Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 06, 1905, Image 2

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Published Evsrv Friday.
SubsoriDtlon Ratal i
Ona Year, in advanca, $1 SO
Hll Month, 76
Tbrca Months, .Ml
HlDgl Copies, .06
Advertising Racaa
furnished on application at tbc office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will b charged (or at 6c per line;
card ol thank 60c .
. A. E. VOOBHIES, Pkopr.
' Entered at the post office at Uranta
Oregon, at second-class mail matter.
Provides For Mora Sawara and
Lights) Appolnta New
City Physician.
' Council mnt Thursday eTening with
Mayor Good and Coonoilmen Hair,
Bandle, Hall, Ghausse, Dean and
Fetich present. Coonoilmen Will
lama and Hiuith absent, as was also
Recorder Booth. Blanchard was made
recorder pro tern.
A petition was presented asking for
a lire hydrant on Sixth below M
street. Referred to Ore committee.
Petition for street lights on Ninth
and I and Ninth and J streets was re
ferred to light committee.
Petition was granted to St. Lake's
oh nn li to erect a wooden gaild hall
oil their lots on Fonrtb and E and
also to hare the right to nse part of
'treat In which to place bailding
material. Maroal Bobbins, repre
senting the Hiofert estate, asked that
the Biefert estate be allowed iu con
structing cement sidewalk along the
property to leave the inside two feet
uneontruoted for the present, pending
the oonstrnction later on of a brick
building to take the place of the
present wooden structure. Permit
The light committee was again
ordered to get tho lights placed on
Iowa street that were ordered of the
Klectrlo Light Company last Spring.
Chairniau Hair of the health com
mittee, leported a case of diphtheria
in the olty, but that It was of mild
form and was under strict quarantine.
This report brought up the oouililer
atiou of more stringeut health roles
for the city. Tho mayor and the
oonuoilinen all favored stricter
quarantine regulations and sanitary
rules. City Attorney Hough said
the present ordinance was very de
fective and that if the health com
mittee would meet with him they
would draft a new ordinance that
would conform to the new state
health lawsaud also vest the city
authorities In more power to st nip
out onutaglous diseases. The matter
was considered of appointing a city
health board to work iu co-operation
with the county health board, but it
was laid over until ueit oounoil meet
ing. Dr, Mrloker's apoiiitmeut as
oJty physician having terminated
With tho close of the lust ottioial
year, Mayor (Jool appoiuted Dr.
Douglass city physician, and the
appoiutmeut was continued by the
Under a suspension of the rules the
Are limit ordinance was ameuded to
inolude the eaHt half of block 7H,
which la ou Sixth street between J
and K streets.
Ordinance assed for lateral sewers
to conuect with the Fifth street sewer
in the northern part of towu.
. Couucllinau Hall, the champlnu of
olvio Improvements in the council,
made a motinu, which was carried,
that the city attorney draw up au or
dinance requiring all poles for light
and other purposes to be painted.
. The annual fall iiiigratiou south of
the army of holms, who winter in
California, and also the exodus of the
hangers-ou at Lewis and Clark fair
who will shii he seeking new Holds
where they ran live without work is
likely to give such an influx of the
tough element into Orants Pass that
the one night patrolinun can not
properly guard the city. To see that
the hob is are kept moving ou at a
rapid rate the mayor wan authorised
to appoiut extra Kilioiueu whenever
he doomed it necessary.
- City Attorney Hough was granted
authority to appoint a deputy to at-1
"Our doubts are traitors.
And tuikt us lose thi good we oft might win
By f tunng to atttmpt."
About the future of Grants Pass,
About your position.
About your business.
Or the coming State Election.
Think nf "your loved ones ut home." your family.
Arc vim "donatinc; to it lundlotil?" Then "cut
it out" ami buy THIS place tor a home, A two
stoiy, " loom inm-tf. lot 75x100, on north iile of
llie railtrad, with city water ami M-wer
connection The Iioum- alone is wotlh the money.
It that ilon't suit, I can jsive you n lot in almost any jnution of the
City I'V paying flO 00 down ami j$.tMl pet month.
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
516 E Street Grants Pass, Ore.
tend to the woik of the city attor
ney'! offloe, whenever it ilioold be
im possible for him to do (tie work.
The following billi were allowed :
Observer, publishing notioe for
ale of newer bonds 30 00
Jaa Trimble, blacksmith 11 88
H. Walter, meals for prisoners . 10 SO
Hair Kiddle hardware Co., ce
ment, eto 74 46
Aodrew Anderson, street work.. 13 00
Kymer, street work 24 00
Firemen, fire services 87 50
Crainer Bros., aewer pipe, etc. . . 8 80
Geo. Wooldridge, special police . 4 00
J. Shaska, special police 6 00
J W Mondow. special polioe. ... 3 00
IN GRANTS PASS Nesxt and Attractive By a
Cos.! of Whitewash Tha
Town Bettered
How much better Grants Pass would
appear to strangers if ill the unpaluted
fences, barns, outbuildings and other
rough board structures were made
white, clean and neat with a coat of
whitewash, which If rightly made
and properly put on is a very good
substitute for paint, and very much
The following is a recipe for a
whitewash that has been proven to be
wry durable, and will no rub off, nor
wish off readidly. It is easily pre
pared aud is Inexpneslve:
"Soak one quarter of a pound of
gloe over night in tepid water. Ti e
next day put it into a tin vessel with
a qnsrt of water, set the vessel in a
kettle of water over a fire, keep it
there till it boils, then stir until the
glue is dissolved. Next pot from six
to eight pounds of perls white into
another vessel into hot water and stir
until it has the appearance of milk of
lime. Add the dissolved glue, called
sizing, stir well and apply in the or
diuary way while still warm. Except
on very dark and smoky wails and
oelliugs a single orat is sufficient. It
is said that this is nearly equal iu
brilliancy to lino white. Paris white
is sulphate of baryta, which may be
found in drug or paint stores.
Oio. D. Walter is repairing his
John MoAllister is sawing for John
Haokett this week.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. English paid
Grants Paws a business vist Monday.
Muster Howard Wyuant is plowing
The ground will be sown to grain and
Ira Daniila arrived from Ilrownslioro
last week to visit re la 1 1 vis and
Wm. Messenger and wife aud H. 8
Wynant and wife went huckleberry Ing
this week.
Several of our people visited Grants
Pass Saturday. Shorty.
Circuit Court Doings.
II. C. Perkius vs. Comstock Gold
Milling, Milling Smelting Co;
net I on for money. Judgmoiit for plain
Eugene Pearson vs. Goldeu Wedge
Development Co. ; action for money
Judgment by proxy for plaintiff for
fWfl.87 and cohIh.
Henry N. Parker vs. Cora E Pur
ker ; d I voroo ; G ranted.
Addle Laurenan Kiant vs Hugh
Karl Klaut; divorce.' Gran led.
Dora Hackney vs. P. W. Hackney;
divorce. Granted.
Kstella Pearl White vs. Daniel
White; divorce. Grunted.
Lydia Jones vs. C. II. Joues;di
voroo. Grunted.
Hattie Stevens vs. James I).
Stevetis; divorce. Granted.
llurvey ('. Galhreath vs. Rose A.
Galhreath; divorce. Dismissed.
Seateru F. Hristow vs. Nancy I.
Uristow; divorce. Dismissed.
J.C. Kincaid vs. J. W. Torey;sult
for injunction. Referred to Marcus
Bobbins Intake testimony.
Hair Kiddle lidw. Co. vs. Goldeu
Wedge Development Co. ; foreclosure
of leiiiH DismicSfd
S. N. Ayers, et al vs. O. O. Lund ;
suit to quiet title. Decree for plain-
Kile n V. St. Louis vs. Henry K
H nth; euultv. Referred to F. M.
Calkins to time testimony .
Judge lliinna adjourned court sins
die Tuesday evening.
Kodaks Courier Building.
XLW ho pi:
Mr. Mutz is now taking in his pipe
and mat -rial with pack horses, mak
ing outfitting both laborious and ex
pensive, but it ia fully expected that
results from future operations will
repay the company backing up this
enterprise many times over for their
present outlay. It is to the persever
ance of such men as Mr. Metz that
this country owes its best producing
gold mines.
Ed F. Terry, formerly superinten
dent of the Galice Consolidated placer
mines, is back from a trip to Indiana,
where he has been spending the sum
mer w 1th friends and relatives. Mr.
Terry Is owner of a placer mine on
Silver creek and will operate there
this Winter either for himself or f r
Mr. Metz, who is opening up tne big
basin with a tunnel 1200 feet In length
through solid rock. Upon the comple
tion of this tunnel, which is expected
any day, large bodies of rich grave)
will be available for the giants and a
wagon road to oonnoct with the one
from Galice to Merlin will be built
aud an immense hydraulic plant in
stalled Merlin is hitving a boom. A great
deal of interest is centered in aud
around Merlin just now and being in
the center of a great fruit prodcuiug
district, and surrounded by some of
Josephln e conuty's best producing
mines, both quartz and placer, it ie
very favorably totaled as a trading
and distributing point. A. U. Cousin
who purchased the entire tnwoslte,
has had It platted in some 1500 lnt
60x1 00, which he is putting ou the
market at from 50 to 9150 each. U
to the present no lots have been sold
except for building pnrjioses, and car
pouters have been kept busy for the
past six or seven months priucijially
on store buildings. The sarno energy
Mr. Cousin has shown in the upbuild
iiig of tho Galice mines he is now de
voting to the tewusite aud no one iu
the county has spent more time or
money in advertising the resources of
Southern Oregon than he and certainly
no one is better posted or quailfledto
do so, as he has spout 18 years in this
particular district. His hopes for the
future if Merlin were based ou his
knowledge of conditions, both locally
and abroad, and with the millions of
feet of lumber directly tributary to
tli ib point and the prospects of some
great producing mines almost at the
doors, a thriving towu was bound to
With the recent deal on tho Gold
standard mine ou Pickett creek
whereby some Eastern people will take
np it development, a, great deal of
new trade will result to the town and
it is expeoted a Mueller will be estab
ludied there. five stores are ni w
running there aud doing a splendid
business, while a flue new hotel is
under construction. A saw mill, mii
and door factory and box factory will
Im pnt iu to work np the lnnihe
now being hauled there and a railroad
up Jump-off Joe to the timber is pro
Mr. Coosiu has been East during the
pant month and is expecting partie
daily who will take up the lumbering
end of the proposition.
From BOO to 1 100 boxes of peaches
have been shipped dally from thi
point which speaks well for tho sur
rounding country from a fruit raising
point of view.
Several residences will be put up
this Fall to accmuiodatu the people
who wish to move in and send thei
children to school, as there are no
available houses lu the town.
The big flume of the Galice Consul
idited Co. has been steudily pushed
up the bed ot Ualice creek and the
company is now in position to drive
iu with its giauts the large 'bodies of
rich placer ground near the mouth o
the creek. The exceptionally dry
season has iu no way interfered will
tho progress of this work and by the
time the rains set it 1 expected every
thing will be iu read hicks to move a
great deal of gravel. The flume is Ml
feet 2 inches wide, built in the bed
rock all the way for a riis'nnce of ISiHI
feel, on a grade of 3 inches In 13 feet,
and with the largo volume of water
available everything in the canyon
will ho run through ami it u in m-1 into
Kogue river.
School Entertainment
There will bo au eiitertainameiit
ami chicken supper at the Lee school
bonne ou Saturday, October 1 1, at M p.
m. It will .e a nioonligl I night.
The girls are requested to bring ban.
kets which will be auctioned oil. The
sii'er will be for all who with The
cutcrtainmcut will counist of noun
recitations, pantomime,
imiHic, etc. Admission fee 10 cents.
I'hlcken supper Ml cents per duple.
The proceeds will be used to buy u
organ for the school. Come one, come
all. Mrs Cora Diedrichs. Teacher.
Letcher's Jewelry Store
l.owost prices on Kljrin and
Walt ha in watches. Hrinj:
your watches ami jewelry
that neeil repairing to me.
All mv work is warranted.
8. E. Robinson took a trip to the
fair the latter part of last week.
Goldie Lewis is on the sick list, not
being able to attend school for the past
few days.
Clarauce McCollum is taking in the
sights at the Lewis and Clark fair
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Grants Pass
are visiting and canning froit at J.
W. McCollum's.
Mr. and Mrs. Erickson take a load
of farm produce to Grants Pasa one
day of each week.
Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. Woodard
made a business trip to Grants Pass
Tuesday of this week.
Arthur Wells, of Medford, or his
ghost, was seen near the Applegate
dam about a week ago.
Rev. Clark was sent back to this
circuit for another year. He preached
his first sermon on his second year
Sunday, the 1st.
The butcher for the People's meat
market cf Grants Pass, makes a trip
out to this neighborhood one day ot
each week to butcher beeves for the
Grants Pass market.
Uncle f oiier.
News Notes From the Business
Men to Renders.
School supplies at Clemeus'.
Violin, etc., strings Courier Build
Get your cedar posts at 408 Second
W. H. Sherman Real EBtate. Tele
phone 731.
Souvenir Post Cards Courier
Give your friends a Stage Hue the
good smoke.
Take i.otice of the hat bargains iu
Miss Weston's window.
If you want a bicycie cheap, call at
Cramer Bros.
Clothes mended. Mrs. L. S. Holt,
IIS Moss Street.
W. L. Ireland, the Real Estate Man,
negotiates loans.
Pr. M. C. Flndley tests eyes and
furnishes glasses.
Bicycle Bells and Lamps at a dis
count at Paddock's.
Pure Malt Pickling Viuegar.
White House Grocery.
School Books and School supplies at
the Model Drug Store.
Cedar posts for Bale at 408 Secoud
Miss Weston has some special bar
gains in hals for the Red Letter Pays
2,'ic, line aud 76c.
Rides and Carbines in 30-30 aud 25
!15 Calibers at Cramer Bros.
Maps of Oregou Washiuton and
California at the Music Store.
I'op Pickers will find camp Stoves
and camp outlits ut Cramer Bros.
You will a! wins find matter of in
terest in our classified ad column.
A puhlio typewriier can be found
lit the Courier Building at all times.
Miss Ireland is a resident piano
saleslady and guarantees satisfaction
W. li. Sherman Real Esti to and
Timber, Rooms it and 10 Masonic
Cull at the Music Storo, Front
street aud sec the handsome pianos
Miss Irc!nd can sell you any of the
standard makes.
Eves carefully tested aud glasses
fitted to correct any defect of vision
by Dr. v. r. Kreiner, Courier build
ing. Prices reasonable.
The Western, a first-class family
hotel. Quiet location, yet convenient
to depot aud near court house. Good
meals anil clean beds aud prices
Miss Minnie Ireland now has the
Allen it (iilbret-Kamaker Co. piano
and orgau agency for Josephine county
and she cnu always be found at the
Music House. Instruments sold
on easy payments aud old ones taken
in exchange
Full Information as to the cost of a
commercial, shorthand or academic
education is given in the haildsomelv
illiisiinied catalog of the Holmes
Business college. Write lor one.
3,"i-:i; Y. M. C. A. Building, Port
land, Or.
Ink at Model Drug Store.
Engraved Cards Courier Building.
The bist assortment of tablets at
Pencils and Tablets at the Model
Prim Store.
Colored Post Cards 2 for 5 cents
Music Storo.
Puie Malt Pickling Viuegar White
Moce tlroceiy.
1'., lion's Sun Proof Paints are sold
onlv by Cramer Bros.
Corporation honks, stock certificates
and sells at tho Courier otllcc.
Typewriting and Stenography
giouud tioer, I 'euro r building.
See Voorhie for I'nderwond Type
writers and lypcwr ter supplie.
W. H. Sherman Real Estate aud
Timber, Kocm '.' and 10, Masonic
T pie.
Go to tne Grants Pais Grocery for
th.. (i. bi. ii Cheddar brand of Tilla
mook cheese.
Timber chiim. Hcuiesteads W.
It. Shi rniaii. Kcoms 10 ami I'J Masonic
Temple, Grunt Pas Ore.
A young woin ui can earu her liv
ing cx'ii-ci iu Portland while study
ing at the llotmes Busitiiss College
For pariiculnt. ad lri ss the Principal.
Holmes Humiioss Crlleue. S.VST Y.
M C. A. Building. Portlau1, Ore.
Protect your goats and sheep from
depredation tif coyotes, cougars,
w ildcats and other wild animals by
using Marstor (Vvote Exterminator.
Warranted to killvarinints every time
: and to hold its streiiitth for a year. Is
I a prepared pa-te that the smell of it
j will attract a covote- for a long dis
tance Full direction with each can.
For ale at Rotoimund's drug store,
li rants Ka.
Chickens w&nted by
Walters at the Oregon.
OCTOBER 6, 1905.
i j--uw-ui"-"."'-'"--"! aMMsEsMMMMswMM'M1MMaanaiggllM'ri
Miss Cora York paid Grants Pasa
visit Saturday.
We bare been having some showery
weather of late.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. J.T.
Cook and family ipent Saturday in
Grants Pass.
Frank Bailey, who ia working at the
Mt Lion mine, paid his brtther a
visit at Provolt Sunday.
Mi-s Vincent, who has been visiting
her uncle in lolo, Idaho, returned to
her home near Kubli, Tuesday.
There wasn't any ball game here
Sunday and I cuess that we will have
to quit playing for this season as the
boys are all at work now.
The farmers are having quite a time
trying to cut their third crop of hay
and if these rains do not step thera
will be hay to cut Christmas.
Doney Bros. , who own the mine that
formerly belonged to Fred Miller.have
their ditches all cleaned and the pipe
laid and are waiting for the rains to
commence. They will have over 175
foet of head ou the giant.
State Maps CourierBuildiug.
FOR SALE Team, weight about 1100
pounds tah, 8-inch Moline wagon
nearly new, harness, lor salo or trade
for city property. Call ou B. A.
FOR SALE BRICK 50,000 brick
for sale cheap if sold at onoe. In
quire of Hair-Riddle Hardware Co
REMINGTON Typewriter No. .6 for
t-i0 cash or lnstallmnets. see A. r.
CASKS -Four sugar pine cssks, 4 feet
high and 2 in diameter, lor sale
cheap. Moore's Second hand stores.
FOR SALE 125 Columbia grapho-
phone and 30 records. Will cell
cheap or trade for wood. Address
M, Courier office.
(L-ARM FOR 8ALK two miles from Mer
lin. ltf) ac res atwut 50 ai res of uood
bottom land, 25 acres in cultivation, small and ham and about 50 acres under
fence, balance of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. For further particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
Qt() ACRE ranch, good prune and
apple orchard, small fruits in
abundance; water for irii(;ation, besides
springs on every w acres; center oi a goou
range country ; two dwslling houses, big;
barn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, Kood mining markets, one
half mile north of Tunnel 9, price (2,500.
Inquire st tms otnee.
FURNISHED ROOMS, also furnished
and unfurnished housekeeping rooms
Apply at Mrs. Crawlord's, 809 Fifth
st., bet. H aud I.
TO TRADE A good, souud horse for
wood. AddreBB Wood, care Courier.
FIR BARK Good heavy fir bark
wanted at Lund's wood yard, Grants
MEDAL found, given by Rosebug
High School. Call at Courier office
for medal aud pay advertisement
FOUND Sunday, Oct. 1, a fur boa.
Owuer can have the same by calliug
nt the Courier office, proving projwr
ry and paying costs.
FOUND A rifle ou the Grants Pass
mid Gravo creek road. Owner ad
dress Eugene Wright, Box No. 1,
Grants Pass, aud describe gun. pay
advertising and regaiu their
StIOAT There came to my place, 3
tulles north of towu, a spotted shoat
weight about 75 lbs., no mark ; own
cr can have the same by provirg
property aud paying charges. A
STRAYED On August 18, near Dry
Diggings miue, small brown horsn
with part double harness on. $5
reward for information leading to
recover of horse. Leave word at
Dean & Dickison's stable.
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstcring,
mission furuiture made to order.
PAS1URE for 100 head of stock in tine
Applegate pa-ture. Address, S.
PROVOLT, Provolt, Or.
The Model Drug Store
Has Just What You Want
Our Olebrated Klectric
Holt, Nature's Vitalizer, to
build up ami strengthen
tho whole body and for
the cure of Rheumatism, Par
alysis, Liver, Kidney, Lame
Back, Constipation and all
Nervous Diseases.
The fleet of Electricity on
the nerves is that of a power
ful nerve tonic. It jrenerates
new life and energy and
tones up the relaxed, weak
ened and shaky nerves and
gives them vigorous energy.
' For the next 30 days, price
$10.00. Regular price $-20.00.
Write or call at onco.
has stood tiw test 25 yes. Average Annual Sales
bottles. Does this record of merit acceal to von ?
Iii lk
Up-to-Date Furniture
and House Furnishings.
6th Street, opposite Western Hotel, Grants Pass.
Groceries and Notions
Big stock, all new and just opened
up, but MUST BE SOLD IN 15
DAYS to give room for another
line of trade.
Save Money on your Winter's
j . . . SWAINE'S GROCERY . . .
Library Notice.
During the Winter months the li
brary will bo open ou Saturday nfter
uoous and Tuesday evenings
Jennie H. Judsou Secretary.
Real Estate Transfers.
.T,l,n II Willinmn I't ill to Mrs Ol.
ive Klli-, lot 4 ill block 22, Railrud
R. I. Rarllett. to O. M. Loner, lot
3 iu block 55, Railroad Addition.
The nbnve ka1i4 were nnirln tbrnnull
Joseph Moss.
Tailored Hats
Rcady-to-Wear Hats
In Latest Styles and
Fine Assortment at
Miss Weston's
Millinery Parlors
East G St. six doors from Front Street
Ladies, cull und inspect my sti ck mil
you will note the fact that the prices
are very reasonable, and that tho work
manship anil tho variety of shapes are
all that tho most exacting could desiio.
Harmon Block, Upstairs
South Sixth Street
Suits made to Order
Cleaning and Repairing
A Trial it Asked and Prices Are Right
A Great
There is a mkst
in everythinjj.
It uiirst be iiest
I'sED, must kf-
S I M 1' L K Ily
actual com pari
son in ujo t u a 1
Tubular Separator
Has proved it has these points in
its favor. That's what put it away
&heekd of all othtr separators.
That's why I sill it. tiot hold of
facts. S rite te
Rogue River Creamery,
Grove's Tasteless Chill Trmir
keu k . T- rrr Z r. . .
w f m vrovg I
Store N. 6th St. I
The Baptist Church.
At tin) Bnptist church Suuday room
ing at 10:;i0 the pastor will pteiich
sermon to ihildrtu and illustiato it
on tho blackboard. Bible school is
from 12 to 1, closing promptly.
j At the evening service at 7:30 the
theme for the sermon will be, "The
Bump of Curiosity." A cordial invi
taitou extended to all.
St. Luke's Church.
At the morning service, which be
gins at 10:4.r, the minister will preach
the last m ruion of the feries ou the
Lord's prayer. The Sunday School
meets at 13:1s, and the Bible class, lid
by Mr. Will inns, meets at tho same
time. Tho si cm:d address on (.'riminii
Scieuco will le delivered Jin the even
ing at 7
You are invited to tliei-e services.
Kemikd3 All That
Dry Wood is Wanted !
The best of seasoned Oak, Liu i cel.
Kir, Pine nnd Miinzuultu wood de
livered promptly to all pacts of tho
city at reasonable prices. Five
loads of kindling for $1.00; loss
quantity ut L'fie per load. Mill
bluets, $1 ".") per load. Place your
orders now and select from 2,1'idO
coeds of good wood.
Phone 454
Bet Mill and Moss sis, west of Gilbert creek
gi In Lace Ctittains, Window
Shades, Mattresses, Cots, Mat
tings, Carpets, Linoleums, Oil
Cloths, Lamps. Cutlery, Tin
ware, Granite Ware, Wood
Ware, Furniture, Dry Goods
and Notions, new Line of
Ladies and Chililrens, Shoes.
West G Street (
Second block from Sixth street
over One and a Half Million
Mr. r w n,..
' w . ay. VVW