si ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 1, 1905. i " " ..... n I. iitiiiMifrr rr " frfii fmmmmmww i Clean-Up Millinery Sale. I will sell my entire stock of Millinery Goods, made up stock and materials at a (Treat discount. YOUR CHOICE OF 5 doz. Tailored Hats 2 doz. Pattern Hats at 50c at Cost 11.25 Qrado Velvet at 75c. All Ribbons and Ostrich Goods reduced In proportion. Everything in Winter Millinery Reduced Patent Leather Polos, 80c. Sale continues until goods are sold. MISS IDA WESTON. Front St., bet. 6th fvnd 7th. HEALTH OFFICER WANTS DEFINITE INFORMATION Anonymous Communications Not Heeded, But Dr. Love Wants Reliable Facta. First National Bank of Southern Oregon R. A. BOOTH, Pres. J. 0. CAMPBELL, Vlce-Pres. II. L. UILKKY, Cannier. CAPITAL STOCK Hurplus and Undivided Profits S 50,000.00. 22,000.00. (twelve deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand . Helis drafts on New York, Chicago, Han Francisco, Portland and Seattle. Special facilities (or making collections through numerous correspondents Directors it. A. Booth, H C. Kmxir, P. H. Habtii, Jour 0. Par, J.T.Turrs, J. ('. C'AMrsELL, H. L. Uii.kit. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK- ERS HOLD CONVENTION Josephine County School Glow ing Encouraging Outlook for Next Yeo-r. Post Cards Tablets t cards on tiiblet, 60 Music store. CLASSIFIED ADS. Wholesale and Retail Feed and Flour Store J. E. KKItLEY, Proprietor. Kerlet Feed Stables, South Sixth Street. Beet Brand of Hour. Hny ol all kinds. Rolled Hurley, Wheat and Oats. Clean Gray Oats for Bead. gj0 Bedrock prices. BARRELS Empty lard barrels for sale at Anit a Packing House. ERSE V OOW-For sale-Inquire W. E. Taylor at the freight depot. BEES 10 Colonies of Italian Bees in hoi hives for sale cheap. Mrs. V. O. Litton, North Ei(htb Street. CELERY Delicious, crisp, fresh from garden, not dry anil tough like that shipped. Phone 1083. W. A. Hood. HA1IY Rambler Rose The new ever-blooming dwarf Crimson Rambler. The greatest bloomer known. Also Fruit, Shade and Ornamen tal Trees, Monterey Cypress and Privet for hedges. I can get almost anything you wish in this line. Place your orders early. J. T. TAYLOR, at the Model Drug Store. FOR 8ALE-BRKJK-60.000 brica for sale if sold at once. Inquire of lUir-Kiddle Hardware Co. ;AitM FOR HA LF.-two miles from Mer lin, 1110 acre alaiut 60 acres of good Itottom land, 'i!t acre in cultivation, aiuall house and barn and about tt) acres under (ern e, balance of land unliable (or orchard or pasture. For further particulars ad- res w. an. irow, aienin, Oregon. 200 At'KK. ranch, good prune and apple orchard, small fruits in abundance; water (or nitration, liesiile spring on every 40 acres; center 01 a khhi range country; two dwelling houses, hit barn, every tiling complete; well sheltered (rom front, Kood mining marketa, one- half mile north of Tunnel V, price fz.bUU. Inquire at tins oiuce. fl!Cfi NEW STOCK OF FURNITURE -AT- McLANE'S STORE Wot G Street Second block from Sixth street At prices that make bar gains. Latest in Couches and Rockers Fine Silk-Floss Mattress Hotel Dressers Window Shades Kitchen Treasures Extension Tallies Bedroom Sets Everything needed to fur nish the home. The Model Drug Store Hai Just What You Want Our Olflirutod Electric Holt. Nature's Yitalizer, to luiM up and Htrontlion tlio whole IhhIv ami for the euro of Khoumiitisin, Tar alysis, Liver, Kidney. Laino Hack. Constipation ami all Nervous OiseascH. The t tVect of Eleetrieity on tho tiervi s i that of a nower ful nerve tonic. It generates new life ami energy am toucM up the relaxed, weak emu and shaky nerves am gives ilient vigorous energy For the next IK) days, price 110.00. Regular price Sf-'O.OO Write or call at onco. MOD1-L DIU'G STORI IF YOU WANT GOOD DRY WOOD CALL UP Brow's Wood Yard 40S 2nd st., or Telephone FOR. SALE. FOR. RENT. FOR RENT-Farnished housekeep ing room. Apply to Mrs. Craw ford, HOD Fifth street, between H and I. WANTED TO TRADE A good, sound horse for wood. Address Wood, care Conner. FIR BARK Good heavy lir bark wauttd at Lund's wood yard, Grants Pass. Dr. D. P. Love, county and city health officer, has lately received several anonymous oommunications from parties desiring to inform him on alleged matters that they thought needed investigating. As health officer, Dr. Love will promptly in vestigate all cases of oonttgious or in fectious dieeases, and all meats or other food articles that are offered for sale, aud which are alleged to be dan gerous to health, that may be reported to him. But he will not heed a bear say, or anonynions statement. Parties knowing of any violation of the state law, or the city ordinances pertaining t) the public health should promptly report the facts to Dr. Love, either personally or by letter. Pend ing an investigation, their naine and the information will be held in strict confidence. But he must know that it is a reliable person giving the infor mation, and the facts in the case mu.t be stated with such definiteness that he can locate the matter complained of. The following is a sample of the anonymous communication the Doctor consigns to the waste basket : Grants I 'ft so, 11, 18, 05. Health officer, Grants Pass. Dear Sir You had enquire Into the condition of a band of sheep that are being killed for market south of the river. Examine fresh hides. Citizen. There are two rivers in Josephine county and several bands of sheep south of each stream and to locate the baud agaiust which complaint is made might require a month's time. If the person making this complaint had been speciHo and had signed his name, the alleged violation of the law would have beeu promptly Investiga ted. Dr. Love proposes to strictly en force both the state law aud the city ordinances and prevent a recurrence of the smallpox attack of two years ago, or of the diphtheria of last Winter that caused sl.-xuess and ex peuse in many homes in Grants Pass, aud put a handicap on business that eutailed a serious loss to the mer chants. To keep these epidemics out of Grants Pass will rtquire vigilance on the part of the public, as well as of the health officer, and if the citi zens of Grants Pass will freely co operate with Dr. Love all contagious aud infections diseases can easily lie kept out of the city and the train of trouble to families and loss (f busi ness to the merchauts that follow in their wake. SOME BARGAIN POINTERS SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED Man wife waut situatiun restaurant or uiiue. Courier office. aud cook in Address R ESTRAY. STRAYED Ou Angust 18, near Dry Diggings mine, small brown horse with part double harness ou. fo reward for information leading to recover of horse. Leave word at Dean & Dickison's stable. MINING PROPERTY PARTIES wishing to buy or sell uiiuii'ir property will do well to cor respond with S. Meyer, Merlin, Oro. LOST GOLD Dollar banglu attached to high school colors blue mid white rib limn. Please leave at this office or with owner, Mix Lucie George 1 gold .Hurt- Full CHARM On Saturday charm with monogram" I) II er please return to this office. SHOE REPAIRING. Slit) E lei airing done by John llsckct at llanh it Sou's, Inc. store. MISCELLANEOUS ORDERS taken tor line cookies aud bread. Mrs. K. It. Urowu. WW Sec ond street. TV I. 5X5. FRANK BURNKTT-Upholstering, missiou furniture made to order. COI.KSTIN Miucral Water is best for table use. DePuy sells it. Newa Notea From the Business Men to Raiders. Settle Up. All iHirsous owing the linn of Gar- men llcmciiway Company are hereby notified to rail and settle the account at once. vlARMAN liEMENWAY CO. Cattle Ranch For Rent. S'.'O acres 011 Seven-Mile creek about the in 1 lei southwest from Fort Klamaih, Oregon. All fenced, house, large Ivarn, ample water supply, will out alHitit SO tons wild hay. Address, with references. P. O. Box No. t38, l'acoiua, Washington. A Famine In Blocks. The factory having curtailed their output of blocks, I shall bo able to de liver lor the Winter months, owing to the big demand, but one load of blocks on each order received. After IVreuiber 1st the price for a big load, which Is a larger load and better Mock than is supplied by the Med ford or Ashland dealers, w ill he f J, but this price does not affect orders already in. This raise iu price is made noccs wry to meet ecuscs of driver aud the team. Prices ou all other wood w ill remain as now giveu. Dry oak, Mr, madrono, uiansauita and pine de livered promptly iu any quantity to lal parts of the city. O. O. l.uuol. W. II. Timber, Temple. Sherman Real Estate and Rooms V aud 10 Masouic Call for ColeBtin Wator. Iuk at Model Drug Storo. Violin, etc., strings Courier Build ing. Get your cedar posts at 408 Secoud street. Souvenir Post Cards Courier Building. W. B. Sherman Real Estate. Tele phone 781. Give your frieuds a Stage line the good smoke. Let the Biiptist Ladies thow you a good time December 8, at the Opera House. Clothes mended. Mrs. L. S. Holt, 118 Moss Street. W. L. Ireland, the Real Estate Mini, negotiates loans. Dr. M. C Fiudley tests eyes and furnishes glasses. Bicycle Bells and Lamps at a dis count at Paddock's. Airtight Heaters all sizes and prima from f 1. 10 up at t. ranter Bros. Pencils and Tablets at the Model Drug Store. Wli.'ii you call for mineral wator in sist on having Colestiu Water. All dealers have it. Charter Oak Stoves and Rnnges were awarded gold Midal at Port laud exposition, t'oron Sells them. You'll find just what you'r looking for at tlie Kn.aar. December 8 is the date 0era house is the place. Coh still Mineral Water is pure and healthful and is the natural product of the spring. iou should have It ou your (Mile. For iale by the bottle or ease at DcPuy's. Colored Post Cards 3 for S cents Music Store. .Ml styles of Souvenir Pest cards for sale at the Music Storo. Meat A uoodly number of persons assem bled in the Newman Methodist Epis copal church on Monday evening at 7 :45 to attend the first session of the Josephine County Sunday School Con vention. The session opened with a 15 minute song service conducted by H. C. Kinney. Tb Rev. H. H. Brown then lea in prayer. Mr. Kin ney in a few words addressed the con vention in welcome. A temporary organization was then formed with T. P. Cramer as chairman and Rev. O. O. Beckman as secretary. The chairman then took the chair and the name of Rev. Frederick C. Williams was called and he spoke on "The Book We Use." The male quartette of the Prebsyterian church favored the convention with a selection. The Tt,.r,mHniml Field Worker of the Paciflo coast, the Rev. W C. Mer ritt, was introduced and spoxe on "Our Inspiration in Working for the Young." After prayer by the Rev. J. B. Travis, the session closed. The day sessions for Tuesday were held in the Baptist church. At 9:80 a. m. the chairman announced a hymn, after which the Rev. W. C. Merritt led in prayer. The Rev. C. O. Beckman then conducted the "Devotional Bible Study Hour." The toll cull of all the Suuday schools iu the county revealed the presence of Miss Stella Hart as de legate of tho Baptist Sunday school in Kerby and Mrs. W. A. Massieand danght r from the M. E. Sunday school at Merlin. Tho Rev. J. C. Austiu represented the Baptist Sun day Schools in Selma aud at Williams Creek. These are now organizations aud the report of their delegate was most encouraging. At me worn the Suuday school was organized last summer at Kerby there were four persons present. Now there is an average attendance of 30 each Sunday. At WPliams and Scitna, where Sunday schools were organized this summer with a small beginning. each Sabbath school has an average attendance of 2f aud 80. Merlin has two Sunday Schools aud each has an average attendance of about 80. The seven Sunday schools of Grants Pass have an average total attendance of 800. A very iuteiesting and helpful three-quarters of an hour was spent iu a "Ron'd Tahlo" The session then dismissed at 11:45 to meet at 2 in the afternoon. This afternoon meeting was well attended and was very helpful. The Devotional Bible Study Hour was led by the Rev Clark Bower. The adop tion of a constitution and a perma nent organization was then adopted, with W. M. Hair president; H. C. Kinney, vice-president ; Roy Hackett, secretary and W. K. Rauuie, treas- rcr. The Rev. J. P. Coudor was then introduced and adlressod the convention upon the "Primary De- parttneut" work. This was followed by an address "Teaching to Win" by the Rev. W. O. Merritt. Atter a prayer by tho Rev. J. C. Austin the meet inn adjourned to meet in thf Newman Methodist church at 7:45. The evening session was held in the Newman M. E. church and was open ed with a fine song service, after which the invocation was made by Rev. J. C. Austin. Rev. J. B. Travis then gave a talk oil "Reuchiug the Hoys, " in which ho gave lonie very practicnl suggestions on interesting the boys in Sunday school work. The closing address for the conven tion was delivered by Rev. W C. Mer rill It was iu line with his previ ous addresses at the convention and was a most encouraging talk to Sun day School workers. A pleasing fea ture of the evening's exercises was a solo by II. L. Andrews. This convention was the most suc cessful of any ever held in the cou'ity, and its work will give a new Impetus to Sutxhiy School endeavor iu Jose phine county and make it possible that at the annual convention a year In e to make even a better showing of growth fur the yinr than has been nude the pat year. Having purchased Marshall Field & Co.'s big sample lines of LADIES' SKIRTS, WAISTS, UNDERSKIRTS, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY BLANKETS I will place same on sale, commencing Saturday, tlov. 25 At prices less than wholesale; only one of a kind and all new and up-to-date, See. our window for a few prices. LADIES' SKIRTS From $1.85 to $4. 95, worth $3.00 to $7.50 LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS- From 45$ to $4.95, worth 75 to $5.00. FRED GUIYIPERT Shoes You will WANT SHOE for Thanksgiving. I have a Big Stock to select from in MEN'S SHOES the M. A. Tackard Shoo stand in the lead for $3.60 High Cuts for Men from $3.50 to $6.00. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S S II (.) E S in Patent Leather and Vici Kid in Heavy and Light Soles. R. O. McCroskey Next door to First National Hank. A Promising Gold Mine. W. T. Perry was in Grants Pass Wednesday from the Alder Gnlch mine on Applegate near;Murphy. Mr. Perry Btated that he and his partner, A Osborne, with the aid of another man, have sunk a shaft on their vein to a depth of 30 feet. It is 6x9 feet in size and is au incline of about 80 degrees, it following the dip of the vein. The shaft will be snuk to a depth of 50 feet and then a tunnel will be driven on the vein to further ascertain the t-ize and character of the ore body. The mine is now fully three feet in width and showing liood values in free milling ore. Mr. Perry stated that the roller quartz mill being put up on Apple gate, near Redlaud vineyard of Car sou & Sou, by Bumgardner & Rich ton, is practically completed. Mr. Richton has been in Portland for the past week on business matters per taining to the Michigan mine, iu which he is largely interested, but on his return the last of this week, pre paratious will he made to start up the mill. Iu addition to milling the ore from their miue they will do cus torn work for other miners. Men Put Sixty in Danger. More than half of mankind over 110 years of age sutler from kiduey aud bladder disorders, usually englarge ment of prostate gland. This is both painful aud dangerous, aud Foley's Kiduey Cure should be taken at tlie fi'Ht sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities and lias cured many ultl men of this disease. Mr. Hodnev Burnett, Rock Port, Mo., writes: "I suffered with enlurged prostate gland aud kidney trouble for years aud after takiug two bottles of Foley's Kiduey Core I feel better than I have for 20 years although I am now ul years old." For sale by H. A. Roteriuuud. That Home Grown " Mince WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. See ViHirhies for Uuderwoid Type writers and lyiH wr ter supplies. Yon will always Hud matter of in terest iu our classified ad coluiur. Don't miss the piogram at the Olera house December H, ut'dcr the auspices of fie Ladus Aid of the Bap tist church. Chamberlain's Colic, Choleri and Dlnihoea Reuiidy. This is the most successful n.edicine iu the world for bowel complaints, and is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarr hoea. Every bottle is warranted sale by all druggists. Engineering Firm Reorganized II. (i. Moulton and C. F. Rhodes, whocutieto Grants Pass last spriug anil opened a mining and civil eugi ueeiing cIVce on N est F street, met with such encourak'f incut in their liu.siiics that they have enlarged the score of their work and takrn in a partner and organized the Rogue R.ver Engineering Couipauy. The new member of the firm is J. W. While. Mr. White is au expert elec trical engineer aud had charge of the installation of the greater part of the machinery at the big electrio powt r station of the Condor Water & Power Company at Gold Ray. He hut re cently completed Jthe work of instnllj iug the ehctric plant for operating the big Cbaiupliii dredge ou Foots creek. Mr. White is au associate member of For the American Institute of Electrical Eiiginecrs, and has had large exper ience iu all classes of engineering work. Mr. Moultou is a deputy V. S. mineral surveyor aud Mr. Rhodes is au expert ou all kiuds of hydraulic eiigimeriiig. The firm also handles other lines of business as will be sen by the advertisnient chew-here iu the Courier. But Liniment on Earth Heury D. Baldwin, Snpt. City Water Works, Shullsburg, Wis. writes: "I have tried many kiuds of liniment, but I have never received much benefit until I used Ballard's Snow Liniment for rheumatism aud pains. I think it the best liniment ou earth." 25c, 50c, $100 at Koter- uiuud's and Model Drug Store. Fish, Oysters, Crabs 111 ll"""r Phone 931 for Halibut, Smelt, Salmon, Catfish, Crabs, Shrimps, and Fresh Toke Point and Eastern Oysters. These goods are kept in Cold Storage and are fresh at all times. Free delivery. Howard M. Mitchell Cold Storage, Great Gut-Price Offer Read every wore of this announcement, foi it is the opportunity of years. The three greatest magazines in this country have combined to be offered together at a greatly reduced rate. Never before was such an offer given to the public, and is safe to say never will it be made again. This year several magazines have increased their subscription price, which shows how much greater this offer really is. Cosmopolitan, one year -Woman's Home Companion, one year The Review of lUvitus, one year -The Courier, one year - ... $1.00 1.00 3.( 0 1.50 ALL FOR JUST $3.50 $(j.S0 IN COIN THE Many purchases of Grants Pass proiicrly have boe. maile this past year as an Investment, iuvestors feeling that money put into houses snd lota in this city was as safe as if iu government botidt and far more profit ahl. A recent deal of this character n the purchase of a duelling and lots, located ou Chancellor street betweeu Fourth and fine strtets be longing to G. A. Cobb, by Mrs. Khoda Martin. Mrs. Martiu has characters good to leave, aud other houses iu Grant Pass aud thisiwe hoe that uoue of them float dowu bouse will be rented. I this way. Crescent City Record. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. notice is nereby given, that on Saturday, the 30th day of D-fcember, I'.HIfi, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the front door of the Court house in Grants Pass, Oregou, I will, to satisfy a judgment given in the Circuit Cor,rt of the State of Ore gon, for Josephine Comity, in favor of Ellen F. St. Louis aud against Ilenrr E. Booth, for the som of til", with interest a' six per cent from July 13, l'.HiO, sell for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of H. E. Booth in and to the fol ow ing described lode mill lug claims situated in township 35 South, of range 8 West, in Josephine Comity, Oregon, to-wit: The HOBSON lode mining claim located by Win. A. Wilhelm aud Mrs. M. A. Booth ou August 14, l; 00, the uotice of locaiion of which is re corded at page 4511 of volume 13 of the Mining Records; The DELI, A M. lode mining claim located by Wm. A. Wilhelm and Mrs. M. A. Booth on August 14, 1'JOO, the notice of locatiou of which Is record ed at page 457 of volume 13 of Mm in it Records; The ST. JOE lode mining claim located by M. A. Booth ou August 14, I tliH), the notice of location of which is recorded at page 4y of volume 13 of Mining Records; The HENRY lode mining claim located by H. C. Perkins on August 14, WOO, the notice of location of which is recorded at page 4ii8 of volume 18 of Mining Records; The CLAY lode mining claim located by Thos. Smith on August 14. l'JOO, the notice of location of which is recorded at page 4tSS of volume 13 of Mining Records; The MAES, lode mining claim lo cated by Thomas Smith on August 14, l'JOO, the notice of location of which is recorded at page 4i'J of volume 13 of Mining Records: The NATIVE DAUGHTERS lode mining claim 'located by Mae Smith and L L. Perkins, on August 14, 11)00, the notice of location of which is re corded at page 410 of volume 13 of Mining K'-cords; The TOM S. lode mining claim lo cated by H. V. Perkins on August 14, ISHM. the notice of location of which is recorded at page 470 of volume 13 COSMOPOLITAN which was recently purchased by Mr. W. R. Hearst, has been greatly improved by the new management and is now the most popular ten-cent illustrated monthly in the world. Already its sales have increased 100,000 over what they were four months ago, when it became a part of the famous Hearst publishing organization. Tlie Review of Reviews Substantial American men and women are going to keep up with the times and they are going to take the shortest cut which is "The Review ol Reviews" a monthly survey t,f the world's progress. Woman's Home Companion is not excelled by any other home and family publication in the world, btones, fashions, articles, illustrations. Grab This Opportunity If you do not want but one of the magazines above with our patxr Z?t yff ,r,' T Ca",m1't ,d0 ,,tUw ,han 10 BP this offtr while it is Imt right off the bat and before it is withdrawn. Cosmopolitan, one year - $1.00 The Courier, one year - . 1.50 BOTH FOR ONLY $2.00 IN COIN gave i of Mtuiuu Records: The authorities of Grauts Pass, Or., j All of the above described mining number of undesirable recoros are ol Joseptilne Couuty, on'Kiin. Dated Nov. 2. I'.HVi. GEO. W. LEWIS, Sheriff of Josephine County, Oregon. Pill out Coupon-mail it to day with your remittance-and be sure ot getting the greatest magazine combination that was ever offeted an opportunity of yM aud cue it is safe to fay will never be made again. 't-"T OFF ON THIS LINK) Rooi e River Courier, Grants Pass, Oregon. Date 190 Enclosed please find $ ...... for wIlich entpr mv name for one year's subscription to your paper and the following magazines: Name Address