ROGUE RIVER COURIER, 6RANTS PASS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 10, 1905. bays SOTflMDOT DaM bays 1 Round-Up Bargains in ...Dry Goods... 1 lot Fleece Goods, all dark colors, 27 in wide goods, sold up to 12)4c per yard. Round Ql- Up Price O3C 1 lot Extra Heavy Fleeced Goods, full yard wide, nice range of patterns, never sold "f fn for less than 15c per yd. Round Up Price VC 1 lot Boole Fold Cotton Plaids, and Checks; just the goods for girls' school dresses, f Round Up Price 1UC 1 lot 27 in Suitings, worth up to 20c per yd. 1 A RoundUp Price 14fcC Ronnd-Up Bargains in High Grade Wool Dress Goods 1 lot Brocade Satin Jacquards, full 40 in. wide, a cloth woith 35c per yd. In this Round Up Sale 25c 11 patterns in High Grade Fancy Mohairs, 45 in wide; handsome range of patterns, sold nowhere for less than $1.25 per yd. We will sell them in Dress Pattern lengths QQ. only, in this Round Up Sale, per yard, 0U THANKSGIVING Only a few days off A gentle reminder that you might need something in Table Linens and Napkins. In this Round Up Sale we offer our entire siock at a Discount of 10 Per Cent from our already low prices. This Will Be by Far the Greatest Money Saving Opportunity This Fall! Fully one-half this stock subjected to tremend ous concessions for quick and rapid selling. This sale will be ahead of anything we have yet done ahead of anything you have yet seen in Grants Pass. Everyone who can get here will be interest ed. What a taking down, pulling out and over hauling! We shall make a clean sweep of this stock for ten days. What a rush there will be; what sharp selling these prices will make ! It is just as essential for a successful merchant to have a general "cleaning up" of all seasonable merchandise as the seasons go by as it is for a good housewife to have house cleaning. This method enables us to keep at all times fresh, new, crisp and saleable merchandise. Our policy not to carry over from year to year a collection of old and out of date goods has proven a success beyond the shadow of a doubt and this policy wer'e determined to pursue. The GOLDEN RULE has rounded up the best bunch of Bargains, the most reliable goods, and will deal the fairest treatment. A trial will convince you. Ronnd-Up Specials in ...Underwear... 24 doz Men's Heavy Fleece Underwaer, Jagger Color Shirts, sizes 36 to 44. Drawers 30 to 42. If we were to get the real worth of this case of Underwear 50c per garment jwould be QQ cheap. In this Round Up Sale, garmeut Oil 24 Men's Wool Fleece Jersey Jackets, sizes 36 to 42, black, worth every cent of $1.25. In this Round Up Sale, or as long as they Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, elastic rib, salmon color, silk finished, all sizes, QyMr per garmeut O 2 Men's Natural Wool Underwear, Shirts made double back and front, deep ribbed cuffs, dj per garment Rounil-Up Prices on ...Blankets and-Comforts... MM 50 pairs of Cotton Blankets, never sold for less than 50c per pair. In Ibis Round Up Sale and as long as they last the price QQrt will be OVKj 20 pairs Kxtra Heavy Cotton Blankets, weight 3 full 11-4, one of the heaviest Fleece Cotton Blankets you ever saw, and worth $2 per pair. In this Round Up Sale lbs, $1.48 If there is anything in Blankets you need we think we can please you and save you money. THE ROUND-UP SALE PRICE ON SHOES. Not often do people have the opportunity to buy Shoes at less than regular prices except old out-of-date styles or stock that no one would own to ever have selected from a manufacturer, but we are noing to change from this rule. We arc going to offer a New, Plump Line of 1905 Shoes at the Greatest Reduction in Prices on this class of goods Grants Pass has ever seen. 11 pairs Men's Vici Shoe in Plain and Cap Toe, sizes Tyi to 10. We have never sold this Shoe for less than $2 50, in this Round Up Sale, to close this lot $1.98 23 pairs Men's Regent Shoes, Goodyear welt, every pair stamped fJ.aO and sold tor that price the world over, CQ KQ sizes 6 to 11, Round-Up price. 3d pairs Men's Vici and Box Calf Shoes, Bluche price r..c.u.t:..$2.50 24 pair Ladies' Vici Shoes, this is the Brown Shoe Co.'s Prin cess Shoe, and sold everywhere for not less than f. 50. flQn Hound Up Price tOO 48 pairs Misses Vici Shoes, this is the Brown Shoe Co.'s Blue Ribbon Shoe, sizes U'j to A, Round-Up Price. $1.15 24 pair same a above, sizes ') to 1 1, go al . $1.00 Extra Special Round-Up Bargains From All Over the Store 25 dozen Men's Heavy Cotton Socks, weight full 2 "J g pounds to the dozen, worth 10c, per pair 20 dozen Black Sateen Shirts, sold ia a great many stores for $1.00. in this Round-Up Sale 60c 1500 yards Standard Calicoes, Red, Blueand Black Round-Up Sale 800 vards Outing Flannel, worth 7c, go in this Art Round Up Sale at 2 700 yards Dark Colors in Outing Flannels in this lot are some of the best goods on the market and sold in many stores up to 12'4c per yard, Round Up price 81c Belts Assorted lot of Silk Belts, former price from 58c OOn upto$l. In this Round Up Sale, choice... OOU TEN DAYS ROUND-UP SALE. Millinery 25 per cent Discount We need our Millinery rooms for other 'ood.s and hile it is at. least nix weeks (or) early to make these extr.-me reductions, cxp (dally on a stock ho complete, wo will, com mencing SATL'KDAY, November 1 ltli, ami continuing whilo the stock lasts, oiler (he entire line of Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Keady-to-Vear and Dress Hats, from the Ga'O Hats down, at 2."j per cent discount. oJoidm 1 9 JIW'BJ GRANTS PASS, ORE. Mark SZMZ To make lively selling of SKIRTS and COATS we will put them in for this Round-Up Sale at 10 per cent off our already low f nices. This includes Ladies' Light and Heavy Weight Cot, Rain Coats, Misses' and Children's (louts and Skirts. 1 do. While Ouills, worth every tent of l.O0. AQn Bound Up Price OOU 1 do, of our regular $.2 Quilts. In this Round QCn Up Sale OOC 5 doz Men's Blue Strie Cheviot Work Shirts. QKn sizes , to 17. Price lOOC Ladies' Suits 2n Per Cent Discount on what Ladies' Tailor Made Suits we have litt. In this Kound Up Sile at 25 per cent off the already low price. TEN DAYS BOUND-UP SALE.