Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 17, 1905, Image 2

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Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rataat
One Year, in advance, $1.50
rilx Months, .76
Three M on tin, .40
Single Copies, - .06
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolution of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
eard of tbanlu SUc.
A. E. VOORHIES, Props.
Entered at the pout office at Grants
Oregon, aa second-class mail matter.
Farmers in Josephine ooauty have
s soil and climate uuequaled in .lie
went for the prodnction of small
fruits. Experience in other valloya
notably the Hood river valley in Ore
gon and thii Pnyallnp valley in
Washington shows that uo crop ia
more certain or profitable than the
vaiious kinds of raspberries, black
berries and strawberries. With
proper care and attention, after the
second year, raspberries and black
berries will yield from 2(10 to 400
orates to the acre, worth from $1 to
1.75 per crate. Tim cost of cultiva
tion is small, while the cost of pick
ing and crating does not exceed SHI
cents per crate.
In soil fertility the Rogue river,
Applegate, Illinois and other valleys
of Josephine county are fully equal to
the Hood river or Puyalltip, while
the climatic conditions here are im
measurably superior. With a rich
andy loam and with but few degrees
of frost even in the coldest weather
there is no reason why our farmers
should not reap the benefit of the
splendid opportunity that Is theirs.
The growing of these fruits Iihs
been tried hero and in every
instance where reasonable care has
been bestowed upon them the results
have beeu most satisfactory. In ai.i
and flavor they equal or soriass he
best berries growu in other sectiuns of
the West, liut their cultivation has
been limited. It is a rare tiling to
find a farmer in these valleys with
more than a small patch, or some
vines growing along his garden fence.
His main aim iu berry culture seams
to be to supply eufllcleut for home
use, with possibly a few to sell in the
lo. al muikets; and to there vines he
usually gives but Indifferent atten
tion. That is not berry culture iu the
tense we mean it. The fluid is here
and the market for the fruit comprises
the United States to and beyond the
Mississippi river. The point wo make
will best be understood by reference
to other valleys where the cultivation
of berries is a regular business.
In the Pnyallnp valley a local
fruitgrowers' association has hoi n
formed with a membership of ever
400. Each member oultvates from
oae to !!( acres of berries. A manager
""'(""J1"' 11 j me association, receives
and grades the orati d berries and
hips io the Eastern market in re.
frigerated carload lots. These berries
go to the Rocky mountain states, to
me itaknlaa, Minnesota, Iowa, Maui
toba ami as far Kits! as Chicago, arriv
ing there In line marketable condition.
Last mi'iimou the Puvallup valley
growers shipped ti,(X0 crales of red
iBspherries and MO.,00 i rati s ol black-
berrie- to the eaatern market, besiih
16,000 crates of strawberries, currants
and other small fruits. The raspber
ries netted the grower l. IS anil the
blackberries I.(I0 pel crate, char of
all expense. In addition to tlieii
shipments, these growers also sup
plied the Ineal markets of Seattle ami
Tacoua, ami the Alaska trade. Iu
the Hood river valley a similar
grooeis' association exists ami ship
uientH are made in carload lots to all
parts of the country, giving in t re
turns to thi' grower of from ;'oo to
HlH per arte.
What ha- been done in those vallejs
can be d lie Iu the valleys of Jose
phine county, and with better yield
and greater profit betame a kindly
nature gives the farmer here more
favorable coiulit ions. If tin. fanner
will make berry culture a business
set out overal acres of canes and cul
tivate them with the same care be
does his other crops he can a
rich ami leriain lewanl Hi' will
'Our tlviibtit are traitors.
Ami make u. lose the quad we oft miihl
Hy f Hiring to attempt."
About the future of Grants Pass,
About your position,
About your business.
Or the coming State Election.
Think of "your loved uiK-.sat home," your fainilv.
Arc mi 'Mounting to n hiudlutd.'" Then "cut
it out" ami liuv THIS place lor n home, Foily
lines of l.iiul with s-pUiitiiil litiMiit'vi cM.ililis.lK.ii.
lll!'illt s-N pilMI'j" llolll f I; I) 00 to jolMl 00 ;t mouth.
II taken at 'om-c- YOU l AN HAVE THIS SPLtNDID
PROI'l R1Y fOK $3,000.1)0.
It that don't suit, I can j;ive yt u a lot iu almost any poition of the
City hy paying f 10 00 down anil 5.00 per month.
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
510 E Street Grants Pass, Ore.
readily find a market at good prices
beoaate the demand far exceeds the
supply la all parti of the country. Ia
growing these fraits he will
add largely to his income and roa
perity and the general wealtn of the
The past season has witnessed and
the coming season will witness a de
velopment of the resoorces of Jose
phine connty that has not Den equaled
in the last score of years. On moant
aia and in valley men of energy and
enterprise are battling down the bor
der land The mountains, gemmed
with gold, are yielding their treasure
at many points, giving employment to
hundred of men, creating profitable
markets and placing the cooLty in the
front rank of al 1 Oregon counties for
its production of mineral wealth.
The valleys, rich in climate and soil,
are pouring from their fertile acres
the multiplied products of the farm,
adding to the general wealth and ex
tending the cultivated area year by
year With the wand of endeavor the
people are developing industries and
natural opportunities, correlating foi
the benefit of mankind the many and
iucomi arable resources that are to be
found iu Josephine Connty.
Iu advocating the establishment of
a daily mail ronte from Grants Pass
to Kubli the Courier has not, and
does nut, favor its being done to the
detriment of any other section. The
report that such a ronte would mean
the abandonment of the present daily
mail service to Provolt and Williams
is entirely without foundation. Those
olllces are centers of populous and
thriving farming communities; they
are a necessity and the abolition of
their daily mail service would work a
whoolly undeserved hardship npnn
one of the best portions of Josephine
But the service to Privjlt and
Williams and is in no danger of be
ing discontinued or curtailed. It
will be continued daily as in the
past. Any effort to interfere with it
would meet with determined opposi
tion from this newspaper, from the
eople of l rants Pass and from tiie
residents along the route. Our many
friends in that section can rest assnr
ed that uo elTort is being made, or has
been niacli to deprive them of a ser
vice to which they are so justly en
titled. The people here and the people there
are interested in securing their route
and it ought to be secured. It will
be In lie lit to all concerned, just as the
daily service to Williams is a benefit;
and iu getting it no one will be in
jured, uo matter on what other route
he may reside.
Mr. Farley has been on the sick
list for the past week.
Ml. and Mrs. Westman came out
Saturday anil are visiting relatives
The lumber is being sawed for the
new lodging house, which is to be
erected here.
A farewell party was given for Mr.
and Mrs. Springer, who are going to
leave us Wednesday.
O. Erie who was seriously hurt iu
I he mine w as taken to town for
treatment Tuesday morning.
Louise llinlsall was out from
Grants Pans visiting th.i Misses Sill
Friday evening and returned Satur-
Rock Drilling Challenge.
S. L. Saudry and Joe Siligo will
meet any team iu a rock drilling con
test for a purse of IMI or fJOO that
may accept. The contest to be held
ill Grants Pass any time in December.
Three weeks notice to he givoi- of ac
ceptance prior to contest.
Address S. L. Sundry, Grants Pass.
W. II. II. Taylor holds the credit
of being one of the largest wood
dealers of the farmers who deliver
wood Iu Grants I'ass. Mr. Taylor
has a good farm and a large tract of
Hue i uik and other limber on the Ap
plegatu mar the Wilderville bridge
and ho keeps a crew culling wood
for the greater part of the year. In
addition to doing liU farm work he
has deliveieil S70 tiers of wood In
Grants Pass this fall and he has a
large amount yet to deliver.
Engraved Curds Courier Building
(i R A I T I! II ILL
Regulation Prescribed by the
Government Under Which
Timber la Sold.
The increased demand for the par-
chase of timber from the forest re
serves hai called for detailed working
plana for the more important timbered
areas within them. In order to avoid
delay without jeopardizing the future
welfare of the forest, and that these
working plans may be well considered
they are being made as rapidly at pos
sible for those forest areas from
which the sale of timber is probable
in the near futuie. In mauy cases
they are made before the actual appli
cation for purchase is received.
Those who purchase timber from
the Government are required to ob
serve Forest Service regulations in
logging which guard against waste
and provide for the reproduction of
the foiest. Considerable variety
exists in the character and require
nients of the forest in any one reserve
o that each working plan must be
based on a close study of local con
When setting about the preparations
of one of these plans the first question
la, vrliat areas in the reserve are
adapted to the same scheme of
management Aftor these areas have
been selected they are thoroughly
studied from every aspect.
The location of the timber is noted
and a tough estimate is made of its
amuout. Then the character and con
ditiou of the stand are carefully do
lermiued. Its age, over-ripeness, iu
jury from fire or insects, the possibi)
ity of improving it by logging, and
the kind and amount of young growth
are principal points, all of which
must b taken into consideration iu
settling whether it is advisable or
inadvisable to cut.
The question of markets, and the
logging facilities, are also taken into
accouut, as well as the present iocal
demand for timber, the probable
future demand, and the kind of tim
ber required. Iu connootion with
these problems attention must he
glveu to the nature of the country.
the accessibility of the timber, and
the existing roads and drivnble
streams, because the actual value of
tlio timber is in large measure de
pendent upon the ease and economy of
its removal.
Reproduction, by which alone the
forest can maintain itself, is essential
where loigmg is to be done. For
this reason the reproductive capacity
of the forest is noted with careful de
tail, aud the e fleet which fire and
grazing may havo npou it becomes a
iiiestiun of the first iniiHjitauce.
The data, therefore, which the
working plan study has gathered form
tlio basis of the terms of the cou tract
iu eg: cement with which the pur
chaser of Government timber removes
the timber which he has purchased.
These terms include the diameter
limit below which the timber mav not
ho cut the number of seed trees of
various species which most be left to
reseed the ground, the maximum
height at which the stumps maybe
cut, aud the diameter to which the
tops timet be utilized, Mid other
stipulations insuring clean, (cuseivn
five logging. Especially, also they
provide for the disposition of the
slash, so that the forest floor may
safely oe cleaned of inflammable
material on which uncontrollable
forest tires might feed.
the restrictions imposed by the
Forest Survice uou limber purchasers
are meeting with the intelligent ap
proval of all who are performing log
ging operations undtr them. It is
more and more clearly understood
that they are necessary for the per
manent good of the forest that they
are of a purely practical stamp and
that their observance means the con
tinued productivity of the lorest and
therefore the husbanding ol the tim
ber supply and all that depends upon
We are having beautiful weather
for this time of the year.
llrace Treed missed sevi ral days
from si liool on account cf
Kev. t lark preaeln d at the M. K.
church of Wll. erville Sunday the K'th.
Mr. (Wiser of Corvallis, On gen,
visited relatives iu these parts re
cently. Mrs. lticewick of Knnsis, visited
old friends in this ueigliboihnod a few
days last week.
I 'at tie buyers were through here days ago. Don't think they
look many cattle cut of this neighbor
hood. Agnes Duiioanson, of Webber, Kui.,
after visiting nlatives lure nearly
two week, left for parts unknown to
the writer.
Turin Fuller.
The 11. A. I'obb Keal Estate Com
pany has undergone a change iu mem
bet si ii R. K. Stevens having retired.
The busine-s will he cun'inucd by (!.
A I'uhh and H. J. Isaacs loth pre
vious members of the I'oiutiauy.
liny have moved their oftico from
West It street tj North Sixth street
and have a suit of roou s iu the I'ouk
lin building on the second floor a I
Joining Dr. Kelsey's oltiee, where .hey
I ave tilted up au oftice that is ne.n
and handy.
I have a cash customer for a tt or S
renin house in good rendu ion, on
North side of track. Price most be
close. W. L. Irelauil, The Keal Es
tate Man.
School Boy Win from Ashland
A Game Next Friday
With Roseburg.
The football game played here
last Friday between Ash laud Normal
and Grants Pass High School resulted
in a victory for the home team. The
attendance was good, the leading busi
ness men haviug closed shop on ac
count of the game. The boys were
enabled to pay the expenses of the
game and to pay off all outstand
ing debts.
The game was closely contested
from start to finish and was alto
getber lacking iu unnecessary rough
ucsb and gangling, that sometimes
characterize a contest of this kind.
The victors bore tl.eir victory with
dignity; and the vanquished took
their defeat gracefolly. J he game
was called promptly at 3 p. m. Capt.
Cheshire of Grants Pass haviug won
the toss of the coin chose to defend
the north goal. Capt. Sayles of Ash
land kicked off to Grants Pass who
secured the hall and returned it to the
40 yard line. Grants Pass then began
an advance on the Ashlai d goal and
was making good gains, but lost the
halloo a fumble near the center of
the field. By some well played end
runs Ashland then advanced the ball
to within three yards of Grants Pass'
goal line, lie re the Grants Pass
boys braced op aud held Ashland for
downs. Ashland being unable to
make the necessary gains, the hall
was given to Grants Pass. Kiggs
theu punted for 40 yards, and a Grauts
Pass player secured the hall after it
had been fumbled by the Ashland
backs. liy good team work, and well
directed plays, among them a 25
yard run bv Shade, Grants Pass ad
vance the ball in front of the Ash
land goal. Kiggs then hurdled the
line for the necessary gain and touch
down. Grants Pass failed to kick goal
and the score stood 5 to 0 after 15
minutes of play. Grants Pass then
kicked off to Ashland who made some
gains but were soon forced to punt,
not having made the necessary yard
age. Shade blocked the punt and
Grants Pass secured the ball near the
center of the field. Again began the
onslaught towards Ashland goal, but
a costly fumble lost the ball for
Grauts Pass when within eight yards
of the goal and auother touchdown iu
eight. By several good quarterback
runs by Say lis, Ashland advanced
the hall back to near the center of
I ho field, when time was called for
the end of the first half.
Iu the second half, Will Moore was
put iu at lefi tackle and Bruce Ste-
I'hensoii at right tackle. Grauts Pass
kicked off and for some time the play
was near the center of the field
Ashland was held fur downs aud
forced to punt, again Shade blocked
the punt but Grants Pass soon lost
the ball on a fumble. ' Ashland then
advanced the hall well in frout of
Grants Pans' goal and Sat les scored
a very pretty goal from the field-
making 'he score stand 5 to 4 iu favor
of Grants Pass.
On the last kick off Kiggs made a
very beautiful kick and the Ashland
player securing the ball was dowi ed
within 15 yards of the goal. Ashland
attempted lo kick out of danger but
the ball was blocked and secured by
Grauts Pass near the center of the
Held, (i run is Pass then advanced the
hall to within 15 yards of the goal
Kiggs tried to kick goal from fl. Id
but failed. Palmer of Ashland e
cuied tin' ball just on the goal line
aud attempted to run forward. He
was seized by a Grants Pass player
and thrown behind tha goal line,
thus scoring a safety, counting two
points for Grants Pass. Keferee
Payne r-udered decision of 7 to 4 ho-
fore leaving the Held of day. How
ever it seems that time had been
cailed by the time keeper before the
last play. '1 In- referee had not blown
his whistle to declare the hall dead
ami it does not lie within the pre
Baking Powder
the lightest
hot biscuit
rogative of the time keeper to ao so ,
thus on strict ruling Grants Pass was
entitled to the two points and rcore
of 7 to 4. However, after leaving
the field the referee reversed bn de
cision and rendered score or o .
For Ashland, quarter-back Sayles
did the star playing. Uapt sayies
also played well at left halt For
Grants Pass Shade, Fay, Cheshire,
and Mitchell did the best playing.
The kicking of Riggs was also one of
the features. Grant" Pass played
much better on the defensive than
shown in their previous games but
on offensive their team work was not
as good. Numerous and costly fain-
blei showbed a lack of praotice and
signal work.
The Ashland papers in commenting
on the game speak of "Grants Pass
High School, with several outside
players defeated the Normal team. "
Grauts Pass' line-up with one excep
tion was the same team as were de
feated in Ashland some weeks ago
The Ash'annd repcrter neglected to
mention the outside players on the
Normal team, amrng whom was Ray
Sayles, who did possibly 75 per cent
of the playing and ground-gaining
for Ashland.
The next game played in Grants
Pass will be with Koneburg
on Friday, November 24th. This
will prove a very interesting game
and if won by our boys they may
lay claim to the championship of
Southwestern Oregon.
The Thanksgiving game will be
played here with Ashland High
The line-up of last Friday's game
was as follows :
In low
K Sayles
II Sayles
Grauts Pass
Williams, Moore
Hood, V. illiams
ltr Davis.Stephensou
lcr C Moore
q Fay
rhl Cheshire, Capt.
lhr Shade
f Rigg"
Officials Clvde Payne of Ashland, K.
R. Turner of Grauts Pass. Length
of halves, 25 and 20 minutes.
To Be Given ait the Opera House
Dec. 4lh Second of Series
of Lecture Course
The second number of the Lyceum
Eutertainmeut Course will be given
at the Opera House Monday night
December 4th. The entertainer for
the evening will bs Flank 0. Bruuer
of Chicago in "Uncle Biily aud Aunt
Harriet" a pathetic, humorous aud
dramatic country story. Mr. Bruuer
is very highly spoken of by the press
of various p'acea that he has visited
iu the capacity of lecturer, and if we
may judgo by these and the quality of
the eutertainmeut of the past num
her oujthe course giveu some weeks ago
by the Polaud-Newall Co. it is safe
to say that the entertainment on
December 4th will be first-class in
every respect, tew first-class enter
tainments of ;hia kind come to our
Southern Oregnu towns by reason of
the expense caused by long distances;
and this series of entertainments
given here this year has only been
made possible by a number of re pre
scutativn citizens taking the matter
in hand aud giving it a financial
backing. These entertainments should
be liberally attended.
for rush of time the committee
were unable before the last concert to
see all iiersous desiring season tickets.
To overcome this aud to give all a
chance to secure tickets for the season
it has been decided to sell season to
tickea for the three remaining en
tertaiumenta at fl.10 each. This
price will include reserved seats for
entire remaining number of the
course. Seat will oe reserved at the
usual place begiuniug at tt a. m. Fri
day December 1st. The season tickets
must be presented io order to secure
reserved seats; they must also be pre
sented at the door to secure admission
ou the evening of the 4th.
Worth More lo You Than Price
of a Pair of Glasses
If von value your eyes, have thorn
properly fitted at once. Delay, and
your eyes may become so bad that no
glasses will help them; theu you
will regret it all the rest of your days.
That is true every word of it.
Do not trust traveling opticians and
spectacle iieddlcrs to fit yon with
glasses. They get your money aud
you get experience. This we know,
because it is told us by people that
come to us for glasses after haviug
bought of the spectacle peddler.
We have the best lenses made, each
lens being ground for each eye de-
ict. We will examine your eyes
free if you will come in. Alfred
Letcher, Registered Opometrist,
Front St.
Registration Books Open.
Registration books are now oDen.
John Miuor Booth, auditor aud police
judge will be at bis ofiice, Room
Masonic Temple daily from 8 a. m.
to 12 ui. and at the city hall dailv
from 2 to 5 p. m. also at the city lull
from i to II o'clock each Weduesdav
and Satnrday night
The election will be held Mondav.
December 4, Registration books open
until Friday, November SO, at 6
o'clock p. m.
Timber claims. Homesteads. W
B. Sherman. Rooms 10 and 13 Maso.iic
Temple, Grauts Pass Ore.
00 OilS ill - X OOO
Sells Furniture
Not simply keeps. The stock is in good shape and
prices are right. Sold for Cash or on Installments.
Have a few Heating Stoves will sell at less than
"cost. Some Short Ends of Carpets very cheap.
The largest assortment of Linoleums and Mattings
to be seen. Do not forget a bottle of Liquid Veneer
best furniture polish in the world. : : :
North Sixth Street
First National Bank
K. A. HOOTH, Pres. J. f. CAMPBELL,
Surplus and Undivided
Keceive deposits subject to cheek or on certificate pavahle on demand.
Selis drafts on New York, UiiuiLio, ,an Francisco, Portland and Seattle,
special facilities for making collections through numerous curre.sHiiuk'nts
A. HooTH, II C Kinnky, 1'. II. Haktii, John !). Kby,
J. T. Terrs, J. C. Cami iibll, 11. L (Iilkxt.
JERSEV COW-For sale Inquire
W. h. Taylor at the freight depot
OELERY-Deliclous, crisp, fresh
from garden, not drv and tonirh
lilrn tlmr thimi.1 Plmna lo!! I
W. A. rlood.
FOR SALE 40 ACRES of bottom
laud ou Applegate, 10 miles from
town. Price $600. Will take
good team and wagon as part pay
ment. W. L. Ireland, The Real Es
tate Man.
for sale if sold at once. Inquire of
Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co.
REMINGTON Typewriter No. (I for
'iu casti or ustallmuets. See A. E.
COWS 5 milk cows for sale at reas
onable price. Inquire of II. Mar
quardt at the old Flanagan (lace,
six miles north on Rcseburg Rend.
I on Rogue River about four miles
west fioni city, for sale or rent
cheap. Cull en or address Jos.
p KM FOR SAI.E-two miles from Mer
lin, 100 ai res aliout Ail ai res of g I
bottom land. 2,r acres in cultivation, small
house and barn and ainiul so ai res under
(enee. balance of land suitable for on-hard
or pasture. Por further particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
200 4('IE 'ncli, good prune ami
apple orchard, small iruits in
abundance; waler for irjicalion. besides
springs on every 40 acres; center of a good
range country; two dwalling houses, big
barn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good mining markets, one
half mile north ol Tunnel II, price t,Wu.
Inquire at this otbie.
WANTED Dry oak wood.
Brown, JOH 2d street
E. b.
TO 1 RADE A good, sound bnrsb for
wood. Address Wood, care Courier.
FIR PARK Good heavy fir bark
wautul at Lund's woodyanl, Grants
SEWING DONE at your own home
by sending a card to Miss Burton,
Box 204.
WANTED Morecity property to Bell.
My salea lor the past two mcullis
have beeu so great that I need more
to supply the demand. W. L. Ire
laud, The Real Estate Man.
WORK A place to work for board
aud go to school. Can do hou'o
work and willing to wirk. Ad-1
dress George, Grants Pass,
STRAYED Ou Angust IK, near Drv
uiggiugs mine, small hinivii hors
with part double harness ou. J:,
reward for information hading to
recover of horse. Leave word ut
Deau & Dickiscn's stable.
TUTORING Private pupils wanted,
vuniuuiar grants or College prepara
tory work.-Chas. F. I'licsuiaii,
Harvard, A B., P. O. University
of California. UK Sixth street
Grauts Pass.
mitwiou furuiture made to order.
Settle Up.
All persons nwlno ii.u a.
- 1 inui ui viar-
meu Himenwav (',,.,,,, .... . .
notified to call and seitiu' n, !
- ...l- nviuuill
at ouce.
But Linlmtnt on Earth
Henrv n Pi,ii
Water W-irka. Shullsburg. ' W is
writea: ! have tried manv kinds of
liniment, but I hare rnvr-r r.cemd
much beilvHt n,,l T j r, ,
ufu raiiaru s
huow Liniment for rheumatism and
on earth." Sic, 50c. tuxi . " !
I-.U-. 1 ,,( u the t-e.t liniment
uiuod . and Model Drug Store.
of Southern Oregon
Vice-I'res. II. L. GII.KKY, Cashier.
1:2,000 00.
Pott Cards Tablets 2 cards ou
tablet, 5c Music (dore.
Wholesale and Retail
Feed ana Flour Store
J. E. KF.RLEY, Proprietor.
Ke'rley's Feed Stables, South Sixth Street.
Ihwt Brand of Flour.
Hay of all kinds.
Hulled Hurley, W hcut and Outs.
Clean Gray Oats for Scud.
tF" Hed rook prices.
Rambler Rose
The new ever-blooming
dwarf Crimson Rambler.
The greatest bloomer known.
Also Fruit, Shade and Ornamen
tal Trees, Monterey Cypress and
Privet for hedges.
I can get almost anything you
wish in this line.
Place your orders early.
at the Model Drug Store.
. h II KiM I Uk I
1 Ulllll I UIIL
I mclane'sTtore
I West G Street
E Second block from Sixth street
At ptices that make bar-
utest in Couches and Rockers
Fine Silk-Floss Mattress
Hotel Dressers
Window Shades
Kitchen Treasures
Fxtensioti Tables
Bedroom Sets
The Model Drug Store
Has Just What You Want
Our OIelrat(Hl Electric
Holt, Nature's Vitalizer, to
build up and tstrciiztlieii
tlie whole body and for
the cure of Kheuiimtitfin, Far-
'S1;', Liver, Kidney,
T l . I r. .
-j mii'i, JllllH-, Littlllt-
I Tt..l. n... .- .- .
1 constipation and an
j -Nervous Diseases.
The . fleet of Electricity on
the IlOrVcs is that nf n rmu-ir.
ful nerve tonic. It generates
new life and energy and
tones up the relaxed, weak
ene 1 and shaky nerves and
pives them vigorous energy.
For the ni xt 30 days, price
10.00. Regular price l-'O.OO.
Write or call at oneo.
fe ... i
LaLai mill' iL -f I