Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 06, 1905, Image 4

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Jf ; C, FINDLEY, M. D.
Practloe limited to
and fitting of flames.
Offioe hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and od ap
pointment. Telephones 261 and 77.
Uiakts Pass, - - Obkooi
Physician and Disease of Women
burgeon, and Children.
Phone 631. Ren. 1061.
Cor. Sixth and E streets.
Geantb Pass, - - Ohkuon
Treata all Nervoua and Spinal Dis
eases, Khciiniatism and Stomach Trou
blua. A specialty made of Femalo Dis
eases. Oftloo: Colonlul Lodging House,
front room. Grants i'aBS, Ore.
Hteara Maths, Alcohol Hub. All dis
eases treated. Hospital care given to
all who wish it. Rheumatism cured in
Its worst form. Advice freo.
Opposite Court House. Hours 9 to 0.
Gkants Pass, Ohkuon
All work guaranteed accurate and re
liable. Ulllce opp. P. O. Phone 1003.
Ukants Pass, Okxgon.
Practice in all State and Federal Courts,
Otllce in Otiera House building.
Odlue over Kii-at National Hank,
Chants Pahs, - - OhKUON.
Practice ill Htate and Federal Courts.
Ollloe on U til and C streets opposite
Court House. Phone lUtll.
li rants Pass, Okkoon
Practices In all State anil Federal Courts
Olllce over Hair Riddle Hard ware Co.
Ghauts Pass, Okkoo.n
Union liullding
Cor. 6th. and O. St. l'hono7l.i. 407
Palace Barber Shop
Sliavinn, Hair Cutting
Uatlis, 1'tc.
Kvrij thing nest und I'li'tin and a
WIII'K t ll'BV-l IUHM.
Agent Dig Horn ltasln Lund Co.,
Wyoming. Anchor lit) renin.
I. I. Itrylliilil.
I). J. I.SM tUI
Reynolds 5r Lawtoo
Civil and Mining
(Irauls l'ass
N. II. Mc(.Kl-W,
Furniture and I'luno
The Popular Barber Shop
Get vour tonsorial woik done t
On Sixth Si ice t Thice elmi s
llulh Uoom in connection
Do Not Be Imposed Upon.
Kolev Co., Chicago, originated
Honey ami Tar as a throal and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and sipularltv of holey's Honey
aud Tar iiianv initiations are ottered
for 'the geiiiiinn. Ask for Folev'a
Honey ami Tar and refuse any sub. !
stllute otTcrcd as no other preuiration
will give the same satisfaction It is j
mildly laxative It remains no j
opiates and is safent for children aud
delicate persons Ko; sals by II A. I
Cured ol lame Back Alter 15 itn ol
Sullerin). I
"1 bad been troubled with lame'
back for lf Teals aud I found a com-1
plete recovery in the use of Cbainliei j
laiu'a Pain Palm" sava Joliu li. i
Hulier, Uilliam, Ind. This liniment j
is also without au riual for nprains
and bruises. It is for sale by all '
Illllniisnets, dyspepsia, loss of appetlta,
dlsturtl sleep, nervousness, headache,
giddiness and drowsiness, wind and pain
or fullness of th stomach after meals,
cold chills and flushings of heat, short
ness of breath these are the blank
cheques of physical bankruptcy.
The man who sufTttrs from those dis
order and neglects them will souu be in
the relentless grasp of some fatal disease.
If he Is naturally narrow chested and
hallow lunged, It will probably be con
sumption; If hla father or mother died of
paralysis or some ncrvuus trouble, It will
prolsibly I nervous exhaustion or pros
tration, or even Insanity; If there Is a
taint In the family blood, It will 1st blood
or skin disease; If tie lives In a new or a
low, swampy country, it will 1st malaria;
If he lives a life of exposure. It may be
rheumatism. There Is one safe course for
a man to follow who finds himself noutof
sorts" and siilTnrtug from the symptoms
desrrllxxi. It Is to resort to Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. This medi
cine makes the appetite keen, corrects all
disorders of the digestion, renders assimi
lation erfect, invigorates the liver, puri
ties and enriches the blood and builds
firm, healthy flesh and nerve tissue. It
cures almost all dlseamis that result from
'nsufllclent or Improper nourishment of
the brain and nerves. Itronchial, throat,
and even lung affections, when not too
far advanced, readily yield to 1U
A miD or woman who neaiertl
cou.tln.tlon suffers from Blow poi
soning. Ir. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
let cure constipation. eio uttis
'Pnlltit"l a gpntle laxative, and
two a mla cathartic. !un't lot a
lfUh Mller oTfr-pvnua) you to
'rt-it a mitwtttti.e fur thitM)
nal UttU Livar ('III, lirst put up
ly "li I t It. V. P.w over 40 yttrt
tfu. Jluch Iraiuua but mvit aqualcd.
A Kerby Merchant Advocate
the Building of Good Road
Commlaloner Candidate.
David Ayers, one of the jirom jtitnt
business men ol Kerby, was in Grants
Pass, Monday, having ret a rued from i
trip to Portland and the fair. Mr,
Avers is oue of the many merchants of
Josephine county who feel the conse
nonces of the anuual mud blockade to
the mads of the county, that sets in
with the rains ol the Pall and coutiu
oes nntil the dry season of the follow
ing Hpring arrives, and he fuels that
as this blockade is becoming more ser-
ions each year, by reason of the n
oreased travel on the roads, that It is
time the manner of road work be
changed to modern methods that per
uiauent, passable roads may be had.
Mr. Ayers holds that with bat little
aditional expense all tin lending conn
ty roads could oe pnt in condition for
heavy (radio for tbo Winter as well as
the Hummer months. Ilia plan wonld
be to pruchuse the latest improved
graders, a rock crusher, a gravel screen,
and a steam road roller. The latei
to havu a stationary engine attachment
so that it con Id bo used for operating
the rock rrusher.and the grave) screen
Hire a crew of men by tbo month to
oerate the plant, and have them do a
full day's work of 10 hours and any of
the men inclined to spin yurus, trade
horses and the other diversions known
to Hie pill tax worker, to be fired at
once. He would improvo the worst
sections of the road first, giving the
preference to the market end of the
road first.
Having suuli advanced Ideas on
modern r ad building and being a red
leal good roads advocate, Mr. Ayers
has been strongly endorsed by Ills
friends about Kerby an a candidate for
county coiuiuisisoner on the Kepubli
cau ticket ut the primary elect ion next
Of Cholera Murbui with One Small Bnttlt ol
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Mr. O. W. Fowler of Hightowor,
Ala , relates an exiSTionco lie hail
wlillw scrvliiK on a petit jury in a
murder case at Kilwardsvllle, couuty j nf hUwsoma and berries and will con
sent of ClohooriiM county, Alabama. tjl ,0 nll,il iUe Novcnier frosts
He says: "While there I ate some
fresh meat and some souse meat and
it gave me cholera morbus iu a very
severe form. 1 was never morn sick
In my life and sent to the drug store
for a certain cholera mixture but the
driiggist sent me a bottle i f Chamber
lain's folic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Hetuedy instead saving that he had
what 1 sent for but that this medicine
was so much Letter be would rather
send it In me in the tlx 1 was iu. I
took one dose of it and was belter in
tlv.i minutes. The Kecoud dose cured
nii entirely. Two fellow jurors were I
anuctcd iu the same manner and one
2o cent bottle cured the three of us.
For sale by all druggists.
Cure Catarrh Breathe It.
No dangerous drugs or alcoholic
concoctions are taketi into the
stonaeh when llyomei is used.
Breathed through the inhaler, Hie
balsamic healing of llvonn i pcuo-1
trates to the most n mole cells of the
liiisK r.uil throat, aud thus kills the
catarrhal gtrms, hints the irritated
mucous membrane, and gives complete (
and pcrniiiuciit cure.
llyomei fa (lis simplest, most
pleasant and Hi only guarateed cure I
for catarrn that has been discovered.
Complete outtlts $1.00; extra bottles, i
40 cents. For sale by Koterinund. ;
llaa Niiioil Hie li st of 'JA Yrara !
The old, otigiual liKOY K.'S Tasteless '
Colli Tonic. You know what ton are
taking, li is iron and iimtiinrln a taste- !
less form. No cine, no psv.
'.. Voorhtes.
Typewriter agent. A.
IU. C. Z. H. Column
All matter for thia column la supplied
by the Grants Paas Woman's Christian
Temperance Union.
The last meeting of the W. C. T. U.
for'the official year ending with Sep
tember was held on Friday, Sept 22,
at the home of Mrs. L. W. Hood. It
was well attended and interesting
though without program. We re
viewed the work of the past year with
thankfulness of heart for the oppor
tunities given to lend a helping hand
in the work of the world. .We have
tried to obey the command in oor Di
vine Guide Book to scatter the seed
leaving the result with the God of the
While we regrvt the departure of
Sister Sumuierville, our efficient snjier-
iutendeut of Mother's .meetings, we
rejoice in I lie addition of Sister Bow
ers, wife of the new pastor of the
Christian church.
Oor Union will he represented by
four delegates in convention at The
Dalles, Oct. 8 to 6 Inclusive, and we
hope they will recieve soch an inspir
atlon for work that much more will be
acomplished in the year to come than
in au the previous years. Let as
work fir the fscientit'o temperance in
stroction of tho yooug In the public
school and the Sunday school ; for the
enfranchisement of women and every
thing that tends towards abolishing
the saloons, until the traffio in the
dark beverage of hell shall cease to
make possible such dreadful tragedies
as was recently enacted in onr comity
J. T. Laytou was atGranti Pass Fri
day. M. John, of Williams, was at Pro
volt Sunday on bnsinoss.
Fred Knox, the Murphy stock man,
was at Provolt Tuesday on business.
H. Rebropf Is hauling hay to
Grunts Pass. The hay market is dull.
('has. Lew man, who has been here
making relatives a visit, left Wednes
day for Chico, Cal.
Mrs. John Bailey, of Williams, was
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
T. Laytou, Monday.
Ned Duulup made a trip to Hucli
Friday to attend a dunce at that place.
Ho rejiorts an eujoyablo time.
A party of 13 left Thursday for Port
laud to take a look at the sights at the
fair and to see the exhibits of Jose
phine and Jackson counties.
L. V. Smith, the Provolt merchant,
was at Grants Pass Monday to get a
load of groceries for histtore and sup
plies for Ills blacksmith shop.
Miss Amanda Coffey, who has been
spending the snmer at Sissous, Cal,,
returned homo Wednesday, after a
visit at the Lewis and Clark fair in
J. l'ernoll, the Applegnto post
master, passed through Provolt Wed
nesday en ronto to Grants Puss re
turning Thursday with a load of
freight for his store.
Hops are the preseut feature in view
with many. There will be three Hew
yards set nut in the Spring, the laud
for w hich is uow sown to grass, which
will make a larger shortage of hay.
John Berry, of this place, left Mon
day for the lower Uogue Kiver Valley
where ho will take up some work.
Mr Berry is no Applegale farmer and
his potatoes and onion ctop, w hich are
average, will soon be ready to put on
the .naiket.
There are some farmers here who
have devoted their attention to berry
raising. One of the m st sue ssful of
our berry growers is E. N. Provolt,
who Friday gathered !!' rows of
strawberries and got one crate full of
12 boxes. Mr. Provolt has nearly sn
acre to strawberries aud has marketed
berries In Grants Pass every week
since iu Mnv and Ins vines are yet full
cut ihem down. This valley Is oue of
the best berry tiisliicts in Oregou for
the climate and soil are especially fav
orabln aud the time is not distant
when Applegale will be as famous as
Hood Kiver is for its line fruits.
W. M. Sonson ami wife are on the
sick list They are mending slowly.
Swiudeu & Palueare at Provolt this
wiek with their liny baler. They are
at present at the farm of li. F. Lew
man Their baler is of the verv latest
make and puts out
Ihe neatest ha In
Apph gale Vsl'ey.
ever baled tu the
They bale from 12 to IS tuns er day.
Hay in the Valley is at a low price
and farmers are rushing their bay to
Grants Pass and other market onus
Prices range from f,"i fit) for Icose to
$!. Ml per ton for haled hay. Some
funnels are holdinu, among the in be
ing John Low man Sou, S. 1'rovolt,
W. M. Sonson aud C. M. Kcxford, who
will supply the Spring for
hay, which w ill lie a much belli r
price than at the present llgtire We
were told of bite that there was a stir
plus of hay this season. This is not
o in the Applegite vicinity. Those
who who depended on bay markets
alone some few years ago are uow iu
the cattle business which will cut bav
short. The Williams VaKey is largely
settled by cattlemen. The surplus of
bay for this season will exceed 400 tons
in the Applegale aud Williams Val
leys, ami ir me winter Is a bant cue
it will mostly be required for local
feediug purHses.
To Cure a Cold In One Hay
INK Tablet. All druggists refund
I be money ot it fails to cure. K. W
Grove's signature is no each tax. 3.V.
Arc Yau Engaged T
Engaged people should remember,
that after marriage, many quarrels
can be avoided, by keeping their di
gestions In good condition with
Electrio Bitters. 8. A. Brown, of
Bennettsville, S. C, says: "For
years my wife soffered intensely from
dyspepsia complicated with a torpid
liver until she lost her strength and
vigor aud became a mere wreck of her
former self. Then she tried Electric
Bitters which helped her at once and
finally made her entirely well. She is
now strong and healthy." All drug
gists sell aud garantee them at 5U0
a bottle.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist.
Kodaks Courier Building.
Frnit Paper Courier offioe.
JJVI. Clemen, frescription Druggist.
A Gentleman's smoke the Stage
Souvenir Postal Cards Courier
Frnit Cans aud Wax Strings at
Cramer Bros.
Order seals and robber stamps of
A. E. Voorhios.
For a e'eau bed and a good meal
try the Western Hotel.
The finest stock of nickle plated
ware in town at Cramer Bros.
Reparing clothing for men, women
and children. 118 Moss Btreet.
President Roosevelt ill colors with
large mat, 10c at the Mosic Store.
Second hand cook stoves and heaters
cheap. Moore's second hand store.
And still I am insuring and selling
real estate at the old stand. J. E.
Apple and Pear paper for sale by
the ponnd. bundle or ton at the
Courier oilice.
Caps for Masons Jars IS cents
dozen, two doen for 25 cents. Hair-
Kiddle Hardware Co.
(lo to Corun for Plnmbing.
School Books at Clemens'.
Calling Cards Courier Building.
Paper Napkins Courier Bnildiug.
Order yonr fruit paper uow
Courier oilice.
A splendid line of Kuyal Charter Oak
Ranges at Cnrnn'i
Fishing Tackle just
the kind that
you need
-at Cramer Bros.
Heal Estate and Timber W. B.
Sherman, Rooms It aud 10 Masonic
Ask your dealer for Rogue River
Creamery Butter made at Metlford is
now 'i5 cents per two-pound, square
full weight.
A large assortment of colored
pictmes mounted ready for hanging
at loc to 2(lc, a discount of 25 to TO
per ceut. Musio Store.
Curtis & Co. for Watches, Clocks,
Gold Rings aud Jewelry, fine watch
repairing, engraving. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come and see us.
I. O. O. F. Building, Grants Pass,
Like finding Money.
Finding health is like fiiidiug nion y
so think those who are sick.
When yon have a cough, cold, sore
throat, or chest irritution, better act
promptly like W. C. Barber of Sand
Level, Va. He says; "I had a ter
rible chest trouble, caused by smoke
and coal dust ou my lungs; bnt after
finding no relief in other remo ies,
was cried by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, CoogliB and
''olds." Greatest sale of any cough
or lung medicine in the world. At
all druggists; fiilc and 1.00; guaran
teed. Triu'lbottlo free.
Grants Pass Weather.
Following is a summary of the weather
observation at (iriints Pass during the
month of Sept. l!m.i.. a, reported by J 11
Paddock, local voluntary observer for the
Oregon State Weather Service;
i - - - . -- -. if
Muxiiiiiini j .Minimum Hane
li 'il ! 12 Wi
i i -l.s is j
3 Ki ! el
a ; 11 tn 1
,ri v : 11 a i
sn ! :i .mi
7 vi I :t:i ri '
s H.S I is in
!l IS) t -I. 42
10 ss I S I 10
11 2 i -H I M
12 TO ' ,-,2 I IS .22
1:1 'ill j V : ;i
II 71 ! 40 31
1., m :w 4.1
hi 7! 4.1 1 :i
17 7:. ! 41 ' III ,
IS 7s i :si ' 42 '
pi 02 40 52
20 !' 12 I Is
'l '"i 41 52
li o .'si
ss 70 4 s
21 l 15 , 24 .14
2 71 41 :i
:1l 77 57 20 i
27 ISt 45 I .s IS'
K. 41 21 OS
'.- 40 1 1 Ui
;ki ui in 20 . j
Suiiiiiinry : Mean tenipcnture. 'i;iJ, max
imum wmperalore li , 2:-.'2; minimum
temperature :j; . 1Mb. Tutu! precipitation.
.! in. tie. Niiiiiher of diiv clear, hi; partly
c elldy. 2: cloudy, 11. 'I'll. Murill,
I ' r viiiliror v imN,
Quick and Easy j
two-third the time needed
; $s s
for old-fashioned systems.
I't iii't hf Il hNivc jut'iilvnct.!!. GrtvH
fi.f tl;.iTul is !mtVrn No sh.-tltnj(. tiu
I" KitiMti. .! t f k Mrokf. no hnnl an
aiirj li.i.xcti tn hat u m I hniniwrttliiK.
K:c: t t. It .tin. i-iisU-si t ttatl.
imi.v (!i, . tc.-h.-r tn .'urtlanj.
Writ for frc) IHuitratrd catalogue.
H IT Y.M.C.A. Bldg., Portland. Orgon 1
You can learn Gregg
Shorthand in half to
Wtr H I I IP fffr - I I 73
"Thebwt remedy I can prencrlbt for Tf ;
J; .,l..n u r.rsf-n's Aueust Flower.
I kuow ol sevend'other physiciaus who pre
icribe it regularly."
fflndigtiticn is making an awful record
as a cause ol suauen uctuij.
ing heart-failure in its ghastly harvest
JYou read in the papers daily of appar
ently healthv and even robust men being
suddenly attacked with acute indigestion
after enjoying a hearty meal, and of then
dying in many case before a physician
could be called in.
qThis should be a warning to you who
suffer with regular or periodical attacki
of indigestion. If these unfortunate vic
tims of acute indigestion had taken a
small dose of Green's August Flower be
fore or after their meals they would not
have fallen a prey to such sudden seizures.
August Flower prevents indigestion by
creatinggood digestion. It also regulates
the liver, purifies the blood and tones up
the entire system in a natural way. t
OTwo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists.
For Sale by Dr. J. C. SniHh.
Attacked by a Mob
and beaten In a labor riot until
covered with sores a Chicago street
car conductor applied cncsien s
Arnica Salve and was soon sonnd and
well. "I nse it in my family"
writes G. J. Welch of Tekonsha
Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply
great for cats and barns. Only 25
Post CardB TabletB 2 cards on
tablet, 5c Musio store.
I have placed all my accounts in the
hands of J. H. Austin at Kerby.
All oersous owing me are asked to
call on him at onco and make settle
Given Up to Die
B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St.,
Evamville, Ind., writes: "For over
Ave years I was troubled with kidney
and bladder affections which cau Hod
me ma h pain and worry. I lost
flesh aud was all run down, aud a
year ago had to abandon work en
tirely. I had three of the best physi
clans who did me no good and I was
practically given op to die. Foley's
Kidney Cure was lecommeudrd aud
the first bottle gave me great relief,
and after taking the second bottlo I
was entirely cured." For sale by
H. A. Rotermnnd.
Stn'o Maps ConrierBnilding.
Kodaks Courier Building.
Front and 4th Sts. P. 0. Box 273.
Real Estate
Lvtutiioyment office. Houses rented
So. 7.1125 acres, all fenced, 100 acres
river bottom, 7r cultivated, 10 to hops, 4
miles from railroad town, rood ruuds,
school, etc. A bargain at $15 an acre. Hop
crop win pay purciiase price 111 two years.
' nmirr
Own Your Own Home
I have a modem "'-room
house including pantry and
bath, on sewer line, close in,
porch 8x2S; small payment in
cash or property. Also 4
room box house, same terms,
Sixth and L streets.
Team and wagen for sale.
Phone 484. Grants Pass, Ore.
We will pay One Hundred
Dollars reward for information
leading to the arrest and con
viction ol any person breaking,
shooting or throwing at the
Insulators on our Electric
Transmission Line.
Condor Water & Power
Mining blanks
Courier office.
kinds at Ihe
. t rt
rakte iaxauve oromo Quinine Tablets. J5
Seven MifficMkOTeaioM in asot 13 month. This Sismatlire V?.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
8ure to Clve Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Itestorea the Senses of Taste and SmelL
Easy to nse. Contains no injurious drugs.
Snt.liw into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, SO cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrsn St., Nsvt York.
Notice is hereby given, that the
County Court will accept sealed bids
for the erection of a brick County jail
building, according to specifications
on file in the County Cleik's oflice,
said bids to be filed with the County
Clerk on or before the iltb- day of
October, 1K05, at 1) o'clock A. M.
of said day, said bids to be opened at
10 'clock of said Mb day of October,
19U5, at the place of meeting of the
County Coarr.
The Connty Court reserves the
right to reject any aud all bids and
the successful bidder will be required
to make and execute to the Connty
Coort a boud in the sum of iKiDO for
the successful completion of his work.
S. F. CHESHIRE, Connty Clerk.
Machinery For Sale.
A 15 H. P. Rutsell engine, a No.
4 centrifugal pump, 200 feet fi-inch,
double riveted pipe, 50 feet 5-inch
pipe, 100 feet fi-inch belting, making
a complete irrigating, or pumping
plant. Also a turbine waterwheel.
pulley and gears. All at a bargnin.
All kinds of machinery bought,
sold aud listed.
Grants Pass Iron & Steel Works.
In the Countv Conrt of the State of Or
egon for the County of Josephine.
In the Matter of the Estate
of Charles Decker, de-
ceased. I
Notice is hereby given that Oeo.
W. Elder, administrator of the estate
of Charles Decker, dtccased, has filed
his final account as such administra
tor, a'id that Satorday, the 11th day
of November. 1B05, at 10 o'clock A.
M. of said day at the chambers of
the Connty Judge of the County Court
of the State of Oregou for the Conn
ty of Josephine, has been fixed by an
order cf said court as the time and
place for hearing objections to said
final account, and any aud all persons
interested and having legal right are
hereby notified to file objections, if
any they have, to said final account
on or before said time.
Administrator of the estate of Charles
Decker, deceased.
Dated this 2tli day ol September,
J. E. KElil.EY, l'Boi-K.
Last stable south on Sixth street.
Room under cover for 150 horses a- r
40 wagons. Box stalls. Corral) I n
loose stock.
Only tho best hay, clean grain a-i
alfalfa fed. Rolled barley and, otl .t
No diseased horses allowed. 1't :
running water, uud trough clean
every day.
W aiting room and toilet room wht i
ladies can leuve wraps and arruEr't.
their toilets.
Prices reasonable uud best can; git l
Charles Costain
Wood Work ins; Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Tiirniiiu, Scroll Work. Stair Work, Hand
Sawinir.t'ahinel Work, Wood Pullers. Saw
Filing and ituiumiiiK, Kepairmn all kinds
I'rne.i rinhl
Front Street, west Palate hotel
J. It. I'AIIIIOCK, Proprietor.
I am prepared to furnish anything i ti n line of Cemetery work in any kind
ot Maible or tirainte. '
Nearly thirty years of cip-rience n Ihe Marble business warrants mv sating
that I ran h 11 vour orders in the very h-st manner.
I an lurnisti work in Scotch, S(de
Front street, next to Hreene's tiiinshon.
Dr. ScluicltT's Altcrutlvf Ncosim-nis ( ros
All Female Disorders, no matter if given up by your
physician. For sale by
To Cure a Cold in One Dav "rz
Neglected Coldi.
Every part of the mucous membrane
of the nose, throat, ears, bead and
lungs, etc., are subjooted to disease and
blight from neglected colds. Bal
lard's llorelionud Syrup is a pleasant
aud effective remedy. 25c 60o $1.00.
W. Akendrick, Valley Mills, Texas
writes: "I have used Ballard's
Horeboond Syrup for coughs and
throat troubles; it is a pleasant aud
most effective remedy." For salt bT
Rotermnnd and Model Drug Store.
Iu the Conuty Coort of the State of
Oregon, for the County of
Iu the matter of the
Estate of William
Seifert, Deceased, j
To the unknown heirs of and all
persons interested iu the estate of
William Seifert, deceased, vreetiug:
In the name of the Htate of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
uppmr in He Connty Conrt of the
State of Oregon, for the Couuty of
Josepliiue, at the Court room thereof,
at unitiis russ in ine Loniity of
Josephine, oh Monday, the ninth day
of Octobe-, lUOfl, at 10 o'clock iu
the forenoon, of that day then and
there to show cause, if any, why au
order should not be granted to Jose
X. Nelson, the administrator of the
estato of William Seifert, deceased,
to sell the real estate of the said
deceased, at private sale, consisting
of the north half of lots numbered
Five (li) and Six (li) iu Block num
bered Thirty-three (H!i) of the Origi.
nal Town ot (irants Pass, Josehpiue
County, Slate of Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. O. Booth,
Judge of the Connty Conrt of tlio
State of Oregou for the County f
Josepliiun with the seul of said Conrt
affixed, this 5th day of Sept., A. V.,
Attest: S. F. CHESHIRE, Clerk.
Iu the Circuit Court of the Slato of
Oregon for Josephine County.
Grants Pass Hardware
Co., a C lrporiition,
E. D. Weston, Hurry !
Wetson nnd Elmer I
Weston, rartners do
ing business as Wes
ton Bros.,
To E. D. Weston, Hurry Wtstcn aud
Elmer Weston, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Orecon,
you aro hereby ri qtiited to appear and
answer the com) hunt tiled against
yon iu the above cntithd action
within six weeks from the date ol the
lir-t i uliliniticn of this summons,
which is September 22, 1!H),", to-wit:
ou or la fore November :id, lW)t, nnd
Vim will take notice that if yon fail
to appear and answer or otherwise
plead within said time, the plaintiff,
fur want thereof, will lake judgment
atia iist you lor tho sum of
with interest llieriou trom June ltd,
I'.Hiii, ut tho rate of (i per cent per sn
1 1 n i ri and for the costs and disburse
ments of ibis action to be laied. and
for au order to sell tbo pioierty at
tached hi rein unci to apply the pro
ceeds thereof ou such juilnmc lit.
This Miiiiiijons is published pur
suant to au order of the Hon. J. O.
Knoth, County Judjjo of Josephine
Countv, Oregon, made and entered on
the IHth day of September. IWi.i, re.
quiriiiK this summons to be published
for six successive weeks.
C. E. ilAYDEE,
Attorney for PlaiulilT.
Iu The Justice's Court for Kerby
Precinct, County of Jospehiue,
Statu of Oregon.
T. O. Nun. ke and 1
J. F. Stith,
. . VM- . (
.John r. Coch
ran, Defendant I
To John F. Cochran, the above nannd
deft iidnnt, Uice tilig :
In the nanip of the Stntn of Oregon,
you are hereby n qniicd 10 appear in
the above entiiled Conrt, at the ollico
of the Justice of the Peace for Kirhy
Precinct, County of Josephine, State
of Oregon, on or before six weeks
from the date of tho tirst publication
ot this -uuimons, and to answer tlu
conipiaint filed in thu nbove entitled
cause, aud if you fail so to appear uud
ausw.r, the plniutitf will take judg
ment against you lor the sum of
t'il.04 and for cost uud disbursements
of Ibis action, and will at Ihe same
time apply to tho court for an order
for the sale of personal property
heretofoie attached in this action a
list of which is set forth ill the return
of the constable of said pr cinet en
the original writ of attachmert ami
duly tiled ill mid conrt nnd canse.
This summons is published by the
order of K, F. Meissner, Esq., the
Justice of toe Peace for the said pre
cinct, made the 1 4t li day of Septem
ber A. D. Hm."). ordering that the SBid
mmmons be published in the Hogne
Kiver Courier, a newspaper published
at lirants Pass, ill the County of
Josephine, Stale of Oregon, and that
saiil publication be made for sii suc
cessive weeks.
The date of the first publication of
this HimiiKHis is September the 22d,
l'.'o.i, and Ihe date of the last publica
tion thereof and the last in which
ynn are permitted to answer is
Nivi-iuhcr 3, l'.iOo.
Attoriny for Plaintiffs.
American Uranite or anv kind of
ltOTKIOirxn, Driiixt
ry ,
or. ivery
box. 25c