Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 24, 1905, Image 2

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On Year, In advance,
Sil Months,
Thra Months,
Blngl Coplw,
Evary Friday.
Rata I
Advertising Ratas
furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obitaaries and resolution! of con
dolence will be charged lor at 6c per line;
card of thanks 60c.
A. E. VOORHIES, Pbopr.
Rntered at the post office at Grants Pe-s,
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
i FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 84, 1906.
Mukea Reftecfiona Not Suitable
and Only Reflected on
Former City Recorder.
Nominntlone Made Regl.tre.tlon
Cloaes Next Frldexy
Election December 4.
Councilman Chauaae, who la one of
the publishers of the ObaerTer, has
pot himself in somewhat of an ember
rawing position by publishing In his
paper tome raTe charge! of neglect
nf dntv by the city officials. He
speolally charges Recorder J. M.
Booth with not turning over-llcenae
fees to the city treasurer and with
not making a monthly report to the
council. He broadly Intimate! that
the mayor waa direlect iu not see
log that the lioeusea were collected
by the recorder and the marshal and
properly accounted for. And lie im
pliei that the oonncil has been
equally negligent In not baring a
monthly report from the recorder and
not properly looking after the wel
fare of the taxpayers.
The proceedings of the oonncil show
that Councilman Chuoaae has never
ottered a word or even Intimated that
the mayor, the recorder and the mar
dial were not properly doing their
doty. A councilman ii required by
hii oath of ofilce and hi! integrity and
business capacity to guard the Inter
cuts of the city and If he knows of
the neglect of duty or the Infraction
of a law by member of the city
government he should make it known
to thecouuoil that action may be taken
to enforce the city ordinance.
Councilman Chauase in his paper
charge! that only f 10 In liceuse mouoy
has been turned Into the city treas.
orer since Iiecordet O. E. May bee
went out of ofilce the Drat of last
April. He further olaiun that dur
ing 1104 there waa collected 1140 for
show licenses and H8 for dray licenses
and in January nf this year $-13 of
lloeuios that were due in the previous
year and were uot collected, making a
total for the year of fjfll. Aocordiug
to Connclliueu Chausae'i slBtemeul
Recorder Maybee In the thiee mouths
of HHi5 that he was in ofilce wai some
what neglectful aa lie only turned In
f!lO for show licenses, and does not
lav whether or not he turned in
other lioeuaea or flues.
As the Observer directly charges
Rooorder Booth with either not col
lecting the licenses and fines, or if be
baa of not taming them Into the city
treasurer, Mr. Booth makes a state
mnut to refute these charges Bf
his statement he proves that he has
turmd Into the city treasurer In the
nearly eight months since he baa been
In ofilce f l!!2. 60 for show licenses, t$Kl
for dray licenses, l.'IT.M) for pound
fees, for H'dillers licenses, ami f.'Wf
lo flues. Making a total of .'78, for
the 7'u months. The dray licenses
Will uot all be collected uutil the
close of the year. There I. as also
been turned in $?U!1. 76 of road pell tax
collected I J the street commissioner,
These reports show that Mr,
Maybee, In the 16 months of last year
aud this year, turned Into the city
treasurer, according to the Observer's
tatenieiit, a total of f.'UI, while Mr
Booth shows that in the 1 months
of Ilia term as recorder he has put into
the city treasurer's hands a total of
.'i73. The Observer's attack was for
the purpose of defeating Mayor Good
for re election and of electing Mr.
Maybee, mayor. Just how well
Council man Chausse'a campaign of
misrepresentation will succeed the
election in December will show. It
is unite likely to have the npiHtaita
tffect than Intended by the negligent
councilman and will elect Mr. GimhI
by a very large majority.
The convention! for nominating
candidates for councilmen from tbe
various wards of the city were held
this Thursday evening.
In the First ward the convention
wai held at the Central school build
ing and W. M. Hair, of Hair-Riddle
Hardware Company, and one of the
present cooncllaen for the First ward
waa nominated and wai the only can
didate pot op.
The Second ward convention waa
held at the Court House. The nomi
nations made for this ward were T.
W. William! and Dennis Stovall. Mr.
Williams la one of the present council
men from the First ward and la a
partner with his brother, J. H. Will
iam! in opeiatiug a planiug mill in
this city and a eaw mill on Cheney
creek. Mr. Stovall la the well known
newspaper correspondent and writer.
The Third Ward convent-on waa
held at the City Hall. The terms of
both councilmen in thia ward expire
with this municipal year, Council
man Will Smith having served hie
full term and Councilman F. W.
Chaosse filling by appoinoient the
position vacated by Eogeue Cass, and
aa an appointed officer can only hold
until the first election. For the one
year period to complete the term now
held by Mr. Chaussc, there were two
nomination!. Mr. Chaosse, who is
one of the publisher! of the Observer,
and Lincoln Savage, school superin
tendent for Josephine couuty. For
the two year term there were also two
candidates, August Fetach and Peter
Oravlin. Mr. Fetach, ontil it burned
last summer, was tbe owner and
manager of the brewery and saloon in
South Grants Pasa on ti e Kerby stage
road. He la now conducting the
Lay ton hotel and saloon. Mr. Urav
1 1 ii is a teamster and 'or several
mouths past baa hauled granite for
For the Fourth ward the conven
tion waa held In the Salvation Army
hull aud the nominees were T. Y.
Dean and W. T. Coburn. Mr. Dean
la one of the prea nt councilmen from
the Fourth ward aud is a partner
with C. A. Dickison in tbe Black
Horse Livery Stable. Mr. Coburn is
a narlner with B. J. Hawkins in a
saloon on West O Btreet.
The nominations for mayor will be
made this Friday evening at the
Court House, to be participated in by
votera from all the warda. The only
caudidatei so far mentioned are
Mayor George E. Good aud Attorney
0. E. Maybee. The contest over the
ofilce of mayor promise! to be the
chief element of interest in the muni
cipal campaign with Mayor Good as
the chief storm center. Some of the
church people are opposing Ills elect
ion because they claim he has not
been ligoroua enough in making
Granta 1'ass a closed town, while the
salooiiuieu add the sporting fraternity
are opposed to him hecauae lie has
closed down on thorn too hard. Mr.
Mabyue is supported by these same
church JH'ople, who expect him to
close up the town, and the saloon men
look with favor on him as a mayor
who would open op the town. Tbe
Observer and Hubert Glenn Smith
are also supporting Mr. Maybeo.
There are several jieople though, sup
porting Mr, Good aud he is likely to
be re-elected.
The registration hooka will be kept
open by Recorder J, M. Booth ontil
Friday, December I at 6 p. m. All
men are etitithd to register audio
vote who are citiens of Oregon and
have been residents of the ward
iu which they are to v.ite for
more than tU) days prior to the elect
ion Those not registering and desir
ing lo vote will have to get six free
holders to swear to their qua I i Ilea
ticn. The election will he held on
Mouday, December 4.
"Speaker" is the name of anew
Josephine county pest otlice establish
eil this month, with L. Scakor as
postmaster. Speaker is at the Hole
ill the Ground, aix miles up Wolf
creek from the town of Wolf Creek.
Mr. SH'itker, who is also storekeep
er, was iu Grants Pasa this week lay
ing in stock for his store.
Provolt to Entertain In tsitute
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Provolt, accom
panied by Mr. Frovolt'a lister, Miaa
Orlia Provolt, and Mrs. K. M. Spen
cer, came in from Provolt Tuesday to
do Winter shopping and stayed over
night guests of friends in the city.
Miaa Provolt, whose health baa been
somewhat Impaired, remained in
Grants Pass, a guest at the home of
Mrs. Coffman. Mr. and Mrs. Provolt
All mailer for this column is supplied
by the Grants Pass Woman a Christian
Temperance Union.
Our last regular meeting waa held
at the Baptist church, Friday, No
vember 17. We were glad of a good
attendance and the opportunity to
sreet Mrs. Margaiet Muuns, com-
and Mrs. Spencer returned to their Upending secretary of the Washington
homes Wednesday.
While in the city Mr. and Mr. Pro
volt aud Mrs. Spencer called at the
Courier office to state that arrange
menta were being made by tbe far
men about Provolt for the farmera in
stitute that ii to be held at that place
the first week in February under the
auspices of the State Agricultural
State W. C. T. U.p and the oppor
tnnity to hear her speak for a few
minutes of the National Convention
and words of cheer for ua
Mra. Munna ia a college friend of
Mrs. J. B. Travis and stopped to
visit her on her way home from Loa
Though eome are careless and in
different concerning thia gieat evil of
They gave the anurance that a large intemperance, many are being roused
attendance would be had at this insti- to lee the danger ol orcontronea evn,
tute, for the farmer! being through and in several of the lute elections
their farm work would have time to vice baa been put anide aud the right
attend. From word they had received has triumphed. So the good work goes
they were certain many would attend on and no matter who doea it we are
from Will lama. Misfnuri Flat. Annie- I glad of It all. "Line upon nn
precept upon precept, here a little
there a little,'' and let ua keep in
mind tbe watchwords of our organiza
tion "Agitate, Educate, Organize."
Miss Bessie Turnhaui gave ns a
recitation. Arrangements were made
for a Union Sunday School Temper-
distuuee, and to the anco Rally on the aft 'moon of Novem-
hospitality for which ber 2, to be held at the Presbyterian
gate and Murphy districts, for Prorolt
being in the center was easy of ac
cess to all sections of the Applegate
Valley. To add to the pleasures of
the day and to e xtend to the farmers
and their wives, sons aud daughters.
for all are wanted to attend, who may
come from a
speakers, the
Provolt has a good record,
fine dinner will be given by the
citizen! of Provolt. Mr. Provolt
stated that all were working together
with a will to mike the institute at
Provolt the largest iu attendance and
the most successful of those that will
be held in Rogue River Valley this
February by Dr. Witbjcombe and
Hold County Convention
Crania Pasa Nov. 27-28.
The Josephine Couuty Sunday
School convention will be held iu
Granta Puss on Monday nnd Tuesday,
November 27 and 2H. The day ses
sions will be held in the First Bap
tist church and the evening aesaious
in the Newman Methodist Episcopal
It ia expected to have delegates
present from every Sunday School iu
Josephine county, and it is hoped that
there will be a large attendance of the
citizens of Grants Pasa at all the sea
slous, the first of which will be Mou
day evening at the M. E, church.
The exercisea will be of unusual
interest aa will be seen by the follow
iug program :
Monday Evening
7:45 Song aorvloo.
Prayer by Hev. H. H. Brown.
8:00 Address ol Welcome H. u.
Organization, election of chuirman and
Addr.'ss "The Hook We Use."
Rev. Frederick C. Williams.
Male Ooartct.
Address "Our Inspiration in
Worklmr for
the Young." Rev. W. C. Mer
Tuesday Morning
Song and Praver.
Devotional Bible Study Hour
"The Muster Teacher Teach
ing tlio Worth of tho W'av
ward Hoy." Rev. C. O. Hock
Roll Call of Sunday Schools!
Organization of County Sunday School
Hound Table.
Tuesday Afternoon
Song and Prayer
ls'votional liibln Study Hour
"The Master Teacher'! caching
to Pruv. Rev. ( lurk Mower
Primary Work Mia. W. (
"Teaching to Win " Rev. W
II MorriH.
Tuesday Evening
Hone servlco.
Prayer. Rev. K. I. Harrington
Kcachlng mo Hoys. '
church. Everybody cordially
vited. Do uot fail to attend.
Program for Union Sundry School
Temperance Rallv, November 20, at
Preshyteriau church ut 8 p. in
Song "Americu" Congregation
Invocation Rev. fllr. Brown
Duet Alberta Goldor. Alta Smith
Scripture Reading Rev. Mr. Iravis
Recitation ieva Myers
Address Rev. Mr. Beckman
Solo Mra Cowdrey
Recitation timer Howard
. .Margaret Austin, Dorothy Travis
Recitation hrrol GUkey
Song W. O. T. U.
talk Mra. Bower
Oflerinir Cull for new members.
benediction... Key. air. tsower
Real Estate and
Sherman, Rooms V
Timber W. B
anil 10 Masonic
'Our doubts are traitors.
And make us lose the good ti'6 oft might win
By fearing to attempt."
WINDOM At Taconia, Wash., Miss
Hazel W'iudoiu, daughter nf Mrs.
Lettie Windoui, and a former resi
dent of Grants Pass.
Of the foueral the Taconia Ledger
has the following:
The fuueial of Hnzel Windom
from the First Methodist church was
impressive and was attended by mauy
students from the High school, which
was dismissed out of respect for the
dead. Miss Windom was 15 years of
age and the only daughter of Mra.
Lettie Windom. She died Mouday,
following an operat:on for appendi
citis. Shu was a student of the High
school and tier friends filled every
seut iu the church. Rev. Mr. Marlutt
made a very effective address A
floral piece of extraordinary beauty
was given by high school students.
Another handsome floral tribnte was
from the Daughters of Hur. Smaller
piecs almost hid the ca-Ret. Music
was rendered by girls of the High
school and six young men students of
ths High school were the pullliearers.
Mrs. Jane Taylor Is on the aick list
this week.
Ed Clanton went to Portland Tues
day on business.
Sunday evening Ed Bland went to
Leland to work. '
Mr. Will Reynold! left Merlin Mon
day night for Saginaw.
Mrs. Ella Gibson from .Quartz
creek, was in Merlin Wednesday on
Tbe Baptist church gave a Bible en
tertainment on Sunday evening which
waa very interesting.
Mrs. Ed Bland and ion Vernon
apent Sunday night with Mrs. Bland'!
mother. Mrs. F. R. Jouei.
Saturday evening there was an up
per crost party in Merlin. Ketresn
ments were served and all reported
that they had a good time.
At Merlin Hall Friday evening the
attention of many people wa! drawn
to tbe stating rink, which pleased
tbem all to are the young folk! try
the fkates aud fall.
Sunday morning at 12 o'clock Rev.
Austin preached at the Baptist
church. Immediately after servloes,
Mrs. John Sanders was baptised in
Louse Creek by the minister. There
was a large crowd to witness the
scene. '
Ratnrdav John Lanterman went
down to where they are building the
new hotel aud he stepped on a board
and it turned with him and he full,
hurting his side. He is not able to
attend to Ills business yet and Russell
McGalliard is caring for the post
office for him.
Frank Jones and Miss Ida Reynolds
were united in marriage at 4 o'clock,
November 22d at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Reynolds, Judge Ladd officiating.
There were present only the Imme
diate relatives of the contiactiug
parties. The bride la a laay possessea
rf those accomplishments which go
to make a h ippy home aud a charm
ing helpmate and she ia very popu
lar among her acquaintances. Mr.
Jones haa spent about five years in
Oregon aud is a young mau of splen
did ability and sterling worth. The
many friends of these excellent young
people join in wishing them a long
wedded life cf much happiness and
prosperity. Pickle.
Sells Furniture
Not simply keeps. The stock is in good shape and
prices are right. Sold for Cash or on Installments.
Have a few Heating Stoves will sell at less than
cost. Some Short Knds of Carpets very cheap.
Tbe largest assortment of Linoleums and Mattings
to be seen. Do not forget a bottle of Liquid Veneer
best furniture polish iu the world. : : :
North Sixth Street
ltev. .1. R Travis.
8:30 Solo Mr. II. I,. Andrews.
8:40 Address ltcv. W. C. Merrit.
About the future of Grants Pass,
About your position.
About your business.
Or the coining State Election.
Think of "your loved ones at home," your family.
Arc you "ilonutiin; to a landlord?" Then "out
it out" and Imv THIS place lor n homo, Fotty
acies of land with splendid hiiMiit ss t-stuMNheil.
Humiios puving liom f 150 00 to f.VM) 00 a month.
If that don't suit, I can s've you a lot in almost any portion of the
City by paying $10.00 down und $5.00 per month.
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
510 Er Street Grants Pass, Ore.
Grants Pais Win a Championship.
The football game this Friday after
noon betweeu tbe High School tea'na
of (iriiuts 1'ass aud Koschurg was th
Hardest contested and most exciting of
ill the names plaved this season by
the (..rants Pass hoys. It was hard
close plaviug from start to finish and
gnve tbe rooters ample chance to dis
play their enthusiasm in which they
were uot backward.
The attendance was less than that
ut the last game. The Cirauts 1'ass
team was ma le up slrietly of school
hovs, and though lighter in weight
put up a game that gave them the
score of I J to II.
This gaum (live tbe Grants I 'a
high school boys the championship of
Southern Oregon.
Protect your goats and sheep f'om
depredations of coyotes, conga's,
wildcats and other wild annuals by
using Marsters Covote Kxtei niiimtor.
Warranted to killvurmints every tune
and to hold Its strength for a year. Is
aproiared luste that the smell of it
will att.act a coyote (or a louir d
tunce. Full direction with each can
For sale at Roterinund'a drug store,
Grants t a.
Fish, Oysters,
Phone .U"for Halibut, Smelt
Salmon, Catfish, Crabs, Shrimps,
and l''rch Toke Point and hUttcrn
Oysters. These goods are kept
in Cold Storage nnd ate fnsh ut all
Free delivery.
Howard M. Mitchell
Cold Storage,
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Josephine Couuty.
I) P. Jnhnsnu and Au
gust Fetsch,
K. W. Nugent,
To It. V. Nugent, Defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are herebv required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled uguiust
yon in tbe above entitled action on or
before the litn Hay or January, r.
and if vou to appear and answer.
the plaintitls will take judgment
aiiaiust you for the relief demanded
in their complaint, to wit : the sdin
ot f MMI with interest at the legal rate
from May I'.Ki,), and for the sum ot
2.i attorneys fees, and for tbe costs
und disbursements of this action; lor
an order of sale of the real property
attached herein.
This Summons is published by order
of Hon. J. O. Hoot ii. County Judge,
made and entered ou the 21st day of
November, UMi,'i. The first publica
tion of summons is November 24, IIKI3,
aud the last publication of summons
is January , lisal.
Attorneys for 1'laintifls.
The Piano house,
is in the market
styles of
located in (the Courier building
with the ,very best grades and
line from (Jaliee
distance of two
Mr Nesbit of the Courier waa visit
ing Oalice lust week.
Jack Roaf returned to Ualice after
a abort visit to Merlin.
E. M. Savage has completed his
new house at the Rand.
The new school at the Raud, began
Mouday, with Miss Carter, of Wilder
ville aa teacher.
There will be a barbacue and dance
at the Rand, Thauksgiviug night. A
ood time is expected.
Things are very quiet at the Raud
and Almeda mines just now but a
change is expected soon.
J. R. Haivey is contemplating put
ting in a telephone
to his property, a
Miss S die Hawkins has return -d
from Merlin, where (he has been at
tending school. She will attend
school at the Raud this winter
A. B. Cousin, general manager of
Oalice Consolidated Mines Compauy
is milking a brief stay at Oalice.
The mine is iu line shape for a long
Winter s run aud a very profitable
one is expected.
D. F. Newman of Silver Creek went
to Orauta Pasa Tuesday. He will re
turn to Silver creek in a few days,
where be is employed as bookkeeper
at the Metz mine Butter Cup.
A Disastrous Calamity.
It is a disastrous calamity, when
you lose your health, because iudigea
tiou aud constipation have sapped it
awav. Prompt relief can be had in
Dr. 'King's New Life Pills. Thev
build up your digestive organs, aud
cure headache, dizziuess, colic, cou
stipatiou, etc. Guaranteed at all
drutf stores : 2,"o.
We are here to stay. The prices are talking and
the goods close the ileal. Don't fail to see us be
fore purchasing for we will save you money. The
line consists of such cclcbiatcd makes as the J. & C,
Fischer, Knabe, Kverett, Ilardman, Packard, Lud
wig, and 17 other well known makes.
-.11 Goods Sold on l asy Terms.
J. F. HALE, Southern Oregon Manager.
Miss Minnie Ireland,
Local Manager, lj
... f
Miss Abbie Stackpole who has In en
takiug a course in one of the San
Francisco hospitals bus been visiting
her grandmother at Merlin and tier
mother at Leland for the past few
weeks. She will have December so
for Denver, there to be united in
marriage to C. J. Lyser, who is
superintendent of one of C:ipt Del
Mar's silver milieu ut Alma, Colo.
:w ;r )day.
wile wait situation as cock in or mine, Address R
Courier otlice.
Next Thursday is Thauksgiviug,
and you can get Tahl" Silverware at
Cramor Bros.
LLOYD On Friday, November 11,
11105, to Mr. and Mrs. John Liyd, ol
Wilderville, a sou.
MIESSNER To Mr. nnd Mrs. E. F.
Mi 6-sner, of Ruckhorn Farm, near
Kerby, on Monday, November 20,
liKift, a dsughti r
Wednesday, November 22, l'j(i.", at
the home of the bridu's pareuti,
Mr. aud Mrs. Mlltou ;Kcynolds,
Frank Jones and Miss Ida Rey
nolds, Justice Cbas. Ladd ofhciatiii)!.
ville on Thursday, November Hi,
11MI5, at tho home, of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Robin
son, James McCanu and Miss Ethel
Robinson, Rev. George Clark,
At the city convention hold at the
court louse this 1 liday evening t
noniiiiate candidal s for mayor, Mayor
licorgo Good was piesented by T. P.
Judson nnd C. E Maybee was noiui
mitid by G"0. W. Colvig The nomi
nation uf the two candidaleK was con
firmed, nnd Col. W. Johnson was agim
the no iiinee for n - lection lor treas
urer. The recorder, city attorney,
street commis-or n r und marshal ate
appointed n.' the nia ir.
Men Put Sixty in Danger
V mo than half of n imkiiid over CO
years t.f aire snlTer fiom kidney aud
bladder disoiders, usually engage
ment of prostate gland. This is both
I ii 1 1 1 f ti 1 und dangerous, and Foley's
Kidney Cure should be 'liken at tlie
fl'st siun nf danger, as it corrects
irrt gulurities und has enred umny old
men cf this dii-ense. Mr. Kcdnev
llnrneit, Rock' Port, Mo., writes: "I
suffered with enlarged prostate gland
and kidney trouble for tears Btid after
taking two hnltles of Foley's Kiduey
Cure I f.el better than 1 have for 2i)
years although I inn now VI years
old." For sale by II. A. Rotermunri.
The Cantata "The i'illur of Fira" preeuled at the Presbyteriau church
Sunday uuder tho direction of II. C Kinney was one of the most pleasiug
musioil events ever given iu Cirauts Pasa aud was enjoyed by a large number
of people as ths church was crowded. 1 be choruses rendered were highly
commended Hs were also the solo pirts. Perhaps
the most enjoyable number
L. Ireland With piauo aud
Mr. A. E. Voorhies
Semi-chorus. Men's voicis
Miss Holgnte
Mr George Cramer
P. Cramer and Mr. George Cramer
and Miss Gussie Parker
Mr. A. E. Voorhies
Men's voices
Mrs. H. C. Kinney
on the program was the soprano solo by Mra. W
llute accompaniment
Following is tbe prognu as reudered :
I lit 1 1 o 1 Ot'l it '!,
Hear. ' Ye People"
Itm' Poiidnu u In Egypt"
Now Faith's Sounding Chorus"
I be St ais on I he Jordan" Soprano solo
'The Promise to Jacob" T nor solo
1 Aud M s s said unto Pharaoh" Mr. f.
' lb avier Grow s the Hand"
' Ami the Utlici rs of Israel"
Mr. T. H. Cramer, Mr. George Craniir,
Hy l liani' lis Hand" ....
'And Mi k H. turned unto Ihe Lord" Bass solo
lhen the Lord t-aid unto Mom s" Semi chonu)
Ins' rutn ntal .....
There nr I'latm s Now in Kgypt,
Mi-s Bertha Bnrri', Miss Ames, Mr. Will Ireland
lliil saith the Lord" Teiu r solo
'1 he Evening Moon" Contralto solo
'Music Iroui Kirvi't"
The Niirlit March Uuartette anil i noma
Mrs. vY. I.. Ireland, Miss I-aora Parker, Messrs. George aud T. P. Cramer
And th Loid Weill Before" Duet Miss Iaura Parker, Mr. Elbeit Veatch
"O the Sav is Long aud Weary llilldreu a Chorus
And the Loid SH'ke uuio Moses Rasa solo Mr. H H. Brown
Now We 'luiu" Solo Prut aud Chorus Messrs. George aud T. P. Crau-er
The Kieds of the Shei herds, Soprano folo with Mutes
Mrs W. L. helaud. Mr. R. W. Clarke, Mr. C. L. Cleveuger
Evening Song "Sleep" ..... Chorus
The Wavia Whisper Peace Trio ....
Mrs. Ireland, Misaea Gnseie and Laura Parker
Instrumental "Egyptians in tbe Distance"
Aud the t ot I rael nasa solo and mortis Mr AC oorhits
And Moses Said, Far Not" Bass solo Mr. T. P. Cramer
Wherefore Cryest Thou unto Me" Tenor solo - Mr. A lbert Coo
Forward ' "l is .l. bovab's Wold" Bass solo and Chorus Mr. f. P. Cramer
See the Billows Surge" Trio Messrs. Veatch, Coe and Voorhies
Miriam'a Song "Sound the Loud Timbrel" - Chorus
Finale "As Our Fathers Fled from Egypt rull Chorus with Quartette
Oblignto Mrs. W. L. Ireland,
Miss Uusvie Parker, Measra George aud T. P. Cramer
Mr. A. E. Vocrhiea
Mr. Elbert Veatch
Miss Cherry
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