Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 24, 1905, Image 1

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No. 34
1 1 Sell
L. IRELAND, "The Real Estate Man."
Ground Floor Courier Bldg.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking bu.-iticis.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles.
Safety deposit boxes tor rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres.
R. A. 1100TH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
Daintiest creations of the potter's art,
Exquisitely decorated. Price from $1 up.
Bert Barnes,
Cobb & Isaacs, Real Estate
The real estate men, Cobb & Isaacs, last week sold
a tract of land in the north end of town contain
ing 30 lots, and this week sold another tract of 30
lots, besides some improved lots with cottages on.
If you want your property sold, list with us.
If you want to buy anything see us first. The
reason wo sell so much property is, we sell right.
Sixth Street, opposite Postoffice, Upstairs.
ml mm urn
Electric Light
We are now ready for business.
Do not make any contract until
you have seen our solicitors. Pat
ronize and encourage the com
pany which has already forced
country. Judge us by what wo
have done and are doing.
Condor Water
Real Estate t
?eif Houses
Negotiate Loans
Make Collections
and Writ
Fire Insurance.
Call upon or write
Grants Pass, Orb. i
& Power Co,
That Institute Idea Is Growing In
Southern Oregon Indicates
Progressive Farmers.
Editor Courier Iu the last issue of
the Courier I note with pleasure the
fart that we are to have another
farmers institute iu our valley. Now
it seems to me we might arrange to
hold this one at Williams instead of
Provolt This Valley is 13 miles
long with Williams Post office, church
and hall near the center. There are
more farmers ahore the Post oBlce
than below and by holding the in
stitute here it ould give all the peo
pie a greater advantage than to have
the meeting at Provolt. Besides this
the best farming part of the country
is nearer Williams than Provolt.
This is not a selfish motive on uiy
part for I am ouly six miles from the
place where the former institute was
held but many interested people ate
farther away. At the request of Mr.
J. M. John and others I wrote to Dr.
Withycombe along this line. The
people here would attend well, I cun
assure you, and many would be pleased
with the honor of euterciuing one
or more of the gentlemen from the
Trusting this will meet with your
favor and that you will assist iu get
ting the institute for this place, I am,
Very truly ynuis,
Williams Creek Farmer.
Iu regard to the above request for a
farmers institute at Williams, the
matter has beeu referred- to l'r.
Withcyombe. So well pleased were
those farrutrs who attended the insti
tutes held last fall iu Kogne Kiver
Valley that uiauy requests have been
sent to the Courir asking Hint a series
of iustitutes be aruiugid for dur
ing this wiuter. Though having more
applications for institutes iu other
parts of the state than be could fill,
Dr. Withycombe has ennseuted to
spend a week iu Southern Oregon
in February and hold as nrnny insti
tutes as possible iu that time. The
arranging of the schedule was left to
the editor of the Courier ns the
Doctor did tint know what p'aces de
sired institutes and was unfamiliar
ith the rontes of travel. The one
injunction was given to arrange for
as many institutes as possible within
the given time and to have as little
loss of time as possible iu reaching
the various places. With this end in
view two schedules have befn sub
mitted to Dr. Withycombe.
The muddy, almost impassable
condition of the roads, the long dis
tances to travel, and the short Win
ter days made it necessary to give
Institutes at places that could be most
easily reached and which would not
cause delays iu making the appoint
ments. Another thing considered in
arranging the schedule was that the
speakers attending evening sessiou
ould be up late nights and that
with the cold, disagreeable weather
of Winter In which the drive from
oue place to ntiothtr would make It
every trying ou them, and further
more at several places it is asked that
three si asions a day be had. Kerby
was the ouly distant place (elected
in either Josephine or Jackson county
for holding au institute, and that
was made at the earnest n quest ol a
number of prominent funnels of that
section. Williams is the ci liter of a
large, fine valley and the funnels of
that section are progressive and an In.
stitutn there would be quite certain to
be a success. It Dr. Withcyombe cau
arrange to give another day to his
Southern Orevou trip he will be
quite certiin to hold an institute at
Williams this February. If he is
unable though to meet the wish of
the Williams farmers this time he
will be quite sure to gire them an in
stitute on his neit trip to Rogue
River Valley.
Mill at Monumental Mine.
The following from the Cn st ent
City Recorder Indicates that develop
meut work on a larger iicale thau ever
is to be carried on at the Monumental
mine :
"Five teams left ear'y this week
lor the Monuuii ntal Mines, with por
tions of a roller quartz mill to be put
up at the mini s for working ore. The
plaut is for the purpose of testing ores
from various Kirtions of the mine,
and if results are satisfactory many
more stamps will be added. Two
motors aud considerable pie was
tiken out, there being good water
power at the mines for operating the
mill. A modern concentrator was
also sent out. The bed of the mill
weigh 7.V10 pounds but no difficulty
Isexpe. ted id hauling it out. The
ttauislers inform os that the road
ii Id eicelleot condition."
Rock Drilling Challenge.
8. L. Saodry and Joe Hiligo will
meet any team in a rock drilling con
test for a purse of f l.Kl or 2IK) that
may accept. The contest to be held
in Grants Pass any tun" id Doeniht-r.
Three weeks notice to be given of ac
ceptaoce prior to contest.
Address 8. L. Saodry, Grants Pass.
Will. Be Held In Baptist Church
Next Thursday Morning.
All Are Invited.
" The Union Thanksgiving service
will be held this year at the Baptist
church at 10:30 a. m. as decided at
the meeting of the Ministerial Asso
The following is the order of ser
vice :
Organ Voluntary.
The Lord's Prayer.
Proclamation of the President and
Governor... Rev. K. O. Williams
Prayor Rev. H. H. Brown
Anthem Choir
Announcements aud Uffeiiug.
Scripture Lesson ... Rev. J. H. Austin
tivmn How r lrni a foundation."
Serniou Rev. O. D. Beckman
Hymn "America. "
It is Hoped that there may be a
larger response aud atteudauoe on
this service than ever before.
Grants Pass has reason to thank God
aud remember Him in this service.
Let all the merchants make it possible
for themselves and .their employees
to attend the service. Let all the
people do their trading the day befote
that none need be conipullod to stay
Supervisor Gentner Builds Only
Small Section but Makes
That Permanent.
C. F. Gentner was in town Monday
for a 1 ad of large tiling to be nsed
for road culverts iu his district Mr.
Gentner is supervisor lu the Murphy
district and he has the well
earned reputation of being one of the
best road supervisors in Josephine
county. Mr. Gentner docs not waste
the road fund of hi- district in mak
ing temporary repairs to the roads,
but he concentrates his efforts on oue
section of road at a time aud gets it
permanently improved. Getting the
roads on easy grades and thoroughly
drained is a leading feature of Mr.
Geutuer's road work. He nses no
wood iu constructing the smaller cul
verts, tnakiug them of tiling or stone.
He has found that tiling is the least
expeuseive for small culverts, the
co-t of quarrving, hauling and layiug
the ruck making it eieusire, except
when the lock can be had at the place
it is to be used and is easy to quarry
Mr. Gentner has this past summer
graded and permanently Improved a
mile of the main Applegale road in
his district, aud now he will begin
the work of graveling It. As the dis
trict has but a limited road fund the
fanners have voluuteernl to haul the
gravel, Supervisor Gentner furnishing
the men to load the wagons. The
gravel will be taken from the bars in
the Applegate river, whore there are
thousands of tons of rrck that is per
fect for road covering. When Super
visor Outlier completes this section
of road it will be one ( f the best con-
si ructed and most permanent roads iu
Josephine couuty. Such roads bring
good returns to the taxpayers, but the
average mad work that is dune, by
way of filling niudhulca and other
temporary improvements is mouey
very largely wasted.
Farmers Lose More on Market
ing Produce Than Cost of
Good Roads.
Think of waiting for the mud to
dry np M,COO,000 horses aud mulct
Idle in the stable; H.bOO.OOO a day
for hnrsu feed; .'S, (XXI, ( n 0 a week I
Think of the loss of time and labor,
the dwarfed and rhruukeu values of
our farms, of the slack supply and
good prices wheu the roads aro im
passable! Think of the prnciasionof
farmers that rush to town and glut
the market in the flist days cf dry
weather and think of the paltry prices
they get when everybody is trying to
sell au overstocked merchant I From
the staupdoint of profit, In dry
weather and wet, the badly kept dirt
road Is much the same. There Is lit
tle difference between selling a full
load at half price aud half a load at
full price.
Another notable thing: Every im
provement is a herald of prosperity ;
every good country road the
value of every farm that fronts it.
Raise the value t,f real estate ou
American farms 6 per cent and yoo
add fva.OnC.OHO to our rural wealth.
Put a like iiiciease on the value of
farm produc U, live stock aud ma
chinery aud you gain 3V), 000, (HiO
more Decrease the coat of hauling
one year's crop of hay, cereals, pota
toes, tobacco and cotton by only 10
cents per ten aud yoo save 1 1. 000, 000.
These are Dot all the items. They
will snftloe. Isaac C. Potter.
Practical Pointers on How to Co
operate for the Best Inter
ests of All.
Never before has the country press
been aroused to such an extent as it
is at present as to the evils of patro
uising other than home enterprises,
says the Home Trade Advocate.
Editorial aud local columns of the
papers, especially in the western
states, are HI led with common seuse
articles setting before the people such
facts as appeal to reasou aud patriot
ism. . Some editors in their seal to
accomplish good perhaps go to far in
abuse of systems that take money
from their neighborhoods and by
severe oritisms of patrons of out of
town concerns "overshoot the mark"
and fail to accomplish what is much
None will gainsay that the wage
earner has the i. hereut right to spend
his earnings wherever he desires. If
he wishes to buy his clothes in some
distant city, he has that privilege.
Sometimes he may have cause to do
so. His home merchants may not
carry in stock what he wishei to se
cuio. Others may charge him what
he considers au exhorbitant price.
Quite often he may learu that lie
makes a mistake by buying goods
without a careful examination of
them. When this is the case aud it
frequently is the purchaser becomes
a better patron of homo institutions
thau ever before.
But there are a few tilings that the
average man aud woman overlook. It
is that the dollars that they send
away mean money taiien out of local
circulation and the consequent im
poverishing of the community to
that extent Say that there 'are 2000
people in the coniinnultv. Five dol
lars a year from each one sent away
amounts to (10,000 a year aud lu 10
yesrs 1 1(H), 0(H).
Supposing that a fifth or sixth of
this represented the profits that
should be left in the community.
It would be quite enough to establish
a busluess enterprise that would sup
port several families. But from some
communities the average amounts sent
away for goods are from a third to a
half aud often more than the total
paid or needed supplies. Think of
what a great loss that is I Think
that this trade given to the home
towu would Immediately increase its
business from a third to a half.
How many years would It take if
the home trado principle was adhered
to strictly before your town would be
more than double lu size? It would
ouly require a very few years. Aud
with the growth of the town every
one living within its limits and its
trade radius would receive a benefit.
All the residents of a community
have common interests iu it. The
laborer, the farmer, the merchant,
the doctor and the lawyer proaHr in
common. Their interests are parallel.
The community is co-operative. If
the merchant who employed men from
some distant oily to do his work
would patronize an out of town doc
tor aud the town doctor send away
for the help he needed, the laborer
would suffer. And topixiso that the
laborers should scud away for their
eggs, their vegetables, fruit, butter,
etc., would not the farmer be
aftllcted? Suppose that the merchant
is compelled to do business without
profit. Can lie iay as jood wages to
his help as they should he entitled to?
So it goes down the Hue. The better
the home towu can I made the better
It is for all. lie a patron ol home In
dustry, and by being such you assist
yoorsellf and all lu your 'neighbor
Telearam Commends Exhibits.
The Hog ue River Valley Fruit As
sociation sliipiH-d a carload of Yellow
Newtown apple las wiek from Med
ford. This fruit was consigned di
rect to London, England There were
SO00 full si.u boxes lu the car.
The Portland Telegram referring
to the recent Portland excursion to
Southern Oregon says:
' The pilgrims from the Rush City
realize unw more than ever the value
of permanent exhibits at the various
large towns In the southern art of
the state. The displays miidn by Ash
land, Medford, Gran.s Pass and Gold
Hill were found to be complete in
every detail, so far as the different pro
ducts 'pertained to the agricultural,
horticultural and mineral Interests of
the Immediate territory."
Herb W. tdwardi lnurtd.
Herb W. Edward of lies Moines,
Iowa, got a fall on su icy walk last
wiuter, spraining his wrist and bruis
ing his knees. " The next day, " he
says, "they were so sore and stiff I
was afraid I would have to slay in
bid, hut I rubbed them well with
Chamberlain's Pain Halm and lifter a
few applications all soreness had dis
appeared. I feel that this bottle of
Pain Balm saved me several days'
time, to say nothing of the suffer
ing." This liniment Is for sale by
all druggists.
Cold Weather
Regular $7.50 Air Tight Heator for $5 50
liegular 0.50 Air Tight Heater for 4 50
Absolutely the Biggest Bargain in Heating Stove we ever
offered This is a Special We will not hold this offer open
long, so buy now.
New Dressers in great variety.
New Couches in best makes.
New Center Tables choice designs.
New China and Cut Glass at surprisingly low prices.
PAPER the heavy kind; a lot more just received.
Thanksgiving Necessities Turkey Platters, Carving Sets.
Thomas (Sl O'Neill
llousefurnisliers to Southern Oresron
Douuld Calvert leaves iu a few d ys
for Cotvallis where he will outer the
O. A. C. '
Miss Nina Paddock aud Miss Ella
Savage have been absent from school
this week ou aotiouut cf sickness.
The secoud year History class, mak
ing use of the now reference books,
finished a thorough study of the
Fiench Revolution last week.
Mr. J. Leuscher, of Portland, a
representative of the Boys' a- d Girls'
Aid Society of Oregon, gave a short,
Interesting talk to the High School
last woek, iu behalf of his Institu
tion. The High School Is about to lose
ouo of Its second year pupils. Miss
Hazel Hnwland, who is very popular
among the young people of this town,
leaves for Portland lu two or three
weeks and Intends to make that city
her home In the future.
This year the High School has ad
ded throe sets of hooks to its library
in addition to those purchased last
spring. The hooka Just received are
Scott's complete works, The poems of
the standard poets In 82 volumes and
Irvlng's complete works.
The High School is divided iulo
three literary societies which render
very interesting prngams each Friday
afternoon. The names of the first
two societies are A & Z and the
Cicero societies respectively. The
third society has not yet been nani'd.
The Grants Pass High school can
soon boast of i'sjinskct ball team as It
now docs of the foot bull team. The
girls under the leadership of Miss
Bridge and Miss Walker have already
organized aud at their first meeting
Miss Helen Clarke was elected to act
as chairman until the captain shall be
chosen for the team. Ihosu who
have joined this cigauizittion are Klla
Savage, Daisy Coin, Blanche Ferdine,
Wllna (lllkey, F.llinl Riggs, Helen
Clarke, Georgia fori in, Lydia White,
Alice McFarlimd.
"I Think th Lord"
cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock,
Ark., "for the relief I got from Buck-
len's Arnica Salve. It cured my
foaiful running sores, which nothing
else would heal, and from which 1
had suffered fo flveyiars" It is a
marvelous healer for cots, burns and
wounds. Guaranteed at all drug
'.'i t t HW'sHlt' '-''t'
Old Controversy With Railroad
Company Over 6th Street
Crossing Up Again.
The council met last week with all
present but Councilman Williams aud
Recorder Booth. Deputy City Attor
ney O. 8. Blauchatd scted as recorder
pro tern. The new concrete sidewalk
ordinance was passed aud the Are lim
its were extended up Sixth street to
take in block 22 aud the west half of
block 21, both lying between D and
R streets.
The old controversy of 20 years
duration with the railroad company
about the Sixth street crossing came
np again with the result that an ordi
nance was passed compelling the
railroad eonipauy to open Jthe vesti
bule doors on both sides of their cars
when standing at the depot. City
Attorney Hough was" anuthorized to
notify the railroad oompauy that un
lets they maintained aro lights on
their Sixth Street crossing the city
would euforce tho state law requiring
gates aud signal bolls on the crossing.
A section of alloy ou North C street
was vacated, and petition for au alley
through block 207 was referred to the
street committee.
The following bills were allowed :
Dan Wiltrout, street work $ 2 00
M 1) Brlggs, street work 1H 00
J A Rimer, street work 11 00
Geo. Cougle, street work H 00
OOLnnil, street work 18 00
J Wiltrout, street work 6 00
I) A Ha Kind, street work. ... 6 00
Harry Moore, street work 18 Ml
R II Gilllllan, street work 2 Oft
L McGrew, poliue 22 00
Geo Finuh, police 4 00
John Lance, police 22 00
Williams Bros, 1J & L Co Ill) 70
Hair-Riddle llilw Co.slieet sup lot 80
Firemen, piy 18 7(1
(rants Pass Truck ilo, hauling I BO
J L Shaska, sewer contract 187 25
Curtd Coniusption.
Mrs. B. W. Evaus, Clearwater,
Kan., writes: " My husband lay sick
for three months. The doctors said
that he had quick consumption. Wo
procured a bottle of Ballard's Here
bound Syrup, aud it cured him. That
wits six years ago. Since thin we
have always kept a bottle lu the
house. We cannot do without it. For
coughs aud colds It has no tqual. "
35c, Mto, tl.00 at Model Drug Stote
and Rotermuud's.
Order seals and rublter stamps of
A. K. Voorliies.