"Cbwnt, mitk and meaaure nerything you buy." American Urocer. i t i cs ii rv ! When you buy food supplies buy the BEST. Jersey Cranberries and Sweet Potatoes now on the market; quality is good. Good appleB are scarce and will be high this season. Csu'moii'm GriipcN are at their best Roso of Peru and Tokays we are selling lots of them. A few Strawberries and Gal way Peaches still coming in. NEW HUSH MACKKHKL MILCH NEK IIEKItING just arrived. If you want extra good potatoes, try ours they are No. 1. All our Hour is money back if not satisfactory. We han dle Davis Best, Wilhelm's Bost, Perfection and Gold Medal all fancy patent. Now procosH Barley and WiJ Feed, the heavy kind. White House GROCERY. Tic Tou and Coffee House. Constipation. Tealth is absolutely Impossible, il constipation be ironotit. Many serinut cases of liver mill klduey complaint hare sprung from neglected constipa tion. Hucli a deplorable ooik! 1 1 i tin is unnecessary. I lit re a euro for it. Hiirtilnn will speedily remedy matters. O. A. Llndmy, P. M., lirnnsou, Flu., writes, Feb. 13, 11102: "Having tried fortune, I II lid It a fine medicine for coont i I al ion. " M)o bottle at Rnter tunnel's ami Mdel Drug Hlore. 21J(W(l(d Lowest prices on Klgin and Waltham watches. Bring your watches and jewelry that need repairing to mo. All my work is warranted. Wood-$l.25. Cook stove and heater wood for sale at $I.2A a titir delivered. Hurry Hinlth's sawmill. Leave orders at Bugar 1'lnu Store. Who was ever disitisliod with a purehaso ho made here and remained so. We makogood every reasonable claim that is brought to our notice and sell tlio kind of clothing in which is embodied refinement, elegance and di nity. Wo are skillful in pur chasing good lilting clothing and our prices are nominal. Men's suits 7i up. Let us show you a nice, warm orvecoat, the kind that will stay with you this winter and next and still be good. Watch for our special next w eek, GEO. S. CALHOUN COMPANY, (hitittus to 1 and Man AT Letcher's Jewelry Store THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Lately Organized Object Pio motlon of Harmonjr and Pro gress Among Members. Uoioo and co-operation in the watchword of today and every Inter eat and ('Una of people ! gradually being amalgamated into societies. combines and trusts. Every Indus trial luteiest baa its nulons and the lawyer, doctori, dentists, newspaper men, merchant!, bankers, minister! and in faot a boot every vocation has been unionized more or leu. The bauka have tbeir associations, the railroads their combine! and the big financier! their trusts. Even the farmers are feeling the impulse of the times, and in the more progreisive and thickly s'ttled sections anions have b en formed for fruitgrowers, stockmen and other agricultural In terests aud the grange and other or ganizations solidify the interests and advance the well being of the people of the rnral districts. Unions and kindred organizations, when rightly used materially advance the wellfare of those taking part, and also do much to bring higher ideals and a general betterment of conditions for the world at large. By bringing about co-cpuration it enables more to be accomplished by a given effort than through Individual work. When the proper feeling controls, those unions do much to eradicate jealousy and unfair competition, and to euoouraga a spirit of co-operation, education, and of mutual interest in each other's welfare that makes fcr the common good of all. Having tlm is mind the physicians of Grants Pass and of the county have organized the Josephine County Medical Association, with the present membership made up of Doctors F. W. Van Dyke, W. II. Flauagau, J. 0. Smith, D. P. Love, Loughridge, M. 0. Findloy, W. F. Kramer, F. D. Strieker, T. E. Heard, (1. H. Douglas aud R. C. Kelsey. A. meeting was held Tuesday even lug for permanent organization at the office of Drs. Findley and Lough ridge, which was attended by all the members except Drs. Beard and Doug las, who wore called that evening to patients. After buiiuess of the meet iug was transacted a very pleasant social hour was had. Mrr. Fiudley and Miss Loughridge acted as hostess i'S and served an appetizing lunch of colTne, sandwiches fruits and nuts. In addition to these ladies i here wire also present Mrs. Love, Mrs. Strieker and Mrs. Kelsey. At this meeting Dr. Van Dyke was elected pru-lilent, Dr. Flit' agan vice president, and Dr. Smith secretary nd treasurer. A committee was ap pointed to draw np permanent con stitutiou and by-laws aud a oominit toe was also selected to prepare, a fee hill to govern all professioniil charges made by the men. bers. The concensus of opinion was that there should be no material change in the present charges except for night trips. It whs agreed that the present fee tor night trips to the country was inadequate to the expense for repairs to vehicles aud the wear of horseflesh as well as tlio hardship to the physicist!. This raise in fees tic iug practically an ad dition to the had road Indirect tax that the farmers of Josephine county are paying. Another object in raising the night fee was to stimulate both town ami country people to not wait until midnight to call a phys'oian, hut to where possible, attend to that duty during the day, or early evening. The principal purpose i f the Assy ria! inn is social and educational, the fixing of a uniform fee bill being a minor object, Doctors are too proue to live within a little world to them selves aud to be Jealous aud distrust ful of their fellow pract loners. To break this spirit down aud to build up one of generosity and co operation will be the work of the Association. In the line of education it is expected to make the Association of much bene tit to its mcmliers. All progressive physicians desire to Increase their knowledge pertaining to their profes sion and after often take post grad uate courses. Every physician in his pi act ice has cases involving rare com pilations and riltllcult and new methods of treatment. To share with his follow physicians the knowledge gained ill the diagnosis and treatment of such cases will be expected of the members of the Association. Meet ings of the Association will be held at least once a mouth and at encli time some topic, previously assigned or selected by a member, will be con sidred, making it ill effect a practi cal school of medicine and surgery. If the doctors of Grants Pass are able to curry out the broad, helpful plans of the Josephine County Medical As social ion It w ill be another evidence of the progtessiveness of this com munity. Such medical associations are common in the Eastern states and they are doing much to make more pleasant ami agreeahli the lot of the physician which is not the lite of else that it is generally held to be, and to check the tendency of getting into a rut and fossl lining, as some doctors do, but to stimulate a de sire to progress aud to keep up with the advancemen' of medical science, which is developing to higher standards iultn as rapidly as any of the of n r n'len.-es. 'I lie academic course in the Holmes Uuslliess College Is a condensed col lege education. It is )eculiaily valuable to those who wish to ac iiiire a good deal of knowledge in a short time. Write for catalog. 8.V87 V.M. C. A. Building, I'oitlaud, Ore. j Of course he is, and bo would you be if these cold mornings your house was warm and your Air-Tfc.it Heater had kept a good fire over night. That's what you can do with our lino of CHEERFUL ECONOMIC or FIRESIDE GARLAND) All of them AIR-TIG IITS. They save their cst in one season. Air-TiEhtStocS $1,75 Up. Cramer Bros. 0M I VIIo-vvh' lllo. U ILLINOIS BANKER PRAISES GRANTS PASS Thinks City &nd County & Good Place for Profitable Investment. Mr. aud Mrs. J. T. Fullenwider left Monday for thoir homo iu Mechanics burg, Illinois, after spending time weeks in Grants i'ass guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Hall, thn two ladies being sisters. Mr. Fullenwider is at the head of the blinking house of A. T. Thompson & Co., nun of the larg est llnaucial concerns iu that part of Illinois. Mr. L. B. Hall was also financially interested and held a posi tiou with this bank until two years ago when he sold out aud ciiiuu to G'unts Pass. Mr. Fulleuwider was free to express his opinion that Grants Pass has ninny prospects of becoming; u (My of considerable size and a trading and manufacturing point of much import ance. In company with Mr. Hall he visited several of the mines of this district and ho also saw much ol Rogue Kiver Valley and lis was well pleased with the future outlook of the Valley and thinks that with its many resources it will become a prosperous section and be a good place in which to mako investments as also in which to settle. Bids Wanted The county court will receive bids for furnishing steel ceils for the new jail uow being built. All bids to be In the hands of the court, December 4. IU0J. Ncuralt.it Pism, itheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating in fluence of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It ieuetrntes to the nerves and boue and being absorbed Into the blood, its healing prnicrtics are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect some wonderful cures. 2."o, one, 1.ih). at Kotermund's and Model Drug Store. Orders taken for tine cookies a'ld bread. Mrs. E. H. Hrown, los Second street. Tel. .".'). Dainty Foods Demand It IN EVERY Receipt that calls for cream of tartar, soda, or baking powder, use the Royal Baking Powder. Better results will be obtained because of the absolute purity and great leavening strength of the Royal. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome. It is always reliable and uni form in its work. Alum and phosphate baking powders some of them sold at the same price and some of them cheaper will make neither dainty nor wholesome food. ROYAL SARINO POWOCS CO., NCW VOSIK. A Brief Record of L,ocal Events. Grants Pais Post Cards at the Cour ier tflice. M. O. Warner will be iu Grants Pass within the next few days. P rtles wishing toning done can leave orders at the Music Store. The Southern Oregonian of Med- ford was awarded by the commis sioners court last week the contract for printing the delinquent tax list at the rate of iJ24o per nonpareil line. The Bill Nye Mining Company this week, shipped to Sau Francisco, fKX.O brick of gold, the result of a 13 days run with their five stamp mill on Galls creek. The ore was taken from the Bliss, one of the group belonging to the company. Is lies just east of, and is an extension of the Bill Nye. Gold Hill News. All women are cordially invited to attend the lecture by Mr!. Belle Waterman-Fiodlay on "Gospel Purity" to be given in the Newman M. E. chucrh, Wednesday afternoon, November 15th at 2:80oclock. The young ladle! above 13 ye-re of age are invited to come immediately after school at 4 o'clock. The lecture ii free, a collectiou being taken to help pay expenses . Tuesday evening a social gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. McManus in honor of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Byle. A number of guu ts were preseut and a very pleasant evening was sou t, music aud refreshments adding to the interest of the occaiiop. Mr, and Mrs. Kyle reside at Granite Hill where Mr. Ryle is in charge of the hoist on one of the shifts. Wednesday afteruoon Iron) 4:30 to tl o'clock Mrs. H. S. PreBcott enter tained the young folks of the Junior League of the Presbyterian church, at her home on Merlin avenue. There were some 30 boyi and girls present and Miss Coe, president of the league. A jolly time with games and music was had by the children after which an elegant lunch was served them by Mrs. Piescott, who was assisted in cntcitaining by her sister, Mrs. Lois Cooper, of Salem, who is making her a visit. Iu answer to daity little cards bear ing, the inscription "At Clemens' Hull, Thursday, November 0, 1IK)5, H::i(), Dancing," a jolly little crowd assembled at the place mentioned, on Thursday evening. The hall was vi ry tastefully decorated with ever greens, and punch was served to the dancers during the evening, from a neat little booth decorated in green and white, at one end of the hall. The evening being clear aud cold, and ju.it right for dancing, a very en joyahlu time was spent by all preseut. G. F. (iarouttc, who lately bought iu patnership with R. W. Veaoth, of the cigar store of Smith and Morris on east (i street, has sold his interest to Mr. "Watch ant Monday he retutued to his home iu Cottage Grove. He is greatly pleased with the Koguo River Valley and thinks that Grants Pass and this eutire section will be one of the most prosperous parts of Oregon. Mr. Caronttn is a butcher by trade aud he plans to return to Southern Oregon and engage in that business so soon as he can secure a position or an open ing for a shop. Will Give Cantata On Sunday evening, November IU at Bethany Presbyterian church tlio sucied cantata "Pillar of Fire" will be given under the auspices of the Y. P. S 0. E. The cantata is the Old Testament story of how God lead the Israelites from their boudage in Egypt to the promised Laud of Canaan. The chorus cosuists ol 33 voices, and is under the direction of H. C. Kinney. The iiinslc is very attract ive am) all who attend will be given a musical treat. There will be a col lectiou taken and the proceeds used j for the work in tlio Young People's Society. j Chamberlain's Colic, Choler and ; Diarhoea Henn dy. This is the most successful medicine in the world ' for bowel complaints, and is the ouly remedy that will cure chronic diarr hoea. Every bottle is warranted. For i sulc liv all druggists. Fireside Comforts These cold nights make us think of warm, cosy SLirPERS for housowear, Our stock of FELT SLIPPERS is now full and complete and we are well prepared to supply every demand from the infant to the great-grandparent Special CUSHION SOLE SHOES for Men and Women. Furs - : We have a large line of FURS, all qualities and styles, We guarantee every one as represented or no sale, at a very moderate price. Call in and look them over. COATS and SKIRTS Just received by express, from an Eastern Manufacturer, a few of the latest novel ties in Ladies' Coats and Skirts. DRESS GOODS We are showing a nice line of Dress Goods in the latest shades and weaves, at popular prices. BOYS' CLOTHING Does your Boy need a suit ? If so, let us show you just a little better suit for the same money than other stores. E. C. DIXON Klioew iiikI luriti.liiiir (iootls MMHsaMsiasaHHssSMW BOYS MUST STAY AT HOMt NIGHTS The Curfew Law la to Be Strictly Enforced-Offenders Will be Arrested. There are a number of boys iu Grauts Pubs who are liable to find lodgings Id the city jail some night aud at no distant data either, if they a"e not off the streets and at their homes very soon after the curfew bell riugs. Complaint lias been made from several sections of the city about bauds of bays, in numbers rang ing from three to a dozen aud in age from 10 to 18 years, being on the streets to as late as niiduight, and by yelling, whittling and making other noises prevent orderly people, wno are home and in their bed', from sleep ing. These bands of young lioodlun i have been guilty In several Instances of doiug petty mischief and of being very rough in their conduct. Mayor Qood is not inclined to allow a boy hoodlum any more latitude than he is a hobo man aud he has given or ders to the night policemen to quietly go through the residence sections of the city and arrest every boy they And on the streets after 9 o'clock aud put them in jail despite their plead ings. Aud the city jail is a pretty tough place for a boy to sleep in, who is used to having a nice warm bed, for at the jail there is no fire at all aud the ctlls are col.l and damp anil a hard cement floor and a couple of blankets Is the eiteut of the city's hospitality to hoodlum boys aud hobo men. This warniug ia not intended for the boys at all. for the police will attend to that, but it is to let the fathers and mothers know where they can Nu t their boys if they tail to come home at once after the curfew bell has mug. COMING EVENTS. Nov. 15, Wednesday Portland bust- ness incu s excursiou due in Grants Pass at ;! : 1 5 p. in. Nov. Ill Thursday Regolkr meeting of city council. Nov. Ill, Sunday Sacred cantata Pillar of Kiro" under auspices of V. P. S. C. E. Nov. 2H, Thursday Conventions for nominating counci linen iu each ward of Grauts Pass. Nov. 24, Friday City convention for nominating candidates for mayor of Grants Pass. Nov. ltd, Thursday Thanksgiving Day. Dec. 4. Monday Municipal election to choose mayor aud five council- men for Grants Pass. Dec 4. Mouday Adjourned term of county court for Josephine couuty. Dec. '2,"i, Mi nday Christmas. Jan 1, Monday New Years Day. Jauuary 8, Wednesday Regular meet- iug of couuty court for Josephiue county. Jau. 8, Monday Circuit court for Josephiue county couvenos. April 20.1 riday Oregou primary elec tions for all parlies. J uue 4. Monday Oregou state and county elect ions. Cattle Ranch For Rent. 820 acres on Seven-Mile creek about rive mtleH southwest from Fort Klamath, Oregon. All fenced, house, large barn, ample water supply, will cut about M tons wild hav. Address, with references. P. O. Box No. VSS. j Tsconia, Washington. 1 - FU Registration Books Oprn. j Registration books are now open. I John Minor ISooth, auditor utid tolic ei , judge will be ac his olliic, Honm T , I Masonio Ti liipla daily from Sa. ni. ' I to 12 m. find at the city hull daily! j from 3 to 5 p. iu. also at the city lull ) I Irom 7 to U o'clock each Wednesday j anil Saturday night i The election will be held Monday, December 4, Registration books open uutil Friday, November :), at Ii o'clock p. m. Call for Colestin Water. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON Granite and Steel Enameled Kitchen Ware. lO Discount Gook Stoves Hsiir-lliddlo HOME of GOOD SHOES By carrying' in stock various makes of (Jooil Shoes, we arc enaUtvl to tit any noimal foot. -AGENT The Stetson Shoe Co. Rice & Hutchins All Americas Strong & Garfield Co Buckingham & Hecht Co. Menominee Seamless Shoes for men Billy Buster, steel bottom Buckingham & Hecht and Me nominee Seamless fot Bovs and Youths. R. L. B ARTLETT, g?r Furs EJ3 mtiemafnv&iaaersasu A Disastrous Calamity. It if a (lisiistiniiH cn In mi Iv, whin you lose your hiiilih, because iniljgo t i n ;i n (t consii atiou have sapped it iiwuy. I'rnnpt relief can be had in Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Tlicy build op your digestive organs, mi l cure hi adiii lie, dizziness, colic, con sti ntion, etc. Guaranteed at all drug stoles ; 2."ic. "That Mince Meat" the kind your molhirused to make. White House Grocery. on-- and Ranges Ihirthvnro Co. Uye- FOR. Green Wheeler Shoe Co. John II. Cross and J. J. Grover cc Sons, fur women. The Grover shoe made specially for tender leet. Juliets with ruMitr heels, and Hcece lined shoes. Moloney Bros, shots for Misses and Children.