Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 27, 1905, Image 1

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W Oe Ova
Ii a "
I Sell Real Estate
W. L
?enf Houses
Negotiate Loans
Make Collections
and Write
Fire Insurance.
Call upon or write
"The Real Estate Man."
Ground Floor Courier Bldg. Grants Pass, Ore.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are a.ured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles.
Safety deposit bows (or rent. J. FRANK WATSON. Pres.
K. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
' V w www
Bert Barnes,
At Clemens'
Reliable Watchmaker
Grants Pass, Ore.
G. A. Cobb Real Estate Company
Will be glad to list anything you have for salo.
We not only list your property (wo soil it.) In the
last two months wo have sold a great many pieces
of real estate, especially town property. Now is
your time to sell while you have a chance. Put
your prices reasonable and we can surely move it
for you. Give us a trial, please. : : : :
Office in large brick on Front Street, West G street.
F E E 1)
Office and telephone removed to Golden Gate stable, oppoilte Hotel Jose
lhine, for July and August while our new stable is being erected.
The Pioneer Grocer
A Specialty
Fresh Fruits of All Kinds
Tomatoes for canning.
Fruit jars, tops and
The Ortjnul.
Foley 4 Co., Chicago, originated
Hooey aud Tar a a throat aod lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's
Hooey aud Tar mauy imitations are
offered for the senator. Ask for
Foley 'a Honey aod Tar and refuse any
ob.titote offered as no other prepara
tion will give the same tatisfatioo.
It is mildly laxative. It cootanis no
opiatea and it safest fur children aod
delicate persons. For sale by H. A.
New Pi ices for
Beginning August 1st,
prices for Caskets wil be as
follows :
All $25 Caskets reduced to $15
AU$30 " " $-0
$35&$40 " " $25
Blak Cloth Caskets reduced
50 per cent.
Ileal and service In proportion.
These prices are for cash only.
A. U. Bannard
BIG Furniture Store
North St.,
Civic improvement has come to be
the special province of municioal
leagues and their work in this line
baa been exceedingly successful iu
many cities aud towns. With their
auxilliaries, the wouieos clubs, they
have given many towns clean, well
kept streets, liued with shade trees,
handsome parks, a pride iu having made cheery aud atttactive by
lawus, flowers aud perfect sanitary
conditions. The real prosperity Lf
jiany towns bad its beginning with
the better local conditions brought
aboot through the efforts of the locl
municipal leagne and the womans
Grants Fai now lias both a munici
pal leagne aud a woman's club, aud
this city affords a most excellent field
of labor for these organizations along
oivio improvement lines. Of things
that could be easily accomplished,
and which won Id do very much to
give strangers a high opinion of the
city, aud to make it more homelike,
more pleasant and attractive, and
more prosperous the following are
some of the more important :
Secure a park block iu the residence
section easy of access, yet so far from
the main part of the city as not to be
a rendezvons for loafers, where
mothers, children aud elderly people
nonld go and have an outing and en
joy the fresh air, the trees, the flowers
and the birds.
Out a park established on the sum
mit of one of the hills uear town
with a driveway leading to it, where
people could go for a stroll or a drive
aud when at the park enjoy the mag
nificent view that can be iad of the
Rogue River Valley, and of the hills
in the foregronud aud t;.e niouutaius
in the backgronud. This summit
park could be made one of the chief
attractions of Grauta Pass to
Arrange with the Southern Pacific
for the improvement of that section
of the depot grounds between Sixth
and Seventh streets and the main
track and F street, and make it into a
botanical garden where travelers on
the trains and visitors to the city
could soe growing every tree and shrub
indigeuous to Southern Oregon, as
well as all trees aud nruatn utal
bushes that could he grown iu this
climate. This park could bo made
one of the best advertisements to be
had for Grauts Pass.
Back up the county court aud the
school board in the work they have
begrn of making the court honse
square aud the grounds about the
three city school buildings bounty
spots instead of the eyesores they have
heretofore been. Public grounds, as
also public buildings, are unfailing
oriteriona to judgoof tho progressive
ness of a community.
The Grants Pass cemeteries are not
iu the presentable slapo that they
shonld be, for the brush and weeds
with which they are overgrown are
in Btriking contrast to the green
grass, the flowers and the trees, that
adorn mauy cemeteries and give to
them an air of peaceful rest for the
diad and of awakening in the living
the finer feelings that go to make man
kind better. Xha moral tone of a
community Is reflected by the ceme
teries for if there is no thought of the
dead there is little thought for the
Get shade trees planted along all
the residence steets aud have them
trimmed to a height of eight or 10
feet so their branches would not tear
umbrellas and knock off hats, as is
now the exasperating experience of
pedestrians with many shade tries
about town, aud also to allow the
street lights to l Iter light up the
sidewalks. Aud alxo Iihvs all hedes
trimmed so the twgis will not switch
the eyes and during the ruioy season,
wet the clothes of persona traveling
the sidewalks, for there is much
provocation for justifiable profanity
from this cause in Omuls Pans. Were
all the streets lined w ith shadu trees
the beauty of the city would be so
much improved aud the cool shade
would bring comfort to many a r
splring person on a hot summer day.
Have all gates swing a e other
place than over the sidewalks, aud
awaken property owners to the need
less expense that gates and fences
Cause them, as well as the disfigure
ment of their yards. Grants Pats is
no louger a village cow pasture and
has uo need for fences.
The second day after one of the uew
couorete bridges was completed across
Gilbert creek th summer, it was
mado unsightly with patent medicine
advertisements. The flue steel bridge
across Kogue river, at the foot of
Sixth street is literally covered with
all mnuner of signs in every date of
repair and raggeduess, and even over
lapping each other in their crowded
state. From this bridge a most
beautiful vista of the river is to be
had but the sceue Is sadly niarred by
the glaring aigns that cover the
bridge aud its approaches. To get the
couuty court aud the oity authorities
to prohibit the disflgurmeut of bridges
aud other public structures would be
a decided gain in the effort to make
Grants Pass the handsomest town in
Rogue River Valley.
The free aud easy way that soma of
the residents of Grant Pass have of
usiug the streets and eidowalks fur
garbage dumps, for old shoes, chicken
feathetg, old cans and boxes, leaves
and other refuse from their yards
there are yards though where most of
the rubbish is on the inside of the
feuce should be made unpopular by
heavy fines, as shonld also the habit
that some of the business men have of
awoepiug the refuse from their stores
aud ofliee- into the streets. The
throwing of ashes and the burning of
rubbish aud boxes n the streets
should bo prohibited for that makes
more dust to fly iuto stores, and the
bent nails from the old boxes are
liable to ruin a horse's foot or
pnucture au antomobilo or bicycle
tire. The leaving of trash on the
streets where wood lias been piled
should be prohibited. Clean streets
are ouo of the best advertisements a
town can bave to draw homesuekers of
the better class.
Get the busiuess streets improved
with macadam or some other substan
tial covering, and gutters put in that
will thoroughly drain the streets, and
that rau be readily flushed whenever
required. The loose boulders that
have been placed on the streets, to
the injury of vehiclns, the hindranoe
of burses and the annoyance aud dis
comfort of persons riding, should be
removed, aud all gravel hereafter
used for street covering should be
screened. Well paved business
streets, aud clean, smooth residence
streets are proof to prospective invest
ors of a town's solid prosperity.
The grauite sidewalks of Grunts
Pass are a decided improvement over
the board sidewalks of other towns.
Only last week a young lady, of Mod
fold, and a daughter of one of the
couiicilmeu, had a limb broken by a
fall caused by a defective woodeu
sidewalk. Granite sidewalks never
cause broken limbs, but in the glare
of the summer sun they are hard on
people's eyes, aud they grind off shoes
equul to au emery wheel. If the
municipal league could demonstrate,
with a sample, feel ion, that crude
petroleum, or some other sui stance,
would do away with the glare from
the nun, and give a smooth, hard sur
face to the grauite that would prevent
it being destructive to shoes, aod
Iroiu tracking into houses to the
ruin ol carpets and oiled floors, and
to eliminate the grinding noise that
the grains of sand make when a per
son walk" over it, a publio good would
be accomplished that would be far-
reaching iu its effect'. The decom
posed granite, of which there are
great hills along the Snutheu Pacific
railroad just west of Grauts Pass,
would then become the sidewalk
material of all the towns within a
reasonable shipping distance, and
thousands of ti lis would he hiieri
und a great indiisrty built up. It
would also give Grams Puss sidewalks
of which the city could be proud and
which would add greatly to the good
appearance of the streets and to the
comfort of Ioroiis nsing them, and be
a most effective method of advertising
ti e metropolis of Southern Ougon.
Just arrived beautiful New Couches in the latest patterns and shapes, besides a host
of other New Goods too numerous too mention, such as CHINA, CUT GLASS
such as for quality and price Southern Oregon has never a-cen.
S9.20 TO $50.00
Rig reduction on Heaters sfM.SO to $7.50
AU the between prices.
"TaisT LIT JUBilse.
I m m
Fine New Line
China Closets
$19.95 to $31.00
New Rockers
i i , 1 1 ii ft i
in great variety at
popular prices.
Dressers look like
$:0 00 goods. Our
price $15.75.
Easy Chairs
Genuine Leather hair and tow stuffed.
Usually sold at $50.00, our price
Fancy Rockers
arc arriving daily
buy now.
Still Bomo Bpocialu loft in CARPETS,
you ami got a bargain in a Carpet for
20 per cent reduction
Bring tlio mensuro of your room with
10 to 20 jior cont off regular prices.
Housefurnishers to Southern Oregon
Crania Pass Has Hluh Standing in
Flrmncittl Circles Sewer
Contract Let.
Thieves Liable to Be Shot
Three Young Men In Sus
picious Position.
them as to their business iu being out
s late he noticed snmcthitiir mi the
IN GRANTS PASS ground and picking it np found it a
chicken, freshly killed by having its
ueok wrung. The young men stoutly
denied all knowledge a to how the
chicken got there. While the circum
stuutial evidence was very strong
against them yet the proof was not
sufficient to warrant the officer iu
arresting the young men.
C'lickeu stealing has been extensive-
Grants Pass appears to be in need
a more stringeut vagrnut ordi
nance, with a special provision to j ly carried on of late in Grauts Pass,
cover the cases of -roiis caught and so shrewd have been the thieves
roaming the streets at night after i that no arrest has been possible. Moth
reasonatih hours and who can give no
Could Not tx Better.
The ontlorm success of Chamber.
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy has woo for it a wide reputa
tion aod many people Itaroughoot the
rooutry will agree with Mr. Chas.
W. Mattisoo, ot Milford, Vs., who
says: "It works like magic, aod is
the best preparation I know of. It
couldn't be any better." He bad a
serions attack of dysentery and as
advised to try bottle of this remedy,
which be did, with the result that
immediate reltef ih obtained. For
ale by all druggists.
good excuse. Patrolmau George
Wooldridge reports that Hatorday
night at 3 a. m. he found three
young men of the town in a position
that made it suspicious that they bad
been guilty of stealing chickens, or if
not that then they acted very sus
picious and had uo legitimate rea
son for being on the streets at so late
an hour.
As told by Patrolman Wooldridge
he was near the depot when he saw
three men coming aprons the depot
groonds. H took them to be hot
and as he was in the shadow of a
freight car he stood still ontil they
were near. He then stepped out and
recognized them aa 'young men resid
ing la this city. While questioning
chicken owners and the police are
keeping a sharper lookont aud some
fellow may get a charge of shot that
will terminate his thieving carter, or
at least laud him in the city jail for a
Full of Trsgw Meaning.
are these lines from J. II. Simmons
of Casey la. Think what might have
resulted from his terrible cough if he
had not taken the medicine about
which he write: "I had a fearful
cnjgh, that di-Mirbed my night's rest
I tiled everything, but nothing would
relieve it, soul I took Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs so J Colds, which completely
cured me." Instantly relieves aud
permanently cores all throat and lung
diseases; prevents grip aud pueumo
nla. At all druggist; guaranteed;
40c and $1.00. Trial bottle free
An adjourned meeting of the city
ouucil was held last Friday evening
at the oity hall. The mayor and all
the members of the council weie
A petition was read asking that
Kighth street be opened to velii. le
trafllo across the railroad grounds.
The matter was referred to the com
mittee oil streets. Councilman
Putsch at tii is asked what had be
come of a similar petition asking that
Fourth street he opened across the
railroad grounds, lln raid that this
petition had been presented six
months ago, referred to t flu street
committee and that was tho last of
it. Hu hoped the present petition
would lint go Into oblivion the satuu
George Finch having resigned as
city marshal, Mayor Good nominated
Lincoln McGrcw, who has been
pat rolmaii for the pust year, for the
position and the nominal ion was unan
imously confirmed hy the council.
His sealed lilds thai had In en lied
with the auditor lor the purchase ol
the $111,000 of bonds, to provide the
funds for the construction of Hie
rfocoud and the Seventh stieet sewers.
were opened but no award was
made, that matter being left for
final action at the adjourned iiieeticg
which was decided to bu held this
Monady evening.
J lie follow nig Is the amount ol
premium that was circled hv each of
the of the bidders for the 1U,IMU ot
lioudn ;
S W Harris it Co., Chicago 1770 IXl
ii. L.Gllkey, agent, Grantsl'ans,
Ml 00
M A lluiler & Co., Chicago.. M.ri Xj
N V Hal-ey, & Co., Kail I ran-
cisco 2i 15 2(i
C II Collin, Chicago 201 (K)
Browne r. II low ooci t ,o. .Chicago,
;:t on
Farsou, Lrnili A Co, Chicago I'.ki isi
Fuller & Co., Cleveland I'.I2 00
Morris Hros , Portland )-'J (Xt
Rudolph Kleyholtn . & Co ,
Chicago W..r) (JO
Den ison, Prion & Co .Cleveland 671 (Ki
Oregon Fire Relief Association
McMiuuvilln, a bid of f 10 for one
boud of l(s.
For constructing and furnishing
all the material fur the Hocond street
sewer of hi; II feet length aud the
.Seventh street sewer of liWi feet length
the following bids were submitted :
3 L Calvert, Grants Pa. . .$17. KM 71
F A Ktllou, Kalem It.Tit (XI
K M Moore, Tacoma ItS.Hoo 00
George K'-arns, Grim a Pas l'i,7l 7.'.
Herbert hcoit, Portland IM.7;il 00
(J A Dickison and O R
Hweareugeu, Grants Pass IH..VK) IK)
Meckel liros., Portland 17,1m 62
J K KI ni'iion, Portland
For heciiod rlt sewer 12, IM 00
For Seventh stre-t sewer 8, i:i 20
'lotal 20.312 00
Hi moo Klovedahl, Eugene
For Second St. sewer ,302 00
For Seventh St. sewer ,2KJ 00
Total 15,612 00
No award was made that being pot
over to the adjourned meeting for
iFor the threo lateral sewers to cou-
nect with I he l'iflh street sewer, one
iu the alley iu block 1)1, of tho origi
nal towiisite, between 1) and E
streets, of 2H0 feet length; one iu
alley of block till, between I and J
streets, of 2711 feet ; one In the alley
of blocks Rl and 112, between II and I
streets, of 460 feet, tho following bids
were put ill :
J M Doyle :,:t oo
Geo II liliiiis 61U 00
J Ij Shask'u 450 H2
The contract for tho construction
and material for the threo sewers was
awarded to J. L. Shasku.
Couuo.l adjourned until Monday
Monday Evening's Session
The second adjourned uieetiuu of
tho council was held Monday even
ing at which Mayor Good and
Councilinen Hair, Williams, Handle,
Hull, Chausse, Smith, Deau and
Fetsch, Recorder lioolh and Deputy
City Attorney iilunchard were pres
ent. The consideiatioii of awarding the
sale of i he sewer bonds was again
taken up and the bid of N. W. Harris
V Compauy, of Chicago was accepted.
I tils 11 rt it premium of (,70 was the
highest otleied for the I'J.mxi in
bonds, l lni auditor was ordered to at
once notify hy telegntph HariisiV
Company of t e acceptance of their
bid, and tin. eiiy attorney wns author
ized lo prepare the cerllfled lianscript
of all tie i pr ceediiigs per laming to
the issuance of tie bonds as required
by Harris Hi Company to he pa h d
upon hy their attorney as to the
legality of the bonds. Councilman
Hall, who was formerly in the hank
ing business In the Fast, stated that
Harris & Company had a high stand
ing iu Fastern Unsocial circles ami
the large premium they had nITcred
for Grants Pass securities was a
iplendid compliment to the city's
credit aud (hi Ih in its futute prosper
ity The contract for constructing the
Second and Hevemh aire, t sewers,
the eoiiiraoior to all Hie ms
teiial, was awarded to Simon Klovn
dahl, of Kiigene for $15,612. City
Attorney Hough was authori.ed to
prepare the necessary bonds ami con-
trad for Mr. Klovedahl to sign.
City Kgineer Reynolds was ordered
to keep a close siis-rvisioii over the
weik on the sewers.
Mr. Klovedahl Is cily eugiier of
KugeLe. His hid was much lower
than ay of I lie oilier bids, being some
f.tnoo lower than the average tiids.
That he could do the work for the
price was a surprise lo local contract
ors, who would have the woik done
hy hand. Mr. Klovcduhl has
jwerful machine ojierated by steam
tor ougiug tne trench and exports
10 uiuk.i rapiu neaaway In owning the
trenches. Hut meu familiar with the
soil conditions in Grants Pass think
Ins machine will not do the work so
fast as he expectts.
work on the sewers is to be com
menced witlilu 10 days after the ooit
tract baa been signed np, aud th.
ewers are to be completed within
IK) days there-alter.
A permit was grant, d Arthur Cou
kliu to add an outside atairwav
cost not to exceed $2.i, to his wooden
building ou ISorth Sixth street.
Mayor authorized the purchase ol
Dill lessor the use of the police.
No Sales Appleg&te
Growers Favor a Rogue
River Valley Union.
The first hops brought to Orauts
Pass for storage were the crops ot W.
F. Howler and Louis Lotiaoh, they
bringing In their llrst loads last Satur
day and completed the hauling this
week. Mr. Howler has 42 bales and
Mr. I.ocseh 1)7 bales, lloth lots were
III prime condition, being well grown,
perfectly inatuteil, free from mold or
trash and cured so as lo fully retain
their color and aroma, and the halts
were firm and symmetrical. Mr.
Hnwli r has eight acres to Imps on
his place ou Williams creek aud Mr.
Loesch ,'16 acres on the Applegato
near Provolt. They are not dis
couraged at all over I he slump in
prices, nut will Hold their hops some
time yet until the market has levivid
or it la reasonably certain that uo
raise is to come. They will give their
yards the best of care next season ui d
anticipate better profits than is likely
fur this year.
Kacli Is strongly in favor of
organizing a union ol Rogue
River Valley hopgrnwers and HiluU
iliut nil Ihe oilier growers w i II join.
These geuth im-ii hold I hut it has he
lium necessary for the hop growers to
irginizo, as have tint Iruitmeii and
nearly every vocatluu and bus new
Interests of the towus. Ti e anion by
selling In car load lots could secure
better priuei and lower freight rates,
and all supplies could be bought at
wholesale aud given to the members
at cost. By placing all the insurance
with one company, on a bid, lower
prices could bo- had with the possibil
ity In Hie future of the nuiou carry,
lug its own Insurauce.
No sales of Itogne River hops bave
yet been made, or even an offer made.
The growers are firm In their determi
nation to bold iu autlcljiatlon of a
raise, while the buyers ar holding off
and refusing to bid evideuily expect
ing that Ihe growers through finan
cial needs or discouragement will let
go. The present Indications are that
It will be a mouth or more before a
deflnilo condition of the hop market
Is galued.
How'i This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any rase of Catarrh that can
not be cured hv Hall's Catarrh Core,
V. J. CIIKNF.Y & CO., Toledo, O.
Wh, the undersigned, lia'e known
F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions, and
lluancially i hie to carry out any ob
livatious mads hy his firm. Walding,
rtliiiian v Marvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cntu Is taken Inter
na ly. acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of Ilia system.
Teelm nnials sent free. Price, 76o
per Initio Sold by all Dtngglsta.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Kves carefully listed and glasses
titled to correct any defect of vision
hy Dr. W. F. Kr er, Courier build
ing. Prices reasonable.
1st Willi
ttttii t tu t vi i-4 Il'i4111till-t 3.111$