Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 24, 1905, Image 4

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. .. ' " 1 "" - " ' . ' . T " . . . . AAMiMMMMMiNMMMMMMite
Clean-Up Millinery Sale
I wUl Mil my entire stock of Millinery Goods, made up stock and
, materials at a great discount.
5 doz. Tailored Hats 2 doz. Pattern Hats
at 50c at Cost
11.25 Grade Velvet at 76c. AU Ribbons and Ostrich Goods reduced
In proportion.
Everything In Winter Millinery Reduced Patent Leather Polos, 60c.
Sale continues until goods are sold.
Front St., bet. 6tK svnd 7th.
Mutl Attend School or Parent
Liable to bl Fine -nd
First National Bank of Southern Oregon
R. A. BOOTH, Pres. J. C. CAMPBELL, Vice-Pres. II. L. OILKKY, Cashier.
Hurplni and Undivided Profits
Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Sells drafts on New York, Chicago, ban Francisco, Portland and Seattle.
Special (aclliliea (or making collections through numerous correspondents
K. A
H. 0. KmnsY, - P. H. Hastii.
Jons !). Far,
J. C. Ctsru,
II. L. OiLKsr.
Mr. Rehkopl Hale and Active at
78 Yeare-Planling More Hope
Exterminate Plum Tree.
Post Cards Tablets 2 cards
tablet. So Moaio store.
Wholesale and Retail
Feed ana Flour Store
J. E. KERLEY, Proprietor.
Kerley'i Feed Stable!, South Sixth Street.
Best Brand of Flour.
Hay of all kinds.
Rolled Hurley, Wheat and Oats.
Clean Gray Oats for Hoed.
0t Bedrock prices.
Rambler Rose
The new ever-blooming
dwarf Crimson Rambler.
The greatest bloomer known.
' Also Fruit, Shade and Ornamen
tal Trees, Monterey Cypress and
Privet for hedges.
I can get almost anything you
wish in this line.
Place your orders early.
at the Model Drug Store.
Weit G Strtet
Second block from Sixth itrcet
At prices that make bar
gains. Latest in Couches and Rockers
Fine Silk-Floss Mattress
Hotel Dressers
Window Shades
Kitchen Treasures
Extension Tables
Bedroom Sets
Everything needed to fur
nish the home.
BARRELS Empty lard barrels for
sale at Ahlf's Packing House.
JERSEY COW For sale Inquire
W. E. Taylor at the freight dopot.
BEES 10 Colonies of Italian Bees
in box hives for sain cheap. Mrs.
V. D. Litton, North Eighth Street.
CELERY Delicious, crisp, fresh
from garden, not dry anil tough
like that shipped. Phone 1083.
W. A. Hood.
FOR 8ALE-BRICK-60,000 brie
for sale if sold at once. Inquire of
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
REMINGTON Typewriter No. 6 for
.u cash or :ustallninels. See A. E.
ou Rogue Rivor about four miles
west fiom city, for sale or rent
cheap. Call on or address Jos.
1,'AKM FOR BALK two miles from Mer
' lln, 111 acres alsmt fill acres ol good
bottom land, ' ac res In cultivation, small
holme and barn and about AO acres under
fence, balance of land suitable for ore hard
or pasture. For further particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
ACKK ranch, good prune and
ample orchard, email fruit in
abundance; water for irrigation, beside
springs on every 40 acres; center of a good
range rounlrv; two dwelling houses, big
barn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from fronts, good milling markets, one
half mile north of Tunnel U, price $2,500.
Inquire at this otlice.
The Model Drug Store
tlai Just Whit You Want
Our Orlobrittod Electric
licit, Naturo's Yihilizer, to
build n ami strengthen
the whole body ami for
the cure of Rheutimtisin, Par
alysis, Liver, Kidney, Lame
I'ack, Constipation ami all
Nervous Diseases.
The i tl'eet of Electricity on
the nerves is that of a power
ful nerve tonic. It generates
new life anil energy and
tones up the relaxed, weak
ened and shaky nerves and
gives them vigorous energy.
For the next 30 days, ju ice
$10.00. Regular price j-JO.OO.
Write or call at onco.
Broms Wood Yard
I0H 2nd st.,or Telephone 5SS
TO '1RADE A good, sonnil horse for
wood. Address Wood, care Courier.
FIR HARK Good heavy fir bark
wanted at Lund's wood yard, Grants
WANTED to lease furnished hotel or
stage station or would lake unue
boarding house where there is a large
force of men employed; long experi
ence and first-class rerereuocs. Ad
dress Mrs. C. A. 8., care Courier.
WORK A place to work for board
and go to school. Cau do house
work and willing to work. Ad
dress A una Ueorge, Grants Pass,
Below are some of the provisions of
the new law regulating the employ
ment of child labor, and for the at
tendance of children at school.
Section S. No child under the age
of 14 years shall be employed in any
form, for wages or other compensa
tion to whosoever parable, during
the hoors when the public schools of
the town, dist'ict, or city in which
be or she resides are in session.
Section 4. Attendance at school
shall be compulsory upon all children
between the ages of 8 aud 14 years In
all cities, town and villages of the
State of Oregon during the whole of
the school term io the city, town, or
village in which the child resides,
and opon all children in such city,
towns, and villages between the ages
of 14 and 16 years who are not em
ployed in some lawful work.
Seotloo fi. No ohild under 16 years
of age shall be employed, permitted,
or suffered to work in any employ
ment enumerated in section 2 unless
the person or corporation employing
him procures and keeps on file aad
accessible to the school authorities of
the district where such child re
sides, and to the police and board of
Inspectors of child labor, an age and
schooling certificate as hereinbefore
prescribed, and keep a complete list
of all such children employed therein.
Section 11. Any person or corpora
tion who shall employ a minor con
trary to the provisions of tills act, or
who shall violate anv of the provis
ions thereof, shall be guilty of mis
demeanor and opon conviction shall
be fined in a sum not less than f 10
nor more than t25 for the first otTensi,
nor less than 25 nor more than f'lO
for the seooud offense, and be impris
oned for not less thau 10 nor more
than !J0 days for the th ird aud each
succeeding offense.
Section 13. Any parent or guardian
who shall violate any of the provis
ions of this act or allow any child
under their custody or control to be
employed coutrary to the provisions
of tliis act shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be fined not less thiiu
5 00 and not more the 25.
Such is now the law of Oregon.
We are informed that it will be en
forced in Roseburg and several other
Oregon towns. There has been in
the past too much nou attendance of
school by some children who should
have been in school Running at large
they not only become a mrnanci
to the community and candidates for
the reform school, hut they do great
harm by inducing other children to
play truant.
supt. Turner says there are none
too oor in Grants Pass to send their
children to school, as the law pro
vides that books shall be furnished
free to (hose who are nimble to buy
them aud there are ladies societies in
town which will see that good cloth
ing is prnided for those whose parents
cannot iroperly clothe them.
STRAYED Ou August 18, near Dry
Diggings mine, small brown horse
will) part double harness on. 6
reward for information leading to
recover of horse. Leave word at
Deau & Dickison's stable.
PARTIES wishing to boy or sell
minirg property will do well to cor
respond with S. Meyer, Merlin, Ore.
News Noles From the Business
Men to Render.
Call for Colestin Water.
Iuk at Model Drng Store.
Violin, etc., strings Courier Build
Get your cedar posts at 408 Second
FOB CHARM On Saturday a gold
cluirui with inoiiogriu"0 11". hind
er please return to this (dik e.
URIlF.RS taken lor fine cookies aud
bread. Mrs. K. 11. Drown, 408 Sec
ond street. Tel. ftNA.
TUTORING Private pupils wanted,
Grammar grades or College prepura
tory work. ('has. F. t'hcssuiau,
Harvard, A. II., P. O. University
of California. 1417 Sixth street,
Grants Pass.
FRANK ltl'RNKTT-Upliolslering,
mission furniture made to order.
Sell1, Vp.
All ihtsoiis owing the firm of t .ur
ine n licmcnway Company are hereby
notified to call aud settle the account
at once.
Cattle Ranch For Rent.
3'JO acres on Seven-Mile creek about
live miles southwest from Fort
Klamath, Oregon. AIL fenced, house,
large ham, ample water supply, w ill
cut alsmt 80 tons w ild buy. Address,
with references, P. U. Box No.
Taooiua, Washington.
A Famine In Blocks
The factory having curtailed their
output of Mocks, 1 shall lie able to de
liver lor the Winter months, owing
to the big demand, but one load of
blocks on each order received. After
December 1st the price for a big load,
which is a larger loud and better
block thau Is supplied by the Med
ford or Ashland dealers, will po Ii,
but this price does not affect orders
already in.
This raise in price is made neces
sary to meet eipeiises of driver aud
Ihs team. Prices on all other wood
will remain as uow giveu. Dry oak,
ttr, mad r one, uiauiauita ami pine de
livered promptly lu any quantity to
la 1 parts of the city. O. O. Lund.
Cards Courier
W. B. Slieruiau Real Estate.
phone "III.
Give your friends a Stage line
good smoke.
Next Thursday is Thauksgiviug. If
you need a Self-Basting Roaster, go
to Cramer Bros.
Clothes mended. Mrs. L. S. Holt,
118 Moss Street
W. L. Ireland, the Real Estate Man,
negotiates loans.
IT. M. C. F I ml ley tests eyes and
furnishes glasses.
Bicycle Bells aud Lamps at a d
count at Paddock's.
Colcstiu Mineral Water is best for
table use. DePuy sells ir.
Airtight Heaters all and pricis
from f 1.76 up at Cramer Bros.
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving,
and you can get Tahl Silverware at
Cramer Bros.
Pencils and Tablets at the Model
Drug Store.
W li.ui you call fi r mineral water in
sist on having Colestin Water. Ail
dealers have it.
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, it
the oven of your stove is loo small,
you can get your ttiikuy In a Garland
oveu bought from Cramer lir. s.
Cob still Mineral Watt r is pure ai d
healthful and is the natural product ot
the spring. You should have it on
your table. For rale by the iicttlc or
case at lVPuy's.
Colored Post Cards 9 for 4 cents
Music Store.
Ml styles of Souvenir Pi at cards for
sale at the Music Store.
That Home Grown "Mince Meat
Andrew Rehkopf is a striking ex
of the vonthful vigor that
many of the Oregon pioneers possess.
He U 78 vears old vet as active as the
average man of 40 or 50. Mr. Reh
kopf resides on bis fine farm on the
Applegate between Provolt and Ap
plegate postofflce, and Thursday de
siring to come to Grants Pas to at
tend to some business matters, and
his horses all being needed in the
farm work, he started to walk to
town. He had made 14 of the 17
miles from his place to Grants Pass
before 10 o'clock, when a neighbor
with a team, caught op with him and
gave him a ride on to town, be ar
riving here as fresh and vigorous
as though out only for a short morn
ing jaunt. Friday morning Mr.
Rehkopf started afoot on his trip
home, he expecting to make the 17
miles in five hours.
Mr. Rehkopf came to Men-phis,
Tenn., when lie was a young man,
from Germany, and in 1853 be went
to California, coming to Applegate
valley in 1856, where lie has since
lived. He first settled on Williams
creek, buying of Ben Smith the farm
now owned by J. M. Johns and on
which the village of Williams now
stands. He afterwards sold the Will
iams creek ranch and went in partner
ship with William Pernoll, uow de
ceased, aud bought the farm now
owned by Mrs. Pernoll and her sons
near Applegate postonice, ana iney
carried ou for several years extensive
farm and stock business. Io 1870 he
sold his interest to Mr. Pernoll and took
op his present farm as a homestead. In
1870 he was married to Miss Mary
Wooldridgo, a daughter of Aphius
Wooldridge, an Applegate pioneer.
Mrs. Rehkopf died three years ago,
and since then Mr. Rehkopf has made
his lume with his son, Henry, who
is married and resides on the home
place aud assists in carrying on the
farm work. Mr. Rehkopf and his son
have 27 acres to hops and had a
fine crop this year which they are yet
holding for a raise in price. Mr.
Rehkopf is not discouraged at all
over the hop outlook and will have 15
acres more set to hops next spring.
This yard will be put out by John
McCallister and son, William. They
do all the work and deliver the hops
iu Grauts Pass aud get half of the
crop for a term of years, Mr. Reh
kopf furnishes the land, the wire for
one way and the timber for the poles.
Mr. McCallister has completed a dwell
ing house adjoiuiug the Imp yard land
and he and his son are uow erect
ing a baru. He has rented his farm
at New Hope and will shortly move
his fimily to the hop yard. The yard
is located on Apnlegate bottom land,
the soil of which is a deep, rich loam
and it will produce an extra fine
quality of hops. Mr. Rehkopf pro
poses to prniit by the advice given by
Prof. Cordley at the farmers institute
lust September, and cut down all the
plum trocB on his place. Prof. Cord
ley stated that it had been clearly
proven that the plum aud prone trees
were tin ceding places for the hop
louse. The wild plums being theT
favorite haunt. Were these trees all
removed a big work wonld be ac
complished in eradicating the pest
that causes such big losses iu hop
yards, for they will not breed on any
other kind of a tree On Mr. Reh
kopf's place there are many wild
plums and he will have them all grub
bed out as also all ou the adjoiuiug
Having purchased Marshall Field & Co.'s
big sample lines of
I will place same on sale, commencing
Saturday, Nov, 25
At prices less than wholesale; only one of a kind
and all new and up-to-date, See our window for
a few prices.
From $1.85 to $4. 95, worth $3.00 to $7.50
From 45$ to $4.95, worth 75t to $5.00.
You will
for Thanksgiving.
I have a Big Stock
to select from
the M. A. Tackard Shoe
stand in the lead for $3.50
High Cuts for Men
from $3.50 to $0.00.
in Patent Leather
and Vici Kid
in Heavy and Light Soles.
See Voorhies for Uuderwood Type
writers and Typewriter supplies.
You will alwavs tlnd matter of in
terest Iu our classified ad column.
Mrs. Heckes lias moved here to
spend the Winter.
Mrs. Jennings is having a house
built here in winch to spend the Win-!
ter. j
Mrs. Bnufleld and Itba Baufleld who
have beeu spending a few days ill the
Pass have returned. j
The doctor was called last Wed- j
uesday fur Mr. Bon n, who had beeu
sutTotiug from an operatiou ou his
hearing. j
The large air compressor for the
mine arrived last Friday. It weighed
over 15,000 pounds and was several
days ou the road between Grants
Pass and here. !
Newman M E. Church i
Sunday School at 10 A. M. .
Class Meeting at 13 M.
Junior League at 3 P. M.
Epworth l.tiaguo atti:3lP. M.
Morning worship at II.
hvcuiug at 7 30.
The tmnuiug worship will be do
vo'ed to the administering of the
Sacrament of the l ord's Supper. In
llie evening Rev. M. C. Wire, D. D., 1
presiding vlder of Eugene district
will preach. A welcome for all.
CO, Becknian, pastor.
St. Luke's Church.
At the morning service, the Rev.
F. C. Williams will preach ou the
subject "Soldiers of Christ." Sun
day School aud Bible Class meet al
The needs for Thanksgiving include ij 15 This has o...... f.,,,,,,1 t
, ,1 U . . ,;.. t, " "
sets aud Silverware, all of which you young people, aud the Bible Class,
cau get at Cramer Bros. 1 taught by Mr. Williams has grown
Chauiherlaiu's Colic, Cholera and
Dlarhoca Remedy. Tins is the most
successful medicine iu the world
for bowel complaints, aud is the only
remedy that will cure chronic diart
liova. Every bottle Is warranted. For
sale by all druggists.
very fust, uutil it has become neces
sary to have a separate rooui. "The
Parable of the 'Ialiuts" wil be the!
subject for the evening sermon. j
You will receive a hearty welcome!
at auy of "these services.
Xext door to First National
R. O. McCroskey
Great Gut-Price Offer
Read every wore of this announcement, foi it is the opportunity of
years. The three greatest magazines in this country have combined to
be offered together at a greatly reduced rate. Never before was such
an offer given to the public, and is safe to say never will it be made
again. This year several magavines have increased their subscription
price, which shows how much greater tais offer really is.
Cosmopolitan, one year ....
Woman's Home Companion," one year
The Revi ew of Rtviovs, one year -The
Courier, one year ....
which was recently purchased by Mr. V. R. Hearst, has been greatly
improved by the new management and is now the most popular ten cent
illustrated monthly in the world. Already its sales have increased
100,000 over what they were four months ago, when it became a part o(
the famous Hearst publishing organization.
The Review of Reviews
Substantial Amerieau men and women are going to keep up with the
times and they are going to take the shortest cut which is "The
Review ol Reviews" a monthly survey of the world's progress.
Woman's Home Companion
is not excelled by any other home and family publication in the world.
Stories, fa.shir.ns, articles, illustrations.
Grab This Opportunity
If you do not want but one of the magazines above with our paper
for a year, you cannot do better than to accept this t ffir while it is hot.
right off the bat and before it is withdrawn.
Cosmopolitan, one year - $1,00
The.Courier, one year 1.50
Pill out Coupon mail it to-day with your remittance and be sure
ol getting the greatest magazine combination that was ever offered
an opportunity of years and one it is safe to say will never be made
(cut off on this line)
Rooie River Cockier,
Grants Pass, Oregon,
Date 190
Enclosed please find $ for which enter my
name for one year's subscription to your paper and tho
following magazines: