Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 24, 1905, Image 3

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Canned Goods
Flour and Feed
Our closing out sale is still Rushing. Now is
the time for you to get your goods at COST. We
have a big stock of goods to select from All stand
ard goods best makes and quality.
This is a genuine closing out sale no catch
penny sale of cheap stuff; we want to get away by
the first of the year.
Bring in your family and fit them out for win
ter. Now is the time to buy your goods at COST.
Dry Goods, Clothing
Cloaks and Wraps
Rubber Goods
Boots and Shoes
wisiEXEMBfcssaaaEas l
Hill Have Dinner and Three Ses
sion at Their Institute
In February.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Lermao from
Provolt were ill Grants pBHg Mcnday
to market produoe BD( to do shop
ping. Mr. Lewms D is a young farmer
fcf progressive ideas and ii a strong
believer In farmers inetituttes. He
attended, (he institute beld at Pro
Vol Vast September and be is very en
thusiastic over the one that is to be
held at that plaoe in February.
Mr. Lewman, when in the city,
called at the Courier office and re
quested that arrangements be made
with Dr. Withycombe for holding a
session in the forenoon as well as in
the afternoon and evening at Provolt,
for they were planning to bare a bas
ket dinner and make a big day of it
Where the distances are not so great
bi tween the places for holding insti
tutes as preclude it, Dr. Wiihyconibe
always prefers to hold three sessions
at a one day institute. The Doctor
will doubtless favor Provolt with the
three sessions, as he will all the other
plaoes, where the February institntes
are to be held, that desire to have a
dinner and to arouse such interest
among the farmers that they will all
attend, provided he can arrange to
give mere time to his Southern Ore
gon trip, so as he can make the ap
pointments. These farmers Institutes have be
come permanent institotions it is
customary to have a dinner and make
the day a big event. The social
sids of the farmers life is quite
as important as the other conditions,
and it is the plan to make these farm
ers institutes gatherings where the
neighbors can meet in a delightful,
social time. -With a goo 1 dinner and
musical and other features in the pro
gram the young people can the better
be Induced to attend the institntes, to gain an interest in the reg
ular addresses of the session. The din
ner and tlie social hour that follows
is equallj belpful to the older people,
for it breaks down the feeling of re
serve that so often is a characteristic
of people residing 'Jn Isolated sections
where there are few public gatherings.
Neuralgia Pains,
Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic
paini yield to the penetrating in
fluence of Ballard's Snow Liniment.
It penetrates to the nerves and bone
and being absorbed into the blood, its
healing properties are conveyed to
every part of the body, and effect
some wonderful cure. 25c, 6oc, ll.uO.
at Rotermund's and Model Drug
Some new quaitz strikes are re
ported below Lelaud.
Some new business houses are being
erected here. As business grows,
more business houses are demanded.
Mrs. Browning runs the Placer
Hotel. 8he is very obligipg to her
guests as she baa bad long experience
in the hotel business.
Reports froas Placer are that times
were never better. The qnarti ledges,
which are numerous, are all being
worked with a full force of men.
Our hotel is doing a good business,
as this Is a central point for Upper
Grave Creek also for Mt. Reuben dis
trict. It makes Leluod a lively town.
Henry Ball took a spin out Into the
country to the steam shovel near
Tunnel 9 delivering freight for T.
J. Mack in, who has quite a big trade
at that place.
Col. Blasdell was in town last
week. Be report lively times down
Grave creek. He has no men work
ing on hi ditch and room for more.
He wants to complete the ditch by
the time the beavy rain come.
The steam shovel I getting along
nicely. They are crowding the work
as bard a they can. Ibey are work
ing Sunday and every day. They
have spent a large amount of money
in this vicinity since they started
We have had a nice rain with the
appearance of more. Now the g round :
is sufficiently wet to enable the far
mers to plow. They have been busily
engaged daring the fall getting up
their Winter' wood and doing other
necessary work on the farm.
We have uo sickness to re port.
Wide Awske had a severe cold but is
better at the present writing. He
thinks be will go courting. He may
go up Williams creek. He under
stands there are lots of prett y girls up
there. He won't marrv a irirl i nleaa
she is pretty.
The amount of capital kriat it ex
pended in this district is very large.
Years ago the miner only worked
the creek and low chaniiela. Big,
heavy channels have been found that
are rich and long dltohea bring the
water up on the high channels to give
them pressure to work; the hydraulic
As we bave so many lodge that are
not free milling ore, this localiity
would be a good place tor a smelte r.
Then the cost of shiptiing the ore
to other points con Id be saved, also f t
would stimulate more prospecting.
Very often we bear of miner finding
ledges that are ulptureu so will not
work the lode for they cannot handle
the rock here. We havn plenty of
timber, water, everything that is re
quired and oo ot the healthiest
places on the Paoiflo coast. Very little
use for doctors and no nee for lawyer.
Henry Ball can draw up all con
tracts that are needed as we are peace
ful citizens. We get along nicely as
a community of people, we , have a
good school, so onr children' educa
tion 1 looked after. Wide Awake.
I the Time Schedule of Southern
Pacific-Feeler Train Wanted
by Southern Oregoniana.
"The run of the Portland bnaineiw
men' excursion train from Salem to
Ashland Tuesday night was the fastest
time ever made on the Southern
Paciflo between the points. The train
left the Capital City at 9:30 o'clock
and promptly at 8 o'clock Wednesday
morning rolled into Ashland, covering
288 milis in 10,' hours, ahont 27 S,
miles an hour. At times the speed
was much greater. Tha Overland
leaves Salem on schedule just an hour
later, and is due at Aahland at 12:115
o'clock the following day. The ex
clusion train had left Aahlanri Wed
nesday morning at 10 . o'clock, and
was ready for its iMFsenger to depart
for Jacksonville by the time the Over
land reached there southbound. This
beat the regolar train by over three
and a half hours. "
The above is the Portland Tele
gram's comment on the speed of the
Soot hero Paciflo trains on the ShaMa
route. The 20-mile an hour service
that the Southern Paellio gives on this
road does not meet the needs of the
big traffic that its trains get from
Southern Oregou towns. If the run
ning time of the passenger trains be
tween Oranta Pass and Portland and
also to San Francisco could lie xhort-
eued two hours it would be a con
venience greatly appreciated by all
leaidenta of this section, who have
occasion to travel by the Southern
Pacific. Freight train sced for
passenger trains is too Mow for the
hustling people of Southern Oregou.
When You Havt s Bad Cold.
You want a remedy that will not
only give quick relief but, effect a
permanent cure.
Ton want a remedy that will re
lieve the lung and keep expectoration
You want a remedy that will
counteract any tendency toward para
menia. You want a remedy that is pleasant
and safe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Rnmedy meets
all of these requirements and for the
peedy and permanent core of bad
cold, and I without a peer. For sale
by all druggists.
Typewriter supplies, ribbons, paper,
i tfc, at the Courier office.
Bom To Mr and Min. John Lloyd,
November 11th, a 12-pound sou.
The recent rains have set the far
mers to work plowing and putting in
fall grain.
Rev. George Hoxie preached at the
M. E. church at Wilderville Sunday
at II also at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Rev. Ueorge Hoxie and wife of
Williams creek spent Sunday the Ulth,
with Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace and Mrs.
H. D. Jones of Wilderville.
Some of the young folks of thin
ueighhorhood went to a party at the
home of Mr. end Mrs. Armstrong
Friday evening of hv-t week.
Married At the home or W. S.
RohinMin, November Hit h, by Rev.
Ueorge Chirk, Ethel RobiiiHon and
James MoOanti. Both are well and
favorably known through the eutlre
neighboihood. We all join in wish
ing thim a long and happy life.
There will be an entertainment at
the Wilderville school house on the
night of December 2. An Interesting
program will be rend -red composed of
recitations, dialogues, songs and in
strumental niuaio, after whi.'h cake
and coffee will be served, also a cake
containing a gold ring will be sold at
25 cents per piece. Come one, come
all, everyone is cordiallr invited.
AdmiHHion 10 cents, cuke and coffee,
10 cents. Uncle Fuller.
President Favor Equal Suffrage.
Preaidint Roosevelt does not limit
his doctrine of a rquare deal to auy
clues or clauses of citizens. He in
cludes in it all persona, women as
well as men. As (Jovornor of New
York, he recommended to the leginla
tnre that women tie given the right
of suffrage. He has, on more than
one occasion since then, reiterated
bis belief in giving women equal
rights with men. During his recent
southern trip he once more pot him
self emphatically ou record. Mr.
Sanders, President of the Progressive
Union of New Orleans, hiinsef a be
liever in eqoal sofTrage, in introduc
ing to President Roosevelt, during
his recent visit to that city, Miss
Jean Gordon, called her a "believer
in womin auffraio. " "Yea, I do be
lieve in it, from the crown of my
head to the soles of my feet," said
Miss Gordon, and added, "So doea
President Roosevelt. " He a jawered
characteristically and heartilly, "You
bet I do!" A little Iatel, when he
was about to leave the room, and the
ladies were an lied to aland aside.
President Roosevelt said to Miss Gor
don in passing, "If you women had
equal right you woold not be asked to
stand SKide; you woold be able to
slier" in the whole thing."
Give Financial Statement end
Vote of Thank to Citizen
for Their Assistance.
The general committee, made up of
Rev. J. B. Travis, president of the
Municipal League, County Judge J.
O. Booth, Mayor Gwrge Good, C. L.
Mangum, preaident ot the Miners As
sociation, and R. Thomas, preaident
of j the Boaid of Trade, that had
charge of the arrangements for the re
oepilon to the Portland busiuei. men's
excursion to Rogue River Val
ley, have audited all accounts and
Chairman Travis submits the follow
urn that shows the au.ouul received
and disbursed :
Amount collected by special
committee ... $41 Oo
The expenses were
For ribbon for badges $ 6 M
Printing badges and placards... 6 2f
For street sprinkling U
For cream for strawberries 4 00
For drayaga Mi
For hall and banri 7 AO
For apples 8 Hi.
Total .IH At,
Bala nee on hand (2 2!i
The committee wish to extend a
vote of thanks on behalf of the peopli
of Grants Pass to Meiiars. Kinney &
Trunx for their generous assistance in
donating the" free one of the Opera
House and in contributing the fine
strawb"rrioa for the banquet ; to the
ladiei for their efficient aasistance in
arranging the details lor the banquet
and enti-rtaining the fluents, and
to all citizens of Grants Pax who an
slated In making the reception the
apleuiild auccaena that it was.
M. O. Warner will be in Grants
Pa within the ueit few days.
Parties wishing tuning doue can loave
orders at the Moslo Store.
Eye ouro'fally tested and glasses,
fitted to correct any defeat of vision
by Dr. W. F. Kreuier, Courier build
ing. I'rioes reasonable, J
W. B. SHERMAN Estate and Timber
Worth More lo You Than Price
of a Pair of Glasses
If you value your eyes, have them
properly fitted at ouce. Delay, and
your eyes may become so had that no I
ulntiua will Li1,i llmm - tliuii nn '
will regret it all the rest of yoordaya.
That Is true pvcry word of It.
Do not trunt traveling optic, aim and
Hpectacle peddlera to fit you with
glasses. They get your money and
you get experience. This we know,
because it la told us by people that
coin" to us for gla-a after having
bought of the fpectacle peddler.
We have the beat lenses made, each
lens being ground for each eye de
fect. We will examine your eyes
free if you will come in.' Alfred
Letcher, Registered Opometriat,
Front St.
Cook atove and heater wood for
sale at l.2.'i a tier delivered Harry
Hinitb'a aawmill. Leave orders at
Sugar Pine Store.
By carrying in stock various make of (iood
Shoes, wh aro enabled to fit any noiiual foot.
The Stetson Shoe Co.
Rice & Ilutchins All Americas
Strong & Garfield Co
Buckingham & Ilecht Co.
Menominee Seamless Shoes for
Hilly Buster, steel bottom
IluckiiiKhatn & Ilecht and Me
nominee Seamless fot Boys
and Youths.
Green Wheeler Shoe Co.
John II. Cross and
J. J. Grover & Sons,
for women.
The Grover shoe made socially
for lender leet.
Juliets with rtiblier heels, and
Fleece lined allocs.
Moloney Bros, Mines for Misses
and Children.