ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. DECEMBER 15, 1905. ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Ivary Friday. Subscription Ratosi On Year, In advance, Biz Months, Tb-ea Month!, Hingis Copies, - 11.50 .76 .40 .06 Advertising Races t grnlahad on application at the office, or oy mail. Obltaarlaa and resolutions of con dolenca will b charged for at 6c per line; earn of wank duo. A. E. VOORHIES, Propb. Entered at tbe post offl'ie at Oranta Pa-s, Oregon, a second-class mau matter. FRIDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1906. TAXABLE PROPERTY OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS On Thee ('Amounts Districts Will Baaa Thalr;Lavles For 1906. The luminary of the taxable prop erty of the varioni school districts of Josephine county has Just been com pleted by County Clerk Cheshire for 1U0S. The Taloations show some in teresting fig a res OTnr the assessment for 1904. In all districts the value tlon was doubled bnt some show an Interesting increase in new valuation. District No. 7, embracing the oity of Grants Pass and a small teritorry ad jacent to the oity, shows a valuation this year of II, 871, m, as against fiMI.1. 1(16 last year. District 84, known as lower Grave, or the Karg district, has the largest valuation of any of theontside districts, it being 11117,170. This valuation is made up chiefly of non-resident property holders. The Honthern 1'aniflo paying about 75 per cent of the taxes in this dlstriat. District 4, known as the Elk Creek dull let, west of Waldo, has only about TjIXX) resident ptoperty hold ings, as against a total valuation of $2(1,676. The nou-resident proxrty holders of this district being princi pally limber claim holders, of whioh there are 30. Waldo district, No. 4, lias about 40,000 new valuation over last year. The smallest valuation is In what is known as the Woodcock district. No. 87, lying west of Kerby. The oity of Grants Pass has an assess ed valuation this year of Kerby district No. 8 and Moisner dis trict No. 8(1, have joined as oue district giving No. 8 a valuation this year of $100,706. Following is a complete list of the districts together with their valua tions. No. 1 Helma I fU.Hfifi No. 8 Holland H,0I0 No. 8 Kerby 100,706 No. No. No. No. No. No. 4 Waldo 143.HIO 6 Wildervllle 62,6115 A Upper Deer Creek.. H6.22S 7 (irauts t'ass i, 871,22ft 8-l'rovnlt... 45,(K) 2H.OO0 88,1170 9 Missouri Flat. No. 10 Laurel Grove. No. II LeUind 11(1,760 No. 12 New Hope 2ll,.'IHO No. 18 K Fork Williams Cr 61,976 No. 14 Murphy 4(1,175 No. Jo Placer 49,840 No, 1 Williams 8(1,970 No. 17-Kolwrtsoo ItM.tUA No. 18 Althouse 42,185 No. 19 Lee District 70,786 No. 20 Dutcher Creek 60, UM) No. 21-Wtiito 60,746 No. 22 Lucky Queen 122,210 No. 28 Oak Grove. 120,140 No. 24 Merliu No. 26 Jones Creek No. 2 Jewell Dlst No. 27 Wolf Creek No. 2H Centennial No. 29-Wliione No. 80 Dimniiik Dlst . 122,896 8(1,746 25,696 HI!, UNO 48,1180 81,166 99,8(15 M,HM6 42,510 28,470 1(17,170 42,906 27,1100 9,726 29,870 No. No. 81- W Fork William 82 Jerome Praiiie.. Cr No. 88 Floyd No. 84 Lower Grave Cr. No. 86 Plcenwit Valley. No. 8(t Now No. 8 No. 87 Woodccck Dist.. No. 88 Golden With every suit or overcoat, sold in from now till Christmas, we will Give Away A good kulfe.Toy or Combination Knk. The suits are for boys 8 to U years. Double or Single breasted coats, straight or kniekerbockor pants. The prices 1.75 up li7. BMJL v'-., s. Boys are up to All Sorts of Tricks. No. 89 Slate Creek 69,816 No. 40 Lower Illinois 19,160 No. 41 Upper Sucker Cr . 61,0X5 No. 42 O'Brien Dist ' 14,280 No. 43 Dryden 28,590 No. 44 Greenback 68,40 No. 45 Graves 49,800 No. 4 Elk Creek 2.576 No. 47 Lower Quarts Cr. . . 12,465 It is on this valuation that the var ious school districts of the ooonty make their tax levy for the year 1908. The certificate of the district attest ing to the levy must be filed with the county clerk before January 1st or tbe levy will be invalid, and will not be put on the tax roll for collect ion. As 10 days notice must be given for a special school meeting such districts as have not already issued their call will have to be prompt or they will be nnable to make tax levy for next year. The interest in having better schools in Josephine county is steadily gaining and each year, for several years past, the number of districts making a levy has increased, and there has also been an increase In the number of mills levied. Good schools are one of the leading factors in draw ing to a county the better class of homeeeekers, men of families and who have money and want good education al advantages for their children. The citizens of Josephine county can not make a better investment than to put a liberal sum of money in schools. Bills Allowed by County Court. J O Booth, stamps and expr...f 7 76 J C Irwin & Co., sup 2 60 Hcott Pool, fertilir for vrd.. 18 00 W H Fallin, stamps 8 00 J E Anderson, brdg work 2 20 E Ericksoo, brdg work 24 0(1 Webb Roberts, brdg work 15 00 James Turvey, brdg work 12 60 Geo Hparlin, brdg work 12 60 Geo Gebers, hauling timbr 18 00 K G Burns, care pauper 24 00 R L Coe & Co., mdsepaopr... 10 80 H O Hobizeo, mdse paupr 2 60 D E Dotaon.oopy assesa'iut roll 80 00 Witnesses, state vs Jennings... 10 00 Kellr Fields, brdg work 88 60 A U Bannard, rndsu for jail... 18 76 Mrs Holmes, caro paupr 1 76 Kogue Kiver Courier, printing fil 70 W H Flanagan, iuipit Jennings 25 20 Observer, printing 18 80 liuahong & Co., sup 00 Jurors County court 20 00 Witnsses, Cricuit oourt 2 40 Jurors, iuqst Jenniug 7 00 J H Colby, guard prisoners 75 00 W M Cheshire, extra , 20 00 Wilson, Mer Co indse pauprs.. 88 60 Henry Miller, brdg work 7 00 Mrs C M Holmes, brd pauprs.. 6 25 Geo Cronk, wrk cemetery 82 00 J It MuGalliard, care paupr... 2 00 L J Crow, care paupr 7 00 Kttin Htepheuaon, brd road men 21 22 W C Hale, securing deed at Crt house grounds 5 00 Fred Moore road work 29 16 Geo Kyley, road work 90 (iO Win Higer, road work 100 HX Win Hurgent, road work 15 90 Henry Pile, road work 22 00 D II Wimer.road work KM 85 W A Hoguu, road work 98 00 Fraiik Harless, road work 24 00 Travis Hyzer, road work 45 44 Ebb Hogue, road work 78 00 Win Smith, road work 22 94 C F Lovelace, com and mileage 61 80 1 1 XV TO I )AY WANTED A span of good, gentle draft horses, bavs preferred. Must weigh 1800 or 14(H) pounds each, be tweeu fl and 8 years old. W. L. Ire la in The Keal Estate Mau. EXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CRED ITORS. Notice Is horeby given that the un dersigned have been duly apjwiuted executors of the eMate of Peter Han sen, deceased, by order of the County Court of the State lof Oregon for the Conn'y of Jorejhiue. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the sime to George Hansen of the oity of Grants Pass, Oregou, or to Charles Hansen, Kerby, Oregon, at the ollico of J. H. Austiu In said Ker by, County of Josephine, State of Oiegon, accompauiud by tno propsr vouchers aud duly verified as by law provided within six months from this date. CHARLES IIANHr.N. GEORGE HANSEN. Executors of the estate of Peter Han sen, deceased. J. H. AUSTIN, Attorney for Executors. Harken to This Santa reikis at our clothing store. I'his is his chief distributing plsce for everything to wear for Hoy and Man. Ho has made his court here because he is convinced that our stock affords the best possible sorts of supplies. our boy aud children's department lint there's no trickery iu the make up of our Hoys' Clothing. If your hoy needs a new suit, li t him try oue of ours. SOUTHERN OREGON PIONEER DEAD T. Layton Dies Suddenly At Hla Applegate Home Was Highly Respected. LAYTON At the family home on tbe Applegate, near Applegate post office, on Thursday, December 14, 1906, John T. Laytou, aged 74 years, 6 months and 28 days. Mr. Layton had been in his usual good health until the first of this week when he was taken with a se vere oold or grippe. Tuesday he was in Grants fasa and complained of not feeling welL He took additional cold making the drive in and back of 85 miles and Wednesday he was seriously sick and a Grants Pass pliysicina was summoned. Pneumonia added to the complications and he passed away at 1 1 :20 a. m. Thursday. The burial will take place at Jacksonville, where so many of the pioneers of Southern Oregon are at rest in the beautiful cemetery of that old mining town. The services will be conducted by the Masonic Lodge of Jacksonville aud the oration will be delivered by Hod. W. M. Colvig, a life-time friend of the deceased. If the family can all get home by Sunday the services will be held that afternoon, if not then on Monday. The family consists of Mrs. Layton and Edward. Amy and Jessie who reside at home, and Lester Layton, Applegate, Mrs. O. F.. Smith of Grants Pass, Mrs. J. Vr Bailey, Williams, William Layton, Orovllle, Cal., Mrs. Mary Stephens, Tacoina, Mrs Myron Wilbur, of Long Branch, Wash, and Mrs. Carl Marvin. Mr. Layton was a native of England and was a young man when the news reached that couutry of the discovery of gold in California. He at once shipped on a vessel for San Francisco where he arrived January I860. He worked on boats on Sacramento river until Spring of 1861 when he weut on a schooner to the mouth of the Ump- qua, from which place he went over laud to Y re tu, where he mined until August 1862, when be came to Jack -souville, where he mined until 1H6H. He then mined on Williams creek un til 1877 when he took up his home ou the place ou the Applegatu-Provolt road where he has since resided. Mr. Layton was an ludiau War veter an, having served in Opt. Millei's company in the War of 1858 and in Capt. Weltoti's company in the War of 1865. He was oue of the best kuowu of the Southern Oregon pio was universally respected integrity, manliness and He win industrioos and a hnsineas mau aud left a neers and for bis generosity, thorough large estate in mines, lauds and (J runts Pasi property. The Grants Pass schools will close next Friday for the Chirstinus holi days. The vacation will be but. for 10 days .school beginning on Tuesday, Jauun'y 2. It was thought best, both by City Superintendent Turner and by the board, to have a short vaca tion, as a long vacation demoralizes to a consnleral In extent the work of the school, and also makes the school close that much later in fie Spring when the warm weather, the birds and the flowers render study impos sible to the avi rage boy aud girl. MARRIED. BENNETT BLA LOCK At the home of the bride's parents, ou Thursday November 80, 1905, W. A. Bennett and Miss Leona Jilalock, Rev. W. C. Long officiating. WERTZ GRIFFIN At the resi dence of M. A. Wertz, in Grants Pass, on Tucsdsy, December 12, 1905, James (1. Wertz aud Miss Lydia Orirliii, Rev. Clark Bower, ofilciating. Mlfs Griflin is the daughter of Mrs. W. Grilliu, residing on Rogue river near the mouth of Shau creek, aud she is a bright, winsome young lady, hav ing the qualities that will make her a worthy wife and a practical, a-msihle woman. Mr. Wertz Is the son of M. A. Wertz, the sawmill man, aud he Is an industrious, upright young man and both he aud his fair young bride have a largo number of f iemls in Jusephiue couuly who give them their liest v. tslies tor a long aim nappy mar ried life. Mr. and Mrs. Wertz will reside ou the fine farm that he and his lather own on Rogue river at the mouth of Dutcher creek. If you really want something lo make your happy, get inside of our Hurt, SehatTner Marx Clothes. For any sort of an occasion. Whatever you do, wherever you go, business, the sociiil functioii, Winter sports for any place where clothes count, we'll show vcui the right thing. When we fay Hart, SehatTner Marj clothes it amounts to saving tlmt wherever you wear them nobody you niwt will be better dnssod than you are in style, tit or quality. Hurt, Schaltuer Marx suits and Overcoats are strictly all-wool. Its your insur ance policy from them, and from us. We issue "Merchandise Orders" lor any amount desired. They will be honored at any time presented for whatever class of goods is preferable to the recipient. Clothes for the Occasion Geo. S. Calhoun Company Outfitters to Boy and Man Arbor Da.y for Grants Pass. The Muuicipal Leapue held their regular meeting Monday evening at Hall's Chapel. It was well attended and the proceedings were of much im portance in the work for the material advancement of Grants Pass. Trees, their planting, care and pro tection, was the subject under con sideration for this session. The bap hazard way of planting trees along the streets was considered and a committee, on a motion, was ap pointed by President Travis, to pre sent au ordinance lo the city council for their consideration, that will pro vide for distance from the property line that trees shall be planted along the sidewalks, and the height to which they shall be trimmed and such other regulations as may be required. This committee is made up of W. H. Hair, L. B. Hall aud Arthur Conk liu. The establishment of au Arbor Day for Grants Pass aud its general obser vance by the citizens of this city in tree planting was considered. The state Arbor Day for Oregon comes too late in the spring for Kogue River Valley aud trees planted then usually die by reason of the leaves being well ftarti'd aud the dry weather coming on before the trees can get rooted. It is proposed to have a day, liossibly in February, declared an Arbor Day for Grants fuss and a motion was carried naming Presijtut Travis, Prof. Tur ner, H. C. Kinney and J. E. Hair, as a committee to wait on Mayor Good aud request him to ret the date for a Grants fans At nor Day. Real Estate Transfers. L. B. Jamison to Wm. M. Trimble, Lots 1, 2, 8, and 4 in Block 11, H. B. Miller & Company's Addition. John II. Williams, et al, to Alfred Bartlett, Lot 4 in Block 89, Railroad Addition. The above sales were made through the REAL ESTATE AGENCY OF JOSEPH MOSS. Peter Hansen's Will Probated. The will of the late Peter Hansen, of Kerby was presented Wednesday for probate in Judge Booth's court. George aud Charles Hunseo are named as executors without bonds. The total vIue of the estate is about $11, 51X1. The Hausen block ou West G street in Grants Phfs, occupied by Wm. Dean's dry goods store, Coburn & Hawkins saloon, and owned a third each by the late Peter Hansen aud Charles mid George Hansen goes to the two latter persons. A house and lot iu Grants Pans goes to Mrs. W. A, Taylor, of Hoseburg. To a sister, Ciirttriua Detlelifsou.of Lucerne, Iowa, is given t.'OO in cash and Mrs. Chas. Hansen, of Kerby gets $li00. The bal ance of the estate is divided equally bewteen Ins sister above men tioned aud his nephews aud nieces, who are Georgo Hansen, Grants Pass, Chas. Hansen, Kerby, Mrs W. A. Taylor, Rojcburg, Mrs. W. R. Leo nard, Holland, Mrs. Louisa Tate. Wasco, Ore., Mrs. Mary Anderson, Ravelstoke, B. C, Mus Allie Brown, Union, Ore., uud Mrs. Emma Glenn, Sn Fraucisco, Cal. To appraise the estate Judge Booth appointed 11. L. Gilkey, Joseph Moss and George Riddle. PI CTURE5 Make a Most Acceptable Christmas Gift I have placed on (1 injiluy a choice lot of pictures, sotno tiro high-class and works of ai t not usually found ou sale outside of largo cities, in artistic frames of latest design. Selection is lurge anil complete. Picture Frames Lurge assortment of Picture Mould ings of latest effects in Gilt Enamel and Antique Oak mid other material. Frames made to order and promptly. See the lino display of pictures and frames in my show windows. L. B. HALIv North Sixth Street 1 Coj- right loo, by I Urt Scrutl'ner 0" Mirx gumpert" Carries a Complete Line of Goods Suitable for the Holiday Season. Ladies and Gents Hosiery and Underwear. Ladies and Gerjts Handkerchiefs and Mfllers. Ladies Pocket-books and Hand Bags. Ladies Furs in all the Latest Styles. Big lines of Blankets, Table Linens, Skirts, Waists and Dress Goods. Remember, our line is all new and prices as low as the lowest. . FRED GUMPERT Next City Treasurer's Notice There are funds in the city treasury to redeem all outstanding warrants protested to May 1st, lltoil. Interest on same will cease after this date. COL. W. JOHNSON, Citv Treasurer. Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon, De cember loth, 1UC5. -NEW- Millinery Store! New Goods, New Styles, Large Selection, Prices iKblI tire Right 31 KS. K. E. WAl'tiHTAL, Odd Fellows Block, S. 6th St. HAIR GOODS made to order by MRS. A. P DeGENAULT, Late of Minneapolis, Minn. Doll Wigs a Specialty. First National Bant It. A. BOOTU, President II. L. GILKEY. Cashier. CAPITAL STOCK Surplus and Undivided Receive deposits subject to check or on certillcute payable on demand. Sells drafts on New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Portland and r-euttle. Special Facilities (or milking collections through numerous correspondents. Directors: R. A. Booth, II. C.Kinney, P. H. Harth, John D. Fry, J. T. Tuffs, J.C.Campbell, II. L Gilkey. Tip Top Articles FOR HolidayPresents We are showing tome of the finest Neckwear ever brought to Grunts Pass. Silk Hand kerchiefs and Silk Mufllcrs, all kinds, nil prices. Men's und Hoys' Fine Gloves, silk lined and unlined, 1, to ii. Hath Holies. Snoking Jackets and llouso Coats In big assortment. Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, 2 inches square, best grade, special price for the Holidays, 45c or 3 for $1.25 Umbrellas, Mexican Carved Ilelts und Purses. Fancy Cashmere Hose, Fine Dress Shirts, White and Fancy Vests, Sint Cases Watch Fobs, CutT Links. Scarf Pins, etc. FY door to First National COFFEE. TEA, SPICE, BAKING POWDER, CONDENSED CREAM I ROGUE RIVER s 01 Q O O o Ed 03 W 'A - H 01 m w t 01 w Coffee Market Wo open for business Monday, Dec. 11, and hope to sell the grades of Coflec, Tea and spites that will will please tlie public, Our line of C'binawaie and Japanese goods are good values for the Christmas trade. We are located at 420 Front St. We will be pleased to show you our goods and invite com parison. Look in the Dordcr for the lines we carry. 'voooo 'saAHasaad 'Anar 'rcvr 'Hvons aaHaa-woj axv dvn of Southern Oregon J.C. CAMPBELL, Vice President Profits S50.O0O.00 SUS.OOO.OO 7 7 . i SRomadka Ready Access Trunk CAN BE packed or un packed without removing trayi. No tugging and pulling to get out trays nor looking around to find a place on which to let them. C w carry a full line ol thee trunki and will be glad to ihow how thu trunk tavci you time in packing or unpacking; how it II thoroughly ventilated with out removing either garment! or trayi; and why it will last you to much longer than an ordinary trunk. Lifting the cover brines the tnvi un nH out of the bottom and givei free entrance to every corner at once. C Nothing to get out of order. Will itand all the knocks and hard usage of traveling. Costs no more than a common trunk. 14 Stjlutt$5 Jup Sole Agents for Grants Pin. CHRISTMAS Shoes You will WANT SHOES for Christmas. I have a Big stock to select from in MEN'S SHOES the M. A. Packard Shoo stand in the lead for $3.50. High Cuts for Men from $3.50 to $0.00. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES in Patent Leather and Vici Kid in Heavy and Light Soles. R. O. IVIcCroskey l.ank 'A The Model Drug Store I Has Just What You Want ' 1i Our Cclebrate'd Electric f Hclt, Nature's Yitalizor, to ; uild up and strengthen the whole body and for ' the cure of Rlieum.-itism, Par alysis, Liver, Kidney. Lamo Rack, Constipation and all Nervous Diseases. Tho ( fleet of Electricity on tho nervt s is that of a power- f iui nerve tonic. Jt generates new life and enenrv and f tones up the relaxed, weak- ene l and shaky nerves and gives Uiem vigorous enen'V. , For the next 30 days, price $10.00. Regular price $2(.0(). Write or call at onco. MODEL DUUG STOKE NEW STOCK OF - FURNITURE AT McLANE'S STORE et 0 Street Second Block Irom Sixth Street At prices that make bargains Latest in Couches and Rockers Fine Silk-Floss Mattress Hotel Dressers Window Shades K itchen Treasures Kxtctition Tables Belroom Sets F.verything needed to fur nish the home. E. A. WADE IT (ioods, I'ndenvwir, otions. Etc. Front Street west Talace hotel GRANTS PASS, OREGON'