Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 13, 1905, Image 2

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Published Evarv Friday.
SubserlDtlon Ratast
On Year, In advanos, $1.60
Sil Mon tin, . . .76
Tare Moulin, .40
HIdkU Copiaa, - .06
Advertising Racaa
Furnished on application at tlie ufHcc, or
dj mail.
'Obituaries and resolution! of con
dolenoa w ill be charged for at 6c per line;
card of thank Sue.
A. E. VOOEHIES, Phopb.
Entered at the poit office at Orant
Oregon, a second-clans mail matter.
Makts Big Expenditure and Has
Small Exhibit-Benefit fu
ture I to Determine.
In the content for prizes offered by
the Oregon state commission for the
best county eihlblts Josephine stood
at all but the foot of the liat of the
24 cm nut lea that had displays at the
Lewis sad Clark fair, for It was
fourth nf seven conntiea In the fourth
or last liat, and thoa earui a prize
Ol cue-seventh of the $M10 fourth
prize, which will amount to 128.87.
; Tho flrHt prize ol 11000 for the
beat county exhibit waa distributed
among Marion, Coo-, Linn, Umatilla,
Wasco mid Lane counties. The se
ootid award of (500 waa divided
anions; Cliicliaiiina, Columbia, Jack
aou. Polk and Morrow. The third
prize of :i(M) was divided among
teuton, Yamhill, Mulheur, Uuinn
aud Baker counties. 1 lie fourth and
bat award of f00 waa divided among
Wallowa, Washington, Sherman, Joae
phine Llncolu, Hum and Douglas
That Josephine county should come
opt of the Lewi aud Clark fair with
so little oredit ia due to the general
apathy that haa prevailed among thus
who were inturucsted in the exhibit.
Laat spring at the Tery urgent request
of a largo number of oitizuna of the
county the comity court made un ap
probation of fi.MJO to defray the ex
pernios of the exhibit. Three coinmls
iiouera were appoiuted to get op and
arrange tiie exhibit, they to nerve
Without salary. A man waa pat in
e'likrge of the booth at the fair for the
entire period and paid a good aalaiy.
A very creditable bcgliiniug waa made
00 the exhibit and then all interest
oeuad. The county court gave the
Blatter no further thought, the fair
cpmmlimlouors made a few futile at
tempts to arouse publio Interest aud
then subsided, the whilom euthusias
tlc promoters of the exhibit were uo
louger to be found, the buaiuoaa men
01 U mnts Pasa aud the farmers of the
ofcanly hardly keuw of the exhibit,
Willie the mull in charge of the booth
dtew lila salary aud sat dowu and
; waited for the additional exhibila that
naver came.
JuHt whether Josephine county will
profit by fie Lewis and ('lark fair or
nit ia for the future to demonstrate.
Ho far It has been fur from profitable
to the taxpayers and busiuoss interests
of the county, for it has tal eu out of
the county no lex than (a(), (HH in cash.
Ttiia linn ia mucin up of f J7, (MK), Joae-
' pill lie county's share of the state tax
to raise the f.'O0,(XM) appprnprintd by
the state, f JMK) appropriated by the
oouiity to maintain an exhibit,' aud
10, cum sieut by residents of the coun
ty while visiting the fair, llieaiiinuut
aieiit by the Josephine county (air
visitors is a low estimate for it is safe
to place the number of visitors at taw
and the overage amount that they
sient at I'll) each. The taking of over tu oash from the trade chau
uela of the count) has beeu felt in
bus liens circles, hut owing to I he
great productive wealth nf the county
the effect has only beeu teinKrifT and
will noon uihh away. As this big ei
K'Udituru eon hi have neeu foreseeu at
the opening of the fair it would have
been good policy to have considered it
an investment am! bent every energy
to have made it prolltahle by uiukuig
the exhibit so lsrge ami Piuiiprolicn
sive as to have tu rn a chief aud not a
minor attraction of the fmr.
Josepine county could have made a
good shoeing in a II the leading mill
eial, farm and timber products of the
atate, ami In many commodities could
have exceeded moid of the counties ol
Oregou. As to what effect the luconi-
fileln display and effort made will
lave in bringing investor! and hnme
arekers to the county is hard to tell.
.So far there Iihs not been much appar
ent hrnelll, hut Josephhiue county
uiiv yet get its money bark on this
0ll,IHl fair in WHt mi lit.
"Our doubt a are traitors.
And if hi Ay us lose tht good we oft might win
By (taring to attempt."
About the future of Grants Pass.
About your position.
About your business.
- " willing & U 1 1 IiCLIIUII,
Think id "your loved oncsiit home," your family
Arc on "donation ton lainllotil?" Then "cut
it out" ami luiv THIS place lor a home, A two
stiiiy. 7 mom liou-e, lot 75x100, on ninth Mile of
llie i.iilioml, with city water ami sewer
connection. The house alone is wotth the money
Vol' CAN HAYU IT R)R fsiHi 00.
If that ilon't suit, I can nive you a lot in almost any txrtion ol" the
City hy paying f 10 00 down and o.00 iier month.
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
516 E Street Grants Pass, Ore.
Anticipate ft Wet Winter Equip
ment Increased Fully 10
Per Cent.
Owing to an exceaalvt dry winter
the placer season of 1004-5 was one of
the poorest ever known In Hoot hero
Oregon and many mines were not
operated at all, while others barely
paid operating expenses. A number
of placers having a permanent water
aupply either from large streams or
from mountain I reams fed by melt
ing anow, were able to make good
runs and their nsural large o'ean-upa.
It being usual for one extreme to
follow another the placer miners are
expecting an exceedingly wet win
ter and with that hope to enoourage
them they are making m re extensive
preparations than usual to get their
equipment In readiness to begin
work so soon aa a water aupply Is tu
be had. Nearly all the big placers
snd many of the smaller are having
the equipment Increased, and it ia a
safe estimate that the placer mine
equipment cf Southern Oregon will
be increased till a fall folly 10 pel
cent. With tliis increased equipment
aud the opening of a number of new
mines, aorae of them qoite large, and
should there be a large rainfall this
winter the season of 1M.V6 would be
sure to be a record breaker in the
production of placer gold.
The placer mines of Southern Ore
gon are an luipoitant factor in the
prosperity of Grants Pasa aud this
eutire aectiou of the atate and a big
clean-up of gold is felt In all lines of
business aud givea added life to every
iudoatry. The converse Is equally
true and Grants Pass haa been very
materially effected in its prosperity
by the ahortage of gold from the
placer mines this past a aaou.
Power Drills Being Installed and
Other Improvements Added.
At t lie Opp mine, lately acquired
by a company represented by Mr.
Gunnel and his partner, 11. E. Foster,
plana are being perfected for making
that one of the biggest working miner
III Oregon. This mine waa equipped
laNt year with 10-staiups, electric
owtr mill, which operated continu
ously by tho former owners, J. W.
Opp, Dr. J. K. Keddy aud Fred Per
ry, until tho change of owners took
place when Messrs. Foster & Gunuull
shut it down pending the settlement
of the method by which the ore wl II
hereafter he treated. A car load of
ore was snt last week to a Deliver ex
pert for thorough treatment to aacer
tain the reductiou method that would
give the best results.
Heretofore hand drilling haa been
used but the mine will now be equip
ped with a uuuiber of the most im
proved power drills. A building
40x110 feet is now being erected lor
tho mm pressor and the ulootrio motor
that will drive it in supplying com
pressed air aa the motive power for
the drills. In this building will also
he fitted up a complete machine shop
for general repuir work. A complete
tniKigraphio aud mine survey of the
property, which embraces nearly 300
acres, will lie completed this week
to enable the engineer iu charge to
have a full kuowlei ge of the mine.
Niiio tunnels now iieuetrntu the side
of the hill or small mouiitain, iu
which the mliie is located, at various
altitudes, and at depths from Til) to
1100 feet. These were largely for de
velopment of the varioua veins, of
which there are four principal ouea.
Now a big double track tunnel is be
ing driven in at the base of the hill
that will cross cat all the veins and
deliver ore direct to the bins at the
A double crew of men is employed
and wurk is licing pushed with all
possible speed In all departments.
Mr. Ouuiicll states that his company
are greatly pleased with their pur
chase, which they feel will Justify
the expenditure in giving it a lurge
equipment. The Opp mine hits the
ore iMxty anil the values to make It
the biggest gold producer in Southern
A young woman can earn her liv
ing iu Portland while study
ing at the Holmes Hiimucks Collee
Eur purlieu lam, address the Principnl,
holmes HiiMitrss l'i liege, J.V:ii Y.
M I'. A. lluililiug. Portland. Ore.
George Walter has bia house almost
J. L. McCoIlom is hauling coke at
the present.
Hra. Evalene Daniels is having her
house reshingled.
H. S. Wynant waa at Grants Pasa
Monday on business.
YVm. McAllister was the guest of
Howard Wynant Sunday.
Miss Mary York is visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Mesainger.
Abner Grimes, mother and sister,
left for Jacksonville, Monday.
Early sowd train ia doing hue, the
rains having started it to growdiug.
Messrs. Wm. and Dan Leith, of Mur
phy, were at this place Saturday even
ing. TheVlauce given at John McAllister's
last Saturday night waa a grand suc
cess. Muiso waa furnished by tht
New Hope bend.
Services were held at this place Sun
day at 11 o'clock a. m., and there will
be services here every second Sunday
until further announcement.
Some of the neighbors have been
troubled somewhat "by the hoga run
ning at large. It seems that the hog
law Is not enforced aa it should be.
Well Earned Vacation.
L. Lowden a teamster for Capt.
J. M. Mclutire and who haa beeu
driving one of the Captau'a flue eight
mule teama hauling coke from Grant
Pass to the Takilma smelter with a
return load of copper matte arrived
in Grants Pats Tuesday on his last
trip for this season from the smelter,
it having closed dowu.
Sinoe the freighting began early in
the summer to the smelter, Mr. Low
den haa not had a day off, not even
Sundays and he will now take a lay
off of a week aud vieit his thre
children iu Portland aud see the fair.
Mr. Lowdeu haa been a teamster since
hia boyhood days aud there are few
men in Southern Oregon that are hi
equal in the handling of a big freight
team. With his eight grey mules and
a main wagon and two trailers Mr.
Lowdeu has hauled on the 48 miles
of ungraded mountain road from the
smelter to Grants Pant from 111, (MX
to 17,000 pounda of matte at a load,
aud be would bring hia team iu from
the round trip of five daya with tht
mules fresh and sleek and ready for
the next day to atart on another five
day's trip, aud most of the lris tak
ing out a loud of coke, thus loading
liia team both ways. While Mr.
Lowdeu is in Port land the team is at
Capt. Mclntire'a barn iu this citi
taking also a well earned rest. As
to whit work Capt. Mclutire will
have for hia teatm this winter lie ha
not decided.
A good many miuers are turning
their attention to Upper Grave
Mr. Luttrell, of the Hotel Loland,
ha gone Knst to look after his busi
ness interests there.
The steam shovel has the Alls in the
gulches well along and iu two months
more they will all be completed.
Col. Hlaisdell, of lower Grave
creek, haa -10 men at work on his
ditch. He employs nothing but white
The postotlle receipts bto growing
under the management of Henry Hull,
the postmaster. He always has a
smile for the ladies.
People are busy gathering in their
Kali crops. There is plenty of alfalfa
hay to cut jet, but the farmers think
it rhuapor tn pasture it ai d save the
expense of cutting and hauling it.
Cool, cloudy weather for the last
few days with frequent showers. The
rain came in streaks, some places ten
much for plowing and nearby places
not o' ougb to wet the ground for plow
ing. The Jreenhack Company is build
ing a tramway from the Martha mine
to the Greenback mill to transport
ore, as it will be chenicr lo handle
all ore at one mi.l. The mill is now
being run with electric power from
Gold Kav.
J. T. M nek I ii ia seeding a large
amount of goods up the creek. He has
had to hire mure clerks, at his bind
uess has furcated so much during the
last few months. Charlie Kitield, his
head clerk. Is a very genial fellow and
all ettlii'ent cleik. j
Some Wihlerville in m In are In r,J
and were snrptised to see the busine-s
dour at l.elaiid, as thev had beard
that this was city a mm 1 1 (ruling,
piace. i iih neaviiy loaded wagons
going up ami down Grave rnek to
ihe different mines were eve opein rs
to them.
21 Jewdtd
Letcher's Jewelry Store
Lowest prk'os on l'.lirin ami
V alt h;t in wtitolics. Hiini;
your watdios and jowolry
that nooil repairing to me.
All my work is warranted.
r 'f Cli
News Notes From Ihe Business
Men to Renders.
School supplies at Clemens':
Violin, etc., strings Courier Build
ing. Get your cedar posts at 408 Second
W. P.. Sherman Real Estate. Tele
phone 731.
Souvenir Post Cards Courier
Give your frieuda a Stage line the
good smoke.
Take notice of the hat bargains in
Misa Weston'a window.
If you want a bicyc.e cheap, call at
Cramer Broa.
Clothes mended. Mrs. L. S. Holt,
IIS Moss Street.
W. L. Ireland, the Ileal Estate Man,
uegotiatea loans.
Pr. M. C. Findley tests eyea and
furnishes glassca.
Bicycle Bella and Lamps at a dis
count at Paddock's.
Pure Malt Pickling Vinegar.
White House Grocery.
School Books and School suppliea at
the Model Drug Store.
Cedar poslB for (-ale at 408 Second
Rifles and Carbiuea in 30-30 aud 25
35 Ca libera at Cramer Bros.
Maps of Oregon Washinton and
California at the Music Store.
You will alwava find matter of in
terest iu our classified ad column.
W. B. Shermau Real Esti te and
Timber, Konma V aud 10 Masonic
Eyes carefully tested and glares
fitted to correct any defect of vision
by Dr. W. F. Kreuier, Courier build
ing. Prices reasonable.
The Western, a first-class family
hotel. Quiet location, yet convenient
to depot and near court house. Good
meals and clean beds and prices
Ink at Model Drug Store.
Engraved Cards Courier Building.
The bist assortineut of tablets st
Clematis'. .
Pencils and Tablets at the Model
Drug Store.
Colored Post Cards 2 for 5 cents-
Music Store.
Puie Malt Pickling Vinegar White
louse Grocery.
Pattou's Sun Proof Paints are sold
only by Cramer Bros.
Corporation books, stock certificates
and sells at the Courier office.
See Voorbles for Underwood Type
writers and Typewriter suppliea.
Go to the Grants Pass Grocery for
the Golden Cheddar braud of Tilla
monk cheese.
Timber claim;. Homesteads. W,
R. Sherman, Rooms 10 and 12 Masonic
Temple, Grunts Pass Ore.
Protect your gouts and sheep from
depredations of coyotes, cougars,
wildcats and other wild animals by
using Mnrsters Coyote Exterminator.
Warranted to klllviirniiiits every time
and to hold its strength for a year. Is
a prepared Iin-te that the smell of it
will att. act a coyote for a long dis
tance full directions with eacli can.
Kor sale at Hoteruiund'a drug store,
uriints ru.
Chickens w&nted by
Walters at the Oregon.
Pleasant Surprise Party.
A very p'ea'iint surprise was ten
dored Frederick Schmidt and bride
at their home on I street, Tuesday
evening, which was atteudod by ahout
:t."i of thier friends. The ladiea of the
parly brought baskets filled with
good things and a feast was spread
and 'lie young men brought a baud
some leather rocser, big enough for
two, and numerous other articles
which find a place in the household.
The evening was spent in games, eto
and all enjoyed themselves to the
ia. E. Z. tl. Column
All intiller for this column is supplied
by Ihe liraulM Pa.! Woman's Cbri.-liuil
'I'eniperuiire l llion.
On Friday, Oct. Ii, the V. C. T. U.
held the first regular meeting for
the new year at the Inline of Mis. H.
L Cavlert, the newly elected presi
dent. A goodly uumlier were present,
though some w ho rarely ever miss a
meeting were iu attendance at the
Stat.i Convention, being held in The
Pallia We expect them to return
full of eutliuiiiism and cue outugoincut
for the future.
Sever il vici'-preaidenta and super
intendents were appointed and plans
made to make I Ins year effective in
good work. We exieet a visit ou Oct.
20th from Mrs. Louise P. Ronuds, a
state worker ill ihe department of
Mercy ami Trace. Our next tegular
meeting will be hi Id oil that day at
2:.'I0 at the Chritiau i'hurch. At
four o'clock, or us saou as possible
after close of school, she will address
the public schorl pupils, and wishes
a good attendance, and we are sure
those who go will not regret it.
Ueii.enihrr the place, Ihe Christian
Church. She will speak at 7 :S0 iu
the i veiling at the Baptist Church.
Eveiy body is invited Do not fail
tn l.e ir her.
Mok'i Thu
We otr. r One Hunilr d Dollars
ward f r i nv ens.- of Calarrh that can.
not be cii'ed bv fall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. O.
. the undersigned, ha e known
F. J Cheney for ti e last 15 years,
and brio v,. him perfectly honorable
ill all biisiinss transactiriis, and
financial ly hie lo curry out any ob
ligations in ide bv bit linn. Waldiug,
Kinnai A Ma v n, Whel Drug-
tlls Tl h do, I '.
Hall's ('alarm Cuie is taken inter
na ly. acting dirtrtly upon the blood
mil inuci us surfacts of the system,
I'estni onials sent free. Price, 7,"c
per I-oitle ."old by all Druggists
lake Hall's Family Pills for con
ttipation. Repairing Chairs and Rockers
Have you a chair or rocket that
the ruiinils snd hgs persist in coming
Iocs"? Cull iu and let us uhow you
liow it rail he fixed for keeps We
have ouuul a repair shop. Phoue
23,V-Thomas & O'NellL
We have had quite frosty mornings.
Pearl Lewia ia teaching acbool near
J. C. K. McCann Is bailding a bouse
In Grauta Pass.
School is progressing finely with
Misa Foes aa teacher.
James Lewia started for the fair
Mouday evening of tihs week.
We hear that Mrs. Frank Wilson, of
Jerome Prairie, fell and broke her
Charles McCann aud wife have
moved back ou tlieii ranch on Cheney
Ernest Lewis la apendiug a few days
at home now after an absence of sev
eral months.
While handling; rock for the dam on
Applegate Yancy McCollum got a
scalp wound, but not serious.
The men expect to complete the
work on the dam today, the 11th, mak
ing 2'j weeks of hard wjrk on the job.
T n K MnCunn took the train
Tuesday evening for the Lewis and
Clark fair, also to visit his brother
at Portland.
John Smith, of Grants Pass, who
waa at J. W. McCollum 'a the past two
weeka, fell over a bank and bruised
himself op considerably, having a bad
ly huit wrist and a gush on his fore
head. He was taken to Grauta Pass
James Hocking, sr., James Hock
ing, jr., and Alfred Davidson staited
Mnudtv of this week for the Lewis
and Clark fair. They will visit rela
tives at Forest Grove, Ore. Then Al
fred will so on to hia home in Jewell
county, Kansas. Uncle Filer.
MARVIN At Anacortel, Wash..
Tuesday. October 10. )iK)5, to Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Marvin, au 11-pouud
DIXON STRADER At- Grants Pass,
Wednesday. October 1). 11W5, Roy
B. Dixon aud Anna Strader, Justice
G. P. rorman ofliciatiug.
JOHNS DUNCAN At the home of
the brides' parents, one-half mile
north of Grave, Sunday, Oct. 8
1005, C. F. JohtiB of (ialea creek
and Misa Lydia Duncan, Rev. Clark
Bower officiating.
DUNCAN DAVIS At the home of
the bride's grandmother, Mrs. J. W
Johuson. oue-half mile sooth of
Grave, Weduesday, October 11
1005, E. M. Duucan aud Miss
Fran tie Davis, both of Josephine
County, Rev, Clark Bower omciat
south church parsonage on Thurs
day, October 12, li5, Carl F.
Geutner and Miss Opal E. Booth,
.lev. W. 1. Gouhler official iug.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
May Booth of this city and has many
friends in Grants Pass. Mr. Geutner is
the city electrician for the G. P. N
W. , L. and P. Co., aud he is au iu
dustnooH aud popular young man and
haa a large circle of frieuda who
wish him aud his bride a long and
hapyy life.
HOUGHTON RV EL At the resi
dence of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarke Ryel, at Granite
Hill, Ore., ou Saturday, Sept. !10,
1005, Vandeu R. Houghton and Miss
Mabel Ryel, Rev. J. B TraviP, of
Grants Fass, officiating.
Only Intimate friends in addition to
the family were present at the wed
ding aud following the ceremony a de
licious dinner waa served. A social
dunce waa given in the evening at the
Granite Hill hall in honor of the
event by Bert Roae aud Charles Fay,
which waa attended by a large number
of the friends of the young couple, and
a very delightful time was bad. The
following Sunday Mr. aud Mrs. Hough
ton left for Portland, where they
spent a few days seeing fair sights af
ter which they will go to Enterprise,
Oregou, where Mr. Houglnon is iu
business aud where they will make
their home.
RUTERMl'ND At Portland, Sunday,
Oct. 1), 1005, Mrs. Louise Roteruiuud,
tged 80 ye .rs.
The deceased was tho mother of H.
A. lioteruiuud of this place who left
for Portland Monday to attend the
Bl'LL At the home of her brother,
Beiijumiu Bull, at Wildevrille, Mon
day. Oct. 10, 11105, Misa Nellie Bull,
aged 115 years.
Miss Bull was a native of Kentucky
and has been a resideut of Josephiue
county about four years. The funeral
services aud interment were held at
Wilderville Wednesday.
The Model Drog Store
Has Just What You Want
Our Celebrated Electric
Holt, Nature's Vitalizer, to
build up and strengthen
the whole body and for
the cure of Rheumatism, Par
alysis. Liver, Kidney, Lame
Hack, Constipation and all
Nervous Diseases.
" The effect of Electricity on
the nerves is that of a power
ful nerve tonic. It renerates
new life and energy and
tones up the relaxed, weak
ene 1 and shaky nerves and
gives Ihein vigorous energy.
For the next 30 days, price
$10.00. Regular price $20.00.
Write or call at onco.
IlqulS Vmtt
US ff
look from the Piano and other
w m i iiiiiiiit'i
ficial to Golden Oak.White Enamel.Gilt, Silver and otner finishes.
Elquld QcRMr sells at 50 cents a bottle, and a bottle is enough to
renovate the ordinary home. Try it and you will always buy it.
A few trial bottles at IOs. each
The Big
Furniture Store
Woman's Club to Meet.
A stecial meeting of the Womnu's
Club will be held iu th A O. U. W.
ball Tuesdiuv. Oct. 17, at 3 o'clock r.
m , for the purpose of ulectiiiR a presi
dent and trauHuctiusK any oilier busi
ness that may come before the nn etiiiK-
Our delegate to the State Federation
will Rive her report at this meeting.
Sarah (.'leveuKer, President.
Jenuio Davis, Secretary.
W. B. Sherman Real Estate and
Timber, Koom 9 and 10, Masonic
FOR SALE Team, weight about 11(10
pounds 1 a h, li-iuch Moliue wagon
nearly uew, huruers, lor Kale or trade
lor city property. Call on B. A.
REMINGTON Typewriter No. . fur
"i0 cash or uttailiiiuclH. See A. E
FOR SALE $25 Columbia giapho
phoue and ft) records. Will mI1
cheap or trade for wood. Address
M, Courier oflice.
p A K M FOK SALE two miles from Mer
lin, bin Here aiiout fill acre of iromi
bottom land, ' aeren 111 ciiltiviiiinn, small
house and harn and aliotil fit) acres under
fence, hslance of luml suilalile for orchard
or pasture. Kor further particulars ad
dress W. M. (.'row, Merlin, Oregon.
200 Al faucli, good prune and
apple orchard, siiiull fruits in
ahundance; water fur imitation, besides
springs on every 40 ucres; center of a good
range country; two dwelling liou-es, hig
barn, every tiling complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good mining markets, une
half mile north of Tunnel 'J, price
Inquire at this oihce.
FURNISHED ROOMS, also furnished
aud unfurnished housekeeping rooms
Apply at Mrs. Cm w lord's. Null Fifth
at., bet. II and I.
TO TRADE A gord, found horse for
wood. Address Wood, care Courier.
FIR HAKK Good heavy fir bark
wanted at Lund'a wocdyanl, Grants
V. ORK J 11 a ne se cook who has rec
ommendation wantB position iu
Hotel, Boarding House, (amp
or Family Frank Hirata, 710
Front St., Grants Pass.
MEDAL found, given by Rosehug
High School. Call at Courier oflice
for medal aud pay advtrtisimeiit
FOUND Sunday, Oct. 1, a tur boa.
Owner can have the same by calling
at the Courier oflice, proving proper
ty and paying costs.
FOUND A rifle 011 the Grants Pass
and Gravu creek road. Owner ad
dress Etigcue Wright, Hoi No. I,
Urauts Pass, and discnhe gnu. pay
advertising and regain their
SHOAT There came to my pi. ice, :i
miles north of town, a spoiled shout,
weight about 7ft lbs., no mark; owu
er car) have the same hv provii g
property aud paving charges A.
STRAYED On Angust IS, uear Dry
Diggiugs mine, small brown hors
with part doohle harness on. f
reward for information lending to
recover of horse. Leave wi rd at
Dean & Dickison's stable.
FRANK BURNETT-Upbolstiriiig,
uiissiou furniture made to order.
A Great
There is a HKsT
in every thi n.i
It must U' iikst
fsEll. MUST KK
actual eompari
son in actual
Has proved it has the,- points in
its favor. Thai's what put it away
Khe&d ol all othr separator.
That s why I sell it. i hold f
facts, w rite to
Kojiue Kiver Creamery,
la a -wonder I It will make the
making re-Cnishing or re-vanuslung entire
ly unnecessary. It is not a varnish, but a
surface food and cleaner, building up the
original finish and making it brighter than
ever. It ia applied with a piece of cheese
cloth and no experience la necessary. No
drying to wait for. Removes all scratches,
stains, dirt, dullness. It can be applied
to any finish with beneficial results. Nat
ural wood, as well as any color of paint, will
be better for anapplication of Liquid Veneer.
CltulS UtiUtf will improve even the most
beautiful furniture. It will take that smoky
Mahogany, and is highly bene
North 6th Sfreel,
Grind Pins, Orcgnn.
Octubtr 17, Tui Kilny S ecial nifetinn
of WoiiiHiia C'luh at Workman ball
to elect president.
April 21), rid.iy Oregon primary elec
tions for all parlies.
Juuc 4. Holiday Orugou stute anil
county elections,
Tailored Hats
Ready-to-Wear Hats
In Latest Styles aud
Fine Assortment at
Miss Weston's
Millinery Parlors
KiiHt G St. six doors from Sixth Street
Ladies, cull and inspect my stock rml
you will note the fact that the prices
are very reasonable, and thiit tho work
manship and tho variety of shapes are
all that the must exacting could desire.
Harmon Block, Upstairs
South S i x t li Street
Suits made to Ord?r
Cleaning and Repairing
look 1, i k e n e w
A Trial is Asked and Prices Are Right
Rkmimis Am. Tn.iT-
Dry Wood is Waited !
The best of seasoned Oak, Laurel.
Kir. Pine and Maiizanita wood de
livered promptly to all parts of the
city at reasonable prices. Eivo
loads of kindling fur $1.00; loss
quantity nt :',-,( ,,.- l.iad. Mill
bluets. 1 7," nt liiad. Place your
oideis nmv and select from 3, Will
coiils of niitl wood.
Phono 454
Bet Mill and Mosj sis, west of Gilbert creek
In I.nct Curtains. Window
Shades, M.ittrt?sses. Cots, Mat
tings, Carpets, Litioluims, Oil
Mollis, Lamps. Cutlery, Tin
ware. Granite Ware, Wood
Ware, Furniture, Dry Goods
and Notions, new Line of
J Ladies and Cliililrens, Shoes.
I Vest G
Second block fro
West G Street
Second block from Sixth street