Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 17, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI.
No. 33
i Sell Real Estate
W. L. IRELAND, "The Real Estate Man."
Ground Floor Courier Bldg.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound hanking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres.
R. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
Daintiest creations of
Exquisitely decorated.
Bert Birne5,
Cobb & Isaacs, Real Estate
The real estate men, Cobb & Isaacs, last week sold
a tract of land in the north end of town contain
ing 30 lots, and this week sold another tract of 30
lots, besides some improved lots with cottages on.
If you want your property sold, list with us.
If you want to buy anything see us first. The
reason wo sell so much property is, we sell right.
Sixth Street, opposite Postotfice, Upstairs.
Ofllce and telephone removed to Golden Gate stable, opposite Hotel Jose
phine, for July and August while our new stable is being erected.
We are now ready for business.
Do not make any contract until
you have seen our solictors. Pat
ronize and encourage the com
pany which has already forced
country. Judge us by what we
have done and are doing.
Condor Water
Rent Houses
Negotiate Loans
Make Collections
and Write
Fire Insurance.
Call upon or write
Grants Pass, Ore.
the potter's art,
Trice from $1 up.
L Power Co.
5 I
Dr. Wlihycomb to Hold Six Mora
Institute In Josephine end
J&ckaon Counties.
So well pleased were the farmers of
theApplegate and Illinois liver vallejg
with the farmers Institutes, that were
held in September at Provolt aid
Kerby by Dr. Withyconibe and other
professors frcm the Stale Agricultural
College, that they hve requested that
tl ev be favored agaiu with institute
this Wiuier. Iu reply lo a letter of
inquiry Dr. Withyconibe writes to
the editor of the Courier that he will
be ble to hold a series of farmers lust I
tues in Josephine and Jacks in
counties about the first week In Febru
ary. While the schedule of dates and
places has not yet been made out, in
stitotes in Josephine comity will
probably be held at Provolt, Kerby
and Wilderville and likely at Merlin.
In Jacksi o conuty, Talent, Central
Poiut and Eagle Point will probably
be selected as the places for holding
Dr. Withyconibe, who is a whole
institute force within himself, will
be present at each of the meetiugs.
and so popular is he with the farmers
of Rogue River Valley that they will
be sure to greet him will) large au
dience!. The Doctor will have wilh
him the full corps of Professors from
the Agricultural College, who do in
stitute work, and he will alto have
with him one or niore of the large r
dairymen and stock tueu of the Willa
mette Valley who will talk to the
Rogue River stockmen from a
farmer's standpoint on practical,
money making dairying and flue stock
In the Eastern Stales aud in the
Willamette Valley and other no
tions of Oregou, where the farmers
institutes have become find institu
tions, as factors in progressive farm
ing, the farmers and their wives, sons
aud daughters for miles around at
tend, aud uover hesitate to lay aside
their work, when uu institute is in
session, aud take au active part iu its
proceedings. These institutes, where
the farmers have learned their value,
are in session from two to four ilass
and are in reality an Agricultural
College short course in to chi g up-to-date
farm methods. The farmers,
themselves, and tlieir wives lake an
active part in the discussions aud
oftentimes road papers or give short
talks. Iu this they are encouraged
by the college profes ors for the prac
tical experience gained in everyday
farm work, if success or failure, is
just what the institute workers de
sire to bring out, as especially help
ful to those who are striving lo make
farming a science and a more profit
able and attractive vocation than it
now is to such a large number of
alleged farmers.
The farmers institute is au educa
tional institution of slow develop
ment, for there is a good deal of M's
soorian about the avergau faimer aud
he has to be shown. And some! i met
it takes considers ble showing to in-
duce him to take hold of anything
that is new and different from the
farm methods of his farther. The
average Anglo-Saxon is more of a
Chinamau Ibau he thinks he is iu his
conservatisn , and iu sticking lo the
old customs, methods and manners
handed down to him by his fathers.
The fanner is no exception to this
rule, aud the first Intitule held In a
place is counted a success if 15 to 2(1
farmers are iu attendance. Hut wilh
each sureeding institute the attend
ance gaius, until it embraces the
greater number of the farmers within
a reasonable distance, i f the meeting
place. There are fanners, though, in
each community, who ran not he in
duced to attend an institute, for thev
think it is only a place li-re some
college professors "show off their
book learning and talk on fine haired
theories of farming,", that are utterly
at variance with their ideas.
These rural Silurians can n adily he
distinguished from the rial farmers,
for they raise wheat on the same
ground for 40 year, their fences de
velop bnaohy stock, their tools and
vehicles are in the fence corner, the
haruyard or the roadside, their stock
are scrubby degeueratei, their home
is a hovel aud the yard about the
house littered with all manner of
rubbish, and he 's found perched on
the "loafers' roost'' In Grants Pass,
or some other tow n, more frequently
than at woik In his field, while his
wife, with half a score of children to J
care fir, is bravely trying to help!
provide for the family needs by sell- j
iug a few eggs, taken from stiav
liens' nests in I he nearby hurst,
patches, aud in making what she calls'
butter, but which is kuowu to the ,
merchants by another usiiie, Hut !
these curubcrers of the earth are i
steadily diminishing iu numlsrs,
death removing the ol icr cues, and !
the farmers institutes, the sehools, j
newspapers aud an enlightened, pro-
gressive environment developing the
younger ones iuto euirgetic, thrifty j
farmeia. I
The attendance stall the farmers
institutes held in Rogue River Valley
this fall except the one in Grants
Pass, was very satisfactory consider
ing that they were the first held in
the communities. The one iu Grants
Pass was vsry slimly attended as is
always the case with institutes held
in large towns, for there appears to
be too many attractions to keep the
farmers away from institutes. Aud
these town attractions also keep many
farmers away from their fields, as
is shown by the numbers of farms
within a radius of Ave miles of every
large town, that looks as though
managed by a helpless widow rather
than by a strong, able bodied man.
From statements made by f aimers of
the localities where the next insti
tutes are to be held, there is every
reason to expect a large attendance
at each aud that the sessions will be
all the success that Dr. Withyconibe
aud Ins associates may desire.
Long Tunnel Being Extended
and Other Work Done
Is a Promising Mine.
Six men are now employed in the
Mountain Lion mine, on Miller creek,
a tributary of the Applegate. Work is
being prosecuted in three levels. Cne
hundred tons of ore are now in the
mill and as soon as a sufficient head
of water is obtained the work of
crushing will commence.
The Mountain Lion has been iu
operation more or less since it was
first located 18 years ago and it
is today one of the best developed
mines in Southern Oregon, Hie
lower tunnel Is iu 1000 ftet aud Is be
ing driven farther, while three upper
levels are In from 300 to SCO feet each.
The greatest vertical depth so far
reached is 850 feet, from the end of
the lower drift.
In character the vein iu the
upper levels is a free milling qnartz,
from two to five feet wide, with a
pa.vatreak from four inches to two feel
In width. In the lower level both the
veiu Hnd payslreak are wider. Part
of it is free milling and part coucen
tratirg, the tollurides and snlphurots
iu the latter being especially rich.
The vein is a contact, with a hanging
wall of porphyry and a footwall ot
diorilo. In the sangoo of the vein ap
pears a considi'rablle quautity of de
composed fleldspar, lying mostly
along the Jay streak near the footwall.
From the upper levels a large amount
of ore has been sloped. On the lower
level very little sloping has beeu
done, though seven al upraises have
be!eii made on the ore body to deter
mine its character and general w idth.
A winze is being started from No. 8
drift and this will eventually connect
with the lower tunnel, demonstrating
the continuance of the ore body aud
at the same time providing a shaft for
the free circulation of air.
A five stamp mill was placed cn the
property several yeais afo and a vail-
ner put in to rave the concentrates.
The repeated runs made in this nii'l
show the ore to aveiage from (40 to
fit) per ton in free gold, while Ibe
concentrates sent to the Tacoma
smelter for treatment yielded freui
:;0 to fTOO per Ion.
In addition to the mill Ihe mine is
well cqcipied for operation. A fine
office lias been built, hoarding house
erected and a good road built. The
Ilailey brothers and C. E. Harmon
and L.L Jewell of Grants Pass are the
owners and in the Mountain Lien
they have a splendid property- a mine
that has always paid its own way and
left a handsome profit beside.
Program One of Value to All In
terested In Schools-Good
Attendance Expected
County Superintendent Lincoln Sav
age has arranged to hold a leathers in
stitute at Kerby on Saturday, Novem
ber 2'. This is a local institute, and
the program will be in the nature of a
teachers' exis-rieiicu meeting and the
local teachers will inske the opening
addressi s on the various topics con
sidired. It is expected that all Ihe
teaiheis in the central and sou Hi pari
of Ihe couutv will be in attendance.
The sessions will be held in Ihe Kerby
school building. The following is
the program as arranged lor the insti
tute :
10 A. M.
Opeuiug exercises. Arithmetic, ilb
Grade I. It Kconll
Lauguag", Primary work
Lerona Mi Karlaud
Everyday Probh ins of Ihe Teacher
E A. liuojptou
Geueiul ill-eus.lon.
I 3U P. M.
0.f)ing exercises.
Addn ss sul ject selected
J. H. Austin
History, advanced division
Louise Guthrie I
Heading Margaret Hcovillj
Remarks on Course ot Study
. Kupl. L. Savage
General Diwusjiioii.
A cordial invitation is extended
to everyone to attend.
Are In the HllU About Applegate
e.nd Williams Creek Ar
He.rd to Find
Bands of wild hogs are reported
uumerous this year on the ridges
bordering the Applegate aud Williams
creeks. One herd of about fill, ranges
ou the-divide between the head of
Thompson creek aud Ihe left fork of
Williams and several smaller herds
have been observed. These hogs are
descended from domesticated animals
that escaped to the woods some years
ago, hot a few generatious have
sufficed for them to revert lo the
primitive slate. They are as wild as
deer aud fully as hard to And, taking
alarm at the slightest noise and sees
ing cover iu the dense underbrush
Usually they are gaunt aud thin, re
sembling iu tome di gne the famous
"razoibacks" of Georgia, but this
fall they are fat and in excellent con
ditlon from ihe quantity of acorns
found iu the hills.
While not ordinarily aggressive, the
wild boars are sometimes dangerous,
their great tusks making them for
midable foes to encounter, and men
who hunt them say that a bear flgl'l
la child's play compared to a tussle
with an enraged boar. Instances are
niauywherea friendly tree has beeu
the only place of refuge from their
wild charges. Theie hegs have de
veloped, or re developed, all the origi
nal instinctive tiaits of their remote
au pesters, the habits observed in the
domestic state having entirely disap
peared. Iu many places in the hills
their beds can be fouud, built of
sticks placed crosswise to the height
ol about six inches and covered with
fallen leaves.
As a rnle the wild hogs roam al
night iu search of their food aud re
main secreted during Ihe day, but
they cau often be fonud in the early
morning hours aud at dusk In the
oak forests. Occasionally a farmer
succeeds iu enticing one into his cor
ral or pig pen by means of his domes
tic hogs, but tho results are rarely
satisfactory'. Iu most instances of the
kind tho wild animal refuses to eat,
becomes morose and savagely charges
anyone who approaches the inch sure.
Untamable and untamed, they will
literally starve themselves to death.
Once iu awhile a young one can bo in-
duced to eat and gradually becomes
aociislomid to life among Ihe domesti
cal ted hogs, but au old one will novel
submit to man's dominion.
Considered bv Some to be Un
productive, Is Made to Pro
duce Big Crops.
For several years the belief has ob
tained that the granite land lying
between the Rogue river and Apple
gate is practically valueless for ag
ricultural purposes.. l!ut in the face
of achieved facte this belief is giving
way, aud it is now becoming recog
nize! that with proper met hod of
work the granite land is as productive
as any in the West.
II E. tietlling, who resides four
miles from Grants Pass on the road
to Murphy, has demonstrate d to the
satisfaction of a'l who have seen his
farm that gissl results can be obtain d
from Granite soil. Mr. Gething
raises excellent wheat and his field for
next gear's crop has a gissl stand
During the past summer he grew
watermelons, grapes, berries, fruits
anil vegetables eqnal in size and
flavor to any brought into Ihe Grants
Pass market and this was all done on
gran it it laud.
Granite soil is rich in silica and
nitrogenous compounds, but deficient
in potash. It therefore r"qoires con
siderable fertilization If manure lie
wellworkul into the soil und mois
ture supplied during Ilia dry season
there is never any qniation shouts
crop, lo do this ellli etively, how
ever, n-quir'S intensified fanning,
liettcr results being obtained from
a small area under cultivation than
from a large tract that could not be
worked so well. Mr. Gething has
the low areas of bin farm well drain
ed, conducting thu water bv a series
of lateral ditches into a main conduit
and thence to his orchard and gunb-ii,
which he irrigatis as the necc ssilies
of th" his wm may p quire Splendid
results havu been his reward. From
one acre, duriu-g the past waxou, he
sold fiM) w or ill of vegetables ami ber
ries and Ibis in addition In the
general funn yield.
There are many uriouli j vati d farms
on granite laud between Ibis city aud
the Applegate. The value of Ihe soil
has been proven beyond doubt. This
laud cau be secured cheap ami on
reasonable terms of payment and
people hsikiug for a home will do
well lo investigate all the conditions
affcotiiig II.
Corporation books, stock certificates
aud soils at the Courier ofllce.
Guotls usually sold for 75c and
" " 35 "
" '! ' 20 "
Iloiisol'iir nislim to
W. V. Wilsuu of Hugo was in
towu Saturday.
Superintendent Savage visited onr
school last week.
Hay Colby purchased a new piauo
recently for his wife,
Mrs. Urd ftom Grants Pass spent
Sunday with friends uear Merlin.
Walter Ayers has been emploied as
clerk iu the Merlin Mercantile Com
pany's store.
J. P. McCnnnoll and wife w ere en
joying a trip into the country Sunday
ou their wheels.
Miss Abhle Htarkpole, lately arrived
from Han Francisco, is visiting
friends iu tho neighborhood.
Mrs. Combs, Mrs. liicou's mother,
recently arrived in Merlin to spend
the Winter wilh Mrs. ilacon.
Holler skates were 'he order T pro
ceedings at tho Merlin Hall Saturday
evening. A good time being hail.
Kalph Ilacon, son of Mrs, Haeon,
principal of the Merlin schools, came
down from Aledford Friday evening.
Sherman Jess and Geo. Grillln, of
Wilderville, wero In Merlin Satu'day
looking up the Interests of the Conger
It is repnred ihal A. I). Cnusi.i,
manager of the Galioe Consolidated
Mines Company, will arrive In Mer
lin soon to remain permanently.
There are services held at the M. K.
church every Thursday evening In
I lie form either of lllble readings or
song services. The young jicople are
becoming Interested and good meet
ing aro the n suit.
.-,-., ..
m i: it h i x
Paddock s jr
Beautiful Center
Tables-Mahogany, Mis
sion and Golden Quar
tered Oak direct from
the East.
Morris Chairs, the
pneumatic with foot rest,
a groat chair.
Couches, China Clos3ts
at most pleasing prices.
A rive on Heating Stoves
A $7.50 Heater for $5.50
5.C5 " " 4.50
Our prices ou Ranges
are proving popular.
A wonderful display of
Fino China and Cut
Glass, Chafing Dishes,
Tudding Dishes; you
must see thoso goods) for
yourself, tho prices will
do tho rest. The burgain
tables are crowded.
$1 00 all on our 50c Table
50c " " 25
25c " " 10 "
. O'Neill
Southern Oregon
Geo. Jones and Will Reynolds uiadn
a fly iug trip to Grants Pass Suuday.
Mr. Cluntoii spent Saturday niuht
mid Suuday among fri-uda in Grants
Walter Jordan and wife, formerly
Miss Maggie Fry, from Wlldervillo
visited over Suuday with friends in
The new hotel Is assuming propor
tions. The masons are building tho
flues. It will be ready for the plumber
and plasterer iu two weeks or leas.
The young people of Merllu to tho
iinmhor of 20 spent a pleasant time
Saturday evening at the Massie home.
Candy, apples, music and charades
lining tho order of the evening.
All left claiiuliig to hava had au
enjoyable time.
Our town is looking np surely now
buildings are going up aud there aro
strangers In town eveiy day. Henry
Booth dally expect capitalists aud
mining engineers from the East to
Investigate) the copper strike on
Pickett creek.
W. A. Massie and J. C. Cochrane
and family were In Grants Pass the
other day on business. Trix.
Curtd Coniuuption,
Mrs. II. W. Kvaus, Clearwater,
Kau , writes: " My husband lay sick
for three months. The doctors said
that he had quick consumption. Wu
procured a bottle of Ballard's llnre
hound Hyrup, aud it cured him. That
was six years ago. Hi nee than we
have always kept a bottle in thu
house. We cannot do without it. For
coughs and colds it has no equal. ", rVki, l. 00 at Model Drug Htoru
and Itotermund'a.
lteal Katatu aud Timber W. II.
Sherman, ltouius U ami 10 Masoulu
.C'.,y ,.-,f , .j..,
't-'ft - I I ts'5. I
i !.;.;itti i't