Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 10, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI.
No. 32
1 1 sen ileal tstate
0 mli Call upon or write
J W. L. IRELAND, "The Real Estate Man.'
W Ground Floor Courier Bldg.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres.
K. A. BOOTH, Vlce-Prea.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
BQrt Barnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
At Clemens'
G. A. Cobb Real Estate Company
Will be glad to list anything you have for salo.
We not only list your property (wo sell it.) In the
last two months we have sold a great many pieces
of real estate, especially town property. Now is
your time to sell while you have a chance. Put
your prices reasonable and we can surely move it
for you. Give us a trial, please. : : : :
Office in large brick on Front Street, West G street.
Office and telephone removed to Golden Gate stable, opposite Hotel Jose
phine, for July and August while our new stable is being erected.
The Pioneer Grocer
A Specially
Fresh Fruits of All Kinds
Fruit jars, tops and rubbers
p- . r
Rent Houses '
Negotiate Loans
Make Collections
and Write
Fire Insurance.
Grants Pass, Ore.
$28,000.00. '
Grants Pass, Ore.
New Pi ices for
Goods ,.
Beginning August 1st,
prices for Caskets wil be as
follows :
All $25 Caskets reduced to IS
All $30 " " $20
$35&$40 " " $25
Black Cloth CaskeLs reduced
50 per cent.
Hearse and service In proportion.
These prices are for cash only.
A. U. Bannard
RIG Furniture Store
North 6th St.,
Corporation Books, stock certificates
and sells at the Courier office.
Every Section Gels a Railroad
Except Joaephine County
Its Turn Next.
The Oregon ian baa given a lum
inary of railroad buildiug for Oregon,
Washington and Idaho that is now
under coarse of construction or for
which definite routes have been se
lected and on which work will be be
gun early next year.
What is of special interest to resi
dent! of Grants Pass and Josephine
conuty is that the Oregon ian omits to
mention the possibility of the build
iug of a railroad from Grants Pass by
way of the Illiuios and Smith river
valleys to the coast at Crosceut City.
Two yean ago the survey for this
road was made and right-of-way for
the route and terminal grounds in
Grants Pass and Crescent City was
secured by Colonel T. Walu-Morgau
Draper aud associates of San Fran
cisco. It was given out then that the
following year ooustrnction would
begin aud the road pushed to an early
completion. Two years have gone by
sinoe this survey was completed aud
0 little stir has been made by the
promoters that niuet of the residents
of the country have forgotten that
even a survey was ever made, aud in
stead of work being well under way
iu the year 1D04 there is uo indication
that a lick of work will be done dur
ing the year liKXI.
There is a rumor afloat credited to a
reliable source, that has some elements
of likelihood to it, that t lie Southern
Pciflo lias acquired the controlling
interest la Colonel Draper's company
and has forbid the building of the
road lest its high Southern Oregon
freight, rates should bo forced into
competition with the low ocean rates
that could be had by way of Crescent
City. Be the cause what it may
there has been a strange silence for
the past year and a half that indicates
that the Druper people are likely to
let their railroad venture go by the
board. The Southern Pacific, uo
doubt, has uo desire that Southern
Oregon should have a short, cheap
and direct outlet to the ocean, for
that would force a cut in their local
freight rates, that now enable them
to charge f.Vifl for a 40-ton car of
mining or olher machinery from
Portland toOrauts Tass, aud $."K0 fron
San Francisco to Grants Pass, aud
proportionate rates on other commo
dities. Railroad builders and investors
are giving Oregon, Washington and
Idaho more atteution now than they
are to any other section of the United
States, aud railroad propositions that
are able to make a good showing of
present and ptospective freight and
passenger trafllo will not long lie
open. This is proven by the number
of separate Hues of railroads that aie
now onder construction in the North
Pacific Coast states aud by thn num
ber of engineering parties that are out
looking over available rontes for more
railrcads. With the splendid trallic
showing that can be made for a nil
road from Grants Pass to Cresceut
City this opening will not long re
main vacant whu ouce it becomes
known in the railroad world. There
are many capitalists iu the Fast who
are seeking Western ii: vehiini iiIh
where profits and interest are high
aud with the proper encouragement
these men could be induced to take
up railroad development iu Southern
The following from the Orcgonian
shows the tremendous railroad boom
that is on iu all other sections of tin
Pacifio Coast :
"Railroad building in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, completed
duriug the present year or upon which
work is actually under way aggre
gates an estimated cost of
The North Pacific ( ca-t Slates, for
several years paht seemingly not ou
the map j of the railroad magnates iu
their development enterprises, are to
day the center of the greatest railroad
construction movement of a decade,
exceeding iu the expenditures pro
jncted and mileage of new track to
be laid duriug the next year any
similar falluad advancement recently.
Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory
aud New Mexico have been th' seat of
railroad building lor the past four
years, but in the coming year Oregon
will take leading rauk, with Washing
ton and Idaho close secouds. Below
is presented a brief nummary of the
railroad projects iu progress aud those
projected with reasonal le certainty
of early fulfillment.
Harriman System Klgin to Joseph
63. Smiles work iu progress on first
section and definite location for re
mainder of distance; Iewiston
Riparia linn, to tie owued and
operated jointly with Northern Paci
fic, 71 miles, grading in progress on
extensive scale; Lafayette St. Joseph
cutoff, two and one third miles, link
ing West Side lines to avoid expensive
trestles and bridge and to enable bet
. ter service for West Side of Will
amette Valley, work being prose
cuted ; Eugene-Henderson cut-off aud
bridge over Willamette river, one aud
one-eighth miles, to connect Wood-burn-Natron
brauoh with main line
uear Eugeue, under ooustrnction;
Arlittgton-Condou line, 60 miles,
completed this year; 81 miles, survey
being completed ready for grading
and steel rails bought, to be finished
in oue year; Columbia Southern ex
tension probably SO miles, to be
finished within year; surveys unor
way for Hue Engene to Hnutington
through Central Oregon, brauch of
which is to reach Klamath Falls to
connect with California Northwestern
from Weed, making through Southern
Pacifio around Siskiyon Mountains,
uot yet officially confirmed.
Northern Pacifio Portland & Seattle
Railroad, from Kennewiok to Port
land, bridging the Columbia and Will
amette Rivers, 284 miles. Construo
tiou grading in progress on portiou
and contracts awarded to Sieins &
Shields for entire road and snblet in
sections, to be completed iu one year
aud to be used jointly by the North
ern Paoiflo and Great Northern;
Lewiston-Uraugeville line, 85 miles,
through rich wheat district of the
Nes Perces country in Northern
Mslio, surveys completed and to be
completed as rapidly as possible and
operated jointly by the Northern
Pacifio and Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Company. Other branch Hues
in Eastern Washington approximating
a total of about fiO miles to afford
transportation for grain sections at
present distant from transportation.
Independent Companies Great
Southern, The Dalles to Dufer, 80
miles, surveys completed for second
section of 23 miles to reach timber
section and also serve wheat region
further toward Ceutral Oregon, sur
veys completed to Deschutes river at
month of Warm Springs; Pacifio
Coast Railway & Navigation Com
pany, about 309 miles of road pro
jected from Hillsboro to and
Tillamook with a branch to Astoria
aud to bnild its own line from Hills
boro to point on Willamette river
near Oswego and thence Into Port
laud; Spokane & International, build
ing from Spokane to connection with
Canadian Paoitio through Northeast
ern Washington and British Colum
bia; several eluctrio railroad pro
jects from Spokane sooth iuto Lewis
ton country, aud an eleotrio freight
and passenger mad projected to build
from Walla Walla to the Colombia
Kiver at a point near Pasco and east
ward from Walla Walla to Lewistou.
From Hood River to lit. Hood np
Hood river, construction work now
well uuder way; elcctrlo road to con
nect Port bind with Nowburg, Salem,
ludepeudeiiun, Corvallis, Eugeue aud
intermediate points for which fran
chise application is now pending be
fore a Portlaud conncil. Medford &
Crater Lake Railroad, Medford to
Kagle, II miles, projected to be con
structed to Crater Lare aud crossing
the Cascades by a low divide to Fort
Klamath; Salem, Falls City &
Western, eight miles constructed
westward from Falls City and olher
extensions projected; Klamath Lake
Railroad, 34 miles projected from
Pokegnma to Klamath Fails.
Portland Suburban Roads Portland
Ruilwar, new line to Columbia
Kiver and new ferry landing, which
it is understood, will be supplanted
by joint nso of new bridge of Hill
railroads; branch of Oregon Water
Power & Railroad Compauy projected
to Trootdale w ith ierry to Waahougal
Oregon Traction Company, liue to
IlilMioro, more than one mile of
track completed on Portlaud stroeta
when HUHpeuded by reason of failure
of contractors.
The Companion as Chrlatm&e
Cau you think of a gift more cer
tain to be acceptable than a year's
su liner pti on to the Youth's Com
pauiou? Is there any one, young or
old, who, having once had the paper
in his hands and looked throngh
it, did uot wish to possess it for his
very own? It in a gift which, far
from losing its freshness as Christ
mas recedes into the past, grows more
delightful, iiiii'b necessary to one's
enjoynieut week by week.
The hoy likes it, for it letlects in
its pages every boyish taste and every
line boyish asplratiou. The father
likes it, not only for its fiction but
for its fuud of information of the
practical sort. The girl likes it for
the stories, anecdotes, sketches aud
editorial articles printed in each
number estiecially for her. The
mother likes it for its stories of
domestic life and family affection
for its children's page and for lis
medical article.
Ou receipt of fl 71, the yearly
subscription price, the publishers send
to the new subscriber all thn remain
ing icsues of The Companion for lVhft
and the " Minutemm" Cah-ncls r for
IDotI, llihographed in twelve colors
aud gold.
Full illustrated Announcement of
the new volume for lis SI will be sent
with samples copies of the paper to
any a'blress free.
Ill Berkeley Street, it:istou, Mass.
Bctt Liniment en Earth.
Henry D. Baldwin, Sunt. City
Water W-irks, Khuilshurg, Wis.,
writes: "I have tried many kinds of
liniment, but I have never received
much benefit until I used Ballard's
Snow Liuiment for rheumatism aud
pin. I think it the best liniment
on earth." 2., 60c. floo at Koter
niund's snd Model Drug Store.
Many Equipment Increased and
All in Readiness for Big
Se&son'a Work.
Placer, Nov. 9 All prepartious have
been completed for the resumption of
work on the hydraulio ground of the
Columbia Miues Company, ou the
East Fork of Grave oreek, oue mile
from this place. For several weeks
past Snperiut'Mideut C. E. Fosa has
had a force of 17 men employed clear
ing away timber, setting pipe lines
and doing other Some
hydrauliciug has already been d.iue
in cleaning bedrock that was stripped
last Winter and in cutting down a
bauk of red clay to the gravel level.
The Columbia is one of the uoted
hydraulio mines of Southern Oregon.
This Is its fourth season of work and
nearly a mile of the creek ohaunel has
been cleaned. The geuetal depth to
bedrock la 40 feet. Two ditches, car
rying a total head of fiOOO miner's in
ches, are brought to a point overlook
ing the channel, where they have a
full of 313 fee', giving ample pressure
for eveu the heavy boulder wash that
covers bedrock.
Last season fonr acres of gronud
were cleaned out st the upper end In
a rnn of 100 days and . three acres
were cleared upon the right limit of
the creek farther down. While the
returns are kept secret by the com
pany it is evident that they were sat
isfactory, for many thousands of
dollars have been spent this full in
preparing for an iucreused run during
the Winter.
A feature of the work this year
will be the use of two independent
giauts from one flume. Parallel pipe
lines descend the mountain side from
this flume, each furnishing it own
giuut aud permitting double work
in the same ground area. Another
giant some distance below is also
being worked independently.
No better mines have been opened
this side of tho dividend stage than
the Yellow Horn aud Vulcau claims,
located on the east side of Orotuhack
mountain. Fred Clements is the
owner aud dnriug several years past
he has becu developing them in a
miner-like way that has challenged
the admiration of all who have view
ed the work. Mr. Clements also owns
two olaims adjoining, but the farther
development of these is held In abey
ance pending the almost certain re
suits promised by what the principal
claims have shown.
Fully 800 feet of drifting have
beeu done ou the Yellow Horn, three
levels having beeu opened and a
winze souk, giving a total depth from
the croppiugs of 125 feet. The vein is
fallowed in all the workings. It is
from a few Inches to five feet in
width, has a north aud south strike
aud a dip east aud west. The ore
i a fine quality of quart., with
telluridu of gold and some sulphides.
It is partly free milling, the balance
being a concentrating ore. Tests on a
three stamp mill erected on the Grave
creek aide of the mountain show this
ore to go f 14 to the ton iu free gold,
with a loss of (5 cr ton in the tail
ings, while the concentrates give
valnes of 275 per ton. The country
rock Is a dial ate and forms both the
hanging and fnotwnll ou the vein. In
nearly all the ore where tellurium is
visible gold is also seen iu cornice
tlon witli it aud among mining iiibii
the belief is generally h, 1(1 that with
further development the Yellow Horn
will become one of the lending and
best producers in Southern Oregon.
The Vulcau mine udjniuiug is iu
many respects similar to the Velio
1 f 01 n, having the suiiie character of
vein, the same dip and strike and the
same wall rock. Its development is
somewhat less and Its valutxarn not
so pronounced hut Mr. Clements has
five men now at work uhiu it anil
from the bottom of tho shaft expects
to crosscut the velu at a much lower
depth than has yet beeu reached.
Several placer mines are being
worked along the upper reaches of
Grave creek for a distance of 13 or I ft
miles above here. The Blalork mine
will be operated steadily all Winter
aud several others will start np as
noon as a sufficient head of water can
lie obtained.
The Jim Blaine group on Greenback
mountain owned by A. L. Lewis, the
Portland business man who is so
heavily Interested in this section, Is
being opcucd up this fall with a crew
of six men. Good ore la being taken
out and the vein shows permanency
and high value.
Tho Tobler group of five claims, ad
joining the Greenback ou the north
and jiossessiug simiar vein character,
istics Is not being develop! other
than for the necessary assessment
work, but the showing already made
is a very satisfactory one and with
proper develoineut this group will
doubtless take rank with the other
leaders of the district.
We bare kraot cotters aud Stone
Jars at Cramer Bros.
Store News 93-
prices never approached in Grants
Pass. If, you are making collections
in Cups and Saucers, Choc Sets, Plates, Pitchers,
etc., now is your time to securo something especially
good. Tho 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Tables
aro a revolution in Chiua selling.
NOVEMBER This is the month you'll want a Heat
ing Stove,
For a liuiitod
A Montana Deputy Sheriff Took
Waste lor Good Or to
the Smelter.
Iu an article on "The Montana Cop
per War," iu Tom Watson's maga
zine, T. A. Ilickey relates several in
teresting anecdotes about Copper King
I Utilize, amour which is the follow
ing: Early in his career lloluzo ran up a
bill with a grocer for supplies, cau
dles, powder, tools, and so on, to the
tune of some t'o0. Turuiug to oue of
his clerks olio day the grocer said :
" Billy, go down to the mine on the
flat where that young fellow Heln.e
is working, aud see what ore he Iiiim
mined." The clerk came hack and
reported that Heln.e bad made a
beautiful bunch of ore on the dump.
The grocer sworn out an attachment
and sent it down tiy a deputy sheriff
to levy on his ore. The deputy came
down to the, shaft, saw llein.e and
suld he would he back iu half an hour
More New Box Scat Dining Chairs
both leather and plain.
Moro New Dining Tables
attractive styles and prices.
Moro New Dressers
ppecial good values, $16.25 to
Couches in the newest of coverings
and the best made. .
Rugs, Brussels.
Stand Tables a nico line.
Office Chairs $5.50 to $10.00, full of
Cut Glass
Particularly pleasing prices on
some of the best cuttings mado.
Bowls worth $7.50 for $4.50
Celory Trays worth 7.50 " 4.50
Nappies, " a.50 " 2.00
Water Bottlos, Oil Bottles, Spoon
Trays, Vases.
China Ware
Exquisite docorations the assort
ment is far too largo to attempt to par
ticularize items, but enough to say wo
show an enormous variety and at
Heaters for $5.50
" " 4.35
. O'Neill
to Southern Oregon
with some wagons. As soon as his
back was turned, lleluze leaned over
the shaft and shouted to his partner :
"Oh, Jack, oome np at oncol" V. hen
his partner got on top lleluze said :
"Now pilch iu aud work as yon never
workod before," Hie two men by a
Herculean effort, moved the ore and
filled the platform with waste rook.
None but a thoroughly trained miner
can tell the difference between ore
and waste. I had been underground
iu Butte a year before I felt compe
tent to separate ore from waste.
When the deputy sheriff came down
with bis carts lie proceeded to load
them up with waste and carted it off
to the smelter. A week later the
grocer telephoned the smelter and
asked what returns were coming from
the Heln.e ore. "Itoturus'r" came
tho reply, "Why, you've sent us the
blaiikety-blunkest lot of waste that
Ilea ont of doors) We've got a big
hill against yon for smelting
charges I"
Three months later when he was
good and ready, Iluinxe paid the
Ileal Estate and Timber W. B.
Sherman, Kooma U and 10 Masonic