defendaut. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are Hereby required to appiar aud answer the cituplaint filed against you iu the above entitled court on or before the 2iith day of Dxeenibir, 1905, aud if you fail to apiear aud answer tlio plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for iu thuir Complaint, Jo-wit: A decree cancelling that certain mortgage giveu by John Swindeu and Elizabeth Swinden to Matison Fredeuburg npou the east half of the northwest quarter aud Lots numbered 8 and 4 in Section 19, of Township .17 South, of 'iange 5 West IU the County of Josephine, State of Oregou, aud requiring the First Natioual Bank of Southern Ore gon to suireuder said mortgage and note to the plaintiff Elizabeth Swiu den and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is published at the order of Hon. J. O. Booth, County Judge of Joseplnue Couuty, rumle oT..imier , iwu; tne nrst publica tion being November 10, 1U05, and the last publication of summons beiug Duceoiber 23, ItKW. ROBERT G. SMITH. OLIVER S. BRUWN. Attorneys for plaintiffs. i rr. Wtlllams' tnrtlsn Pile I'ltntnientwill cure hllint u.v..(itiK MU IIUU III ..v buvwi wi LUT tllUIIIIH, Hays Ilia iwmuirtlou,.' ,!, liet. Dr. IVil.iuua' Indian i'llfU nt- 1- nMn- -u I fA. . i. ... In of the prfvsiff rmrts. Every boi la AkUFACTUnllS CO.. fropa.. tleveiala. o'Ti All P GOODS 85c 75c v 39c 25c 20c !0c 40c and 55c NOTICE OF SliERlrF'S SALE. Notice is htrtby given, lhat on Saturday, the Hot li day of D-ci n.hi r, l'.Kio, at the hour of 10 o'clock iu the fort mou at the front door of the Court douse in Grants Pass, Oregon, I will, to satiffy a judgment given iu the Circuit Cunt of the Slate of Oie gou, for Josephine County, in fav.r of Ellen F. St. Linis and againi-t Henr; E. Booth, for the'suin of 1217, with interest at six per cent from July 13, lili,0, sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title aud interest of il. E. Booth iu ami to the lol owing di scribed lode niin ing claims situated In township ll.'i Sooth, ol Mtige 8 West,, in Josephine County, Oregon, to-wit : The HOBSON lode mining claim located by Win. A. Wilhelui aud Mrs. M. A. Booth ou August U, V 00, tht, notice of local ion uf w hich is re corded at page -Jfilt of volume 13 of the Mining Records ; The DELLA M. lode mining claim located by Wui. A. Wilhehn and Mis. M. A. Booth on August 14, 11100, the notice of locatiou of which is record ed at page 4"i7 of volume 13 of Min ing Records; The ST. JOE lode wining claim located by M. A. Booth on August 14, 11)00, the notice of lociition.of which la recorded at page 4110 of volume 13 of Miniug Records; The HENRY lode mmiug claim located by H. C. Perkins on August 14, 1010, the notice of locatiou of which is recorded at page 4M uf volume 13 of Mining Records; The CLAY lode mining claim located by Tho. Smith on August 14, 1000, the notice of location of which is recorded at page 408 of volume 13 of Mining Records; The MAES, lode niiuiug claim lo cated by Thomas Smith ou August 14, 1000, the notice of location of which is recorded at page 4'1!) of volume 13 of Mining Records; The NATIVE DAUGHTERS lode mining claim located by Mae Smith and L I.. Perkins, ou August 14, I'.IOO, the notice of locatiou of which is re cord! d at age 470 of volume 13 of Mining R-cords; The TOM S. lode niiuiug claim lo cated by H. C. Perkius ou August 14, liioo, the lint ice of location of which is minded at page 470 of volume 13 of Mining Records; All of the above described miniug records are of Jost'phiuo County, Oregnu. Dated Nov. 29, ItHVi. GEO. W. LEWIS, Sheriff of Josephine Couuty, Oregon. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In t e matter of the 1 Estate of A. D.Custar. Dt ceast d. J Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Executor of the i state above named, lias tiled in the County Court cf the State ot Oregou for Josephine Couuty, his final account as Executor of the above named estate, and will present the same to the court on Wed nesday the 20th day of December, mw, at lo o'clock iu the foreuoou of said dny for approval. All persona having objections to said account are hereby untitled to appear ou said day aud present the same. Dated Nov. 17, I WW. ISAAC CUSTAR. Executor of the estate of A. D. Cus- tar, deceased. Order seals and robber stamps of A. E. Voorhlea. roLEYsnomTAR r v