ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON DECEMBER 8,. 1905. PROFESSIONAL CA BDS. jy C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practloe limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, and fitting of glasses. Office hours 8 to 12; 2 to S; and on ap pointment, Telephones 261 and 77. (iBAMTS I'K8, - - Okeqoh J)RS. DOUGLAS & DOUGLAS, . B. DOFfeLAS AX DOl'Gl.S, M.D. t hyslcian and Diseases of Women Surgeon. and Children. Phone 631. Res. 1061. Oor. Sixth aud E streets. Gkamts Pahs, - - Oregon DR. R. C. KELSEY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Conklin building, North Sixth Street, oppotite,otofHce. Office uhone 1003; rei. phono H)7. Grants Pass, Obkoom. J)R. J. C. SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OIBoe at National Drug Storo. Phonos, Office, 36.r; He. 1046 Residence cor. 7th and D streets. Ghauts Pass, - - Omuim l)R. W. F. KREMER PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Office In Courier Building. Office phono 911, residence 413. Eyes tasted and glasses fitted. Grants Pabb, - Ohkuon. JJARL V. INGELS ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. All work guaranteed accurate and re liable. Office opp. V. O. Phone 1003. Grants Pabb, - - OmeuoN. J, D. NORTON, ATTORNEYATLAW, Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office In Oisura Houho Building. Grants Pahh, - - Ohkuon . C. HALE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office over First National Hunk, Grants Pass, - Ohkuon. (Jf H. CLEMENTS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In State and Federal Courts. Office on Hth and C streets opposite Court House. Phone 1U01. Grants Pabb, Ohkoon A. C. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Practlocs In all State and Federal Courts Office over Hair Riddle Hardware Co. Grants Pabb, Ohkoon J. II. AUSTIN, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Union HuUdlug KERHV .... OHlib.N "WILLIAM P WRIGHT, V. 8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR M1N1NU ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN 0th St , north of Josephine Hotel. Grants Pass, Ohkuon X)GUIi RIVER ENGINEER ING COMPANY C1V1I., MINING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, H Y UK AC 1.1(1 ENGINEERS and CONI1UITORS. 41UF street. Phone 91. Grants Pabb, Ohkuon Palace Barber Shop BATES A WILLIAMS, Prnprs. Shaving, Hair (Jutting llaths, l ie. Everything nest mid clean and a WOI'K t lI Hl l IttHS. J. E. PETERSON (I'lONKKK) fIRL, LIFE AND ACCIDLNT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Agent Hig Hum Basin Lund Co., Wyoming. Anchor Wire Fence. t. I. IfrjttiiMa It. J. I. ah tmi Reynolds S Lawton Civil and Mining Engineers- MECHANICAL DRAUGHTS MEN AND SURVEYORS. Grants 1'as.s Oregon Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. tiaik Turning, Scroll Work. MairWnrk, Hand hawing. 1 aland Work, WihmI t'ullcv. s.a HIiiiKaiid gumming, Kcpairtiig all kimls: I'm fa right. A Great Separator There in a mkst in ever, tin n g . It must lie HIST MAIIK, KAHIKKT t.'KWl, MUST KK KKI'TIVK. MOST S I M ! L K ll,v actuul compuri son ill actual UM) Tubular Separator Has proved It hau these points iu lis Tavor. J hat a what nut It awav 'mheskd ol all oihnr separators 1 lists By I m-II it. dot hold of facta. W rite to Rogue River Creamery, MRUrOKD OHKUON. BUSINESS POINTERS. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist Fro It Paper Courier oflloe. H. Clement, Prescription Druggist. A Gentleman'! smoke the Stage line. Christmas Present that evervniin likes at Cramer Bros. For a c'eau bed and a good meal try the Western Hotel. Pictures made on rainy and clondy days by Branch, in tiie big tent. President Roosevelt in colors with large mat, 10c at the Mnsio Store. Second hand cook stoves and heaters cheap. Moore's second band store. And still I am insuring and selling real estate at the old stand. J. E. Peterson. Yon will And oor stock of Sterling Silver to make most acceptable gifts. Cramer Bros. Ooto Coron for Plumbing. Calling Cards Conner Building. Paper Napkins Courier Building. Underwood Typewriter agent. A. E. Voorhies. A splendid line of Koyal Charter Oak Ranges atOornn't Silverware that is guaranteed for 25 years at Cramer Bros. - Maps of Oregon Wash lu ton and California at the Music Store. Curtis & Co. foi Watches, Clocks, Gold Kings and Jewelry, fine watch repairing, engraving. Uoods sold at reaHonahle prices. C'omo and see us. 1. U. u. t. Building, Urant funs, Oregon. (i. W. Fields was at Grants Pass Monday. Martin Pernoll of Applegate was at Provolt Monday and Friday on nasi- new. Harry Hrarlln of Williams was at Provolt the first of the week on cosi ness. Thos. Lewman was at Apple-gate Sunday accompanied hy O. W. FieldH on business. Will Jones, one of our hustling farmers, was at Grants 1'iuh Monday with a load of beef. Mrs. M. Peck aud Iva Hays spent Saturday aud Sunday with Mrs. Peck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Fields, at Provolt. The wedding bells are keeping quiet In the valley at present, but listen, when they do rlnK it will sound like the old liberty bell of 177. R. F. Lewman and wife were at Grants Pass Friday purohasi-ig: their Winter supplies before bad weather makes the roads hard to travel over. George Ilcrriott, the Applegate enterprising traveling agent, passed through Provolt Haurday en routo to Murphy where he siiout Sunday with friends. James Coffey, who has Ixten spend ing several weeks in Deer creek valley came home Friday aud remain ed over until Monday, when he re turned to Deer creek. Applegate is quite dull at present for the most of their youug Koplo have left to attend the Anil lull i High School where they will remain until Juno whnu they will return home. Thanksgiving has passed and it was one of the dullest that ever has been experienced in the Applegate and Williams creek valleys. There was nothing going on. I presume they are waiting for the Christmas dance at lirldge Point, Applegate, to be given by L.Rose. James Ouiilicdy, the Provolt road supervisor, has been doing considerable work at the Kelly swamps this week building levees and digging ditches, which has been ucsded for many years past for the convenience of the school children and publiu travel. i'lcasw all remember the Institute to be held at Provolt iu February. All should attend if possible. There will be a grand diuner and three new inns, forenoon, afternoon aud evening. Later it Is planned to orgatii.e a grange among the tanners of this Val ley. A farmers club or grange would be of much benetit to the funnels of this nee I ion for it would give I hem place to meet and discus the various subje. ts that pertain to the farm. The card party giveu at Mrs. K. Fields was a grand ntTair and largely altoudcd by her many friends. '1 ho evening was spent playing pedro and other progressive giutios by tint young folks. The old lolks spent the evening talking of old tunes and of Ihe days of their childhood and of their bind- hi 'M in the 'Mi's when crossing the plains, and of the danger of being iiiiiHMicrcd by the Indians, ll in pleasure and interest ,ng to listen to tales of the early d iva and think of Ihe many changes since time. The box social given at Laurel (iiove school house last Saturday by the tender, Miss Anna Parrel! of Grants Pans and the scholais, assisted liy ol hern, was very succt ssful and a pleasant time wan bail. A very in- tei'entiug program was rendered, made up of Mings and recitations by Ihe scholars and by the W hite sisters of Grants Pans. At nine o'clock the hones wt'ie sold by Thos. I.ewiuaii to Ihe big-hint bidder. The amount taken in sun fill. 1(1 winch went to the school for a new dictionary and other needed convenience!!. It is hoped that the Laurel Grove eiiterprinlug people will give another eutertaiumeut be fore Winter is over. IK YOU WANT GOOD DRY WOOD call ur Brown's Wood Yard 40S 2nd st.,or Telephone SS5 Y It 0 VOLT 1 sVVWkrWkAr A PROMOTION COMES TO COL SCHNEIDER Does the Hero Act e-nd Goes to the Front e.s Did Funston. "Katrlna," sait Schnsider "for der last foofty ears I vas cailit voost com mon oldt Yswcup Schneider, ont I vas oxtremelx id alreadty. Now I haf some plaus nnder foot vich Till knock der stufllns mit onid of dot name mit in a hurry, nnt instet I shall be Oolonel Schneider mit ouid a doubt" "From mine experiments" sait Ka trlna, "more as ninety-nine from one hoontret nf des colonels unt captains ont machers vas not two cent tort" "I dink me there tor a difference be tween a captain nf der risbings meek on der hoot for craps out shrimp ont Col. Schneider of der Unitet Staats army of vich I vas alreadty. "I shall enlistment in der army ant I vent to der i'hilliptaunts is lands, out I hunt oup der comrnandt lng cheneral unt found out der name of der rebel cheneral vich vas hiding in der brosli avayooid, ont nf vich eferybody vas afraidt, ont toldt der officer to gaff me twelve big dutch men ont if he vas not too big a piece avay I vould go ooid out bring dut rebel in det or alifw. He sait 'Egg sectly yes' mit doubts. Unt I got some sailors' oldt sails, unt ve march ooid on der Ella twosUp for der camp of der aforeset rebel by der dozen mit Yawcup Schneidar in cowmaudt. "Vun ve got in it in reach of der cheneral ve camp, unt I guf der orders dot der dutchnian pot on der sailors oldt suits nut vait, out dot ve eat nodding for von veek ven I pot on mine efery day clothes out mit a big bamboo cane I limp down into der camp of dot oldt rebel cheneral, ven he saw me for der fairat time he grap ped der big shitherao mit on der end uf vitch vas der big long bangguet unt he vent after me mit on his two legs, yoost cbobbiug me mit der bang net sex-eight-oouple dozen times, nut moot some button holes mit iu mine beer basket vich doud dink dot vas right, out he yell mit vehemently ' who goes dare, 'out I drop miue caue, uut tremble in miue boots, ont forget I der whole combinations, nut then I salt for him mit tears iu miue eyes 'poor oldt Yawcop Schneider vich vas yoost shipwrecked on der ocean out vas hungry.' Des oldt rebel looked at me a long time uut then lait down der oldt fusee mit der long bauguet out guf me some uick uacka to eat such as bacon out beans vich he steals from der vites unt could not eat. Now I siicohest to der oldt reble dot ve go ont get der twelf big sailors. "Ve all lay arooudt for veeks nnt eat der gout dings of dot safage bet hun ter ont vatch. Van day he salt for uie ' veil der grob vas getting short out tomorrow I shall sent eery man avya to get more to eat, nut veu they come back I guff you uut der sailors some dings for der Vinter. ' Like dot. "I iimuejetly veut to n.iue camp uut I viuk der other eye, out I sait for der big dutubmen 'now is der time. ' Der next day veu der soldiers vas mure as tin if milesa vay I gulf der cniiiuiandt mit loudly 'Go fur him Dutchmen' unt ve sharged hi in by der dozen mit his own guns uut veu he dont vill surrender ve put him in irous, unt ve delifre him to der com uiaudting cheneral at Manila. ' ' Der commander sait for me' veil dime, I shall vireless to cheneral F'uusent uut say for him dot Private Yawcup Schneider uf company unt vechuieut so uut so haf yoost crfurmauced der great feat of bravery at der peril uf Ins life insurance policies dot he haf yoost captivated der last uf der dan gerous rebel chenerals unt broke oup der var, ' der feat be tiat'vas der ex traoiiery oue. ' "Cheneral F'uusent vlrelessed liu uiejetly'You shall uiort der Colonel uf Private Schneider; guf him der uuiforms, unt double der salary vich it shall be oue bomitret mit fooftcy to ler derr moiit ; guf lit nt der furlong home. ' Un mine vay homo I met Cheneral F'unnet by der exideut in der Golden Gat, ou der deck uf der tuck 'F'earlcn' for der falrnt lime, be kuowct me at vuuee. ve atvauee saloot, shake liaudta unt I sait 'Chen eral l''uiineiil' unt be sait 'Colonel Schneider' uut ve lock arms out strut me aroundt der deck uf dor 'FVarlens' der aliuinil ioued ,uf der whole fitout. vas der bapplent day uf mine life. "No I go me home uut expense efery cent uf der hoontret unt fooftcy toiler for der uniforms unt uie Hacks for der Colonel, unt mil sexteen cent uf id I buy tlxy foxies for Katriua. " "th yaw" sait Katriua, " You van der gool chi'titlf man ven you va anleep; you diuks you m men into licafen alreadty, yet." Col. Schneider. J. M. CHILES The Pioneer (iroeer Kl'I.IAllI.E GOODS AT RKI.IAIH.E PRICES A Spfi-iitlty FARM-CU RED. BACON THK RNKST KVKR II R O II II T T O G RANT S PASS j .Toll lTUitS of All Killds sasSsBBwssksfaSssBssvsss , WALDO The placer mines oi this district have started op, thoagh a week later than osoaL The indications are that there will be plenty of water for a long mining season. The rains of the 1 t two weeks have been heavy enoogh to raise the streams and there is a big reaervo supply of water in the hills and mountains, which are covered with snow. In the high mountains atoot the headwaters of the Illinois river the snow fall has been very heavy and coming so early iu the Winter will insure a big re serve supply of (now to bold the streams op late in the spring. The Winter term of the Waldo school began on Monday of last week with an enrollment of 21. The school is in charge of Chan. F. Chessman. Mr. Chessman is a gradoate of Har vard and a post graduate of the Uni versity of California. Un the com pletion of his college studies he was given a position in the Fasteru Ore gon Hlate Normal school at Weston. When the Weston normal waa cloned last spring by failure to receive the state opportionrneut, Prof. ChesHinan went to Southern California. Boon after arriving there he was taken witli typhoid fever which left bis health in a feeble condition. Hoping that the bracing climate of Rogue River Valley would restore bis health he came here and secured the Waldo school. Prof. Cliennnan is a man of fine attainments and an energetic man aud we expect that out school will be one of the most successful in Josephine comity. Prof. Chessman has his wife with him. She is a most charming lady aud i- making many friends iu our community. A number of oor farmers are plan ning to secure a farmers institute for this place in February, at the time that t r. Witliycoiulie holds his series of institutes in Rogue River Valley There is considerable fanning aud stock raising now done iu the Illinois Valley, but the agricultural resources of the Valley are not as yet one tweutleth developed. It is conceded by those familiar with Southern Ore gon that the Illinois Valley has the climate aud the soil to make of it a rich agricultural district. The Illinois river is the chief tributary of Rogue river and has a valley of 40 miles long and 23 miles wide. This watershed embraces a large number of small streams, tho valleys of which, togi ther with that of the main river, will become rich farming districts when once they ure si ttled op aud de veloped. There is ample water for irrigating thousands of acres of land, now In brush and timber, that woold make the best of farms. All that is needed to make this valley one of the garden spots of Southern Oregon is to get the settlers we now have to fully realize the agricultural possibilities of oor valley and to so demonstrate them iu broad meadows and fields, well kept orchards, flue cattle, hogs, horses, sheep and goats and good ap pearing homes, that we shall attract houieseekers to occupy the thousands of acres that are awaiting their com iug. These farmers institutes will give our farmers new and more pro grennive methods of farming and teach them the value of producing only the best crops and raising only the best stock, thereby realizing the best prices. V. THE DANOHR TO THE CHILD May l mil nr thi sunk may W i luirm h'H ono, hut thorn iil;iniiT that mcnuci h every fhild's hfn if tlin mni.hiT if di li olont In womanly health uini functmiial vitality. Thnunands of wonion havo tnnio their siilTiThiK- tiihl kopt thrir tmuMca to thoiiiM'lvi'H from motives of ilohrucy utid feeble childhood hit paid fur It. Ir. Pierre, forty years nco, rinmultttl StUuvr, and found that she loid provided romedloi In iihiituUiu-n fur tho cure of womiui'a pteuhar ailments and w-ak-heM"t. lit found ttmt hon-alcnlelu tflyeurle !xtraci;t of (. olden Nul nut, Ttliiit Cohosh root, I'nicitrn root. It' i Cohosh root and l.ndv Slipper tool, combined In J unt tho ri'ht pmporit-'ii-s gavo such surprising result- that tin coin (Humd soon Ixvamo a Mandard fa Von to of bin In tho treatment of such CHios. In ft little time the demand for it tHvatntt so ii rea t t Tin t lie determined to put it up and provide for Its ru ral ulu so thai the multitudes neesjintf It 90 uld readily supply themselves. This Is now known all over tho civil- izei world as r. Vt'h f in itr I'rm- Hcrlfitinn, and it unparalleled neord of hundreds of thousand" of cures, 111 the fortv year, iustilies all that can t said of It. ( i.t nun -ttUitholU', NoM-rturet.f Jr. ft t mfi' (imJ irlUihle for any woman, of any ntfo and In any condition, to lr Pierce's Pleanant Pellets --mily on or two a day will reflate and i-lean and invltforato a foul, had Stomach, tor pid Liver, or slukfh Itowels. lr. Plercts Common Sens. Medical Adviser w ill U sent free, pa per bound. M 'Jl one-cent stamps, or cloth-lsmnd for .1' stamp. Over tout) mures and IUu-IhiUhJ Addnvss Ur. K. V. Plorco, liuiTalo, N. Y. rpKT HEW HOME OF THE H01ML1 Brtl- I-.TH .-..V r in.,i.T o riiirii.-r will 1. 1. v r-f ih.- ,-..t. tn Iftrre Mill I- t; ..if, m.htii h-- tsaf ! u tl ml ftp- t'i.auv iMv-i'Mar tf tar m-il.-rti hihu i.ff(js. .1 U ra.tu- t. H In Nt irmw. n BUSINESS COLLEGE Kor iMiulof writ to Umi'orury nathuu; Vt-r Y. M C A. WlO.. IVrtUftJ, C-r. 0 LH3 E3 Garman COLD, WET WEATHER Reminds All That Dry Wood is Wanted ! Tho best of seasoned Osk, Laurel, Fir, Pine and MunzuniU wood do livuruil promptly to all pa rtn of the city at reasonable priori. Fivo loads of kindling for $1.00; less quantity at per load. Mill blocks, $1.75 per land. Place your orders now and wlert from 3,f00 cords of good wood. O. O. LUND Phone 434 Btt Mill and Moss sts. west of Gilbert creek The l'opular Barber Shop Got your tonsorial work done nt IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Sttect Three chairs Itath Knom in connection -N E W- Millinery Store! New Goods, New Styles, Large Selection, Prices Ih&t ere Right MHS. K. K. WAUUIITAL, 6th Street, Opp. Courthouse. Fine Dressmaking ! First-class Work, t'p-to D&te Styles. MRS. R. L GAMBLE. First National Bant of Southern Oregon li. A. IHIOTH, Vnt.. J. L CAMVHKM., Vtre-t'res. II. I.. UII.KKY. Kxlner. t'AIM l'AI, STOCK Nurpluit ami UntlUiOml lifipive lir-oit unl.jcrt to i'IiwI or on oertitiiat parahle on demand rli! tlrnfiM on N rw York, c hn iu-o, all KranciMMi, I'onland and t-mltle. swial tttriiilict lor making t-olltH lion thruuijli numerous eorre?ponilenla Itirectora It. A. Ioith. H. C. Kiisy, V. II. IIaitii. Joim !). Kav, i . T. TVrri, J. t'. (.'ahfhbll, II. I,. CIilkit. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. l'AID IP CAIMTAt, STOt K Trancla a general hanking buintvi. Kw-eiTM deiHrtits saljevt to check or on demand certilicatM ('ur customers ar aure.1 of counevus treatment and every consideration con sistent with ,Und banking principle,. tvifrty deposit huas kir rant. J. KK AS K WAThOS. Tras R. A. UOOTH, Vive-Pres. L L. JEWELL, ( a-hier MA1UJLK AXD GRANITE WORKS J. H. PADDOCK. Proprietor. 1 am prepared to furnish anything in the lias of Cemetery work in any kind f lible or t.ranue. Nearlr ihiriy yar of viperienco in the Marble business warrants my lht I can till our urdeis in the very beet manner. Can turnish work in Sootcb, Swede or Amenran Itranita or anv kind of Marble. Front street, neat to Uraane's Uunshoe, - Hemenway Co, Gla sswre Queensware Groceries Canned Goods Salt Flour and Feed Our closing out sale is still Rushing. Now is the time for you to get your goods at COST. We have a big stock of goods to select from All standard goods best makes and quality. This is a genuine closing out sale no catch-penny sale of cheap stuff; we want to get away by the first of the year. Bring in your family and fit them out for winter. Now is the time to buy your goods at COST. Dry Goods, Clothing Furnishings Cloaks and Wraps Rubber Goods Boots and Shoes Notions Carman Fruit Trees Native to the soil and climate make the healthiest and best learing orchards. EUREKA 1DRSERY i Eight miles from Grants Pass, in Applegate Valley, All home grown irees, true to name, iree trom dis ease, strong and vigorous growth. 5,000 Spitzenburgs, all whole root, ciown grafts, trees 3Jj to 4l feet high, Uh per 1,000; 4', to 6 feet, $70 per 1,000. Twenty-five other varieties to select from at reasonable prices. Trees carefully dug and packed and shipments made to any point. address: J. H. ROBINSON, Wilderville, - Oregon. N. E. AkGKEW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Kurnituro and l'iano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Fish, Oysters, Crabs o""r Phone 931 for Halibut, Smelt, Salmon, Catfish, Crabs, Shrimps, and Fresh Toke Point and Eastern Oysters. These goods are kept in Cold Storage and are fresh al all times. Free delivery. Howard M. Mitchell Cold Storage. Prorlta ii'J.OOO oo. 'JS.OOO.OO. lemen way Co. SUMMONS. la tne Circuit Court of tho Stt of Oregon, for Joseoliiue County. D. P. JoliUKon and Au gust Ki'lsch, PlaintiffB, VH. R. W. Nugent, l)efendnr. To R. V. Nuueut. Defeudimt alinvo named. Iu the name, of the Stnte of Oregon, you are hereby required to ai,ear and answer the complaint lilid ngaiiiht you iu Ihe above entitled action on or before the Ktli day of January, I'.KCi, aud if yon f,,il to appear and annver, the plaintirTH will take judgment agaiUHt you for the relief di mi.nded in their rnmtilniiir tn.u'ir. 'II... d .... I of IIKI with interert at the legal rale rrom May hkis, and for the sum of tin Httornevs fees, aud for the costs aud disliursomeuiH of this action ; lor an order ot sale of tho real property attached herein. This Summons is miMI-In ,1 i.v ,,r,,,r of Hon. J. O. Unolh. ( 'mint O .Tnrluu made and entered ou the ;:1it day oi' November, luos. The flm i,ri,.-. tiou of suminons is December 1 I'.Kio aua tne iast publication of suiumous is January r, l!Ki. "KtjHKKT GLENN SMITH, OLIVER S. BROWN, Attorneys for Plaiiitifts. SUMMONS. Iu The Circuit Conrt of The Slate of Oregon, for JoHphine Cuouty. r.nzanctn Swinden aud Jetfersou Wiuier, Plaintiffs, vs. Matison Fredenburg and First National liank of Souihern Oregon, a corpoa tiou, Defendants. To Matison Fredeuburg, the above named defeuilaut. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are Hereby paired to appear and answer the cnuplaint tiled against you Iu the above entitled court on or before the Siiih dav of Di cenib. r ltfiiA, and if you fail to appear and answer the plaintiff will npplv to Ihe Court for the r. lief prayed" for iu their I oui laint, to-wn : A decree cancelling that tvrtaiu mortgage given by John Swiuclen and Elizabeth Winder, to Mmi.iin v.. .l..i Ihe i est half of the northwest ouarter aud Lois miniberen 3 anil 4 in Section 1!, of Township :i; Souih, of Mange 5 West iu lh County of Jrsephine, State of Oregon, aud requiring tbe rirst National Rank of Soulheru Ore gon to surrender said mortgage aud uote to the plaintiff Elizabeth S iu den and for such oth.r and further relief a, to the Court may seem equitable. 1 This summons , is published at the or.l. r of Hon. J. O. Booth, County Judge of Josephine Countv, made November mo;,; the hrst publics ion being November 10, urns, and the last publication ot summons being Dicernber S3, lo.i. " ROBERT U. SMnil OLIVER S. BKuWn! Attorneys for plaintiffs. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN AI ACCOUNT. Iu t'.e matter of the i Estate of A. U.Custar. Deceased. j Notice is i hereby given lhat the uu detsigued, Executor of the , state above named, has tiled iu the Countv Court .,lc, v.negon tor Josephine ST'-V"' fiual lcoo", Kx.cutor of the above named estatts aud will present the same to the cturt ou Wed inesday the COih day of December, lis 5, I t 1U o clock iu the forenoon of said : aay for approval. All irmmi having onions to sa.d ae-coon, ,re ori.bJ I notified to appear on said day sud I'ated Nov. 17, l'.los. ISAAC CV STAR. Executor of the estate of A. D. Cns- tar, deceased. Order seals and robber stamps of A. . toorbies. 1 NOTICE Of SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice in hereby given, that on Saturday, the 801 h day of DumLir, l'.ltlo, at the hour of 10 o'clock Id the fcrtnt on at the front door of t lie Court bouse in Grants Pass, Oregon, I will, to satisfy a judgment giveu in the Circa it CoLit of the Slate of Oie gnu, for Jose bine Coonly, iu favor of Ellen F. St. Lrnis aud agninst Ilinr; E. Booth, for the sum of i217, with interest m six per cent from July l'.lOO, sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title aud interest of H. E. Booth iu sod to the lol owing di scribed lode min ing claims situated iu township 35 South, ot range 8 West, in Josephine Con lily, Oregon, to-vfit: The MOBSON lode mining claim located by Win. A. Willielm aud Mrs. M. A. Unolh on August 1-1, 1MW, the notice of location ol' which is re corded at page 4.")tl of volume 13 of the Alining Kccnrds ; The DEI. LA M. lode mining claim located by Win. A. Willielm and Mrs. M. A. Booth oil August 14, 1'JIK), the notice of locntiou of which is record ed nt page 4u7 ot volume 13 of Min ing Records; The ST. JOE lode mining claim locatfd by M. A. Booth ou August 14, 11)00, tho notion of location of which Is recorded at page 4lii of volume 13 of Mining Records; The HENRY lode mining claim located by H. C. Perkins on August 14, WOO, the notice of location of which is recorded at page 4HS of volume 13 of Miuiug Records; The CLAY lode mining claim located by Thoa. Smith on August II, 11100, the notice of location of which is recorded at page 4t'iS of volume 13 of Mining Records; The MAES, lode mining claim lo cated by Thomas Smith on August 14, l'.lOO, tho uolico of location of which is recorded at page 400 of volume 13 of Mining Records ; The NATIVE DAUGHTERS lode mining claim located by Mae Smith audL L. Perkins, ou August 14, MOO, the notice of location of which is re corded at page 470 of volume 13 of Mining Records ; The TOM S. lode mining claim lo cated hy H. C. Perkins on August 14, l'.ioo, the notice of locatiou of whirh is rerouted at page 470 of volume 13 of Mining Records; All of the above described minion records are of Josephine Comity, Oregon. Dated Nov. SO, 1005. GEO. W. LEWIS, Sheriff of Josephine Coniity,On gon. SUMMONS. In The Circuit Court for The State of Oregon, for Josephine County. RoetU M, Stevenson, "I Plaiutiff, vs. J D. F. Stevenson. Suit for divorce. Defendant. J To J. D. F. Stevenson, the above named defendant : Iu the name of the State of Oiegon you are hereby required to appear and answer till complaint filed again' you iu the name of the above entitled suit on or before the 20th day of I cembcr, 100.1, aud if yon fail to appear or answer the p'aiutiff will apply W the ci urt for the relief prayed for is the complaint, namely : For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimouy now existing between the plaintiff and di fendant and lor the custody of the minor children r f plaintiff aod the de fi iidant, to-wit: Lena, Lloyd, and William Stevenson. This summons is published bv order cf Hon. J. O. Booth, County 3"Afe cf Josethilie CouDtv, Oregon, made and entered Noven,ber l,"i, 1W0.5. The first publication is NovemNr 1', lUOii, aud the la-t publication i I' rem be r So. 100") ROBERT GLENN SMITH and OLIVER S. BROWN. Attorneys for Plaintiff FS5 Ixl'llc Dr. Williams' Indisn Pljf linluietit will cure umuu. 1'tlr. Il Biwiria ihe tumor. H'tuVtt the Iwhitis at unie. .Ld a niiiii- i-tv.. trtstsnl Inf. Dr. VSiliianu'IniiiaBfilrO-9'' Blont I. nft-MH t.-r Pi Mind It'll Ipc f lbs private puns. F.rerT l'1 - PL IHSUKCTUR1H6 CO.. i-rop.. cieveituJ.